#[ ᵂᴴᴱᴺ ᴵ'ᴹ ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ʸᴼᵁ ᴵ ᶠᴵᴺᴬᴸᴸʸ ᶠᴱᴱᴸ ᴳᴼᴼᴰ ᴱᴺᴼᵁᴳᴴ :: ᴍᴏʀᴛʏ & ᴍᴏʀᴛʏ ]
countlessrealities · 3 months
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@advnterccs sent:
It's early in the morning. Perhaps a little too early. Though, it didn't matter. Morty snuck into the bedroom just before the sun rose. Creeping up to the bed where his counterpart still slept.
A cupcake in his hand with a small present that was wrapped up. (If opened would reveal the latest new video game!)
"Happy birthday, PM, I-I wanted to be the first one to wish you that."
{ To your Morty from my Morty !! }
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These days, Morty was a light sleeper. He had been forced to learn to be, with Rick barging in his room at any hour of the night. Being half asleep during adventures was never a good idea, so the sooner he woke up, the less he risked getting hurt during whatever the scientist had planned for them.
So, the moment he felt the mattress dipping, his mind instantly assumed that it had to be his grandfather about to drag him along for some insane trip. Why expecting anything else? This was his routine, what he was used to, his life.
Reason why he was utterly stunned when he found himself face to face with his counterpart instead.
He knew that it was their shared birthday, he had gotten a gift for the others and prepared a little thing for the two of them, for later that day. No way he would have forgotten. His still half asleep mind, however, was a whole different matter.
"...FM...?" He slurred, voice still dazed.
It was only when his brain fully registered what his boyfriend had said that he finally put the pieces together.
An excited grin spread on his lips as he took in the snack and the present, eyes sparkling as he reached out to take the latter. As much as he wanted to se what was inside, he held the urge back.
The real gift was having his other self there with him and that was what he wanted to focus on.
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"H-Happy birthday you too," he answered, his expression softening, excitement turning into adoration and eagerness into contentment. "T-Thanks for this. An-And for being here."
He cupped his counterpart's cheek, leaning to press a chaste but lingering kiss on his lips, full of longing and happiness.
"Y-You're the best birthday present I-I could ever hope for."
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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Send me ‡ for my character's reaction to yours climbing into bed with mine || Accepting !
@advnterccs sent: ‡ { To your Morty from my Morty ! }
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It took Morty a moment to realise that something had shifted, and quite literally too. He was already half asleep when it happened, his consciousness heavy with exhaustion and with the desire to pass out and forget about having to exist for a few hours.
That day had been brutal, even more than hard adventures usually got. Morty had known that he would have been in for a rough time, but as it too often happened, things had gotten out of hand. By the time the whole mess was trudging towards it longed-for conclusion, the boy had been moving automatically, his mind too drenched in exhaustion to register what was happening, and muscle memory taking over completely.
The fact that Rick had been almost as knackered by the time he had driven them back home spoke in volumes of what a shitty time they had had. Hopefully the stuff they had gotten would prove to be worth the trouble.
Once he finally registered that he was no longer alone on the mattress, his first reaction was to groan in displeasure. The assumption he made was that the other person had to be Rick, probably drunk off his ass. If that had been true, it would have meant no sleep at all. It didn't matter if the man tried to pull him out of bed or just started to ramble in his ear, both things would have prevented the boy from getting his much needed rest.
Before he could let out a verbal protest, however, he realised that the form that was snuggling next to him didn't fit the scientist. It was too short, didn't stink of alcohol or chemicals, its skin was much warmer. Not to mention that it was much more familiar.
Bleary hazel eyes blinked, trying to put into focus his unexpected bed companion. The room was too dark for him to see the details, but the shape was unmistakable. After all, it was his own body.
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"H-Hey," he spoke up in a quiet, hoarse whisper.
There was more that he wanted to say, but he was too tired put it into words. He didn't know why his counterpart was there and he didn't really cared. He was just happy to have his boyfriend there, and even moree to have the chance to cuddle against him.
With a low hum, he rubbed his cheek against the other's shoulder, making himself comfortable against his side. Sleep came even more easily than it would have without his current company, And not just that. He felt cozy, warm, safe.
Perhaps, he thought as his consciousness faded away, this one night would have been one completely free from nightmares.
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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Even more incorrect quotes || Accepting !
@advnterccs sent: ✏️ { For the Mortys !! }
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My Morty: Who hurt you? Your Morty: *snorting* What, do you want a list? My Morty: …Yes, actually.
My Morty: Why do you hang out with me? Your Morty: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me! My Morty: … My Morty: I feel a bit sorry for you.
Your Morty: What’s the dumbest thing you believed as a child? My Morty: That naptime was a punishment.
Your Morty: But that place is haunted. My Morty: Ghosts prey on fear. Just be confident! Your Morty, marching into the haunted house: I'M NOT SCARED! I'M NOT A PUSSY!
Your Morty: I'm going the fight the next person who insults PM. My Morty: I hate myself. Your Morty: Alright, square up.
Your Morty: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it. My Morty: …what happened? Your Morty: I made a VERY bad mistake.
My Morty: You're the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Your Morty: I'd be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. My Morty: I said within reason, FM. How about I murder that guy? Your Morty: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? My Morty: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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Kisses under the mistletoe
@advnterccs sent: 😍 : my muse places a mistletoe above your muse’s head { To your Morty from my Morty }
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While he would have denied it even under torture because it would have made him sound lame, Morty had been planning this since the start of the month. The previous Christmas had been a very important moment for him and his counterpart, even if they hadn't officially gotten together until New Year's Eve, and he meant to make the day somewhat special this year too.
That was why he had offered, for once, to help his Dad decorating the house. Useless to say, Jerry had been surprised and overjoyed by it, oblivious to the fact that he would be just a mean to an end. The teen wanted to know exactly where every piece of decoration would be, especially the mistletoe bundles, so that he could choose the best place where to share a romantic kiss with his boyfriend.
He had also stolen one of thee bundles while his father wasn't watching, just in case none of the spots would work for them.
Oddly enough, Rick had let him do what he wanted without much of a fuss. Morty had been a little puzzled and a little worried at first, because he was expecting his grandfather to be planning something nasty to get back at him for having chosen to spend most of the day with Jerry instead of adventuring with him. However, his concerns had been quickly dissipated when he had caught the scientist smirking at him from above a glass of liquor right when he had embezzled the extra bundle of mistletoe.
He really should have been expected would have Rick had guessed what he was up to. What had been even more surprising was that the man had chosen to enable him, even if it meant taking time away from their adventures. It had filled Morty with gratitude and warmth, even if he hadn't dared to show it, knowing that he would have been dismissed, if not straight out mocked.
Once the gathering of the two families had started, Morty had waited for the right moment. He had quickly given up on using one of the mistletoes that had been hung in the doorways, because there was always someone else around. He wanted it to be a moment just between the two of them, without an audience or interferences of any kind.
So, as soon as he saw a chance for them both to sneak out unseen, he took his other self by the hand, tugging at his arm to coax him into following.
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"C-Come with me for a minute?" He asked quietly, so that no one else could hear him. Despite his efforts to look calm, his shy nervousness still showed in the light trembling of his voice. "I-I want...Uh, t-there's something I want to..."
He cut himself off, realising that he didn't know how to word his request without revealing what he had in mind. It didn't necessarily have to be a surprise, but in his eyes it would have been more romantic if he had managed to keep it such. Was it worth making a fool of himself, though? He wasn't so sure about it.
"Y-You'll see!" He settled on saying, pulling his counterpart a little more firmly. The less he talked and the more he acted, the better would be.
He led them out of the living room, perhaps a little too rushedly, and then past the the dining room and into the hallway. Instead of heading for the stairs as one would think, however, he took another turn, not stopping until they were standing in the corridor between Rick's room and Jerry's man cave.
Only then he allowed himself to turn to face his boyfriend once again, not before having taken a deep breath in and out. It was now or never. He wanted to be smooth, to be as charming as his other self saw him at times. No matter how hard and fast his heart was beating in his chest and throat.
Swallowing quietly, he fished the bunch of mistletoe out of his pocket, and held it up above their heads, forcing the most flirtatious smile he could master on his face.
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"Y-You know, since we've been together for a while," almost a year, but he would deal with that on New Year's Eve, "an-and things between us have been going well," or at least he truly hope so, "I-I thought that we deserved some time alone for this."
He glanced up at the mistletoe, both to back up his words and to have a moment to steady himself for what he was about to say next.
"An-And, if you're up for it, to get a little...naughty too."
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countlessrealities · 10 months
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@advnterccs sent:
Morty sat down at the table next to his counterpart. In his hand was a plate of a slice of pumpkin pie with two forks. He carefully scooped up some of the pie and a little bit of whipped cream. Holding it still before those lips.
"Here, have some," Damn, this was awkward. He just wanted to romantically feed his boyfriend, but he didn't know how to start it. "Uh, i-it's good, but y-you already know that." Then came an awkward laugh.
{ To your Morty from my Morty // awkward boyfriend shenanigans uwu }
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The sound of the chair next to it being moved snapped Morty out of his thoughts. The rest of the family, aside from the Ricks, had moved into the living room, but he had lingered at the table hoping to get a couple of extra drinks without his parents noticing or Summer ratting him out.
He wasn't looking to get drunk, of course. Not when the day had been mostly pleasant so far, thanks to the fact that their counterparts from the other timeline were there too. He just wanted to loosen up, to relax a little more, and he knew that being tipsy did help him with that.
And being presented with his boyfriend trying to feed him pie was for him the proof that he had had the right idea. If he had been completely sober, he would have gotten all flustered and awkward, but the buzzing in his head made him bolder. More confident even.
Hopefully, he wouldn't come off too strong.
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"I-I know, but I bet it tastes even better w-with you making me taste it," he talked back smoothly, his tone openly flirty. "E-Everything is better if you're involved."
With that, he opened his mouth, taking the forkful in and wrapping his lips around the fork, perhaps taking just a moment to long to slid off it. He hummed around the bite, showing his appreciation as he chewed on it.
"Y-Yep, I was right. M-Much better," he claimed, once he had swallowed the pie, his hand finding his boyfriend's free one so that he could lace their fingers together. "H-Here, let me show you."
Instead of taking the fork and returning the gesture, however, he simply leant in and brought their mouths together in a kiss, deepening it almost immediately. His movements, however, remained slow and lazy, without any rush. This was about letting his counterpart having a taste too, after all. And what better way to achieve that than allowing both of them to savour it?
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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@advnterccs sent: Morty fidgeted with his fingers for a moment. "Is... D-Do we need to talk about something? I feel like, y-you know, th-that we need to. Summer said something about it." { To your Morty from my Morty >:D }
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It took Morty a great deal of self-control not to scowl hearing that Summer had gone to talk to his counterpart behind his back. His sister could almost never be bothered to get meddled with others' business, unless she was directly involved, so he didn't understand why she was so suddenly all over her case. Was it because she had witnessed his hasty retreat the day of the picnic? Or had he accidentally pissed her off without realising it and this was payback?
He made a quick mental note to confront her about it later. There was the risk that she would have called him out too, but at least he would have the satisfaction to tell her where she could shove her busybody behaviour.
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"I-I...That's not..." He stuttered, unsure of how to answer.
On one hand, he disliked the idea of lying to his boyfriend. They had always done their best to be honest with each other and Morty didn't want to keep secrets between them. On the other, he couldn't just confess what was wrong with him. He would have just messed everything up.
"I-I don't know what Summer is going about, b-but she doesn't know anything. T-There's nothing to talk about. Uh, I'm fine and we are fine," he claimed, trying without fully succeeding to sound sure of his words. "I-It's probably...you know. She's been a little touchy lately, s-so, uh, don't mind her."
That should have sounded reasonable enough. However, he was aware that his other self knew him far too well to be satisfied with just that. Not to mention that maybe Meg had told him what had happened that one afternoon. He would have to give him something. Without, of course, giving away what was truly troubling him.
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"I-If this is about...you know, M-Meg and me being a little weird around her, uh, i-it's not a big deal," he added, after a few moments of silence. "S-She told me something I-I didn't know about and...I was surprised. T-That's all. And also, you know, t-there's all this...uh...thing of the two of us t-testing out...romantic chemistry and I get a little nervous."
It wasn't even a lie. Even before Meg told him about what had happened to her parents, he had been all awkward around her. It was hard to say if it was because he liked her or if their peculiar situation was to be blamed.
"M-Maybe it wasn't such a great idea. M-Me joining the...your relationship. I-I mean, she's your girlfriend, I-I should just...you know. G-Give up and get used to it an-and not try to get in the middle of...something that doesn't concern me. I-I have no right to do it..."
{ @shctupmeg - mentioned }
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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RELATIONSHIP BUILDING || No longer accepting.
@advnterccs sent: 😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate. { To your Morty from my Morty !! }
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There were a lot of things that Morty loved about spending time with his boyfriend. If asked to list them or even just to choose his favourite, he wouldn't have known where to start from. It was hard to pick, almost impossible, when just physically being with his counterpart made him feel good, as he had rarely felt.
He loved how they could talk for hours, about their shared interests but also about the ones they didn't share. He also enjoyed when they didn't talk much, but still gravitated into each other's space, playing videogames, doing homeworks, reading comics.
He had quickly developed a preference for group adventures for the same reason...and also because it was easier to call the Ricks out on their bullshit as a pair. Group not-adventures, like trips to space arcades or afternoon spent watching Interdimensional Cable, held a special spot in his heart too, both because his other self was there and because the Ricks tended to act nicer when they were together. Probably because they were too busy being lovey-dovey to be assholes.
And then there were the dates he and his boyfriend went on. He always had the best time on them, the elaborated ones and the simpler ones alike. The fact that they knew each other so well was a guarantee that they would have a fun time...even though it was also true that Morty would have been content with doing what his counterpart enjoyed. Seeing the other happy having a good time was the thing that made him the happiest.
That afternoon had started like one of their usual quiet ones. The two teens where in their room, just chilling on the couch with his laptop. Nothing had been too out of the norm, aside from his boyfriend sitting closer than he normally would when they weren't cuddling.
At first, Morty hadn't thought much of it, but then his counterpart had ended up plastered against his side, arms wrapped around his waist, alternating between nuzzling into his shoulder and planting light kisses on the side of his face.
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"...Uh," the boy let out, unable to decide whether or not he should ask. The two of them got lovey-dovey with each other too, even if not as much and as openly as the Ricks, but usually there was some build-up to it.
It wasn't that he minded the affection, mind you. It was quite the opposite. It was pleasant and it made him feel good, despite the shyness that had risen inside him together with the warmth that made his skin tingle. Deep down, he knew that he craved it, that he was more than ready to soak up in it as much as possible.
Yet, on the other hand, he couldn't help wondering if there was something he wasn't aware of or that he was missing. What if there was a deeper reason than a soft mood behind his boyfriend sudden, bolder show of affection? What if this was a request for comfort and not just a request for physical closeness?
A small crease formed between Morty's brows as the last kiss lingered a little longer against the corner of his jaw. He didn't really want to ask, because he was afraid that t would have spoiled the mood and made things awkward, but at the same time he felt like he would have been a bad partner, if he hadn't tried to make sure that the other was alright.
So, after a moment of hesitation, he slowly turned his head on one side, catching his counterpart's eyes. His heart fluttered a little at the sight of those warm brown eyes, as it never failed to do, and he felt his cheek heating up, the lightest blush colouring his skin.
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"H-Hey," he whispered with a little shy smile, leaning in to close the space between them.
His lips brush the tip of his other self's nose in a brief, playful peck, before capturing his mouth. The kiss was sweet and lingering and Morty's hand slowly made its way up along his counterpart's side until it came to rest on his chest.
"Y-You know that I-I'm always here for you, right? For...I-If there's anything you want o-or need...I'm your guy," he spoke in a quiet tone, resting his forehead against his boyfriend's. "A-Always and anyway. I..." The blush on his cheeks deepened. "I love you an-and I want to make you happy. I-In anyway I can."
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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@advnterccs sent:
Leading his counterpart into the bedroom, Morty presented him with a golden, shimmering wrapped gift. "Th-This is for you." Nervously, he would watch it be open.
Inside of it was a glass picture frame with a picture of the two together inside of it. Something they took from one of their adventures and now memorialized within the picture frame.
"I-I didn't know how to top last year's gift, so I decided to give you something simple, something that shows that I think of you and care for you," And love you. "So, uh, d-do you like it?"
{ To your Morty from my Morty !! <3 }
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When his hand was taken and he was gently nudged towards the stairs, Morty had gone willingly and easily, having already guessed why his boyfriend was leading him away from the rest of their families. The two of them still hadn't exchanged their gifts and he had actually been pondering if the right moment to do it had come.
If his counterpart hadn't beaten him at it, he would have been the one to suggest that they went somewhere they could be alone.
Giddiness filled his chest with every step and, by the time they had reached the bedroom, he was almost vibrating with nervous excitement. It wasn't just because of the present. Christmas had been the last stepping stone that had led them to get together on the last New Year's Eve, so the day had an extra special meaning in Morty's eyes.
His fingers trembled just for a moment as he started to unwrap the gift, his eyes widening with wonder as the frame came into view. He remembered the day that photo had been taken.
The adventure hadn't been anything super exciting, at least for the Ricks' standards, but the planet they had landed on had been beautiful. There had been wildflowers everywhere and the air had held a light, refreshing scent, vaguely similar to the smell of mint. The two of them had managed to convince their grandfathers to stop and take a few pictures, including the one his other self had framed.
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"I-It's amazing! I-It might now be as...you know. S-Shiny as the other one, b-but I like it. I-I love it!" He hurried to reassure his boyfriend, smiling brightly at him. He set the photo on the bed, so he could take those hands in his own. "I-It does show how much you care. An-And it makes me feel so lucky, b-because of all the people...y-you chose to be with me."
He stepped closer, easily slipping in his counterpart's personal space. He let go of one of the other's hand, to be able to cup his cheek before leaning in to press a sweet, lingering kiss on that mouth.
"I-I love it," he repeated, a blush spreading on his face while his hazel eyes sparkled with deep affection. "An-And I love you."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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Just slowly slides the filled out bingo card over towards his counterpart.
Are you Morty's type? || Accepting (whether we have a ship or not) !
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Morty takes the card as soon as it's within his arm's reach, trying, and failing, not to look too eager to see it. His expression, however, falls into a small frown as soon as he sees which boxes his boyfriend has left unchecked. Now, that just won't do.
His counterpart might not think of himself as cute, handsome, badass and funny, but Morty definitely does.
Pursing his lips, he grabs a pen and hurriedly applies the correction to the bingo, nodded to himself in satisfaction before setting the card down so that his counterpart can see it.
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"Oh w-wow, you got a perfect score. A-All the boxes are ticked!" He claims with a bright smile, reaching out to take his boyfriend's hand in his own and intertwining their fingers. "I-I'm so lucky to have you. N-Not everyone can find their perfect match, b-but I guess I can count myself in the list o-of the few who did."
He gives that hand a squeeze.
"T-Thanks, for...you know. B-Being you. An-And wanting to be with me. Y-You make everything much better. A-Always."
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