#[ and minthy is going to LAAAUGH her ass off ]
spiderwarden · 7 months
Just throws an ice knife at her.
She is always on guard, always ready for the next battle that could come from even her closest allies. It was the basic teachings of her mother, the first teaching in truth, to always protect her heart from he nearest blade that sought to do her harm. Then from then on it had been the thrilling life she led on in Menzobarranzan, she could not enjoy the company of friends or lovers, for the blades that could be hidden behind their smiles. Could not enjoy the taste of food or drink, for fear of poison, it was a good life, an exciting one, one that she had happily lived. And it had ensured that she remained prepared thanks to her mother's iron fist.
So when the blade is thrown her way it was easily dodged with the simple and small shift of her heel and briefest sway of her shoulder. Allowing the blue blade to THUNK into the pole inside of her tent.
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Minthara straightens with the eye of the blade, then looks back toward the Tiefling before retreating into her tent to retrieve the weapon. Wordless looking over it's essence and dragging her fingers along the flat of the blade before switching the hilt from one hand to the next. A red gaze flicks toward Caledonia as the palms of her hands begin to take on a blinding glow upon her palms. If she wanted to play this game, then Minthara was all too happy to comply and thus with a touch of the DIVINE SMITE added upon the ice cold weapon Minthara throws it back with much more FORCE.
@forgottenwyrm - random ic
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