#[ 𝐕. | le danse macabre ]
ofpsalms · 3 years
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Victorian Verse Lore. w/ @gothichunter​
 Abraham and Nicolette Van Helsing had seven children together, born between 1896 and 1909. Five of them decided to follow in their parents’ footsteps and become hunters. To preserve their mother’s family name, their two youngest children adopted the De Angelis surname when they came of age. 
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 The Van Helsing Children: 
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 Matthias Van Helsing
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Sofia Van Helsing
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Benjamin Van Helsing
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Vera Van Helsing
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Diederick Van Helsing
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Francesco De Angelis (Van Helsing)
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Beatrice De Angelis (Van Helsing)
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ofpsalms · 3 years
@vyrulent​​​ from ( x )
The sounds of thunder and driving rain do little to muffle the shouts and jeers of those housed in this place, though Nicolette reacts very little to the noise. Her long skirts trail over the unforgiving floor like a specter, stopping before the man. 
❝ Dr. Seward, ❞ Her greeting holds formality as a hand absentmindedly plays with the rings around her finger. ❝ It’s an honor to finally meet the man that my husband’s told me so many wonderful things about. ❞  Her expression, however, remains grave. Matters concerning the Devil were never frivolous in her eyes, particularly when the soul of another was potentially at stake.
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 ❝ If I may... see the patient. ❞
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ofpsalms · 3 years
 @gothichunter​ liked for a halloween starter
❝ What do you think? Is it too much?❞ 
If the dark, flowing dress and crimson lipstick was too operatic of a costume, she was sure could quickly throw together something else before their guests arrived. 
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ofpsalms · 3 years
 @gothichunter​​​ plotted starter cuz angst
❝ There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you, Helsing. ❞ 
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 The huntress glanced up from sharpening her silver knife to examine him in the limited early morning light. The rising sun had been smothered by heavy gray clouds, covering the landscape in a certain sort of gloominess. Weary from the hunt that had taken place the night before, they’d stopped their journey back to Amsterdam to sit near by a quiet riverbank to water the horses. 
The burning hatred she’d felt Van Helsing had faded, replaced a wariness, and an overwhelming fascination that she could not explain. He’d never revealed much about himself to her, certainly next to nothing about his personal life. She was curious, perhaps too much so for her own good.
❝ I was told that you used to be married. What happened to your wife? ❞
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ofpsalms · 3 years
 @gothichunter liked for a short starter
 ❝  I didn’t take you for a horseman. ❞  Nico admitted , slipping her rifle into the scabbard on Zephyr’s saddle. She’d only ever seen Helsing on his feet or riding in a carriage. This was most certainly a surprise. She was impressed however, by the sturdy black mare he’d brought with him, the animal’s appearance reminding her of the kind of horse the knights of yore used to ride. Not to mention, she found the gentle way he patted and spoke to the animal... extremely charming. 
❝ This cemetery is outside the city, in a more rural area, correct? How many vampires do you think may living there now? ❞. 
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Nico allowed for another, somewhat awkward pause, eyes never breaking her gaze on Helsing and his horse. ❝ Does she have a name? ❞
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ofpsalms · 3 years
 @gothichunter​ gets a plotted starter!
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❝ You look surprised, ❞ Nico teased, a smirk on her lovely features as she gazed at her fiancé. She couldn’t remember a time she’d worn a dress this fine. But, now being engaged to a socialite, the huntress thought it appropriate to quickly assume the role of a socialite as well. ❝ I thought I could try something different. ❞
 That wasn’t the only reason she was here however, though she was sure he’d already heard the news. Rosy smile faded a bit. ❝ There’s been another death, this they found the poor soul in the middle of the street... and I think it’s the same vampire. ❞ 
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ofpsalms · 3 years
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Lore - Secondary Main
The De Angelis clan has long been associated with wolves. Their family crest features what is believed to be a variant of the Capitoline wolf, a possible echo of Roman times when they, like several other families at the time, claimed to be the descendants of Romulus himself. Though this declaration has long been abandoned, the symbolism of the wolf has not. For like the wolf, the De Angelis line is inextricably tied to the Eternal City, even the titles of her ancestors a reflection of this. The White Wolf. The Old Wolf. Nicolette herself is known as “The She-Wolf” in parts of southern Europe. Yet her title is not the only thing that keeps her in association with her family’s symbol.
In the early 1880′s, at the beginning of her career in hunting, many reported sightings of the young De Angelis accompanied by a large wolf during her hunts. A creature, they claimed, that was as large as a horse, with teeth as sharp as daggers that glinted in the light of a full moon. It could walk on its hind legs, and tear apart any enemy the young huntress directed it to. Yet for all its viciousness towards others, it remained as tame as a dog towards her. Rumors, of course, spread. Could this be the Capitoline wolf? One guardian of the city that had returned to protect another? For all knew she was the last of her blood, and needed such protection. Yet Nicolette was quick to dismiss any questions, as did any members of her unusual adopted family. Her brother was fastest of all to silence inquiries. 
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ofpsalms · 3 years
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Victorian Verse Lore. Nicolette’s two horses.
 Zephyr, a 15.2 hand chestnut Polish-Arabian, acquired in 1887 from a Polish noble that she saved the life of as a gift of gratitude. He accompanied her during the Order’s campaign in eastern Europe. 
Aquilo, a 16.1 hand light grey Andalusian descended from her family’s original prized stock, most of which was sold by the few De Angelis’s that remained in the 1860′s to pay off their extreme debts. Given as a wedding gift by her new in-laws in 1896.
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ofpsalms · 3 years
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In her Victorian verse, Nicolette refuses to ride sidesaddle, even if she’s wearing a long skirt. She grew used to riding astride her horse during her training and in her time in Croatia, feeling more secure when she was required to gallop. Nico considers the sidesaddle yet another oppressive standard put upon women as well as a dangerous, cumbersome method to travel, as it impedes the rider from properly stopping their horse. She does not mind the dirty looks she receives for riding in an ‘unladylike’ fashion.
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