#[ I got so excited to get a Wyatt ask sobs he's so fun to me I love what he's got going on!!
cold-neon-ocean · 10 months
Immediately after you mentioned that Wyatt is both the only sentient robot in your universe & the mascot for a company comparable to Disney I started wondering some things:
1. Does it bother him that he's the only one of his kind?
2. Why is he sentient? You mentioned that it's a closely guarded secret so I can only assume that's a feature of his design and not a "glitch" (or at the very least it's something the company thinks it can live with through secrecy)
3. How does he feel about the company that owns him, and furthermore does he enjoy entertaining people?
4. How much agency do they give Wyatt behind the scenes?
Sorry if this is a bit of a loaded ask, you just got me thinking about a lot of stuff!
Hello yes I am happy to answer questions about Wyatt, I love talking about him!!!
It does bother him to a degree actually! For various reasons, including that he knows it's hard to genuinely connect with people because he will always be "a machine" to most. Even kids who see him eventual grow up and go "Oh yeah, he's just a robot." Neon Wonderland actually has other animatronic characters aside from Wyatt- though none are fully sentient the way he is, and while he does regard them very fondly (some more than others) he does wish that one day he can feel like they are just as real as he is, as opposed to "playing pretend" as he feels.
The reason behind his sentience was deliberate, yes! His company had the financial means to put money into the project of bringing their flagship character "to life" and wanted him to essentially be the ultimate media icon, and be an all encompassing system through which every aspect of their company, from the theme park, to film media, merchandise, all of it could consistently flow through. He is also a performer! And they wanted him to feel as lifelike to fans as possible, and be able to connect with guests in a way that feels real and personable. The ultimate mascot in a sense lol he was designed to be very personable, he's a great conversationalist, but also capable of discerning how people feel. Like if he's doing a walk around he can tell if someone is or isn't comfortable with him approaching them. He remembers every face he's ever met as well! They wanted him to feel as real as possible while also him being able to govern himself and process things around him as organically as possible.
Wyatt absolutely LOVES entertaining, genuinely! It's his favorite thing. His drive is ensuring that everyone that comes through his doors has the time of their life and he does everything within his power to assure that. His feelings towards the company are complex. On the one hand they do have him a lot of say in how they pursue new endeavors, but at the end of the day he is considered "property" of the company. I wont spoil too much of what I have planned, but Wyatt feels that if he's gonna be the face of the empire, he see's no reason why he shouldn't own it himself~
Wyatt is actually given quite a lot of agency! He's the primary metric that customer satisfaction is weighed through, from both being the one to interact with guests, but also his access to the internet where he gauges how company decisions are being perceived by the public. He is also the primary security system of their theme park. He has access to every visible and hidden camera there is, and has his own network of other Wyatt bodies he can pilot that he can see through at any time. They're mainly used for walk arounds since the venue is so huge, they're never within sightlines of each other- it also gives the illusion that he can appear and disappear in a very Wonderland-esque way. But yeah so he's got access to criminal databases and has facial recognition so he knows who every person that walks through the doors are. That's part of why he's able to built relationships with people, he will remember them every time they come over the years.
Wyatt knows he's their company's golden child, and at the park he's pretty much considered the boss by most employees, even if unofficially, it's usually whatever Wyatt says goes. So he is given quite a lot of freedom, but the secret that he is in fact a sentient free thinking machine is kept heavily under wraps. Wyatt doesn't necessarily mind, but he's definitely got plans in the works for his future~!
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rainbowsntears · 6 years
request ↳ a really sad thing you could write about is the reader plays the piano and always plays very happy songs, but at one point she starts playing very melancholic, minor key music and just breaks down at her piano bench (for whatever reason) with whoever you choose comforting her and helping her finish the song.
summary ↳ you’d never allow yourself to play a sad song ever on the piano, but when melancholy intoxicates your everyday mood, you could only hold onto that happiness for a matter of time before you fall apart. at least, hopefully, they’ll be someone looking out for you.
warnings ↳ sad, but fluffy ofc.
words ↳ 1706
note ↳ i actually really love this request, thank you to whoever thought of such an amazing idea uwu. also i don’t know piano keys at all but i saw the song ‘unsteady’ is bm so i’m like ‘okay this has to be some kind of minor key music’ i really don’t know i’m dumb. also i know that the song ‘unsteady’ by x ambassadors is about a parental divorce but forgetting about that idea and just listen to the lyrics, it makes sense of what this imagine is about. btw no one is famous here. tell me your thoughts and enjoy xx
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Everyone knew you to be such a bubbly and joyful person, always able to make everyone smile and grin with ecstatic and blissfulness; that's the kind of person you were. And you didn't mind having that role considering you were able to intoxicate the room with happiness once your fingers danced on the keys on your piano.
Yes, a piano.
You were incredibly talented on the piano, being able to play so many songs with a perfect performance, even singing them with an angelic and powering voice. Everyone adored how you made magic work once you pressed the first key to a new song, especially one person.
If someone was to never get tired of your talent, it definitely would be Finn Wolfhard. With a heart big and soft, he was the only one who - even though everyone enjoyed your piano skills - would appreciate it and love it the most. His eyes glued onto your fingers as they tiptoed between each note, and they'd flicker up to your concentrated face; eyes full of determination to get the song right. Finn knew how much you would practise on all of the songs you would learn yourself to make sure you wouldn't stuff it up once performing it in front of people.
They were always happy songs that you played, pop and rock, songs that had everyone surrounded in the room to get up and dance and sing along in a loud but truly amazing way. Especially when you were doing it in front of all your friends; Jaeden, Wyatt, Jack, Chosen, Jeremy, Sophia, Millie, Sadie, Gaten, Noah, Caleb and Finn. All of these people that held you close to them because of how close you were to each person made the piano songs more fun and awesome.
The thing was, you never did sad songs, nope, never ever! You didn't like how deep and touching they were, and if something didn't bring you joy then you weren't going to go near it.
But there was one day where things weren't right for you anymore, and you suddenly felt like the happiness that was once in your heart just...disappeared. And you were lost, oh so ever lost, you didn't know why you were feeling this way. Maybe it was the fact that you felt lonely, even if you had so many friends and a loving family, or could it be anxiety? No, not that.
Melancholy. Maybe that was what you were feeling.
Maybe you didn't understand yet, but you would. And for now, you were just trying your best to stay you as possible. Even though when your friends and family asked if you were okay and you just sadly looked at them and gave them a small smile, they weren't convinced. Why?
Oh, probably because you showed it so much in the thing that you love the most; playing your piano.
Obviously, not everyone knew, it was only people like your parents and Finn that was extremely worried about your sudden outburst of emotions that you had hardly ever experienced before.
Present day was all around you, but your past was controlling your fingers that moved to the piano keys. And you sucked in a deep breath as you stared up at the sheet that was standing in front of you.
B minor.
It already sounded so...upsetting.
This was hard, very hard and difficult, you'd never allow yourself to play a sad song. But you weren't in the mood for any happy songs, and this song just came to you, and you felt like you were feeling this right now.
Then your fingers moved to G, and then D, and A.
They continued like that, obviously, this was played through the bass clef part of the piano sheet. And you just had to follow along to the treble clef notes to make the sad song kind of seem more alive than just continue playing just the bass.
Mama, come here Approach, appear Daddy, I'm alone 'Cause this house don't feel like home
Mentally, it was hard to play, but physically it was incredibly easy. Considering it was slow and delicate, you weren't having to keep up or get frustrated easily. Somehow you eased right into the minor key song, and it just felt nice to sing a song as sad as what you were feeling.
Your parents hadn't been at home at the time, leaving you all alone with your piano. So you found this the perfect opportunity to take up your precious time on something you felt like doing. You and Finn were hanging out today at your house, although he said he'd be there in half an hour and that was more than enough time for you to get used to the song and play it well enough.
But, the more you played, the more you found it hard to sing along, you couldn't continue to reach the notes without hearing your voice crack as you tried to choke back on what seemed to be a cry. Yeah, you were right all along; sad songs really had been touching.
You were just about to start singing the final chorus when you abruptly stopped, your fingers not wanting to sway to the music anymore, and your voice not having that power anymore to sing such a heartbreaking song. And your empty heart couldn't take it anymore.
Your hands froze as you finally let out everything that you'd been keeping in; tears cascading down your cheeks while sobs freely ran on your mouth. You didn't even bear to look anymore and so you dug your head into your hands that had moved to support your head hanging down to look at your lap. You hadn't felt so much pain for no reason at all, and you could only beg so much to know why the hell you were like this, not truly believing that it was because you'd been experiencing a strong melancholy.
"Y/N?" A voice mumbled from behind you, and you didn't care who it would be at this point of time as your head softly lifted and turned around. There he was, Finn Wolfhard, his guitar case in his hand as he looked at you with so much empathy; something you'd never seen before.
And he quickly placed the guitar case down on the floor as he hurried over to you, quickly wrapping his arms around you when trying his best to comfort you, cooing your lost figure with a reassurance that he was there with you. This only had you crying more as you hugged him back, your head resting in his chest and looking away from your piano. You dared to not look at that for now and focus on you and Finn.
"S-Sorry," Was the first thing you said, a stutter in your voice from the slight embarrassment of Finn seeing you have a breakdown.
His locks of dark brown hair moved about on his head as he quickly pulled himself away from you, his hands on your shoulders when looking at you with his face softened, "Don't be sorry, Y/N. Don't ever be sorry for showing your emotions." He replied, moving a small strand of hair that had been in front of your face away as he gently smiled, "Do you want to talk about it? We don't have to, of course. "
You nodded your head, moving over on the bench you sat on for everytime you played the piano so Finn had access to sit down as well. And as he sat down, one of his arms wrapped around your shoulders and you rested your head on his shoulder out of feeling emotionally drained, "It's about time I told someone but...I honestly don't know what's wrong with me, Finn. Two weeks ago I just started to suddenly become sad and upset about everything, I feel...unsteady. And I hate this feeling, I really do." You answered, huffing quietly as you wiped away all the tears that strained your face. "You don't have to say anything, honestly I'm just glad you're here with me right now."
Finn looked down at your tired body, and he could only sadly sigh at the sight of you looking so different from your whole life. Not happy or bright, no, everything just seemed so dull. "It's so weird to hear you like this, usually you're always trying to make me happy. I suck at this." He shook his head. The truth was, you didn't blame him, and he wasn't wrong either.
"Comforting me is already enough, Finn. Thank you," You whispered, looking back up at the brunette boy.
Finn pursed his lips only in a fragile manner as he looked back at you, inhaling slowly as he sent you more sympathy.
But then he frowned.
And his gaze went to the piano sitting in front of the two of you, "You didn't finish the song," He stated. Looking back at the piano as well, you could only heavily sigh and nod your head to what he said. You didn't finish the song, you were only a chorus away. Finn had heard you as he walked inside your house, even when he was outside. Yeah, he only got in because you left the door unlocked. "Want me to help you end it?"
The question had your head whipping up to look at him, teary eyes showing a small portion of hope and lips slightly parted in a tiny bit of excitement, "Really?" You questioned, your voice getting higher as you suddenly felt a hint of happiness enter your eyes, even if you looked like a total mess.
Finn - who had been sitting on the left side of the piano - flashed a friendly grin, "Of course, I'm not that good on the piano. But I'll try and do the bass."
Oh, things just got a little more better, and you could only edge your shocked lips up into a smile as well, wiping away the excess of tears in your glassy eyes so you were able to actually see the piano keys, "Sure, that sounds great."
And so you helped Finn out, obviously with the Canadian having the easy part of it all, he got the hang of it quickly. It was only a matter of time before you two finally presented the last piece and line to the song.
Hold Hold on Hold on to me 'Cause I'm a little unsteady A little unsteady
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: chapter 6
A/N: Oh my sweet, amazing, darling little pumpkins!! You are all so wonderful!! I am beyond grateful for all of your reblogs, comments and likes!! Thank you for taking this crazy journey with me!! I love you all so much!! You have no idea how choked up I get when I see all the love that’s poured out on my series!! As always, lmk if there are any mistakes and if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! Now.... I give you Chapter 6!!
*Listen to Bruno Major’s Just the Same while reading. It’ll help.
Seth Rollins x Blind OFC
Warnings: Language, may cause tears....
Word Count: 2000+
Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?    
“Wait, I don’t understand, Renee calls you in the middle of the night saying ‘He needs you’ and they expect you to just, what? Drop everything you’re doing to go coddle Seth?!” Amanda asked, beyond pissed off. Lily sat on the bed while Amanda paced back and forth in her hotel room.
All she could do was nod. She didn’t trust herself to speak. She felt the bed sink next to her. Amanda could see the inner struggle she was currently having, she pulled Lily’s head into her lap, running her fingers through her red hair. She bent down a little, kissing her temple.
“Talk to me, sweet pea.” Amanda whispered, “tell me what’s going through that precious little head of yours.”
Lily was quiet for a while, the room silent with only her iPhone quietly playing her favorite music. Something she did when her nerves were getting the best of her. A ritual that started when Seth left to help her cope with the pain.
Lily wasn’t sure how to answer that though. Truth be told she didn’t know how to feel. There was a war raging inside her right now. Part of her wanted to stick both middle fingers in the air and tell Seth to suck it but then that bleeding heart of hers wanted to pull a Kool-Aid Man and burst right through the wall and take care of him.
All of the sudden, she clenched her fists, anger coursing through her veins. Bitter tears fell from her eyes.
“What right do they have asking so much of me?!” She sobbed. “I mourned our relationship already, I-I’ve moved on. I’ve... I’ve-“ Lily felt like the room was closing in on her, she was gasping for air, was it hot in here?! She started shaking, falling to the floor.
“Lily! Oh my hell! Baby, calm down!” Amanda said, trying to pull Lily up, but her hands were pushed away as Lily crawled til she felt the corner of the room. She pulled her knees to her chest, burying her face in her arms.
With tears of her own, Amanda watched helplessly as her best friend sobbed uncontrollably in the corner. Not knowing what to do, she simply sat in front of her and waited til Lily calmed down. She sat there for 47 agonizing minutes.
“I.... I’m not strong enough.... I...” Lily was about to say something she hadn’t admitted to anyone, perhaps not even to herself. Something she tried to keep buried.
“I’m still in love with Seth.” She said sadly, her voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t think I ever stopped loving him.”
Amanda couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled Lily into her arms and held her.
“I know, baby, I know. I’ve known you basically my whole life, I know what you’re thinking 99.9% of the time.” She mumbled against Lily’s hair. “And whatever you wanna do, I will support you all the way.”
Lily was silent for a while. Could she open herself up to him again? What was to stop him from throwing her to the wayside again? Would he even be happy to see her? How would she react once they were reunited?  As if it was some sort of sign, Bruno Major’s ‘Just the Same’  started playing.
                        ‘So do your worst to me                         Test my loyalty                         I will pass with distinction of first degree                         I lost my mind to you                        Somewhere down the line that you drew                        But I only have myself to blame                        Cause I still love you just the same’
There was one thing she knew for sure; she couldn’t do this alone.
“Will you come with me?”
“Absolutely.” Amanda answered without hesitation.
Roman and Dean were watching Renee fiddle with random shit around Dean’s dressing room. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t a nervous wreck.
“Doll, you’re gonna wear holes in your heals you keep walkin’ around like that.” Dean said, pulling her into a bear hug.
“How do you expect me to be?! All she said was ‘oh’ then hung up!” She said into his shirt. They couldn’t blame her tho, this was a huge bomb they dropped on her.
“What if she doesn’t come?” Roman asked.
“We’ll need to come up with a plan B.” Dean answered. All of them froze at the sound of Renee’s phone vibrating. She quickly snatched it from her purse.
“I don’t recognize the number.” She mumbled.
“It might be her calling from a hotel or somethin’, just answer, but put it on speaker.” Dean urged.
Taking a deep breath she answered her phone.
“Renee?” It was a somewhat familiar voice, but Renee couldn’t place where she had heard it before.
“Who’s askin’?” Dean butt in. There was a sigh on the other end.
“Oh for shit’s sake. It’s Amanda, Lily’s friend, remember, you called me when Seth nearly destroyed her? She doesn’t know I’m calling but I just wanted to give you a heads up. She’ll come. But, if things turn south or, heaven forbid, Seth hurts her again, we are gone!! You lose her number, you leave her life. Understand?!”
The three of them looked at each other. Seeing as she left no room for argument, they nodded to each other.
“Understood.” Renee answered.
“Look... Just, handle her delicately. She’s, she’s not the Lily you remember, she’s changed.”
Roman, who had been silent this entire time, finally spoke up.
“We’ll take care of her, rest assured we won’t let anything happen to her.”
“Good, because we’re about 20 minutes from the arena. So strap in, kiddies, shit’s about to get real.”
The line went dead. They just stood there staring at the phone, then each other. A silent prayer in the air.
“Well shit.” Dean said.
“I can’t believe you bought backstage passes.” Lily grumbled, arm linked with Amanda’s, as they walked the hallways of the arena.
“Well what did you have in mind? Jump over the barriers and tackle Seth to the ground?” Amanda answered, her words dripping with sarcasm.
Lily furrowed her brows, rubbing her forehead.
“You ok baby cakes?” Amanda asked, concern evident in her voice.
“Yeah, just a lot of new scents, top that with my raging nerves and I’ve got the perfect headache.”
Things were going smoothly, but as the saying goes, it was the calm before the storm.
“Oh my gosh, you’re Amanda Palmer!”
“Can I get a picture?!”
“It’s Amanda Palmer!!”
Dozens of excited voices clouded Lily’s hearing. And everything snowballed from there. People started smothering the two girls causing them to get separated as a crowd started to gather. Lily stumbled backwards into one body after another. Clutching her cane she walked until she felt a wall. She could hear Amanda’s voice trying to be friendly to her fans but trying to politely excuse herself.
Lily was finding it impossible to breath. Out of sheer panic she just started walking trying to catch her breath. As she rounded the corner, she stumbled into something, falling to the floor. She frantically felt for her cane and glasses.
“Are you lost, little lamb?” An eerie voice said close to Lily’s ear.
She scurried backwards, hitting her head against a crate in the process.  She winced in pain, her left hand grabbing the back of her head. She then heard three more sets of footsteps joining the mystery man.  
Bray, Luke, Erik and Braun stood there staring at the shaking redhead.
“It seems this sweet dove has lost her way, brothers. What do you say we help her find her wings?”
It was then that Luke saw Lily’s cane and glasses scattered on the floor. Putting two and two together, he quickly nudged Bray, directing his attention to the items. Erik was the first to spring into action, scooping the small woman in his arms, setting her on her feet while Braun gathered her things.
“Are you ok?” Erik asked gently. Lily was so confused by their sudden change of attitude but remembered where she was. She remembered late night’s sitting with Seth as he explained WWE to her and the wrestlers with their on screen characters.... oh how she missed those nights.
She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt thumbs running across her cheeks, she hadn’t realized she started crying. She felt a rough hand open her palm and place her cane in it, closing her fingers around it and her glasses placed on her head.
“Thank you.” She mumbled, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. She pulled her glasses from her head and put them in her purse.
“Oh my dear, I hope we didn’t scare you too badly. We were just havin’ a little fun. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Bray, the Eater of Worlds” she felt Bray take her hand, placing a small kiss on the back of it, “and these are my brothers Luke, Erik and Braun. We are the Wyatts. And what might your name be, my lovely Lamb?”
It all registered with her! She vaguely remembered Renee’s mentioning a feud between the Wyatts and the Shield. Letting go of a breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding, she gave them a smile and opened her mouth to answer him.
Lily’s head snapped towards the sound of Roman’s voice. She immediately reached her hand out in the direction of his voice. Roman took her small hands in his and pulled his little sister into his arms, holding her as tight as he could. He had missed her so much and would visit her every so often.
“Well, brothers, it seems our little lamb has found her shepherd. We’ll be on our way. Reigns.” Bray said, tipping his hat to Roman as they left him and Lily to catch up.
“I’ve missed you so much, Ro!” She said through her tears.
“Me too, baby girl, me too.” He murmured into her hair. He pushed her back a bit to get a better look at her. She had grown in those past years, her beauty blossoming more so. He hadn’t thought that was possible. Her hair was longer, her body a little more curvy but what caught his attention most were her eyes... they had lost some of their light. He felt his heart twinge a little. He kissed her forehead, trying to stop himself from scooping her up and hiding her from Seth.
Just then, Dean and Renee came around the corner but stopped at the sight in front of them. Renee dropped the papers from her hands and ran towards the hugging pair, Dean hot on her heels, wrapping her arms around Lily from behind and Dean threw his arms around the whole group. In that moment, all felt right with the world..... but, as many would attest, good things don’t always last.
“Listen, kid, I love you like a son, but you’re becoming a liability. So you have two options, get your shit together and get your head back in the game or I’ll have to suspend you.” Hunter said, sitting behind his desk across from Seth. “So, what will it be?”
Steadying his breathing, Seth simply muttered that he’d do better. On the inside he was raging, wanting nothing more than to punch a hole through the wall.
Both men shook hands and Seth left the office. He walked down the halls, fuming. He was still angry that he had to disband the shield, he was mad that he lost the title, he hated that Lily wasn’t a part of his life but what pissed him off the most was that he had no one to blame but himself for her not being here. Whoever was his opponent tonight was in for a world of hurt.
‘Stop it dumbass, one more slip up and Hunter will suspend you!’ Seth berated himself.
Sitting in a vacant chair in the hallway, he laid his head in his hands, as Lily consumed his thoughts. What he wouldn’t give to have her gentle body against his, tangled in each other, to feel her soft lips, to get lost in her beautiful eyes, to feel her careful fingers on his skin, to hear her soothing voice. Why had he been such a foolish asshole?! He never should’ve given her up. Looking back now, he would’ve been happy working some lame 9 to 5 job knowing that he’d come home to her every night and wake up next to her every morning.
“You ok man?” Seth was brought out of his thoughts by Xavier Woods’ question.
“Um, yeah, just not feeling 100%.”
“Migraines again?” Woods asked while adjusting his gear. The two had grown close over their shared love for gaming. Xavier was the only person outside of Roman, Dean and Renee, who knew about his past with Lily.
Dragging his hands over his face, Seth mumbled “Something like that.”
The two began walking towards the gorilla when Seth stopped dead in his tracks. He could hear Xavier’s voice in the background asking what was wrong. Everything was a blur, time seemed to stop and speed up all at once. He was brought back to reality when Xavier shook him by the shoulders.
“Seth! What the hell man?! What’s wrong with you?!” Woods asked, his voice riddled with worry.
Silently Seth raised his arm, and with a shaky hand he pointed a finger towards a group of people, uttering a single word through trembling lips.
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @neversatisfiedgirl @lost-in-the-stories @calwitch @team-elias @hanaslay @captainwinterwriter
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