#[ Zero: Intoner of A N G Y ]
daemonusdea · 3 years
rover's torturing a cloud district cop for info on one of his missing wanderers. he's been knee-capped, is missing 4 fingers, and a solid number of his bones have been broken.
hm. -- - @wandcrng.
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   Well, it certainly wasn't her idea of information gathering. Torture-- she knows a certain disciple who would have lavished in the idea and easily taken up action. Dito, that goddamn weirdo. It's certainly interesting to note that Rover has a propensity for this kind of thing, bit of a sick puppy himself. The process is messy, and noisy, and for fuck's sake how much longer was this guy going to hold out? It was getting on her last nerve, the nerve she didn't even have to begin with!
   " God damn, shit or get off the pot! His blubbering is fucking annoying, just off him already. Who the hell has time to wait for this asshole to spill it? I don't even think he's cognizant enough from pain to tell you the right shit anymore. Just find the trail he came from-- you should be able to find the information yourself, probably find the exact damn thing you're looking for. " It's a sad, sad sight she's looking at; she can see the glazed over expression of that broken man and understands all too well what state his brain is no doubt in. If you weren't used to traumatic pain, the shock could twist your mind in funny little ways.
   " Hell, I could even do it for you. Or you know, just break off another one of his fingers, I'm sure fifth time's the charm, right? "
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seekerofthemuse · 6 years
Alphabet question game
@asya-arbatskaya has tagged me, so..
A- Age: 13
B- Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
C- Current Time: 14:39
D- Drink You Last Had: Water
E- Easiest Person to Talk To: My best friend @marymuffled
F- Favorite Song:  It’s too hard to choose the only one. I love “My fairy king”, “Don’t stop me now”, “’39″ and “Radio Ga Ga” by Queen, but I can scream while listening almost every their song, you know.
G- Grossest Memory: My classmates left the school New Year celebration when I was going to play guitar to them. [the teacher told me to bring the guitar and sing something, but my classmates are just soulless assholes]. [I’ve been waiting for that day so long]. [I wish no one’s heard me crying in the bathroom]
H- Horror Yes or Horror No: No
I- In love?: I have no one to fall in love with. I’m also afraid of it after some incidents
J- Jealous of people: may be
L- Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: You should walk by again, my eye-sight’s really bad :D
M- Middle Name:  In Russia we use the father’s name as our middle, so I’m Alexandrovna (Alexander’s my father)
N- Number of Siblings: Completely zero
O- One Wish: I want to be immortal with 100% eye-sight
P- Person You Called Last: my english teacher. I had to save her phone number
Q- Question You Are Always Asked: “How old are you?” with different intonations (lol) and also “What do you want to do?”(about my job in future)
R- Reason to Smile: Songs by Queen, good words about me and my arts, chatting with good people here
S- Last song you sang to: “My fairy king” by Queen
T- Time You Woke Up: 7am on work day, 9-11am at weekend
U- Underwear Colour: White
V- Vacation Destination: I want to go to USA or Mexico (likely), Spain or England (not so likely)
W- Worst Habit: using foul language
Y- Your Favorite Food: Pizza
Z- Zodiac Sign: Gemini  
Tagging: @marymuffled @ceolsvalin (if you’re ok with doing it)
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suzcatonmars · 6 years
Alphabet Question Game
I was tagged by @asya-arbatskaya Thank youuuu!!!
A- Age: 21!
B- Birthplace: Ohio
C- Current Time: 10:38am
D- Drink You Last Had: Currently drinking vanilla flavored coffee
E- Easiest Person to Talk To: My friend Lynsey
F- Favorite Song: Hmmm so many to choose from! Keep Yourself Alive is my go-to Queen song
G- Grossest Memory: Ugh literally anything involving touching moist food at the bottom the sink, mostly when I was working
H- Horror Yes or Horror No: Yes to old, cheesy horror flicks, no to modern, violent, impossible-to-see-because-everything-is-so-goddamn-DARK horror movies
I- In love?: Nah
J- Jealous of people: I try not to be and I've gotten a lot better about it
L- Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: I believe in love at first sight but it hasn't happened to me so who knows!
M- Middle Name: Catherine (hence Suz Cat lmao) (I also like cats tho)
N- Number of Siblings: Zero!
O- One Wish: Peace on earth
P- Person You Called Last: hahahahahahahahahaha I don't know actually????
Q- Question You Are Always Asked: I am also asked how old I am in various intonations
R- Reason to Smile: The Village People xD
S- Last song you sang to: hmmmmmmm I'm not sure! Usually I'm listening to music with headphones!
T- Time You Woke Up: weLL I woke up at 7:09 (my alarm is set for 7:10), scrolled thru my phone a little, dozed back off until my OTHER alarm went off at 7:50, then I dozed off AGAIN by accident until 9:30??? Whoops
U- Underwear Colour: Pink leopard print
V- Vacation Destination: Montreux and London
W- Worst Habit: Overthinking e v e r y t h i n g
Y- Your Favorite Food: Chicken, rice, and cheese
Z- Zodiac Sign: Scorp
I feel like everyone has already been tagged xD But if you want to do it consider yourself tagged!
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