#[ Micah always believe in love in every forms and degrees while believing Love is everything and vice versa ]
jlvbong · 5 years
when it’s been sunshine, rainbows, sloths and unicorns...and also all the other stuff...
it’s been a necessary slow down, and a few months hiatus from distractions, to hold space, to listen, to be unraveled, focused inner work, alignment, leaning into what I believe our souls (the deepest truest you) is made for: To BE LOVE (noun) and to BE LOVE (action)
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a mix of 2019 reflection and 2020 expectation, a jbong update in 34 thoughts. 
34. sun + beach >> anything (though the albertan in me does love the snow, the light fluffy snow) 
33. we know that true connection occurs outside of social media platforms-- it’s important to remind yourself of this and check that it remains true. my few months hiatus from facebook and instagram was simply to remove distractions and in turn was liberating and a healthy check of connections- who i’m connected to, how i connect, the depth of these connections and why.
32. i only own a few plants and surprisingly have kept them alive - orchids, aloe and another. the original orchid is still going strong and still oddly symbolic.
32. i’ve moved more times than the years i’ve lived in BC
31. ironically always searching for ‘home’ yet now a double ‘home’ owner
30. oilers, hockey - pure happiness
29. cash cab canada, 2011 while visiting vancouver. (the episode that keeps coming back to ‘haunt’ me in the most random of times and places, so i will acknowledge that yes it happened and speak no more about it) 
28.  a piano, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, violin, cello and sometimes i sing, that’s probably the most and only asian thing about me
27. seems like wherever i go and what seems like ‘chance’ encounters with people - always turns out to be the the smallest world, definitely less than 6 degrees of separation and not random
29. i like dark dark beers and red wine. (and chips)
28. candy crush (yep, i still play it!)
27. for those who know the enneagram, I relate the most to the 7
26. my life is a result of many skilled surgeons and medicine
25. my life is also a result of the miraculous - surpassing and surprising the medical experts
24. ‘what are the chances that...?’ i keep thinking. the chances are 0.5%, 0.1%, 0.05%, 0.02% - each very small %, and for all to occur together, even smaller %. talking about my life, it cant be chances, there is a definite orchestration to it all - medicine and miraculous, science and faith, both equal and cannot be separated -  i’m still figuring it out, the why
23. ORANGE THEORY FITNESS. I love it. It has been the most surprising and best commitment i’ve made for myself
22. “YOU BE YOU. ME BE ME. WE BE WE” (from Baroness Von sketch show) - basically what i’ve always said, one of my life mottos: be true you
21. Schitt’s creek. (hilarious show! give it a chance, it grows on you)
20. Instant Pot.
19. I love being Auntie Jen to Noah, Micah, Jojo. 
18. on one hand, i’m wired to always see the good - in you, in situations, in all things. i reframe every situation without even noticing i do, to see it as a positive
17. on the other hand, heart heavy situations seems to be a normal place i find myself in, and i have and will walk through those times with you.  
16. though for myself, navigating those emotions associated with heart heavy, trauma, situations...is foreign. (i dissociate - healthy and also not) 
15. counselling: unlocking the breadth of emotions, working on soul health - integration and alignment of all aspects - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
14. relationships relationships relationships (all forms of it) is a reflection of us - we attract what we are, that includes all of it- the positives and negatives, the areas whole and broken needing to be healed, the available and unavailable
13. i sometimes forget that i’m a pharmacist -as a job, it is fulfilling and also hard. from cardiology to emergency and now neurosurgery- both tragic and miraculous. other part of my job with the faculty, students and education on site is 110% navigating people, usually that’s the harder part
12. 2019 - i can barely remember it though it is likely one of the most pivotal years for me. Uganda, Kibaale. switched jobs. moved twice. bought a place. many new and pivotal people came into my life. Only Uganda was planned, and the other changes seemingly came out of nowhere yet were exactly meant to happen.
11. family. friends. cherish each other. cherish the moments. i’m so grateful for those i get to know and see, and am known and seen by - you know my heart, my vision for life, and will call me out and support me in that. I hope that i am that for you. there’s a reason for each connection - to do life with for a season, and/or for this lifetime
10. i’m learning that though i’m not one to need frequency of connecting, on the opposite end, that may be required. we can always grow in connection.
9.  2020 - shifting the way i see, clear (true) vision. it is deep work. it is worth it. it is changing everything
8. can’t wait till playoffs + my oilers (yes, that confident, always)
7. uganda in april :)
6. i’m a big fan of fast and furious franchise.
5. i dont watch movies in the theatre much, but when i do, i’ll try for 2 (or even 3) for the price of 1
4. i want to skydive, who’s in?
3. this is year 4 here in BC...
2. and this is 34 years (yes, asian genes, never age until 80) 
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1. let yourself be known and seen
“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” -Timothy Keller
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