fereldensheroes · 7 months
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@forgottenwyrm asked:
“If I offend, well—some people try very hard to be offended.” - nimue
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"I... would say that depends on the offense. I will agree, though. Some people are just... mm, what's a kind word?" She thought for a moment. "Overly-sensitive." Being sensitive to topics was fine, she understood that, but some took it too far, or used fake offense to cover their own wrong-doings. "Did you manage to offend someone, then?"
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spiderwarden · 7 months
Just throws an ice knife at her.
She is always on guard, always ready for the next battle that could come from even her closest allies. It was the basic teachings of her mother, the first teaching in truth, to always protect her heart from he nearest blade that sought to do her harm. Then from then on it had been the thrilling life she led on in Menzobarranzan, she could not enjoy the company of friends or lovers, for the blades that could be hidden behind their smiles. Could not enjoy the taste of food or drink, for fear of poison, it was a good life, an exciting one, one that she had happily lived. And it had ensured that she remained prepared thanks to her mother's iron fist.
So when the blade is thrown her way it was easily dodged with the simple and small shift of her heel and briefest sway of her shoulder. Allowing the blue blade to THUNK into the pole inside of her tent.
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Minthara straightens with the eye of the blade, then looks back toward the Tiefling before retreating into her tent to retrieve the weapon. Wordless looking over it's essence and dragging her fingers along the flat of the blade before switching the hilt from one hand to the next. A red gaze flicks toward Caledonia as the palms of her hands begin to take on a blinding glow upon her palms. If she wanted to play this game, then Minthara was all too happy to comply and thus with a touch of the DIVINE SMITE added upon the ice cold weapon Minthara throws it back with much more FORCE.
@forgottenwyrm - random ic
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bloodczararchived · 6 months
"cut the crap"
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𝐀 small chuckle ˏ delicate fingers slowly running through silver locks as his frame leaned forward 。Crimson irises watching them ˏ examining them for any hostile intentions 。
❛ 𝐖hat ever do you mean .ᐣ I merely speak truth why should we save some unfortunate souls .ᐣ ❜
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leashedevil · 6 months
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starter for @forgottenwyrm
a pounding headache , and cold fingers , the water supply was tainted by her constant 𝒔𝒐𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 of cloth to place over the feverish head that cried for 𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 . this place grew more and more uncomfortable for her . and dirge found no release anymore from the cold rough touch . 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝 .
pained eyes meet the companion , without a single blink , turned 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 , as if to hide the sin of the mania taking foot in her mind . they need not know .
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❝ apologies for using the water , i will replace it . ❞
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druidicbard · 7 months
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starter for @forgottenwyrm
his hands wiped at his face , the eye liner applied a few days ago , making its way further and further down his face , it was so close to his chin already . the shit he found himself in was 𝑫𝑬𝑬𝑷𝑬𝑹 than any abyss , deeper than the underdark . perhaps on a different plane of existence , perhaps in the 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜 .
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❝ i've travelled far and wide , but --- i've never been more fucked than i am today , yesterday an 𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙙 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 wasnt one of my masses of problems . ❞
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wolf-eyes-wolf-soul · 7 months
📐 + 6'4"
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Morren isn't used to feeling this small.
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oathwilled · 7 months
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I CAN BRING YOU IN WARM, OR I CAN BRING YOU IN COLD. @forgottenwyrm / the mandalorian
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He’s  well-seasoned  enough  in  the  ways  of  the  world  for  that  to  initially  make  him  blink  — gaze  skims  over,  blue  eyes  narrowed  faintly,  but  he  relaxes  a  breath  later.  "  Hells,  "  he  half-laughs,  exhaled  on  a  breath,  wry.  "  Best  work  on  yer  phrasin’,  else  a  man’s  goin’  to  think  you  mean  in  a  pine  box.  "
And  —— gods,  he  knows  magic  well  enough.  He  uses  plenty  of  it  himself,  despite  adamant  insistence  that  he’s  not  a  spellcaster.  But  there  are  still  parts  of  it  that  make  him  a  little  tense,  and  it  often  has  to  do  with  transportation,  teleportation;  he’s  someone  that  likes  boots  on  the  ground.  "  Do  what  ye  need  to  do.  En’t  afraid  of  a  little  cold.  "
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archivestarlyht · 7 months
[ HIDE N SEEK. ] For our muses to play hide and seek with Thaniel! - for Sol c:
“i do not know why you agreed to this,”  sol'rys snapped,  moments after the damned child they had been searching for disappeared.  “we had him,  and now you waste all of our time!”  and possibly made their lives far harder;  perhaps she had not noticed,  but the ruined corpses of dead githyanki littered about the shadowed house hadn't escaped his keen red gaze.
above all,   they didn't know what this corrupted creature was capable of.  oliver,  or thaniel,  or whatever his damned name was was certainly no ordinary tiefling.  it was a creature fallen to a curse,  not an orphan in need of mothering.  directness was,  as always,  the best approach for such circumstance,  especially in such a place,  traversing a land choked by a curse,  not strolling the gardens of baldur's gate!
“we should go about this silently,  as we do not know if the creature means to hunt us in turn.”   why in the hells had she done this? 
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musezieren · 7 months
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tagged by: @architaciturn tagging: @eldritchexe (Zaerk & Liara, and anyone else u feel like) @tamedstray (Vigor 100% if it's fun also Cain haha) @inflictswounds (lorelei my beloved), @pluviacuratio aaand @forgottenwyrm +++ anyone else who wants to!
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fereldensheroes · 7 months
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@forgottenwyrm asked:
“There is always a catch. Life is a catch! I suggest you catch it while you can.” - Helena
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The sorceress peered at the other a moment. "Except catches to things are bad. ---Well, life is also bad, isn't it? Wow, the catch to life is living." Her head tilted. "Is there a catch to death, or is that one no-strings-attached?"
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ofspvrta · 6 months
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crimson with gold? and a delicious lemon? very much kassandra as a drink. you know the alcohol content on this was high.
tagged by; @forgottenwyrm thanks!
tagging; @torntruth (diana), @rivalsunraveled (buck or sir ystin), @bhaalsfavorite, @epistrefei
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spiderwarden · 6 months
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This would be a wine glass to be specific but there were not options, but I'm imagining her lounging in a dress that shows too much skin, a knee over her thigh, and holding the flute of her ULAVER WINE GLASS, with the little wine snackies like cheese and olives but since those were not there, I went with the next best thing for her. Which, I imagine she's a lime person when it comes to choosing between them all. And of course, I can't forget the poison she adds herself. If you're flirting with her don't ever take a drink of her drink unless you want a swift kick in the guts (by the poison.)
tagged by: @lolthswcrn , and like two other people I'm so SORRY my memory is crap.
tagging: @yuelun / @orchideae , @lunarrepel , @hellscaress (moraena), @lordliing (... how u doin'), @crookedredemption , @bonegrieve , @forgottenwyrm , @yathtallar *muah muah* , @menzoberras and YOU!
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thcdoomed · 7 months
❦ friendship for sure for sure
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Send a ❦ if you'd consider shipping our muse.|| accepting [🏹]
|| @forgottenwyrm
Yes good. I am here for two badass girls getting badass revenge! Let's do this.
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illithilit · 7 months
rp tier list
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tagged by: @forgottenwyrm tagging: @airxn ; @aliarssmile ; @eldritchborn ; & anyone else who hasn't??? ( I haven't been paying attention, sorry fam orz )
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dragonsfell · 8 months
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Sideblog to @forgottenwyrm // follows, asks, and likes come from @forgottenwyrm
MEMES / PROMPTS (x) // Ask box is open
ALL HEADCANONS (x) // All headcanons for all muses
optional: [ interaction / interest google form ]
optional: [ muse dynamic development google forms ]
Note; does not adhere to strict forgotten realms lore
MUSE LIST is under the read more
[Sexuality / gender / shippablity info]
[ All verse info for Baldur's Gate 3 ]
[ Character Ages & Life expectancies ]
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Yassarra // Yuan-ti Warlock PC from Rime of the Frostmaiden // one of the seven merchant princes of Port Nyanzaru in Chult, bringing order and Chultan unity, has a Harper alliance. Has a ride along in her mind and body Nass the wizard. // [ bio link ] // [ bg3 verse info ] // bg3 au ally in act three
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Eli Stomweld // Aasimar Monk PC from Curse of Strahd // the unwilling Chosen one, once hero of Barovia, given divinity, lost angel seeking the purpose to immortality // [ bio link ] // bg3 au ally in act two and three
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Cora'kesh // Kalashtar Sorcerer/Druid // two shining souls acting as stalwart protectors for Eberon's refugees; a lightbringer, intent on doing good wherever they go // [ bio link ] // [ bg3 verse info ] // bg3 au companion
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Shadowheart // Cleric of Shar Selûne // post BG3, she is an enemy of Shar and a wandering cleric, connecting to her Selûnite roots, occasionally accompanied by an armored Owlbear she calls Fluffy
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Lae'zel // Vlaakith's Warrior Githyanki Liberator // post BG3 canon, she returns to the Astral plane as a warrior of the comet to lead the charge of overthrowing Vlaakith and freeing all of gith kind
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Wyll Ravengard // Blade of Frontiers Avernus // post BG3 canon, having freed himself of his warlock pact; he is now a ranger going by the title Blade of Avernus, traveling between Faerun and the Nine Hells, taking on devil and demon alike, aiding those in need, and fighting evil above all
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Jaheira // High Harper of Baldur's Gate // post BG3 canon, the druid can be found in Baldur's Gate assisting in the rebuilding of the city, the reforming of the Harpers, and letting herself put her roots down and spend time with her children
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CALEDONIA MOVED TO @forgottenwyrm
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wolf-eyes-wolf-soul · 7 months
What tragic death are you?
The Unfinished.
You die, hand outstretched towards the sky, as if to say 'I'm not done yet.' There are so many things you still have to do, so many goals you still have to reach. You've spent your entire life working towards them, and doing nothing else, only to die before knowing what accomplishment feels like. They'll say your death was a pity, that you had such a bright future ahead of you. It is one you'll never get to see.
Tagged by: stolen from @fereldensheroes Tagging: @wildskissed, @infernaliscor, @sanguinespirited, @bakrahispul, @forgottenwyrm, and anyone else who wants to do it.
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