#@psycho net.com
psycho-net2000 · 5 months
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Man, kids are relentless these days!
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psycho-net2000 · 6 months
Sasha🎄Milla >:]]
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psycho-net2000 · 6 months
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"Nah, Vernon's still better."
"Yeah, well- wait what"
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psycho-net2000 · 4 months
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Was starting to work on a height chart for some characters so I don't have to keep "eyeballing it" and Jesus christ- Raz is huge
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psycho-net2000 · 5 months
Hey Chloe! Glad to see you're part of the Psychonauts team! Anyway, I wanted to know about which of the campers you've kept in touch with throughout the years. Is Bobby doing good considering his... unruly past?
Anyway, glad to see some appreciation for you! Tell Raz I say hi :)
"Hmmm, let me think... The other Campers I've really 'kept in touch' with other than Raz, would probably have to be Quentin, Clem, Crystal and D'art. I suppose Benny too, but, we don't exactly cooperate and talk that often.
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As for Bobby, he has matured quite a lot as he grew up, I've noticed. He is no longer as aggressive as he was when he was younger, if that's what you mean. He can still be... A little crude and childish, yes, but- I have definitely noticed an improvement in his behavior, especially when interacting with other agents."
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psycho-net2000 · 7 months
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Just wait until he finds out how many people also have tattoos and tooth gaps
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psycho-net2000 · 7 months
Subject: Clothes
How many pretty clothes to you own I own lots and lots of sparkly dresses
"I like to think I have quite a diverse wardrobe. When it comes to dresses I own a few that I tend to wear to parties or business events. I prefer to wear simple pants and T-shirts most of the time, as they are easiest to do lab work in, and I'm not too worried about them getting ruined.
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To answer your question, I'd say I have at least two or three dresses I would consider 'pretty'. Thank you for your question."
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psycho-net2000 · 7 months
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Wonder what they're all so worried about
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psycho-net2000 · 6 months
Dart 🎄 Clem
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He wanted to leave his eyes open because he was nervous
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psycho-net2000 · 6 months
chloe 🎄 bobby ❤️❤️❤️
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psycho-net2000 · 5 months
Hey Chloe! Just wanted to know if you have any advice for someone starting out on astronomy. I just got this telescope from my aunt but it doesn't work too well, and I know you have this whole thing about tracking the major psitanium meteors. So what kind of stuff do you use? and what would you suggest for a beginner?
Thanks for reading, Cygnas Appreciator
"Oh, yes! I will happily give you some advice that has helped me get to where I am.
First of all I would suggest you have a good understanding of space, and the science behind it. There's plenty of resources out there, especially with the amount of information on the internet these days. Though, I myself always prefer going to books. One of my favorites growing up, was the "Astronomy Encyclopedia" by Patrick Moore.
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Um- Anyways, the next best thing to do is to find a good source of funding. Building and sending a satellite into space isn't exactly a cheap task. The process overall can be extremely tedious, I barely even managed to get any of my plans approved. I don't think I would have been able to do it without Otto's help. Which leads me to my next point, which is to try and not everything all by yourself. It's always good to have another pair of eyes go over your work.
Overall, don't expect an easy process, especially if you're a beginner. Depending on your projects, they can take a few weeks to a whole year.
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But don't let that intimidate you! As long as you stay focused and have a good work ethic, the final results will definitely be worth it."
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psycho-net2000 · 6 months
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Ahooo hoo hooooo!
Adult Raz sketcheroo go weee
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psycho-net2000 · 5 months
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More future relationships and stuff, this time with the old interns! plus Dion and Frazie
Campers here
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psycho-net2000 · 6 months
Send two characters with a "🎄" in between them and you might get a lil drawing :)
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psycho-net2000 · 7 months
Hi, Sora here two things for you guys
1. Raz, mom said to do the laundry once you get back home
2. Chole, I wanted to ask, how do we really schedule missions at the motherlobe? I know that someone can take over a mission if the agent that the mission was originally intended to go is no longer available, but how do we really schedule them? Is it like shifts at a day job? Do we just have it where you can pick up what missions you do or don't want to do? I'm so confused about it.-
"Hello Sora, I will gladly answer your question regarding missions.
Yes, they are somewhat similar to work shifts. Any assignments/missions given to you can be traded or picked up as long as you check in with your mentor and Mrs. Forsythe first.
If you want to pick up someone else's mission, check in with the person who's mission you want, and see if it's okay with them first before talking to your superior.
I'm afraid that I can't guarantee that you will be able to get the assignments you want, even if you ask. Our schedules are very strict with the ammount of interns we have received, and any minor changes can greatly affect it.
I hope that this helps!
Also, Raz says to tell Lili that, 'he is refusing to do any of his laundry until Morris cleans the lint filter, because it's his turn and he hasn't done it yet.'"
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psycho-net2000 · 7 months
“Heya Raz, it’s me, Maximoff! I was just wondering, if by any chance, you’ve any sort of strange things going around. I was just saying so because I actually found this weird thing when I was doing an all-nighter back home. (And before you ask, NO, I was not drunk or anything like that, PLEASE DO NOT TELL LILI SHE’D KILL ME—)”
Received from [email protected]
"Don't think I have! Or, well, this isn't exactly supposed to be very public, but... I've recently picked up an old case that was dropped a few months ago and started working on it. I've started to connect some dots with a few of the strange reports we've been getting recently! Do you think maybe we could meet up for coffee or something later so you could tell me about what you've found?
And I SWEAR I won't tell Lili that you were definitely not drunk last night. Your secret is completely safe with me. Not that there is a secret to be kept in the first place, of course. You can totally trust me :)"
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