#[ but i've rped a lot over other platforms ]
warriorsparked · 1 year
Get To Know The Mun
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------The Basics!
Name: Owl (or Sam).
Pronouns: He/Him
Zodiac Sign: Libra (Scorpio cusp)
Single/Taken: Married
------Three Facts!
1- I grew up on horror movies and metal musik. Although my library is also full of different genres, metal music and synthwave (tho I'm fussy) are my favourites. 80's music is still some of the best music to this date imo. Watching slashers and thrillers are sort of comfort films to me, in a sense, which might seem odd to some people. But growing up in the 90's as a kid that liked these things, I was very outcasted. Writing Megatron and getting inside his head was a big outlet for me, and he's definitely a comfort character because of all the stuff he's endured. The post-war series I began writing started over 10 years ago. Back then, it was a personal journey for me just as much as it was for him. And now, over 10 years later, I'm rewriting the whole series (or... most of it lol), and looking back has been another wonderful journey, and also the reason I got back into the TF community!
2- I work in healthcare. I've worked in hospitals, clinics and Drs offices. I take legitimately any sample that can be produced by the human body from any part of the human body--yep... I mean any part (swabs, bloods, urines, faeces, histo, semen--ANYTHING), I also do heart checks and BP's, and covid, which let me tell you... working in healthcare during a pandemic is likely one of the hardest things I've ever done. I'm still burnt out and many of us are, so please give your healthcare workers some slack. <3 I've almost finished my studies for training and assessing, so I'm hoping to become a mentor or a teacher/trainer in my field :)
3- I was diagnosed late in life with Autism (severe Aspergers). Although I'd already diagnosed myself (lol, I'm obsessed with psychology and had also diagnosed my sister with BPD when I was like 16 which turned out to be legit), having that professional diagnosis meant a lot for me when it came to understanding myself and my behaviours, especially in my adolescence. It can mean at times that I am very overwhelmed and SLOW here (I'm also still studying, working, learning German and piano, plus I have other hobbies and blogs). Please don't take it personally if I don't always reply in IMs, especially due to time zones, but sometimes I'm just legitimately exhausted mentally and physically. My work is extremely demanding and busy and renders me fatigued. I also have other health stuff going on which renders me tired on a daily basis (:
Platforms Used: DeviantART, hotmail, MSN, RP forums, Skype, Tumblr. I've been around a long time lol.
Plotting / Winging It / Memes: All of the above tbh. I think that memes are a really good way to break the ice, but I definitely love plots as well, and getting to have long term RP partners <3 Srsly, if we're long term, I will likely gush with you about potential ships and stuff lol.
------Muse Preference!
Gender: I've Rped all, but I definitely feel more comfortable with male muses. I relate better with them.
Multi or Single: I've got both, and it entirely depends on how active the muse is. I definitely think single muses are easier to handle, but I've also got muses that had been neglected because signing in onto different profiles was a pain in the arse lol, and their activity was so low I felt like there was barely a point in having their whole blog to themselves, so I moved them all to a multi, and it's been a lot easier for me to manage. But then there's some muses that are just so loud that they gotta be on single ones lol.
Least Favourite Faceclaim(s): Most Game of Thrones actors are very over used, especially in some of the fandoms I'm in.
------Fluff / Angst / Smut!
Fluff: I adore fluff. But with Megatron, it's got to be a long standing relationship. He's not known for breaking down his walls and being comfortable exposing himself. It's going to take a lot of time and patience.
Angst: Look, I am a SUCKER for angst okay. Megatron is OOZING it anyway lol. But yes, angst!
Smut: I've been writing smut for over a decade, I'm very comfortable with it, and I love writing it. But I'm also PICKY with it, because the muses need to have chemistry, and if there's none, then it's not going to happen. Megatron is likely to sleep with MANY people, but there's also gotta be chemistry between the mods as well, because this is something that I do take pretty seriously when involving someone else. Just because I'm hella ace doesn't mean the muse is lol, and if there's chemistry, then heck yeah. I'm pretty open minded.
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Tagged: @blackwldcw ( thank you dear! ) Tagging: If you're not done it yet, then YOU!
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droidsplode · 3 days
what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why?
how did you come across the roleplay community?
have you written original characters?
what other platforms have you used to roleplay?
mun asks
what universe have you never even considered writing in, and why?
Besides obvious ones for Problematic Reasons (big example would be Harry Pctter) I should say is Stxr Wars legends. I know there's some good stuff in there, but I've invested so much time into SW's canon expanded universe that I'd never be able to just erase that knowledge for the sake of an alternative verse I'm not nearly as well versed in.
I think verses like BNHA, while open to writing with individual characters, rping in universes primarily dominated by teens would be weird to me as well tbh.
how did you come across the roleplay community?
I started writing on some random anime forum way back in, i wanna say, 2011? The site also hosted pirated anime and that's how I found it.
have you written original characters?
I have! I used to have a multimuse blog for my dnd pcs back when I rped in the Criticxl Role community, I then rebranded my changeling pc Korruz into an inquisitor Star Wxrs oc later. I stopped rping both them and Luke Skywalker bc of how depressing it was being confronted with just how much people favoured Luke... Trading them both in for Lucky was the obvious choice both because I care a lot more about him now than either, and in terms of popularity he is the same as an original character so I didn't feel that same cynicism towards people willing to rp with him over my actual oc.
what other platforms have you used to roleplay?
I used to be big on facebook back when that was relevant. I switched in my Vampyr days because it had a way more active community here. I've had moments on twitter too. I've considered going back to twitter mostly bc I've seen an Aphra on there but I doubt I'd ever commit to it.
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
15 and 18!
𝐚 𝐦𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐤.
a collection of asks for the muns behind the muses of the rpc.
15: what is your favourite part about using this platform to roleplay on?
So for me, my favorite part of using this platform is that I can make some really long posts and be able to really flesh out my thoughts. I've said before that I treat this like making a story and in a way, I'm writing fanfiction via roleplays. I do like rping on discord and the like but there's still that character limit (Tumblr has one as well but it's so ridiculously big that you really have to make something enormous to get to it)
I also just really like being able to post my random thoughts and shitposts on here. I'll be like "heh, I'm thinking of this meme" and then post it. Or I'll have an idea of something that I want to do and I'll post it, and while not every time I do, people interact with it, sometimes people do and it creates a nice sense of community. I still can't believe this dumb blog has over 250 followers and people love my Futaba as much as they do.
18: how did you come across the roleplay community?
This is quite a story, and I guess I'll start with the backstory. So, back in 2011, yes, 2011, I was a fledgling rper. And I do mean a very fledgling rper. I was a senior in highschool and my rping was no more better than *kicks you* and *walks around for a while* and so on. I was rping with my now Significant other in an IRC chat, and it was incredibly cringy. Basically we prevented DL-6 from happening with our self inserts and went on from there.
Eventually our irc stuff was spotted by a former friend who said something about tumblr and joining an rp group, wright anything agency, cause we were doing ace attorney stuff. Well, I decided to take him on that offer and I rped as Gregory Edgeworth, Edgey's father. We knew about AAI2 at the time but we didn't know it was gonna not be released here yet. I didn't do him justice at all and was overall a horrible rper, but it was fun times before that group fell apart due to elitism issues among other things. It was what lead to me making my Twilight Sparkle blog and well...there's a lot of history with that.
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humilictedman-arc · 5 years
The rules are simple ! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging !
CURRENTLY PLAYING: Kai Anderson from AHS, Crixus from Spartacus, and for my multi-blog; Tate Langdon from AHS, Vincent Anderson from AHS, Patrick from AHS, Oliver Thredson from AHS, Jimmy Darling from AHS, Enzo St. John from the Vampire Diaries, Slade Wilson from Arrow, Rip Hunter from Legends of Tomorrow, Mick Rory from The Flash/Legends of Tomorrow, Clyde Mardon from The Flash, Eddie Thawne from The Flash, and Hartley Rathaway from The Flash. Then the one muse I’ll probably never play cept with my GF; Geoff Campbell from Home and Away. 
WANT TO PLAY: Jonah Hex and Ray Palmer from Legends of tomorrow.  I love them both to bits so I might add them to my multi.
HAVE PLAYED:  I’ve played way too many characters to fit onto this post so I’ll just do what tumblr blogs I’ve had. Sam Winchester from Supernatural, Dean Winchester from Supernatural (briefly ), Lucifer from Supernatural, a couple of  Yu-Gi-Oh character blogs ( I was like 14 gimmie a break ),  Jim Moriarty from Sherlock (very briefly), Tate Langdon from AHS (had him for like a month on his own blog) , Crixus from Spartacus, and of course Kai Anderson from AHS.
WILL / WOULD LIKE TO PLAY AGAIN: No one. I already play too many and I love em
Tagged by: @wantlonger Tagging the following friends: Anyone else who wants to do this!
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killjoysecrets · 3 years
Hey I'm adding this to your post about Vi. This is going to be not only long winded but angry too. I have a lot to say.
I don't feel safe doing this on my public account for reasons I think you'll see later.
I've known Vi on two different platforms now and what I've seen from her discord is disturbing. Ships with minors (17 & under), gaslighting teenagers, provoking children until they get upset so she can claim they're somehow the only person in the wrong, etc. It's all topped off by emotional manipulation and complaining about how "loving" she is. She'll make them (teenagers) feel guilty for having any issues with her by complaining about her childhood or real life.
She also frequently deletes messages that showed her in the wrong.
I have a good example but I haven't talked to the victim in the situation, so I won't share his story (at least yet.)
Whenever a teenage member of her server has a problem with her in or out of character, she'll provoke them until they blow up at her. She adds in little words, phrases, and random information to make them look stupid or feel terrible for something totally different.
She often provokes these fights by passive aggressive/mildly upsetting messages over the course of days or even hours. These are both in and out of character.
She'll tell them they're lucky she's been "so kind", how rough her life has been, how inconsiderate they are, and how so many other people on the server have anonymously complained about them to her.
Not only is she emotionally manipulative, but that's an example of reactive abuse. When you do and say things that you KNOW are upsetting your victim until they blow up back and you make them take all the blame afterwards; That is reactive abuse.
I also spoke to a different member– who is also under 17– that has records of Vi essentially shit talking other teenagers on the server to them and asking for emotional validation. She also told them about the group running this thread.
Nobody should ever be put through that, let alone a 16 year old who had been promised a "safe space" by her and her friends.
If you are in her server and still think nothing she's done is strange; ask yourself why a 32-33 year old woman is constantly chasing teenagers for validation and emotional support, causing drama with 16 year olds, and having (whether simply stated or out right rped) sexual ships with minors in her groups. Those are massive red flags.
thank you for sharing
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chevalierfm · 2 years
hi~ i've never rped on discord, could you link a guide/handbook/tutorial for me to follow? i'm interested in joining but don't know where to start :)
hi ! sorry for the different formatting, i just didn't want to leave you hanging. i would like to consider chevalier beginner friendly as a lot of tutorials are built in to the channel. if it requires a bot, there's detailed instructions pinned. as for threads, there's example channels with instructions also. i don't think it's all that different from rping on other platforms to be completely honest !
i also 'specialize' in discord help over on my own blog, so i'll link you to that tag right here :D your welcome to ask for server invite to see if you think you'll like it — if not, no hard feelings ! but we'd love to have you <3
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bulletforged · 7 years
I'm the anon who asked about muses and that makes more sense now. I've done roleplaying for a while but always over Kik or email so this whole posting pictures and replies on your blog is totally new to me.
Ah I feel you. I’ve rped through kik before. Honestly, the actual rolepalying bit is the same as any other platform once you get used to it. You just work on reblogs instead of instant messaging, and it has the bonus of you being able to reblog other things like gifsets and prompts/ask memes and all sorts of cool stuff that fits your muse/that you like. If you wanna get into it and you need help or tips or someone to just talk you through some features here, I’d definitely be happy to help you and I’m sure a lot of people around here would help you too. There are probably guides somewhere about tumblr rping -- look for rp helpers; they just post resources and tips and stuff and they’re pretty cool. Literally search something like ‘rp help’ and I’m sure you’ll find loads.
First thing’s first, though -- if you’re gonna start rping on tumblr, for the love of God, get ‘New XKit’. I don’t know about other browsers but if you have Chrome, you can download it right out of the extensions library and it just has a load of features that makes rping on tumblr a hell of a lot easier. Insanely easier. I hate writing on any computer that doesn’t have it. At the very least, you need the ‘Editable Reblogs’ extension on there and blacklist is great too to keep your dash more of a safe place (it’ll block things you don’t wanna see). Tumblr roleplaying without something like that can be a real pain in the ass.
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