#[ cant take my eyes off of you -gamblealife]
ducknotinarow · 2 years
what dose usagi see in leo?
Anon didn't specify and idk who sent it so imma do all three uwu ofc these is about @forthehonorandtheglory leos
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“I see everything in Leonardo,” He starts with smiling at the mere mention of the turtles name. “I Know how he seems on the outside and I am not immune to his antics I may let him, get away with stuff though because I have a soft spot for my boyfriend.” He offers a sheepish smile “He can be blindly arrogant, overly confident, overly competitive and a sore winner and very implusive landing himself into mess after mess often.” Was that meant to be good? smile soften soon after “but it’s a mask, despite how he sees on the outside Leonardo can be quite sensible and supportive person I have met. He has a confidence that is hard to deny and well” He is no blushing heavily it was unfair how easy the turtle could get to him  “he is extremely charming and funny as well.”
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“Hmm Leonardo can be a handful at times, quick to argue as well and very stubborn. However he holds a lot of weight on his shoulders. I see how he places care of his family over himself. I see how he strives to work hard when it comes to his position as a leader. They are admirable traits.” Usagi begins with offering praise for the turtle even if they can cause him gift a lot. “Though he is more than that he is passionate about what he cares about, one who truly places others before himself. Someone that well if you happen to catch his eye he will love you so openly.” There was the slightest hint of a blush touching his face now “With an infectious smile, and eyes bluer than any ocean I’ve come across. Not to mention hes not a bad kisser.”
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“hmm ninja from my home are not the kind of warriors you wish met. They are treacherous and play dirty. Leonardo-san however is the most honorable ninja. mm not warrior I have ever come across. He carries his role as leader well though it clearly seems to burden him at times. He sets a lot of pressure onto what he needs to do and be for his family in order to protect them.” He offers the praise so openly about the turtle. Now he smiles a little warmly fur fluffing a bit more as he thinks more about them. “He is loyal, brave and fearless. Someone I gladly would follow even into death. But past that he is adorable. He has a shy little smile, he can be awkward at times. Of course I find him to be very handsome as well. Though I wish he see he can open up to me and lean on me a little maybe help him with those burdens..if I could.”
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
"Why do you always do this?!" Uh-oh. Leo's frustrated. But it's not at his brothers, more so Usagi this time. "Every time I think we're on the same page about something, you just have to go & do another thing that irritates me! WHY?!" ( :') 2k12 LeoUsagi~ gimmie the bun man x3 )
| Muse Interaction
Usagi, was starting to remember why he liked living as a Ronin. The peace and quite it offered him. Though to be fair on the other end it did mean he wasn't all to well versed with working with others. Maybe at times he would work along side others here and there such as Gin who he often ran into again and again. But, at most he worked on his own and the benefit of working alone was not having to explain every move and every plan. That could of course be a bit of an issue when it came to working along with someone who only ever works with others follow their lead.
"Why do you always do this?!
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And here they go again, the rabbit thinks sighing out but continues on to walk ahead of the turtle. Arms crossed over as he had his hands resting in the sleeve's of his robe. "I thought ninja were meant to be quite."
Usagi, offers in response as he shifts his attention down to them for a moment. But seemed his comment was going to put an end to this whole conversation the rabbit dropping his more stoic nature to roll his eyes.
"Every time I think we're on the same page about something, you just have to go & do another thing that irritates me! WHY?!"
"Because this is my world turtle!" Usagi lets his voice raise, "damn it" he nites back rubbing a hand over his face what was it all about Leonardo that did this to him? At best he was normally so good at holding his temper. Spoke with far more thought before he opened his mouth oh but not when they were around, something about Leo baited him to bite back he swore. Mentally counting down before he moved to stand up properly as he fixed them with a stern look.
"You come from a dangerous world as well yes, but you still do not know mine. You can't always move thinking what you see is true. no wonder that wolf demon was able to trick you so easily Leonardo." Okay that last bit wasn't needed it was a tad childish to throw in insults and such at them just to prove his point. But this damn turtle just got under his skin as he offers a faint shrug of his shoulders
"Well that makes us even you irritate me just as much kappa."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
@forthehonorandtheglory​ leo usagi thread 2003 contuined from [ here ] Usagi often felt fate loved to tease and play around with him at times as he stepped out of the portal to find Leonardo standing and waiting for him. There was a slight twist in his stomach. Of course, the hare was delighted to see the turtle! There was no doubt that it was more circumstances that made the reunion a little bitter for Usagi. Not to mention how the corners of thier smile faded. Usagi was all too aware of the expression he must be wearing. It took him so long to work up the nerve to even come through with his visit after all. He shakes his head and finds it in him to smile when hearing Leonardo asks if he was hurt. Compared to the last time he saw them this Leonardo was far close to the one the ronin knew well. He still spends a second longer looking them over, pink hues trailing over them as if reading the turtle before he steps in towards them himself. Unable to resist matching the beat when they step toward him first. "You have nothing to worry over Leonardo-San, I am well I promise." He takes another step closer.
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Usagi wanted to be as cautious as he needed to here, though it felt so unnatural and odd to not out right at their side the moment they met. Usagi just needed to be mindful after the last time he had been here didn't go all to well at least to the rabbit. It did seem that Leo was in much better spirits than that last visit.  Which did warm the ronins heart but also had it sink some. It was odd not outright moving to be near them the first chance given but, he needed to read the room a bit before he could see how best to interact with the turtle, so to speak.
"I have missed you as well, but it seems you are doing better since the last time we spoke." Which felt like ages to Usagi. The ronin wasn't all to sure how to approach Leonardo, normally he was pretty openly affectionate towards them but with the last visit? It was Usagis fault that assassin Kojima was able to come to their world in the first and not to mention how useless he had been in trying to help Leonardo with his struggles at the time. Instead he simply offered a slightly bow towards the turtle. "You seem in far better spirits on top of it all." Moving to stand using the time it took to bow to regain control on his expression, holding it into a more docile grin at the turtle. "I'm sorry it took me a moment to get the portal to work and for how long it's been since we last met. I'm afraid I was tied up for a time." Two lies in a row this was a great start to the visit good thing he didn't bring Gen with him, he would have ratted him out fast. "but I am more then happy to see you again, hopefully this time will be less eventful.” he added slightly joking as he looked around a moment “hmm is it only you here Leonardo-san? Seem awful quite around your home.”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
"Do people always fall in love with things they can’t have?" ( lookit who's actually being serious now :'D 2k12 LeoSagi )
| Muse interaction
The night air was cool, the forest they were in quite and peaceful out side some firefly that were hovering near by the stream. Usagi using it to follow back to the camp sight. Busy taking in the sight of their light as they near looked like they were dancing over the water. It was a lovely sight smiling a little to himself, traveling around so much often allowed him to have these sort of moments. Yet, Leonardo crossed his mind, it seemed their home was far different from this world. Usagi found himself wanting to bring Leo back this way once he returned to the camp sight to share this with them. After he told himself he shouldn’t he can’t help it either. As he pulls his attention away to look forward though he found the very turtle on his mind seeming to be taking a moment themself to be alone. Usagi hummed a little taking this chance to look them over, before he walked over to approach them.
“Leonardo-san? are you alright?” he asked slightly dipping a little, as he tilts his head to the side to try and get a better look at their face. Something didn’t seem right with them he just couldn’t quite place what though. Usagi was bit more used to Leo be a bit more active and well troublesome so seeing them like this? it was off and concerning. he moved to stand in front of them setting a hand on their shoulder, as he dropped the more serious look he carried, letting worry take it’s place.
"Do people always fall in love with things they can’t have?"
“love?” Usagi repeated back
His fur fluffed a little thankful for the night because he could feel the warmth hitting his face, it would hopefully hide any hint of color on his face right now. It was as if they knew the same line of thought he was having before returning. Despite what he felt and thought about Leo...they had to go back to their home right? it’s why he had to keep his feelings locked away. to bury them away. Through if he was honest he never noticed Leo’s infatuation with him may be deeper than that. Of course he was well away of their like for him, Leo was not shy about the attraction. “So is that what you feel?” He questions it softly. Seeing Leo so serious was different, he wouldn’t dismiss them when they were bearing their heart like this after all. Usagi reached out to take a soft hold of their face. Looking it over as if somehow he would be able to understand something, as if he were looking for an answer. This was  Usagi’s own fault. Despite it all usagi could understand, he had been far too cold toward them. All to what? Protect himself? He mutters something under his breath before tilting their head his way.
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“forgive me friend.” A word Leo may not want to hear, and it was for sure not what Usagi wanted to call them.
Pressing a kiss to the turtles forehead, letting soft fur lips brush over their cool green skin before he pulled back, setting his forehead to theirs so he could make them look at him when he spoke again. Searching those ocean blue eyes a moment,  "Leonardo-san." he states with a soft even tone. “You’re devotion is not something I should have so easily. I’ve done nothing to earn it, I’ve only done all in my power to push you. You are far to stubborn though aren’t you?” he poses their way. “Sometimes fate has an awful sense of humor.” Usagi’s state, he rather call it cruel in this moment however, stroking a thumb across the turtle’s cheek, he shouldn’t be so openly doing this right? But..he can’t not at the same time, how was he meant to not show he felt the same for them when they were speaking like that. “Did I hurt you?” leaning in to softly nuzzle in against their face. He was acting far to much on his own feelings here. What if Leo didn’t even mean him? The rabbit thought but, deep down he knew didn’t he?
“ I’m afraid fate isn’t be kind to either us when it comes to this all.” Not outright owning up to his own feelings here. But maybe enough to give Leo a hint, that they were wrong? He could have Usagi. Slow movement as Usagi leaned in and pressed a kiss to their lips. Usagi insisted he couldn’t love them yet everything in him could listen to that.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
| Leosagi Theard @gamblealife [start]
The stadium was packed and crowded as the sea of spectators was hollering and cheering. The noise was loud and hard to make out what anyone was saying outside the moment crowds decided on the clear favorite of a match. When the name would be chated out over and over again Usagi's ears needed to lower keeping them up made it ring out inside of them as the cheers of the stadium roared out through the event. Turning his head around to look, there are just so many different kinds of fighters and more to see. He had no idea how different people could all look. And Well it could be claimed he was simply taking in all of them as a fact, he had to admit to himself it wasn't what had his head turning now. There was something, well someone he was curious to find. When he arrived himself he ran into a group of Kappa's he was pretty sure the blue one..he might all four of them would be around. yes all four of them not just the blue one.
Though it was the blue one his eyes landed on first, making his way down to where they were sitting down already. He wanted to play it off cool that he wanted to sit by them..just to enjoy the fights of course. Since he was by himself and all. Taking the spot next to them he couldn't help how his smile was burning against his cheeks right now back at them. Especailly seeing the others weren't here. Meaning it would just be the two of them. Alone. Well as alone as you can get in a stadium sitting. He offered a slightly nervous laugh "uh, lucky rabbit's feet I guess that I made it to this spot first then!" He claimed as if he hadn't been searching them out the whole time. Letting his smile grow soft when they looked at him, unaware they were being watched right now because well his eyes were busy. "I'm glad I'm here too" wait to need a second to think that over "I mean I'm also glad that you are here" he tried to cover up the mix-up with a laugh "After all sitting beside a champion is a big deal," he said complimenting Leo by the word.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
"C’mon, let’s go someone more private where no one will interrupt us." ( rise!LeoSagi )
| Muse Interaction
Usagi, took the full weight against himself , gravity giving out as he fall back. As knees set on his legs, and hands took hold of his wrist to keep the rabbit in place. Back to the ground suddenly knocking the air out of his lungs, as he could hear the sound of metal from his katana fall not long after, a metal clang echoing beside his head. He lost, and normally a lost resulted in more negative point of view feelings of a failure or anger from a more competitive side to himself. Instead though it was a laugh that erupted out from Usagi’s mouth echoing against the thick concrete walls of the lair Leonardo and his family lived in. He and the same turtle had simply been sparing and currently Usagi found himself pinned. To the ground by them as they we’re giving the rabbit the smallest little smirks they could taking the win this round. Sparing with Leo was fun, they were actually very skilled with their own sword. Being a ninja did offer Usagi the chance to deal with a different fighting style as well. Sparing with his..boyfriend? Was also fun because it meant messing around a little. “Okay okay, I admit defeat you win this match now get off of me.” The rabbit said between his laughing breaths But that clearly wasn’t enough for the turtle, when ever Leonardo won they just savored that win an had to egg it one. Usagi just rolled his eyes he knew what Leonardo wanted to hear, losing to them was a pin but. Usagi was willing to feed into that ego.
“Alright, alright you’re the champion Leonardo-San” Usagi said surrendering once the turtle hold loosened happy to get the praise they we’re seeking from the hare, Usagi shuffled a bit to move to sit, setting his hand against their chest playful pushing the turtle back enough to get them to sit on their own knees. “Now get off of me you jerk” Usagi called them, there was no anger in the word though it was pretty light and fond how he said it to them. Leo busy taking in his win as Usagi went a playful pawed at them fake little punched aimed at their shell “Yeah this time you won you mean” the rabbit smirked a little “How could I ever think I could go up against the champion himself though?” Egging them on of course slightly leaning in closer to the turtle it was fun watching them go from cocky and full themself to flustered mess, and usagi couldn’t deny the fact it was because he seemed to cause it made it that more so fun to do it. His heart belted a little faster as he got in closer to the turtle his prize in sight as he stared at their lips. He wasn’t aiming for subtle right now anyway.
“Hmm you are getting better in our sparing sessions, I don’t know if simply calling you Champion is enough, I mean you are my Champion” a little emphasis on the my bit there “But I mean rewards are good incentive right?” Usagi went to ask lifting a hand to hold the turtles’ cheek leaning in a bit more their lips were so close, he just wanted to feel the firm soft brush of those lips on his own. Seconds from having it though he felt Leo jerk out rom his hold, the rabbit left slightly bump his head on Leos shell when they loudly made it known they weren’t alone seemed his brothers popped up just now darn it, moving back he still offered them a hello. Leonardo finally moving to stand on his feet not seeming to enjoy the sudden company they had though. Well their humor if anything since they were picking on Leonardo having Usagi on the floor the way he was, quick to defend they were sparing didn’t seemed to matter.
"C’mon, let’s go someone more private where no one will interrupt us."
Usagi hummed but got up and followed the turtle, poking back out to the others to offer a quick good bye before regrouping with Leonardo smiling more at them now as they made their way out of the lair. Walking through one of the many tunnels that lead out to the city. Usagi trailing after Leo as he watched their back, he could still think of their face a second ago how cute it was when they blushed. Wondering if they could get as red as the stripes by their eyes even? Something about know his actions got Leo like that made his tail wage a little behind his back. Glancing over their shoulder seem they were being left alone so. Hop in his step to catching up to the turtle as he bound to stand in front of them getting them to stop a moment “You know you’re real cute when you get flustered like that?” Usagi pressed on clearly the mood hadn’t been ruined for him, and beside they were far more alone now. Stepping in closer once again to the turtle his hand returned to their check smirk back to the rabbit’s face “but I still owe you that reward for winning don’t I?” He asked
Leaning in a little as he corner them to the nears walls, hand planted on either side of their frame. Leaning in to kiss them when he thought about how flustered they got Usagi change his motion and let his face burrow into the side of Leo’s neck. Letting his lips press in against their thick green skin a moment before parting his lips, and gently biting the skin between his teeth. He wasn’t sure if the heat to his face was from resting in against Leo’s neck or from how much he wash blushing himself now. Breathing in their scent as he sucked against their skin as rough as he could before finally parting. Despite the drive todo it he found he could look at them just yet “If there is a mark and they ask?” he said in a whisper before glance to the turtle “You can just say a rodent bit you” offering a crocked smile at the bad joke there.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Battle ( OH HEY - look an opening! Rise!Leo2k12Usagi :'3 )
| Send a word for your muse to find my muse in a certain state
He groaned internally over the next wave of Neko ninja clan members that seemed to appear right out from the shadows, pink eyes narrowed in glaring at them as he flicked his younger against his teeth to ‘tsk’ at them ninja’s and their tricks such dishornorable warriors the rabbit thought as he tighten his hold on Willowbranch handle. Their numbers may be great but Usagi wasn’t going to let some Ninja get the better of him a few more knocked out as the Rabbit kept to his feet. Slightly couched to the ground just in case he needed to leap into action again, looking around he had to be carful ninja were so, tricky at times easy to miss. Ears lifted a little to listen out to every noise that could be another ninja coming his way.
A slight rustle in the grass, something seemed different about this approach but it was similar enough to the Neko clan’s movements for the rabbit to decided keeping his guard up and being cautious was the best choice here. Waiting leavening himself open to bait them closer, before he pitted on his heel and turned into his swing, not aiming to actually land a hit. Just using the length of his blade t keep the distance between him and that…kappa? Usagi questioned now, the end of his sword just a few inches from their chin. He looked them over quietly, he hadn’t seen anyone like them before.
They resembled a kappa of sorts? Looking them over they also resembled a ninja. Though they didn’t wear full grab the ninja’s he’d know were they from another clans? Far from being anything like the cats. Maybe that bats? He glared at them from across his sword “Speak which clan do you come from.” His tone was harsh and sharp he didn’t have time for guessing games
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“Are you a new clan or an an hired assassin from the Neko clan?” He would give them a chance to answer first on the slim chance they didn’t pose any threat to him. If thy did? Well Willowbranch would need a good clean up. Growing impataince with the lack of a response so far he took a step closer bring the end of his bland to the turtles chin tilting it up a little as to make his point clear. “Speak.” He order simply.
Usagi normally held his composure better but he was on edge from fighting and growing tired, so if he had to end this next fight fast he would. Eyes looking them over though they didn’t seem to be coming this way for a fight slow to lower his bald and pull it back, not enough to put it away fully of course but at least to put this kappa at ease enough to answer him, wouldn’t want them lying to avoid telling the truth after all.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
( here I come once again! ) Arms are wrapped securely around Usagi's frame, Leonardo holding him close for longer than normal. He's burying his face in the crook of their neck, eyes squeezed shut. "You're here. With me. You're really, really here. Please, don't leave me." ( movie!angst Leosagi cause I'm weak )
| Muse interaction
It was a lot to take in a future where the world Leo called home was over taken by some alien but that could be changed of course the future isn't set in stone what had scared the hare was nearly losing Leonardo. Of course he admired them for taking that jump but the moment Leo was on the other side.
Usagi suddenly jolted, almost jumping right out of his fur as he felt arms move to hold around him suddenly it wasn't often something caught him of guard like, still thinking about it, it had him zoned out it seemed. As he looked over though his heart settled at the sight of Leo. Watching them bury thier fave into his neck. Usagi was able to offer them a slight smile despite how they acted he was certien Leo was shaken by everything that had happened... especially when they nearly got.
"You're here. With me. You're really, really here. Please, don't leave me."
Usagi paused for a moment before offering a slight chuckle trying to stay light heart. "Of course, I'm here." lifting up a hand to set it on to the side of Leo's head letting them stay there as he let fingertips softly feel over Leo's head. Leo was here right? he hadn't been just been making himself think that. Thinking back to watching Leo being in that prison realm the Krage came from, it made his fur stand on end as he grits his teeth a little. Breaking out of Leo's hold as he turned to face the turtle now. "A warrior is meant to keep his emotions as steady as his stance..but when I thought you were gone for good?" he began with eyes glossing over as he blinked to fight back tears, he stepped forward and threw his arms around Leo a tight hold on them as he squeezed them and held them close. "I thought that was it! I thought I never see you or hear your stupid catch phases again!" He confessed, "I know it is selfish but all I been wanting to tell since then is you can't do that you can't go somewhere where I can't follow after you! This is where you are meant to be alright!" Usagi went and exclaimed a crack in his voice as he let the emotions he had been thinking he had a handle on slip out as he tugged Leo closer. "I'm just glad you're okay."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Usagi: I thought you said they wouldn't be able to find us here?!
Leo: No, I said it would be difficult for them to find us here. This is why I kept telling you not to let your guard down, and to stay prepped for a swift exit.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
❝ don’t do that. don’t shut me out. ❞ ( -ahem- LeoUsagi. Hmm- 2k3? )
| Muse interaction Despite his life as a ronin being one he accepted to always be a path traveled alone, Usagi accepted that fact about what he sought to do. Yet, found something within his connection with Leo, of course, he honored and cherished the friendship the two of them had built between them. Usagi and Leo may have two different ways about become a warrior not often did he agree with the tactics of ninjas but that just made Leo an expectation. Though he had to wonder if was it simply because of being friends with the turtle.
Letting swords clash against each other, sparing with Leo always put a smile on his face. But his mind was weighing him down keeping his sense dull, all he could bring himself to do was look Leo's way. nothing even to watch for thier next swing or to try and even predict the next hit to come. Just finding his eyes focusing on them noting the smallest details about Leo. How they got so serious even when they spared, he knew Leo to be such a focused warrior and he loved them for- catching his thoughts just know as he fumbled his stance giving the win of their session to Leo. Usagi fell onto his knees, sighing to the lose as he looked up and offered Leo a smile.
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"Seems you got me this time around." He offered to go to stand as he ignore Leo's hand and held out his way. Moving to stand up ready to dismiss himself when Leo asked if he was fine. "Of course my friend, just an off day." he offered in a sense of rivalry fun between them, Leo didn't seem to buy into the ploy. For once Usagi wished they weren't so sharp now. "As I said nothing to worry about." Turning on them now
❝ don’t do that. don’t shut me out. ❞
The tone in thier voice was the only reason he paused to think. When Leo dealt with grief he did all he could to be there for them. Of course, Leo when thinking something was wrong with him would push just as hard. He let the idea slip but now he was being faced with it.
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Keeping his back thier way letting his gaze fall to the ground, as his hand gripped onto the handle of his katana. "It seems my mind and heart may be unaligned right now." he offered with no context, it was hard to explain his situation right now without giving it away. But if not Leo who else would be even speaking to about this, how did his emotions turn around inside him when he was with Leo? Leo was a dear friend and he trusted them so not being able to speak to them? it made it so much harder to keep the feeling down. "Have you ever found yourself fighting with your heart wants but your mind tells you to ignore?" he asked he knew he was being vague but he did still go through with asking them before looking over his shoulder at them now. "there is someone I always cared for but those feelings are changing to something deeper. I always treasured our friendship but..I see there is something else I want between us. Me and them I mean." If Leo hadn't caught yet turning to better face them now. "I may also fear the possibility of them rejecting my feelings and how that could change it all between us. I either lose a friend I would do anything for. Or I bury these feelings away and let them die. Though I don't know if the latter is as easy as it sounds or good. It would also change things between us." Usagi went on to confess his best to at least get his thoughts off his mind.
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