#[ ♤ ] ── * ( open starter )
crimsontrxcks · 3 months
>> OPEN STARTER [ Setting: Zombie apocalypse, The walking dead, The last of us. . . ]
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❝ There is no where to go but through them. ❞ jerking the head towards the horde of infected flesh eaters who were bending the iron fence more and more with their weight, ruby haired woman gritted the snow-white teeth. ❝ I've told you not to fucking come. ❞ the guilty conscience was visible on the sharp features of the face, laced with anger that came from a place of concern and regret. Soft digits grazing the jagged blade, focus on the drooling jaws of the undead reaching for them. ❝ I don't care what you believe in, what you think you need to do. . . when we go out there, you will fucking run and not turn back. Do you understand? ❞ Fault was her own, allowing the person to join despite her better judgment. Now, it was Clare's obligation to get them out of here. . .no matter the cost.
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milliescollection · 2 years
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i’m  in  a  good  mood  ,  give  this  a  LIKE  for  a  starter  !
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Revenge Verse
Jacaerys let out a scream of anger within his tent. He turned to his desk and screamed again, grabbing the table and turning it on its side, the contents crashing to the ground.
They had lost a battle the Greens, and Jacaerys had to watch his grandmother die. He had to watch from the ground as Aemond and Aegon Targaryen attacked Rhaenys and Meleys, he watched helplessly as his grandmother and her dragon died. After that Daemon had called to retreat and the Blood Prince led his warriors off the field. He quickly retreated to his tent and his emotions overflowed. The anger he felt was so hot, he felt as if it might burn through his skin. He should have saved his grandmother, he should have been on dragon back and he should have saved her. Jace pulled off his cloak and threw his sword to the ground and fell to his knees.
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corrxptedmaskedone · 1 year
♤💜♤ Lorelei jolts awake with a screech, before calming down and muttering with a rather tired but somewhat mad tone of voice, "Not those nightmares again! I can't even sleep properly anymore." They still had the terrified, almost wild look in its eyes.
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ellissay-morningstar · 6 months
LFRP: Ellissay Morningstar
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Basics –––– ✢
▌NICKNAMES: Elly ▌AGE: 25 ▌RACE: Half-Elf (Quel'dorei mother & Gilnean father. Void Elf in game) ▌GENDER: Female ▌SEXUALITY: Bisexual ▌MARITAL STATUS: Single ▌SERVER: Moon Guard
Physical Appearance –––– ♤
▌HAIR: Long Silver White ▌EYES: Blue Hazel ▌HEIGHT: 5'8 ▌BUILD: Athletic, Toned/Athletic ▌DISTINGUISHING MARKS: None ▌COMMON ACCESSORIES: Jeweled Dagger (usually hidden)
Personal –––– ♢
▌PROFESSION:  Huntress/For Hire ▌HOBBIES: Reading, Writing, Singing ▌LANGUAGES: Multilingual  ▌RESIDENCE: Wherever she is renting at the moment ▌BIRTHPLACE: - ▌RELIGION: None ▌FEARS: Losing what is left of her family
Relationships –––– ♡
▌Spouse: None ▌Children: None ▌Parents: Eclesia Morningstar, Grimsark Blakemore ▌Siblings: Her twin brothers, Damon and Eldon Blakemore ▌Other Relatives: Elutia Morningstar ▌Pets:  Two snow leopards, Nieves and Neva
disorganized / organized / in between close-minded / open-minded / in between Calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless /in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unemphatic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between leaning optimistic traditional/modern / in between Hard-working/lazy / in between cultured / un-cultured / in between loyal / disloyal / in between faithful / unfaithful / in between
Possible Hooks –––– ♦
▌ Huntress for hire. She takes on contracts to hunt and/or kill creatures that are wrecking havocs on villages or upsetting the balance of nature.
▌For hire-other. Following in her mother's footsteps, she takes on contract work in gathering intelligence and taking out possible targets at her discretion.
▌She enjoys a good drink and can be found at a tavern or bar especially during the weekend late nights. She also enjoys dancing and can possibly be found at local clubs and/or parties.
▌-she is a brand new character that is still in the works of me figuring her out. Any suggestions for a starter for role play is always welcomed.
PLEASE NOTE: I currently do most if not all of my RP in discord. That information can be obtained by messaging me on tumblr in ask or messenger.
What I’m looking for –––– ♥
▌RP partners/Friendship ▌I’m willing to do pre-established ships mainly past relationships, family, old friends, enemies, past business partners. As long as it is talked out and agreed on ahead of time.  ▌Open communication about the RP at all times. ▌RP in discord with possible in-game at a later date ▌Looking for somebody who doesn’t mind if I tag them in posts about our characters with gifs, quotes, and such.
Out of Character –––– ♣
▌I am an older writer/roleplayer, 40+, and when doing NSFW (including erotica, violence, etc) topics, I prefer the writer to be 25+. SFW - 18+ ▌I mostly do para writing, but it can and will vary in length. I have no expectation on length, If you write a line or a chapter, I am good either way. ▌IC and OOC separate at all times. I am not my character, and she is not me. This is very important to me. Please do not take OOC into RP and vice versa. ▌I can always be contacted via Tumblr ask/messenger or Discord, if you have my discord.
Contact Information –––– ✰
Tumblr @ellissay-morningstar
Carrd: In the works
Discord -  Please request. 
In game - Ellissay on Moon Guard
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》》That's the feeling. Not mattering to anyone. That's the coming-untied-from-the-world feeling.《
⋆。˚𖦹 ☆🂲♡🃍◇🂶♧🂲♤🃍☆🃍♤🂲♧🂶◇🃍♡🂲☆ 𖦹˚。⋆
An independent Once Upon A Time Alice Jones/Tilly Rogers RP
Mun 10+ years RP experience; Tumblr & Discord
OUAT canon, canon-divergent, and AU friendly
Main ship is CuriousArcher/MadArcher (Alice x Robyn Hood II). Discuss any potential other ships beforehand.
Friendships/familiarity always accepted. Alice loves to make friends. And her Papa is very special. Rumplestiltskin is also not only mentor and dear friend but like a sudo second papa.
Mun and Muse 21+
Open, Semi-selective, and accepting starters
Prompts, memes, and plotting available
Seriously, just send me a message and we can talk something out. Mun is probably just as awkward and shy.
If you are interested in roleplaying on Discord; have an active server or 1-on-1, send a message.
🐰 Send something to get started 🍄
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ofblxxdywitcher · 3 months
starter : opened || post chapter i : not thy destruction but thy rebirth
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♤•°  ━━ Rhodes was quick to realize that after what happened, he felt like something had changed, something was different. He still felt like himself but slower and after avoiding going to a mage physician, the witcher had no choice but to go and that was where he was returning from now. Luckily everything was fine but his magical abilities, the little he believed he had, was low and he needed time to process. Lost in thought as he walked, he bumped into someone not realizing before turning quickly to help them out. "Sorry I didn't see you there, are you alright?"
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unhingcd · 4 months
♤ REVERSE STARTER CALL !! like this post and i'll go thru your opens and them some love !!
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bravevolunteer · 2 months
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@muutos asked: ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room / vanessa // manhandling symbol starters
"WHAT THE HELL, Vanessa—" Michael startles backwards the moment the door slams in his face, taking a sudden step back as his expression shifts into one of offense. Exaggerated, mostly ( and, as usual, covered— his mask, hat, and as much coverage as he can get away with while still being in uniform ), but with the trouble the night's shift has brought them, he's already exhausted. "For fuck's sake, you scared the shit outta me." Vanessa's own exhaustion is difficult to miss, he figures that might be what it was: she must have forgot he was following ( after all, she was acting entirely normal just moments before... ). But when he reaches out to open the door again... it doesn't budge. Brows furrow, and he pulls on the handle again... and again... jiggling it back and forth for a few moments and shoving against the door: it fucking locked? "Uh— Vanessa, it's—" Another push results in nothing but cursing his... physical state. "Can I get a little help here?"
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of-thieves · 1 year
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RP Rules, please read, thank you ♡
This is an independent RP blog musing Hermes from the God of War franchise. Semi-selective, Literate writing.
While the source is specifically the God of War depiction of the character, the mun will also take heavy inspiration from Greek mythology itself when writing.
This is a roleplay blog, NOT a fandom blog. You're welcome to like and follow if you enjoy the content here, but, mun asks that you please don't reblog any threads that you aren't involved in.
Mun will develop the way they protray Hermes overtime. If any new headcanons for the character arise and become permanent to this blogs portrayal, they will be tagged in the headcanons tag.
Mun is absolutely comfortable to thread with OCs, so long as they aren't already pre-associated with my muse in your universe (I.e. a lover, a son or daughter, etc.)
Please avoid godmodding your character unless it makes relevant sense and is discussed beforehand.
Understand that Hermes isn't exactly, you know, nice? If you send this blog something and Hermes responds rudely I apologize, but you must be aware that I muse him to source. He isn't polite to just about anyone, give for his Father (Zeus).
Anyone is welcome to send asks, or tag this blog in starter prompts, but understand that Mun is much more comfortable arranging lengthy threads with mutuals. If an ask is sent or starter is tagged, please don't expect more than a single response* if we aren't mutuals.
*Unless of course you posted an Open RP, and I reblogged it, in which case, I am interested, so go nuts.
Although Hermes is known for having 'game' and being a serial flirt, I am very selective with actual romantic shipping. Just because he is teasing does not mean he wants to marry your muse. Please discuss any shipping ideas beforehand. No I will not thread 'love at first sight' with your OC.
Also, please please consider the source. This blog will indeed occasionally tackle mature themes. Sex, violence, heavy language, and all sorts in between.
Mun is 20+ and is not comfortable role-playing any mature subject matter with anyone who is a minor.
That is all. Thank you for reading. ♡
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milliescollection · 2 years
OPEN TO  ;  male or female      →     MUSE  ;  maverick noory, thirty-three, night / strip club owner      →     PLOT  ;  your muse is at his club, when they bump into him, spilling a drink all over him. ( stupid , i know , but go with it )
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“ do you make a habit of not watching where you’re going , or am i just lucky ? “ he spoke sternly, his hands brushing the excess alcohol off his dark brown suit.
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Revenge Verse
Jacaerys looked behind him quickly as he heard something. He couldn't exactly spot where the sound had come from, but he heard it. He moved away from the building that was on fire and walked down the alley looking around slowly.
"Who's there?" He asked, his voice low and calm despite his heavy breathing, and the smoke swarming the streets.
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
Deuce has been here for over a year now, and it’d been awhile since I’ve put out a starter call for him so I decided to get a little more fancy with it! I’m working on revamping my APPLICATION and STATS pages to include some more information - but it’ll have everything you need to know in there! Feel free to DM me if you have questions - or you’d like any information about Deuce beyond what’s on those pages! By liking this post - I’ll slide into your DMs regardless to start plotting! Options and stuff I’m seeking below the cut!
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deuce can be a little uncertain about friendships sometimes - just because he’s not quite used to them! he might call someone a friend and then awkwardly back off; but he’s a super sweet kid.
if you befriend deuce, he’s your ride or die until something happens that changes your relationship! he has a huge soft spot for people who he sees as similar to himself, being people who are trying to change from their past selves, or “underdog” type characters. especially if your character has been trying very very hard to change, but keeps faltering at every turn despite their efforts.
he tends to be a bit hasty in trying to help other people, and is a bit blunt and insensitive at times without realizing it. he works great both with friendly rivalries and with people who need slower paced and more genuine relationships. 
if you’re older than him, or someone he views as more powerful, he’ll hold a lot more respect and politeness towards you than he might kids his own age. if you like sports and/or motorcycles? he’ll talk his head off about them to you as long as you let him, and will insist you guys should train together! especially if you’re a runner.
i would love to see deuce with some found family dynamics! deuce grew up an only child, raised by a single mother, so he really isn’t familiar with what siblings are like or anything like that. kid loves his mother more than anything else in the world, though, so familial dynamics with him will even more lock in his trust and faith in you, as well as his willingness to do most anything you’d like from him.
i think it’d be good for him in general just to have some older mentor figures that can help him along! if you’re a magic user, he’d love to learn a few tricks from you. i also think that from the manga, deuce would probably have an interest in stuff like kendo, sword fighting, etc... !
i think this kid also just generally needs some life advice from an adult he trusts please. 
i’m just putting it here so it doesn’t get asked if you like for the “OTHER” option but! deuce is currently not open for shipping in isola. i single-ship here and as of writing this, he’s dating ace ! 
...but deuce is absolutely clueless about romantic stuff so if you’d like to talk about this stuff with him, or hear him talk about ace, then you can ask for this option and we can figure something out!
♤ -- OTHER
if something here didn’t get covered and you’d like it as a dynamic; feel free to like and bring it up in dms! i’d be happy to do any sort of relationship between our characters. rivals, training partners, etc ... ! 
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divxrgentx · 2 years
♤ ♣ ♡ ♦
hey hey hey!!
this is a reverse starter call!! drop a like and i will go through your open starters!
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Updated: 1/14/2024
𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕄𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕘:
☆☆ Status: [x]open []closed [x]send a message ☆☆
☆☆ Active RP Apps: [x]Tumblr [x]Discord [x]MeWe ☆☆
Blog is run by a friendly she/her named Paws.
Mun 10+ years RP experience; Tumblr & Discord
Mun and Muses 21+
Mutuals only... we can chat first to make sure we vibe
OUAT canon, canon-divergent, and AU friendly
Open, Semi-selective, and accepting starters
Prompts, memes, and plotting available
More detailed character outlines from my Discord profiles are available upon request.
No⍵... lᥱ𝚝's ɱᥱᥱ𝚝 𝚝իᥱ ɱᴜsᥱs bᥱիiղd 𝚝իᥱ ɱᴜղ sիαll ⍵ᥱ...
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》》People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, “No, this is who I am”.《《
An independent Once Upon A Time Emma Swan RP blog
Main ship CaptainSwan (Emma x Killian) but willing to play around with other pairings but they must be discussed ahead of time. No SwånQuəən. Friendenmies/friends/coparents is most welcome. No SwånFirə. But friends/former lovers/coparents is ok.
Friendships/familiarity always accepted
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》》That's the feeling. Not mattering to anyone. That's the coming-untied-from-the-world feeling.《
An independent Once Upon A Time Alice Jones/Tilly Rogers RP
Main ship is CuriousArcher/MadArcher (Alice x Robyn Hood II). Discuss any potential other ships beforehand.
Friendships/familiarity always accepted. Alice loves to make friends. And her Papa is very special. Rumplestiltskin is also not only mentor and dear friend but like a sudo second papa.
I have also dabbled in cursed!Tilly and young Alice (tower age) as well.
⋆。˚𖦹 ☆🂲♡🃍◇🂶♧🂲♤🃍☆🃍♤🂲♧🂶◇🃍♡🂲☆ 𖦹˚。⋆
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》》We can be happy in the future or we can be angry about the past.《《
An independent Once Upon A Time Maleficent RP blog
Ship DragonQueen (Maleficent x Regina Mills)
Friendships/familiarity always accepted; always down for a reconciliation with Lilly or a nice groveling from Snow White.
Maleficent is my newest muse addition and still sanding down the edges.
...αղd 𝚝իα𝚝 ⍵αs 𝚝իᥱ ɱᴜsᥱs!
Seriously, just send me a message and we can talk something out. Mun is probably just as awkward and shy.
Follow-backs from @pawshapedheart
If you are interested in roleplaying on Discord; have an active server or more 1-on-1, send a message for my Discord information.
So send me a message and let's talk! 🦢🐰🐉
𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓡𝓟 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓾𝓽...
If you are not one of the involved parties, please do not just jump into the roleplay without reaching out first. All my threads will automatically be tagged with [closed] unless previously discussed with my partner(s). These are public for others to read like stories not for others to join unless specifically stated [open to others]
On that same note, if you are not in the roleplay, please do not reblog. You can like ❤️ and you can send us DMs like comments, but please do not reblog. It confuses the notification system and we may miss a reply.
Please do not ghost me. If you are no longer interested in roleplaying with me, please just send a quick DM. If you are going away on a sabbatical from Tumblr for an unknown time, family vacation, change in work/school schedule or you just don't want to Roleplay anymore, I beseech you to please just send a quick DM. I will not make a fuss. I've been ghosted by partners before and it's disheartening to be in the middle of a planned plot and just.... stop. Dead air. Airwaves down. Please just DM me.
On a similar note, if we are in the middle of a roleplay and you lose interest in that particular one, or you want to take a break and start another, same application. Just DM me. I rather stop a thread and start a new one then force someone to bs their way unhappily and have the quality go down.
Life happens, if I don't reply to a thread in like 3 days, please feel free to DM me. There is a good chance I either missed the notification, totally forgot Tumblr existed, or completely forgot to mention I was going away for a couple days. I won't be mad if you remind me. I'll do the same for you if you want.
Literacy is important but mistakes do happen. I promise to do my best to proof read and edit my replies if you do the same. But again, this is fun. I'm not looking to win a Pulitzer here.
I do not mind having more then one thread with the same character and/or partner. As long as we can both keep up, the more the merrier. Thus the reason I have my own comicated tagging system (listed below)
I do my best to try to match my partners length for length in replies. But at the same time, I prefer quality over quantity. We can always discuss type of replies (Para, chat-style, short and sweet, etc) before each roleplay. I used to write creative stories/fanfiction so sometimes I can get overboard with descriptions. Feel free to poke me and tell me to tone it down if my replies are outrageous and you can't keep up.
If a thread starts from an ask (ie: meme or prompt) I will most likely transfer it to a text post with a title and a link to the original ask for organization and the easy ability to "remove old replies" to shrink the length of the post.
Have fun! This is a hobby. A game. A form of therapy. Stress release. Self care. Self expression. This is not homework, a career, an obligation. We're all here to have fun. So let's have some fun!
Less for you, more for me. But an FYI if curious...
Do not feel obligated to tag your replies in the same manner. I don't care if you don't tag at all. This is just for my organization and a way to find threads and keep myself organized.
Each muse will have their own tag [muse:name] to separate them for quick identification as I only have one screen name and one icon.
I will tag my partner @Screenname and if you happen to be a multimuse blog I will tag the character(s) involved just to keep things organized [Character(s) Name]. If it's a pairing be it romantic or platonic, I may tag with that name as well [ShipName]
Roleplays, or threads, will have names [title] to keep things a bit more organized.
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rbbthl · 9 months
Don't try to break my fall, down this rabbit hole I (go) Who are you? I hardly know, I should think that I would Wake up What a disaster to be late for my own ball Wake up Heart beating faster, hope the queen is rational
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Independent roleplay blog for Ryohei Arisu portrayed based on the Netflix show Alice in Borderlands written by Trice. Multiship, NSFW won't be tagged. Minors DNI.
♤ about ♢ rules ♧ face tag ♡ open starters
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