kylagabrielle22 · 4 years
The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual
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Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/learning/what-do-older-generations-misunderstand-about-teenagers-today.html 
Growing up as a Generation Z individual has made my life both easy and difficult. With the emergence of new media, there is an abundance of social media platforms that we have today in which I always use. These social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest that I normally enjoy browsing in my leisure time. Not even a single day that I have forgotten to check on these platforms and has been part of my everyday life routine since I started engaging with these accounts. Social media is a way for me to connect and interact with my friends, loved ones and even to a more divergent group of people.  It has affected my mental capabilities and social manners as I obtain information through various media, where it has turned out to be an area of learning for me to know about what is happening in the actuality of the real world. Through these platforms, I have been aware of the social issues and that I demand to use my voice in commitment that impacts my life and social media is helping me maximize it. With the widespread information circulating through online, as a teenager who is into social media, it has advanced the way I make decisions in every aspect of my life. 
The development in digital media has not only made my life convenient, it has also somehow burden me as a person. Hence, almost everything has regularly changed and one of which is the progress of social media. I have realized that one cannot deny that some of the Gen Z individuals cannot frame a society without using smart phones and connecting to the social world, which is to be honest, I consider myself as one who is struggling with this matter. Social media has precisely immersed itself in our lifestyle, which I am afraid that someday I will be spending my day not having contact with someone personally. Conversing through messaging platforms does not assist in building social skills. However, there are times that I feel angst where I tend to feel and experience the sad moments in my life, and to release my emotions, I often enter and escape my reality through the online world which is not healthy.  Regardless of these, as a Gen Z individual we must know how to control in using social media platforms and not let these stuff shape our lives. At the end of the day, we are the one who has the power over our lives and we must choose to live without regrets. 
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riccah-galindo · 4 years
"The Value of being a Media and Information Literate Individual"
Media has been with our lives. It is the tool and medium nowadays where we can get information and intertainment to know what are the global issues that is happening. However,social media is also the way or source where people encounters fake news and cyber bullying and to treat these in order to get away with these frudulent actions. A digital citezen has to keep constant critical approach that leads to a meaningful participation in his/her community. As a media user, you have to be knowledgeable about media and know the threats what may the possible outcomes that needs to be address. We have to be capable to access the information effictively and efficiently and has the strategies whatever happens. There's this saying that is definitely interconnected of the topic that is "Think before you click" that needs people to be reminded of this to avoid being a problem to others.
We should be a media and information literate individuals, because we're the netizens and responsible users of media that is expected to think critically, & being literate is to have a right attitude and provide concrete evidences and basis to support your claims. We dont have to spread informations that are frudelent that you don't think of, not knowing you afflict and confused others.Be also aware of the source. Make sure that you are sharing information from credible sources. Many fake news and unreliable information are shared and scattered in social media that is sometimes causing panic and misinformation of everyone and to avoid not to get in trouble.The purpose of being information and media literate is to engage in a digital society; one needs to be able to understand, inquire, create, communicate and think critically. It is important to effectively access, organize, analyze,evaluate, and create messages in a variety of forms in which we inform people with your principles and rules that you have in your mind especially if you apply the Licean core values that shaped us to become a responsible user of media.
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dlewrambo · 4 years
Ready Player one is a movie that portrays and represents the future world. The world be overpopulated and full of pollution because of climate change. The movie represents video games as a virtual reality for characterization and portrayal of the future because it will precisely depicts the bulk neglecting loyalty and faithfulness to save and protect the world because the people was been already addicted to the video games and in social media. They have become so addicted that renders to they don’t want to face the reality of the world.  For a movie that preaches about the dangers of escapism and wasting your life playing video games, "Ready Player One" sure doesn't do a good job of painting a real world worth living in.  Plugging in with Watts, we get to experience the Oasis, a wondrous, enticing world where it's possible to use the DeLorean to outrun a T-Rex, climb snowy mountains with Batman, or watch the Iron Giant go toe-to-toe with a robot Godzilla. It's a virtual delight that's worth the price of admission alone, and serves as a sharp contrast to the bleakness of our hero's real.  It's not new for a piece about virtual reality to present such dichotomy, although the unevenness of the two worlds in "Ready Player One" can leave one scratching their digital heads. In the Oasis, death equals decades of your life lost, time one is never going to get back. Outside of it, people are killed off without consequences. In the Oasis, players get to develop feelings, form lasting friendships. Outside, love is forced through exposition, stripping confessions of any weight. The movie relates on what is happening to us today that how people play video games just to escape the reality.
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A lower class caring the environment and the government a useless government controlling the environment government can't live without lower class government can't appreciate what lower class works they only appreciate there self they dont know how to live at poor situation hmm i think government was the reason why poverty still in these modern fantasy life they corapon marcos time only marcos was the corap and for me on marcos time where to rich mind it on 1 dollar equivalent for 1 peso at marcos time imagine how rich we are but now lot of corap living at these time to destroy poverty the number one reason for the destroy the goverment and we have equality for each other
To avoid crime murdered and drugs lets destroy some of government who push the drug and who command to kill innosent people like getting land of lower class let let s start for the root of the problema of this modern problem the government lets beggin to start where we start before for equality hoha 
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“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
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picture source: https://medium.com/@valeriiabilonog/5-steps-to-become-media-literate-person-5531bfb7ae52
Media literacy is being able to critique and evaluate a certain post, news etc. and the message behind it logically and intellectually, it mostly focuses on the mass media where society is basically orbiting around. Information literacy is the ability to evaluate, find and use information and its sources in situations it requires, it’s an essential in news making, research and any academic works.
 The value of being a media and information literate individual is not just so we can post and look ‘smart’ in any platform, but also to use our ability to teach others how they can avoid posting or sharing any information that could be false,unethical etc. As a student and as a person who lives in a society where information can be accessed by anyone and where media and technology is basically where society revolves in, I know that media and information is an essential when it comes to our education and success in the real world, that’s why learning how to be literate in such manner is a great advantage, also to avoid getting into mess that I really don’t want to clean or participate in.
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“Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
The benefits of media literacy for students are multiple.First and foremost,media literacy helps students to become wiser consumers of media as well as responsible producers of their own media. Along those same lines,teaching media literacy helps to Foster critical thinking in students. This type of thinking can eventually become second nature,which will help them in many areas as they grow older. The focus is more on strengthening process skills and knowledg.
Media literacy will continue to play a key role in creating a new generation that can retain critical thinking skills in the midst of a media blizzard. It's an area where teachers who learn about media literacy can have a profound impact.
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francisdominictan · 4 years
Ready Player One
Set in a dystopian future, the movie Ready Player One portraits the essence of people seeking refuge in a virtual reality world called the OASIS. The majority of people are poor and struggling. The OASIS was part of their life, of where they play, socialize, advance their avatars, etc. The movie follows the story of a teenager, Wade, and his friends as they try to solve a grand quest prizing the full ownership of the OASIS. The users access the OASIS using the visor and haptic gloves.
The simulator has become an integral part of society, with the simulation functioning as a realistic, virtual society. The movie satirizes modern society and culture and gives a chilling image of what the world could become as we withdraw further and further into our technologies to escape an increasingly depressing reality. It portrays a very realistic vision of the future we are heading to, a future in which we would rather choose illusion over reality. The story is, at its core, a coming-of-age story, as Wade and his friends confront the evil embodied by the company IOI.
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brixadrianobsioma · 4 years
Ready Player One
I was fortunate enough to catch a preview screening of Ready Player One, Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of Ernest Cline’s futuristic novel. It blew me away. What really caught my attention wasn’t just the awesome references to 1980s pop culture, or the mind-blowing set pieces. It was also the sub-text of the philosophical and cultural impact of gaming and related technologies.The film is set in a world where humanity is in real crisis. The environment has collapsed, the economy has collapsed. Essentially, society as we know it has collapsed. And what is humanity’s response to these crises? Escapism. Much of human life is spent in a virtual simulation called The Oasis.In this vision of the future, everything that we currently do in the real world  going to school, going to work, socialising, leisure  is done in this vast virtual environment. This may seem wildly speculative and unlikely  but as my research in gaming shows, we are much nearer to such a reality than it may seem. If we are starting to see technology that could potentially give us access to virtual worlds like The Oasis, we might need to consider how that kind of immersion will affect humanity. We are already aware that immersion into game systems can have a detrimental affect on health. People have even died playing them.As technology advances to simulate the world with ever higher levels of fidelity, we need to ask whether these virtual worlds could ever become preferable to the standard everyday reality we were born into. If we listen to people like Mark Zuckerberg, who claims that virtual reality could eventually be made better than reality, then this might lead people to spend more time plugged into VR in their daily lives.This being the case, would society end up turning its back on the problems of the real world? And would this necessarily be a bad thing? After all, that might also mean that human environmental impact could be reduced. Early in Ready Player One, we discover that the founder of The Oasis has passed away, with no heirs. And so he states in his will that the keys to the controlling stock of The Oasis and his company can be found somewhere in his creation. This sparks a whole new movement in society called “The Hunt” which sees huge numbers of people trawling for clues that might reveal the location of this hidden “Easter Egg”. Indeed, so serious are the implications of this that entire companies are formed just to crack the puzzles left by the founder of The Oasis, and the devious tricks and efforts even spill over into the real world. And so the film also sheds an interesting light on what we, as human beings, see as valuable. Traditionally, we are used to attaching value to tangible things that we can touch. But we are moving into an age when people are spending money on artefacts that are entirely digital. We only need to look at millionaires like Anshe Chung (real name: Ailin Graef), who got rich by selling virtual land and property, to see that people can make millions just by trading in 1s and 0s.Another aspect alluded to by the premise of Ready Player One are the effects of social media. In the film, society spends much of their waking lives online, leaving only to eat and sleep. In this sense, the Oasis represents a kind of full immersion social media platform with a multitude of applications.
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fbdtingson · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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The relationship of the Media and the government is like a love cruel, sometimes it gives the right and accurate information while it also give the irrelevant and unrealiable information. These are the two prominent establishments in our world that the media and the government has the power to manipulate people's mind on what given information surrounds on our world today. Just like the controversy problem today, the pandemic COVID- 19 we always rely on the government and to the media to be notified, alerted of what we must to do and to know the happenings in our society. Without these two institutions we won't know the controversy topics, problems that the media given, and without the government rules we won't be discipline and lead us to right path.
At some points, the media and also the government tends to struggle each other. Individuals are saying that few information are detailed one-sided, however the government is saying that it’s not, that is accurate and reliable information. A few writers restrict what the government is saying. Since of this the government discharges articulations that will point restrict the media. It’s a cycle once one restricts another. This conflict people's minds and many netizens put up their personal statements and critiques on what is occuring to them. Because of those humans grow to be divided and also can cause chaos to the society of giving false informations that are not accurate. They will doubt of believing the information, it will give vary result to the community and to the people that's why we must not easily believe one sided information. But despite of this conflicts, without them life could been harder to us. That's why tell the truth so we could have a better world of informations.
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kylagabrielle22 · 4 years
Ready Player One
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Source: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=911204 
With the emergence and advancement of technology today, one cannot doubt the possibility of creating and imagining a dystopian future. It is clear that we are all witnessing how fast technology is developing, having all media and information conveniently. In the film “Ready Player One” from director Steven Spielberg, it has introduced dystopian reality and virtual reality. 
In the year 2045, Wade Watts, a teenager from Columbus, Ohio lives in “The Stacks”, a heavily populated area of cruddy trailer stocked high above each other and connected by scaffolding. Wade, just like everyone, often escape their not-so-distant and gloomy lives, strapping on their headgear and entering into the OASIS also known as Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation, created by the late James Halliday. OASIS is Halliday’s parallel virtual universe, where most people invest bulks of their time, and people can enter as avatars to play various video games, divert themselves, and finding satisfaction that they cannot perceive in the real world, because in OASIS, mostly is possible; having the odds to go anywhere, do anything and be anyone without limitations of their own imaginations. It is only the time when Wade can truly experience being alive in the euphemistically sprawling and immersive world called “OASIS’, taking the edge off of a distressing life, together with millions of online users favoring the massive and colorful cyber world over the dystopian reality where penury and anguish is prevalent as a result of overpopulation and global warming.  
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Source: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=860846 
In the movie, “Ready Player One”, it portrays a Virtual Reality experience that is perfectly enticing since there are no physical blockades between the users and virtual circumstances. The players are able to act as a real human having the capacity to touch things, socialize with people and even feel pressure through their Haptic suits as if they are in the real world.  Also, in the film, media and information has evolved drastically, where information can be accessed instantly via voice and tone generator. At the end of the Movie, from everyday access to OASIS, it has shut down for a few days every week which is helpful as disengaging the Internet for a while will prevent addiction.  Moreover, the movie has a message about the deep-rooted dangers of VR, it presents the reality of getting lost in the real world in line with one’s obsession with cyberspace. However, one cannot deny to view technology as somehow submerging that will affect humanity, especially in game systems that can have detrimental effects on people. The movie serves as an eye-opener of the obviously dreadful life on planet Earth, where people would rather spend their time in the online world than investing their lives in the physical world. People usually forget the natural existence surrounding us because people are devoured by technology such as smartphones, VR goggles, computers, laptops and more than the ones coming from the real world around us, and this is a sad reality that one must realize. 
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riccah-galindo · 4 years
Ready Player One
by Riccah Galindo
The setting takes place of a dystopian world where many uses this in fictional works and artistic representations, particularly in stories set in the future. The characters spend time in Virtual Reality (VR) playing in OASIS to get away with the dystopian real world where poverty and despair is there condition and to escape the real world problems as a result of global warming and overpopulation. It is a pessimistic view and maybe can happen in the future where the rapid of technology is tripled by today. It shows realistic-looking and fantastical gadgets and technologies featured in "Ready Player One" where they dessiminate information with just the use of hands clicking in the air which came from the gadget in the eye.VR in real life is not that advanced like in the movie.Many players are seen running through real 3D space, out in public and it might be difficult to play in real life because of massive safety hazzard. Each players avatar is costumizable and also their haptics suits.Players are able to touch, pick up, and hold unto things even share information in a faster way with the swipe of their hands. The movie is possibly be happening in real life if theres an increase in total factor productivity.
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dlewrambo · 4 years
“Setbacks of Piracy”
by: Marweld M. Barillo
Software piracy is defined as illegally copying software that does not belong to you in a manner that violates the copyright. As we all know, Pirated software is extremely easy to find, whether online, or sold openly in foreign countries, or simply provided by friends. In fact, in many cases, it easier for someone to go online and download an illegal copy of a software program than to drive to a store and buy it from a retailer. It is a federal crime to make unauthorized copies of software. There are 5 types of Intellectual Property namely Patent, Copyright, Industrial Design, Trademarks, and Geographical Origin. Pirated software costs nothing, or close to nothing, to obtain. Don't make copies of software, unless it is allowed by the license agreement. Don't rent, lease, sublicense or lend the software or documentation to anyone. Most pirated software does not come with manuals or technical support that is given to legitimate users. 
 I have seen many products that imitate the structure, design, and logo of popular brands like Nike, Adidas, Puma and The North Face. Trademark infringement is a violation of the exclusive rights devoted to a trademark without authorization. Trademark owners can take legal action if they believe their marks are being infringed. It is broad and very rampant today, that’s why you should be careful to the products that you buy if it is imitated to the popular products. When you find out someone might be doing the wrong thing, you should make them aware of the enforcement efforts by explaining the law and providing examples of others who got caught. Copyright infringement is the use of exertion protected by copyright law in the absence of authorization and agreement for a usage where such approval or permission is required. If you discover that you might have a counterfeit copy of software, contact the dealer you bought it from.
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Ready Player One
-Leanne Angel Sajonia
 Ready Player One is a movie that portrays a dystopian world which may become our own in the future. It shows how the future can be, the way the most people lived in poverty, there was a big gap between the rich and the poor, the ‘stacks’ was a densely populated cluster of cruddy trailers piled high atop each other and tied together by scaffolding, but despite that, instead of trying to escape their situation by working to earn money, they play in this game called OASIS, a virtual reality game where they can be who ever they want to be and do what ever they want to do. I think this shows how instead of facing the real world, with their situation, they’d rather escape and ignore it by playing OASIS, because that where they felt they belong, just like how today in our time, we try to use social media as an escape from everything that’s happening in the real world. In the movie they only put down the VR when they noticed that they’re utopia was going to be corrupted by a bad person who only wants the game for money, in the moment they realized that if they don’t help a fellow citizen, not just in OASIS, but in the real world, they’ll loose the only thing that kept them happy, so they put down they’re devices and saw what’s happening around them, and they worked together to keep intact their utopia. Just like how we are in our time, although we might be surround by media and information, we use this to work together and try to help our world be a better place.
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jailmarkflores · 4 years
Ready Player One
The movie explores the theme of staying true to self and to others or bringing life back in the future. Although the character will attempt to try and hide their real identity by hiding it in the place that people cannot see it. This film represents video games, or such as digital media as a virtual reality for representation of the future because it accurately portrays most humans neglecting their duty to protect the world and the new order that has taken place due to it because people nowadays are addicted in social media and the social media nowadays are more very useful for people in the society. The main character of the video can also generate a better resolution to be safe from a certain situation in which case they will not be allowed to be able to land on their own places.
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Movie Analysis
Ready Player One
A boy have a step dad that treating him as a trash and an a mothen can't protect him how stupid they are so i really realize why wade love spent time to the video games or OASIS his life was on video games he gets friends, and lovelife for other say that were just wasting our time and money through video games they dont know through video games we can release our emotion to our experience to this stupid life and atleast at video game if were tired we can stop it on this life even your suffer go lang ng go paren 
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francisdominictan · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
We all know now from the fact that social media affects our daily lives. Social media is definitely a crucial part of each and every individual right now. Like most of the things in this world, everything has sides. Social media has certain positive and negative impacts on our lives. The positive impact of social media on our lives is the easy-access communication and its convenient platform to create and share our own contents. Its expansive features enable us to communicate even in far distances, and also enables us to keep in contact with the people we’ve lost contact with. Also one of the positive effects of social media is connectivity. It helps us build rapport with those people whom we have numerous things in common with. Social media really has an impact on me as a Gen Z individual; it somehow shapes and influences the way I think on some issues.
We can express our opinions through these platforms and because of these, I found myself mindlessly ranting on the internet and forgetting that the people I’m interacting online are also human. And this is the most notable negative effect of social media. It often dehumanizes people, especially the ones we do not know personally. Because of the ‘apparent yet screened’ feature of social media, I say something to someone online that I would not say to him or her personally. Social media also promotes internet addiction. Social media leads us to spend more time on the internet which will then open the doors for depression, cyber-bullying, anxiety, and exposure to inappropriate restricted-age content. Furthermore, it also affects our self-esteem. We somehow compare ourselves to the people we saw online and validate our existence through the insignificant things like taking such sugar coated praises, posting heavily distorted pictures, and taking the shoes of someone else. Social media should be used in our advantages in an ethical way. We should use it for outcomes that make our life easier and where it is being used as a medium where communication can transpire fast and conveniently.
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