#[ the sarcasm. the sass. the scolding. ]
(The Maze Runner) What It's Like Having Him as a Close Friend
(Author’s Note:  In my fics/imagines/headcanons, Gladers are aged up, and also movie version...)
Quiet conversations while working or in between jobs.
Walls coming down gradually over time.  You both open up about things you’re thinking about.
You lend a hand whenever he gets himself into trouble.  Which is all the time.
Seriously, standing up for this guy is a full-time job in and of itself.
On the flipside, you will have a most loyal and trusted friend.
Thomas will keep your secrets.  He will look out for you.  You can count on him no matter what.
The slightest hint that someone will do you harm will send him into overprotective mode.  He’ll stare down anyone who says or does anything to make you uncomfortable.
He has this uncanny ability to convince you his shenanigans are a good idea on occasion.  It doesn’t always happen, but when he does manage to recruit you, it’s chaos.
Witty banter back and forth.
Sitting together at mealtimes and spilling the tea about other Gladers and ridiculous things that happen during the day.
This guy believes in his friends so much, and his actions back that.
He’s there to stomp out any doubts you may have about yourself.  He’ll give you a motivational scolding.
Newt appreciates your willingness to help wherever it’s needed.  As second-in-command, he finds himself helping out in different areas.  It brightens his day when you offer up a helping hand.
He’s super knowledgeable about the Glade, and he never gets tired of questions.  Ask away.
Laughing and joking around at bonfires.
Playful teasing and taunts.
There’s also some joking flirts.  Silly pet names spoken with light-hearted sarcasm.  It’s his love language.
He’s so full of sass, but can turn around and be serious around others when trying to be tough.
With that being said, he likes to be taken seriously by others.  He saves the jokes for his closest friends, but doesn’t do it in front of Greenies.  There’s a time and place in his mind.
He’s the Keeper of the Runners, so he’s usually gone most of the day.  He’ll rely on you to fill him in on anything that took place during the day - unless of course you’re a Runner too.
You also get a heads up on progress made in the Maze.  You know more than you probably should about what’s going on.
In the very beginning, he’s like “oh great, a girl greenie” *sarcasm*
You’re so eager to prove yourself, to do your part, and you do in fact start to grow on him.
He realizes that he had some unfair preconceived notions about having a girl in the Glade, and he comes to respect you.  His respect is bestowed on very few, so don’t take it lightly.
He’ll lighten up a bit and not be quite so gruff.  He still picks on you, but it’s more good-natured and genuine, and it’s usually a cover to distract you from the fact that he’s helping.
“Sheesh.  Move over, Greenie.  You’re going to break your back doing that by yourself.”
Values your opinions and really takes them to heart.  While he’ll tell anyone else to quit complaining or take their ideas elsewhere, he’ll listen to you.  If anyone gives him klunk about being a softie, he gives them a death glare.
He picks on you, but won’t stand for anyone else doing it.
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transmascaraa · 7 months
HAAIII ME AGAIN had a new idea all of a sudden
OK SO HEAR ME OUT RIGHT. hcs with gaming, scara and uhhhmm. Blade hsr with autistic gn reader!?!2?1!2??! basically like reader tells them theyre autistic, how would the charas react? would they treat the reader any different? would their view of their s/o change???
+ if it isnt too much im asking here, how theyd interact w reader when they go nonverbal bc theyre upset :3
multiple characters headcannons!
you tell him that you're autistic.
characters: gaming, wanderer, blade x autistic!gn!reader
author's note: alright this one and might do one more tonight it's fucking 20 minutes till 1am lmao might do a few tmrw i hope i do lol ANYWAYSSS I'M DOING GOOD THANKS I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL TOO<33 LOVE THE REQQ
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✧ Gaming
-so accepting fr. sweetheart. perfect bf. everything good.
-when you tell him he'd be so sweet and understanding frfr
-will literally sacrifice his whole being for you
-"you're autistic? that doesn't change anything, my dear!" he will love you eternally no joke.
-and when you get upset, you go nonverbal.
-so he spends hours trying to learn exactly what you mean by the gestures you use so thag he can help. he'll take it slow.
-he'll be patient with you.
-i promise.
✷ Wanderer
-nobody knows if it's sass or sarcasm at this point.
-but he'd definitely be understanding. don't trust his physical expressions.
-you'd tell him and he would say some shit like:
-"you're acoustic?" before you playfully hit him and scold him.
-throughout the whole thing, his smirk never leaves his face. fuck that idiot, sometimes, honestly.
-when you're upset tho, he's really fucking nice. it's a rare case that he ever acts nice but at times like these he knows the limit.
-nahida will teach him more about autism after you told him
๑ Blade
-eughhh he's a complicated guy
-not like he would show any type of much reaction if you told him he'd be like "okay and?"
-sitting down beside him and telling him.
-he'll listen, sure. he'll be understanding, i guess. but his face remains neutral
-"and how am i supposed to help?" maybe he hurts your feelings js like that sometimes he will apologize with night cuddles
-but overall, he would help you. even tho he'll say he wasn't being all that nice at all but you know that deep down you keep that little bit of happiness in him
-if you're upset and go nonverbal, he will try his best to understand you and help you calm down, taking it seriously. he's really good at it
-he just wants to make sure that you're okay, nothing else matters to him.
i like this one
it's really good imo
i laughed my ass off while writing wanderer's one lmfaoo i hope you like it @chezsxapcake <3
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Heavy accent
[A/n:Unlike last post, I shrinked Drew down, I do it alot my oc swaps from 9'5 to 5'4 all the time, cause I'm 5'4]
Summary: The cashiers can't understand Soaps heavy accent
Type:Scenario: 141 + Drew(me) + Tanaka + Scottish M!Reader
Walking into the cafe was ghost, soap, and Gaz. All out enjoying themselves on their day off. Their dog tags cling as they walk. Looking at the menu, fourth in line, the three scanned the menu. Ghost was just gonna get a ginger lemon tea if they have it. Gaz couldn't decide. And Soap wasn't paying attention he was rambling on about something to the other two. When they got to the counter, they waited a second for the cashier to come back.
"Hello, sorry to keep you waiting. What would you like?"
The cashier looked at Ghost first, a big smile on his face with the name tag, "Tanaka"
"Ginger lemon tea"
Tanaka put that in the device in front of him.
Looking at Soap, Ghost didn't know what size. Instead of answering for him Soap elbowed him in the side.
Tanaka looked up at Ghost, looking him over he nodded.
"How does medium sound?"
When ghost looked at Tanaka, Tanaka used his hands to show the size. Ghost nodded, glad the cashier stepped in.
"Alright, medium ginger lemon tea"
Tanaka then looked at Soap, with a wide smile still on his face.
"Latte caramel reòta"
Soap thought he was speaking in English, but he wasn't. Tanaka looked up at him, stunned. He didn't say a word just stared. Narayan opened his mouth to say something, nothing came out, looking at the screen and then back at Soap.
Tanaka's voice went from his work voice, so nice and sweet, to his usual voice, a bit high pitched with a lot of sass, the sass just a part of his voice at this point. Soap smile dropped. He nervously looked at Ghost and Gaz before back at Tanaka.
"L..Latte caramel reòta"
Tanaka's hand dropped as he held up his pointer finger, a signal to wait. Walking over to the back doors, Narayan kicked it open.
Hearing a loud voice from the back, Gaz laughed a little bit. Tanaka looked confused at what the man from the back was about to say.
"Were you just call me a - never mind, just get over here. I can't understand the customer."
Hearing footsteps, the three watched as a shorter green haired man stepped out of the back, giving Tanaka a glare. They couldn't tell if it was serious or not. Looking at the three, his eyes softened.
"The one with a Mohawk, I think he's, um Irish? Yeah, no, I don't know"
Soap signed looking at the green haired man, his name tag said "Drew;)", which confused Soap, due to the wink.
"Latte caramel reòta"
Gaz laughed at Drew's face.
"Soap, haha, I don't think your speaking English"
Soap elbowed Gaz, he believes he's speaking English, why wouldn't he be?. Drew turned towards Tanaka, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a line. Putting his finger up, he opened his mouth a second before speaking.
"First of all, that's Scottish, second of all, how in the world did you get Irish?! And third of all, I don't know Scottish, or Irish."
Tanaka looked offended.
"Oh my bad I thought you did, no need to scold me, and where's your shirt"
Looking down Drew looked at his apron, that being the only thing covering his exposed torso.
"Don't change the subject, and guess what, Tanaka."
Tanaka rolled his eyes at Drew.
Tanaka looked mad, but Gaz could tell these two were just joking.
"We have, oh my god, I can't believe it*sarcasm*, we have a Scottish employee"
Letting out a fake and dramatic gasp, Tanaka's eyes widened as he rushed to the door.
"We do have one, Y/N! WE NEED YOU"
This time rushed footsteps came running.
Tanaka pointed at Soap, who currently looked disappointed.
Walking over to Soap, y/n looked up at him with a smile. Signing Soap gave his order one more time.
"Iced caramel Latte"
Tanaka and Drew looked at each other, shocked.
"Alright what size?"
Soaps face lit up as he actually understood him.
Y/n put his order in before nodding. Looking at the other two disappointed.
"Ey, he was speaking straight up Scottish."
Y/n just rolled his eyes before walking back to the back. Tanaka punched Drew's arm before going back to the register and looking at Gaz.
"Large Irish roast"
Gaz chuckled again, he had alright told Price what happened.
"Also, could I get a medium rosemary tea?"
Tanaka nodded and put that in. Telling them the cost, he started working on the drinks. Soap still felt a little upset.
[A/n: I just thought this would be funny. I hope you enjoyed]
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mcufan72 · 2 years
This oneshot got a bit long so I'm going to update it in three parts! I hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading!
Caught you !
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Loki x fem! Reader
18+, definitely/Enemies to lovers/idiots in love/some harsh language, some harsh actions/sass/ angst/hurt/some inappropriate behaviour/self-gratification; I hope that's it
Part 1
How much you loved the afternoon breaks from work, drinking some tea and talking with Wanda and Nat about anything and everyone and of course telling a lot of nonsense. It was always so much fun and it was the nicest time of your workdays. The three of you were sitting in the lounge area of the compound and enjoying your afternoon tea.
You didn't feel very good today, it was a mixture of a slight headache and an undefined feeling of pain in your lower abdomen that made you feel bad but there was also some kind of sexual desire lurking in your nether regions, between your thighs…but talking to your friends was the best distraction you could get right now. So you definitely enjoyed meeting your friends now and talking to them instead of being alone and close to crying tears of self-pitying.
And like every time when you thought nothing could disturb the peaceful meeting with your friends, he showed up. The thorn in your flesh, the final nail to your coffin, the nightmare of your sleepless nights, the overbearing nerve-wrecking Loki Laufeyson aka God of Mischief.
Trickster, Prankster, mischief maker, impeccable, insatiable and irresistible womanizer and world's best lover…if it was true what the women, who had shared his bed with him, told at party nights in Stark Tower. For you Tony's parties were just a vanity fair…so in your opinion it was the perfect place for Loki Laufeyson to get desired, admired and worshiped as he wished for.
You desired him too but he didn't desire you. From the first day on when you met him, there was this sexual tension between you two. You tried to ignore it but it didn't work. For him you were just a sparring partner when it came to exchanges of sarcasm, impertinence and dark humor …it must be like this, you were sure about that. He wasn't into you and why should he.
You couldn't keep up with the beautiful flawless women he surrounded himself with and as a god he could have the most beautiful women in the universe, so why should he choose you? And if there was something you definitely did not want to be then it was another notch in his bedpost. You decided to ignore your crush on him and to better not like him. It made things easier…battling him playfully was so much easier than to love him… definitely.
"Showtime, ladies" Nat snarled and sipped eye-rolling at her tea when she saw Loki entering the lounge area.
You sighed in annoyance and cursed him inwardly. Why couldn't he stay away? At least in the afternoons? Nothing nice ever comes from his mouth then.
"Ah, good afternoon ladies…enjoying your…little coffee gossip?" He asked mischievously. His deep voice sounded extremely erotic to you today.
An unmistakable, alluring scent lingered in the air… your scent, and it undeniably hit his senses and the urge to be close to you grew again. Your today's choice of clothes made him lick his lips, the black trousers hugged your wonderfully formed butt perfectly and your also black tight-fitting turtleneck shirt emphasized your beautiful upper body.
"Get lost, Laufeyson!" you scolded at him and left the chill out lounge towards the kitchen to get you another tea, Loki was on your heels immediately.
"Uhh, someone's in a very good mood today… don't run away, little one, don't you want to tell me what you were gossiping about… or did you rave about me?"
He ran around you once like a happy puppy and then he walked backwards in front of you until you both had reached the kitchen counter. You couldn't stop eye-rolling and laughing irritated.
"...and I mean… I wouldn't mind!" He built himself up to full size, straightened up the collar of his not completely buttoned up black tight shirt to give you a good view of his chest hair and a smug smile appeared on his much too pretty face. He knew exactly what he did.
"Doesn't it get tiring, being so self-righteous and arrogant, Laufeyson?" you asked him with faked kindness and batted your eyes at him. The sight of his chest nearly knocked you out today. You could hardly stop yourself from drooling and staring at him. If he would ask you to bend over the kitchen counter to fuck you, you would do it without any hesitation.
"Hmmm…no, it doesn't…it just makes me… thirsty…" he grinned at you and in a quick move he stole your cup with the fresh tea and with fast long steps he walked away from you, sipping the warm liquid…the tea you made was always the best.
"LAU-FEY-SON, that was my tea! We're not in Asgard here and I'm not your servant. Make your tea on your own…" you yelled angry after him and clenched your fingers to fists…and you wanted to bite into his perfect ass.
"Thank you, darling and have a nice afternoon…oh and I like the mug…I think I'll keep it!" he answered, turned his head to look and wink at you smugly and off he went.
"Aaarrrggghhh…this guy is driving me crazy…and now he had stolen my tea AND my favorite mug… I'll kill him one day…!" you bickered.
"Yes, yes…" Nat murmured smilingly over the rim of her cup. She and Wanda looked at each other, softly clinking their mugs and couldn't hide a knowing grin. Of course you heard and saw it…
"What? I HATE him, why can't he leave me alone?" you yammered.
You got yourself a new cup of tea and you three continued your chatting in peace. You didn't want to think or talk about him further. After one more hour of boring desk work you decided to go to bed early and to declare the day finished.
Of course you weren't able to stop thinking about this smugly guy. Loki didn't just annoy you this afternoon, he aroused you immensely. For you it was his tight black shirt today, halfway open, tucked into his also tight grey jeans that suits him so well, and the scent of his cologne mixed with his very own masculine scent…he smelled kind of animalistic for you this afternoon and you were so extremely turned on by it, you would like to jump at him and you wanted him to fuck you relentlessly. You accelerated your steps back to your room, you needed some friction between your legs. Your fingers, pillows, whatever…you didn't care, the main thing was a quick relief before you would combust of desire.
When you had entered your rooms, you hastily closed your door and got rid of your clothes as fast as possible. The only clothes that stayed on your body were your bodice and your panties drenched with your juices of arousal.
'Loki, you bastard!'
You couldn't wait anymore, you needed to touch yourself and you laid down in your bed quickly. You started with rubbing your erect nipples but it wasn't enough…so you let your hand quickly slip down further, into your panties between your wet folds and massaged over and around your needy clit with two of your fingers, Loki permanently on your mind. Soft moans escaped your mouth, you licked your lips in desperate need of getting kissed by him …how much you wished it was Loki who finger-fucked your dripping pussy with his beautiful long fingers, his thumb rubbing over and around your bundle of nerves…
"Loki.." …you melted away into boundless ecstasy …almost there, you were almost there… "I'm cumming…" and you had overheard the knocks at your door and almost too late you recognised someone came into your room.
As soon as Loki entered your privacy, you pulled your fingers quickly away from your wet pussy and put that said hand under your head, trying to pretend you were just chilling in your bed. You had been almost there and now you could barely hide your reddened cheeks and your heavy breathing. Hopefully he didn't see the thin layer of sweat above your upper lip and on your forehead. Hopefully he didn't hear or see anything.
How embarrassing! Getting caught during masturbation by the god of hotness…ahhh… mischief. How good that you didn't scream his name. You should better think of flower meadows and butterflies now …and..wait…how dare he enter your room? Did you allow him to come in? Nooo…you definitely did not.
"What are you doing here in my room?" you snarled at him with powerful indignation in your voice. Was there some insecurity in his gaze? No, you must have been wrong. He just would tease you further right now.
"Oh dear, the door wasn't closed properly so I came in after I knocked at it and I thought I …hmm the question is what are you doing right now? Did I interrupt something?" he asked, the familiar arrogance in his voice.
"Nothing of your concern…and no..you did not!" you tried to convince him.
Could it be that you hadn't closed the door behind you? Have you been that horny that you couldn't wait anymore rubbing your fingers through your folds and around your little gem that you didn't close your door properly? Have you really been that aroused?
"Did you just touch yourself, sweetheart?" he asked smugly.
"Nooo…no no…no I did not touch myself…and it's none of your business either." You answered way too quickly but still tried to convince him that you did nothing but chill. A pathetic try.
"Are you sure, darling?" He asked you sardonically.
'Note to me: never lie to the god of mischief and lies...'
"Yeesss …I'm sure. " you answered convinced.
"And I'm sure you did. I'm sorry that I disturbed you pleasuring yourself…by the way…did you think of me while doing so?" he asked you smugly while he crossed his arms in front of his chest..and you just wanted to punch him into his adorable face. How arrogant can someone be?
"Why should I've thought of you while I pleasured myself…you're not that hot and desirable that I…"
'...oops..of course I thought of him…shit I lied again…'
He walked over to you slowly, you were still laying in your bed under the duvet. He pulled your hand from under your head and took your index-and middle finger into his mouth and licked them clean while staring into your eyes, testing the waters how you would react now. His baby-blue eyes tried to seduce you and seemed to stare deep into your heart…he loved how you tasted and his eyes darkened and sparkled with lust.
'Oh god…why?…stop doing this…no..please don't stop…is there…something going on in his jeans?...nah, wishful thinking…'
You were so close to giving in to him.
"Mmmmhhhhmmm…" he hummed with his deep baritone and took your fingers out of his mouth again, licking his lips lasciviously. "Delicious…So you admit it, you just touched yourself…I knew it and I can smell and taste it, darling. You shouldn't lie to me, little one!" He still held your hand in his. It felt good.
"Stop calling me that. I'm not your darling, sweetheart or little one. And …let go of my hand! Are you serious? Who do you think you are, you jerk?" You shouted at him angrily.
"May I be of help with pleasuring you, darling?" he asked cheeky.
"Uurrggh no.…piss off, Laufeyson, get your pompous, arrogant ass out of here!" and you ripped your hand out of his grip.
"Your wish is my order, sweetheart." He took a step backwards and bowed down generously, his smugly smile never left his face.
He turned around and was already on his way back to the door of your room when you threw a pillow after him. He caught it out of the air without looking at it and before it could even hit his head.
"How rude, Darling! ..ah, I nearly forgot… " he turned around again to face you and pointed his index fingers into the air "…that's why I came to you….Tony wants to see us all at 7pm sharp…sooo, there's still enough time for you to…finish what you've started several minutes ago …and feel free to think of me while touching your sweet little gem …"
He wiggled his eyebrows and made a lascivious gesture with his hand, palm upwards, his thumb slightly raised and his index-and middle finger curled up in a 'come-to-me' motion.
"Arrgghh…get the hell out of here, Laufeyson. And give me back my pillow…"
You yelled at him, now sitting in your bed.
"Nope…you threw it after me so I think you don't need it anymore. I'll keep it!" He grinned ironically.
"You're an asshole, Laufeyson,'' you complained.
"I love you too, darling" and with that he nearly left your room but he shoved his head through the door frame into your room again and asked full of sarcasm: "…what exactly must I do to make you open your wonderful thighs for me? I'm sure you'd look ravishing, greedily waiting for me, with spread legs…"
"…uuuurrrgggh, Laufeyson, you damn stupid bastard! Go and fuck your whores…" you screamed in his direction and he left your room with a mischievous laughter right in time, closing your door with a dramatic gesture, before another pillow hit the door.
You nearly cried after he had left and you pulled the duvet over your head. You weren't aroused anymore, just embarrassed. How should you ever look into his beautiful eyes again? Now he would never stop making fun of you. Why were you so thin skinned, horny and angry when you were ovulating? …you just wanted to ease some of the physical pain and the sexual desire of your sensitive body…and now that…and why did you constantly respond to his provocations?
And worst of all, now he got the confession that you had a crush on him. But you couldn't help yourself, he was your beloved enemy and you couldn't live without him.
'What is wrong with me? … damn why can't I restrain myself?…I not only acted like the biggest asshole in town, I also acted like an animal in urgent need to get myself off, eagerly and desperately trying to fuck an ovulating female creature… to impregnate her or what…seriously?
She's so lovely and adorable. I must be disgusting and pathetic in her eyes…and I overstep her private boundaries permanently…if I were her I would hate me too… but she pulls me to her like a magnet, every single day…and she was too alluring today...and didn't she say my name and 'come in' ?...I really thought she did … I would've made love to her if she had asked me to do it. I really thought today is the day…She really drives me crazy…'
Besides his primal needs today, he truly wanted you. Of course he smelled you every time on your special days of a month, it's a part of his Jotun roots and it intoxicated him like a love spell, more than you did anyways every day but there was more than this basic instinct. Deep inside of him Loki knew that he had fallen for you. And after this long time living here together with you, you around him permanently with that constant sexual tension between you two, he really thought you wanted him to bed you today.
He interpreted the slightly open door as an invitation and he really thought you asked him in after he had knocked at the door. And of course he knew what you did in your bed under your duvet. He sensed it before he entered your room. As soon as he recognised that he misunderstood the whole situation, he felt embarrassed and he felt honestly sorry to have pressed you like this. He needed to hide his fault and remorse and so he began to tease you again as you are used to from him…but he couldn't stand the still remaining sexual tension lingering in your bedroom.
Everything about you made him love you since the first day he met you ….even your hate for him. He especially loved your sass, your sarcasm, your dark humor, the way you responded to his provocations. You had everything he loved about a woman. You were just right for him. Sometimes his provocations were a bit over the top and too much…but every day when he met you, you were willing to banter and fight with him playfully over and over again.
And he loved to play these games with you and he hoped instantly you loved it too. It was the old game of 'tease the ones you love.' It was the only way for him, to stay close to you, to talk to you. Could it be that he…no…absolutely not! He was sure you would never let him make you his, never and so he preferred to fuck around with random women to not think too much about you, it made things easier for him.
…and anyways, he wasn't the type for a serious relationship, was he?
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fanfiction-blep · 2 years
I have a request, if of course you have time. How about Na'vi Miles and his squad have a training session in the forests of Pandora, after they got their Ikrans, where Na'vi/Avatar Fem/Reader, besides, the scientist teaches them to survive and hunt like Na'vi without equipment from RDA. And suddenly they stumble upon Thanator, who attacks them. The reader covers Miles with himself, having received a serious injury and he wonders why she did it. After visiting her in the cell, after her wound was healed, he tries to find out from her why she risked her life for her enemy. The reader tries to refer to the fact that her protective instinct worked, because she often protected the children of Jake and Neytiri when they were not around. Miles notices that this is not the case at all.
I apologize for the large text and thank you in advance if you decide to work with this idea. I like your work, keep up the good work☺ And I look forward to continuing your Ghost work.
I love this idea, it is very detailed so I hope I live up to the image you have for this scene! Thank you so much for the praise! Will be updating ghost soon!
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Warnings: Violence, danger, injuries, confessions of feelings. Implied smut.
You strapped up your garter ensuring you had all your weapons that you would need. The colonel had insisted that the blue team attempt training sessions in order to work better as Na'vi. He wanted to make sure that every single recom could hold their own in the forest. You headed to the flight deck eager to get the training done with, it wasn't until you neared the entrance to the flight deck you found the colonel stood with a few of the scientist's.
"Hand over ya weapons (L/N)"
"Huh?" Genuine confusion etched onto your features.
"You'll be given traditional Na'vi weapons to train with" One of the scientists reassured you. But you were reluctant, not wanting to be defenceless. You dropped the weapons on the floor and stormed out towards the air craft. The rest of the recoms laughing at your irritation, you huffed in response.
"You won't be laughing when you all end up dead." you crossed your arms not meeting the colonels gaze, you liked him. More than you wanted too, so you refused to meet his gaze. Returned his sass with sarcasm and insisted that he call you by your last name. Because the sound of him saying your name put all kinds of images in your head.
The ship flew out far into the forest, farther than you thought was safe without protection.
Once you landed, you took a large blade from the box that scientists had stored in the ship, the other recoms looking as sceptical as you did. The only one who was confident was Quaritch. He lead the group, pushing past the large flora ears moving the direction of every noise that caught his attention. He was tense and on edge, trying to cover all his bases. And you couldn't stop staring at the way his muscles flexed and moved over his shoulder blades and back. The sight distracting you.
"You need to focus more on your surroundings (Y/N)" One of the scientists nudged the back of your thigh her tone scolding you but her eyes were laughing. You looked back to grab one more glance at the Colonel, and it was a good thing you did. You caught sight of an angry thanator stalking above your team its gaze honing in on Quaritch. You jumped forward pulling him out of the way as the creature leaped forward. You pushed the colonel over your head with the strength of your legs, jumping up and squaring up to the Thanator. Teeth bared tail thrashing. The creature didn't wait to attack you, it jumped for you a booming roar echoing through the forest.
"(L/N)" you couldn't tell who's voice was calling out to you. You ran forward and dropped to the floor siding under the beast turning on your side your knife hitting the soft underbelly of the creature as its claws dug into your side. A sickening cry falling from your lips as the animal feel on top of you.
You woke up in a hospital gown and a throbbing pain in your side. you winced as you lifted the arm on your good side to lift up the gown to look down at the wound. It was covered with a bandage that was covered in a light paint of blood.
"(y/n)..." Quaritch's voice caught you off guard you jumped at the intrusion, blush forming on your cheeks, not wanting to meet his gaze. "Why on earth did you put yourself in danger like this?" He stalked forward grabbing a chair turning it around and sitting down, facing you directly.
"We were in a training exercise, I was saving your life."
"I could have handled it, I have two decades experience on you in this hell hole... I can handle a thantor."
"It was instinct."
"To protect me?" One single eye brow rose, and his head slipped to one side. He leaned forward. He knew, he must know. Anxiety ran through your arms and legs. You let your head fall back on the pillow. The words falling from your lips before you could process them.
"I like you, I didn't want you getting hurt" You didn't open your eyes for a few moments, convinced he had left the room to avoid rejecting you. The feeling of his fingers slipping between your own catching your attention. Your eyes flying open and head turning towards him. He had leaned forward his face mere centimetres away from your own.
"I like ya too, a lot" He leaned forward and placed a light kiss on your lips. You leaned forward slightly, cringing at the pain that ripped through your body. He frowned and stepped out of the chair readjusting your position in the bed sheets. He planted a kiss on your head and smirked down at you. "get better soon okay?" He began walking out of the room "Once ya all healed up I'll thank ya properly" He threw a wink over his shoulder at you, leaving you all flustered at the endless possibilities that came with his insinuation.
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Harry Potter next generation: Harry x Ginny vers. (The cursed child)
James Sirius Potter ii
Faceclaim: Louis Partridge
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The first and oldest son of Harry Potter and Ginerva Weasley
Chaotic older brother
He lives up to his namesake, but at the same time, he will not hesitate to scold his siblings and cousins for either almost getting in trouble or getting in trouble without him (he wants to be included too)
Best friends with Teddy
Loves teasing his siblings
Quidditch lover and player (plays seeker, beater, and chaser. Prefers chaser, tho)
He is a BIG drama queen and is incredibly dramatic
Has the attention span of a fruit fly
Gryffindor and proud
Incredibly reckless and awkward
A man of action
Loves pranks and planning them
Loves Albus and loves teasing him
He loves that his dad is the DADA professor
He is a people pleaser and is very insecure about if people actually like him as himself or if it's his name
Was diagnosed with Cyclothymia
He considers himself the life of the party
Patronus is a lion
He has an animagus form, which is a dog
Favorite classes are transfiguration, flying, charms, care for magical creatures, and defense against the dark arts
He can fly on a broom and ride a skateboard with absolute grace but literally trips over air when walking (it's one of the Potter family's greatest mysteries)
Will protect his family with everything that he has
He loves karaoke
Looks absolutely ridiculous when dancing, but it never stops him
He has no braincells left
Has very confusing logic
James likes to grow out his hair and tie it up in a messy bun or ponytail. But when he gets absolutely devastated when he has to cut his hair
He has a snitch that was given to him by his father on his birthday
Albus Severus Potter
Faceclaim: Joe Locke
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The second son and middle child of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
Literally the king of sarcasm and minor emo boy
Slytherin with his Bf Scorpius
Prefers to be called Al or Verus (mostly by Scorpius)
Is incredibly aggressive and short-tempered (Scorpius and James have to hold him back)
His patronus is a scorpion (surprise surprise)
Like his namesake, he is really good at potions
He loves baking (it helps clear his head)
Whenever he bakes or cooks, his family steals extra, leaving nothing, not even a crumb
He is jealous of James and hates how different he is most days, but Scorpius helps him through his insecurities
He will say he hates physical contact but he secretly craves it
Is deathly afraid of thunder storms
He feels like he contains the only braincell in his family
Often questions if he was switched at birth
Would write to Scorpius every day during break if one or both of them went home
Has great respect for Severus Snape
Hates being the center of attention
Found out he was gay in his 3rd year
When he and Scorpius became boyfriends, it was the happiest he had ever been
Incredibly sneaky and could get away with murder
Discovered his magic when he was 9 years old while his siblings discovered them early on
Short king (you can't tell me otherwise)
Is a math genius
He found the marauders map and managed to change it to fit his and Scorpius's needs
Lily Luna Potter
Faceclaim: Sophia Lillis
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The third child and only daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
Sass queen
Loves people judging
Chaotic younger sister
Throws a mean punch
Loves and lives for family drama and gossip
Gryffindor girl
Quidditch lover and Quidditch player (she is a chaser and beater. Prefers beater)
Will not hesitate to hex you into next week if you talk badly about her brothers
She is fiercely overprotective of her family
She knows everything about everyone inside and outside of Hogwarts
She is her mother's daughter
Is really laid back and chill
She's more of a hex first, ask questions later.
If you ever needed someone to help bury a body, Lily already has an Alibi and will be ready with a shovel.
Her patronus is a dolphin
Both Lily and James get detention.....a lot
Lily is James's hype man
Gives great advice and constantly gives Albus dating advice
Is never afraid to speak her mind
Incredibly goofy
Loves her family very much
She and her brothers have a new baby brother named Cedric Remus Potter
Was given the invisibility cloak on her birthday as a kid and uses it a lot to sneak around
+ Nymphadora's child
Edith (Edward) "Teddy" Sage Karasu Tonks
Faceclaim: Ylva Thedin
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The only child of Nymphadora Tonks and Tulip Karasu
Edith was originally born as Edward Tonks, but as she grew up, she didn't feel comfortable with that identity and changed it up a bit
Edith is trans and her pronouns are she/they/them
Prefers to be called Teddy
Nymphadora Tonks married Tulip Karasu and had Edith a few years after they graduated from Hogwarts
Now it's just Teddy, Tulip, and her grandma Andromeda
When she came out to her mom and grandmother, they were surprised, but they accepted her as who she was no matter what
Her patronus is a Jackrabbit
Has a pet Toad named D.J (short for Dennis Jr.)
Hufflepuff 4 life
She is a few years older than the Potter kids and sees herself as a big sister
She is closer to James and Lily than with Albus but loves them all and their cousins nonetheless
She and James are thick as thieves and talk to each other about anything and everything
When she told James that she was trans, it was awkward for a few seconds, but James immediately accepted her and told her that it didn't matter because "she was his best mate no matter what she was"
Is a metamorphmagus like Tonks
She prefers to dye her own hair and taught the Potter kids along with some of their cousins how to do it without magic
Is thinking of becoming a hairdresser when she graduates.
(Before any haters get onto me. THIS IS MY HC AND MY OPINION ON THE CHARACTERS. I can change it up if I want to. So leave it alone if you don't like it)
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🙈 Any chance you can write about Chisaki, AFO and Shigs with a sassy s/o?
Thank you so much!
(I love the ideal of them dealing with this!)
~Kai/AFO/Tomura’s Sassy S/O~
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-Oh does Pops get a kick out of watching the two of you interact on a daily basis. Really all of the members do! He demands respect and you’re determined to give it to him whenever you damn sure please rather than all the time. He loves you don’t get me wrong! But you just know how to get under his skin seemingly all the time. As Chrono would say it: ‘You are his biggest challenge’. I’m sure you take pride in it lol. Having someone so serious like him made it a little more fun around the base when you were involved in anything. You were much bolder than him (which made it easy for Rappa, Deidoro, Mimic, and Katsukame to get along with you. Unfortunately you’ve long since been banned from any important meetings due to your sassy demeanor. Aside from this, you’re everywhere in business you need not be. Worst part is that Kai can’t even say anything to you about it since Pops will hop into the conversation and scold him as though he was a child again. Even without Pops there, you still held up for yourself. Even so, he still couldn’t see his world without you by his side...no matter how annoying your sassy attitude could be sometimes!
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~All For One~
-It’s shocking you could get into a relationship with the man let alone get away with being sassy around him. There was so much about you that he loved, and that was a big part of it. You challenged him and you never failed to amuse him in all that you do or say. To anyone on the outside, they’d be terrified to witness you speaking any kind of way to THE all for one. Did you not know he could eliminate you if he pleased to do so? Then why is the man chuckling as though you didn’t sass mouth him 10 minutes ago??? It’s confusing to most but to a very few they could see obviously he was entranced by you. Perhaps he might be able after a while to pick up on some of your mannerisms and give it a go himself? Although you have to admit it’s very odd watching him try to be sassy. He’s plenty cheeky in his own way so be sure to remind him next time he tries it your method haha. 
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-There’s going to be a lot of eye rolling from his end. He won’t say it but he secretly likes how sassy you can be. It’s likely that your forward behavior is what attracted him the most about you in the first place. When he fell for that, the rest seemingly fell right into place. You’re not alone yknow. Sometimes he can tend to be a little sassy himself...in his own way of course. It’s more along the lines of sarcasm and sometimes self-deprecation but yknow potato, potato. He enjoys watching you interact with the others since it can get pretty funny sometimes. It’s especially funny watching you go back and forward with Dabi considering he can be a little bit of an asshole himself. However, you never managed to out-sass Compress of Magne. Anyhow, just be careful to not overstep the boundaries he has. It’s no mystery that he’s itching for a chance to put you back in your place :)
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theosbaby · 8 months
i still hate you
mattheo riddle x fem!reader
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summary; you're assigned as mattheo's partner for a project, which forces you to work together despite the hatred you feel towards him.
warnings; enemies to lovers, sassy!reader, swearing, name-calling, insults, SMUT, dom!mattheo, sub!reader, slight neck grabbing, dirty talk, hair pulling, public sex (kinda), degrading and praising, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex.
author's note; english isn't my first lenguage, so you might find mistakes. i had the hugest writer's block, but i finally finished this... hope you like it!
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when professor snape assigned mattheo riddle as your partner for a very important potions project, you knew right away that you were going to fail. you hated mattheo and he hated you as well; there was no way you'd be able to work together without trying to kill each other in the process.
"hello there, princess," he greeted when you arrived at the library, taking a look at you.
you rolled your eyes as you approached the table where he was sitting and you dropped the books on top of it. then, you watched as he slouched in his chair, spreading his legs wide. despite yourself, that action made your heart skip a beat. you couldn't deny he was very attractive, even though you despised him, but that was something you'd never admit out loud.
"don't call me 'princess'," you replied, making a face, "you know i hate that."
mattheo chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement, while he crossed his arms over his chest and said, "oh, i know, my dear. that's why i keep doing it." his smirk grew wider as he watched your reaction.
you narrowed your eyes, glaring at his smug expression. you couldn't believe how insufferable he was.
"stop acting like an idiot," you said, taking a seat on the table.
mattheo leaned forward in his chair, resting his arms on top of the table and spoke, "or what, princess? you'll hex me?" he asked, sarcasm clear in his voice, "i doubt it."
you saw him winking at you just to piss you off, which made you clench your fists tightly, biting back a curse, completely unamused by his behaviour.
"don't tempt me, riddle," you snapped at him. "i just might."
mattheo's smirk grew wider as he watched your anger bubble up. you knew he loved to push your buttons until you got all riled up like that.
"so feisty," he murmured, his dark eyes locked on yours. "i like that."
"dont't fucking flirt with me, you asshole," you spat.
your face scrunched up in disgust, which was faked of course, deep down you knew you liked him more than you would even recognise out loud... or even to yourself.
mattheo leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms again, completly unfazed by your ourtbust. he looked at you with a smug grin tugging at the corner of his lips, as if challenging you to stop him.
"are you always this uptight, sweetheart?" he asked wih a mocking tone. "it's exhausting just watching you."
"are you always this infuriating?" you bit back, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him.
laughter bubbled up from mattheo's chest, filling the air around you. he found your defensive sass quite charming, even if it was just a front. you shut him down, not wanting the librarian to scold you for making noise.
"only around you, sweetheart," he answered, his voice low and husky, "you bring out the worst in me."
"the feeling's mutual, darling," you responded, staring at him closely.
the potions paper was already well forgotten.
mattheo gave you a wolfish grin and leaned into you, gripping your chair to pull you dangerously close to him, his eyes darkening as he looked at you.
"i think you secretly like me," he murmured, his voice dropping even lower as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "you're just too stubborn to admit it," he added.
you laughed in response, trying to act nonchalat as you whispered, "in your fucking dreams, riddle." you winked at him after that, biting your quill nervously.
"trust me..." you saw his eyes wndering all over your body, a predatory spark shining in them, "you don't wanna know the kind of things that we do in my dreams, princess," he said, his voice filled with a dark promise.
a light blush appeared in your cheeks at his sudden and blunt admission.
"of course not, you perv," you told him, trying to appear disgusted by the idea.
in reality... well... his words had you feeling all hot and bothered.
"don't pretend you don't like it..." he said in a husky whisper, "you're blushing, sweetheart."
his hand brushed slightly the soft skin of your thigh, his fingers tracing patterns in it. your breath hitched due to is action, but you pushed his hand away almost immediately.
"don't touch me, mattheo," you warned him.
despite your reluctance, you had to press your legs together to ease the familiar tingling between them. mattheo noticed the way you were squirming in your seat an smirked.
"stop resisting me, yeah?" he reached to grasp at your jaw a little bit roughly, forcing you to look at him. "you know you want me, sweetheart, i can see it in your eyes."
you gasped in surprise, looking up at him with doe like eyes as you inhaled sharply, suddenly feeling intimidated in his presence.
"now that's a pretty sound," he murmured against your lips before capturing them in a heated kiss.
his tongue slid against your plump bottom lip, demanding entrance as his hand moved down to curl around your neck. you whimpered softly, parting your lips just enough to allow his tongue inside your mouth. you grasped at his curly hair, your fingers tangling in his hair strands.
"that's more like it, princess... i was starting to get tired of all that fighting," he growled lowly.
his hands slid down to cup your ass cheeks and he squeezed gently before lifting you up so you were sitting on top of the wooden table. you thanked god that you both were in a hidden corner of the library and no one could actually see you.
"i still hate you," you pointed out, spreading your legs to make room for him in between them.
"yeah... you keep telling yourself that."
he grinned wickedly at you before leaning in to capture your lips once more, easing himself between your spread thighs. his hands moved down your hips in search of the hem of your school skirt as he practically devoured your mouth, making you whimper into the kiss. when he found it, his fingers worked quickly to push it up over your hips, revealing a pair of black lace panties.
"mhmm, you smell so good," he mumbled as he started trailing kisses down your jawline and neck.
you tilted your head to the side to give him more access to your neck and moaned when you felt his big veiny hands caressing your creamy thighs, getting closer to where you needed him most with each passing second.
"i bet you taste even better," he whispered against your skin before nipping lightly at the sensitive flesh os your neck.
he cupped your pussy through your panties, feeling your wetness seeping through the lace. his touch drew a needy whimper out of you.
"mattheo..." you breathed out, bitting your lower lip eagerly.
"so fucking wet for me, princess," he groaned, his fingers tracing soft cicles over your clit through the delicate thin fabric.
you gripped at his muscular forearm, your nails digging into it as you let your head fall backwards. you had to bite your lips to hold back the loud moans that threatened to escape your lips.
"mattheo, please," you panted while your hips bucked forward.
you needed more.
"please what, sweetheart?" he teased with a smirk, his lips brushing against your ear.
he withdrew his fingers to grab your panties and push them aside slowly, exposing your pink glistening pussy to his hungry gaze. he took a moment to admire your beautiful body, groaning at the sight of you.
"i need your fingers," you answered in a low whisper.
a smile curled in his lips as he leaned down to capture your mouth in another scorching kiss. his hand slid between your legs again, his fingers slipping through your soaked folds to touch your clit and swirl around it gently.
"such a needy little slut you are, huh?" he growled against your lips, his free hand grasping at your throat roughly.
you squirmed underneath his touch and your eyes fluttered shut. you didn't answer him, his assault to your clit was making your mind go blank.
"look at you," he chuckled lowly, his voice raspy. "not so sassy now, are you?"
two of his fingers slid down slowly to tease your tight entrance before he finally pushed them in. you let out a soft little whine as you felt the stretch from his long slender digits, your eyes rolling back.
"fuck," he groaned, pulling his fingers almost all the way out before thrusting them back in again, roughly, his grip in your throat tightening. "you like that, you little slut?"
you moaned in response, nodding, while your face scrunched in pleasure. your hips bucked up towards his hand when you felt his digits brushing your g-spot, which sent shivers down your spine.
"mattheo– fuck."
"you're dripping all over the fucking table," he purred, his fingers moving faster within you while his thumb circled your clit. "can't get enough of my fingers, huh?"
your mouth dropped open in a silent scream of pleasure and you opened your eyes to look at him. you could feel the coil in your belly tightening as he pushed you towards your orgasm.
"i'm gonna cum," you stuttered, your breathing coming out in sharp pants.
"do it," he ordered, his thumb pressing harder against your swollen clit as his fingers curled inside you to hit your sweet spot. "cum in my fingers like the dirty slut you are."
your whole body started shaking from pleasure when you came, your pussy clenching around his fingers tightly, and he had to cover your mouth to mute your loud moans so nobody in the library would hear you.
when you came down from your high, he slowly pulled his fingers out of your pussy, giving your thigh a light smack before capturing your lips a rough, mind blowing kiss. after he pulled away, he gave you a smirk.
"that's a good girl."
you fell limp onto the wooden table, your legs still wide open, as you tried to recover from your orgasm.
"get up," he ordered, reaching down to tug on your hair and pulling you onto your feet. you wobbled a little as he bent you over the table. "i'm not done with you yet."
you gasped and gripped at the edge of the table. you couldn't help but squirm in anticipation when you heard the rustling of his clothes as he worked to free his erection from his pants.
smirking, he forced your legs apart and gave you a sharp slap on the ass that left a bright red handprint. he rubbed the tip of his cock against your soaked pussy, teasingly, before slowly pushing inside of you.
"you're so fucking tight," he growled, one of his hands grabbing your hip, while the other grasped at your hair to push you back towards his cock.
you moaned at the intrusion; his big cock stretched you out to the brink, making you writhe in pleasure and pain at the same time.
he thrust into you slowly at first, letting you adjust to him, before he began to fuck you hard against the table. he turned you into a moaning mess in no time, which forced you to cover your mouth with your hand to keep quiet, your brow furrowed in pleasure.
"you love this dick, huh?" he asked between labored breaths, his free hand slapping against your ass cheek again.
you cried out at the spank, your palm muting the sound, luckily. you were unable of forming any coherent thought as he kept pounding hard into your aching cunt.
"have i fucked you dumb or what?" he mocked, pulling at your hair to make you look back at him, "answer me."
you whimpered, managing to reply, "love your dick... feels so fucking good."
as you talked, your pussy started tightening around his cock, announcing your upcoming orgasm. he growled, sliding his hand down your belly to spank your clit as he thrust into you faster.
"don't you dare cum until i say so," he ordered.
"please," you whimpered, his slap on your clit sending shivers down your spine. "need it so bad."
your whole body was trembling as you tried to hold back your orgasm. you dropped your head onto the table, panting for air.
"fucking beg me," he demanded, his fingers starting to circle tour clit.
"mattheo, please... please, let me cum," you pleaded in a whisper, whining pathetically, "i'm begging you, please... i promise i'll be a good girl."
with a smug grin, he thrust deep inside you one final time and groaned as your tight walls clenched around him.
"such a good little slut... alright, you can cum now."
you came while you moaned his name repeatedly, trying to keep your voice as low as you possibly could. your eyes rolled back and your toes curled as your pussy pulsed so hard that you pushed him over the edge with you.
"fuck," he growled, pulling out of you and covering your mouth to muffle your moans as he shot his cum all over your ass cheeks.
while you laid on the table, completely exhausted and trying to catch your breath, he leaned down to kiss your cheek softly.
"still hate me, princess?" he purred, running his fingers through your sweat-drenched hair.
"fuck you," you muttered under your breath; it became clear that you were joking when you smirked.
"you already did, sweetheart."
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daemonusdea · 3 years
rover's torturing a cloud district cop for info on one of his missing wanderers. he's been knee-capped, is missing 4 fingers, and a solid number of his bones have been broken.
hm. -- - @wandcrng.
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   Well, it certainly wasn't her idea of information gathering. Torture-- she knows a certain disciple who would have lavished in the idea and easily taken up action. Dito, that goddamn weirdo. It's certainly interesting to note that Rover has a propensity for this kind of thing, bit of a sick puppy himself. The process is messy, and noisy, and for fuck's sake how much longer was this guy going to hold out? It was getting on her last nerve, the nerve she didn't even have to begin with!
   " God damn, shit or get off the pot! His blubbering is fucking annoying, just off him already. Who the hell has time to wait for this asshole to spill it? I don't even think he's cognizant enough from pain to tell you the right shit anymore. Just find the trail he came from-- you should be able to find the information yourself, probably find the exact damn thing you're looking for. " It's a sad, sad sight she's looking at; she can see the glazed over expression of that broken man and understands all too well what state his brain is no doubt in. If you weren't used to traumatic pain, the shock could twist your mind in funny little ways.
   " Hell, I could even do it for you. Or you know, just break off another one of his fingers, I'm sure fifth time's the charm, right? "
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ourbastardofsorrows · 4 years
people who aren’t on the spectrum stop explaining why a character can’t possibly be autistic challenge
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topazshadowwolf · 2 years
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I couldn't help myself. Did you go vote? Noot would like your vote, and if you do, I may write more! Please, let the Dadmare gloat over Error. But in the meantime, enjoy:

"Dust," Nightmare said as he looked down at his sleeping subordinate. The Sans grumbled and pulled his covers over his head while mumbling out something that was likely meant to be words. "Dust!" The dark skeleton repeated in a more urgent tone.
"'m up," Dust muttered as he slowly sat in bed. He yawned while fumbling around for his phone. "sorry f'i overslept," he slurred sleepily but paused as he looked at his phone. In an instant, the skeleton seemed to wake.
Annoyance, frustration.
"boss… it's three o'clock in the morning…," Dust said while trying to restrain the anger that was boiling underneath.
"Yes, I will admit that I am sorry about that, but I need you for something," Nightmare explained. The annoyance was still there, but overall, Dust did relax.
"alright…," Dust said, shifting in bed to get up. "what can i help you with, oh king of bad dreams who never sleeps himself."
"Do not be sassing me, young man," Nightmare replied jokingly with a grin. "I need help with my computer."
"boooss… come on, cross is far more computer literate than i am," Dust bemoaned.
"Hush now, you are literate enough in computers to help me with this. Now come along; your pajamas will do fine," Nightmare said before gesturing for Dust to get moving.
"fine…," Dust then stood and patted his leg, "come on, ferrous." Dust mumbled before yawning. The blue-gray dog, still curled up in bed, also yawned and grumbled before crawling (no… sliding would be a more accurate description) out of bed.
They walked down the hall to Nightmare's office, and Dust sat in Nightmare's chair while looking at the laptop computer with blurry eye lights. He wiggled the mouse, waking the computer up, "so, what's the problem."
"Where is that contest located on the Internet?" Nightmare asked, looking over Dust's shoulder with interest.
Sorrow, Frustration, Anger
"seriously, boss?" Dust groaned, and his skull hit the desk. "boss, it's three, i'm tired…."
"Yes, I know, I will make sure you have time for a nap during the day. Now, I want to see how it is going," Nightmare explained, and Dust got to work bringing up the website.
"Hmmm… I am doing worse than before. Truly… is there really that many more people who prefer that eyesore of a color palette over me?" Nightmare sighed.
"wow, boss, i thought you said you didn't care what a bunch of mortals on the internet thought," Dust muttered.
"Is that sarcasm I hear from you directed at me? I have never heard you be so short with me before," Nightmare said with a grin, amused at this new side of Dust.
"yeah, well, it's three in the morning," Dust glared as he replied.
"You seem very hung up on that fact."
"maybe, just maybe, it's because i'm a sans, and we tend to like our sleep," The sarcasm was dripping from that comment, and Nightmare shook his skull.
"soon, well… if things don't turn around soon, we will need to start planning," Nightmare said as he petted the broad head of the dog standing beside him.
"planning for what?" Dust looked up at Nightmare, the grumpy look fading from his sockets.
"Planning for making sure Fell wins," A thought passed through Nightmare's head, and he hummed while tapping his chin. "Perhaps we should recruit a Fell Sans after this is all done."
"pfft, really boss? what happened to 'three is my limit, but i am stuck with four of you idiots,'" Dust snickered.
Nightmare put a hand and Dust's skull, giving him an open palm noogie. The shorter skeleton gave a tired laugh in return. "Hush," the guardian scolded. "Now, I know you won't tell the others; I have noticed you excel at keeping secrets. Thus, I trust you with helping me figure out how to use this site. I would like to see what they are saying about me."
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whatlovelybones-if · 3 years
Okay but here me out: J as a parent? I’m a sucker for homely scenarios 🤌🏿
“madelyn, come down here this second!” J's voice echoes through the whole manor.
“eep!” a little voice squeaks as the owner of it tries to look for a place to hide upstairs. she had no idea her parent would get that mad over her test paper, but... maybe she shouldn't have tried to burn it.
J sighs heavily, one hand on their hip and the other holding the remaining piece of the burnt test paper, a big fat ‘C+’ marked in the corner. seriously, it's not even a bad grade. could be better, of course, but J knew how hard she studied for it.
honestly, the raven-haired parent wasn't even going to scold madelyn. they were just disappointed that she tried to hide the results from them. and what would you say when you came back home?
speaking of that, J's ears perk up and they hears your footsteps behind them. they turn around to see you walking up to them, still in your white coat and face scrunched in confusion.
“what's going on, dear? why are you shouting?”
J sighs and leans in to give you a ‘welcome home’ kiss before handing you the test paper. “jagiya, maddie tried to burn this the moment she got home.”
your eyes land over the ‘C+’ marked in bright red and try not to laugh. this wasn't even that bad.
“maddie, come downstairs, please.” you try to make your voice sound as neutral as possible. a small face peeks at you from the staircase above. her eyes light up at the sight of you, quickly running down as you asked and hugging your legs.
“you're home!” she exclaims, eyes that resemble J's twinkling in adoration.
you chuckle despite your earlier attempts to not do so and J pouts. “why don't i get an enthusiastic welcome like that?”
“because you're always home?” maddie tilts her head, her innocent eyes hiding the sarcasm in her words.
“oh no, missy, you're not sassing me in my own house,” J leans down to rub either side of her head with their fists.
“ow, ow, ow. i'm sorry!” maddie cries out. you can't help but smile at the scene before you, both of them were a handful sometimes but it never got any less amusing. sometimes you wondered if you were raising two kids instead of one.
“that's enough now, dear,” you say, detaching J's hold on your daughter. maddie rubs either side of her head and J huffs. both of them are sporting identical pouts and you chuckle.
“now maddie,” you address the mini version of J, “why did you try to burn your test paper?”
your spouse crosses their arms beside you. “you know we wouldn't have gotten mad, right? the only reason why we're disappointed with you right now is because you tried to hide it from us.”
the little girl nods, looking down at her shoes with a teary-eyed frown. “i'm sorry, i just... i was just ashamed of myself. i studied so hard and i only managed to score a C+.”
“well, you can't blame yourself for inheriting your [dad/mom]'s brains now, can you?” you say with a shrug, earning a small giggle from madelyn.
J gawks at you in indignation. “i will take offence to that.” they turn to their daughter. “the point is that you worked hard and there's still time to learn, right? how will you move on if you're too ashamed to even acknowledge your mistakes?”
the black-haired girl is quiet for a while and when she looks up, her eyes glint with determination. “i will try even harder next time, i swear!”
you and J share a chuckle and they rub her head affectionately. “that's our girl. wanna help me make dinner for tonight?”
“yes! but,” maddie takes both of your hands with a grin, “only if we're doing it together.”
J blushes a little at the sight of you smiling at them but they nod, returning the expression.
“i love you, jagiya,” they whisper to you with a kiss on your cheek while maddie is busy with kneading the pasta dough with her little hands.
your reply rings with a genuineness that has J smiling brighter than the kitchen light, a phrase that you had often said to each other as kids. “i love you to the moon and to saturn.”
your ‘i love yous’ encompass years of heartache, of hurt, of laughter and pain. and every time you say the words, you feel the rush of the childhood you spent beside your best friend. the person who is also now your spouse and the parent of your child.
J had never hesitated to fall deeper for you and as they see you squishing madelyn's cheeks and laughing at her whines, they realised that they would always let you catch them. every. single. time.
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alaskasmonsters · 3 years
𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝟏-𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐲!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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requested by anon: hello there! hope you're doing fine! i came here to ask for some general hcs for class 1a with a non-binary student + they are pretty sassy, sarcastic and most of the time doesn't really care what others think? hope you can do them!!!!
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a.n: i finished this a week ago and forgot to post it 💀💀💀 somebody pls donate i am saving up for a new brain. i can‘t believe this shit. sorry babes, i know you‘ve been waiting for this a while!!! i hope you (see this rip) like it! 💕 (i almost forgot to post again what is wrong with meeee)
reader is non-binary!
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you had found quite the liking to your class
class 1-A was full of interesting and kindhearted people, most of them being extremely nice and open-minded you’d say
you liked being around them
especially because you’ve found people here that got you in a way others didn’t
which was because you were extremely sarcastic
painfully so, some would say
it didn’t pass a day where you didn’t make several sarcastic comments
hell, it barely passed a waking hour
at this point sarcasm made out like 99% of your personality with some sass sprinkled in between
the rest 1%? yeah you didn‘t talk about that
it had confused some people in your class at the beginning
they weren‘t used to sarcasm in the amounts you liked to make use of it
iida was very unfamiliar with sarcasm
it was actually hilarious
because when he scolded you for sitting on your table (and it was just sitting!) and you told him you enjoyed destroying school property and you did it on your days off, he looked so confused
like he was contemplating reporting you to the teacher for actual vandalism
todoroki had his issued, too, at first
he was very literate and before he got to know you better he took everything you said at face value
your second name being “your mom”? very uncommon but who was he to doubt you
you receiving a nobel price for ruining the day of all blond boys with anger issues since *insert birth year*? he was very proud of you for that
you suing the school for the emotional and physical damage (including eye bleed, brain damage and vertigo) for letting mineta exist in your immediate surroundings? he‘d support you in the court proceedings
teasing todoroki without him knowing he was being teased? your new favourite hobby
like this made you just enjoy being sassy with todoroki at any given opportunity
it was so funny to you, how any sarcastic comment was taken so serious by him
and his faces when he was concerned by something you said? the best
unfortunately todoroki got the hang of it very quickly
you blamed sero for explaining to him what sarcasm was
”you know they‘re just joking right?“ ”they are? but they aren‘t laughing.“ ”no it‘s like, saying something deadpan makes when they’re obviously not serious makes it funny” ”oh”
and whenever you use sarcasm now he knows
you did grieve the loss of your favourite past time activity (teasing todoroki) greatly
jirou was one of the first of your classmates you befriended, sero being a close second
her and you just clicked!
you saw her talking to denki, teasing him for his “overcharged” thumbs up and you knew you’d get along so well
you had inside jokes and everything
and you loved to share glances whenever mineta said something stupid again
sero, a true gentleman would then proceed to wrap the grape in his tape
a true iconic trio you’d like to say
most of your class was at least familiar with the usual sarcastic quips and sassiness now
but since you joined the class they had been forced to adapt
not just because this was just you
and they obviously accepted you for being you
but also because you wouldn’t have changed even if they didn’t
sure, it would have been a little bit problematic to be surrounded by people who couldn’t live with your personality at all
but over all you didn’t really care what they thought of you
not before getting to know them closely and you became friends with them
you didn’t really care what anyone else thought of you really
class 1-b was kind of the perfect example
most of them were nice but monoma was just annoying mostly
and he’d already made it his mission to call you out for your hero “untypical” behaviour as he had called it
you had raised your brain eyebrows at him and grinned when he did
and that just because you had made fun of him for being bakugou in more annoying and with a less flashy quirk
it was just a joke
but he took it personal and then he tried to get you back
which was funny because you didn‘t care what he thought of you or said about you
his opinion was invalid to you
you liked your sarcasm and sass
you actually thought you were hilarious
and no one would be able to convince you otherwise
plus your friends supported you so you were pretty happy with yourself
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Taglist: @crystal-lilac​ @duf3h6237​ @hufflefluffslytherin​  @chucky-26o1​  @crapimahuman​
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3raaaachachacha · 3 years
11:49 am
Choi Yeonjun x female reader / 559 words / fluff
Warnings: None
Day five of 12 days of christmas 2021
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"Yeonjun, are you going to help me or are you going to just stand there and look pretty with your muscles on display for me?" You giggled at your boyfriend, who was standing by your side with an apron and sleeveless tee on, looking as confused as ever. He stared at all the ingredients and utensils on the kitchen counter, wondering what went first in this recipe. 
"I can do all the above actually," He snickered, leaning into you to place a kiss onto your cheek before focusing on the task at hand, "Okay, what first babe?"
Chuckling at his sudden eagerness, you handed him the rolling pin and some baking paper before placing some biscuits on the counter, "I need you to use your muscles and crush these biscuits with the rolling pin then place them into the red bowl pretty please."
Smirking at you from the side, Yeonjun made it painfully obvious that he was about to show off his muscles to try and fluster you up further. You did your best to stay focused on your task, wanting to show him that you could play hard to get as well.
"Keep going until you finish the pack Jun. We don’t have all day, so stop flexing and get working," You sassed as you continued stirring the melted chocolate.
Gasping at your teasing words, Yeonjun continued to crush the biscuits before getting distracted and putting his finger in the condensed milk you had just opened before stroking his finger against your cheek.
"Choi Yeonjun!" You exclaimed, annoyed eyes as you faced him, "This is a kitchen, not a playground! We are on dessert duty for Christmas lunch tomorrow-"
Before you could finish his scolding, Yeonjun grabbed a small handful of flour before blowing it into your face. He chuckled loudly at your unamused state until suddenly you retaliated and threw some flour into his hair. 
"I thought this wasn't a play yard!" Yeonjun teased with sarcasm in his tone as he ran to the other side of the counter, trying his best to stay away from you.
You snickered to yourself as you did your best to chase him, only to have him come up from behind you to pick you up off your feet, throwing you over his shoulder. He tickled your side with his free hand and placed wet kisses all over your check.
"That tickles! Yeonjun, put me down right now!" You squealed, gripping onto him tightly as you couldn’t stop laughing.
"No can do, baby," He happily smirked at the cute noise you were emitting, "I have to show my love for you during the holiday season, especially when I have my days off and get to spend them with the love of my life!"
Smiling at his words, you pinched his arm as he dropped you back onto the floor, "That was really sweet Jun," You exclaimed in a convincing tone, "But If you don't help me finish these chocolate truffles in the next few hours, there will be no love making till next year and you will be alone all Christmas day."
"Babe! You wouldn't dare!" Yeonjun gasped dramatically, hands flying to his chest as he grabbed his heart in pain.
You smirked as you observed him running over to his previous stop to finish smashing the biscuits, "Don’t test me then.”
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
- Admin 🌶️
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eternalsimp · 3 years
Cursed Fears (pt 3)
Genre: Hurt/comfort, smut
Word Count: 5117
Warnings: NSFW 18+, aged up Megumi, swearing, use of female pronouns and anatomy, very jealous Megumi, rough sex, praise kink, overstimulation, slight orgasm denial, some degradation, spanking if you squint, oral sex (m. receiving), marking. Minors DNI.
Author Note: This is the final (?) part of a JJK mini-series I did but it can be read as a stand-alone. Parts 1 & 2 are up on my blog (IDK how to make links)
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You were pulled from sleep with the sound of your phone vibrating on the bedside table next to you. You crack your eyes open to take in your surroundings for a minute and try to ignore the insistent buzzing of your phone. Mid Morning sunlight is streaming through the open window, casting a blanket of warmth in the otherwise cold room. Megumi's divine dog has moved off the bed and is laying under the window where it can’t be disturbed by the light. Megumi has his face buried in your neck, arms still wrapped tightly around your torso, and you can feel his warm breath fan out against your skin.
Your phone starts to ring again and you carefully move to grab it, trying not to disturb your sleeping boyfriend. You turn it to see Nobara’s name and picture displayed across your screen and debate sending her to voicemail. You decide against it, knowing she would just call you again.
“Hello?” You stifle a yawn and hear Megumi grumble incoherently behind you.
“Y/n! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all morning! Are you avoiding us?” You pull the phone away from your ear to try and escape her scolding. You turn your attention to the clock on the bedside table showing that it was a little after 10 am.
“I was sleeping, I’m not avoiding you, psycho. And who is us?”
“Oh yeah, Itadori and I are hanging out. We are actually pretty close to where you and Fushiguro live which is why I was calling. Wait, didn’t you have class this morning?”
“I’m kinda playing hooky, Megumi, and I didn’t go to bed until pretty late and I wanted to sleep in.” Out of annoyance, Megumi grabs your phone out of your hand and rolls onto his back before pressing it to his own ear.
“What do you want Kugisaki?” His voice is still heavy with sleep, and you would normally swoon from how deep it was, but you were too distracted by him interrupting your conversation. You roll over to lay your head on his chest and nudge the phone away from his face to click the ‘speaker’ button so you can hear what Nobara is saying.
“... and you’ve been hogging all of my best friends' time lately so what I’m thinking is you and Itadori can hang out so her and I can have a girls day.” You can hear Yuji in the background correcting that you were both of their friends and he wants to hang out too.
“Well seeing as how we are both still in bed, it’s probably gonna be a while,” Megumi says flatly, probably hoping she’ll drop it and be content with just Yuji’s company.
“Ooohh, am I interrupting something fun?” You can hear her words dripping in sarcasm, wanting to fluster you and Megumi. Your boyfriend however decides he has other plans.
He cocks an eyebrow down at you, “yeah actually you are,” and pinches your thigh to elicit a sharp gasp from you. You bolt into a sitting position and feel your face heat up with embarrassment. Nobara is sputtering on the other side of the line and you swat his hand away from you as he sits up too and tries to pull you back against him.
“Megumi Fushiguro! Give me that!” You snatch your phone back and shove him off the bed, his body landing with a hard thud on the floor. “Sorry, he woke up in a bratty mood apparently.”
“Fushiguro? Being playful? I never thought I’d see the day!” Nobara snickered over the phone. You leaned over the side of the bed to see Megumi pouting at you and you stick your tongue out at him childishly.
“It’s a blessing and a curse. Anyways, give me like an hour and we can all meet up for lunch or something.”
“Yay! Let me know when you leave and we can find somewhere to meet in the middle!”
You hang up the phone and Megumi lunges off the floor and tackles you onto the bed. He rolls the two of you so he is laying on top of you and you are effectively pinned under his body weight. He lays his head on your chest and wraps his arms around your waist as you struggle to push him off of you. “I just wanna spend like ten more minutes in bed with my beautiful girlfriend.” He turns his face up to give you a pleading look and you sigh in defeat.
He grins triumphantly and rests his head back on your chest. You run your fingers through his dark hair to smooth it out as much as you can where it had been ruffled from sleep. After you feel satisfied with the strands you can reach you start tracing over the contours of his face, appreciating how angelic the light from the window makes him look.
Feeling your movements still, he cracks an eye open to see you staring at him. He narrows his eyes accusingly at you, “why are you staring? Weirdo.”
“Cause you’re pretty,” you hum contently and kiss his forehead. He buries his face into your shoulder and groans.
“You make me sound like such a girl.”
“Boys can be pretty,” you pull his face between your hands and kiss his face. “You’ve got pretty eyes, and pretty lashes, and a pretty mouth, even if there's a lot of sass coming out of it.” He rolls his eyes, moves to lay higher up on your body, and stuffs his face into the pillow next to your head. You laugh at the way the tips of his ears turn pink with embarrassment and decide to let up on your teasing.
After a lot of pouting and complaining from your boyfriend, you finally pull him out of bed and convince him to get dressed to go to lunch. You tuck a loose burgundy sweater into a pair of black high-waisted leggings, smirking at the way you catch Megumi staring at how the pants hug your curves. He layers a dark blue windbreaker over a grey hoodie and a pair of jeans. Both of you opted for sneakers since you figured you’d probably be walking around a lot.
He pulls you into a hug and makes his last attempt at talking you into staying home and watching a movie instead. You notice he gags slightly at the smell of your perfume before quickly trying to cover it with a cough. You make a mental note to buy a new one while out with Nobara before denying his request to ditch your friends. He rolls his eyes, gives you a firm peck on the lips, and leads you out the door of your home.
The ramen house Nobara and Yuji decided they wanted to try is in a large shopping district walking distance from your apartment, so you and Megumi decided to enjoy the nice weather after the storm. You barely register the sound of Yuji's voice before you are being spun around by your overexcited friend. “Be careful before you break her!” You can't help but laugh at how Nobara scolds him before he plants you firmly back on the ground but still holds you in a bruising hug.
“Yuji, I just talked to you last night!”
“Okay, but I still haven’t seen you in what feels like forever cause you’re always at school.” Yuji pushes his lip out in a pout before finally releasing you so you can hug Nobara too.
“Well, I’m sorry I have to go to stupid, normal person university cause I’m not cool enough to be a cursed energy user.” You reach out and pinch Yuji's arm causing him to flinch back away from you and pout harder.
“Trust me, I’d kill to be at a normal school.” Nobara pipes in and lightly pushes your arm jokingly. You laugh her off and turn to notice Megumi is tense and lost in thought. You tug at his sleeve to regain his attention and motion to continue your walk. He laces your fingers together and pulls you closer to him.
On your way to the ramen house, you and Nobara stop in a few shops to look around and you pick up a few things here and there. The boys mostly stayed outside in the sun and talked amongst themselves. After ducking inside one of the stores you quietly warn Nobara not to tease the boys too much today. “Nightmares again?”
“Yeah, it’s the first one in a few months but it was a bad one, just keep that between us though.”
“Of course, it’s good that he’s getting better.”
“Yeah, I’m trying to help as much as I can, but I don’t know if it's actually effective. I know they’ll never fully go away but it just hurts to see him in pain like that, you know?” Nobara nods and links your arms together as you move through the little shop.
“It’ll keep getting better, don’t let the bad nights get you down.” You smile at your friend before paying for your items and heading back outside.
When you and Nobara rejoin the boys outside, you find them complaining about being hungry and decide to actually go get your lunch. You’re all seated at a booth, you and Nobara are sitting next to each other and since Yuji insisted that he wanted to sit next to the window, he is across from you, leaving Megumi to sit across from Nobara. You smile at him apologetically but he shrugs it off and texts you from under the table to say that it doesn’t bother him.
It felt good to laugh and catch up with your friends until an old classmate of theirs showed up halfway through your meal. Megumi's eyes widen at the figure that slides into the booth next to Nobara. “Zenin? What are you doing here?” You eye her suspiciously but say nothing and continue eating your food.
“I told you, call me Mai. You make me sound the same as Maki,” she pouted at your boyfriend. You roll your eyes and Nobara huffs next to you. Mai turns to glare and notices Yuji trying to engage you in a conversation again. “Well, this is cute. Did the half-cursed monster and the normie finally get together?” You whip your head to her to ask what she's talking about, but she's speaking again before you can open your mouth.
“I mean it would make sense, you did like her first. Why did you never say anything?”
The table goes deadly quiet. Megumi is staring at Mai in horror, Yuji is shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Mai smirks at the tension she created and you can’t help but look back and forth between the two boys.
“Did you feel bad and let poor little Fushiguro have her?” She shifts her attention back to the man in front of her and continues. “Must be scary knowing he could probably take her back with a snap of his fingers, not that she’d last very long. I’d give it a week until Sukuna kills her.” Megumi lowers his eyes to the table but stays silent.
“Food for thought kids, I gotta go.” She winks at you and Nobara before making her exit. You try to reach for Megumi's hand across the table but he pulls away from you quickly.
“Megumi, she’s wrong,” you tell him gently.
“It’s fine, I’m fine.” He’s shaking his head and trying to brush you off. “I’m okay, it’s nothing.”
The air around the table is awkward for the rest of lunch, but you try to continue your small talk. Things take a turn for the worse when the waitress brings two separate checks. One for Nobara and Megumi, one for you and Yuji. Nobara flags her down to tell her that a mistake has been made with the check and can you split it differently. She apologizes and says she mistook your group for two couples. You all pay for your food, Megumi quickly snatching your individual check and paying for your lunch, before you start sliding out of the table.
When you get to the edge of the booth, Megumi is yanking you to your feet by your elbow. “I don’t feel good, I wanna go home.” He says shortly before turning to walk out of the restaurant. Yuji is avoiding eye contact and hanging his head in either shame or embarrassment. You can’t quite tell. You mumble a quick apology to Yuji and Nobara before following your boyfriend outside. He grabs your wrist tightly to lead you back to your apartment.
You’d seen him get mildly jealous, but never quite this bad. The walk was fast-paced, you were having a hard time keeping up with his tall frame. You were certain that the grip he had on your wrist was going to leave bruises. You tried to catch his attention a few times and pull your hand out of his. “‘Gumi please, you're hurting me.”
That sentence finally catches his attention, but only a little. He lets go of your arm and mutters a quiet “sorry” before shoving his hands into his pockets. The rest of your walk is doused in an uncomfortable silence before you finally get back to your apartment. Megumi pulls the keys to your front door out of his pocket before stepping aside to let you in first, you can almost feel his anger rolling off of him in waves. You slip off your shoes and place your purse and shopping bag on a countertop before you are roughly grabbed and pinned against the door.
Megumi squeezes your jaw firmly, his mouth crashing against yours brutally. You tug at his wrist with one hand, he loosens his grip, but never removes his hand from your face. His other hand is fixed on your waist as he continues using his body weight to keep you pressed against the door. Your brain feels fuzzy from his sudden attack and you struggle to get your head to catch up with your body. Out of pure instinct you tilt your face up towards his to deepen the kiss and just as you think you’ve gained some ground he’s pulling away.
A weak sound of protest comes from your throat and you open your eyes to see his own morphed into a dark midnight blue. You feel him tighten his grip on your face as he leans in just enough that you can feel his breath on your lips. Your focus is pulled away by his other hand slowly snaking its way from your waist into the waistband of your leggings. You feel your breath catch at the feeling of his fingertips making their way further down to your core. You hear him chuckle darkly.
“Look at you, I hadn’t even touched you and you’re already soaking. Could Yuji make you this wet from just kissing you?” You could barely hold yourself up, let alone form a word, all you could do was shake your head. Normally he would find that endearing, but he obviously wasn’t in the mood for silence tonight. He nipped your bottom lip almost painfully. “I need words pretty girl.”
“No, just you.” You were tugging at the front of his shirt, desperately trying to ground yourself.
He smirks dangerously and bit down on your bottom lip again, earning a sharp gasp from you. “I didn’t think so.”
You try to close the gap between your lips but he pulls back and shoves your face to the side so he has access to your throat. He latches on to the weak spot behind your ear and sucks like his life depends on it. He proceeds to cover your neck with dark bruising marks before pushing your sweater down your shoulder so he can continue to mark his territory.
“‘Gumi,” you try to reach him but he’s in his own headspace. You barely have time to brace yourself as he suddenly breaks himself away from you body and yanks you up over his shoulder. You land roughly, clinging to the back of his shirt to keep from falling, and it feels like the air has been knocked from your lungs.
He doesn't give you time to catch your breath before he’s striding into your bedroom and throwing you down onto the bed. Your body bounces at the impact and he’s climbing over you before your body can settle. He grabs your hands and pins them above your head and stares you straight in the eyes.
All that can be heard in the apartment was the whipping wind outside the window and the deep breaths emitting from both of your parted lips. You take advantage of the moment to fully take in his face. Your normally gentle and loving boyfriend was nowhere to be found. In his place was a man riddled with jealousy and intent on taking his frustration out on you.
The moment is broken when he drops one of his hands from your wrists to pull up at your sweater. You do your best in this position to arch your back up so he can pull it off. He momentarily lets go of your hands so he can fling your sweater onto the floor before his hands resume their post.
You close your eyes at the feeling of his lips kissing their way down your chest. He takes one of your nipples between his teeth and bites down lightly. Your body rises from the bed in an attempt to bring him closer to you. One of his hands comes down to shove your waist back down into the mattress and once he’s done assaulting one of your nipples he moves to the other. He leaves bruising marks everywhere his lips go and you feel as they make their way further down your waist. Everything feels heightened with your eyes squeezed closed.
“Megumi please,” you breathe out. He leans back up so his face is level with yours.
“Please what? Tell me what you want.” You feel the hand on your waist move down to your thigh. You can barely make an audible sound as he rubs his thumb roughly into the skin of your inner thigh. All you can manage is a weak whine and he scoffs at your feeble attempt at speaking. “Are you suddenly mute, use your fucking words.”
He smacks your thigh sharply trying to get you to focus on him and get out of your head. You let out a small whimper and he rubs his hand soothingly over your warm skin. “You can do it love, tell me what you want.”
How quickly he can switch between how sweet and how mean his words are has your head spinning. You blink a few times before your head clears. “I want to taste you.”
“That's my girl.” He practically purrs.
He releases the hand that was holding yours in place and moves backward to let you climb off the bed. The second you stand up he is tangling his fingers into your hair and shoving you to your knees in front of him. You don’t hesitate to reach up and quickly pull his jeans and boxers down to his knees. You run your hands up his thighs to grab his half-hard dick, giving it a few lazy strokes before taking the tip in your mouth. His hand tightens in your hair and he groans out in pleasure.
You slowly move your head and start taking him deeper into your mouth. Earning a string of small moans from him. “Fuck baby, you’re being such a good girl for me.”
The tip of his cock brushes the back of your throat causing you to gag and push at his thighs. He pulls you off of him to let you take a breath, admiring all the pretty bruises he left across your skin. It takes all his self-control to not cum right then as he works himself back into your mouth. “Just relax baby, I know you can take it.”
The sweet praise that was so familiar to your bedroom activities sends a rush of arousal through you and has you squeezing your thighs together to create the tiniest bit of friction. He continues pushing into your mouth until your nose is flush with his pelvis. Your whine of protest is muffled by him as he holds you against him, not letting you move your head back. Your eyes water at the sensation as you struggle to swallow around him.
“Awe, does my baby keep forgetting to breathe through her nose?” He pouts mockingly at you. You look up at him with tears rimming your eyes and he smirks again. “You just look so pretty like this princess.”
He moves the hand that was gripping your hair to run his thumb against your temple gently before drawing his hips back. You force yourself to relax as much as you can as he starts thrusting into your mouth. You ball your fists tightly, digging your nails into your palms to distract from the achy feeling in your jaw. You flush in embarrassment and the obscene amount of spit collecting at the corner of your lips as he keeps fucking into you like his own personal toy.
Tears are streaming down your face and he cums with a loud groan. You swallow and stick your tongue out to show him. He hummed contently and you leaned back against the bed. You lay your head back and try to catch your breath. Megumi strips the rest of his clothes off and tugs you to stand up.
“Did you think we were done, princess?” He crashes his mouth against yours again and nudges you back onto the bed. “I’m not done until my name is the only thing you can say for weeks.”
Megumi reaches down to thrust two fingers into you, causing you to cry out. His mouth latches onto your skin and starts leaving dark marks everywhere he can reach again. His hand is pumping into you at a brutal pace and you’re trying your best to bite back your moans. He looks up at your face and scoffs.
“No holding back those beautiful sounds baby.” He reaches his free hand up to squeeze the sides of your throat. “I want you to use that pretty mouth to tell me just how good I’m fucking you,” he growls. You nod frantically and he nips at your jaw. Your moans and whines grow increasingly louder and Megumi starts rutting his cock against your thigh for friction.
“Gumi, I’m close,”
“Hold it,” he growls. You look up at him in panic and he grinds the heel of his hand into your clit. “I want to see if you can be good and follow a simple order. If you don’t behave, I will leave you here with nothing.”
You press your face into his shoulder and let out a small whimper. Just when you thought his challenge was hard enough, he slips a third finger into you and purposely crooks them to hit your sweet spot over and over.
“Please baby, I’m sorry. I’ll be good, please just let me cum.” Tears threaten to spill again and he laughs darkly, but says nothing else as he keeps thrusting his fingers into you. He turned his face so his breath could tickle your ear.
“I think my princess just needed a reminder of who she fucking belongs to, isn’t that right?” You nodded frantically against his shoulder. “If you really wanted to get fucked like a whore this bad then you could have just asked me nicely princess.”
Both of your hands were gripping his biceps so hard you thought that you might leave bruises on him. Your climax was so close you could almost taste it, but Megumi's threat loomed in the back of your mind. Not wanting to anger him more you keep behaving and pushing back your orgasm to the point where it’s almost painful. Seeing you struggle to follow his orders underneath him ignited something feral inside your boyfriend, as if he wasn’t dancing on the edge of it already.
“Okay princess, you can cum now.” Your climax ripped through you violently, and you couldn’t help the broken cries it pulled from your mouth.
Before you could ride out your high he is flipping you onto your stomach and yanking your hips up. You scramble to push yourself up onto your hands before he is shoving your face into the blankets.
“No baby, I want you bent over nice and pretty for me. This way I can fuck you exactly how I like.” He pushes himself all the way into you with one fluid motion and sets a hard and fast pace. You are gasping out for him and reaching back to squeeze his wrist. Overstimulation is wracking through your body and you can see black dotting your vision.
You whimper as you feel your next orgasm approaching quickly, and Megumi can sense it too. “Are you gonna be a good girl and cum again?” You nodded your head, and he slapped your thigh, eliciting a cry from you. “I asked you a question, and I want you to use your words like a big girl.”
“I’m close, please let me come again baby.” He smiles and angles his hips to start hitting your sweet spot till you’re seeing stars. Your second climax is less intense than the first, but it still has you feeling completely exhausted. Your head is hazy and you can feel your legs beginning to tremble underneath you. If not for Megumi's firm grip on your hips, you’re sure they would have given out by now.
He reaches around and pulls you up so one hand is wrapped around your throat and the other is wrapped around your waist. His hips never falter their rough pace and your back is pressed to his chest. You can hear and feel him panting in your ear with every one of his movements. Your head is too hazy to focus on anything except him and you let your head loll back onto his shoulder. He turns his head to look at you and smirks. “Look at that, my poor baby got fucked out too hard. I know you have one more in you princess.”
You whine at the promise of another orgasm while he once again latches his mouth on to your neck and shoulders. He lets the fingers on your waist trail down to where you are connected and circles your clit several times. You jolt at the stimulation and weakly try to push his hand away. He smirks and decides to take his taunting a step further. “I wonder what sweet Yuji would think if he saw you like this? Fucked dumb on my cock.”
You barely process his words, but you don’t have the energy to respond. He nips at your jaw as he pushes you closer to the edge. You can tell he’s close with how his pace begins to stutter. With a particularly hard thrust and a pinch of your clit you are coming undone for the final time that night. He cums right after you and gently lays you back down on the bed.
You’re sniffling from overstimulation and pushing his hips away from yours until he pulls out of you completely. You’re finally able to find your words as you curl further into the blankets. “Please baby no more, it hurts.”
You can’t see the guilt that washes over his face as he leans forward to kiss your temple lovingly. “It’s okay pretty girl, you did so well for me.”
He leaves you in bed to move to the bathroom and you think you can vaguely hear water running. After a few minutes he comes back and scoops you into his arms and carries you to the bathroom. He slowly eases you into the warm water of the bathtub before he's running back out.
You lean your head against the wall and let tears continue to stream down your face. A small portion of it is from the dull throb coming from your lower body, but mostly it’s from sadness clawing at your heart. You hate pushing him on his emotions and prying at things he doesn’t want to talk about, however something seemed to really push him over the edge tonight.
He quietly comes back into the bathroom and sets the book you're currently reading on the bench next to the tub, along with a hot tea in one of your favorite mugs. He had pulled on a pair of sweatpants, and was turning to leave again. You reach out and gently wrap your fingers around his wrist. “I know that I’ve asked you to share so much in the last 24 hours, but can we please talk about what happened tonight?”
A look of confusion crosses his face and you sink further into the water. “I just want us to be okay, and I can’t shake the feeling that you’re mad at me.” Your voice begins to falter and he curses at himself. He pulls his sweatpants off and slides into the water behind you and rubs your shoulders.
“I’m not mad at you baby, Mai just hit a deep seated insecurity, and the thing with the waitress just kinda pushed me past my limit. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you like that, I’m sorry.”
You turn to lean your head on his shoulder and let your fingertips trace the water droplets that gathered on his chest. “Why would you listen to anything Mai says? She loves to piss you and Maki off.”
He tucks his chin on top of your head and hugs your shoulders. “Because she wasn’t wrong about Yuji. He liked you first, I always felt like a charity case. And every time you guys hang out, it nags at me at how much better of a boyfriend he would be for you.”
You roll your eyes and flick his nose. “I knew that he liked me, he isn’t exactly the king of subtlety. But you need to remember, Yuji is your best friend, he’d never hurt you like that.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
You shift to cup his face in your hands. “If I liked Yuji, I wouldn’t have dated you. You’re the one I wanted to be with, not him. I love you.”
He leans his face into your hand and lets you pull him in for a kiss. “I love you too princess.”
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amazingmsme · 3 years
Nandor and Guillermo holding hands 🥺
Thank you for this, I’ve been dying to write something for wwdits! Nandor is v soft for Guillermo but he tries to hide it. Slight spoilers for season 3.
Guillermo couldn’t believe this. After everything he’s done for them! After all the slaying to save their lives, they stick him in a fucking cage like some animal that needs to be feared. On one hand, he could understand it, but on the other, he knew they were dillusional jerks. There was no way he’d ever consider hurting them, but he was seriously considering swapping out some of their jewelry for real silver.
Sure the situation wasn’t so bad. At least he could leave to go get some actual food, and now he had all the time in the world to binge his shows. He was laying on his bed in the middle of an episode of Gilmore Girls when he got a visitor.
“Hello Guillermo. I just wanted to check up on you and see how you are doing,” Nandor said, announcing his presence. Guillermo didn’t look at him, only taking one earbud out.
“Oh hey Master. I’m fine.”
Nandor stood there, looking slightly lost. He walked over to the cage, resting his chin on one of the bars as he looked down at his familiar.
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm. Just peachy,” he answered, tone a little tense.
“… Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’m watching Gilmore Girls. Do you want something, or did you just come down here to stare at me?” he asked, his frustration slipping through.
“Progress is slowly being made in deciding your fate. I think I’m starting to convince them not to kill you,” he said, offering a small smile.
“Yippee,” he said in a monotone, raising one hand weakly in the air.
“Guillermo are you mad at me? You know it wasn’t my idea to imprison you.”
“No, whatever made you think that Master?” he asked, sarcasm clear in his voice.
Nandor stuck his arm in the cage. “I’m sorry about all of this. Give me your hand.” Guillermo paused the episode, looking at him skeptically.
“Because I’m sorry about all of this. And I really think you could use a-“ he paused, visibly struggling to say the next word. “Ffffriend right now.”
Guillermo couldn’t help the small smirk that graced his lips as he placed his hand in Nandor’s. “Wow, that was really hard for you to say,” he teased. Nandor nodded, not meeting his eyes.
“Look Guillermo, I miss having you around, and not only for chores. I promise that things will work out. Do you believe me?”
Guillermo let out a heavy sigh. “Well it wouldn’t be the first promise that never came through.” Nandor gave his hand a slight squeeze.
“Hey none of that. I’m serious, I’m going to fix this.”
“… Okay.” He sounded tired and dejected. Nandor gave a small pout.
“I haven’t seen you smile at all since we stuck you in here.” Guillermo scoffed.
“Well gee, I wonder why.”
“You know it wouldn’t kill you to smile every once in a while. Just go “hi Nandor, it’s great to see you,” or “hello Nadja, you look lovely this evening.” It might help your case.” Guillermo looked at him with an unamused expression.
“Why, so she can just hiss at me and throw more raw chicken at my face?” he sassed.
“Hey I thought you loved your chicken! You always eat it all by the time we give you more.” Guillermo shot an annoyed look towards the cameraman outside the cage. Nandor reached in with his other hand and turned his head to look at him.
“Hey, I’m really trying here. And I just wish I knew how to make you happy.” Nandor dropped his gaze to the ground, tracing light shapes on Guillermo’s wrist. His lips twitched up as he gently tugged on his arm. Nandor’s grip tightened so that he couldn’t escape the touch. His brows were furrowed and he had an adorable pout.
“Heey, I am trying to be nice here!” he scolded.
“S-sorry master,” he stuttered, watching as Nandor’s larger hands wrapped around his own.
“Some of my wives would do this when I was upset to try and calm me down. It never worked, but I would pretend it did,” he admitted. Guillermo let out an amused snort.
“Of course you did master.” He wore a small smile that wasn’t quite genuine.
“Mhm. So could you at least pretend like I did?” he asked, a little snappish. Guillermo rolled his eyes. He then flashed a clearly fake smile, all teeth and dimples.
“Okay that was a bit much,” Nandor deadpanned.
“Hey, you said to pretend,” he teased.
“Yes, but you ruined the mood!” he said, throwing a hand up in the air. Guillermo arched a brow.
“There was a mood?” Nandor sighed, running a hand down his face.
“Yes, there was, but you ruined it now!” he whined, crossing his arms and pouting. Guillermo had to fight off an amused smirk.
“I’m sorry master. Here, try again,” he offered his hand through the bars of the cage. Nandor took his hand once more, tracing spirals and shapes from his wrist to the palm of his hand. Guillermo tried to stay still, he really did, but his palms were incredibly sensitive and Nandor’s tracing was driving him mad. Giggles bubbled up his throat and his fingers tried to curl in a fist as he tried to twist his hand away.
Nandor smirked, scratching at the center of his palm. Guillermo shrieked and fell into a giggling fit, nose scrunched adorably. “Nahahandohor don’t!”
“You never told me your hands were ticklish! That’s so funny,” the vampire teased. He blushed and hid his face in his other hand.
“You nehehehever ahahasked!” he shrieked.
“Well I’m certainly going to do this more often now that I know,” Nandor declared as Guillermo descended into bubbly laughter. And he really didn’t mind.
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