#[ * dencuement ]
tempcrnce · 6 years
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“So, I’m finally meeting the infamous Neal Caffrey. Peter Burke’s CI, or the infamous con man who got the most minimal sentence because he was caught for bond forgery.” // @dencuement
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waswithholding · 6 years
‘ we can share it.’
damn man’s stolen the last piece of the leftover apple pie while she had been preoccupied with cleaning up after dinner. 
you would think common courtesy would dictate that the woman who just made him dinner, is in the process of doing the cleaning, and baked the damn pie in the first place would have earned the final slice. 
but no.  
he seems amused when she voices her upset, glaring over at him from the sink as he pulls the vanilla ice cream from the freezer. oh, so this is funny to him ? here she is, deceived, heartbroken, and a little bit grumpy, her trust in him so suddenly shattered, and he’s over there spooning out ice cream, looking more endeared and humoured than apologetic.
she huffs, turning attention back towards stacking up the dried plates. still grinning, he strolls towards her, pie in hand, spooning off a piece and holding the mouthful to her lips. oh, he’s a damn tease. but she’ll still accept the offer, of course.
    ❛      you’re damn right you’re sharing that with me !      ❜
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imblwcrbler · 6 years
@dencuement​ wants a sexy starter. 
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sms  » hernando. sent. Hey, you. sms  » hernando. sent. Are you still at your lecture? sms  » hernando. sent. Because I may or may not have something that I think needs your immediate attention. ;)
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styledevoted · 6 years
@dencuement / liked for a starter
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“listen, i appreciate the unwarranted advice, but i’m gonna have stick with my gut here.”
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theindieflash · 6 years
[ @dencuement liked this post for a starter and gets...Rachel! ]
“I had the most amazing news today!” Rachel gushed as she quickly removed her jacket and hung it on the hook on the back of the door, “Remember I told you about that girl I always run into at my auditions, and how she always beats me out for the part I want?” she asked, barely taking a moment to breathe as she slid into the chair and sat opposite her friend, “Well, I found out today that she broke her leg in two places and fractured her wrist, which means she won’t be auditioning for anything for a while!” She clapped her hands together animatedly, before pausing, “Obviously, it’s not good that she’s hurt herself, but you know, this could finally be my time, the break I’ve been waiting for!” Her smile softened a little, trying to show that she didn’t really mean any malice in her words, “So what did you do today?”
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loserlike-blog1 · 6 years
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( text » santana » sent ): can i kidnap you tonight?  ( text » santana » sent ): it’s dani btw , i realise that text probably freaked you out  ( text » santana » sent ): as smooth as you were today ;) you didn’t get my number , so rachel passed your number over to me
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sonnenstola · 6 years
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“i’m sorry, were you saying anything important? because i zoned out like five minutes ago.”
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funtocry · 6 years
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     ❛     you’re home early.    ❜  
&. @dencuement
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personatvs-archive · 6 years
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          ❛  i really thought we had it but at the time it was more than i could manage ❜   ( @dencuement  ❤ ‘d )
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waswithholding · 6 years
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       ❛      you need to be more subtle. marvin’s getting suspicious.     ❜
&. @dencuement
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imblwcrbler · 6 years
RULES: tag ten followers you want to know better !  
TAGGED BY: @bubblegumxveil it won’t let me tag you rip
TAGGING: @dencuement , @pcrspectiv , @golddustgxrl , @oflettermanjackets , @tcnacious fck it won’t let me tag u either sadie , @sondered , @brighteststaronearth , @heartpeek
NAME: Frenchie STAR SIGN: leo bich ! HEIGHT: 5'5″ almost 5′6″ WHAT’S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? lol absolutely not on the internet PUT YOUR ITUNES ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 4 SONGS THAT POPPED UP? 1. Super Trouper - A*TEENS (From their ABBA Generation album) 2. Foolish Thing - Darren Criss 3. Wig in a Box - Hedwig and the Angry Inch (OBC) 4. Yuri On Ice - Yuri!!! On Ice EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? uh. not that i’m aware of ? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? oh at work yesterday bc J was playing the Mamma Mia soundtrack WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? darren criss come at me WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE + SOUND YOU LOVE? HATE: nails on a chalkboard even thinking abt it i wanna throw up LOVE: my cat’s chirpy purrs DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? yeah for the most part HOW ABOUT ALIENS? lol nah DO YOU DRIVE? no someone pls help me IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? i don’t drive WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? that’s a great question DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? i used to rly like it but now i get sick D: WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? i think incredibles 2 but i’m not sure WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? during rehearsal i slammed a chair on my big toe and it basically blood blistered under my nail that i had to my big toenail burned off :) and in that same week on the opposite foot, i did a tumble for my movement piece and broke my toe during it and it hurt but i had to keep going ???? DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? uhm.... i guess little mix ???? that’s one of my newer obsessions as of like last november tho idk it’s hard for me to become obsessed w shit bc when i do it’s there forever DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? OH ALWAYS BY CHOICE TOO IN A RELATIONSHIP? yeah unfortunately lmaoooo
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orangde-blog · 6 years
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   ❛      in october, it’s social media law that you’re only allowed to communicate with the ghost, pumpkin, skull and candy emojis.     ❜
&. @dencuement
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theindieflash · 6 years
[ @dencuement liked this post for a starter and gets...Cooper! ]
"What brings you out here tonight?” Cooper asked, sliding up against the bar, and resting one arm against it. He tilted his head to the side, a glint twinkling in his eye as he turned around to take in his surroundings. It was one of his usual haunts, and he was familiar with most people in here, but after seeing a new face, he couldn’t help be drawn to them. “If you’re looking for a drink, you’ll be waiting ages with how busy it is in here tonight,” he told them, winking before hopping over the bar, “Luckily, I know the guy who owns this place, what can I get you?”
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highponyed-archive · 6 years
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         ❝   Your friends were . . .   interesting .   ❞   / /   @dencuement
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andryuska · 6 years
@dencuement // continued.
the question, in itself, isn’t completely surprising, rafael supposes. he’s known andrei long enough to have learned about some of his worries, even if those worries aren’t always things he wants to talk about. what exactly brought this topic on right now, rafael isn’t sure about – but he suspects it has something to do with the fact that it’s the middle of the night and andrei is still awake. your brain does weird things when you’re up alone at three in the morning – he has experience.
a hand rubs over his face as he pads further towards the light source alerting him of andrei’s location. absently, he notes that it would have been wise to put on glasses before he goes looking for him, but alas. fortunately, he knows his apartment well enough to make it to the couch without tripping over anything.
he settles down, a hand reaching over to squeeze at andrei’s knee.  ❝ it’s their own loss, really, ❞ he points out, voice still a bit raspy with sleep as his thumb absently rubs circles against the other’s knee. ❝ and i know it sucks, but – if people aren’t willing to put in the same kind of effort and stick around, sometimes they’re not the kind of people you want around anyway. but, there are people who aren’t gonna go anywhere. ❞
fingers squeeze against his knee to underline his point, eyes blinking in an attempt to make up for his lack of focused eyesight right now. despite that, he’d need to be completely blind to not recognize that andrei looks, for lack of better terms, like a literal walking dead. from where he’s sat, he can’t make out the time on the tv recorder but it looks like early morning hours. which means, sleep is probably a pretty good idea for the both of them right now.
❝ let’s get back to bed, ❞ he suggests and in the same breath realizes that maybe, suggesting may not be enough of an incentive for andrei to actually go to bed so he stands, finds the switch to the floor lamp that’s been illuminating the dark and flicks it off. for a moment, he pauses. hands reach forwards, card gently through andrei’s hair as he waits for his eyes to adjust to the dark ( he’s already half blind without his glasses, adding he darkness seems like a questionable idea on second thought ). head bends forward to press a brief kiss into messy hair before he straightens back up, holds out a hand and wriggles his fingers. ❝ you’ve got to get some sleep. come on, let’s go. ❞
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that andrei has been consciously avoiding going to bed to make some ill - fated attempt at sleep is not secret. he’s aware of the time ---- aware of how late it is, and of the fact that in less than four hours, his alarm with sound and he’ll have to drag himself to work again. this is the point at which one is supposed to give up on trying to get sleep if they haven’t achieved it already ---- and here he is, having not even tried. however mistaken the practice, however tired it leaves him, he has convinced himself that it’s easier than the alternative. better contemplate his grief alone out here than in bed while rafael tries to sleep.
still. his chest aches from exhaustion, and his side throbs with that phantom pain with which his active military service has left him, and the prospect of abandoning even this ineffective distraction ( what has led him to believe recalling old relations, moments of love damaged by time, is completely perplexing ) has no appeal.
touch after unexpected touch against a body that has resigned itself to isolation for the night makes him grateful for the darkness ; his throat knots and he feels his eyes begin to water, and must force back both impulses. it’s bad enough that rafael has heard his musing ---- bad enough that he has come to respond to it with words which cannot be true. how might andrei allow himself further debasement by shedding tears over things which are not important? the hand before him causes hesitation. for a dreadful moment, he doesn’t believe himself capable of taking it.
and yet he realizes that he must ---- that to refuse is to open himself to exposing vulnerability. and so after putting aside the book that he’d stopped reading a couple hours ago, he takes that hand in his own ; takes the lead in bringing them through the darkness if only because his eyesight is marginally better than his partner’s. there is some part of him that wants to argue ---- that wants to take untruth and dispute it. but to do so thoroughly is the share the details of three incredibly breakups. does his heart not ache enough for one night?
until they reach the bedroom, andrei says nothing at all, and instead lets his hand fall away so he might let his posture retreat again. his entire soul demands he forget the past few hours entirely, but something in him won’t relent. whether it is out of some fundamental disagreement, or simply because he wants to stall any attempt at sleep, his arms cross when he stands before the bed, shoulders slouched in dejection and thoughts racing into his past to retrieve the generalizations with which he can effective communicate when specifics weigh too heavily on him.
“ i don’t think it’s their fault for leaving. ” alone, andrei has asked himself a question to which he already knows the answer ; though three am is not the time to share this with rafael, some force has infested him, and he doesn’t know how to stop himself once he begins. “ it’s my fault. it’s usually my fault, for driving them away or being so ---- i don’t know. for not being good enough. ” a beat ---- one that does nothing to soften what he says next. “ everyone says they’ll stay, but they don’t. ”
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dcntend-blog · 6 years
@dencuement liked !
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“can i ask you something?” he says, a serious tone for dramatic effect. simon knows it’s probably going to make the other LAUGH at the very least despite him pretending that it’s not. “it’s like..nothing bad, i promise.”
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