#[[ here your weekly dose of Mortys-related cuteness x3 ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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RELATIONSHIP BUILDING || No longer accepting.
@advnterccs sent: 😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate. { To your Morty from my Morty !! }
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There were a lot of things that Morty loved about spending time with his boyfriend. If asked to list them or even just to choose his favourite, he wouldn't have known where to start from. It was hard to pick, almost impossible, when just physically being with his counterpart made him feel good, as he had rarely felt.
He loved how they could talk for hours, about their shared interests but also about the ones they didn't share. He also enjoyed when they didn't talk much, but still gravitated into each other's space, playing videogames, doing homeworks, reading comics.
He had quickly developed a preference for group adventures for the same reason...and also because it was easier to call the Ricks out on their bullshit as a pair. Group not-adventures, like trips to space arcades or afternoon spent watching Interdimensional Cable, held a special spot in his heart too, both because his other self was there and because the Ricks tended to act nicer when they were together. Probably because they were too busy being lovey-dovey to be assholes.
And then there were the dates he and his boyfriend went on. He always had the best time on them, the elaborated ones and the simpler ones alike. The fact that they knew each other so well was a guarantee that they would have a fun time...even though it was also true that Morty would have been content with doing what his counterpart enjoyed. Seeing the other happy having a good time was the thing that made him the happiest.
That afternoon had started like one of their usual quiet ones. The two teens where in their room, just chilling on the couch with his laptop. Nothing had been too out of the norm, aside from his boyfriend sitting closer than he normally would when they weren't cuddling.
At first, Morty hadn't thought much of it, but then his counterpart had ended up plastered against his side, arms wrapped around his waist, alternating between nuzzling into his shoulder and planting light kisses on the side of his face.
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"...Uh," the boy let out, unable to decide whether or not he should ask. The two of them got lovey-dovey with each other too, even if not as much and as openly as the Ricks, but usually there was some build-up to it.
It wasn't that he minded the affection, mind you. It was quite the opposite. It was pleasant and it made him feel good, despite the shyness that had risen inside him together with the warmth that made his skin tingle. Deep down, he knew that he craved it, that he was more than ready to soak up in it as much as possible.
Yet, on the other hand, he couldn't help wondering if there was something he wasn't aware of or that he was missing. What if there was a deeper reason than a soft mood behind his boyfriend sudden, bolder show of affection? What if this was a request for comfort and not just a request for physical closeness?
A small crease formed between Morty's brows as the last kiss lingered a little longer against the corner of his jaw. He didn't really want to ask, because he was afraid that t would have spoiled the mood and made things awkward, but at the same time he felt like he would have been a bad partner, if he hadn't tried to make sure that the other was alright.
So, after a moment of hesitation, he slowly turned his head on one side, catching his counterpart's eyes. His heart fluttered a little at the sight of those warm brown eyes, as it never failed to do, and he felt his cheek heating up, the lightest blush colouring his skin.
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"H-Hey," he whispered with a little shy smile, leaning in to close the space between them.
His lips brush the tip of his other self's nose in a brief, playful peck, before capturing his mouth. The kiss was sweet and lingering and Morty's hand slowly made its way up along his counterpart's side until it came to rest on his chest.
"Y-You know that I-I'm always here for you, right? For...I-If there's anything you want o-or need...I'm your guy," he spoke in a quiet tone, resting his forehead against his boyfriend's. "A-Always and anyway. I..." The blush on his cheeks deepened. "I love you an-and I want to make you happy. I-In anyway I can."
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