#> still not super chuffed by kosmos as a name but i think it works. he is pulled from another world so. hmm
waloeders · 8 months
okay okay. ff16 si i guess ehehe,,
his name is ryder but ultima (+barnabas) call him kosmos all the time. hes an isekai who gets pulled into the world by ultima sometime after clive defeats hugo and gets (some) of clives powers grafted onto him. hes supposed to be like a backup if mythos fails but um.
it doesnt work super well! the stress+strain of the travel+power graft causes parts of his hair to go a really pale white and he has a bunch of chronic pain partly bc of it, but also just in general,,, (not projection at all ..)
he ends up being taken by barnabas and slepnir after that n just sorta hangs out with them until odins defeat. things get a lil crazy n complicated afterwards but thats the jist <3
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