#<winner of the best fucking name award btw love her
ottosbigtop · 5 months
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Fuck this podcast and everything it stands for. Anyways lovelace’s old crew concepts
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Also this.
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Real Me
Y/n reveals her identity to the world
Request: heyy! i read your imagine where tom supports the reader as a writer and i loved it! could you do one imagine where the reader is a writer as well and her book has already became a movie but she has never showed her face in public and has a pseudonym, and she is a oscar nominee for best director, so when reader went to pick up her award is the first time she shows her face for the public (including tom, btw they're already dating but he didn't knew about her)and in the middle of her speech the reader says "also i wanna thank my boyfriend for the face he's doing now that will probably become the next viral meme in the internet" and this is such a awkward request and i totally understand if you don't accept it pqjdlwjdpsks but if you do, thank you already 💖
A/n: Is this the second life you live because that was so specific, I love it. What a Hannah Montana moment.
I’m going to try my best to make this good because it is such a good concept
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Savannah George. That was the name you had been writing under for the past few years. You started writing when you were in high school, and it was something you just loved. Creating characters, plots, settings- it was like you had the power to create any world you wanted. You loved it.
No one knew that you were the one writing your books- not even your closest friends or family. You liked that you were able to go around town without anyone noticing you. It was fun getting to live your double life and seeing fans online wondering who you are. They had made wild guesses as to who you are, and with the movie release, things only got more intense.
A few months ago, a movie adaptation of your film hit the theaters. You had tiny parts of it, only through your pseudonym’s email, never actually meeting in person. The movie had done extremely well- you, Savannah George you, were even nominated for an Oscar. The Academy Award for Best Writing. Usually the nominees for this category are screenwriters, but since the film is based on the book, you were nominated. You felt so honored to be nominated. You felt that this would also be the perfect moment to reveal your identity to the public.
You were a little unsure of how you were going to attend the award show without being obvious or awkward. But then you heard your answer.
“Babe!” Tom yelled as he approached you in your bedroom. “I was chosen to present at the Oscar’s this year!” He told you excitedly.
“Are you serious? That’s amazing,” you told him. That was your doorway into the show.
“I’m so excited. You’re going to come with me right? I don’t think I’ll be able to handle going by myself,” he said quickly, obviously overjoyed to be presenting. As he should be- it was a huge honor.
“Of course, I will, Tom,” you told him. “Do you know what you’re presenting yet?”
“Umm,” Tom said looking at his phone for the email. “Best writing.” Your eyes went a little wide as he said that. What a moment that would be.
“That’ll be fun. That’s a great category.”
. . .
Months later, you were on your way to your first ever Oscar’s event. You couldn’t be more excited. You arrived to the carpet, stepping out and seeing yourself surrounded by many gorgeous celebrities. It was surreal knowing you were standing beside them- nominated beside them. It was crazy.
You and Tom posed for a few photos before you excused yourself.
“I need to use the bathroom,” you told him before walking away. You made your way inside the venue to find anyone that could help you. You saw a man working on the stage and decided to approach him. “Excuse me,” you said politely to get his attention.
“Can I help you?” He asked, turning towards you.
“Hopefully. I work under the name Savannah George who’s nominated for best writing. If we were to win the award, I wanted to use that moment to reveal who I actually am. Who would I need to talk to about that?”
“Gary, he’s in charge of everything tonight. I’ll get him a call and ask him to be over asap.”
“Thank you,” you said as you waited. Not long after, Gary came walking towards you.
“So this is the infamous Savannah George that no one knows,” he joked as he approached you. “Nice to meet you. What were you thinking?”
“If Savannah George were to win tonight, I want to be able to introduce myself and reveal myself to her fans. I basically just want to be able to accept the award instead of someone giving a ‘don’t know who she is’.”
“Right, so what we’ll do is add onto the card, if you win, to step back from the mic and allow anyone to step forward if they plan to accept and you can wait a second or two, you know build suspense, and then make your way to the stage.”
“Okay, thank you for the help,” you told him as you turned making your way back to Tom.
“You’re welcome, good luck!”
You walked back outside and stood by the door as you scanned the carpet for Tom. You didn’t see him so you grabbed your phone to call him.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to be on your phone at an event like this,” you heard a voice behind you making you jump. You turned around to see Tom with a smirk on his face.
“Don’t do that, asshole,” you said, cluthching your heart. Tom laughed and moved his hand to hold onto yours.
“Sorry, love. The shows about to start though. Let’s go find our seats.”
You followed Tom and took your seats at the table you were assigned to. You greeted the other men and women at the table making small talk. It wasn’t long before many of the categories were awarded.
“I got to go,” Tom told you, placing a kiss on your cheek. “I’ve be back soon.”
“Good luck,” you told him as you watched him leave. You began to think about the award you were nominated for, knowing it was approaching. You were desperately hoping you would win- not for the glory or anything, but because you wanted to reveal yourself to the world. What better opportunity than tonight?
“Please welcome our next presenters: Tom Holland and Chris Evans.” You watched as the two men approached the microphone, your heart beginning to pound like crazy.
“Movies are a fun way to pass the time and escape the moment, but if the people from this next category didn’t do what they do, some of the greatest films wouldn’t exist,” Chris started.
“From crazy monsters to superhero fights to fighting for one’s rights- it all starts with these men and women,” Tom continued. “The nominees for this years Academy Award for Best Writing are:”
Charlie Wachtel, BlacKkKlansman
Paul Schrader, First Reformed
Savannah George, Thief of Dawn
Nick Vallelonga, Green Book
You listened as Tom and Chris alternated, giving the name and title of each nominee. You looked at Tom as you waited for them to reveal the winner.
“The winner of the 2019 Academy Award for Best Writing,” Chris said before waiting a moment.
“Savannah George, Thief of Dawn,” Tom finished. They both began to clap, taking a step back from the microphone and looking into the crowd to see if anyone would make a move to come forward.
You were shocked. You actually won an Oscar, without anyone even knowing who you were. You looked at the people from your table before pushing your chair back and standing up. You noticed people look at you in shock. Savannah George was a faceless writer that no one knew, yet here you were walking toward the stage to accept her award.
You made your way to the stage, Chris and Tom looking shocked- Tom’s reaction way more dramatic. Chris, seeing Tom in a frozen state, laughed and made his way down the stage offering you an arm. You held onto him as you made your way up the stage.
“Thank you,” you said as you let go of him. You looked at Tom again, as he seemed to shake out of his frozen state, mouthing a ‘what the fuck’ at you, still looking shocked. You laughed and turned to the mic.
“Thank you,” you said as a stage hand gave you the award. You took a second to look at it before looking back at the audience. “Thank you so much to everyone that voted. My name is Y/n, but you probably know me better as Savannah George. I’ve been writing under that name for so long, and I figured now would be the perfect chance to introduce myself to you for the first time ever. No one knew that I was writing as Savannah so to be able to be nominated at all was such an honor, and I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity. You loved me even though you didn’t know me- I can’t even fathom how incredible that is. Thank you to all the fans that supported me,” you said into the mic before looking back at Tom, still seeing the stupid look on his face.
“I also want to thank my sweet boyfriend, Tom, for the incredible face he’s making right now that I hope will be the next viral meme on the internet,” you said making everyone laugh. “Thank you again for all the support, and I can’t wait to show you the real me.” You turned stepped away from the microphone, blowing a few kisses as many actors and their dates began to stand up, clapping for you. You felt a few tears well up at the insane moment in front of you, and turned around to see Tom with a smile on his face, holding an arm out to you. You walked over to him, leaning into his body for a side hug as you continued to walk off stage.
“Congrats, y/n,” Chris said, a hand on your shoulder. You turned to hug him quickly before thanking him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Tom asked you as Chris walked away.
“I didn’t tell anyone- my mom didn’t even know,” you told him.
“But why, I don’t get it.”
“I like to write, but I didn’t want to do it for my job, for glory or anything. I wanted to do it for fun so I made a fake name,” you shrugged your shoulders.
“Where did Savannah George come from?”
“I was in Savannah, Georgia when I wrote my first book. I felt so accomplished that I kept it as my name.”
“That’s crazy,” Tom said. “Well, congratulations, babe. Your really deserve it.”
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wellntruly · 5 years
FLEABAG Notes - Season 2, Ep 3
In which Fleabag complements her sexy spiritual guide in the Hot Priest with another sexy spiritual guide in the Best Woman In Business. It’s Scott plus Scott and it’s a lot!! I go 😍ff.
Season 2, Episode 3
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this show is fucking priceless that’s all there is to it
reading BIBLE PASSAGES a cute PRIEST marked for you in a BUBBLE BATH and GASPING like you just hit a really surprising DRAMATIC TURN in a romance novel!!
Claire tells Fleabag not to be herself at the end of naming all the specific things she doesn’t want her to do, which notably included being funny and clever :’)
Fleabag knows her sister so well, that she’s actually living right now in all this panic and stress
Claire: “Where is everyone?!” Fleabag: “She’s so happy.”
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I love this cryptic pinch-knock gesture Claire uses as if other people should know what it means. also she looks gorgeous, this business dress on her? damn
Emily and I were trying to figure out why the award drop works so well (as in it just fucking BREAKS you with laughter), and we think it’s because it happens so quickly, without fanfare, in this casual medium shot
more running sequences, thank u
the first thing Kristin Scott Thomas, “Belinda”, does is look at Claire and say “God you’re tasteful.” UGH THIS WOMAN. swoon.
this ray of indefatigable blonde Finnish sunshine showing up as Claire’s business partner is still just a whole delight
this show is so fucking good at crushes, honestly?
“Off the wagon then?” “Oh, just when I’m with you!” see this is what I mean! my response is just to shriek into my hands! Claaaire!
EVERYTHING ABOUT THE JOKE THAT HIS NAME IS KLARE IS RENDERED SO FLAWLESSLY. the long beat, the staring, what the fuck is coming, then “Klare”, and Fleabag’s faaaace
also: love that Flea doesn’t glance away at us at all in that sequence, she’s just totally tuned in to Claire and having this whole conversation with her in facial expressions. only after she walks off and Fleabag scopes out Klare looking for her over by the champagne do we get an eyebrow wiggle
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Rowan Atkinson whomst, btw
I really feel like Claire deserved an appreciative “ah yes” chuckle for her cover that the other winner is busy “--which, shouldn’t come as a surprise, really!” this was good, Claire!
THE TORSO SCULPTURE IS LIKE AN ANTI-McGUFFIN AND I’M OBSESSED WITH IT AS AN OBJECT/STORY DEVICE!! you originally think it’s just gonna be this prop for a one-off bit but it just keeps gathering SO much plot and meaning into itself! keeps showing up in different contexts and gaining new layers and new power!! IT RULES
sidebar: can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to wrangle with I am 98% certain is this exact plexiglass podium out of the way in my former job’s storage unit/various closets
omg Claire’s face as she hands it over
classical music as Fleabag walks pointedly after Belinda, who’s glancing back at her periodically in her stunning outfit: I feel the Killing Eve
(seriously, these flowy cropped trousers with the heels? her short sleeved pussy bow top?? this windowpane coat??? wrooowwrrr)
the cut from confrontation to them getting drinks so Fleabag can tell her the story of the stolen golden tits—I love 1 television show
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aaauuuugghh! Kristin Scott Thomas!
honestly? I think Belinda’s right that women’s awards are an infantilizing subsection of success!
Belinda, looking at the statue: “Gosh, she’s hot.” Fleabag: “Yeah.” Belinda: “Are you a lesbian?” Fleabag: “Not strictly.” 😂Flea!
j’adore the reveal that’s she’s a bit bi though, really good. admittedly this scene isn’t done with me yet!
“God you are a tonic!” I kNOW
glad we’re now at the stage where we’re all admitting being in your early 30s is STILL a confusing shambles
we just gotta quote this whole monologue and then talk the heck about it okay:
“Listen, I was on an airplane the other day, and I realized—well I’ve been longing to say this out loud, so: Women are born with pain built in. Period pain, sore boobs, childbirth, you know. We carry it within ourselves throughout our lives. Men don’t. They have to seek it out. They invent all these gods and demons and things all so they can feel guilty about things which is something we do very well on our own. And then they create wars, so they can feel things and touch each other, and when there aren’t any wars, they can play rugby. And we have it all going on in here, inside. We have pain on a cycle for years and years and years. And then, just when you feel you are making peace with it all, what happens? The menopause comes. The fucking menopause comes, and it is….the most...wonderful fucking thing in the world. And yes, your entire pelvic floor crumbles, and you get fucking hot and no one cares, but then: you’re free. No longer a slave, no longer a machine with parts. You’re just a person. In business.”
I am enamored of this moment, and actually less for the content of it than for how it functions in the story. so for starters, this is, of course, a totally batty speech down in the nuts and bolts of it. men don’t make war and demons because they don’t have periods. for that matter, plenty of women do make war and demons. some women don’t even have uteruses—and some men do! biology is influential but not so strictly deterministic.
but I don’t think this scene isn’t about factual reality, I think this scene is about powerful words and Fleabag’s receptiveness/reaction to them. Belinda begins her speech by saying that she just wants to get these words out there, as if she wants to see what happens when they hit the open air. Fleabag listens to her with an expression of startled fascinated bewilderment, that gradually becomes more dazzled, and then longing. and I feel like I recognize this Fleabag, that in this moment Belinda has become a spiritual leader to her, like an answering note to the Priest. here is this person Fleabag is deeply drawn to—like the Priest—where she can’t figure out if she wants them to lead her or sleep with her, tell her what it all means or take her to bed—like the Priest—who has powerful words to share with her that aren’t like, literally TRUE, but are just something to think about, some poetry that might help you with something you’re struggling with. like the Priest, handing her his post-it noted Bible.
and that’s why I love this incredible, bonkers, female pain speech so much. it’s a sermon. the Sermon at the Bar.
(also anything that references Barbara Kruger’s “You construct intricate rituals” piece is automatically superb)
oh and then there’s even a go-with-my-blessing-child call to action! “People are all we’ve got, so grab the night by its nipples and go and flirt with someone!” I love Saint Martini Aunt
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when people say Fleabag Season 2 is even better than Fleabag Season 1 they mean many things and one of them is this. and not just because it’s a wlw kiss, but because it’s so sweet and unusual and wonderful. because they both know this is just this, Belinda has already made it clear that she won’t be taking her home, but Fleabag still wants to give her a kiss just to give her a kiss. it’s almost—a communion, fuck, god she’s taking communion how am I just seeing it!! aahhhhhh
Fleabag: “Thirty-three isn’t exactly—“ Belinda: “And what had Jesus done by 33?” Fleabag: “Died?” Belinda: “Exactly, so get out there and flirt.” I mean structure!!
the reveal that Claire is jealous of Fleabag because she feels she isn’t interesting in comparison to her far too interesting sister, “with your quirky cafe and your dead best friend!” Wow! but you can understand it still?? 
ah, yeah, well see she’s a little tender about the whole “friends” thing right now…
so of course she takes all this and goes to flirt with the other person with no friends
the Priest is in a Buffalo Bill T-shirt. it’s snug.
“I just fancied a drink—[and a priest]—and a chat, maybe.” “Oh, well that’s my whole job!” priests actually kind of rule to be honest
Fleabag: “So I read your book.” lol
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a) your face is ridiculous
b) this big ol candle on a plate behind him, like a vase-less devotional candle meets one of those candlesticks with the brass holders you carry around as an old man in a nightgown
see!!! see yes!! he describes the text as poetry! it’s not literal or fact or without inconsistencies, “they’re just words”---“It’s interpretation to help us work out God’s plan for us!” like Belinda’s lesson!!!
sorry sorry I keep noticing absurd details about this clergy house: the bowl with just two lemons in it, in the living room
also Andrew Scott is sitting cross-legged in a chair: the second gayest thing he’s done in this series
Fleabag: “Do you think I should become a Catholic?” Priest: “No, don’t do that. I like that you believe in a meaningless existence.”
[laughing helplessly] the fox thing, the fucking….FOX thing… it just makes me feel like John Mulaney going “Now we don’t have time to unpack aaaall of that!”
I’ll just do one though: The Foxy Priest
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hilariously, Andrew Scott’s fox monologue performance is very good & Theatre in a different mood but in exactly the same amount as Kristin Scott Thomas’ very good & Theatre pain monologue performance. like you could audition for your school play with either.
yes darling, I do think you’re mad, I think you’re a bit of a lost soul and that actually makes you more holy.
that here, only halfway through the season, they openly talk about how they aren’t going to have sex—this is assured writing, this is writing that believes it knows what it’s doing. (and Phoebe’s riiiiight, she does!)
the “Many” moment…the Priest is also bi yay or nay?
I realize now that’s supposed to be yea, but also, is it
“What was that?” READER. I. GASPED.
Fleabag: “What?” Priest: “Where’d you, where’d you just go?” Emily and I: [yell-ing]
he can see her!!!! the only one who notices the skip when she makes an aside to us!!! his attention to her at the dinner was only part one, this is a whole other level!!!! THIS IS BREAKING DOWN BREAKING-THE-FOURTH-WALL LEVEL!!!!! the Priest is disrupting the very fabric of the television show and I’m Screaming. it’s MAGICAL and it’s FRIGHTENING and it’s UNBELIEVABLY EXCITING
and then they’re both startled by a fox, perfect, yes give us a break with a different kind of jolt to carry us into credits
Fleabag Notes
Season 2: Episode 1, Episode 2 | Season 1
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Making a Case for 13 Going on 30.
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I can still remember my Wednesday evening History of Film class in Film school. (Yes I went to film school, we can still like cheesy rom-coms) And the night my professor, a former DP for Columbia during the “golden age of film” stood in front of the entire class and proclaimed we were about to view, what most experts call the greatest film of all time. You guessed it, Citizen Kane. 
He went on to explain that what made it so great was the technicality and the innovation of it. The first film to use flashback and continuous wide shots, blah blah. I thought it was a snooze fest of straight white male nonsense. Yeah technically it’s cool they did all that with cut and paste film. I respect that shit, I do. But Citizen Kane is one of the most un-relatable stories ever. At least to me as a gay woman. It’s like the Catcher in the Rye of film. I have a hard time identifying with rich white dudes who feel like they don’t belong in a world created for and by them. If anyone actually read this blog I bet I’d get ALL the haters up in here leaving me comments about how oppressed men are now. Do it. I masturbate with male tears.
ANYWAYS. Fuck Citizen Kane in it’s boring ass face. I’m here to talk about the greatest movie of all time. The movie that is best picture every year in my heart and soul always and the one movie by which every other movie is measured. 13 Going on Motherfucking 30.
Yes it’s entertaining. Yes it’s a feel good romish-com with a cute cast. Yes it has Judy Greer. But what makes it the best? I’ll break it down for you.
We all know about JGar and MRuff, and before we get to Judy Greer, let’s talk about the supporting cast: 
Christa B Allen 
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For you true Jgar fans you’ll note that this was not Christa’s only time playing a young Jen. She also does in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (another one of my faves but more problematic). Christa’s got the looks and the chops. She’s not only a dead ringer for the younger Rink, she’s also actually a great actress. Here’s what she looks like now BTW.
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Pretty fucking spot on from the casting director I’d say. So if Christa B. Allen was the homerun, Sean Marquette (young MRUFF) is the grand slam. 
Then and now:
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Yeah that could be Mark Ruffalo in the early 2000′s. And Sean does a great job himself in the younger role. Moving on.
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In a bit part with ONE freaking line. She nailed it by the way. That’s how extra this movie is. Oscar winners as basically extras.
When Jenna is looking at her yearbook with Matty years later, it flashes this picture of the Six Chicks:
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Notice Jenna is now “practically their leader” and Brie Larson is nowhere to be found. Presumably she has already been kidnapped and is in ROOM. Too dark? Or too REAL.
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You can use IMDB to go through this guy’s laundry list of amazing credits. And don’t stop at Gollum in LOTR because he was basically just getting started in this bitch. He’s also an accomplished director. He plays Jenna and Lucy’s (tom-tom) boss and the editor of Poise magazine. He’s also gay bc representation in 2004 hella mattered.
KATHY BAKER (Jenna’s mom)
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Where have you seen her? Bitch, everywhere. She has a staggering list of nominations and awards from film, tv and stage where she’s had a phenomenal career. My favorite roles are between that gem up there in Edward Scissorhands and the woman of many marriages in the Jane Austen Book Club. She’s a legend and she’s NOT EVEN THE STAR OF THIS FILM.
Marcia DeBonis (Jenna’s admin asst)
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It’s easier to tell you what she HASN’T been in. Like Kathy Baker, she’s made a career out of small, scene stealing roles. She also has a pretty impressive career in casting. 
I’m not going do Jen and Mark because we all know all of their shit. I’m the biggest JGar fan on earth so don’t get me started, but they are obviously mega stars and I need to save some room for.......here it comes...it’s finally here...you know it was coming..and here WE. FUCKING. GO.
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If Judy BAD BITCH OF LIFE Greer is in a movie? I’m seeing it. Why? BC SHE’s in EVERY MOVIE. Judy Greer is a brilliant silky chameleon with ferrari engine precision comedic timing. I would say she ties with Melanie Lynksey for all time underrated actress in history, but I think she pushes just past her since her body of work is unbelievably large. She has done indie, rom-com, sci-fi blockbuster, you name it. She can and has done anything and everything and I love her with every sad and broken cell in my fangirl body. She doesn’t support scenes, she carries them. And the only reason you think someone else is the star is because Judy wants you to think that. There are like 2 people on this Earth I love as much as I love Judy Greer and they are basically my mom and Claire Danes. She is an angel we do not deserve sent to us straight from a place we can never know. I legitimately worry that not enough people know what a treeey zzzurrre we have in Judy. I will do whatever I can to always spread the Gospel of Greer in this flaming shit bag of a world. If you haven’t seen Addicted to Fresno, please excuse yourself from whatever meaningless nonsense you’re doing right now to go watch it. Thanks.
A perfect cast, and yes this is one, does not a good film make on it’s own (see all those shitty Gary Marshall vignette films). 
Lucky for us we also have a perfect story.  This film has everything: redemption, friendship, love, betrayal, materialism, capitalism, competition, fucking TIME TRAVEL. And a dance number to goddamn Thriller. 
This movie created the catch-phrase, “Fabuloso”, which would eventually become the best smelling cleaning product of all time. It brought back Razzles, no doubt saving that entire brand from bankruptcy. It has complicated parental relationships, complex female friendships, a pre-wedding love confession scene, an NYC fall photoshoot montage, an accidentally fall-down kiss scene, a popular high school guy now a balding loser scene, a heroine saves the magazine scene, and a Pat Benetar slumber party pillow fight. 
NEW. MOTHERFUCKING. YORK. CITY. Is there any other place where a 30 year old can be the editor of a fashion magazine and live in an $8 million apartment???
I mean, you’ve got The Go-Go’s, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Billy Joel, Liz Phair, Rick Springfield, Talking Heads, Soft Cell, I COULD ON AND ON. 
I am a rom-com SLUT. I have seen all of them, but this one is the stand out. Instead of limiting Jenna to the “she falls in love and finally changes her life” trope, it explores ALL the reasons Jenna’s life went off track. Not just because she lost her best friend along the way, but because now she’s dishonest, disloyal, and though she has the trappings of the life she dreamed of, she isn’t the person she thought she would be. In fact, Matty is not even the main thread of all of it. 
The takeaway here is that being present is more important than worrying and wishing about the future.Which is actually some intense deep Buddhist shit. 
By living in the moment we’re in, we can shape our lives however we want. Jenna was so intent on creating her idea of a perfect life, that she missed what was right in front of her. When she got a glimpse of what she thought she wanted, she realized how empty it was. The money, the cool job, the $8 million apartment doesn’t mean shit when you don’t have any real connections to anyone. And is there any better moment then when she goes back to her closet birthday party, kisses Matty and slams Tom-Tom’s drink in her face and calls her a “Biatch”? NO. It’s the most satisfying moment in American cinema. 
1.This movie has 0 diversity and is 100% straight white people problems. I acknowledge it. It is problematic. I don’t know what to say. It was the time, I didn’t make the movie, and thank the lorde things are changing.
2.Lucy’s take on Poise re-branding was 100,000% better than that Abercrombie bullshit Jenna came up. Don’t @ me.
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newagesispage · 6 years
                                                            JULY       2018
***** Pete Davidson has gotten himself engaged to Arianna Grande. He has new tattoos to prove his love.
***** The first wall was raised for the old Conklin’s barn dinner theatre in Goodfield, Illinois. After a struggle to raise money after the old barn was destroyed and a fight with the insurance company, the day has finally come. The new structure which is part of a whole new complex will open in 2019. I can’t wait!!!
***** Vikings QB, Kirk Cousins is still driving his great old van and proud of it.
***** Check out Rotten apples, a website that is a database for consumers to learn if those involved in movies or TV have allegations against them.
***** The Daily show had a good idea. Every time that Scary Clown 45 does his daily dose of fucking everything up, call Fox news.  Calling your congressmen and protesting will have to continue, of course but it seems he mostly listens to Fox. Perhaps if they get tired of listening to us bitch, they will try to get their boss/fan to change a few things. 1-888-369-4762.** How far down will he and his cult drag this country?
***** A personal note: I heard a comedian the other day talking about jerks in all parts of our lives. Whether it be church, work, school, concerts, an AA meeting or whatever there is always an asshole in the mix to ruin stuff. This really resonated with me because I have seen a situation lately that perfectly illustrates this. A local store has a department with 3 managers. Manager #1 keeps hiring in his friends that mostly create their own schedules and do not often break a sweat. Manager #2 has been there a while and things run pretty smooth and fair when they run the day. Manager #3 is new to the position and often seems like they do not know what the fuck is going on and it was recently learned that this one has been backstabbing #2 so much that # 2 was fired. Now, we can’t know, of course, the reason for the firing but it just shows that a perfectly nice place to work and shop with a company one can believe in can go all wrong because of one or two bad apples. Manager #2 who is also battling illness (so does not often have the strength to fight back) has lost a career and many employees who respect them are now stuck working with people they know will run the place into the ground or having to find another job. I have seen a few similar situations thru the years and of course, asshole in chief in D.C. is like the all time perfect example of this but why can’t we weed out the jerks?  
***** Days alert: Is Paul leaving? What? They need to bring in a good mate for him. He is arguably the most honest person in town and he deserves the best. Let Will and Sonny have each other and find a better match for Paul but don’t let him go. I mean Sonny treats Paul like he isn’t even in the room half the time and they were going to marry?!  But, yes.. Chris Sean (Paul) is going and Bryan R. Dattilo (Lucas) may go soon too. Marci Miller (Abby) is out and will be replaced by the old Abby, Kate Mansin. Arianne Zucker (Nicole) will be back. Will she have a baby for Eric? Olivia Rose Keegar (Claire) has released a single titled ‘Just my type.’** Are they really gonna do a Ben and Ciara thing?** Sephen Nichols (Patch) is out as well as Greg Rikkaart (Leo). Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart) is back. Sheila, Shawn and Belle will show up soon.  Kyle Lowder who used to play Brady will return as another character. There is a rumor that Allison Sweeney (Sami) will swing in for a bit and will she be pregnant with Rafe’s baby? I am betting so since Hope just mentioned something about Raif not having any kids.
***** Antarctic ice loss has tripled in just a decade.
***** The Philadelphia Eagles were cancelled at the White House because most of them would not come. Philly’s mayor countered with:” Trump is not a true patriot but a fragile egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend.”  The night before, Fox news showed pics of Eagles kneeling when in fact they were praying as they always do. Nobody said there was anything wrong with that before so the players would like to know what is wrong with praying? This particular team never took a knee all season as protest. And what about the 10 players who wanted to go to the White house and worked hard to get there?** Scary Clown says he won’t even invite the NBA champs.
***** Illinois ratified the ERA. Just 1 more state and 36 years after the deadline to adopt legislation we may get there.
***** So, I see Domino’s latest stunt is fixing the roads? Somebody has to work on the infrastructure so it might as well be them.
***** The MtV awards best dressed to me were Alison Brie and Kristen Bell. While the chaos engulfed our country, the young people at the awards (the so called Hollywood elite), spoke out for real super heroes, acceptance for all and an end to bullying.
***** Should we be giving Dennis Rodman airtime to show how stupid he is? I hear the argument  over and over lately that someone was nice to them so they must be ok. This could be said of Trump, Kim Jung Un or a serial killer. How fucking selfish can people be?  The ignorant seem to be incapable of seeing the horror right in front of them as they pick and choose facts.
***** Why have I seen a rash of first cousins as lover’s jokes? Why is it ok to make fun of this?
***** Artifacts were found in Springfield, Il. which came from the 1908 race riots. First found in 2014 when work was being done on an underpass, officials hope to soon have them on display. After working to preserve the items, they are looking to the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress.
***** Is there a new serial killer in Massachusetts?
***** The Koch brothers are apparently waging war all over the country against Mass Transit. They use paid activists to push similar thinking voters to vote it down. It is funny that these big government haters don’t mind that the Koch Brothers have made a well thought out data service to help control their voters.
***** The Tony’s were pretty rockin’ this year. Robert DeNiro got everybody going with a Fuck Trump sentiment. Most awards went to The Band’s Visit, Harry Potter and the cursed child and Angels in America. Once on an Island won best revival and other winners were Glenda Jackson and Nathan Lane (who I love but was really pulling for Michael Cera and Brian Tyree Henry). Tony Shalhoub, Laurie Metcalf and Andrew Garfield also took home awards.  The most beautiful moment was from the students of Stoneman Douglas and their teacher who was honored.** A Trump supporter went to A Bronx tale: The musical after the DeNiro incident which is codirected by Mr. D. The supporter held up a Trump 2020 sign. My son chuckled, “At least he bought a ticket.”
***** IHOP has become IHOB. They think they are Red Robin. More $ in burgers than pancakes, I guess.
***** Stephen Colbert sang the National anthem at a Mets game.** Trump is taking swipes at the late night hosts now. Conan, Colbert and Fallon teamed up to do a funny about that.
***** So some people think that Roseanne’s racist remarks and Samantha Bee’s ‘cunt’ comment are the same? Both should lose their show? NO.. big difference.  Other countries do not get our outrage.. The word ‘cunt’ is not as big a deal in Canada and Great Britain. If there is fall out shouldn’t standards and practices at TBS be in trouble for letting the ‘feckless cunt’ comment go to broadcast? I mean Roseanne did this on her twitter on her own. Trump cult members think they can all go to twitter and spout their racist, hateful rhetoric and get away with it. If one is going to be successful in the mainstream world, they may not get away with that like Scary Clown. Anyway, Go Samantha Bee!!**BTW,  Love the letter that Michael Moore put out about Trump and Roseanne, it is worth a read.** ABC will let the others serve out their contracts after a settlement with Roseanne when they bring us The Conners.
***** Jim Carrey and Showtime will give us ‘Kidding’ on Sept. 9. The dark comedy will cast Carrey as Mr. Pickles, a children’s host who is falling apart. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind’s Michel Gondry will direst and the cast will include Catherine Keener, Judy Greer and Frank Langella.
***** Michael Myers, Jamie Lee Curtis and Halloween are back and wipes out all the sequels.
***** George Clooney received the lifetime achievement award from the American Film Institute.
***** Illinois man, Jay Smith claims he may have coyotes, wild dogs, a mix or hybrid or a unique unknown species in the woods around his home. The U.S. Dept. of agriculture and Chicago’s field museum are now interested in the 40 or so creatures. Smith describes them as bigger than wolves with dark coats. You can see for yourself on youtube : Kanahoe wolves of forgottonia.
***** Atlanta has been renewed for season 3, of course!!
***** Reese Witherspoon will soon be back in the Legally Blonde world for the third time.
***** I truly love to hear Louie Anderson laugh.
***** The President is Missing, a novel by James Patterson and Bill Clinton is #1.
***** Terry Crews talked to the Senate about sexual assault.
***** Secret Service is temporarily keeping an eye on Sarah Sanders and more staff members may get their own agents.
***** The Environmental media association Benefit gala honored Elizabeth Olsen, Ray Halbritter, Mike Sullivan and Jane Fonda who danced on stage with the musical guest Snoop Dogg.
***** Redmond O’Neal was arrested on June 8 for assault with a deadly weapon, criminal threat, brandishing a knife, battery and attempted murder.  Police say he went on a violent spree in Southern California.
***** Watch for Shock and Awe from Rob Reiner in July. People have been floating his name for President and U know the opposition would immediately call him meathead. I say embrace it, Meathead for President!!!!!!!**I Love that Reiner calls out Trump with’ the art of the lie.’
***** The much anticipated Old man and the gun will be out in September. The comedy filmed in Texas stars Robert Redford, sissy Spacek, Casey Affleck, Danny Glover and Tom Waits. I can’t fucking wait!
***** Look for the new film, An Actor Prepares with Jeremy Irons, Mamie Gummer, Larry Pine and Jack Huston.
*****The special council has piled more charges onto Paul Manafort. It was after this that he went back to court for violating the terms of his house arrest and his bail was revoked. The 40 charges now include witness tampering. All charges were about incidents before the Presidential campaign.
***** We have to know that people are not really paying attention when Scary Clown and Gulliani babble on incoherently on national television and their supporters do not seem to care or they really don’t get it. These voters seem to think that it is easier to stay with the devil you know and just refuse to bend. ** Ivanka keeps gathering more new trademarks in China and refuses to answer questions about it as the trade talk rages on.** Why do people keep trying to normalize all this behavior?
***** So.. Supposedly Trump told a friend that porn is not allowed in the White House and it his biggest complaint. Some reporters submitted this as an official question to the White House. It seems the subject has never really come up so no one has thought to ask before. So far there has been no response. ** Word is that Scary Clown rips up papers after he reads or uses them. The problem is that Presidential papers have to be preserved for history so 2 people work just to tape those papers back together.  They were fired this month.
***** Sexual misconduct controversy abounds in Illinois under Mike Madigan with Tim Mapes under the microscope.
***** Justify won the Belmont Stakes and is just the 13th horse in history to win the Triple crown.
***** Senator Jeff Merkley is telling us that immigrants are being held in small cages in Texas. Is this our country? Is this really happening?
***** Recording academy President, Neil Portnow will step down from his post next year.
***** Mystery Science Theatre 3000 will tour in the fall. Joel Hodgson, Jonah Ray, Tom Servo and Crow will begin riffing live on October 9 in Portland, Maine.
***** I wanna be in New Orleans for Voodoo fest on October 26-28. The lineup rocks with Marilyn Manson, Janelle Monae, Zeds dead, Elle King, Mumford and Sons, Arctic Monkeys and Childish Gambino.
***** Next year Brian De Palma is going to start filming ‘Predator’ about the Weinstein scandal.
***** Convicted drug trafficker Alice Johnson was pardoned by Scary Clown.  Who’s next?
***** Trump called Canadian PM Trudeau, meek, mild and weak. ** True to form, Trump showed up late at the G7 for his meeting on women’s empowerment.** Rep. Steve Schmidt said that ‘Trump beclowned himself.”** Trump quote: “Kim Jong Un is a great guy” and “ North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat.” I don’t think he will ever hear the end of it over those statements. Saying it does not make it so. I wrote this and then I heard Chuck Schumer say it. ** Big evidence of wrong doing in the Trump charity organization. He is now being sued by the attorney General for persistent illegal conduct.** Trump now says he wants to withdraw from the World Trade Organization. He is being such a good little boy by helping Putin check things off his list. Destroy NATO, Destroy EU, Destroy the UN, Eliminate U.S. leadership. ** As June ends, there are new reports that North Korea has ramped up its Nuclear production.
***** This whole mess with 2,000 kids being taken from their parents at the border is an outrage. I can’t help but think of our ‘well meaning’ Christian folk trying to convert the Native Americans back in the day. They tried hard to make the natives dress like the white man, pray like the white man and go to our schools. As well as leverage for scary clown’s wall, are they trying to fill these children’s heads with their own propaganda while they are in foster care or residing in the white man’s warehouse? **When will the loyalists realize that a wall cannot be built? Private citizens own some of that land. There are bodies of water on the border. No matter how much the racists wish for it, it just can’t be done.** There is something about the way he grins crazily when he is called out on something. It seems like he is so proud of his lies and the way he conducts himself so unethically. I am reminded of Manson and the way he would light up when asked about his crimes or when he was shown footage from other family members talking about him. This is such a fast moving story that some are equating to the way the Jewish and the Japanese were treated in the past. ** It is obvious that no planning went into any of this new policy. It is wonderful that so many reporters are watching the facilities they know about and staying at the border. It takes time to get the facts and it isn’t easy when the administration is being so secretive. The lawsuits have started. Can we get Sessions, Nielsen, Pence and Trump on child neglect??** People of all nations will not want to be here soon and we will be left with the racists and bullies. Do we leave or do we fight?  If everybody left the Trumpers alone in this country what would they have to complain about? They have no empathy, it is like they thrive on others suffering. ** Multiple on air personalities cried at the stories of the children as their emotions came to the surface. I think many of us feel helpless as that sinking feeling we all had on election night has come to the point we all feared.** The Red Cross has not even been allowed in to these FOR PROFIT facilities. Protesters are staying on the case of Krisjen Nielsen. The administration and their defenders have been so flippant about the whole thing especially Corey (womp, womp) Lewandowski.** It costs the government over twice as much to house the kids without their parents.** Melania visited the kids and wore a jacket which read ‘I really don’t care, Do you?’ This started a whole new mess. I thought of those Turpin monster parents. Why on earth does anyone want to put kids in cages?  Does it make someone powerful to torture children?
***** June ended with about 700 protests for the kids in cages. Family’s Belong Together marches were overflowing in the heat with inspiring messages and a lot of heart. I was so proud to be there.
***** New York has sued the federal government over zero tolerance.**The U.S. has withdrawn from the UN human rights body. Many do agree with this one for they feel there is not equal punishment for nations when it comes to human rights.** A lawsuit was filed on April 23 alleging kids were held down and injected to render them helpless and keep them calm.**It seems that we should leave the immigrants alone and enforce swift, harsh penalties for those who hire undocumented workers. These employees aren’t paying their fair share on these employees.**The Pentagon has been asked to prepare housing for 20,000 immigrants.** I mean, this is not a simple subject but basically if you come in illegally, you go back. If you seek asylum, you should not be separated from your child or be in detention. More judges would help get this backlog caught up and ankle bracelets had seemed to be helping the situation. Take some of this ‘traveling to Mar a Lago $’ and hire more judges. And let’s help stabilize these regimes so folks will feel safer in their own countries. Some are even saying they should abolish I.C.E.. Some of those speaking out with that thought are I.C.E. agents themselves. I.C.E. spokesperson James Schwab has been speaking out. He claims he resigned because although he was asked to spin for both administrations, the current administration asked him to outright lie. Thank you James! ** Immigrants add 63 billion to the economy.** A federal judge has declared the kids must be reunited with their parents in 30 days, for younger kids it is 14 days.** Justin Trudeau tells refugees they are welcome in Canada.
*****  Ok.. Read the next item before this one!!!... So Stuttering John AKA John Melendez has a podcast and he claims he called air force one and he got thru.  He pretended to be Sen Bob Menendez and Trump told him he would have a Supreme Court pick in 2 weeks. While people wondered if this was true, Trump announced he would have his pick on July 9.
***** The Supreme Court upheld the travel ban including Venezuela, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Somalia and Libya. They (5-4) claim it is not a Muslim ban and allows for them to get off the list. This reverses the lower court’s rulings but at least it is the third incarnation as the first two were struck down. Even though the Supreme court said the President has the authority it did put it somewhat in check. Still wrong.  0 people have been killed in our country by a person from one of these countries.** The Supreme Court also tells us you don’t have to pay your union dues. ** Justice Kennedy is set to retire. Trump’s private banker at Deutsche bank for 12 years is Justice Kennedy’s son. JS
***** The country gets more liberal and the power in the country gets more conservative. WTF?** Rod Rosenstein seemed very confident in his questioning this week. This is good news for the country!
***** Sean Spicer is putting together a talk show.
***** The Trump administration is backing insurance companies to eliminate the pre- existing condition protection.
***** The 2019 Hollywood walk of fame will add Robert DeNiro, Anne Hathaway, Michael Buble, Tyler Perry and the trio of Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris and Dolly Parton.
***** Sara Netanyahu has been indicted on fraud charges.
***** Take a listen to the Ear hustle podcast and get the dirt inside prison.
***** Studied show that 97% of rapists never go to jail.
***** Women can drive in Saudi Arabia but arrests are up for women who protest there.
***** Jerry Springer is finally done with his show.
***** The republicans govern without shame. The democrats shame without governing.  –Bill Maher
***** From what I see it seems that America to the Conservatives means guns and Christianity should be included in our governments and our schools.  They seem to like everyone to take care of themselves financially except in extreme cases and outsiders should not be a part of this country. America to the liberals seems like the same rights for all like health care, ruling our own bodies and that love is love. They believe in high taxes and programs to help others.
***** Jeff Sessions of the United Methodist church has been charged under church law with violating paragraph 270.3: child abuse, immorality, racial discrimination and dissemination of doctrines contrary to the standards of doctrine of the United Methodist church. In the 50 years of the church as a denomination, no case can be found that has gotten this far.
***** It seems that there was always a bit of a separation between Fox news and the rest of the company. This latest border mess has crumbled that particular wall. Artists who have at one time or another  worked for Fox Studios are speaking out. Modern Family creator Steve Levitan, director Payl Fieg and Seth Mcfarlane are among them.
***** If we don’t make peace with our wounds, we’ll be tempted to despise the wounded.  – Father Gregory Boyle
***** No one is illegal on stolen land.   Thanks Kim
*****  Trump is not much on tradition. The man cancels the congressional picnic for lack of time but is gung ho for rallies and fund raisers .A scrawl on Fox news dressed down CNN and MSNBC for not airing the latest Trump rally. Who the fuck wants to see that nightmare?
***** Peter Fonda’s emotions got the better of him and he tweeted: WE SHOULD RIP BARRON FROM HIS MOTHERS ARMS AND PUT HIM IN A CAGE WITH A PEDOPHILE AND SEE IF HIS MOTHER WILL STAND UP AGAINST THE GIANT ASSHOLE. He deleted it but the damage was done. He apologized to the family.**Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant** Maxine Waters is asking people to call out Trump workers when they see them. This is getting ridic but I think the right thinking people of this country are feeling trapped and desperate. Civility is hard keep in check when our country is being taken over by racists, thieves and bullies. We must try to do this right though. We must get this right!
***** Scary Clown 45 claims that crime in Germany is so high, perhaps because of the refugees? In fact, crime is at a 30 year low? Similarly, a report commissioned by Scary’s own administration shows how much immigrants put into our economy but since the numbers were good, they buried that report.** A story claimed that WH staffers show the President only what he wants to see and that John Kelly tells people to just let him keep going as he is and if it leads to impeachment then our country will be through this horrific time.** His rallies and speeches get crazier if that is possible. Does he travel with an audience?** Trump claims that the Dems want immigrants because they see them as potential voters. Genius, years of red tape and possibly letting gang members (his words) in just for a vote! ** He will say anything to divert attention from himself and his cohorts using this country as their personal piggy bank and taking our rights away.** The UN has declared that the policy of separating children from parents at the border, “may amount to torture.”
***** White house.gov has an agenda for a complete reorganizing of the Federal government full of privatization, major cuts and consolidated power.
***** I-95 in Maine has been getting shut down so border patrol can check your citizenship. WTF?
***** OK.. This is a very unimportant note and I try to never watch commercials but I love the new Progressive ad where the dude is turning into his dad. So cute!
***** I wish that there was a little more backbone on the Sunday morn political shows. I mean the weekend of the big outrage at the border, there were big Trump loving infomercials, why are Bannon and Kelly Ann even invited on these shows?  I have no earthly idea how anyone could have an ounce of respect for any of them.
***** A NY Times story finds that Scary clown 45’s prison cutbacks have been so severe that teachers, secretaries and nurses have had to act as prison guards. ** Economists estimate that Iowa soybean farmers alone could lose up to $624,000,000 as a result of the tariffs. **Harley Davidson has moved some of their work to Bangkok because of the trade war.
***** Thank you James Corden for the Carpool Karaoke with Paul McCartney. It is the first time in a while that I let go of all the worry over this country et al and really got engrossed in something sweet and fun.
***** Disabled vets are being docked on their disability checks for an insurance they were forced into that they and their families can’t even redeem.
***** Kevin Vernardo has started his own circus.
***** Vince Vaughn was arrested June 19 for DUI and resisting arrest.
***** The BET awards winners include D J Khaled, Black Panther, Migos and Sza. Best dressed to me were Meek Mill, Remy Ma, Trevor Jackson, Storm Reid and Janelle Monae.
***** Mystery Race day theatre with Michael Waltrip????
***** John Legend tweeted a Fuck You to Paul Ryan!
***** The electoral college must go!
***** March 2019: Tim Burton will bring us Dumbo with Michael Keaton, Colin Farrell, Alan Arkin and Danny Devito.
***** Stan Lee has gotten a restraining order against his business manager claiming elder abuse.
***** A 94 year old Elgin woman put up a large sign in her yard that read ’Impeach Trump now!’ The city told her that it exceeded the size limit for signs in the city ordinance. She put up a smaller sign claiming that she just wants to draw attention to his foreign policy, trade policy and domestic policy. The woman, Myra Becker said that he’s a disaster. “I’m on a walker and there are all the things I can’t do but I can put up a sign.
***** Larry Kudlow had a heart attack.
***** The new season of Comedians in cars getting coffee includes Dave Chapelle, Alec Baldwin, Dana Carvey, Ellen DeGeneres, Zach Galifianakis, Jerry Lewis, Kate McKinnin, Tracy Morgan, Hassan Minaj, John Mulaney and Brian Regan.
***** So John Cena is really a pig! There was a clip of the man telling his girlfriend that he would make the sacrifice of giving her a child. This was a regular clip from a show she does so at least he owns his pig status, I guess. Sure, it is a ‘reality’ show that is supposedly all scripted but I don’t think that would matter to me if I was that kid.  I guess all their money will help. Good luck kid!
***** Boundaries will star Christopher Plummer, Peter Fonda and Vera Farmiga.
***** Mike Pence was invited to the big gay dance party in Ohio that was in the street just outside his hotel.  
*****  Brockmire continues to make me laugh out loud. A great line: Orange juice is a glass of vodka wasted.  How will sobriety play in the next season?
***** Trump staffers seem to have trouble unwinding and having personal lives since most of D.C. wants nothing to do with them. Recently it was revealed that they have found a bar called Rebellion where they feel welcome. Oh what clever clogs.  I imagine that since this has been revealed , it won’t be fun there for long.
***** Better Call Saul season 4 will have a mysterious Breaking Bad character that was never seen named Lalo. A couple more characters will be introduced when the show returns August 6.
***** The Traverse city film fest will honor Jane Fonda with Lifetime achievement.
***** Acura is sure using a lot of vintage Stones in their advertising as of late.** BTW The Stones have a new boxed set of all their original material albums from 1971 on. It is all cleaned up and lookin’ pretty!!
***** The new Whtney doc about Whitney Houston has some honest revelations . In a posthumous Me Too moment, it is revealed that she was molested by her cousin Dee Dee Warwick.
***** Maryland was home to the latest shooting. The AP has declared they will help the Capital Gazette continue to publish until they get back on their feet. Now that is what this country should be about.
***** The table in the Vietnamese noodle shop where Obama and Bourdain dined has been put under glass. Fans have come to the shop to pay tribute.
***** Mia Farrow proposes we move to saying ‘succumbed’ to suicide instead of ‘committed’ suicide because depression is an illness. The legacy of suicide is cruel enough for all involved. The national suicide prevention hotline number is 1-800-273-8255.
***** R.I.P. Glenn Snoddy, Alan Bean, Joe Jackson, Ella Brennan, Dwight Clark, Kate Spade, Alan O’Neill, Danny Kirwan, Eunice Gayson, Murray Frumson, Koko, Jackson Odell, Gena Turgel, Jerry Maren (last of the lollipop guild) , DJ Fontana, Neal Boyd,  Matt ‘guitar’ Murphy, Nick Knox, Jimmy Wopo, Charles Krauthammer, Vinnie Paul, Richard Harrison, Richard Valeriani, victims of the Maryland newspaper shooting,  Anthony Bourdain, Steve Soto, Willie Lee Rose, Richard Allan Greenberg and Eva Kirchgessner.
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