thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Kris
Writing Blog URL(s): @peachy-jjh​ 
Age: 19
Nationality: Mexican American
Languages: English and Spanish
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Favorite color: Black or Red
Favorite food: Probably buffalo wings
Favorite movie: My go-to’s are always Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate Chip or Fudge Brownie
Favorite animal: Hmm I don’t think I have one 
Go-to karaoke song: Adore You or Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): I want to be a teacher, preferably an English one 
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? Thai Milk Tea with Boba If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? Teleportation
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? The Roaring Twenties (minus the Great Depression) or the 1930s-40s when the Pachuco/a style was big
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? Probably not
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? One horse-sized chicken
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? Probably the school nerd that everyone goes to for answers
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? Yes!
What are some small things that make your day better? When I get called ma’am or miss during the drive through at work, I think it’s sweet because the people that call me that are older than me
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? I graduated top of my class senior year, but I wasn’t named valedictorian which confused a lot of people
What fandom(s) do you write for? K-pop boy groups
When did you post your first piece? It was on Wattpad in 2015
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? I write anything, but I find myself mostly writing fluff or angst. I guess it’s the genres I find easiest to write
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? I write X Readers for Tumblr, but my own personal writing is always OC
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? There’s a writer who does social media aus and I really admire her so I wanted to try writing a social media au of my own and I decided to make a writing account on tumblr
What inspires you to write? Other writers, the people that read my works, and my own desire to write out that specific scene that’s in my head.
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? As mentioned before, I prefer writing fluff or angst. As for aus, I love social media aus and mafia aus!
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? I just want them to find something they enjoy and that makes them happy, even if it’s only the tiniest bit.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? I listen to music and shift my focus to other pieces I do feel motivated to write, even if it’s just a scene that fits nowhere into a story.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? My favorite work is probably my Lucas drabble where the reader helps dye his hair. My most successful work is my Jaehyun drabble.
Who is your favorite person to write about? My favorite person to write about is Jaehyun from NCT! Whenever I get ideas for new pieces, I always picture him first before I begin to consider anyone else.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? I think there is, but it can depend on the writer. Personally, when I write fanfiction, I incorporate ideas that I see around me or that I like. If it’s original prose, I base it off personal experiences I’ve actually had.
What do you think makes a good story? I think a story that reads well and is fluid is a good one. Good stories, especially longer ones are the ones that keep the reader interested and engaged.
What is your writing process like? Most of the time, I get ideas for small scenes that I plan to eventually incorporate into a longer story. When this happens, I write that scene out and it just kinda sits there until I get more ideas or the motivation to continue that particular story. When it comes to a full story that I have planned out entirely, I try to make a basic outline before even beginning to write. Most of the time, my writing process consists of me writing the story in my head and loving how it turns out, but never actually putting it down on paper.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? I would, if the chance arose! 
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? It means a lot! It definitely helps a lot with motivation because you know what the people reading your writing enjoy.
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? I think joining networks has definitely helped! It’s a great way to engage with other writers as well as allow for a bigger audience.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? I do. Many people believe one shouldn’t write fiction about real people, but as I’ve seen many other writers on Tumblr explain, it’s not a piece of fiction written about the real person, it’s more of a character based off that person. Many writers have disclaimers before their writing stating that the writing does not portray the way that writer sees the person.
Do you think art can be a medium for change? Definitely! I think it’s different for everyone, but I believe that art can be appreciated by many and cause change.
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? I have yet to feel that, but I’m sure I’ll eventually feel it.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? I don’t think so, and I think it’s partly because I simply don’t have that much writing put out yet.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? Only my sister and my cousin know, beyond that, I try to keep it low key.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? Please interact! I love interacting with you all and getting feedback! It’s really helpful as a writer and interacting in general makes me really happy as well.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? Go for it! If there’s a story you want to read but can’t find, then write it yourself! But always make sure you’re working on something you enjoy, don’t let writing become a chore you do for others. 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? I don’t think so, I’ve enjoyed my time so far!
Pick a quote to end your interview with: 
De músico, poeta, y loco, todos tenemos un poco. (Of musician, poet, and madman, we all have our measure)
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wh6res · 3 years
Fic title : Peachy lips.
peachy lips | jaehyun
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"mark isn't here yet. miss him already? i can keep you company while you wait." — jjh
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tw. fratboy jae agenda, implied public (???) sex
a/n. something diff from what i usually write abt
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jaehyun is everyone's dream as much as he was a nightmare. that damn bastard is just too tempting for his own good, with his hooded eyes and those plump, peachy lips that's drawn in a permanent smirk. he’s a nightmare for someone taken — someone like you.
when he saddles up to your side in the bar, you try not to shiver too much when his scent invades your being, a hand sneakily finding purchase on the back of your seat, fingers slightly grazing your body, as he gestures the barista for a refill.
"never seen you before," he mutters, addressing you but not bothering to grace you with eye contact as he waits for his drink. "no offense."
you scoff. maybe not looking the devil in the eye was the wiser decision. but your lips move, already forming a sentence without even bothering to think. "yeah, well, not if you always have your gaze stuck on a woman's front but don't worry, none taken."
he looks at you then and for a moment it felt like you won, even if you weren't supposed to feel this way. anxiously, your gaze moves onto the mass of bodies dancing behind you. losing themselves to the world of booze, music, and pleasure that you wish to be like them someday, with no care in the world.
"mark isn't here yet. miss him already?"
when you look at him, he is already staring at you. amusement swirling in his orbs and a satisfied curl in the corner of his lips as he brought the bottle of beer up to take a sip. "i can keep you company while you wait."
this little bastard. he claims to have never seen you before but knew enough of the current… uhm, arrangement, you had with mark lee — well, at least you think jaehyun does, what with his innuendo and that unmistakable mirth present in his eyes.
you wanted so badly to turn around and walk away because that was the right thing. although you and mark never outrightly promised each other to not see other people, it should be common courtesy, right? as far as "courtesy" goes in a friends with benefits situation.
but when jaehyun took another swig of his drink, lips glossy under cheap lighting with that peach-flavored soju (you can tell, the smell was distinct) your mouth was running and you weren't thinking straight.
"keep me company… what, here? or someplace else?"
was it wrong that the quick change of his demeanor sent delicious shivers down your spine? gone are the amusement in his eyes as this hazy, dark gaze took over. when he steps closer to lean into your ear, you figured the action had been deliberate and strategic.
because with his body blocking the sight of your bare legs, no one can see the nimble fingers slowly trailing up your thighs, up, up, up, until—
you gasp when his hands come in contact with your throbbing sex. wet already? how humiliating.
he whispers.
"here or someplace else, is there a difference?"
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taglist !!
@hoeartchoke @donghyukcore @stopknot @greenish-taro @stayvision @zhongriot @lmaoskz @zephyr-abyss @anonymous-stuff @josuke8 @jaemotel @gothboyjisung @winwiniee​ @dundun-baby
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jenoluck (c) all rights reserved
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danishmiilk · 3 years
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➵ 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘 𝙩𝙤𝙤.
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➵ 𝙬𝙝𝙮
why not? fine, just kidding. this is a celebration collab for my recent hitting 300 followers, hitting 300 notes on a post, and getting hit by a car. okay, maybe not the last part. but either way, i’ve been wanting to do this for the longest time and now i finally have the excuse to do it!!
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➵ 𝙖𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧
dear fanfiction author (yes, you.),
we are pleased to offer you a spot in the nct 2020 writing collaboration of hogwarts aus! there are no limitations on genres, we don’t care as long as your fic takes place in the one and only hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry! to accept your spot, simply DM @danishmiilk​, our lovely host (cough, cough.) with the member you wish to write for! it’s on a first come, first serve basis, so oops if you don’t get the member you want! more details under the school rules. it’s against our aesthetic to put too much info in this letter.
signed, you-know-who. not voldemort, no, just me!
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➵ 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨
as mentioned, this is on a first come, first serve basis so don’t be disappointed if you don’t get the member you want to write for!
make sure you have discord as i’ll be adding you to a discord server
no limitations on genre, anything is fine as long as it’s sfw as i am a minor (so no smut whatsoever, sorry!) and ofc as long as it takes place in hogwarts
for any triggering topics, tag them, and if you’re in doubt, just tag it.
minimum word count is 2k. i’m not accepting timestamps and drabbles.
the deadline will be somewhere in july 2021, but it can always be negotiated.
please inform me if you’re changing urls, going on hiatus, etc, etc, and of course if you’re stepping out of the collab. it’s all fine, i understand, but i need prior warning.
must be written using your nct writing blog (tell me what it is so i can add you to the masterlist)
the theme is first and foremost nct x reader. however gen fics will also be allowed, but the fic has to be centered around chosen nct member.
as an example to the last point, like, yes. do not choose sicheng and tell me you’re centering around yuta because as much as i love yuta your place in this collab is to write for sicheng, so just choose who you want to write for.
also, after you’re accepted please reblog this post so we can reach a wider audience!
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➵ 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
taeil [teaser] [fic] - @wonjaekook​ | sun
johnny [teaser] [fic] - @raibebe | rai
yuta [teaser] [fic] - @danishmiilk​ | xing-yi
taeyong [teaser] [fic] - @lebrookestore​ | brooke
kun [teaser] [fic] - @itsapapisongo​ | javier
doyoung [teaser] [fic] - @notnctu​ | joyce
ten [teaser] [fic] - @127-mile | émi
jaehyun [teaser] [fic] - @peachy-jjh | kris
sicheng [teaser] [fic] - @lovecerine
jungwoo [teaser] [fic] - @puppywritings | william
mark [teaser] [fic] - @navyhyuck​ | vee
xiaojun [teaser] [fic] - @quokkacore | helena
hendery [teaser] [fic] - @riajae | ria
lucas [teaser] [fic] - @sangyeon-lee​ | ting
renjun [teaser] [fic] - @cosmiclatte28​ | cosmic
jeno [teaser] [fic] - @peachy-yoonoh | sunny
haechan [teaser] [fic] - @gowonhatesyou​ | krystal
jaemin [teaser] [fic] - @queen-of-himbos | kes
shotaro [teaser] [fic] - @sweetlyjaem​ | yunn
yangyang [teaser] [fic] - @sehunniepotwrites | nikki
chenle [teaser] [fic] - @sly-merlin | simmi
sungchan [teaser] [fic] - @moondustaeil​ | ambrosia
jisung [teaser] [fic] - @moonbeamsung | hannah
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thekpopnet · 4 years
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(04.22.2020)This is a few weeks late but Happy 3 Year Anniversary to TheKpopNet!!! I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to everyone who has supported this network. And a gigantic thank you to all the admins and members (old and new)! This network wouldn’t have been possible with out any of you! Here’s to another new year! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 ~ Admin @gukmixtape
 @wonhoforever  @bitchboysinatraaa  @kpopchangedme  @jeongi  @yoonqiful  @megan123star  @sunnyxiaojuns 
@yugalicious  @coffee-and-kpop  @jaeology  @dotbae  @sugaandchill  @stellars  @bbaksu  @memoiresofaneternaldreamer  @outrowings  @mauloveskpop  @timetohajima  @parkhabits  @shownuubear  @seungkwanslowqualityenglish  @6ondry  @blondeprincewoohyun  @illegil  @cuddlejeongin  @chenle  @ladymaysworld  @limsjaebeom  @tiredsanwon  @axizzles  @whalien5243  @bbibtch  @himeaegyo  @narika-a  @softboynamjoon  @ikonislife  @luckyexo  @greyeon  @heeyoens  @chanyoel  @aynakotaemin  @taestfully  @hyuckles-chuckles  @sunmoon-star  @hoodiehan  @taepups-words  @handshake  @hipsterminseok  @4yug  @peachyuns  @ulteunjis  @kacchand  @softjeon  @jinniesbby  @aureumjeon  @myeoning-call  @ilytuan  @moonykyu  @holy-jinsus  @agustcyphers  @topsica  @1ove1ies  @nam-nam-joon  @haildorito  @femlovebot  @madeitwang  @taendrils  @skydivingstars  @allvmin  @kittaebrat  @minhyukiss  @rmwithluv  @roseyjongdae  @studiojoonie  @fresh-outta-jams  @jinslefteye  @jooneos  @yeahstraykids  @btsvt-adventures  @crownily  @taeyongleee  @beomgyutie  @txtish  @kihyuni3  @2oyeon  @huffnpwff  @jintobean  @mydarlingtuan  @itzuy  @misscheesecakeee  @ateezbot  @kim-seungmine  @hobisaesthetics  @randomkoalablog  @zeulgis  @softlyjiminie  @jogeumdeo  @jinies  @thebiasrekkers  @myglumi  @kookscrescent  @kimyovngjo  @byeongkwann  @rkivepacks  @dimplyjae  @ohnoyoonoh  @mistykook  @thinksshesawolf  @secndlife  @jincendio  @rebelliouslala  @jwseunie  @peachy-jjh  @jungtaeyoongles  @wonderlustlucas  @theredcarat  @katebacks  @eunjihoney  @min-youngis  @imshiber  @sichengsbimbo
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This board was made for a collaboration with @peachy-jjh for the summer event put on by @kpopmoodboardnet! You can read the fic here 💜
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kwritersworld · 4 years
Acceptance Post #12
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@silverlightqueen​​ @skzctnightnight​​ @peonybane​​ @hvllevator​​ @feralbangtan​​ @serendipityunho​​ @kesmonsterwrites​​ @deuxjun​​ @barsformars​​ @rebelliouslala​​ @guccistraykids​​ @intheruinsofmyown​​ @neostains​​ @crownily​​ @ohnoyoonoh​​ @peachy-jjh​​ @nakamotozone​​ @staerrylights​​ @gohyuck​​ @jisunqsgf​​ @chu-ni​​ @nightskyhoseok​​ @jopping-to-my-kpop​​ @min-youngis​​ @thebiasrekkers​​ (both admins that applied ^^)
unable to tag: N/A
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Now that you are a member:
Don’t forget to reblog this post, so we know you accepted your membership!
Place a link to the network somewhere on your blog (we will check!)
We want to emphasize that you read the rules (!) again and ensure you follow them. The admins are free to remove you from the network if you are found to have broken any of them.
Track the tag #KWRITERSWORLDNET and make sure to tag original content, so the admins can reblog it. ↳ The tag must be placed within the first five tags for us to see it. ↳ Failure to use the tag and you do post new content will give us the assumption that you do not want your work reblogged to the network. Thus, the KWW team will deem you inactive in our network and will more than likely terminate your membership once your one-year membership check-in happens.
If you opted to join the network’s discord channel, one of the admins will message you shortly with the invite link. To those who opted out of joining but changed your mine, just send us an ask off anon, and one of the admins will message you with the invite link.
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If you still have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the network! We are happy to welcome you to our wonderful world.
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ssaccharinedreamss · 4 years
One shots
you’re so beautiful by peachy-jjh
wong yukhei as a boyfriend by chocolvte
Study Session by forehead-enthusiast
draw me like one of your french cartoons by ncthothours
you’re so beautiful by peachy-jjh
lights out, love by by-moonflower
Break Up!AU
post breakups with wayv by warmau
Childhood Friends to Lovers!AU
thangs by moondustis
home by starlightkun
number 57 by starlightkun
lovestruck!yukhei by warmau
cheerleader!yukhei by warmau
Strangers to Lovers!AU
Electric by yougotthtbilly
Summer Romance!AU
summer romance!au yukhei by warmau
sleepless cinderella prologue by starlightkun
sleepless cinderella by starkightkun
Social media AUs
Boss!Lucas by ncthothours
High School!AU
do you think about me too? by byunnct
[9:57 pm] by valentine-jae
[3:12am] by neo-cult-Ute
poly relationship with lucas and taeyong by sluttyten
Vertigo by savvvy
The other woman y ninibears-erigom
Racer Lucas by kerminghaos
Nct 2018 as Mafia Positions by neo-culture-mafia
lucas by warmau
tell me all that is insincere by by-moonflower
One shots
Never Love Again by danseurehonte
high on your love by moondustis
swang my way by moondustis
four leaf clover by moondusties
Social media AUs
Best Friends Brother!AU
my boy introduction by dimplyjae
my boy by dimplyjae
[11:48pm] by boopitsath0t
johnny and lucas threesome by sluttyten
jaehyun and yukhei threesome by domjaehyun
Wicked by savvvy
Conflicted by savvvy
lucas dirty talk = rambling by moonlit-jeno
hickeys by domjaehyun
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peachy-jjh · 4 years
Also,,, I started a rec blog! It’s @peachy-jjh-recs (don’t know why I can’t tag it but it’s linked in my bio)
I want a blog where I can reblog writing I like! I know how much reblogs mean to writers and I’d love to bring some happiness to fellow writers. If you have writing you’d like me to read please don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask on that blog and I’ll be happy to read and reblog it! All the love x
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tojaehyun · 6 years
the tag game!
tagged by: my new aqua twin whom i hope has a beautiful week with delicious food and boppy music @godtierjeno  
rules: tag ten followers you want to know better
name: floral!! flo, flomoney, & floflo for short/variety
gender: female
height: 5′3″
age: 17
sexuality: 👫 and 👭
house: ravenclaw (who is secretly eyeing slytherin!jeno)
wallpaper on phone: my lockscreen is a selfie of my friends & i at our local fair; my homescreen is a mirror selfie with my favorite inspirational quote atm :)
have you ever had a crush on a teacher: bitch are u kidding me they’re all... OLD and wh*te (i prefer my crushes to be young and with lots&lots of melanin, jaehyun is the only exception)
what was your coolest halloween costume: i was a mad scientist when i was 13 hahah that was pretty cool
favourite 90s tv show: UMMM [hyperventilating bc i’m a millenial] buffy the vampire slayer!! (i binged 2 summers ago it was so mf good 😩)
last kiss: HA I WISH, these boys [pointing to my lips] STAY moisturized for mi chico valentino
have you ever been stood up: don’t i need someone to stand me up first
have you ever been to Las Vegas: Nitrogen Oxygen
favourite pair of shoes: chunky heels!! they make me feel like a baddie
favourite fruit: jaehyun’s peachy cheeks
favourite book: no tengo un favorito pero i’m currently reading astrophysics for people in a hurry and tis juicy (but erin hanson and edgar allen poe’s poems make me tunasuuuub)
stupidest thing you’ve ever done: last summer i got cr*ssf*ded and sent my crush 15 videos in the middle of the night confessing my love (even tho i had already done it through a written letter) and i told him i wanted to **** him in the front seat of his cadillac :)... pls spare me, bernie sanders was his idol and he was an environmentalist and so sweet and jfkhgsk my first love
all-time favourite shows: NARUTO, jane the virgin, new girl, that 70′s show, one punch man, suite life of zack and cody (🤷🏻‍♀️), the package, hello my twenties, goblin, descendants of the sun, weightlifting fairy, && reply 1997 
last movie you saw in theatres: ummm does dci count?? (it’s like an annual showing of the professional marching shows every summer cuz i’m a fatty in band)
i’m tagging some new mutuals!! hello sexies!!! ily!!!!: @jaeminos @sol-peaches @dimpledbun @chicanaflor @2bwa @jjhs @breadhyunn @chickendora @taesjpg @ywukhei
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This is a collab with @peachy-jjh for @kpopmoodboardnet‘s summer event :)
Holiday/vacation with Jungkook by @peachy-jjh
Jungkook x reader
genre: slice of life, fluff
wordcount: 956
“What are we doing today?” your boyfriend of five years asked, picking at the remaining bits of his breakfast. You looked over the catalogue that was provided when you arrived at the hotel, marvelling over how much there was to do in Bali. It was your five year anniversary and it conveniently was during summer so Jungkook had surprised you with a two week vacation to Bali, Indonesia. 
“Hmm, what about the Nusa Dua Beach?” you asked, looking up at him to gauge his reaction. He scrunched his nose and shook his head and you almost laughed at how cute he looked. “Not in the mood to swim today?”
“I’m not in the mood to get sand all over me,” he said, while sipping on his orange juice. You nodded in agreement and continued to scan the catalogue. Your eyes lit up when you saw the perfect place and you knew your boyfriend would agree. He looked at you and put his glass down. “What?”
“Let’s go to the bird park.” It took him a second to process your words, but his eyes immediately lit up and he nodded vigorously. “We can see the flamingos! I heard they roam freely in the park, you can even pet them and take pictures with them.” At your words, his excitement grew and he quickly gulped down the rest of his juice before standing.
“Well what are we waiting for? Hurry up and get ready,” he exclaimed, already walking over to his suitcase to pick out a suitable outfit for the day. You smiled at his excitement before putting the catalogue down on the bed and going to your suitcase. After a minute of rustling, you heard your boyfriend speak. “Baby, what do you think about this shirt?” You turned to him to see that he was holding a blue, tropical shirt. You laughed and nodded, agreeing with his styling choice. He smiled before beginning to change, not bothered by the fact that you were watching him. You, however, quickly turned away, amazed at the fact that after five years, he still made you blush. You ignored how hot your face felt and began changing as well. When you turned, he was facing the mirror, slowly putting sunscreen on his face. He caught your gaze through the mirror and smiled. “Come here,” he said softly. You walked over and he turned to face you. “Close your eyes.” You did, expecting a kiss and were slightly disappointed when you felt his hands on your cheeks and forehead, applying sunscreen to your skin. He laughed when you slightly pouted as he made sure to cover your whole face. “Wouldn’t want you getting sunburnt.” When he finished, you opened your eyes in time to see him leaning in to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss, bringing your hand to cup his cheek. 
“I love you,” you said quietly, after you pulled away. He giggled and repeated your words. “Now, let’s go see some birds.”
Finding your way to the park took about half an hour, but you didn’t mind it much because you were spending time with your favorite person. Once you reached the park, Jungkook immediately pulled you to the area where you were allowed to feed the pelicans. You were surprised that he knew what attractions the park offered but when you were about to ask, he explained that he had read the catalogue beforehand on the plane and had wanted to visit the park since you arrived at Bali. After feeding the pelicans, you walked around looking for the next attraction. While walking, you walked past many flamingos and pet them as often as you could. At one point, Jungkook excitedly took a picture of you with one and asked you to do the same. You took every opportunity you had to take a photo of him. You wanted to remember every second of it. 
“Y/N, look at that bird! Isn’t that amazing?” he exclaimed, pointing at the eagle as it demonstrated it’s hunting skills. You were too busy looking at him though, taking in every detail of his face. The mole on his nose that you loved to kiss, his teeth and adorable smile, his big, beautiful eyes. He was breathtaking, and you felt so lucky to call him yours.
“Yeah, absolutely amazing,” you murmured. 
The rest of the day passed rather quickly. You were tired and happy to be back in the hotel. As you got ready for bed, he was scrolling through the camera roll on your phone, looking at the photos you had taken that day. When you joined him, he shifted so you could lay on his chest and see the photos with him. 
“That’s my favorite one,” you said, pointing at the screen. It was a picture of Jungkook with several kinds of parrots on his arms as well as a macaw parrot on his head. He was smiling and he had his eyes closed. The sheer happiness on his face was enough to make you smile. “Put it as my wallpaper for me, please.” He obeyed, quickly changing your wallpaper before he continued to scroll. 
“This one is my favorite,” he said, tilting the phone so you could see clearly. It was a selfie he had taken, in which he had his free arm around you and you were kissing his cheek. You turned your head, kissing his cheek again before bringing your hand up to turned him to face you, kissing him properly. He dropped your phone on the bed, adjusting himself as he continued to kiss you. “I love you so much,” he mumbles into your mouth. You smiled into the kiss, already excited about what tomorrow would bring. (w.c. 956)
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
Name: Kris  Writing Blog URL(s): @peachy-jjh​ 
What groups do you stan? Bear with me, it’s a lot: NCT (OT21), ATEEZ, The Rose, BTS, EXO, Day6, Seventeen, TxT, Monsta X, Stray Kids, GOT7, KARD, SHINee, iKON, N. Flying, ASTRO, B.A.P., Super Junior, Bigbang and I’m in the process of getting into ACE, The Boyz, and Pentagon
Who are your biases? JAEHYUN, Jeno, Kun, Hongjoong, Dojoon, Jimin, Chanyeol, Wonpil, Woozi, Yeonjun, Wonho, Changbin, Jackson, J. Seph, Jiwoo, Key, Junhoe, Jaehyun, Rocky, Eunhyuk, and G Dragon
If you could do one activity with your ult, what would it be? Definitely go vinyl shopping and then just have a conversation over a drink
Why do you think people love idols and their stories so much? I think people can maybe relate to them or identify themselves with some idols and it makes them feel more connected to them. Idols are also overall very admirable because there’s a lot of work that comes with being an idol. They also are usually very loving and respectful towards their fans so in turn, the fans return said love and respect.
Where do you think the line between fantasy and reality should be drawn? I think it should be a very clear line. Having fantasies is essentially harmless and that includes writing or reading others’ works, but I dont think these fantasies should be projected onto one’s actual life or worse, the idols themselves.
What would you do if you met your bias in real life? I’d probably be too starstruck to do anything. If I were to interact with them for whatever reason, I’d probably cry and not be able to get a word out.
Is there a need for reform in the industry? Definitely, at least some parts of it. It’s obvious that some idols and groups are mistreated and I think that needs to change. I also believe this placing of idols on a pedestal and leaving no room for them to make mistakes without immediately being “cancelled” or treated badly needs to change as well. I’ve seen too many idols leave their band over mistakes that they simply should have just been allowed to apologize for. 
If you could be a K-pop star, would you? Probably not, I don't believe I have the work ethic needed. I’m not sure I’d really like that lifestyle.
What would you do if you found out that an idol read one of the stories you wrote about them? I’d be pretty mortified, but at the same time because i need the validation, I’d want to know what they think of the writing XD
Why did you choose to write for a real person vs. a fictional one? As someone who has written for both, I think I look at the story I want to tell as a whole and see who fits it more. However, even when I’m writing for a real person, as mentioned before, that person is more of a character that is inspired by the real person, and not a depiction of the real person themselves.
Has K-Pop changed your life in any major way? Yes, definitely! It’s allowed me to interact with so many new people as well as learn so many new things! It’s also helped me be more confident in myself and more loving towards myself.
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