#> theyre the first powers that he actively takes so that ends up as his primary eikon :3
waloeders · 8 months
okay okay. ff16 si i guess ehehe,,
his name is ryder but ultima (+barnabas) call him kosmos all the time. hes an isekai who gets pulled into the world by ultima sometime after clive defeats hugo and gets (some) of clives powers grafted onto him. hes supposed to be like a backup if mythos fails but um.
it doesnt work super well! the stress+strain of the travel+power graft causes parts of his hair to go a really pale white and he has a bunch of chronic pain partly bc of it, but also just in general,,, (not projection at all ..)
he ends up being taken by barnabas and slepnir after that n just sorta hangs out with them until odins defeat. things get a lil crazy n complicated afterwards but thats the jist <3
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 months
Hello there, friend I'm here for fluff
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OK, this has been on my mind for a while
But like
The reader is just becoming the biggest parent to the Benny's adventure team kids
And the wolfs
We are like a parent of like 27
Knitting and making food brushing razors hair(let's be for real, you would hear a crunch when you brush it)
I'm not gonna lie
Do these kids know what spices are?
Cuz when I think about it
Razor hasn't had shit so he's has the least tolerance for spice
He would probably cry if you feed him a pepper
Bennett has tried spicy food but does go well with it
And not completely sure if fischl has had a spicy food before
But what flavor does mondstadt add to their food??
These kids need the damn flavors
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You cooking in genshin all anime studio ghibli style looking like food from god (literally): ⬆️
Sun: Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Benny’s Adventure Team! (Bennett, Fischl, Razor), Diluc, mentions of other Mond characters
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
^^ The posts being referenced in ask, (OG Razor ask) (Benny + Razor) and a more direct sequel, a part 2? a part 4 atp?? of this post (Imposter/Not Dark AU + Razor + Diluc) ^^
(So, like Zhongli's special Bamboo Shoot Soup is like getting made... once a year if you read the little desc. for that dish 💀)
Bc that's mostly where this inspo gonna come from to both be realistic cooking + best parts of video game cooking
A guy gets isekai’d and instead of hero powers he just gets the skill of "online grocery shopping" LMAO
and ofc he gets insta gifted whatever he orders and starts making dishes and adding spices and regular stuff you know. like soy sauce.
but the best part is the food in that world is like British medieval soup shit
like barely salted, no spices definitely, no sauces, its barren
so he ends up attracting all kinds of interest that want to eat his cooking ofc
And it gives buffs too!
dw i didnt spoil anything u don't learn in the first episode, but that's just to say that's exactly whats happening here
u DO have to manually collect more ingredients but its so worth it, also u can just buy in bulk or put a commission thru the adventurer guild
tbhhh now that i say that, that could be how u end up drawing in Benny’s Adventure Team even more, bc they just take all ur quests for collecting ingredients around Mond!!
(u have to actively sneak behind their back and whisper to Katheryne that you want to put in other food quests in other guilds tho, silly kids will absolutely go running around Liyue and crazy shit just to have an adventure and do smth for you + eat ur banger food lol)
omfg the first time u barbecue smth???
the wolves, Razor, and Andrius??? Go feral.
Fischl and Benny who were already on their way to u guys to hang out again start booking it thru the woods, dodging hilichurl camps (thatve since settled down and been v peaceful to the wolves + anyone in the woods of Wolvendom after u started living there)
they knowww ur cookin smth fucking amazing
(and u even have some hilichurls and mitachurl that wander close to Andrius’ edge of the woods to shyly beg for scraps,, u give them a portion)
Razor was actually lookin at u like u hung the stars just for him when u gave him a homemade barbecue sauce to put on his food
(u acc may have done that to Teyvatians according to Andrius + the stories u overheard from Springvale…)
ok but the amount of begging u get for desserts like-
No, Razor u cannot have chocolate cake/cupcakes after every meal, u need to take care of ur teeth
(u use ur collection of mora-monster-donations for comms for more ingredients and living supplies like fabric + furniture, u cant afford dental on top of that for ur boy)
Fischl dutifully declares you the “best chef in the kingdom” and writes down all ur recipes (u have them auto-stored in ur settings obv but it cant hurt to have a physical copy, and they look so happy doing it, u don't have the heart to tell them its not necessary-)
Benny insists on both giving u extra ingredients when he takes ur commissions, and giving u handmade trinkets or weapons for the meals!!
No!! He will not take “im good” for an answer!! ur sharing ur home-cave with him, taking care of his best friend Razor, and now feeding him food better than Liuli Pavilion!!! There’s no way he can just take all that and give nothing back!!!!
and theyre not the only ones getting some food tbh
when the knights begin patroling near Wolvendom and slowly all of Mondstadt to search for their “All God”, u break up the beginnings of a fight between 2 confused knights and the now peaceful hilichurl camp at the edge of Wolvendom
U offer some snacks u were going to give Benny’s Adventure Team when they got back (u made little triangle sandwiches, rice balls, etc. finger foods, and u made plenty extra bc u kno their teenage appetites lol)
the knights and hilichurls nearly cried with appreciation, which made for a hilarious sight when the teens actually showed up lmao
ur wearing ur cloak, bc u dont wanna take on that whole “creator of worlds” title just yet, and the kids helped verify u werent anyone suspicious (Benny + Fischl keep ur godly secret, theyre the best like that 🥰)
the knights just swing by for snacks occasionally (they also either pay u in trade or with mora, theyre not bullies)
another person who gets flavored food privileges is the lazy librarian witch herself
u also sometimes pick Razor up from Lisa’s tutoring and bring “the best tea and tea snacks in the world” along with to share with Lisa and him
(she is also fully aware after awhile of meeting u of what u are, and fully believes this is why the food must be enchanted to be so good, but u dont want to be treated super reverently she can tell, so she keeps ur secret too and is just extra flirty when u come by lol)
(Razor refuses to let his pare- Lupical move out of ur cozy cave to the library, so he sometimes hauls u away when Lisa flirts too much LMAO)
…and the moment you've been waiting for.
Yes, Diluc got to try ur food that night he was searching Wolvendom for signs of the god of Teyvat
tbh Diluc was half-convinced that shit was a fever dream.
a bunch of sleepy wolves, a coffee table in the stone colosseum, a giant spirit wolf licking a big plate clean, the wolf-kid glaring at him, and you.
you with gold eyes, staring right thru his soul, like you already know everything there is to know about him, (like the way Kaeya looked at him that night),
like he doesnt even have to introduce himself
and he doesnt, u just lightly smack Razor’s hands until he gets rid of his claymore w/a pout, since Diluc had long since dropped his,
and grab a plate, piling on what leftovers u could, and turn back around from the coffee table to smile at him, patting the cushion-seat beside u for him to join
The giant glowing wolf licks his lips and watches him, the wolf-kid’s creepily watches him, and you, with eyes gold in teh light of a simmering bonfire just past the table, watch him
he just sits down and begins to eat.
its the best food he’s ever had, its his dad’s favorite dish, but not realistically, but the way memory embellishes a dish so much it can never be tasted again, except its right here. in front of him. u pour some wolfhook juice for him, and offer him a napkin to wipe his mouth and eyes
Diluc visits often after that, obviously.
u give him snacks too, and when he lets the staff try some, Adeline will not stop harassing him abt gettin ur recipes/ingredeints so u get him to pay Fischl to get a copy of their recipe book :)
including blank pages for future entries, and Fischl is literally glowing with happiness, would not stop monologuing abt ur food for weeks (send help Oz wants some peace and quiet sometimes)
Oh Diluc absolutely told the Favonius knights he found you. But he’s not saying where LMAO
Jean is actually begging him, Diluc ik u hate the knights but this is an international investigation-
this is the closest Diluc has ever gotten to getting under Venti’s skin.
when he told him this at Angel’s while bartending, he just casually ofc said this, just his smug little smirk, and the anemo god cracked a glass and everything- esp when he said he tried ur cooking??
he's gotta start looking over his shoulder in the city bc not only is Venti stalking him, the entirety of Mondstadt’s citizens are glaring at him in envy everywhere he goes LMAOO
(Venti now has a bar glass or too on his tab to pay off as well)
mans is literally paying u in weapon/artifact materials/mora to make him lunch one day and Venti nearly lunges over the counter
(Diluc purposefully ate it in front of him 💀)
ur food is the ultimate, “u could make a religion out of this!” /ref
like Diluc fully gives u offerings of ingredients he can pay for shipping from other countries + along with regular materials after grinding in domains
does the rest of Mondstadt + the world find out where u are?
only if Diluc lets them tbh. LMFAO
bk trashfire my beloved <3 love ur ideas and stuff, goes without even saying im so sorry i took actually forever to respond :’(
hope u have a great weekend and i did this little side story justice for you
Safe Travels BK Trashfire,
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
hello! i saw your requests were open and you write for saiki k ! 😁 I was wondering if i can request general dating hcs for saiki?
my first saiki request! exciting! also ive been so active??? hopefully i can keep this up, ive been working to clear out my inbox so i can open it again!
i miss watching saiki k i need to rewatch for the thousandth time 
general kusuo saiki dating headcanons
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-for saiki, dating was never something of interest to him, especially considering the nature of his supernatural abilities
-even he’s uncertain how he managed to fall in love with you in his hectic everyday life, but he did, and to his surprise, you liked him back! So boom boom you two are dating!
-dating saiki isn’t a secret thing, but a private thing, you get what i mean? He doesn’t go out of his way to hide the fact you two are seeing each other but he definitely doesn’t initiate pda or outright tell people the two of you are dating just for the sake of telling
-saiki isnt completely reserved as most people may think though. I mean hes in a relationship for a reason. If he didnt want to take on the responsibilities of being a boyfriend then he wouldnt be in a relationship. Simple!
-pda is an absolute no no most of the time, but in private, he doesnt mind being more physical
-by physical i mean bothering the shit out of him
-maybe the two of you will be reading on his couch, opposite end of each other, and out of nowhere you just stretch your legs onto his lap
-he shoots you a glare and you stick your tongue out, and thats pretty much it. He doesnt push you off, just continues reading and letting you relax
-maybe you’ll both be watching tv in the dark late at night and you’ll lean into his side and again, he wont move. Hell, he might rest his arm on the cushion behind you!
-dating saiki means youre probably the more talkative one, but there are plenty of times where saiki just loves to rant to you about his annoyances
-”ah look, nuisances A and B.” “kusuo thats rude” “dont pretend to be all nice”
-he brings you everywhere with him. As he already almost constantly gets dragged into something he doesnt want to do by his friends, he’s dragging you along with him so you can suffer too (cough he can tolerate his friends a bit more)
-youre a bit of a translator for him, usually the one who excuses his rudeness sometimes and he’ll go “don’t speak for me”
-his friends are shocked when he finds out about you to say the least. But they adore you!!
-sooo super nice because of course. eventually as you all continue to get closer and they notice the subtle change in saikis demeanor when hes around you, the soft smiles and attentiveness, theyre genuinely so happy for the two of you
-you have to beg him for homework answers that he typically refuses to give you, saying you need to take responsibility for your work
-you do know about his powers; you have to if youre his partner
-and sometimes you cant help yourself by asking questions or asking him to show off sometimes
-but other than that youre respectful of his boundaries and leave him alone about it
-but maaaaybe sometimes he’ll be nice. like if you accidentally misplaced something of yours, he’ll use clairvoyance to find it and silently leave in somewhere you’ll find later
-cafe dates! Purposely makes sure to steer clear of places his classmates would visit to avoid attention
-surprise him with a sweet he likes (bonus points if its to cheer him up after his friends put him in a foul mood) and he’ll give you a brief kiss on your cheek <3
-his parents love you which he doesnt know if its a good or bad thing, because theyre constantly all over you, his dad teasing him all the time
-you’re always welcome in their house!
-something you wouldve never expected was saiki getting protective, but when it comes down to his brother, he cant help but be a little nervous, so he keeps you a lot closer when hes visiting or his family visits him and invites you to come along
-overall being in a relationship with saiki is surprisingly exciting, and though he isnt very vocal about it, its through his little actions that you can tell he appreciates having you in his life
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
GOD I LOVE YOUR AU ok question time
- who is in the federation of heros? What founded the federation? Are they powered like cellbit?
- how is cellbit one of the first few born? I feel theres a science experiment plot caught in this and he broke containment. I wonder if he found this out due to being able to scare himself, and that fear immediately projecting to others, making THEM just as scared. Id imagine hed be diagnosed with severe paranoia/etc and then like. Oh SHIT its not. That. Oh fuck.
- what was that leadup that made him a supervillain? Something so minuscule yet so big as fear, to be considered one of the high villains of the city is insane. Some people would probably laugh it off an say physical destruction was scarier than mental, until they see what he actually does.
- who did he murder?????? I wonder if it was someone who defied the "everyones fears projected back to them" ability. Someone unaffected by this, like maybe their own ability counteracted it. One of the federations lower ranked heros attacked... as a citizen... i feel theres more than meets the eye here..... but of course it ended with murder. I feel there could be done with something of luzu and his look alike there.
- i still keep thinking about breaking dawn and how forever is also considered richas's dad, and just thinking about it being kinda switched in this scenario. Cellbit walked into forevers life again an now richas has another dad to annoy the piss out of. Though i do feel him an jaiden would be at each others throats in investigation. She would totally be a foh member to me. He tries to take down them through HER.
- why jaiden? Shes probably the most visible with her apparent ability. I imagine her having hummingbird like abilities. Flying at such a fast rate it can change the force of wind itself, etc etc etc (running on coffee an headaches atm sorrie) but she KNOWS something. She knows the foh is fucked up. She knows its dictating the definition of right an wrong, but she doesnt have the power (YET!!!!!!) to kill them from the inside out.
- heros who are seen as the light amongst the city, vigilantes who are the underbelly of a growing problem/an antibiotic refusing to kill the infection, and singular villain who wants to put a stop to it for all. God. I am jn love with this au im sorry can u tell
- and then theres fucking SPIDER MAN. nobody knows who he may work for since, by the logic of q city, if your a vigilante, your working for someone else directly related to the foh, and being sponsored as such. But theres no calling for spiderman, theres even active "have you seen this person" signs around the city, marking them as a non verbalized threat to the standing of foh. Cellbits key.
- now he needs to convince his friends to help him find spiderman. For....... research. Yes. Totally. He wishes to interview spiderman in hopes to figure out "who he works for", which not really. Hes not the best at lying, nor was he really trying. He wants to crack down the foh to its rotten core.
- he even tries to ask roier for help at some point, right? He talks about the signs around the city, says its a shame that hes on a watch list- and how he swings around to actively web heros against the walls to stop them from hurting another person.
- and its convinent theyre on a coffee date (cellbit didnt even notice, roier did, an hes just awkwardly like... hahahahabah thats really weird why would spiderman stop him but also yeah i get that- why would thet get rid of MY hero <:((("
- cellbits subconsciously like. Shit. Pretty boy is pouting about the vigilante. More reason to find the motherfucker.
WOW OKAY so let’s see:
1. It’s a lot like the Federation from the canon qsmp, but it’s also more overtly focused on ‘Protecting the City’ from superpowered threats. It stepped in to fill the shoes of the former police state, and by getting rid of the majority of police officers it both opened up opportunities for villains (and thus heroes and thus the Federation) and for heroes (see: previous parentheses.) The founder is anonymous, a “Mister Duck”.
2. I’m actually lowkey playing by MHA rules. Basically, at some point a couple of decades ago, kids started being born with superpowers. It was the more obvious ones that were discovered first, like a girl in France being born with little duck wings. Cellbit’s ability is less obvious, but his parents were constantly overly worried about him because babies and children are always very very scared of everything. Eventually he realized what was up when he was around nine or ten, but he didn’t really tell anybody because even back then he knew that he would “get in trouble” for it.
3. As for villainy, it was an accident. He needed money after his parents died (of sudden heart attacks, and he pretends he doesn’t know what that actually means), and he isn’t a very intimidating guy on his own, so he kinda… helped himself out a little. And it worked super well, so he kept doing it. And he kept doing it. And then he started going a bit overboard with it and the people he was robbing started dying, too.
4. And as for the murder, Cellbit and the hero were both civilians when they got into an argument. The hero, new to the whole thing, ended up using their ability and actually attacked him. He attacked back, notably without using his ability, and he accidentally killed them. The Feds were NOT happy about this, so they messed with the court proceedings and got him sent to prison for three years. But, hey, at least he got therapy there?
5 and 6. Jaiden is 100% working with the Federation in this au. She and Spider-Man are taking very different approaches to what is fundamentally the same issue here. I think her ability is more parrot-y, but she does work for them now. (It’s a very recent development.)
8-10. Spider-Man is a fan-favorite and the Federation does NOT appreciate him ruining their image!! And he knows that he isn’t well liked by them at the moment, and he doesn’t care because it’s fine if Spider-Man dies. He has a job to do, and he is going to do it.
11-end. And it’s a good thing that Cellbit is such a big Spider-Man fan! It’s something Roier thinks they can use to bond. Definitely. Bonding.
…Can you tell superhero aus are my guilty pleasure lol
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oh-gh0st · 9 months
ok youkai au lore time :3
so since i’m merging denki and youkai together, ill explain the part where denki is first
so afawk, chorosuke/choro inherited/took over his fathers house in the village near akatsuka and makes flower arrangements, hoping for his sister to marry into a good family. 
ghost lives in either the same or a little bit away from the village. they have the last name kuriirota
they live with their older sibling/siblings (havent decided between just one or all three) and run a family business based around making kasuri, japanese fabrics/silks. they often supply the fabric and pre-made clothes for people in the village, and they’re well known for their efficiency. 
ghost and choro meet when he commissions the business for yukatas and clothing for the upcoming tanabata festival. ghost immediately takes interest, wanting to know about chorosuke. they do get closer, but if anything the feelings are one sided and unreciprocated for a while.
it starts to pick up after chorosuke and his brothers find out theyre all related, and that something bad is happening between them. it’s around the same time as the festival begins, and they decide to keep it secret for now. this is around the point they see their respective youkai motifs everywhere, no matter where they look. 
chorosuke accompanies ghost to the tengu’s shrine for the first time, and it takes a while for them to walk up the mountain to get to it. chorosuke asks whats the point if its only for one wish, and ghost says it’s a wish they’ve made for years. when asked what the wish was, ghost does not answer. 
there’s some deep moment between the two here, and its where choro finds out ghost is in a similar position as his sister is, trying to marry off and find a partner but turning up with nothing as each affair comes and goes. he doesn’t know why, but he felt a compulsion to help them in his chest, hinting at the tengu’s considerate and aiding nature. 
the next night after the festival/the same night the festival ends, chorosuke goes back up the mountain to read ghost’s wish, only to find it already gone from the shrines statue. 
further along the story (and where the brothers realize their youkai powers and cause a fuss in the village), ghost does eventually find out about the news with the matsuno family. they go to meet him to give him support, but they’re turned away for the time being. they were going to tell him how they felt of him. 
fast forward a few weeks, and now the village is in uproar of the possibility of having not one, but six youkais in their village. they start pushing the idea of exile for the matsus, putting up talismans and protections from the matsus either by the matsus house or their own. come the 100 demon festival, they are in full-swing uproar and are actively pushing the brothers out, now havingh accepted their youkai counterparts. 
ghost watches the matsus exile, and choro spares them one glance before heading to the realm of youkai. it almost breaks his heart, considering he had been getting close to them. he wouldn’t be able to think about them for a whole after that, having to get used to youkai life now, and only being granted one day of the year to return to the human realm, being hyakki yagyo. 
ghost would mourn for a while after this, resulting in them taking time off from the kusari robes they have to make, backing up business quite a bit. their sisters worry about them, having been holed up in their room for weeks, only coming out at night or early in the morning to rise. 
come the next tanabata festival, ghost is finally seen outside their home, going out to deliver their wish to the tengu shrine. he senses that someone is at the shrine, and flies over from a pocket dimension to see who it is. when he recognizes who it is, he gets a familiar feeling in his chest, and he has no idea why his cheeks are burning up. 
they look so familiar. and he has a good feeling about what they are wishing for. 
(lore inspo: https://youtu.be/OhYwP9MDP8s?si=O9ejKLUPsxY-AfIG )
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leastdatablebracket · 8 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
He believes all mortal beings deserve to die. He is bald but in a very unsexy way. He exudes zero chemistry and talking to him about romance is like talking to a boiled egg. 
Described by major media as "elf hitler," he dumps you to destroy the world
He is a smelly know it all, and that's before you find out he is a deity in disguise who caused the rift you spend the game trying to fix in the first place and he betrayed you and chopped off your hand
Breaks up with you, disappears without saying anything, plans to destroy the world
Look. I’ll admit I have not personally romanced solas. I am baffled that anyone would WANT to romance solas. I know we all love a waify little elf wizard with questionable motivations but jfc look at him like im trying not to say anything demeaning about bald dudes but he does not wear it well. Also iirc you can only romance him if you’re also an elf and then he’s weirdly rude and dismissive if your character is Into Elf Culture. Look im a huge lesbian but Iron Bull is RIGHT FUCKING THERE why would you do this.
well you (the pollrunner) already know cause hes ur icon but i will say that at least he is meant to suck as a romantic partner with only one ending (two if you include astronaut) having him and sol (the player character) staying together on the other end tho there's three ways to start dating him one is to make him go to therapy n then start dating after he is no longer abusing his girlfriend (either breaking them up by convincing him to dump nemmie or convincing nemmie that hes the scumbag he is n she deserves better) another is to be his side piece and the third way is getting him so mad he drags sol off by the neck to beat the shit out of them with this event ending with either him n sol sleeping together (also causing him and nemmie to break up) sol getting the living daylights beat out of them (to the point they got knocked out n needed medical care) with the implicit threat of vace will do this again if they dont stay out of his way and sol avoiding both of those things but being so shaken by the experience that theyre struggling to breath until theyre outside and fully away from him which gives a very different undertone to hooking up with him in this event
the stuff from when i submitted him is entirely from memory so im directly grabbing snippets from the game files this time around (stuff from the game will be in italics like this spoilers for the game btw) starting with if solanaceae is dating vace during the green vertumna ending (warning for abuse cause he is like intentionally written to be abusive)
As the military gains more power under Lum, Vace feels ambivalent over the increased role he's forced take in adjudicating the pointless squabbles of colonists indefinitely trapped in a tin can- more akin to a police officer than a pround defender. This ambivalence turns to bitterness and resentment. He backslides even further during your relationship with him, eventually becoming violent. Your relationship with him ends in a protracted, messy manipulative break-up that occupies the gossip mill for weeks.
this is the only ending where he becomes physically abusive... to solanaceae at least as if you dont break him and nemmie up and dont manage to corral him to therapy this is a piece of his ending card
Vace loves the idea of having a family to protect. Nemmie retires from active duty when they announce that they're expecting their first child... and then second, and their third shortly after that. He and Nemmie are the picture of bliss for years... that is until it all comes crashing down. Vace is your friend, which is probably why you didnt see the cracks until their family was already broken. Nemmie takes the kids and leaves him in the middle of the night, and Vace never really tells you why... but judging from the way people rally around Nemmie so he can't get to her again, you can take a guess.
the snippet if vace does go to therapy isnt much better
You know that Nemmie was never the mothering type, and having kids is tough on her. (<- nemmie has been repeatively establish throughout the game to not want to be a mom and break up with you if you get the prolific parent career) and Sometimes you wonder if they're truly happy together or just... stuck with each other, but at least they've found some peace.
here are the snippets from if you're dating him first if he goes to therapy (good ending?)
Your relationship has its ups and downs. Vace has a lot of unpacking to do, and it takes time. On his worst days, he's just as he was before: quick to anger, and quick to fall back on intimidation tactics to get his way. You're able to see through to the struggling man underneath, but it takes a toll on both of you. You date on-and-off, fighting and making up often. He's never violent or cruel towards you, (sideeyes other endings) but after a while... you just realize you're unhappy. You're both unhappy. Your relationship feels more like an metaphor for his self-improvement than a beautiful thing you share. Eventually you break up for good. [if mem_ending_parent] He says he'll help with the kids... but he doesn't really have the patience for it.
and without it
Your relationship has its dizzy highs, but more than its fair share of horrible lows. You kind of like it though... it keeps things spicy. You've never been happier than when you and Vace are tearing into each other, whether it be on the training mats or in bed. It makes you feel alive. It all comes down when one of Vace's soldier buddies breaks rank and tells you... Vace is doing the same with other people. The fight is cataclysmic. You scream and throw things, but nothing gets through to Vace. Just like how things were between him and Nemmie, he doesn't consider your feelings at all. He's in it for only one person: himself. When word gets out you two are quits for good, Nemmie gloats about it for days.
here are some bits from nemmie's endings that relate to vace as well with them staying together
However... as the years pass, you begin to see cracks form in Nemmie's happy household. Vace's overbearing nature really leaps out when he had her trapped with three of his kids under their roof, insisting he doesn't want his kids to be raised in 'some hippie creche' like Nemmie was. [if mem_vace_therapyComplete] Nemmie is miserable. She tells you about how they fight all the time- about how every day, she's scared that he'll go back to his old habits and things will break bad between them again, but she's so hopeful because she knows Vace is trying his hardest to be a good partner. It doesn't last forever, though. Vace trusts you, (and not his goddamn wife??) and with you on Nemmie's side, you get him to change his mind on the creche. With more time to breathe at home, the Nemmie you love returns. (no therapy version ->) Eventually, their relationship takes a turn for the worst. Nemmie shows her physical wounds on her skin, but it's harder to see the emotional ones. When she flees to your quarters late one night with bruises, you welcome her in and give her all the support you wished you could have given her all those long years she couldn't see.
and if you break them up
Nemmie's relationship with Vace may have been brief, but it was formative. She doesn't throw herself into loving anyone that deeply again for a long time, instead focusing hard on her work. You're by her side during her misadventures in dating some of the other soldiers- and once, notably, Rex- howling with shared indignity and laughter with every awkward breakup.
for a bit more of a spotlight of how specifically formative vace was nemmie's first relationship and she was 16 going on 17 while vace was 20 going on 21 He Is 4 Years Older Than Both Nemmie And Solanaceae And They Are The Only Named Characters He Can Get Romantically Involved With solanaceae and nemmie were 14-15 when he first meets them i dont remember exactly how old cause i havent played the game in almost a year n the files im using rn (endings + vace's character file) dont have that specific info in them but in the game you can click on character portraits to see the info you have about them which includes their actual ages (+ in game birthmonth) in them anyway theres a lot more i can include but its late n this is already long so heres the specific event i was referencing in my submission i'll do this -> (...) <- to indicate that im omitting some lines for length
You're feeling self-destructive today, so you go looking for Vace. He finds you first. CLANG! Vace gets the drop on you, grabbing you around the neck and slamming you into the metal wall. You're dragged unceremoniously into a side room. Vace's hand clamped across your mouth. He throws you to the ground, and you take quick stock of your surroundings. It looks like a munitions room, though it's been mostly empited but for a few stacks of boxes. There's no one here except you and Vace. Vace stands over you, placing his heavy boot on your chest to keep you pinned to the ground. "It's time you and I had a little chat, Solanaceae." (... just two dialogue choices that lead to vace insulting you before continuing) "Here's what's going to happen," Vace says, deadly calm. (... vace explaing that is going to beat you up expects you to lie there n take it n then ->) "And three, you're going to wake up somewhere else knowing that if you ever mouth off to me in front of my men again, next time you aren't going to wake up." (... dialogue option of "screw me yourself, coward." leads to hookup n will break up him n nemmie if you havent already broken them up n then two skill check choices of Stop You Could Kill Me and Stop You Have More To Lose (ie his position n respect from others as a solider) Than I Do leading to the successful release ->) You close your eyes and wair for the blow to land. It doesn't. "Shit," Vace mutters, lowering his hand. He drops you back on the ground and steps away. "Get the hell out of here before I change my mind." You do that, fighting down the nauseating feeling of his eyes burning a hole in your back. It's not until you're back outside and gulping huge breathes of fresh air that you stop trembling.
you can cheat on vace with a nonromantic victim of his btw n you can be in like an actual polycule in this game n attempting to date anyone else while in a monogamous relationship you automatically break up with the other person but you can cheat on vace if you want to cause he sucks so much back onto the event though those are the successful talking options you can also start fighting him back n convince him to fight you fairly (n then also run away immediately if you dont have enough skill for the Kick His Ass dialogue option netting you the same line about taking huge breathes of air to stop trembling) but here's the text for if you lose talking him down
"Please, don't hurt me." "I'm not hurting you," Vace says. "I'm making you stronger." You close your eyes. It doesn't help. As foretold in the prophecy, you awaken in the medbay some time later. Your skull feels like it's full of buzzing blip bugs. One of Congruence's monitors lights up and she slides over to your bedside. "Welcome back," she says in her best attempt at a soothing voice. "Don't be alarmed, it's quite normal to be disoriented after a head injury. How are you feeling?" (... two dialogue choices that only add one word to the following) Congruence whirrs. "Yes, according to the report from Vace, you were in a training accident," she says. "You should use more caution when sparring, Solanaceae. Concussions are not an advised part of a healthy training regimen."
you can get this event at like almost any time it just requires pissing vace off n solanaceae to be 17+ (as vace n nemmie start dating during their 17th birthday party) you might even be able to trigger it while already dating him (would have to test it tho) cause the thing that triggers the event is ~ if mem_fight_vace > 2 and the things you can do to get that number up are like winning at space soccer n then punching him for insulting your friend and winning sparring against him things unrelated to whether or not you're dating him here's some photos i took of the former event when i got it as a treat for reading all of this no one who dates him is getting a good relationship
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knightzp · 6 months
omg can I hear about your ocs im curious
!!!!! yes of course!!
(im warning you this is gonna be Long bc i cant summarize things aldksk)
okay so first theres zayu. shes actually my dnd character and basically her whole story can be summarized in: shes a demon too good and pure for this world. she is such a lovely person an absolute sweetheart who is always very kind and whose mission in life is just having a humble life trying to help others in need as much as she can. but yeah you read it right. she Is a demon so the people from her homeplace didnt like her personality at all and they ended up kicking her out from hell. however some people thought that was a weak punishment and are now after her to make her pay for her "crimes" (the crime in question being a too good person yeah) so zayu is now travelling around around the world enjoying her life as she had never been able to do before and always moving from place to place to avoid the other demons that are chasing her. also this isnt really relevant to her story but i have to say she is very ourple (light purple skin and dark purple hair 💜)
the other characters i mentioned on that post are from an original story i began writing quite a few years ago and that i never finished..... i havent touched it in soooo long but its the only one og story ive started that i really want to finish some day. it takes place in a medieval royalty fantasy setting where theres a continent with many kingdoms. the main characters are from two of these kingdoms which have quite a close relationship
one of the kingdoms has 3 princes: auron (oldest), crysta (middle) and davel (youngest). given their birth order, auron is the heir of the kingdom so was taught mainly politics and necessary knowledge to rule the kingdom as the next king. crysta was raised to be a leader in the army forces so she is now the captain of the royal knights. and davel being the third child and since his siblings already learnt the main disciplines he was taught how to use magic, which is an ancient power that is quickly disappearing nowadays so there arent many people who can cast magic in this universe
on the other kingdom we have a pair of twins: alrick and lavianna (also shortened as lav or lavi) as the prince and princess. alrick was born first so he has always spent most of his time studying and preparing to be the next king while lavianna has had an easier and less busy life in this aspect
as i said both kingdoms have a very close relationship so both families meet up a lot. davel and lav have been best friends since their early childhood and being both the youngest from their families they had a lot of time to play and spend together. both are easygoing and they have the same age and kinda similar personalities (davel is charismatic and adventurous but also lazy when it comes to his studies and lavi is cheerful active and innovative) so they get along very very well. so well that their parents got the wrong idea and used their good relationship to engage them together in an arranged marriage against their will wanting to strengthen even more the alliance between their kingdoms. none of them like each other romantically but even if theyre shocked at first they let things be bc they arrive to the conclusion they prefer to be married to their best friend than have their parents arrange another marriage with an stranger instead
however! there is someone who isnt quite happy with this announcement and thats alrick. he hasnt had as much time to spend with davel in his life as his sister and he is also much more reserved as a person than her but truth is he is jealous. jealous of davel for all the freedom he has (contrary to him who has many responsibilities) and jealous of lavi for being able to spend so much time with davel and for being now engaged with him. bc alrick has a huge crush in davel but no one knows, not davel (who is very dense to these things (actually arospec coded)) nor lavianna (she is a bit suspicious but doesnt know anything for sure)
as for crysta she has a really close relationship with her brother davel and loves to tease him a lot but she isnt that much close with the others. she is a really cool butch lesbian knight who really worries a lot abt her people and has a soft spot for davel and will do anything to help him in any situation
auron isnt very relevant to the story but well. he is already married and just had a child too and is like the perfect prince son soon to be king
and now to end im gonna just to tell you a bit abt the plot. the thing is that one night alrick wakes up and discovers that everyone in his castle has been petrified. the castle workers his parents even lavianna. all of them except for him. so he does the only thing he can think of and rushes to the neightbour kingdom to ask for help. there, davel crysta and their family talk abt what happened and thought abt a way to reverse what seems to be a magical spell that has petrified the people in the castle and the three of them part on a journey to find more answers and a way to reverse the spell
and well thats more or less it!!!
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fightwing · 7 months
dick's relationship with bruce + the titans too-long meta
there's been so many of these but i have many thoughts on this subject!!! dick's two biggest allegiances are to the batfa.m and to the titan.s and the two simply do not vibe (with pictures!).
for the most part, i feel like (at least in team settings) the titans are pretty vocal about not being batstans and bruce in kind has never put a 'proud parent of a teen titan' bumper sticker on the batmobile. like i feel like there's so many examples of:
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i also think both sides thinks dick goes too easy on the other. that dick will always give batman the benefit of the doubt, and he will always answer a titans call. like the titans are constantly grilling dick about why he would listen to batman:
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and batman thinks the titans focus too much on the power of friendship:
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& i personally do think its a dash of 'what do you mean you're adults you were twelve yesterday'. like all the titans are the original sidekicks to most of the JL, and generally speaking the firsts of their mantle's so i do think there's a dash of parental caution at letting your newly adult kid do whatever they want with their friends. especially considering its not like theyre working at safety & gentle work emporium theyre all vigilantes/heroes and their missions are often life or death. they also are very excessive about each other and would absolutely kill or die for each other given very little prompting (ex: wally literally turned back time and revived dick grayson, thereby killing himself in this very issue). and the titans cannot go a single run without saying 'we didn't create a team... we created a family' and saying shit like:
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when they are also (often) the JLs family. But especially in younger years, like the titans were dicks main reason for ever leaving gotham. and in early years robin, dick's sole focus was gotham, bruce and robin. & they worked so well together, dynamic duo who became such a cohesive unit and spent every waking moment together in some capacity (and often enjoyed that time very much)
but once the titans started to meet his duties split and like any teenage kid he found himself wanting to just hang out with his friends rather than his dad sometimes. and dick was so lonely in the early years and naturally sociable that finding other kids who could relate was so important to him. & i just think there's no doubt the titans were the rift that caused b&r to end. at the very least the timeline was sped up by the titans because dick was the youngest of the OG 5 and watched them all break off into their own adult selves and being the first active sidekick i think dick started thinking if they can be adults, can no longer be someone's #2... why can't i? and considering the titans were older than him, dick had several places to land or look for comfort or reassurance in his friends who seemed to have it together more than seventeen year old him. and bruce pushing him away (whole meta on that later) and dick seeing everyone else age out of their sidekick roles, led to stuff like:
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and don't get me wrong, no matter the age, i think dick values very few other opinions than batman's. like titans (2016) broke apart because bruce was disappointed in dicks leadership and eventually convinced him wally & donna needed extra supervision (context: wallys heart problems & troia). also, dick rarely leaves things out of reports so im sure bruce saw that /technically speaking/ both dick (bruces son who he is not normal about) and wally died on this mission. but the titans didn't back down:
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i also think the titans really respect dick's leadership, and they rarely (if ever) take well to anyone outside the titans shittalking dick grayson (sidenote -- specific titans can do it all they want because they have been a long time dg stan sufferer(TM) but outside of the team it rarely goes over well). but anyway, only dick could convince the titans to not fight this (much) and only bruce could convince dick:
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so when dick stopped fighting it and agreed with the JL i feel like it was obvious bruce influenced that.
AND i think super important is that batman/most of the titans aren't super close so all they hear about each other is through dick. and dick can be emotionally intelligent, but he can also be unreasonably secretive. so every time bruce and dick fight or like, those big moments like dick's firing, or kicking dick out of the mansion after jason's death or like any of their big, shocking fights its like dick coming to the titans at his lowest. and because he places so much self worth on bruces opinion on him, i feel like that in turn might make the titans dick does run to in those moments (donna, roy, wally, etc.) resentful because he doesn't always go back into how or why they made up, when they always do.
but anyway all that to say this wouldn't be a problem if dick didn't love them both SO MUCH like:
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fatmaclover · 1 month
12,19 or 23 for mac :-3?
12: What's a headcanon you have for this character?
unibrow mac my beloved <33 if we're talking something more serious though i think itd be that hes got. COMICALLY gay music taste. fag club music is definitely his jam but hes got to get into gaga n shit for my own mental health. this is supported by the fact that in its a very sunny christmas (sorry to bring this ep up again) he literally has TWO rainbow jimi hendrix stickers on his closet door 😭 bud.... howd it take you this long youre literally making your own allegories 😭. sorry im gonna take this one to also say i think he should be More tatted up. rob you can rid yourself of your tats all you want but i know mac gets a tattoo for every boyfriend hes able to keep for longer than a week in my heart. their name right on his skin. this is Always what makes them break up with him.
19: A relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i feel like "like" is a pretty broad thing for me. i can fucking despise something but it can still be interesting and i still like it. UNFORTUNATELY this is the case about mac and his parents. dear God actually a wretched family dynamic that attacks literally all of my insecurities with some of my own family. something about always making noise, always making a show but never being seen or heard really gets to me. the way even now mac makes it blatantly obvious what hes needing/wanting for emotional fulfillment, but his friends treat him just like his parents did because thats easier than sitting down and dealing with his issues. hes always been ignored so whats a little more?
theres a lot i could go into with this one. how being ronnie the rat was the only time mac would get seen, so of course he was incentivized to keep being a total snitch. how it seems that even joyce ended up adopting those methods against mac, being plenty apathetic towards things that were important to him (not even saying that her blowing him off is undeserved. its very much deserved even if its still a total dick move and heartbreaking that joyce would actively see the environment mac grew up in, and then decide to keep that cycle going for him). the way macs immediate family has interacted with him has affected. so much of his life that its insane. sorry that i wrote a lot about this one its just been on the mind.
oh i suppose i could also say him and carmen. i love you carmen i wish mac was normal you two would be unstoppable as a tgirl and her pet doberman fag duo. im glad youre happy just raising a kid with ur husband tho pls never come back and enjoy your life away from these freaks
23: Favorite picture of this character?
here are the jokey contenders oh my fucking god im sorry. theyre the like basic bitch mac images but theyre so fucking funny to me i think about them 24/7. literally whenever i bring up if im soying over something i want you to picture the second image thats what im doing
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for a more serious answer, genuinely i adore nearly every scene fat mac is in. though i suppose the penultimate image of fat mac WOULD be the how mac got fat one
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sorry hes like an angel to me here. in the grimy fuckin confessional n all.
i think this one is like. very easily first more than that other one but my shame makes it tied for first instead
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sorry. ill stop. dont give me power by letting me post mac images i will empty my whole camera roll going "and isnt he so cute here? and here? and look at his smile here. and look how cute he and joyce are here" until literally every frame of fat mac or mac and joyce in frame together is posted.
fav img of mac and joyce together is them writing in mac and charlie write a movie. purely because i associate it with you and rambling about joyce and joymac for hours. without that association is the fucking cowboy photoshoot from mac and charlie die. sorry. basic answer there too
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akirameta84 · 9 months
Lol. Scug Saiki is going to have either an easy time getting through Scavenger Tolls, or the hardest time.
Easiest because Scavengers are wary of Slugpups (best guess, blame Artificer) so seeing a Slugcat with ten Slugpups would activate the "DON'T HURT FOR OUR OWN SAFETY" alarms.
Hardest because he might have to find enough stuff to trade for all of them to pass the tolls safely.
Also, for first hand Cycle experience, here's my suggestion. Pole Plant with a Lizard being way too close to it. Yes I am speaking from experience-
God the tolls- its been a long time since Artificer timeline wise since scug saiki and co comes after ruffles, but i guarantee scavs have passed on stories and warnings about leaving slugpups alone if their mother is nearby because of artis warpath
saiki listens to moons overseer when it flashes images of a pearl at him, because its been correct about danger and food and shelter so far, and he does remember seeing a pearl not too far back, and so when he approaches the toll he does give them a pearl, but because of the scavs being wary of slugcats with pups, they only make him pay. once he hands over the pearl, him and his friends can all pass through
(those scavs held their breaths and held very still while all 10 pups crossed the toll, being super relieved when all the scugs were gone and uninjured. mother slugcat warpath part 2 prevented)
and god...saiki was used to hairo running off first, and he always reigned him in if the area was dangerous. but this was an empty clearing with poles to climb to cross, so he wasnt too concerned about hairo running ahead. that is until he ran and leapt for a pole...only for the pole to flare its crimson leaves and wrap around the poor pup, dragging him into its chambers before saiki could even react. he was absolutely fucking horrified because he doesnt know about the cycle, and one of his friends/pups just DIED. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. and he couldnt do anything
saiki and the pups stay there as long as they can, most of the pups whimpering and clinging around saiki, but theyre forced to leave when the rain starts to come. they get into a shelter and saiki falls asleep regardless of the traumatic day because he has to keep moving.
but when he wakes up, hes not in the same den. hes in the one they were in last cycle. and pup hairo is tugging at his ears to wake him up like usual. its mildly annoyingly but also what the fuck??
the pups have no recollection of the day lost. they are too young to be capable of grasping the concept of the cycle. only saiki does. and he isnt going to waste this very, very coincidental second chance. he hisses for hairo to stay still when they reach that room and chucks a spear at the plant, making it recoil and die...releasing the white lizard it had in its lower coils, almost ready to drag it in. this time, saiki dies. he didnt think he could, even if he had lost most of his powers in this strange isekai (cough). the lizard rushes towards him and crushes him in its jaws quickly
they wake up in the previous shelter again, and its definitely less coincidental. saiki has a hunch that something odd is at play
also mild headcanon as to how the cycles work is at play here lol. time is still progressing forward normally, but since the last time every single one of the scugs was intact was at an older shelter, their souls and bodies end up there upon a new cycle. the pups are so much a part of saiki that entering a shelter without the body of one of them is enough for a cycle to do its thing. and its also partially alternate timelines. i doubt his pups were able to take his body to a shelter without being hurt themselves, after all
cycles are complicated things that everyone has their own interpretation on haha. my interpretation is very loose, as i change it depending on what fits a certain thing better xD when playing the game i interpret them slightly differently, even, but theyre very open ended a concept and open to many interpretations anyways
sorty for typos btw if theres any i missed rereading this its 1am lol
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ghoodles · 10 months
Below is just a bunch of random rambles about ATSV, about the characters or other stuff
Okay, so, ive seen people talking about Gwen betraying Miles but its like- she genuinely thought she had no other choice, and she still tried to defend him, she literally wanted to see him and went outside of Miguel's orders! The only reason why she was annoyed or frustrated at Miles following her was because she's already fucked up, and she knows that if things dont go perfectly Miguel's going to send her home- just like what had happened, and mind you- she was under the impression that her father was going to arrest or even kill her if she came back to her universe. She had no other choice but to follow Miguel's orders, AND the only reason she wanted a watch in the first place was to get to Miles, she considers him her only friend after her Peter died. She is literally a traumatized teenager who was scared to go home because she had a literal gun to her head last time she was there, by her own father! She doesnt want to go home, so she would do anything to not be sent home.
The watches
Okay, this is a really weird thing, but its like- Miguel is so about keeping to the canon, but the watches probably break the canon more than help it. Yeah, sure, you need help to set the fate of the multiverse right or something, but some people might actively just up and dip from their universes, leaving them without a Spider-Man, and who's to say what would happen if the watch breaks? Theyre fucking stuck, cause there's no way to contact Miguel or any other members of the society unless the local Spider-Man also has a watch, which, obviously, not all of them do! And, in gwen's case, she up and left from her dimension for probably months on end, what the hell are they gonna do without her if one of the villains the police cant tackle shows up? Its gonna be a nightmare; a power vacuum, essentially. Plus, the watch DID break the canon, when Miguel used it to take his dead counterpart's place. Sure, it wasnt the watch's fault, but the fact that it existed allowed it to happen, therefore breaking the canon. The watches leave universes without a Spider-Person, which, even for a couple of moments, could probably be catastrophic if a canon event happens to happen during the time that they arent present in their universe.
The canon in general
Okay, i love the idea of a Canon mentioned in the actual story, but i feel like they're more flexible then Miguel thinks they are. If anything, just being in another universe they arent supposed to be in shouldnt happen, but the collider allowed it, in all things considered, that was a canon event, because not only did it cause Miles to become Spider-Man and change the canon, because if that actually broke the canon, earth 1610 would no longer be a thing. Its a give in, but something i feel like i need to say. So, how did Miles being Spider-Man not break the canon? It adapted. The canon is more flexible than Miguel gives it credit for, but if its flexible, why did the universe with Gabi crumble? Because that is a large enough change that the canon actually broke. Miguel was supposed to be dead. Actually, i came up with a little au idea with a friend of mine for Gabi's world, just cause i was rambling about ATSV with them and i got a little silly [ill probably provide the images after this, but ANYWAYS] Miguel was supposed to be dead, but he wasnt. They cant just kill a Miguel of another universe off, he's under another canon, so, it broke. We've seen canon adapting, and canon breaking.
Pavitr's world
So, now it brings up the question, what's happening with Pavitr's world? Cause we see Mumbattan crumbling, but i think it might be The Spot, considering that its way of disappearing is way different from what we see when Miguel broke the canon. Mumbattan is sinking into a giant black hole, but when Miguel broke the canon, the world essentially disintegrated, it all breaking down into polygons and glitching out. This is not what's happening with Mumbattan, and you could argue that it's a mix, or that its the early stages of a canon break, but i think a giant sinkhole would have been shown, if not mentioned, in Miguel's backstory.
The canon didnt break, it adapted. Inspector Singh's death was probably just prolonged.
He's definitely projecting onto Miles with breaking the canon; because Miles has canon events, like it or not, he IS Spider-Man, even if he originally wasnt supposed to be. He gets pissy at miles because he was wasnt supposed to be bitten, but what the hell was he supposed to do, just, not be bit? He's such an interesting character and so well written, and cause im writing this at like 7 am [its been like an hour and a half since i woke up] my brains too empty to actually go too much into detail, but HE'S SO FUCKING INTERESTING!!
The Spot
I see so many people boil him down to haha bagel guy, and i mean, yeah, its funny, but honestly, even if Perfect Peter didnt die and stopped the collider, The Spot would probably still exist. Miles was just prolonging the inevitable. 1610 was always supposed to have The Spot, which is also why i feel like the canon is stronger than people think.
Also, he is kinda justified in being pissed at Miles, because he is right: he helped Miles, and, in return, even if he didnt realize it, even if it was a butterfly effect, he caused him to exist, he caused him to get ostracized, he made him turn to crime. And, judging by how ATSV is a year after the events of ITSV he probably had tried to continue his life as normal, as he even says "its my first time robbing someone," i mean, its not like he had to outright say it, i mean, its a little obvious, but he had to deal with trying to just live in New York of all places, rent and shit's expensive up there (i think, im southern as all hell)
[Edit: i was wrong, he has an apartment, i just didnt realize that was where he went while i was watching ATSV to get more spots]
I wouldnt be suprised if when he turned to crime he didnt have anywhere to live, no job will hire him cause of his spots and proportions, which are way different than a normal humans, he probably had to relearn how to do shit, no wonder he's so clumsy! And, since he worked at alchemax, he probably was seeking out jobs that needed precision, possibly engineering considering his work with the collider. And, y'know, working public service, he was probably turned down because of his looks. He'd probably scare people away (im sorry, i love him, but just look at him and imagine that image hyperrealistic, im sorry, thats fucking terrifying)
That little fan au idea i had
[Other person is K4rm11, if i find if they have a tumblr ill prolly tag them :D]
(EDIT: I FOUND THEM. @k4rma11 )
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Anyways yeah guys im normal about spiderman mhm mhm yep
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mashiee · 1 year
Arlo family lore plspls its beneficial to my health
so i got another ask specifically about [REDACTED] so im gonna talk abt that in a separate ask
BUT i will tell u abt my ocs for arlos fam (almost exclusively on his dads/valeries side, havent thought abt mom much) and general stuff for them and their relationships w eachother and arlo specifically
i gave Arlo four older siblings because why the hell not and i can (i will get to the parents later)
also while im thinking abt it, im unsure abt Arlo's last name but im thinking Kingston right now
also i just wanna say that when made character names i usually just smash sound together until i find something i like and hope it isnt a slur in another language
so what im saying is none of the names have any relevance or importance i just like their sounds and how they look
the first oc is Mammi (pronounced like ma'am-ee)
hes the oldest of the five of them, as of current uno time hes 25
amab cismasc
haven't decided sexuality. probably gay bc im gay and i self project too much
anyway he currently works with the authorities and is in a relatively high ranking position
but surprise surprise hes a spy for [ERROR]
(a secret organization :) also has a whole Thing that would require a separate post. a lot of new characters and also some world building. plus it also kind of plays into my bod au/rei fic)
but unfortunately the authorities are all fucking idiots and no one would even think of suspecting him
Valeire is the only one who does (she basically Knows) bc their father (her brother) was against a lot of the things the authorities did
but she has absolutely no proof so she cant do anything :)
fun fact Mammi and the entirety of Arlo's sibling except for Arlo himself all Loathe Valerie
2 of them want her dead
one would actively make an attempt on her life themselves if they ever saw her again
pst psst Mammi is the former
anyway Mammi is Tall (TM)
atm his height is fluctuating between 6'5 and 6'6 bc i cant choose
i just think itd be hysterical if Arlo's entire family on his dad's side were all giants
speaking of that let me take this time to tell you that Arlo is the youngest in his family aside from his mom and Valerie because i thought it'd be really funny
bc Mammi is in the authorities he often wears a suit and let me tell you this man looks fine as hell
not all men can work a suit but this one can
i still havent drawn any of the siblings except for a bit of the next one so my visuals of them are all p vague and could absolutely change but as of now
Mammi has long straight blond hair that roughly reaches his waist
its usually in a low ponytail
he has gold eyes :)
not sure what i want his ability to be yet (obviously a shield variant but what exactly) or how powerful
now for the lovely sister of the family
so the next one is Luss (pronounced how it's spelled)
shes 24 :)
she/her pronouns trans woman
a model who travels quite a lot
long curly hair and gold eyes
always wearing red lipstick
a bit mischievous
her ability is... well its honestly kind of useless on its own
she can make shields that are full orbs but theyre only about the size of a fist
she did find out that they hurt if u throw them at ppl tho, esp if u put stuff in them
not sure what level yet. maybe a flat 6.0 . or maybe even like a 5.9 if i wanna get angsty and make like her family disappointed in her for not being a god tier or smth
very caring about her family
very forgiving person to a fault
strongly believes in second chances
Luss is the closest to Mammi
but she doesn't really feel like she has anyone close to her
(which ends up being a huge bonding point between her and Arlo)
tries her best to keep their family together but it's pretty futile
tries to be optimistic and cheerful and such but it's all an act
would do anything for her family, especially her siblings
sees herself a lot in Arlo for what little she's seen of him
and then we have the twins
as stated above, theyre twins
the older one is Sade, and Kallo is idk like two mins younger or smth
theyre both 21
Sade uses they/them pronouns and is nonbinary
Kallo uses he/they and like. he knows he's masculine but he isnt like a man or male
hes keeping his gender unlabeled but sometimes says its homeboy bc he thinks its funny
tbh im not sure what assigned gender at birth i want either of them to be so im just not gonna choose 🤷
both are 6'4 1/2 or sth
the twins are very separated from the rest of the family they want nothing to do w them
they both dont like Mammi
and hate Valerie
Sade wants her dead and if Kallo ever saw her again he'd lunge
they tolerate Luss and don't dislike her but it's not their favorite to be around her
they don't have any feelings towards Arlo
Sade is a fashion designer and occasionally works with Luss, occasionally
Kallo is a mechanic
originally i had him as a surfer dude but i decided not to
the twins live a long long way away from Wellston and the rest of the family and have no intention of ever going back
theyre both closest to eachother obviously
they both have a lot of trust issues (all of them do) and only really trust eachother
again not sure about abilities
might want Kallo to have some variation of his mom's rather than their dads tho, or maybe a combo of both
i think ill keep Sade w a shield variant
also dk abt sexuality 🤷
i feel like at least one of them would be aro or ace tho. maybe like one is aro and the other is ace lol
ok so now that im done w the siblings
mr dad man's name is Vickaius. hes Valerie's brother. not sure if i want him to be older or younger.
he has long yellow hair (usually up in a pony tail) and gold eyes
yes im terrible and am making him an attractive dilf you cant stop me i have no self control
if it makes u feel any better i'll probably make the mom a milf too
i kinda wanna give him a scar or two and/or an eyepatch
def a god tier. some type of shield ability. i think i want him to be like a 7.1
he/him or he/she not sure what i want
tbh probably bisexual but thinks he's straight for whatever reason
6'5-7 or smth
fun fact he's currently in jail :)
the moms name is Ariella and she has curly hair and blue eyes. im not sure if i want her to have blonde or brown hair
i dont have much to say abt her tbh. not bc i dont care abt her but like. in my arlo fam plot while she is relevant and important she isnt like. you dont need to know about her. if that makes sense
i do know that i want her to be exactly a whole foot shorter than Vickaius bc i think its hilarious
context for post: arlo hcs
other related stuff: [REDACTED]
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dandansposts · 2 years
trans did vergil wrt nero below cut baybey!!!!!!!
tl;dr vergil knows he has a kid but hasnt seen that kid since he was a newborn by dmc5. v feels like theyre more entitled to being nero's parent than anyone else in the system for reasons
let us get some basics out of the way. vergil is trans, he's asexual, and he has DID according to me. i also think he's autistic. also according to me, eva was a witch and while she did teach both her sons how to use magic as a sort of companion activity to sparda training them in combat, vergil was the one who really took to it; dante for the most part didn't have the attention span for the kind of book learning needed to learn the ins and outs of magic. he can do some basics, has taught himself some things as he's aged, but doesn't really consider himself to be a witch. (witch being a gender neutral term here)
vergil, on the other hand, hyperfixated on it even after eva died, though from there it would have become more v's thing than anyone else's. v considers themself as well as the system as a whole to be a witch, but there's some discrepancies between alters based on opinions on eva and degree of attachment to her memory. (v's a total mama's boy (gender neutral) and i wont be argued w about it. source of strife btwn them and vergil. delicious)
i'm going off my headcanons so i will be including nelo angelo in this, as well as altered pronouns from canon, so
pronoun list:
v: they/them
vergil: he/him
griffon: he/him
shadow: she/her
nightmare: it/its
nelo angelo: he/him
nero: he/they
dante: he/him
vergil system collective pronouns: they/he
yeah im an enby nero truther as well and what of it.
basic summary of events leading up to nero's conception is this:
vergil is in his late teens. he is attempting to transition via magic though this is entirely homebrewed, entirely a spell of his/v's own making, and entirely untested
this backfires horrifically, almost killing them in the process. the ramifications of this leave them physically weak and as we all know this is unacceptable.
prior to this the plan to raise the temen ni gru is already in the works but this just spurs them on. weak, recovering slowly bc as previously stated they nearly killed themself, they head to fortuna looking for information; if you're gonna find anything on ancient demon towers and hell gates its gonna be in the dusty church basement libraries of thee sparda cult id think.
i have 2 branching theories here but the end result is pretty much the same and results in them getting pregnant and carrying baby nero to term. theory one is Unpleasant and i'm going to leave it at that but theory 2 is a sex for information type dealie. makes more sense to me for vergil to view sex as a largely transactional thing and not really have a problem with using it to get info. given that he kinda, y'know, is an orphan and i imagine hasnt had any sex ed, i'm really operating under the assumption that he doesnt really know where babies come from? or at the very least isnt fully aware that this is a risk.
demon baby proceeds to wreak havoc upon an already very weak vergil; abortion attempts are made but are unfruitful. information quest continues despite this.
to make a long story short v is the alter who's most present at nero's birth; they're the one who first lays eyes on this baby, they're the one who holds him, who cleans him, who has a horrible little panic attack wherever the fuck this happens bc what in the fuck tbh. i imagine here, vulnerable and tired and extremely weak, they see Baby and theyre like oh.... youre small and defenseless and yet you have caused me so many problems.... my baby now
power quest takes precedent, nero is abandoned in fortuna days after being born. v later claims to have been against this but at the time would have agreed that power comes first; how else are you going to protect yourself or your baby when you're a heavily traumatized half demon teen dad
raising the temen ni gru becomes a pretty much suicidal endevour from here. it's stupid and dangerous and will probably end with them dying awful and bloody but they've just experienced true weakness; it's power and therefore safety and stability or death. canon pretty much happens from here.
now. i have done a lot of world building on witches in my dmc headcanons and am SO willing to talk about it but the necessary information here is the ability to practice witchcraft is generally inherited mother to daughter (strictly in the biological sense) as it was a gift bestowed upon human priestesses by demons prior to sparda cutting the human and demon worlds off from each other. eva's family goes waaaaaay the fuck back as the original priestesses of sparda's family line. vergil and dante both inherit this ability but crucially so does nero, despite the fact that according to me he is for all intents and purposes amab. chalk this up to either nero being intersex or vergils fuckshit genetics messing with things. either way, nero inherits this ability. or if you are taking my ideas and running with it, which by all means please do, and you decide he's a trans man, that literally works lkke i dont care all that you need to know here is nero inherits the ability to preform witchcraft from vergil.
a very good friend of mine has allowed me to bounce ideas off him and has given me many ideas so should i talk about neros witchcraft at any point, a lot of the credit for the ideas goes to him.
and if he is reading this and would like me to credit him for his baller ideas he should dm me on discord but ANYWAY.
i am now going to breakdown how each alter relates to nero. i feel its worth it to note that no matter what happened in fortuna to create nero, the whole pregnancy was probably pretty traumatic and dysphoria enducing.
as i'm sure most DID havers and systems can tell you, interpersonal relationships when you are like this can get wildly complicated. you're balancing differing opinions and outlooks and gut reactions and it can be really difficult! so it follows, to me at least, that vergil & co have a very complicated relationship w/ their kid post DMC5 and just. super complicated feelings about nero In General.
now, vergil has extremely limited experience with people and a very narrow, very warped view of what family means. he also has a massively warped moral compass and tends to put self preservation above all else. this is really obvious when he doesnt have the other alters holding him back; he would have killed both dante and nero if they weren't so durable just because they got in his way. that said, it's not like he doesn't care about them. dante's his twin brother, the one thing he wants more than anything is for dante to join him and i imagine it's similar with nero.
(unfortunately nero's a little too much like his uncle to join vergil's crazy power quests but y'know.)
he absolutely would not have been a good dad to a small child but with nero grown up and not dependent upon him for anyrhing, i can see vergil really being the one who tells nero about their family, about where they come from, and just all of the history there, which like... nero's an ophan, i can see that being very important to him.
i also think the whole arm thing like... in vergils mind, thats a mercy. he didn't try to kill him, just ripped off his arm bc he Needed the yamato for self preservation reasons. like, you get in his way, vergil will kill you. he didnt kill nero, to him that is almost positively a mercy and i imagine he has significant difficulty understanding why nero might hold that against him- vergil's been torn apart and remade and just destroyed more times than he probably remembers, like... this isn't anything to him.
as for interactions with infant nero, i can see vergil having a similar Oh... My Baby initial reaction as v, but this is Vergil- he needs to be strong, and if he can't protect himself, how's he supposed to protect a baby? i think he's fully aware that the temen ni gru quest is almost certainly a suicide mission, but in his mind, he has no choice.
in summary, i think he tries. i think he is a terrible father but i think every decision he's ever made has just been him Trying in his own fucked up way. whether or not he ever has much of a relationship with nero is entirely up to nero.
v is really interesting to me wrt nero. i see them as viewing themself as being somehow more entitled to being nero's parent than anyone else. on top of that, v is manipulative, they're cagey, they're the first alter who actually talks to adult nero, they're the kind of person who'll tell you only what you need to know to the point where it's basically a lie of omission.
this is all self defense, but it's still something that makes them wildly unpleasant to be arnd. couple that with feeling like nero Belongs to them, they actively sabotage other alters attempts to get to know their kid (until confronted about it). the non-humans are just "familiars", vergil and nelo angelo are "dangerous", etc. they honestly probably dont even really tell nero that they're All Vergil, Technically. this is probably something nero finds out from either dante (thinking nero already knew) or griffon (just telling him bc vergil doesnt think it's relevant information and v is actively keeping that from him)
that all said, v cares very deeply about nero and about what he thinks of them. they love him Dearly, would do anything for him, and genuinely just want what's best for him, though their idea of what's best for him doesn't always match up with reality.
they'd delight in sharing their witchcraft with him, in sharing the history of that, sharing everything they know, just... Teaching him like eva did them.
as with vergil they are just doing their fucking best. they just kind of happen to be an asshole. they also just happen to be emotionally unavailable. these things make interpersonal relationships difficult. i imaginr they also make connecting with your long lost son extremely difficult as well.
as v's kinda direct protector, griffon's heavily entwined with their bullshit but that does Not mean he puts up with it. post dmc5 and post hell, griffon? he is not pulling punches. nero wants Truth, in all its gory details? he should talk to griffon.
out of all of them, griffon's the most... mentally sound, shall we say. he's generally levelheaded, he's very silly, and is the most openly affectionate aside from shadow.
he very much considers nero to be Their son, rather than His son; nero's as much his as he is any other alters, they're all nero's dad, full stop.
how he shows affection, however, is by relentlessly bullying and he Definitely takes it too far and nero Definitely does not always understand that he's joking.
what v won't admit and what griffon has given up trying to tell them is that he was just about as present during nero's birth as They were, they are Very closely tied as alters, but . well. u try telling that to a wildly unstable witch.
shadow and nightmare
to be honest, i don't have a whole hell of a lot to say about them. they love nero, they both consider him the system's kid, etc, but they don't tend to front unless there's some.kind of imminent danger be that psychological or physical.
That Said, shadow can be VERY snuggly if you catch her fronting outside Danger Time. she's extremely sweet and loving to anyone she likes, and she Likes nero, that's her BABY.
and finally we come to the one that is entirely headcanoned. i'm gonna keep this relatively brief bc im running out of steam anf patience to keep.typung this but angelo's intial gut reaction to nero is about the same as it is to dante, which is just . sheer, gut wrenching terror followed by the worlds most aggressive fight response. consequently i Do think he's gutted nero once or twice.
as he begins to recover, begins to get out of the mundus brainwashing and starts to really just. be a person, if nero is willing to let him in he is the most fatherly. he's gentle but firm, he's patient, he's the kind of person who will do little things for you just because he wants you to be happy. i also don't see him pulling a v; he's very honest, very humble, and *very* willing to apologize and admit to wrongdoing- for fuckssake, he gutted his son, who he really does want a relationship with. gotta start somewhere, u know.
i can talk more about system interpersonal relations but as a tldr v Does Not Like Angelo Whatsoever; angelo represents the single worst time in their life, and he's also just everything v isnt.
anyway. thank you all for reading if youve gotten this far. if you wanna hear about anything else i may have mentioned in passing i am ABSOLUTELY willing to babble about my dmc headcanons.
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
Hi kirpy!! Congrats on 300 followers!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your writing sm,, and im obsessed with ur newest kkobrin story. They make me sooo feral. I also want to mention I really like your taste in music.
So I do have a writing idea, if you are interested. It's basically just punk! kkobrin. I drew some art for this idea myself, but I can't write for shit. Itd be really cool to see you write a short drabble about them in this au being punks and fighting the problematic shinobi system. I dont rrally have any specific prompt about it tho so it might be too vague sorry. If u want to see the drawings and hcs I made for more info, theyre on my art blog @seoz-seoz. And if you don't like this concept, I totally understand!! No pressure. This may not be for everyone. Lol.
Either way, thanks and take care of yourself!!! Congrats again <3
HI SEOZ!!!!!! so i ended up having a lot of fun writing this even if it didn’t display their punk-ness very well, so i’ll just explain my vague ideas for them here AKDJAKDH
rin and minato are both very overthrow the system, but in a legal way. they want to pry power from under danzō’s feet like stripping paint off a wall. rin helps out in the hospital of course, but also plans a lot of educational activities for children of all ages, and underhandedly radicalizes them that way SKDKSK
obito is far more direct, and will attack root agents, destroy root hideouts, and in generally just more uh. violent. but he also participates in rin’s activities because he loves working with kids :3
kakashi just likes to go around vandalizing things with graffiti and yk. openly threatening root agents because he can. he also helps with rin’s stuff, and more often than obito. he also hosts his own art classes where he teaches older kids how to identify root hideouts and get away with vandalizing them SKDBSKDJSKDJ
all three of them only don’t get in more trouble because minato’s the hokage and he turns such a massive blind eye to their activities to piss danzō off dkdkskkd
ok here is the story i love them and i love ur art sm!!!!! <33333 also this isn’t 1k it’s 947 words which is. so annoying. but ik jack shit ab punk anything and couldn’t think of anything else to add :(
Rin let the door to the Hokage’s office slide shut behind her and took a seat on the couch next to, to her surprise, Obito. He glanced up at her, then grinned both in greeting and like the cat that’s caught the canary.
“Whatre you doing here?” she asked, noting the dirt on his clothes, like he’d been up to something. He probably had; Obito was like that.
“You first,” Obito responded, crossing his arms. Rin leaned back on the couch, realizing what Obito meant: he thought she was in trouble. Ah, then this would be news to him.
“Minato’s gonna help me plan an activity for the students where they can learn about the rivers and fish and stuff. Science-y stuff, you know.”
And if watching Obito deflate wasn’t the best thing she’d ever seen. Minato shuffled the papers on his desk, stifling a chuckle. “What’re you in for?” she added, because she wasn’t nice.
Obito slumped deep into his seat, sending the Hokage’s desk a burning glare. “I attacked a ROOT agent with a lead pipe,” he grumbled, and Rin reached over to grab his head and pull him into her chest.
“Awww, and Minato got you into trouble?” she cooed, petting his face as obnoxiously as possible. Obito groaned, long and loud, but made no attempts at escape.
“He broke their arm and leg,” Minato said, raising an unamused eyebrow at their antics. “They had to be hospitalized. According to them, Obito attacked unprovoked, too.”
“They were spying on me!” Obito retorted, spluttering and finally fighting his way free when Rin accidentally stuck a finger in his mouth. “I was only acting in defense of myself,” he added when he was sitting again, glaring at Rin.
“You were vandalizing a building.”
“It was abandoned!”
“I’m pretty sure trying to destroy a building is still illegal, Obito.”
“Well it was obviously a hideout for Danzō’s goons, so really, I was doing you a favor.”
Minato looked up from his paperwork, meeting Obito’s eyes with an icy glare. “Right. My former student wreaking havoc on an abandoned building looks great on my image as a Hokage.”
Obito opened his mouth to retort but Rin grabbed his ear and yanked on it lightly, scowling at him. “He’s very sorry,” she said, rolling her eyes when Obito didn’t take the initiative and instead snapped his mouth shut. She reached around him to grab his lips and, in a poor mockery of his voice, pinched and opened them and said, “I’m so sorry, Sensei, and I promise not to destroy any more buildings for at least a week. Or attack any more ROOT agents. Also you’re the greatest Hokage ever and I’m very thankful you’re going to let me off with only a slap on the wrist and a disapproving glare.”
Minato frowned at Rin’s antics, his disappointment changing none when he shifted his gaze from Obito to Rin, and she grinned in response. “You’re on Naruto duty for a week, too,” he finally said, looking back at his paperwork, and Obito groaned loudly.
Not that he didn’t like Naruto, but Rin understood. He was a handful without his parents around.
“Okay, both of you out please,” Minato said, waving them off, and Obito gladly stood and quickly made his way out.
“Ah, the field trip?” Rin asked, and Minato continued to wave her off.
“Whatever you have planned is fine, I’m sure. You have my permission to do whatever you want,” he said.
Well, not like she expected anything else. “Thanks Sensei!” she exclaimed, following Obito out with a wave to Minato.
It was getting close to dusk, which meant that they needed to find Kakashi because he was on dinner duty tonight. Sometimes it was easy, but other times Kakashi didn’t want to be found. Whether it be a bad mission or he was too involved in his current piece to be bothered, he would be hard to find.
Luckily, today was easy.
“That’s the building I was vandalizing!” Obito yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Kakashi, who was detailing some fur onto a wolf with electricity in its eyes and a bloody ROOT vest in its mouth.
“Subtle,” Rin called, following Obito.
Kakashi looked over at them, then very obviously grinned at Obito who was marching over angrily.
“So you can get away with threatening a ROOT agent in a permanent mural but the second I get caught attacking one, Minato’s about to flay me alive?”
“Maa, favorite’s privileges, I guess,” Kakashi responded, smoothly leaning away from Obito’s attempt to grab at his jacket collar.
Obito growled in frustration at his failed attack, but pushed it no further. “Tch, whatever,” he said, swiping a spray can from the ground. He walked over to the mural and sprayed a small red heart in the corner, before Kakashi could stop him.
“Ah, right over the water details,” he lamented, placing a delicate hand over his wounded heart. Rin grabbed a can and did the same right next to Obito’s, in pink. “You both wound me.”
“I think we should have fish for dinner,” Rin said, ignoring Kakashi’s whines, and beginning to help him pack up his supplies. Obito nodded in agreement, gathering Kakashi’s brushes into a pile. Kakashi worked on transferring his supplies back to his scroll, and then ended their familiar dance.
“Do you want grilled fish?” Kakashi asked, pocketing his scroll. “You guys keep telling me you regret not asking for it every time I make dinner.”
“Eh, I’m not really feeling it right now,” Obito said, and led them out of the alley. Rin snorted. They would absolutely regret not asking for grilled fish again.
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limpfisted · 9 months
first and foremost. baldur’s gate is ruled of a council of four—three dukes and one grandduke. the frandduke has two votes, as opposed to the other dukes one. the dukes are all ELECTED officials, that have to campaign. ulder became grand duke seven years ago, when wyll was seventeen, shortly before wyll was banished after hearing the voice of zariel telling him to go fight the tiamut cultists. more on tiamut later.
dukes can start out in poverty and labor their whole life to get where they are, this is true of both vanthampur AND ulder.
the dukes are: ulder. he was elected as grand duke bc of idealism, both from the nobility and the common people. he would be tough on crime, good for business, good for PEOPLE. he genuinely seems to believe in baldurs gate and see the good in it despite it being incredibly shitty, and he passed that down to his son.
vanthampur, who is evil n the reason duke ravengard got sent to hell n came back hellstouched. they have three weird kids who all suck. she is part of the reason zariel is about to take over bg, she used to work on the sewers. vanthampur is actually the one funding the dead three cultists to make everyone lose faith in the flaming fists. which leads to the events of this game p well tbh
stelmane, who dies before the events of the game but after elturel fell. she was fucking the emperor.
and polymer, who is a useless ineffiecent kind of lazy old man.
there are FIFTY members of the parliment of peers, these are all members of noble families called “patriars”. some noble families are rich, some noble families are poor, all the noble families have manors, each of them has a dozen servants. real estate is a heavy commodity and a marker of power and status. some families sell al their furniture, just to keep their family manor.
the ONLY patriar family that is non-human is a swarven family that goesss allll the way back to them BUILDING the gate, they are incredibly human centric despite having a hugely diverse population. they sayin the book theres no discrimination against you for your fantasy race—but also, you are just? not going to have power?
the watch protects the upper city, they act in the interests of the nobles and their capital. the nobles are all corrupt or expected to be corrupt publically—they go to ballrooms, they go to theater, they go to bathhouses with sex workers, they do shady dealings. the best of them hire vigilantes and “arrange for things to be stolen from them to give to charity without losing face as that is actively dangerous.” the best of them also end up dead in the lower city.
common people have to pay tolls to get into the upper city and theres a curfew just to humilaite them, its enforced with violence and shaming. there are select nobles, weirdos, who like to keep commonfolk therempast curfew just to toy with them sadistically at bdsm horror parties and the like under the guise of “potentially helping their station in politics.”
the flaming fist are fucking AWFUL, they “protect” the lower city, but theyre all corrupt, they will BEAT PEOPLE IN THE STREETS, they all take bribes, they are completely incompetent and distracted and useless without ulder. anyone cam be a flaming fist as long as they have a sword, no bg checks really
ulder is a good a dude ad a guy in charge of these people can be, but between you and me, he’s entirely delusional, he actually believes baldur’s gate is a good place and balduran was a hero. baldur’s gate was NEVER good, it was started by balduran tossing coin at a bunch of thieves and pirates who would pretend to be lighthouses just to crash ships on the shore and then STEAL FROM THEM. then it became a shitty little pieate town full of corrupt bastards and murderers.
and yet there is still so much magic here!
theres the many different religions, hospitals, cultists, a cemeteary like a labyrinth, a park run by a druid. the elfsong tavern actually has a disembodied voice of an elf si ging there and everyone will stoo and listen to this elf si g n no one knows what its about! the shar cultists give food to the needy!
but also every profession imaginable has a union, from “the reputable guild of moneylenders” to the “wonderous weavers.”
theres everything u can imagine can be bought and sold
animals arent allowed in bg if theyre “bigger than a peacock” but that just means now people are OBSESSED WITH THE ILLEGAL TRADE OF PEACOCKS!
bg is in direct opposition with amnh, another city=/area on the coastal council, but everyone has bg’s back every time amnh says they should get rid of them.
elturel is a lawful good holy city, so of course they hate the rotten chaotic evil city for bastards
the paper is called baldur’s mouth and it accepts bribes but it really gets into the city’s darker underdealings
the favorite game of everyone in the city is called baldur’s bones and it’s just dice lol u throw dice
zariel took over elturel n baldurs gate is next unless beave people descend to avernus and stop her with the sword of zariel. the high overseer who sold elturel out is probably still hiding at vanthampur’s villa whole their HUNDREDS of victims wait outside
more on that some other time, perhaps
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the biggest reason i havent posted anything here is that whenever i think abt the merlin characters n what not is an modern au, where they work in a place kinda like supergirl? like an undercover organization that deals with supernatural/magic cases n what not. it has several branches, and the one that uther supervises and that arthur, gwen, morgana, the knights, gaius and others work at is more a hands on deck, action packed situation where they deal with cases that need physical force or neutralization n shit like that. they used to be able to just murder any magic being without question (kinda like how cops handle black ppl in america, yknow, no questions just shoot), but now theyre advised against it, much to uther’s chagrin. even tho he is the boss and this branch is the original, this is a democracy so. he also has to abide certain rules.
this change kinda happened because of merlin, because him n uther have met even before merlin n arthur did. but more on that later.
in present times, where the universe is at, merlin is very antisocial n kinda serious. he’s 26 or up, so think season 5. he’s very strange and off-putting (hehe reference), and arthur actively hates him, while the others dont rly feel that strongly abt merlin but still keep their distance. other ppl also dont like merlin because he is barely there but still gets jobs and gets paid. everyone else needs to hand in reports and attend meetings, go to classes if necessary, go rest while others can go n work. merlin doesnt do any of that, may or may not do a job uther assigns him, and if he does do a job he doesnt stay a minute longer. arthur seems merlin as this guy who thinks he’s better than everyone just because he’s a warlock and very powerful, blah blah blah. in fact, when he refers to merlin as he coworker, merlin denies it and says he doesnt work with arthur, or anyone in uther’s branch. it angers him to no end.
merlin’s files of his work and past in the branch are also very sealed tight, no matter how good elyan is at hacking. he tells them it must be magic as well, tho he knows tech magic isn’t merlin’s thing so someone else must be protecting him. it only makes merlin look more suspicious.
everything comes to light one day when gwen overhears merlin n uther screaming at each other in uther’s office and quickly gets arthur. the first thing they hear when the squad enters the scene is merlin screaming at uther’s face “if you even so much as speak to them, speak about them, or even think about them, i will skin you alive myself, no magic involved” very disturbing, very uuuhhhh where’s the context yknow, so while arthur joins in on the screaming because thats his father getting yelled at while the others watch with different levels of amusement (max amusement being morgana, least amusement being gwen) a lot of things become clear
1) merlin doesnt, in fact, work there. uther tells arthur himself that merlin is under no contract, no obligation to show up at any jobs. merlin sometimes does because of certain debts and other personal matter concerning the old branch where he used to work at, that is more about helping and nurturing troubled magic users, a lot of them coming from uther’s cases (it’s all very organized n shit). uther shows that he respects merlin a lot actually, which leaves arthur very confused, until...
2) merlin is the reason why magic beings aren’t killed anymore in uther’s branch because he was able to summon Ygraine’s spirit, with the help of his old boss. after getting absolutely wrecked emotionally n also getting a lecture from ygraine for how uther is treating magic beings, uther gets to work on making it all better, because that is his wife and also she may haunt him if he doesnt do as she please. summoning a spirit did take a lot of energy from merlin, seeing as he did this several times for uther to re manage the branch like his wife may want to. uther feels indebted to him in this way. merlin offers to summon arthurs mother as well if he wishes to, despite the costs. now it leaves the rest of the context to get to...
3) merlin has adopted 3 girls with unusual magical abilities, that he befriended when they were 8/9 and he was 16. because of certain conditions, he had to let them in the care of uther’s organization, before they were separated. he put them exclusively under his uncle’s care, gaius, while he had a lot of things to work through himself and was a danger to them, this at the age of 18. around 20/21, merlin is much better (also uther’s organization starts to separate) and can afford his own apartment for him and the girls to all live in, and from then on (because this kinda job pays very well) cared for them and paid their livings expenses as if they were his own daughters, even tho the age diff is more like siblings. uther is interested in having them working for him cuz theyre all very smart, talented, and powerful, all personally trained by merlin himself. merlin does not want that. none of the girls want it either, they’d probably want to kill uther, because...
4) at the start, when merlin first came under uther’s “care”, he got experimented on, for around 3 months. after knowing this, Alice, the future boss of merlin, the boss of the first branch that separated form uther to help magic beings instead of killing them, took merlin under her care. from then on out, she became his therapist, from 18 to 26 and onwards. they’re great friends and he keeps trying to get her n gaius together but they refuse (merlin doesnt know that they have in fact met before n have had a relationship but it fell off cuz gaius was uther’s friend and alice could never like that). so now that they know what the context what about, the unbridled hatred merlin has for uther, uther’s weird but respectful views of merlin and merlin’s position in the branch, now they all have one last question. what the fuck does merlin do then, if his job is not on the branch? well...
5) he’s a teacher. do you know mildred hubble? yh he teaches that class. yeah. he’s suffering. he also teaches some other girls but thats more of part time classes for them because they have other shit to do, like school. this is baffling to everybody because what the fuck. your main job is an elementary magic teacher, n your side hustle is... an undercover organization not influenced by the government?? what???
so yh this universe is just pure crack, very self-indulgent n shit, as per usual
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