edgeworth-s · 7 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog (feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna answer!!)
i prefer typing on a typewriter to writing on my computer; i just can't seem to let words stay when i can delete them. i can't delete them from a physical page and it allows me to gain the momentum necessary for writing. on the other hand, i like to create art using my graphics tablet more than painting traditionally lmao
i keep some of my favourite lego figurines inside my computer behind the glass case. the frozone and mr freeze are placed next to my processor so they can cool it down :D
i'm currently working on my fallout rpg campaign
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therelentless · 2 years
{ @synthized​ ;; SINISTER
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“Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed, but just get used to it and you won’t be disappointed. Is that simple!... Just a friendly advice.”
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carolinakncws · 2 years
@synthized​ picked 52 ( for sin ) | spotify wrapped meme
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CLOSURE — TAYLOR SWIFT / but it’s fake and it’s oh so unnecessary
             ‘ Did you get a letter ? ‘
Bitterness dripped from Evan’s long-since-faded southern accent, as years of state-hopping had finally landed him in this CITY, this wasteland of high rises, crumbling concrete, people everywhere — everywhere — and noise, God, the noise. Endless drilling into his mind as he wished for the protected, innocent younger years spent on beaches, hearing the waves crash.
I know that it’s over, I don’t need your closure
The reality he had clung to was over. However he’d found himself in the company of Sinister so many . . . days, months, years ago, they all blurred, ever since the DESTRUCTION of the world he once knew, the one he tried so hard to hold onto but his humanity crumbled within him. Despite it all, he wasn’t alone, and that was the only thing he could feel grateful for right now. God, or the one he used to believe in, had slipped through his fingers so easily, and now he stood here as a near-thirty year old man trying to find the strongest yarn to sew his soul back together, but there was no putting together the pieces he grasped at with wet, sticky, blood-covered hands. Fear, fear, fear. Too much for a boy who’d only wanted to find his sister, but instead lost himself, his faith, and the world around him.
Don’t treat me like some situation that needs to be handled.
            ‘ I wish you’d gotten a letter, ‘ he said, having known about Sin’s grapple with loss and devastation. He, Evan, could never have gotten a letter from the sister who was long since dead, the proof of which still not in front of him, tangible, yet so REAL in the nothingness of the city in which he stood now. She was nowhere, but everywhere. There was no jealousy for the other’s situation, no comparison that would make Evan feel better, because these weren’t the scenarios one could trauma-olympics their way out of. No, Evan had to find his way and out of the embers of a law abiding, God loving ( and fearing ) young man, because now stood the shell of his old self, of someone who would have paid millions to be put into a simulation that could throw his consciousness onto a beach, so he could breathe in the salt air once again.
and the rust on your door, I never need anything more.
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razorfst · 2 years
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Spotify wrapped: 52? - mars ( Keine Antwort - Montez )
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He looked a mess, Andrei knew that. It wasn’t entirely his fault, his dedication to his craft did that. Though lately it prevented him from feeling like he could rest. He’d been going on and on for days, places and time blurred together in front of his green eyes. He almost looked like a robot, felt like one. Then again, when had he ever been truly normal? A man like him so raised in hate and anger, he didn’t know anything else. It was all eventually going to crash down on him and one day it finally did. Finding himself leaning against the wall of an alleyway, he needed a breath or a moment. Something to gather himself to keep going. And it’s in that moment he felt a pair of eyes on him, an unfamiliar gaze and he can feel the judgement. The observation as he was being studied. He hated it. But what was a proper thought process when it came to words in such a state? It was nonexistent and he felt himself speaking without truly thinking. “Far too little sleep and I don't even know where I've been.” He mumbles out. “Is that what you want to hear?”
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Spotify Wrapped | Accepting | @synthized​
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nightmdic · 2 years
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     “You know, you’re a pretty interesting person.”
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lo-fi-at-midnight · 2 years
Clean Electronic Guitar and Synth Lo-Fi Mix - 1 Hour
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edmfusions23 · 2 years
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cumdinewitmoi · 2 years
full playlist
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muutosarchive · 2 years
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there’s a sad sort of wavering smile on his face. through the best of times, through the worst of times. as if he’s letting someone in on a humorous irony. yet, the humor is naught to be found. smile is to keep from crumbling, & tearing apart at the seams. shrugging, & looking up from the left steps of his grand church. words proceeding a small nod. “If there's been a fool around, It's got to be me.”
@synthized​    /  /     lyric sc.   (oh daddy - fleetwood mac)
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drkroots-a · 2 years
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               Booted foot gently kicked at the unconscious body, a wicked sounding laugh escaping lips before effort was made to acknowledge the other. “Would you believe me if I told you I found him like this?” Though the bruised knuckles and bloodied lips would tell a very different story.
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razorfst · 2 years
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“  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”  - from loto 
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His head hung low, panting breaths to take in what he needed after such an ordeal. Not that he had lost the fight, the Romanian rarely did. Hell, he he couldn’t even remember the last time and if he had any concern tossed his way between all of that. No, never. He was too large that most just assumed he would shake it off and move on, not that he didn’t. Andrei was used to handling himself in almost any and all scenarios. So when he heard a question of someone asking where he received his black eye from, it caught his attention. Head lifted slowly, green eyes landing on the figure as his less bruised eye narrowed slightly. Looking him over, Andrei remained silent as he thought over just where this would get him. He was unaccustomed to someone, especially one he didn’t know, even showing a speck of care. His jaw tenses a moment as he contemplates his answer. It’s then he lifts his left hand up and waves it off. “It doesn’t matter.” Andrei grumbles slightly. “I have handled the problem, if you think I am a victim then you’d be wrong.” A small roll of his shoulder occurs as he winces slightly. “Unless I fought someone you know then, I’m sure you know who did this.” That was usually the more obvious problem when someone approached him like this, not that he cared and his expression showed just that. 
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send  “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ” | Accepting | @synthized​​
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  i  wouldn’t  take  it  personally,  kiddo;  they’re  louder  than  my  mother-in-law  was  when  she  figured  out  her  son’s  future  betrothed  was  me!  you’re  here  for  the  dinner,  right?  “         he’s  already  pushing  the  door  open  for  his  new  friend,  other  arm  preoccupied  with  an  assortment  of  three  brown  paper  bags  in  a  last  minute  scavenger  hunt  of  the  local  stores.  vanilla  pods,  rum,  six  cans  of  italian  soda,  and  five  pounds  of  ground  pork,  to  name  but  a  few  of  his  purchases.  but  ultimately,  it’s  all  worth  it;  henri’s  asian  fusion  wrappers,  etienne  and  tim’s  custard  pots,  and  ramsay’s  cocktails  are  always  crowd  pleasers  this  time  of  year!  but  it’ll  take  a  good  three  hours  before  henri  winds  down  for  the  night.  and  if  henri  is  being  contrary,  then  the  entire  family  is  bound  to  be  at  decided  odds  with  one  another.  it’s  just  a  fact  of  nature.          “  you  hungry?  we  won’t  have  dinner  for  a  while,  but  i  happen  to  know  a  number  of  people  under  this  roof  who  planned  ahead  with  some  supplies  for  tonight!  leo’s  been  running  all  sorts  of  appetisers  out  since  lunchtime,  we  got  every  sort  of  snack  you  can  think  of.  or  if  you  want  a  drink,  there’s  enough  cocoa  in  the  kitchen  to  float  a  cruise  ship,  and  enough  eggnog  to  flood  the  pacific!  take  your  pick,  alright?  “
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@synthized​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the locations of all the other muses are under the tags if sin wants to mingle!! )
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justafleck · 2 years
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@synthized​​  :   “  you  are  allowed  to  need  help  sometimes  .  ” 
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—  It  wasn’t  usual  to stumble  across  this  caliber  of  advice  ;  not  around  here  at  least  .  Even  his  therapists  offer  him  mediocre  lines  .  ‘  Just  think  happy  thoughts  .  ’  or  ‘  Look  at  the  bright  side  of   things  .  ’  .  Meaningless  words  meant  to  fill  the  air  and  get  Arthur  out  of  their  faces  .  They  never  assist  ,  even  when  it’s  their  job  and  Arthur  has  been  pleading  for  help  for  decades  .  He’s  trying  to  get   better  :  to  get  to  the  root  of  his  problems  and  expend  every  method  available  to  him  so  that  maybe  ,  just  maybe  ,  he  can  feel  happy  even  if  it  were  just  for  a  single  day  of  his  miserable  life  .  He  doesn’t  even  know  what  happiness feels  like  :  as  long  as  he  can  remember  ,  he’s  only  felt  agony  .  The  last  place  he’d  thought  he’d  find  genuine  advice  was  on  the  streets  of  Gotham  .  He’d  just  gotten  off  of  work  and  his  anger  was  taken  out  upon  a  pile  of  trash  bags  that  practically  buried  an  industrial  sized  dumpster  out  back  of  Ha-Ha’s  (  his  place  of  work  )  .  It’s  been  a  horrible  day  ,  and  he  hadn’t  expected  to  have  a  run  in  with  anyone  in  this  dank  alleyway  .  The  concrete  remains  dampened  from  the  morning’s  rain  ,  the  sky  still  bleek  as  oncoming  winter  nipped  straight  through  the  threads  of  his  old  brown  jacket  .  The  stranger  must  have  passed  by  and  witnessed  everything  and  Arthur  hadn’t  noticed  until  the  voice  cut  through  to  him  louder  than  his  own  breathless  panting  .  Initially  embarrassed  that  his  tantrum  had  been  seen  ,  the  discomfort  soon  subsides  as  the  other’s  words  brought  him  into  contemplation  .  Eyes  cast  downwards  as  he  stands  ,  not  necessarily  looking  at  anything  as  he’s  in  tune  with  the  sound  of  the  man’s  voice  repeating  the  sentence  in  his  head  a  few  times  again  until  it  finally  processes  . 
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—  He’s  right  :  people  are  allowed  to  need  help  ,  but  Arthur  struggles  to  convince  himself  that  he  is  allowed  to  .  That  his  burdens  mean  nothing  and  his  feelings  don’t  matter  .  They  never  have  ;  his  mother  makes  that  clear  to  him  every  single  day  .  And  no  matter  how  many  times  he  begs  and  screams  ,  not  a  soul  would  stop  to  help  him  and  he’s  left  to  navigate  this  life  on  his  own  .  Cast  aside  —  unwanted  .  He’s sure  that  if  he  keels  over  and  dies  on  the  sidewalk  right  in  front  of  this  very  alleyway  ,  every  single  person  passing  by would  simply  walk  right  over  him  as  if  he  were  just  another  crack  in  the  pavement  .  His  life  holds  no  value  ,  and  his  needs  are  not  important  enough  to  be  met  .  Or  at  least  that’s  how  he  feels  .  “  But  ...  what  about  the  people  who  don’t  matter  ?  Are  they  allowed  to  need  help  too  ?  ”  Arthur’s  question  was  loaded  :  an  obvious  invitation  to  his  own  insight  to  how  he  views  himself  .  Perhaps  a  cry  for  help  of  his  own  ,  though   he  doesn’t  expect  anything  from  it  .  Maybe  ,  this  stranger  was  simply  being  nice  :  he  doesn’t  really  care  about  some  struggling  clown  for  hire  he’s  happened  to  stumble  across  beating  up  a  pile  of  garbage  in  a  random  alleyway  .  Arthur’s  sure  of  it  .  Or  maybe  it’s  one  of  those  situations  where  people  would  only  do  something  kind  for  someone  else  if  only  for  the  bragging  rights  later  .  ‘  I  helped  this  poor  man  in  an  alleyway  today  !  ’  and  his  friends  would  give  him  a  pat  on  the  back  and  tell  him  how  good  of  a  person  he  is  .  It  happens  often  ;  he  sees  it  on  the  news  .  People  exploit  the  needy  for  clout  all  the  time  .  Who’s  to  say  that’s  not  what  this  man  is  trying  to  do  ?
—  But  Arthur  digresses  .  Emerald  hues  lift  now  to  look  at  the  other  .  His  gaze  hawk  like  ;  piercing  as  he  silently  takes  in  everything  :  from  the  way  the  stranger  dressed  to  the  way  his  face  reads  with  concern  .  It’s  foreign  to  Arthur  and  though  he  thinks  he  see’s  concern  ,  he’s  unsure  .  Arthur  has  never  been  good  at  reading  people  albeit  the  amount  of  time  he  spends  people  watching  just  to  learn  how  to  fit  in  .  His  observations  have   never  worked  out  in  his  favor  .  His  hands  threaten  to  fidget  and  he  slips  them  away  into  his  jacket  pockets  so  that  he  could  toy  with  a  folded  receipt  from  the  gas  station  .  “  Because  ...  it  really  doesn’t  feel  like they  are  allowed  to  sometimes  ...  It’s  like  ,  the  moment  they  need  help  ,  everyone  acts  like  they  are  annoying  them  or  something  .  ”  he  added  .  “  They’d  rather  watch  them  drown  than  help  them  .  ”
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soleiltm · 2 years
@synthized​ liked this post!
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❛ Y’know, I’ve been watchin’ some a’ those movies people consida’ “cult classics” and some of ‘em are so fuckin’ borin’. How could anyone like this shit? ❜
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savagecuhnt · 2 years
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
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RANDOM FACT: Well, Rose's tattoos aren't always the same. Due to her rapid regeneration, her tattoos fade within a few weeks to a couple of months. So she's constantly getting new ink and new designs to replace the faded ones.
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drkroots-a · 2 years
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@synthized said: ✐ - from sin or mars?
          send me a ✐ for a random sentence starter from my muse
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               Wall was pushed off with a sigh. As she closed what space there was between them, breath she wasn’t aware she was holding onto was released. “It isn't whether you do it well or ill, it's that you do it all.”
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