#[ and i think ab how he Loves and Wants freedom So much but he'll never get to Have it and just
pirateborn-a · 2 years
all of my muses function off of love and in a nutshell are about love and i hope it shows in my writing cheers
#[ ooc ] ✧〖 bid farewell to weaver’s town 〗#tbd.#[ hope this helps!#[ sdsdflkj#[ a lot of things are off of love but just#[ roger     literally been meaning to make master post/hc on it bc he is So strong and managed to reach lodestar and laughtale Because#[ of his love      he is so selfish out of love but guides others and cares for them out of it the same and just#[ literally    pure intentions fr#[ and brook literally!!! he stayed alive for his promise made out of love for laboon and love for his crew#[ and now he chooses to love life and to be Glad to have the chance to love life after So long alone#[ and he loves the strawhats     i look at edwards posts ab the strawhats devotion to luffy always and hold them gently bc brook nods#[ but just fr     he loves life after everything and it means so much to him#[ and garp just     he loves /people/    its why he became a marine and stayed a marine#[ why he could never be like roger or dragon or luffy or or or--#[ because he cares for others    he grew up protecting foosha     he made a career out of protecting others#[ and even after seeing all the bullshit of the government    he still loves his friends and loves the civilians he still protects enough to#[ try and do what he can where he can because its better than the alternatives#[ and he loves his family So Much and he's so scared for them and just    he is made of love and its tearing him apart <3#[ and i think ab how he Loves and Wants freedom So much but he'll never get to Have it and just#[ head in hands#[ feeling really normal ab these old men today#[ it will happen again---       sdjklsd#[ yells#[ its about love its always been about love--
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willow-salix · 4 years
The Shirt
This little thing is for @misssquidtracy and @soniabigcheese and was supposed to be a ficlet (tell that to the 2.5k that came out). It came about after a throw away comment to Sonia last night and then John ‘helpfully’ dropped the whole thing in my head fully formed. Enjoy!
Thanks to the awesome @myladykayo​ for the gorgeous shot of this dude!
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"I don't need any new clothes, I told you that."
"And I didn't listen. Come on, John, you haven't bought anything new since college."
"And I'm happy with that, all of my clothes are perfectly serviceable," John continued to argue as Gordon towed him into yet another shop. 
As always they drew attention, Gordon because of his loud voice and, according to him, his swimmers body that the women loved. Gordon had always loved to be the center of attention, he'd reveled in it back in his Olympic days, proud of the knowledge that his promotional pictures had graced many a teenagers phone backgrounds and lock screens. 
John, on the other hand, had no idea what people saw in him and why they still watched him even when he was with his brothers. He knew his hair always drew looks and over the years he'd heard more than a few people whispering something about checking if he was a natural redhead, although he'd never wanted to stick around to listen too closely and had gotten out of there sharpish. He'd much rather just be left alone to fade into the background where his introverted wallflower tendencies could be appeased. 
"Well, I need new clothes and you can't leave a man to shop on his own, it's just not done," Gordon continued. 
"I'm pretty sure there's no such rule."
"I'm making it a rule, it's part of the bro code now," Gordon shot back, flicking through yet another rack of eye-wateringly bright shirts that even Hawaii would have disowned. 
"I reject your rule."
"You can't, I'm your baby brother, you have to be nice to me, that's in the bro code too."
"I demand to see written proof of this rule book that you seem to keep pulling things from whenever it suits you."
Gordon glanced at his brother, seeing his lips twitch as he fought valiantly to keep any display of amusement firmly at bay. John didn't often get the chance to hang out with his younger brother but he always enjoyed it, not that he'd ever admit that out loud, that would only encourage Gordon to up his annoyance level by at least five points. 
"Ha! You smiled, I'm off the hook!" 
"I did no such thing."
"You did, I saw it! The robot had a feeling- ow!" Gordon ducked out of the way, avoiding another cuff around the back of the head from his, far too lanky for his own good, brother who apparently had the reach of an orangutan. 
"I'm not a robot, you little jerk. Stand still so I can hit you properly." And there went the warm fuzzy feelings. Back to reminding himself just why said hang outs didn't happen more often. 
"Yeah, right! Like that's gonna happen." Gordon shimmied backwards through the rack of shirts that made the sun look dull and out the other side to freedom. "Too much time in space has made you slow, bro!" 
"What? HOW DARE YOU!" Without thinking John dived around the side of the rack, stretching out to grab at his grinning brother. "I'll show you who's slow!" 
"I am lightning, I am the wind!" Gordon dodged aside with perfect ease, avoiding the grasping fingers of his brother. 
"Full of wind, more like! Stand still!" How was the squid so fast? 
"Come on, old man, keep up!" 
John made another grab at the back of Gordon's shirt but the little shit wiggled out of his grasp like an eel. 
"Ha! Victory is mine!"
"I wouldn't be too sure about th-" WHUMP! John spluttered, screeching to a stop as he got a face full of fabric, evidently thrown by Gordon who'd decided that weapons were now in play. 
He flailed, tripping over the leg of a clothing rack as he stumbled blindly. He made a grab for the first solid feeling thing he could find, although his judgement of solid was woefully inadequate. He landed on the floor in a tangle of limbs, both his own and plastic, as the mannequin he'd inadvertently grabbed fell with him. 
"Gordon," he gasped, winded from his tumble, but the sound of his brother's hysterical laughter was all that he received by way of an answer. 
He yanked the material off his head, a shirt of some description by the looks of it, and staggered to his feet, dragging his dance partner up with him. 
He managed to get her upright and back on her stand after a great deal of huffing and many swear words muttered under his breath as Gordon continued to howl like a hyena, hanging onto a mirror to stop his own downward descent. 
Yanking her skirt back up where he'd accidentally yanked it down, John finally got the mannequin back in place and decently covered up. 
"Gordon stop laughing!" he ordered as he bent to pick up the shirt that had assaulted him before angrily turning to face his brother. 
"What a clumsy idiot," he heard someone whisper a few rows over, stopping him in his tracks. "Keep out of the way, he'll take us down with him next."
John ducked his head, his cheeks as red as his hair, wishing the ground would open up and swallow him whole. He hated being the center of attention and now, he risked a peek to confirm his suspicions, yep, now the whole store was looking at him. Great, just perfect. 
"I'm never coming shopping with you again," he hissed in Gordon's direction. 
"Too right. Did you see the shirt he's holding?" the woman's friend whispered back. "Anyone that picks out something like that should be avoided at all costs."
"He's looking, quick, pretend you haven't seen him!" Both women quickly looked away, suddenly extremely interested in a nearby coat. 
What were they talking about? John glanced down at the pile of fabric still clutched in his clenched fist. It was definitely a shirt of some description, beigey-brown in colour, but not just one shade, oh no, this monstrosity had at least four other shades of brown thrown in for good measure, all coming together in wavy lines of what-was-this-designer-thinking to form some kind of texan nightmare, complete with gaudy gold piping. It truly was hideous, quite honestly the most disgusting thing he'd ever laid eyes on and he'd trained with astronauts who didn't have control of their digestive systems yet. 
He looked around desperately to find somewhere to hide it away from his sight, ignoring Gordon who was taking deep breaths in an effort to calm down. 
There! He spotted a convenient looking pile of sweatpants on a shelf and moved over to stuff the offending article back into the depth of hell from whence it had crawled when a single, solitary thought tickled at the back of his brain. 
He paused, thinking, his brain hamster now awake and racing at top speed around its wheel. He glanced from the shirt to the women who had spoken before, then back down to the shirt. 
"I'm going to try this on," he announced to his stunned brother, marching past him to the changing rooms. 
He quickly stripped off his T-shirt, the one that declared that he was a communications engineer not a magician, and pulled on the horror shirt. Surprisingly enough it was actually made of quite a soft material, something his overly sensitive, due to time spent in low gravity, skin really appreciated. 
He pulled it closed and buttoned it up, rolling his shoulders to allow it to settle into place. It was remarkably comfortable, actually long enough in the body. He stretched out his arms, pleased to see that the cuffs didn't immediately hike up to his elbows. All good so far, but only one thing would assure its purchase…
He pushed open the changing room door and stepped outside. The effect was immediate as two men, three women and a toddler that had been independently milling around near the entrance took one look at him and, as one, turned as quickly as they could in the opposite direction. 
Grinning to himself he tugged the tag off the sleeve, grabbed his T-shirt from the changing room and headed to the counter. 
"I'll wear it out," he informed the cashier, loving the way he not so subtly averted his eyes, unable to look at him. "And I'll take as many as you have in stock in this size and the next one up too." The cashier rushed to do his bidding, desperate to save what remained of his eyesight. 
"See, I told you coming shopping with me was a good idea," Gordon grinned as they made their way back to the parking lot, their arms filled with bags. 
"I will admit that it had its advantages," John answered as they strode easily through the crowd that parted like the red sea, unwilling to risk being contaminated by their fashion flu. 
John breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he could relax for the first time since they'd gotten there three hours before. 
"That shirt is magical," Gordon declared, watching in astounded awe as eyes all around them shifted to avoid looking in his brother's direction. "It's like a people repellent in clothing form, it's….it's…" he groped around for the right words. 
"It's perfect," John declared, lovingly stroking a sleeve like one would a beloved pet. And it truly was. It was like people had a filter, an ugly shirt firewall in their heads that made them avoid it at all costs.
He couldn't remember a time that he hadn't been stared at since the year he'd turned seventeen and hit his second growth spurt. In that year he'd shot up six inches, his lanky frame had filled out a little, his weedy arms turning into tightly packed muscles and he'd developed abs and a voice that had deepened a few octaves. Then, for some reason, his anxious aura with its go away vibes had become nothing but a challenge for most people, acting as a kind of siren call for them to latch on to him and decide that he needed to be included, chatted to and made the center of attention. 
Now it was like he was practically invisible and it felt amazing. Even with the neon orange shirt Gordon was wearing, people were mostly ignoring him. 
"I'm never taking this thing off again."
"Why am I always the one doing the laundry for you lazy arses?" Selene bitched as she dragged a massive basket of assorted Tracy clobber into the lounge where the assorted Tracys owners sat around in various states of lazy. 
"Because you love us?" Gordon answered, grinning cheekily. 
"Nope, that can't be it," Selene retorted, sitting down on the steps of the seating area to begin the mammoth task that was sorting and folding. She dragged out one of Virgil's plaids and folded it into some semblance of order and dropped it on the floor to start his pile. 
"Let me help," John offered, moving to sit beside her and take some of the pile from her lap. 
"Thanks, gorgeous."
"Whipped," Scott teased, reaching for his coffee cup. "Hey, Sel, if you're the only one doing the laundry as you claim, how comes you haven't managed to wreck John's ugly shirts?"
"Why would I?" she shrugged, balling up a pair of Scott's socks. 
"Because I know you. Any excuse to shop, right?" 
The socks made a handy projectile as she threw them at his head. 
"Thanks!" Scott grinned, effortlessly plucking them from midair. "Seriously though, look at it."
Selene looked at the shirt that was currently hiding the delightful chest of her even more delightful husband. 
"I fail to see the problem with it."
"Hey, leave my shirt alone, it's perfectly serviceable, thank you."
"It's old, it has to be at least seven years since you bought them," Gordon joined in. "They probably don't even make them any more."
"They don't," John said, concentrating on folding one of Alan's T-shirts into a perfect square. "So nothing had better happen to the ones I have left."
"Now's your chance," Alan whispered to Selene. "Kill them with fire and you'll never have to see them again."
"Yeah, you know that he's got much nicer clothes in his wardrobe," Scott added. 
"I've actually grown quite fond of them," Selene answered, carefully folding one she'd plucked from the depths of the pile, smoothing it out like it was something precious. 
All three Tracys, minus one Virgil who was down in the hangars no doubt creating more washing for her to do by getting covered in grease and muck, stared at her like she'd just announced that she was going back to blonde. 
"What? How? You said that he's never looked better than when he's wearing a decent shirt, I had to give you a drool cloth at your wedding."
"All true," she shrugged, folding one of Virgil's vests to the best of her ability. 
"Yet you continue to let him walk about in, what was it you called it, his rodeo clown shirt?" Gordon asked, completely bemused. "Are we missing something here?" 
"I'm a witch," she started by way of explanation. 
"Duh," Alan snorted. 
"And I have a healthy respect for glamour magic, and that right there," she continued as if she hadn't just been rudely interrupted, pointing at the shirt that John was wearing, "is the most magical thing I've ever seen in my life." 
All three of them burst out laughing, unable to believe what they were hearing. Selene waited patiently for them to finish cackling like they had just cursed Macbeth. 
"Allowing the shirts to live is doing the world, and my arrest record, a huge favour. Now, if you'll excuse us…" she got to her feet, relieved John of the socks he was busily matching and dragged him to his feet.
"OK, OK, I'll bite," Scott continued to chuckle, wiping the tears from his eyes. "What makes you think it's so magical?"
"That should be obvious, nothing short of a miracle could hide that amount of sexiness. Why do you think I'm good with him hiding in Five when he's wearing that space suit?" She dumped the half folded pile of washing back into the hamper.
"I've decided that you lot can sort your own laundry, because I've got the sudden and overwhelming urge to see that shirt on our bedroom floor. Later, fashion rejects."
John put up zero resistance. 
"I love this shirt," he grinned, waving a cheerful goodbye to his stunned brothers as his wife yanked on his hand, towing him bodily from the lounge and on to far more pleasant things than chores. 
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totallyawr1t3r · 3 years
These are just little Yandere Info of Some Oc's , These all Fallining somewhere in the Possessive and/or Manipulative Category
Red is a very possessive and manipulative one, and what makes it even better is that he's a great actor with a ton of anger issues underneath his golden humble boy act. So he'll basically willing to do anything to keep you to himself, and while he doesnt necessarily like to get his hands dirty, he will if needed
Dan is a stalkerish, possessive and manipulative one. He can turn into other people, so he has a huge upper hand. He'll willing to ruin your relationship with everyone, just so he'll be the only one by your side when you're left alone.
Cal is a possessive and manipulative one, and will probably try and take away most of your freedom. He will definitely kill people just to keep you with him, and he will trick you into thinking you're a bad person and he's the only one who will ever love you because of it.
Jason is another possessive and manipulative one. He's very smart, and knows a bunch of ways to keep you locked up from the world to keep you safe. He's fully aware how unhealthy his feelings are but doesn't care.
Rick and Liz would be a duo, Rick being possessive while Liz is both clingy and manipulative. Rick would do the dirty work while Liz would comfort you, and tell you how they're only doing this because they love and etc.
Steve is a possessive and blunt one. He knows how to kill people, because he is a cannibal. So if he sees someone getting to close to you, he will kill them and feed them to you. He doesn't care to hide his Yandere traits for you, and also knows how unhealthy his feelings are.
Phoenix would devote her entire life to you. She's also a manipulative and possessive one. She would worship you as some type of god, and would do anything to keep you with her. Also would be very overprotective. Phoenix would watch everything you do carefully and would want to know everything about you so also stalkerish.
Aaliyah would also devote her life to you, she's manipulative and obsessive yandere. She's a bit more chiller, kinda. Because she's in between of 'Is this wrong?' And 'Im doing this because I have to protect them from the outside world'. She has no real clue why she loves you so much but she just wnats you to stay so she can protect and love you
Wrath is a violent, blunt, and possessive one. He doesnt care to hide how much he wants to keep you all to himself and will show you the people he has killed as Trophies. He wouldn't hurt you in anyway tho, when it's just the two of you and you're being sweet to him. You might even forget he was the same person.
Asmodeus is a manipulative, possessive and Clingy one. They are the avatar of lust, and it's rare for him to be so attached to someone. So she's keeping you no matter what. Will tell you things like, how no one else could love you and how you two were made for each other. He'll probably never leave your side
Ego is the avatar of greed soo, She's possessive. Very possessive. Just hates it when someone even breaths the same way as you. Would probably keep you near her at all times, or lock you away.
Reo is manipulative and possessive. He wants to keep you safe from the world, so he's overprotective. Would worry about you very second you weren’t with him. Reo also doesn't want you to find someone better then him, he doesn't wanna lose you to anyone else. So yeah, he'll probably get his hands dirty.
Jessica is obsessive and manipulative. She has control to your memories so, she could wipe someone that she doesnt want you to remember away or if you've seen her kill someone for you, she'll hide that memory away. She doesn't really need to manipulate you much because of that.
And finally Haru. Haru would devote her whole life to you, and would do anything to protect you. She's overprotective, obsessive and manipulative. She's a very smart girl who has watched your every move, so I guess also stalkerish. She wants to know everything about you, and would try to convince she's trying to protect you from villains and monsters. She's highly delusional that you love her, and that she's doing the right thing to keep you safe.
If you want, Please request some
I really like doing stuff for them-
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