#> ive obliterated the she actually it’s just they/fae now
queenofnohr · 5 years
Gawain Profile (FGO Material Book IV)
Hey hi! It’s been a month (well, a month and a couple days...), so here’s a patreon post from last month! The original can be seen here, at my patreon (this particular post also now public).
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Class Skills
Magic Resistance: B
Negates Magecraft with an incantation that is three verses or fewer. It is difficult to hurt him even with things such as High-Thaumaturgy, Greater Rituals, etc.
Riding: B
The ability to ride (vehicles, animals, etc.) He can handle most mounts better than ordinary people, though he cannot ride Phantasmal Species.
Personal Skills
Numeral of the Saint: EX
A unique characteristic Sir Gawain possesses. It allows his power to triple from 9 am to noon, and from 3 pm to sunset. It is indicative of the number 3 as sacred among the Celts.
Charisma: E
One’s ability to attract others. As a perfect knight, it works particularly strongly on junior knights and soldiers.
Noble Phantasm
Excalibur Galatine
Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Army Range: 20~40 Maximum Number of Targets: 300 people
Excalibur Galatine. The Sword of the Sun - its hilt holds a pseudo-sun within. Just as King Arthur’s “Sword of Promised Victory,” Excalibur Galatine is its sister sword given by the fae “Lady of the Lake.” It is a Holy Sword not oft spoken of in the legends. Whereas the king and his sword received the divine protection of the moon, Gawain and his sword were blessed by the sun. If the “Sword of Promised Victory” slices in two with the light of the stars, the “Sword of the Ideal Ruler’s Victory” burns all in its path to nothing with the scorching heat of the sun. Additionally, while the “Sword of Promised Victory” is an attack concentrated on a single point, the “Sword of the Ideal Ruler’s Victory” is a lateral emission type of attack meant to obliterate enemy soldiers.
Hailed as the “Knight of the Sun,” he has a serious personality that nonetheless never becomes stiff enough to be oppressive. It’s this attitude that makes him come off as an upstanding and purehearted young man. Though he’s tall and cuts a trim figure, he has quite a sturdy build. Furthermore, he’s a handsome man with a gentle face and fine features. His tone is refreshing, and he never makes light of an opponent nor holds them in contempt. Even if his opponent is unskilled, he will assess their fighting spirit and preparedness, and courteously have a bout with them. However, because he deliberately keeps his personal feelings in check - for reasons to be discussed later - his intrinsic high-mindedness and earnestness-to-the-point-of-seriousness become all the more emphasized. To put it gently, he’s inflexible; to put it bluntly, he’s the type of guy who can’t read the room. Known as a loyal knight, with his left-over regrets at not being able to save his king the last time he was summoned as a Servant, as well as his iron loyalty and unwavering trust toward his king, he wants nothing more than to be the sole sword that swings for the sake of his king alone. Witnessing that blind devotion during the Moon Cell Grail War, Nero (Saber) put it well - “So, should you be ordered to cut down a faithful friend, would you do it?” she asked. To which he responded, “Of course. If it is my Lord’s desire, I will dirty my hands with any act, no matter how shameful. That is what it means to be a sword. My Lord is never wrong. If anything must be cast as ‘wrong,’ then the fault lies not with my King, but with my now-executed friend,” he responded, smiling.
Motivation and Attitude Toward Master
From a Master’s perspective, he’s an ideal Servant as he’s placed selfless devotion above all else due to allowing Britain to split because of his personal grudge during his lifetime, and the regret that stems from that. He is a Servant who embodies the role of a knight serving his king - though whether or not his Master is worthy of being king is up for debate. For the sake of his raison d’etre - to serve as his king’s assistant - he devotes himself fully to being the sword of a Master who he has recognized as carrying the king’s authority. While his Master is speaking, he’ll never say a word himself, and will only speak during times such as acting as a proxy to his Master after they leave, always taking into consideration his attitude as a knight and a vassal.
Dialogue Examples
“I am his loyal servant, Gawain. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I hope you will make for a worthy opponent to my lord.” “As you wish. My holy sword is the embodiment of the sun itself. By my king’s decree, I shall reduce everything on this earth to ashes.” “This sword is a reflection of the sun. Another holy sword of the planet…… Excalibur Galatine!” “Make way for the brilliance before the evening’s tide, the sweeping blade that is the holy sword of the planet! Excalibur Galatine!!” “Doesn’t quantity matter more than quality in a meal? A huge amount of potatoes, vinegar, and bread should be fine. And if there’s ale, that’s all I need to be satisfied. I suppose vegetables are good, too. Even eating just carrots should be alright. My king used to eat everything without a single complaint, after all.”
This Figure in History
He appears in the Legend of King Arthur as an outstanding knight of the Round Table, able to rival even “Lancelot of the Lake.” He is the firstborn of King Lot of Orkney. As Arthur’s relative, he was entrusted with the holy sword, Excalibur. He was known as a virtuous man, and many legends extol his various martial achievements. His sole weakness is his strong affection for his family. This resulted in conflict with knights that dared to harm his relatives, starting with King Pellinore who defeated his father in battle. Sometimes these conflicts would end in the death of the other knight. Even when Lancelot and Queen Guinevere fled to Gaul, he strongly opposed King Arthur’s forgiveness of them, and drew  him into a war against Lancelot. This is due to Lancelot killing Gawain’s brothers while he absconded with Guinevere. He fought against Mordred’s rebellion while severely wounded after dueling Lancelot, and with his dying breath begged King Arthur to call on Lancelot for reinforcements. He bears a profound regret due to his personal grudge resulting in the schism between the Knights of the Round Table…...
Role in Previous Works
Appears in Fate/EXTRA. Because Gawain regretted that King Arthur died because he could not let go of his hatred of Lancelot during his lifetime, he devotes himself completely to the role of his king’s assistant, considering it his duty above all else. Thus he is selflessly devoted to his Master, a young King who from birth was deemed to possess the ability to be the ideal ruler, who he recognizes as such. However, he understood that what his Master lacked in order to become a True King was “defeat.” Even so, he chose to serve as his Master’s sword with all his might until that time came.
Ties to Characters
Arturia: The chance to fight together once again…… When will another miracle like this happen?
Mordred: I understand her situation. Among other things.
Lancelot: No comment.
Galahad: Putting aside the issue of Lancelot for the moment, Galahad is a wonderful knight. If an angel took human form, it would be someone like him.
Tristan: He’s Sir “Sometimes-I’m-Actually-Sleeping”……
Illustrator Comment
I drew Gawain’s third ascension wanting him to have the feeling of being on his day off. I’d be happy if he could become someone who gives the impression of a muscular yet princely type, but… Tapping into that kind of feeling - because his default standing pose was already a little relaxed, I thought it’d be nice if he had the feeling of pulling the viewer to their feet slightly firmly. - Wada Arco
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battle princess ~
** the conclusion of the elven chronicles trilogy ~ **
book i : beyond the stars
chapter i : battle princess ~
space sucks you can't smoke there
i guess i should start by explaining why we're in space; and of course by we i mean me and my brother, shade
my name's pixie not pixie, princess of forlorn, the death princess; but pixie the ii, her daughter
battle princess
we're in space so we can confirm or placate a theory put forward by the royal council that there could be other civilizations other kinds of life forms on the outer moons of acemia; after all some of them have their own orbitting planets
and after all there are all kinds of life on acemia; elves, fae, humans, dragons ..
speaking of dragons, the only person on our ship i haven't introduced you to is my pet enchanted baby dragon gargoyle, knoll; he was my moms our "dad" made him for her
i say "dad" weird
we are enchanted children
our father was damian warlock, the avatar of forlorn, who left forlorn when at last it knew peace to find his long-lost love in the stars, a constellation named lyra we were hoping (supposed in fact) to meet him
knoll was actually playing with shade right meow
"sup wizard?! ~ " i greeted him cheerily ~
"shade put three kinds of fruit in the fruit boogler and it made pretty colors!!!!!" knoll screamed indeed they had, and the room of our spaceship i had just walked into was filled with fractal swirling rainbow colors like a water droplet
"why didn't he put the lid on? .." i answered instinctively, though i was laughing at myself for even asking as well as at my brother
"-that- was knoll's idea!!!" shade insisted "sure it was," i teased back grinning
"are we any closer to a destination port? did you check just now or .. ?"
"no, i didn't think to, sorry; i was making sure we still had enough charge set aside for the elexa if we see damian .." "good thinking .."
with that, we both sort of just stared off into .. well, space
knoll was passionately slurping all of the boogled fruit juice out of the air, flying and bobbing around in dizzying circles which we were both a bit used to after so long in space
"shade? .." "yeah? .." "do you think we'll find him? damian? .."
shade seemed to think for a second
"of course we will .." he finally answered me "good guys always win" "that's right," he made me smile, "good guys always win .."
it had been our motto since we were growing up together in acemia ~
chapter ii : shade ~
pixie seemed quite .. wistful, as she had most of this trip
we were both quite eager and .. curious to meet our enchanted father, damian warlock, the man who had according to legend guided acemia from behind the scenes until the days of change
knoll's giddy exuberant air barrage upon my dissipated fruit smoothy had settled down into a decidedly full and happy bob that trailed across the room to land on a throw pillow on the spacecouch
"what do you think he's like? .." she asked, with the wide eyed expression my sister got when she was thinking beyond what normal humans had the thoughts to think, the way enchanted children do
"crazy .." i answered, smiling "he's like us i'd imagine .." "yeah .." she smiled
with that, i decided i really did want to know if we were any closer to well .. anything
space travel is not the super exciting
i honestly think we should enchant artificial creatures to do it .. like knoll, only maybe without a personality that would be just as bored as we were
not that a spaceship isn't the coolest thing in the world
or space rather
so i got up to check while pixie resolvedly joined knoll in lazing on the space couch
"pixie? .." i called back to her, when i'd had a chance to look at the light screen forecaster
"mhmglorp? .. ~ "
"do you know what this pink light is near alphastarus aiphax? .."
"no .. ?" she answered slowly
"hmmm .."
with that, the nearbye celestial body indicator i'd noticed started blinking
"what does it mean if it's blinking? .."
"we've never had a spaceship before dear .."
"no, i don't suppose we have .."
and nobody bothered to give us any proper training? you might ask but that was not the way space travel works
there's no telling what you'll have to prepare for until you're no longer terrabound
so damian had left acemia with an enchanted ship that could foresee things the way he could
right now it was foreseeing something quite near us .. something that was blinking
"should we .. man the stations? .."
"we should probably just follow our instincts .." she answered wisely
"yuppers .." i responded in similar wisdom
chapter iii : strangers
we had never had a blinking celestial body indicator before
for that matter, we'd never had a celestial body indicator it was our first
could this be another life form new and strange to acemia? .. i decided to ready the elexa
when i did, the voice that came through almost all too soon was indeed expectedly alien, and for an instant i felt what it must have felt like when humans first met elves or fae .. but then the enchanted translators built into the elexa kicked on and the voice was decidedly human, only in a toungue that .. was not native to acemia
"shade? .. come here .." he did
"blarglblurbleyeegwobrepeat you are tresspassing, and if you do not turn around and return to your native planet we will destroy you with all the destruction destructively!!!"
well .. maybe it was human
i instinctively did the talking so shade could think extra for both of us
and because i hoped a female voice might calm this .. person
"i'm sorry if we are tresspassing near your skies .. we are an exploratory ship .."
"tresspassing, tresspassing, tresspassing!!!" the all too human voice repeated insisting
"we will destroy you with all the destructive destruction!!! you shall be destroyed for tresspassing!!!"
"we are not trespassing .." shade couldn't help himself "we intend to fly past your planet without landing, .." he decided for us
"you are trespassing!!! you will be destroyed with all the destruction of destruction!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
okay so .. these were obviously humans, but .. unless they were under some kind of mindless incantation ..
it seemed that we had stumbled upon a forgotten warlike colony of acemia
"with all the destuctive destruction!!!" the voice continued insisting "we are the most destructive!!!!!!!!!!!"
at this point i wasn't sure if they actually were planning on destroying us or perhaps just our ship so they could conduct some sort of strange and primitive experiments on us, as if we weren't in fact human ..
i was scared
"we don't want any trouble .." shade pleaded
"you are trouble!!! strangers are trouble!!! you are trouble!!!!!!!"
i secretly resolved no matter what anyone said to never try to colonize anywhere
especially space
"fine, please just let us turn around .." shade finally gave in, and his voice mirrored my own disparagement that we might not get to see damian after all all too perfectly
"it's too late for that!!!! we are the most destructive!!!!!!!!!"
with that, the voice erupted in what i could only describe as a primitive warcry
"shade? .." his face mirrored mine in an instant of despair, followed by the resolution of power
"they didn't send normal folk, .." he answered me
"no, they didn't .." i answered back
"they sent the warlock and battle princess of acemia"
chapter iv : battle
in an instant there was a resounding crash that would've been as bad as it sounded if our spaceship hadn't been properly enchanted, and pixie and i knew we were about to be boarded by space humans
the unspoken communication passed between us
"what do we do? .. not get boarded"
pixie grabbed her usual weapon of choice, an enchanted epicsword and slung her longshooter over her shoulder
i grabbed the chubby and comotose knoll and my shooter strap
pixie hit the button that .. uhm .. ejected us into space
it was the moment of truth
not even the legendary damian warlock could survive in the cold lifelessness of outer space without enchantments that not even he could cast himself
but we were (somewhat something like) his kids
also we got lucky and just wound up blasting through the hull of the bordering space human ship into a full battlezone
knoll was actually the first to spring into action, with his trademark canonball move
i swear it wasn't because i panicked and threw the little booger
pixie's approach was a bit more finessed .. she glided through the air like an elven dancer, epicsword clutched above her head, ready to come down with a force of magic on whoever struck at her first
the creature she in fact obliterated headfirst turned out to not be a space human, but in fact the very thing i had been thinking of earlier .. an enchanted soldier sculpture
these space humans however barbaric then must not be truly inhuman .. they had magic
that we were about to destroy uhm with all the destructiveness
pixie landed feet first like a cat without slowing down and pivoted on her momentum, beheading three more stone soldiers in a swinging arc of the epicsword and elbowing a fourth's head into small pebbles
failing another pet enchanted baby gargoyle dragon to throw, i drew my twin spaceshooters
stone soldier heads exploded as bright searing neon lazers straffed the small spaceship cabin
pixie, having made herself a clearing to crouch in, followed my lead and used my cover fire to draw her longshooter and take out a door at the end of the hull
"let's move!"
i checked behind us briefly to make sure knoll was in fact awake and flying
chapter v : the space humans
shade was about as good in a fight as a very lazy uhm .. genius wizard
i swear i just knew in my heart he got that from our dad
but he had it where it counted, and his cover fire allowed me to get down the corridor we had stumbled into and up to another door
we had it in common .. we never missed
"get ready! .." i called to him "i dunno what's in here .." with that, longshooter braced, i pressed the button that opened the door to the next chamber
so these people, however frightening then, must not be truly inhuman .. they had buttons
in fact, it was the space humans, and not their stone soldiers, who greeted us in the next chamber
we could tell they hadn't expected us to make it to them
one way we could tell was that they weren't armed
so you know ..
we didn't kill them right away
before what must have been the chief space human had a chance to call in more stone soldiers, shade spoke instinctively
"stop!!!" he screamed "stop!!! stop!!! stop!!!"
the space humans froze, and .. seemed to react with .. respect
the thought hit both of us at the same time .. we almost smiled at each other
"why are you here?!? why are you here?!?!?!?!" the chief space human chanted
"we were just looking for neighbors!!!" "we were just looking for neighbors!!!" i echoed him
now they were really impressed
"we don't like unnannounced visitors," the space human shook its poor dejected head "we don't like unnannounced visitors..."
he went on .. as if thinking to himself
"we are a proud people... we are a proud people. we are a proud people!!!" he seemed not to know where to go from there
"we're proud of you .." shade seemed to know what to answer him
well we both did but he spoke it "we're proud of you!!"
the space humans again showed a look of surprised impressedment
"you are? you are?!?!?"
"you did make space travel before we did .." i inspired "you did make space travel before we did!"
"yes we did," the space human realized "yes we did!!"
"it's not our fault we wound up here .." shade shook his head explainingly "it's not our fault we wound up here!!"
i nodded agreeing with him
"but, are you friendly to us?" for once the space human actually seemed relatable .. just scared to be in a place it didn't understand, like we were "but, are. you. friendly. to. us?" ..
"if you're friendly to us!!" shade screamed at him "if you're friendly to us!!!!" we both reprimanded the very universe for allowing something like our exploding stone soldier battle to transpire
and with that, the space human showed something that proved it was in fact quite human indeed .. nobility
"see, that's how we feel. see, that's how we feel!!!"
"so we can be friends then? .." "so we can be friends then? .."
again sensibility flashed across the face of the once terrifying creature that seemed to be evolving in front of us
"you can stay if you want, you're cool," the space human gestured i guess he assumed toward the debris we'd left of his uhm .. cliff foot soldiers? .. i'll think of something good later but really around him at the powerful and wonderful universe "you're cool!!!"
book ii : as without so within
chapter vi : on to more space
in fact .. we didn't want to stay we were on a space mission
but we were sure that the space advanced space people would be more welcoming toward visitors, guests, even by their words anyone who wanted to stay on ..
we didn't know what their planet had been called
"pixie? .." "hm? .." "what should we call rock people and space people planet? .." i laughed
she laughed with me and seemed to think
"i was trying to think of a good name for the rock people earlier .."
"hmm .."
"planet of the stone soldiers"
"that's good .." the phrase spoke depths and seeming worlds meanings that we hoped the space people had come to see
"i love stoned soldiers!!!" knoll chanted "we're stone buddies!!!"
"where the hell have you been?!?! .." as the speed of battle passed us we exploded with laughter at the timely reappearance of our pet baby gargoyle dragon
"took a nap!!!" the poor dear griped "shade woke me up and threw me into somebody!!!" "sorry!!"
he seemed either to accept or not care that i was and flew back to the exact same throw pillow he'd been stonedly napping on earlier
pixie and i slung our weapons across the room and into but not onto the spacecouch so they sprawled on the floor around it along with our various knapsacks talismans and whatnots with the precision of true warriors
chapter vii : space face
we had the thought at the same time i suppose, as we often did ..
we should probably leave the elexa on so we could contact other intelligent life rather than just running into it
so we did
it was anywhere from minutes to hours .. absolutely fluk time in space absolutely fluk time in space
but then the second voice in space came through
"ppphhhhhbbblleeeeglorploblorphello? hello? hello hello?"
"hello!?" we exclaimed "who is this!?!?!" ..
"we are of your outer edge,," the creature answered ..
"you are peaceful ??"
"yes" we answered in unison .. there was no question about it
"acemia has know peace then ?? ??"
it was clear at this point that whatever we were speaking to was either of another intelligent species or .. at the very least quite different from the space humans we had encountered
"yes .. acemia knows peace .." it had been true since the times of change
"very very good !!" the alien answered
it was dawning on shade and i that we didn't feel scared like we had when we were talking to the space humans, even though they were so close to us .. this felt .. different
but the conversation had already trailed off
finally the silence seemed worth breaking
"can you communicate with minds ??"
shade and i looked at each other
if we had elven blood we could .. our "father" was a mystery
the voice that came through as the elexa returned to the peaceful silence of space was fluking clear as crystal
"peace and love"
"peace and love" we answered in our hearts
for a moment it seemed almost as if in our thoughts so .. conversational we could see a face
floating in outer space all around us, smiling
a space face
book iii : the way home
chapter viii : the outer edges
"i'm not unintelligent,," were the first words out of shade's mouth oh wait i'm shade
no .. pixie was shade
that wasn't right either
somewhere .. somehow somewhere in time no
it was true .. i believed
we had occured to us together that we had drifted outward past where the outer edges were
the alien had said that
"pixie? .." pixie called out to me
"i'm pixie .. no .. you're pixie !!"
"that's what i was wondering !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"damian? .. how long have we been .. like this .. ??"
i couldn't remember
but you just called me damian
oh wait
"you just called me damian .." "yeah" "you're shade"
"no, you're!! shade!!"
" .. i know that .. "
"but how long have we been .. like this ??"
"do you know??"
"no .. maybe knoll knows ...oh my gods where is knoll?!?!? .."
"i'm here!~" knoll managed to chirp, and seemed to have appeared out of nowhere above my head just in time to collide with it and take us both down
it didn't help me clear my thoughts
or maybe it did
"pixie .. no .. shade .. listen .. to pixie .."
"knoll??" i mumbled, rolling across the floor over something rocky
"no, pixie .."
"right. i love you pixie,"
"i love you too mage"
"i love you too damian"
"damian .."  the words seemed to freeze on her lips
her .. that was right, of course, i was talking to my sister pixie
had been talking to her in this way for .. hours ? days ? "
wait i wasn't talking to myself ..
"shaaaaaaaaaaaaade,,,,,," she managed again
"we're drifting past the outer edges"
"yes .."
in that moment, it seemed to silently pass between us what had happened to us
or was happening
it was hard to tell
"we .. have .. to .. " pixie trailed off "i'm .. no .. noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!"
"yeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i answered on instinct as if for the sake of argument of course
you understood that
"pixiee .. knoll .. " were all i could manage
"damian .."
we were both convinced it was a hallucination brought on by whatever we'd uhm .. something
but a man in jet black with long hair that hung in front of his eyes appeared in front of us
in front .. wasn't right
the spaceship ..
it wasn't important
"hey, you made it .." the strange yet familiar toadstool greeted us
"you made it past the outer edges"
chapter ix : past the outer edges
the man who stood before us was undoubtedly my father damian warlock of forlorn
everything else at this time was very doubtedly
very doubtedly
very doubtedly
we'd been flying in space pchooooooooo
why am i talking to you?!?!
damian was here
"you made it past the outer edges ,," he said to us together, as if we'd heard the words somewhere before
"i'm sorry ??" i didn't understand what he had said
it didn't matter at all because the look in his eyes seemed to say that he understood
i saw it in shade's eyes
his name was shade .. my brother .. that was right
and my name was pixie
damian must have wanted to give us the coolest names he could think of
right ??
"right" damian answered me
but i hadn't said that out lowwed .. .. or had i ??
did you know ??
maybe it didn't matter
"you named us just for space didn't you ,," my brother managed, or maybe it was knoll
when i thought about it really ,, really ,, really hard .. it was my brother impersonating knoll
that made the least sense of anything that was eeeeeeeehhhhyyyyeeeeeeehhhh happenning ..
or the most sense ..
but i kept remembering that it didn't matter anymore
shade kept remembering that it didn't matter anymore
i didn't know how i knew that when i didn't know anything else
damian looked .. sad
oh gods .. damian was who we were looking for .. he was .. my .. father .. "
we ran toward him
running in space is more like flailing and falling and rolling across the floor
no wait that shouldn't be right
it didn't matter anymore
we ran toward him together
chapter x : home ~
we were all in a room together
in space
all three of us
and we were talking
pixie, shade, and i
in space
space was cold and unforgiving company
and cold and unforgiving company could leave one ..
i just hoped they knew that i would never have wanted anything like this for them, even though we had just met
it seemed as if they understood
the room we were in had been enchanted by a grey mage
that was what we called outers
its healing properties were starting to take effect on mage and elexa .. no .. damian .. ogglblorn .. pixie and shade ,,
i could still feel their confusion
it hurt because i knew it so well
a wizard could wear it like a hat
but space travel left .. a scar .. in the mind
but nothing is forever
i would never even wish the life of a wizard on these children who seemed somehow in some strange and mystical way to be my age, but then, time didn't pass in space .. it went in circles ..
until somebody brought you home
like i had managed to do for them
i hoped deep down that it meant something .. because i truthfully had no idea what was happening on acemia right meow
i hadn't known or cared to know in what i guess must have amounted to lifetimes
call me crazy
it wasn't true of course ; ; i'd left forlorn in peace after a lifetime of fighting evil with magic
and no one could travel in space
but we were all three of us magical
we were all three of us witches and wizards of acemia ~
pixie was just beginning to look at me as if she recognized me .. it was a look i had seen in my own eyes once and searched for in the stars
the look of home
shade, too, was seeming to shake himself out of it in a way that was all too familiar
"who's the little dragon? .. ~ " i asked, smiling, at a time when they had both managed
to smile at me
"its name's knoll,," shade answered me, as if being a wizard i didn't know
"knoll the pet enchanted dragon,," i smiled "yeah" he smiled at me
they both did
acemia was far beyond the stars now ,, to say nothing of forlorn
but we were home
we had a lot of catching up to do
something caught my eyes in pixie's that was indeed quite familiar indeed
"good guys always win ,," she smiled, and shade smiled with her
so even did knoll ,, who was at last flying again
"that's right ,," i answered her "good guys always win"
we all knew ~
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