#[ SO WITH THAT SAID! cause my eyeballs hurt - I’m gonna take a nap ]
spiderwarden · 7 months
🕷️ 🔪
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krizaland · 3 years
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Rayman Land of Darkness: Chapter 7:  The stolen treasure!
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As she lead the group, Marina was told of how Celeste was captured by The Magician.
“That’s awful! Don’t worry! I’m more than happy to help! In fact, I can come up on land if you want!” Marina offered.
“I appreciate the gesture and all but I don’t think you dropping on the deck and flopping like a fish is gonna save Celeste.” Murfy chuckled.
“Don’t worry! I’ve got a magic gem that allows me to walk on land! See?”
Marina popped open her locket and gasped.
Her gem was missing
“Oh crabs! You’ve gotta be kidding me! Those creeps must’ve taken my gem!” Marina yelped as she put her hands on her hips.  “Looks like I’m gonna have to get it back later. Right now, I’m gonna focus on helping you guys.”
“We can help you get your gem back!” Rayman offered
“Are you sure? I don’t want to ask too much of you guys.”
“Of course! We’ll find your gem in no time!” Rayman insisted.
“Yes! I’m the best at finding things! The other day I found dirt in my bellybutton!” Globox chimed in as he waved excitedly.
Marina grimaced at Globox’s comment but turned back to Rayman.
“Well in that case, You’re more than welcome to help me look!”
And with that, the group set off to search for Marina’s gem!
They searched the highest parts of the reef and they searched the lowest parts.
They plowed through Darktoons and helped patch each other’s wounds!
As the search continued, Rayman and Marina found themselves enjoying each other’s company more and more.
From a similar sense of humor to enjoying similar music, Rayman and Marina quickly became the best of friends.
Rayman was having so much fun with Marina that for a moment, he had forgotten all about Celeste.
Meanwhile, The Magician had finally set up his rather simple trap.
He dangled Celeste’s cage over a pit filled with vicious  Darktoons and boiling lava.
“There! This ought to take care of that pesky Rayman!” The Magician chuckled as he wiped away a few beads of sweat.
Celeste was far from impressed. She rolled her eyes and huffed,
“Really? This is the best you could do?”
“Hey! It was all I could think of on such short notice ok?! I didn’t even want to use you as bait but Mr. Dark would have both of our souls if I didn’t! Besides! You don’t even like him back! Once he’s gone it’ll be just you and me!” The Magician ranted as he sat on the other side of the pit.
“That’s not true! Just because I don’t love him as a boyfriend doesn’t mean I don’t consider him my best friend! Rayman still means a lot to me! I would be devastated if anything happened to him!” Celeste snarled as she shot The Magician a glare.
“Sweetheart, Your friendship with him was over the moment he said he loved you. There’s no coming back from a confession like that!”
Celeste’s face fell as she felt her heart drop into her stomach again.
“Hey now! Don’t look so glum! At least you won’t be the one having to shatter his dreams!” The Magician continued with a chuckle.
In that moment, all of Celeste’s pent up, anxiety, anger, embarrassment, and guilt burst like a can of soda rolling around in a hot car.
She burst into tears and wailed loudly.
This was all her fault! If she hadn’t wanted to find that stupid Book of Dreams so badly then none of this would have happened!
Rayman would’ve been safe and sound back at The Glade of Dreams and she could find a different way to complete her thesis.
“Hey! Hey! Calm down now!”
The sound of The Magician’s concerned voice jolted Celeste from her thoughts for a moment.
The Magician jumped up onto Celeste’s cage,
“it’s gonna be alright! You’ll never have to see Rayman ever again!”
The Magician’s words only made Celeste wail harder.
Soon, Celeste’s tears started to pour into the pit of lava; causing a few parts of the lava to harden into hard, rock like platforms.
“Oh dear! Oh dear! Sweetheart you need to stop crying! Your tears are hardening the lava!” The Magician pleaded as he clung to her cage.
Celeste simply continued to cry; much to The Magician’s panic.
“Ok new plan”
And with that, The Magician frantically tried to cheer up Celeste.
He tried everything! From magic tricks to dark jokes but no dice!
But no matter how hard he tried The Magician just couldn’t console Celeste!
“Alright! I didn’t want to have to do this but you leave me no choice!”
The Magician wiggled his fingers.
With a puff of purple smoke, Celeste was put into a deep sleep.
“There. Maybe you’ll feel better after your nap!”
While The Magician put Celeste to sleep, his coat pocket trembled a bit.
Out came Celeste’s hands and feet!
They jumped out of The Magician’s coat pocket, jumped onto one of the platforms, and rushed off to find Rayman.
Meanwhile, Rayman, Marina, Murfy, and Globox had stumbled across a hidden cave.
The ground shook with a thunderous snore.
Everyone looked up and discovered, a massive kraken-like Darktoon!
Tucked away in one of its tentacles was Marina’s gem!
“Looks like we’ve found the gem.” Murfy noted.
“Guys, maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I don’t want you guys getting hurt because of me.” Marina whispered frantically.
“Don’t worry! We’ve faced way worse than this right guys?” Rayman replied.
“Right!!” Globox sang as he bounced around excitedly.
Unfortunately, Globox’s screaming had awoken the Darktoon.
With a thunderous roar, the Darktoon charged at the group.
“Well I don’t think we don’t have a choice now!” Murfy squeaked as he got ready for battle.
A massive tentacle whipped out and snatched up Rayman!
“Don’t worry, Rayman! I’m coming!” Marina called out as she swam towards the Darktoon
The Darktoon let out a pained roar as Marina pounded its tentacle.
It wasn’t long before Rayman was able to free himself.
“Thanks Marina!”
“No problem! Now let’s turn this creep into fish paste!”
And with that, Rayman and Marina prepared for battle with the rest of the group joining in.
Tentacles were smashed and eyeballs were punched!
Weak spots were popped and teeth were sent flying across the cave!
The Darktoon let out one last pained roar, revealing a massive weak spot on its tongue.
Marina held open the Darktoon’s mouth while Rayman charged up the final blow.
The Darktoon was sent flying out of the cave before popping like a balloon.
Finally free from the Darktoon’s grasp, Marina’s gem plopped onto the ground.
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huntertales · 6 years
Part Two: It’s Wabbit Season. (Hunteri Heroici S08E08)
Episode Summary: Castiel tells the reader and the Winchesters that he’s decided to become a hunter like them. While the brothers are sold on the idea, they agree to investigate a case where a man’s heart literally burst through his chest. Meanwhile, the reader struggles to keep her pregnancy a secret as she tries to adapt to the symptoms and lifestyle changes she must make. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 5,642.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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Once was an accident, twice was a coincidence. But you didn't need to have a third body on your hands to realize something something strange was going on here. The four of you were leaving the Freleng’s house when Dean got a call from Detective Case about there being another recent death you might have been interested in checking out. That’s how you found yourself leaning over the edge of the building best as you could from where you stood with your arms crossed over your chest to try and keep yourself warm. The height and soft breeze that passed every so often made you feel freezing cold. And not to mention, facing such a steep drop made a shiver run down your spine in unrealistic fear. You hated being up so high.
Sam had one foot on the very edge of the building from where the victim took the swan dive and the other on the part where you stood, wanting to get a view for himself. You knew there really wasn't a chance Sam could get hurt while his footing straddled the edge of the building, but you still had your worries about luck. But you still let out a sigh of relief when the man step back to the part of the building where the rest of you were. You walked back over to the detective and Dean to discuss what happened here and why she felt the need to call you if it was just really a guy who jumped off his office building.
“Looks like suicide.” Sam said as shrugged his shoulders, not sure what else it could be.
“It was. Guy left a note.” The detective said, adding more evidence that this seemed like a open and shut case. “He invested everything in Roman Industries and lost it all when they crashed and burned last year.”
“So why call us?” You asked her, curious to get to the bottom of this.
“Because I have two witnesses who swear that Madoff here floated in midair for a good ten seconds, then he looked down, and splat.” Detective Case explained more details that seemed like the kind of stuff that you would be interested in. You raised your brow slightly from the witness reporting that did seem like your kind of thing. Sort of like how a guy's heart jumped out of his chest. It was just weird enough to be connected. "Not sure I buy that, but the way they're talking, it sounds like something straight out of a—"
“Cartoon.” Dean finished the detective’s thought.
“You said you wanted weird.” The detective said.
You smiled and thanked the detective before she was called over by another officer that needed her help. When she was a safe distance away across the building, the three of you started to discuss what this might have meant for the outcome of this case. You noticed Cas was coming forward after he had spent a few minutes standing at the edge of the building just staring off into the sight of the city. You turned your attention back over to Dean when he spoke up again.
“She’s right, you know.” Dean agreed with the detective. “I mean, the whole heart jumping out of the guy’s chest, the delayed fall—that’s straight-up Bugs Bunny.”
"So we're looking for some sort of insect-rabbit hybrid?" The angel wondered. You felt your lips stretching into a small smile at how he was taking this almost a little too literally. He had still so many things to learn about pop culture. "How do we kill it?”
“No, we don’t, Cas.” Sam said, chuckling to himself. “That’s a character, like, uh—like Woody Woodpecker or Daffy Duck.”
“They’re little animated movies. You know, uh, the coyote chases a roadrunner, and then the anvil gets dropped on his head.” Dean tried to explain to the angel about what they were.
The three of you found yourselves smiling at the faint memories of the hand drawn cartoons that dated back from the fifties and sixties. You remembered watching them on Saturday mornings in your pajamas and laughing at the dumbest anticis that were the same gags over and over again. Not to mention the crude and outdated humor that you didn't see anymore. But for a six year old they were the funniest things ever. Hell, you’d probably sit down and watch them again and still laugh at the same jokes. Cas, however, didn't understand the appeal for a bunch of adults your age. He thought cartoons were supposed to be for children.
"Is that supposed to be funny?" Cas asked.
"No." Dean said. His expression dropped into a serious one from the question. Cas stared at the hunter with a bit of confusion to why the three of you were laughing just a moment ago if they weren’t supposed to be comical. “It’s hilarious.”
You rolled your eyes from the older Winchester’s response, “I’m sure there’s some old reruns on TV or clips on YouTube I can find for you to watch. They are really funny.”
Cas still wasn’t sure what was so comically funny about an animated cartoon animal being put in physical harm to catch its prey to survive. You shook your head from his way of thinking and began heading for the exit, wanting to get off of this roof and back down on solid ground. Not only because the view above was starting to make you feel even more nervous, but you knew you were about to be up to your eyeballs in research to figure out what was making gags from cartoons come to life.
+ + +
When you got back to the motel you claimed your spot on one of the double beds as the boys took the table to try and conduct some research to figure out what was going on. Cas occupied his time by watching TV after you handed him the remote and told him to entertain himself. You tried wracking your brain to figure out what the hell could cause a guy's heart to leap out of his chest and for someone to float in the air for just a moment before falling to their death. All of it seemed like someone was playing by cartoon rules, but the question remained, who was doing it? You were trying to figure out the mystery, but there was only so much you could accomplish.
One of the downsides of forming a new life was they took almost every ounce of your energy as they created their internal organs. You also weren’t allowed have caffeine, either. Which was a big part of how you managed to stay up for long as you did without slumping over. It was hard to keep this little bundle of joy a secret from the boys. But you were trying your hardest while doing the proper steps to make sure they would come out healthy. And yet still pretending like everything was normal. You thought you could lay your head on the pillow and shut your eyes for five minutes. But it seemed that time slipped by and you woke up with it being darker outside than you remembered and hearing someone’s overly enthusiastic voice promising you they'd be back after this commercial break.
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you slowly began to come back around from the nap that you must have took without realizing it. Your laptop had a dead battery after you neglected to plug it in, the boys were still at the table hard at work and Cas was wrapping up watching the animated cartoons he'd been watching since arriving back to the motel. He turned off the TV, seeming to have watched enough of the little animations to understand why people loved them so much. You shut your laptop and threw it to the edge for safekeeping so you could sit up more properly in bed. Cas chuckled to himself, prompting you and the boys to look at him, unsure of what was so funny.
“I understand. The bird represents God. And coyote is man, endlessly chasing the divine, but yet never able to catch him. It’s…” Cas explained his understanding of the cartoon in a way that wasn’t meant of how they were supposed to be represented. You furrowed your brow slightly as the brothers stared at him with nothing but confusion of how he got that idea. “It’s hilarious.”
Dean didn't even bother to go more in depth with the angel's thinking. He was too tired and stressed from the lack of leads he could find. "I got no idea what we're hunting. Maybe it's a tulpa. Maybe it's some crazy god who watched too much 'Robot Chicken.'" Dean said, rubbing his eyes to get them to focus again after spending so long staring at his father’s journal. "I mean is there a link between 'Heartbreak Hotel' and 'Free Fallin'?"
"Not that I could find." Sam admitted.
“All right, well, I’m gonna call it.” Dean said. “Cas, are you gonna book a room or what?”
The angel went from watching TV to now taking it upon himself to start poking his nose into one of the Winchester’s belongings and tolities. It seemed he was fascinated with what humans had to do in order to keep themselves hygienically clean and healthy. "No, I'll stay here."
“Oh, okay. Yeah. We’ll have a slumber party and braid Y/N and Sam’s hair.” Dean sarcastically said, pretending to make a night of it. “Where are you gonna sleep?”
“I don’t sleep.” Cas said.
“Okay, well, I need my four hours, so…” Dean trailed off for a moment, hoping the angel would get the hint that he wanted some privacy for the rest of the night.
"I'll watch over you." Cas offered in the most caring and innocent tone of voice. Little did the angel realIze how creepy it sounded. You found yourself letting out a quiet laugh from his generosity the older Winchester quickly denied from the grim look that spread across his face.
You were about to offer for Cas to room with you tonight so the boys could have some privacy and a decent night's sleep, but before you could the angel was slowly rising to his feet. A look of concentration crossed his face as if he was listening in on a conversation going on in his head. He placed his fingers against his temple, you gave him a look of worry from what was going on.
“Something’s coming across the police band.” Cas said.
“Wait, you can hear that?” Sam asked the angel.
“It’s all waves.” Cas mumbled. He concentrated on the voices he was suddenly hearing and the crime that was being reported at this very moment. “A bank has been robbed. It sounds looney.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly, “Define ‘looney.”
+ + +
Cas said the call being reported to the police was about a man crushed to death from a two thousand pound anvil. Yeah, you’d define that as looney. And disgusting. You grimaced at the sight of blood and guts on the bank floor and about a foot from where you stood. You refused to get any closer than you had to. It was bad enough you felt tired and nauseous all the time. You weren’t going to lose what food was still digesting in your stomach to join the other bodily fluids on the ground. You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked over at the brothers, wondering if this was the kind of stuff they remembered from the cartoons. “That's loony, all right.” Sam agreed with the angel’s suspicions about this crime. “Agents. I was just about to give you a ring.” Detective Case called out. You looked over at the familiar law enforcement who you had seen at both previous crime scenes. It seemed she had her hands full of the unexplained. You greeted her with a small smile as she approached you and the boys, Cas was off in the distance, distracted with something at the desk. “Got to ask—do you guys chase the crazy, or does the crazy chase you?” “Depends on the day.” You replied. You nodded your head to the body that was reduced to a mess on the ground the four of you were surrounding. “Who's the pancake?” “Security guard. He called in reporting a robbery, but by the time we got here...” The detective trailed off, her eyes wandering to what remained of the guard. Sam repeated the crime that was committed here, it felt a little too clean for this to be a robbery. “Looks like the ‘Black Hole’ was trying to jimmy open a safe-deposit box when Mr. Rent-A-Cop found him. And, well...” You looked over to the side of the building where you noticed the vault containing valuables worth more than all of your lives combined together. A few forensic investigators were taking appeared to be a very literal black hole painted on the wall. Your brow furrowed slightly from what the hell was going on here. “you know how that story ends.” The detective said. “Black hole?” Cas asked, seeming interested in the nickname the “It's our name for a burglar that's been running us ragged. He's a pro—no fingerprints, never any sign of forced entry—just a pair of those every time...” The detective nodded her head to the large black hole that, with a bit of a further examination, looked like a decent size for someone to sneak in and out of, along with whatever he was trying to steal. “like he's signing his work. Perp's never done anything like this before, though...obviously.”
“You mind if I take a look at your files on those other break-ins?” Sam asked, the detective shrugged her shoulders in agreeance.
“No skin off my nose. I’m headed to the station now if you want a ride.” The detective offered.
The detective and Sam made their way to the exit, leaving you and Dean to examine more of the crime scene along with Cas. Your attention dwindled away from the shutting door that Sam slipped out of and back to the two thousand pound hunk of metal you were standing next to. While you wouldn't consider yourself a weak person, you had your doubts that you and the older Winchester could move this thing yourself. without hurting yourself, or just looking like an idiot. You looked up at him and raised your brow slightly, wondering how the hell you were going to do this. Dean had a plan, and it didn't even require you to lift a finger.
“Hey.” Dean said, getting the angel’s attention. “Can you lift this?”
Cas seemed a tad bit annoyed by the request, but he did it anyway. You stepped out of the way and let him work his magic, somehow moving two thousand pounds without even breaking a sweat over the puddle of human remains, letting the anvil clank to the floor. Out of caution, you glanced around the bank to see if anyone had seen what Cas had done, luckily, it was just the three of you. You looked back down at the exact spot where the security guard had stood right before his untimely death. You let out a noise when you saw something marked on the floor, and it looked to have been done in Sharpie.
“‘X’ marks the spot.” Dean mumbled. You and him found yourselves looking up at the ceiling to see there was no way possible this Black Hole perp could have lugged in a two thousand pound weight and hung it from the ceiling. But if someone where to mark the ground, then you had to take a wild guess that the anvil came out of thin air, crushing the unsuspecting guard before he realized what was coming. “Well, whoever’s doing this is playing by cartoon rules.”
“Animation doesn’t have rules.” Cas said. The angel might have watched a few episodes of cartoons, but he still didn't understand the universe and the rules it played by.
“Sure it does. In Toontown, a pretty girl can make your heart leap out of your chest. Anvils fall from the sky, and if you draw a door or a black hole on the wall,” You pointed to the painted black dot on the wall and began walking over to it to inspect it for yourself to see if it might still be radioactive for you. “You can stroll right through it.”
“So this is how the thief got in.” The angel suspected.
“And out. And cracked the vault.” Dean added.
Cas attempted to try and gain himself access through the black hole like the thief had. But when he placed his hand against the hole and pushed, all he felt was the wall. He tried a few more times before realizing that he had no way of getting through. "Then why isn't it working now?"
You knocked on the wall, hearing a solid thud echo off. Furrowing your brow, you placed your hands on your hips and let out a sigh from the lack of answers you could provide. “I have no idea.”
+ + +
The three of you headed back to the motel after learning what you could about the crime scene, despite it being a dead end and another dead body on your hands, which was just about what the police had. Dean retired back to his room to do a bit more research while you decided to call it quits for the night, blaming your tiredness on symptoms of your "approaching period" that he presumed was coming soon. Little did he realize that it wouldn't be coming this month, or the one after, and the one after that...You wanted to tell him the truth about why you really were calling it quits almost near midnight and you weren't downing coffee to keep yourself awake.
Part of the reason why you were so hesitant to tell Dean was the timing and privacy to break the news to him. You found out you were carrying after you got Kevin and Mrs. Tran to safety and Cas mysteriously came back from the dead, not to mention you and the boys picked up a hunt to keep yourselves busy. There was a lot going on right now. You couldn’t just pull Dean aside from everything and tell him the news. And you thought if you told him about your condition after the hunt he'd freak out for putting yourself in danger. But what if you told him during the hunt?
The urge came to you when you were standing in his motel room saying your final good night to him before you headed to bed and he was stuck doing research until the wee hours. You didn't know when you got a better chance. Sam was still at the station, Cas was already off in your motel room to give Dean some privacy. You opened your mouth to let the two words slip out of your mouth, but quick as the urge came, it also passed. You suddenly felt weird letting the truth slip out like that so easily. And beating around the bush would only make him nervous for what you had to say. How the hell do you tell your boyfriend that you were carrying his unborn child?
"Hey, remember that talk we had after the hunt where you almost got your heart ripped out by a nearly thousand year old God? You told me about how you got another girl pregnant and Sam had to kill your own child? Not to mention, we talked about how I wanted to have a family of our own? And how we had sex afterwards? Well...guess what? I’m pregnant!”
You weren't scared at the thought of Dean being a good father or not. He'd be the best that he he could be, and better than his own. You got a glimpse of parenthood when you and him took care of a shifter baby you named Bobby John after asked by its father that was disguised as a friendly looking older woman. And while it wasn't for more than a day, Dean didn't panic, he didn't ignore the baby and his needs. He was hands on and did what needed to be done. If it was a glimpse into the future, you felt confident. You were more afraid of how he was going to handle the news at first.
Dean’s idea of family was Sam, Bobby and you. His only best friend was an angel that just recently came back from purgatory without a memory of how he got back. Not to mention, all of you had been put in danger and died so many times. And you didn't think you ever met a hunter who had a family that didn't die bloody. You weren't asking for an apple pie life, just a safe one. Dean would come to terms with his new reality, whether he liked it or not. Just...not tonight.
You went back to your motel room with Cas occupying one of the beds as you went on with your nightly routine to get ready for bed. As you brushed your teeth and packed away your fed clothes after changing into some pajamas, Cas occupied his time by reading through John's journal to see he might find anything that could explain how reality was being shaped into a Saturday morning cartoon. You and the boys had read through the thing so many times you were surprised it wasn't falling it apart after all these years. You found yourself stopping in your routine for a moment to just observing the angel. For some reason you thought it was rather odd to see Cas sitting there, reading the rare thoughts and notes of John Winchester.
"It's amazing how every human has almost a distinct way of how they write. It's almost like a fingerprint." Cas spoke up for the first time since coming back. "John had beautiful handwriting."
"Mmm. It's unique. But a bitch to read when you're half-asleep and stressed up to your eyeballs." You said after you walked over to the bathroom sink and spit out the toothpaste. You rinsed the toothbrush underneath the faucet and put it back in its rightful spot so it wouldn't get dirty. As you headed out of the bathroom with your toiletries in your hand, you found your gaze slowly lingering back to the angel. "How are you feeling, Cas?"
The angel looked up from the journal as he turned to another page, he seemed content at the moment. "I'm fine."
"Well, I just—I know that when I got out of hell, and then the cage...and when Dean got out of purgatory, it took us a few weeks to get adjusted back into the swing of things." You eased your concern into the conversation as you stood where you were. Cas repeated himself, saying that he was just fine. You bit your bottom lip as you crossed your arms over your chest. “Don’t get me wrong, the boys and I are happy you’re back. Hell, I’m freaking thrilled. It’s just this whole mysterious-resurrection thing—it always has a fine line we want to ignore.”
Cas seemed to have figured out what you were trying to do. It was a simple move you pulled a thousand times with the Winchesters. You thought you could get him to open up about whatever that might have been bothering him. He shut the journal and looked at you. “So, what do you want me to do?”
“Maybe take a trip upstairs.” You proposed. Cas’ facial expression shifted when he realized you were talking about Heaven, the one place he was trying to get far away from. You shrugged your shoulders. “I know it’s not ideal. But they seem to know a hell of a lot. I mean, I don't think it would hurt if you poked your nose around, see if the God Squad can’t tell us how you got out.”  
Cas' answer was simple, "No."
"Look, Cas, I hate them much as you do, but—"
“Y/N! I said no!”
When the angel cut you off and snapped in a way you had never heard from him before, slowly you began to realize that you had hit a sensitive never in him. Your expression softened as you stopped pushing him to do something that he clearly wasn’t comfortable with. You walked over to the empty bed you claimed as yours and sat on the edge so you were across from him. You gave the angel your full undivided attention the way a friend does for someone who they loved was down. Cas had been there for you at your very worst, you felt it was time to return the favor.
“Talk to me.” You whispered to the angel. "Why can't you go back home?"
"Y/N, I..." Cas let out a heavy sigh. He placed the book on the bed and adjusted himself so he was facing forward so he could look at you directly in the eye. You gave him a concerned expression, showing him that you cared deeply for him. You wanted to help the best way that you could, because that's what friends did for each other. "When you were gone...I did things that I regret deeply to this very day. It’s partially the reason I wanted to stay in Purgatory.”
“The boys told me the jist of it.” You said, stopping him from cutting open old wounds to retell details that might make him feel more guilty than he should. "You ate a bunch of souls. Decided to take a walk on the wild side.”
“You don’t understand. It’s more complicated than you want to think. And I can’t lie. When I was bad...and I had all those things—the...the levianths writhing inside me..I caused a lot of suffering on earth, but I devastated Heaven.” Cas admitted the truth to you. You thought the situation was pretty bad while you were gone, but you didn’t take a second to think about Cas and the effects it had on him from his own actions. “I vaporized thousands of my own kind, and I-I-I can't go back.”
You let out a quiet breath, your mind drifting to his safety. You knew how his brothers and sisters acted. If any of them stepped out of line they never hesitated to smite their own kind. And after what Cas did, you thought surely they would have a bounty on his life. "'Cause if you do, the angels will kill you."
“Because if I see what heaven’s become—what I...what I made of it,” Cas let out a sigh, trailing off for a moment before saying something that even caught you off guard. “I’m afraid I might kill myself.”
You liked to think you and Cas had a different friendship from every other one that you had with the brothers, even Josh. It was because you and the him developed a bond while the world was falling apart. Cas was supposed to be a stone cold angel, you had your entire life tailored to be a demon puppet for Lucifer's enjoyment. Neither one of you did what you were told, you put your life on the line for the boys so many times to count. Yeah, you might have butted heads a few too many times over the years. but you did it plenty of times with Sam and Dean. But the thought of Cas doing something to end his life because of shame made your stomach twist into knots. You just got him back, there was no way in hell you were letting him out of your sight.
You felt it was your duty to tell him this feeling of...guilt, regret...things you very much felt after you got back from the cage would pass. Cas had been your shoulder to cry on at your very worst moments and pulled you back to the surface when you were ready to end it all in your own way. But your heart to heart was quickly cut short when you heard someone knocking on your motel room door. You looked over your shoulder in confusion at who it could be, and while you were choosing to ignore it, Cas took it upon himself to answer it. When you saw the door open, you let out a quiet sigh of annoyance when you saw that it was Sam.
“Hey. I got something.” Sam said. “Thought you guys might want to hear this.”
"Good. Excellent." Cas said. And just like that, it seemed your moment was over. Cas must have hung out with the boys too long while you were gone. Because he was acting an awful lot like them, shunning his emotions away. "We'll be right over."
You rolled your eyes and pushed yourself up to your feet, “This better be good, Sammy.”
The three of you headed to the brothers' motel room that was just a few doors down from yours. You trailed behind in your pajamas while Dean was still wearing his dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Sam loosened his tie, and Cas hadn't changed his look since the very first day you knew him. You stood next to the table with a slightly annoyed expression on your face and your arms crossed over your chest. You raised your brow slightly, wondering what kind of information was so important it couldn't wait until tomorrow morning.
“So this black-hole guy—before he tried the bank, he robbed a house across from the park where Gary blew a gasket.” Sam said.
“So, you think the house heist and Gary’s corpse are connected?” You asked.
“According to the file, they happened pretty much the exact same time. Here. Check this out.” Sam pulled out a map of Oklahoma City and laid out on the table. You noticed he circled three different locations, and inside three x marks. He pointed to one of the circles. “Here’s the house, and Gary died across the street here. And that building this morning—right there. The black hole hit that, too.”
“Let me guess—where, uh, what’s his name took a swan dive.” Dean took a wild guess. Sam nodded his head. You had to admit, you were growing intrigued with what the younger man had found. “All right. I’ll bite. What about the others?”
“Well, those are places that stuff got stolen. But nobody got dead. Take away the grafiti, and these all look like just normal smash-and-grabs. But I made a few phone calls, talked to some people who are nearby—neighbors and whatnot—and they reported a whole lot of crazy.” Sam explained to the three of you. He pulled out a case file from what he took from the station for you to look at first.
“Like?” You asked, glancing up from the crime scene photos, wondering what he meant by that.
“Like a jogger bumping his head and sprouting a four-inch lump or a kid walking into a wall and hearing birdies” Sam said. You raised your brow slightly in curiosity. “Basically, for fifty yards around each robbery, people were living in a cartoon. But it didn’t last long—I mean, five, ten minutes at each place.”
“About the length of time it would take a thief to get in and out.” Cas said.
“Exactly. But whatever power he’s using, it’s not targeted. I mean, it’s kind of like an area of effect.” Sam said, trying to give you a visual of what was going on. “I mean, picture him a bubble of weird,and anything that touches it gets daffy.”
“So this animanic can step through walls, can toss an anvil?” You asked.
“Yeah, but he’s warping reality to do it.” Sam said. The actions of the perp had consequences and rules from the cartoon reality. “So if someone happens to be nearby meeting the girl of his dreams…”
“His heart makes a break for it.” Dean guessed. Sam nodded his head, that’s exactly what was going on. And explained how Gary Freleng’s heart jumped ten feet out of his chest. “Okay, so smashing the rent-a-cop—that was on purpose, but the rest of them—what, is that just a collateral weird?”
Sam shrugged, “Maybe.”
“So we’re looking for a thief.” Cas took an educated guess.
"And the deposit box he was after. Now, the house, the office—every place he's hit belonged to someone living at the sunset fields retirement home." Sam said. He pulled out another file from the belongings he borrowed from the station. Well, at least you had a lead of where to look.
“So you think our guy’s there.” You wondered.
“Worth a shot.” Sam said.
“All right. Well, let’s gear up. It’s wabbit season.” Dean said, clapping his hands as he uttered the famous words from a cartoon character you remembered fondly. You grew a smile as you let out a chuckle of amusement. As you rubbed your eyes and got ready to tell Cas to start heading back to the room with you, you dropped your hands back down to your side from what you heard him say.
“I don’t think you pronounced that correctly.” Cas mumbled to the older Winchester, thinking he might be a good friend and correct the man's pronunciation.
"Let's go, Cas." You said. "I think you need to watch a few more cartoons, doc."
The angel was about to say that he wasn’t a doctor, not sure why you called him that. You rolled your eyes and shook your head in annoyance. You headed back to your room and crawled into bed, hoping to get a few hours of sleep before tomorrow and its shenanigans would bring.
[Next Part]
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