#> beefing with random louise haters. people started to dig into her past and hating on her too + her being with matt)
yellowloid · 1 year
whats up with the way matt and amanda frame their posts?
let me start by saying that i really appreciate the fact that they stand up for her and defend her against haters; it's sweet that as her friends they show support to her and all that stuff. she gets a lot of unnecessary hate and it's good that they have her back.
however. amanda has a tendency to hyperbole that makes everything she says seem so exaggerated, always calling her by superlatives, an angel, "woman of my dreams", amelia "worshiping" her, "everyone's favourite", both her AND matt calling her his sister??? you end up not being able to take her support that seriously lmao. i get that she's trying to do good because they're friends, and it's nice that she does what she does, but she's so dramatic and passive-aggressive with it sometimes
and then matt... idk wtf happened to him lately because he was always so silent on drama regarding their social circle (he was always kinda lowkey on his socials in general) and then over the past year he's been so adamant on putting her on a pedestal like amanda does. it's not the first time he calls her his sister either, but again if they're close it's nice that he supports her. the only thing that kinda annoys me (and that has absolutely nothing to do with louise) is the "you know i'll get off of here again" shit he pulls every time. i just find it so childish of him because why are you punishing all your fanbase for something only a minority of people does. and why are you holding it over your fans' heads, threatening them to log off at the first chance you get. it's just a poor way of dealing with the problem that does nothing to actually solve it. just show her support without being bitchy with the passive-aggressive threats lmao
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