#muse| miyamoto Usagi
ducknotinarow · 1 year
🍷💖 ( gimmie drunken Usagi :' 3 Let's see 2k3 drunk uwu for Leo ofc )
| Send a "🍷💖" and My Muse will drunkenly flirt with Your Muse
Usagi eyes were lost to all the light of the city Leonardo called home. They were captivating his world didn't have anything even close to the bright lights of this city. Usgai did have to admit it had a draw back as he eyes flickered to the darken sky above him. It seemed the lights of the city drowned out the stars above. Something he felt his world had over the one Leonardo came from. Now his eyes fell to look at the turtle beside him. Seeming to also be taking in the stars of Usagi's home.
The rabbit loved when ever they came here, though he just loved being with Leonardo is what it came down to. More so when there was no urgency for it. Just so he could enjoy their company. As they called it a day and found a nice inn to rest in for the night. Sake given for them to enjoy but Usagi too advantage of the peaceful visit and let him self have just a tad more than usual.
"But neither really compare to how much I like looking at Leonardo-san" Usagi suddenly says breaking the quite between them. TO be fair he hadn't said anything till just then so the look on Leo's face was a fair reaction at the sudden statement. The rabbit seemed to catch that himself and merely offered a faint chuckle as his face easily gave away the blush on his face. "sorry I guess that was sudden of me?"
"Was just thinking about how nice those lights in your world look at night all bright and dazzling even. And how nice the stars are here. But neither is near enough to compared to you." Did explaining his thought process really offer much? Maybe. Or maybe not. "You might be my own personal starlight in fact Leonardo. It's a tad unfair of you to be that distracting but I don't mind at the same time. I've been all over my own world but all I tend to think back to? you." He confesses smiling more "I think how you may like a lot of what I see, or what you might say about it. I don't think turtles and being slow makes much sense seeing how you seem to run my thoughts all the time."
Turning to look down to his cup debating if he should have more or not before looking back up to the sky. "The moon is lovely tonight as well don't you think?" he asks the blush on his face going from the soft pink to a more crimson red. Yeah he should set his cup down he has had more than enough for tonight.
Wondering if Leo even catches on to what he said just then. He tends to forget how different everything between their worlds are after all. Hand set to rest on top of Leo's own. "It's why I want to show you all of it, may time a long time though. But I don't mind moving at a turtles slower pace if it means getting to spend all that time with you."
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junoinouterspace · 11 months
Hi! I just spent today finally really looking into your teacher au, since I'd sorta only glanced at the art for it and became completely enamored. I've read both of the fics now, and I seriously read through like every ask you've ever answered so I could soak up as much information as possible. I love your au so much, the art and writing are absolutely beautiful and it's been so enjoyable to discover a lot of the emotional depth behind the story! I know this is already getting long, but I wanted to pose some questions and clarifications I still have. Again, I love your work! :D
1. Is this au's usagi Yuichi Usagi, or Miyamoto Usagi, or other?
2. Does Usagi also work at the school? If not, where does he work?
3. This is more of a clarification but Shelldon's in Raph’s class, right? Does he also go to Mikey for art?
4. Will Shelldon grow hair? I must know
That's it, thanks so much for reading my ask! :))
Thank you so much!!! It makes me so happy to see people enjoying the musings of my mind (o´▽`o)
1. Yuichi! Miyamoto Is a lil too old for our fine Neon Leon.
2. He does not! I actually haven't really figured out details about him atm. I've been pretty focused on Mikey, Donnie, and Shelldon. I should start working on that!
3. Yes :) Shelldon is a part of Raphael's kindergarten class. Him and his class goes to Mikey for art, Casey Jones are Phys. Ed., and another science teacher for sciences :)c
4. He will remain bald, lol, but don't worry!!! Mikey won't be the only turtle with long locks !!!
Thanks for reading our works!!!
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mutagn · 3 months
@retromutagn 𝗔𝗦𝗞𝗘𝗗 usagi (yojimbo) : acanthus, begonia, tulip
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acanthus : is your muse deceptive , or willing to lie or deceive to achieve certain means ? why or why not ?
deceptive? no. willing to lie or deceive? YES. he really does go out of his way to tell the truth and abide by honesty, but wickedness begets wickedness, sometimes. sometimes deceit is the only way to solve a deep rooted problem or weed out corruption. he also just... loves a good scheme. trickery is fun. it does come with guilt, sometimes, but miyamoto does his best to weigh his deeds by the amount of good they do in the long run. as he gets older and more disillusioned with the life he leads, he stops obsessing over his morality and the net good of his mere existence so much, but it's always an effort.
begonia : how cautious is your muse ? are they prone to noticing red flags , or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone ? why or why not ?
one of katsuichi's secret tests of character was to frequently and without warning hit usagi over the head with his cane. this ended up teaching miyamoto hypervigilance, an ability to sense danger in the air before signs of it become clear to other onlookers. this means that while he is cautious to an extent, he doesn't need to be looking over his shoulder constantly or consciously on guard. it's something that was literally beat into him as a child and so it comes naturally. it's in his nature to trust people that don't immediately set off this sense, but he's not telepathic or anything. people are still capable of surprising him, and when they do, he takes it really hard, like a failure of sorts. he doesn't often get drunk or overindulge at parties or anything like that, either, just so he remains alert enough for this heightened awareness to stay sharp.
tulip : how does your muse view people in general ?
as a rule, miyamoto loves people. it's why he does what he does. only some of his decision to walk the warrior's path was selfish (and even then only insofar as he felt he had to keep his promise for his own honour's sake) - mostly it was because he was now basically a free man, having performed his last duty and saving his lord's body from desecration. he could have easily become a bandit, using his skills to steal and harm, but he doesn't want to. he wants, at his core, to help, to leave the world a better place than he found it. he wants to contribute to joy and peace and beauty. what's the point, if he doesn't? what's the point of being able to help and choosing not to? what's the point in causing sorrow and hardship? it's why he's friends with so many people that contrast so starkly with his own honour code - they're good people, when you really get down to it, and it's not in his nature to dismiss them outright. not ninja though
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zephra85 · 5 years
I am contractually obligated to headcannon all Leo’s as mlm otherwise how else am I going to get my katanashipping fix
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🌹 ;OO
send 🌹 and i’ll make an aesthetic for your muse!
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        “Despair seems to follow my every step, as if it were my very shadow.”
                      A Miyamoto Usagi Aesthetic For @bushidobound
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kaminoken-blog1 · 7 years
Are there any certain characters you want Jack to interact with?
((Oh, not counting ones he’s already interacted with and needs to interact with more often? *cough*Aqua,MadJack,Scotsman,Ikra*cough*
I’d kill for Jack to befriend Kenshin Himura of Rurouni Kenshin fame, or Miyamoto Usagi from Usagi Yojimbo.
As a kid I used to think Jack and Vash the Stampede would be hilarious best friends.
I wanna do AU ending stuff with an Ashi someday
And then I already have plans for Jack to meet @floreatetona/@quitethepirategal‘s muses uvu b
And ngl I’d love to see Jack straight up murder an Angus Bumby except Alice already did that…
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
For Usagi- how does it feel knowing your ex is targeting to keep your turtle friend under his spell? His name’s Leonardo, right? ( :’3 )
| anon asks @starsandsavages
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"I do not know why Jei has become so fixed on Leonardo but I do know that it was my short comings that allowed him to be in danger. If it weren't for him I would been dead myself. I thought I dealt with that demon once and for all, but perhaps old emotions got the better of me."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
"n'awwww, c'mon, Usagi-sama." Pinches his cheeks playfully. "You were adorable! I mean, you still are adorable, but watching you get jealous was pretty hot. I didn't know you swore like that!" ( sjefhfhekjfldk; offers you a teasing bf who doesn't know when to shut up uwu )
|Muse interaction [contuined from here] Usagi was simply looking at Leo as they clearly seemed to have been enjoying Usagi's current reaction. He huffed a little but gave a slight stomp of his foot. Samurai were meant to be better controlled of thier emotions after all. Yeah, sure Usagi kept his cool but in truth? He was holding back a part of him. Near wanting that Yokai to just try and hit him. Kind of wondering if Leo would have enjoyed that? That's when he went and slightly scratched at his cheek. Leo was also the reason he tended to let his full personality show, a slight hint of red to the rabbit's face as he turned away from Leo a moment. "You act like it's some big deal I could tell you weren't okay with so I." he starts to mumble under his breath "Picked a fight and sent a threat to that guy." Yeah, Usagi certainly would have swung his sword at the other yokai. Eyeing the chair beside him that the yokai was in he went and gave it a firm kick sliding it across the floor as he went and pulled over a different chair, before sitting back down himself. Clearly, the rabbit was still streamed over it. "I'm not sitting in the same seat as that asshole." and the swears were still coming. Chewing on his bottom lip a bit now a bit of worry over how he reacted all they did was flirt with Leo it's not like Leo flirted back or anything right? he was being stupid uh? "Hey uh Leonardo-san I uh didn't overstep or anything did I?" Turning to look at the turtle now. "n'awwww, c'mon, Usagi-sama."
Met with Leo's fringers taking hold of his face, pinching his cheeks playfully as they spoke to him. Their face got a little flushed over the action as he sat and let them play with his cheeks like so.
"You were adorable! I mean, you still are adorable, but watching you get jealous was pretty hot. I didn't know you swore like that!"
The rabbit tilted his head a little at the last bit, well he did like being told he was hot. But the fact of the swearing stood out. "I've sworn before? I think?" Eyes looking up to the ceiling now as if it would hold the answer for the rabbit. Reaching up to take hold of thier hands and pull them off his face for now. Offering a slight chuckle Leo's way over the gesture "Alright alright, noted my dork of a boyfriend seems to enjoy when I'm the one making a fool of myself for a change." he joked, poking fun at the turtle now. "And in the spirit of doing as such because I'm stuff fucking pissed off right now." Hey, Leo said he should let loose more often.
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Smirking at them as he leaned in a bit taking a firm hold on the turtle's waist, he pulled them back swiftly tugging Leo out from his own chair and onto thier new one. Usagi's lap, arms moving to warp around them and hold them close as he let his chin rest on the turtle's shoulder now. "I'm just going to keep you right here so everyone knows you are taken. And if that's not enough well Willow Branch could always make my point too." He mentioned as he shifts his hip a bit to point out he meant his katana.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
what dose usagi see in leo?
Anon didn't specify and idk who sent it so imma do all three uwu ofc these is about @forthehonorandtheglory leos
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“I see everything in Leonardo,” He starts with smiling at the mere mention of the turtles name. “I Know how he seems on the outside and I am not immune to his antics I may let him, get away with stuff though because I have a soft spot for my boyfriend.” He offers a sheepish smile “He can be blindly arrogant, overly confident, overly competitive and a sore winner and very implusive landing himself into mess after mess often.” Was that meant to be good? smile soften soon after “but it’s a mask, despite how he sees on the outside Leonardo can be quite sensible and supportive person I have met. He has a confidence that is hard to deny and well” He is no blushing heavily it was unfair how easy the turtle could get to him  “he is extremely charming and funny as well.”
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“Hmm Leonardo can be a handful at times, quick to argue as well and very stubborn. However he holds a lot of weight on his shoulders. I see how he places care of his family over himself. I see how he strives to work hard when it comes to his position as a leader. They are admirable traits.” Usagi begins with offering praise for the turtle even if they can cause him gift a lot. “Though he is more than that he is passionate about what he cares about, one who truly places others before himself. Someone that well if you happen to catch his eye he will love you so openly.” There was the slightest hint of a blush touching his face now “With an infectious smile, and eyes bluer than any ocean I’ve come across. Not to mention hes not a bad kisser.”
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“hmm ninja from my home are not the kind of warriors you wish met. They are treacherous and play dirty. Leonardo-san however is the most honorable ninja. mm not warrior I have ever come across. He carries his role as leader well though it clearly seems to burden him at times. He sets a lot of pressure onto what he needs to do and be for his family in order to protect them.” He offers the praise so openly about the turtle. Now he smiles a little warmly fur fluffing a bit more as he thinks more about them. “He is loyal, brave and fearless. Someone I gladly would follow even into death. But past that he is adorable. He has a shy little smile, he can be awkward at times. Of course I find him to be very handsome as well. Though I wish he see he can open up to me and lean on me a little maybe help him with those burdens..if I could.”
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
He saw the way Usagi looked when Leonardo pushed him away. He probably didn’t know he witnessed it, but seeing their reaction & his older brother’s actions? Well, it just rubbed Donatello the wrong way.
Silently, he makes his way towards Usagi before he can leave & offers him a gentle smile. “Hey, are you okay?” He asks softly, hesitantly reaching a hand out to place upon their shoulder.
“I dunno what that was about, but you don’t have to leave right away. If you need any company, I’d be more than willing to spare time for you.” ( 2k3 uwu )
| muse interaction
Usagi couldn't fully explain the pain that clearly shone over his face. Normally, he was far better at hiding it, but being pusher away by one of his dearest friends? Usagi simply wanted to be there. To help Leonardo as they have had him so many times before. Usagi though, he knows you can't help someone who doesn't want it. But that might what makes this worse, he simply wished to be able to reach his friend but it seemed where ever Leonardo was going somewhere Usagi couldn't follow and it felt like he was betraying an old promise.
Holding it back for now, it might be best to leave in the end. Deal with the emotions at a later time. As clean of a getaway, he wanted to make he wasn't able as he was getting ready to prefrom the ritual to summon the portal that would return him to his dimension. Finding himself in the presence of a different turtle, Donatello hardly even noticed them at all. Usagi must have been too in his own head.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Usagi simply offered a smile towards them, it was funny to the rabbit how far nice Donatello was compared to when he forst met them. "Why I am fine Donatello-San, nothing to concern yourself with." It seems they had seen what happened as well. Considering his friendship with Leo, it seems checking in wouldn't be too out there.
"But I have stayed longer than planned so I should start getting ready to return home. Your brother seems to not want company currently" Which was a bit painful to swallow.
“I dunno what that was about, but you don’t have to leave right away. If you need any company, I’d be more than willing to spare time for you.”
Usagi paused a moment as his ears twitch slightly. He mulled that over, maybe his brother would have better insight? Or maybe they could work together? Or maybe Usagi did in fact wish for the comfort of a friend himself.
"I am sure it be fine if I stayed around a bit more I did not get to visit all of my friends here after all?" He offered still down playing what happened but he was happy to accept thier company. "Perhaps you can show me what new invention? Correct?" He takes a swcond to make sure thats right "you have in the works?"
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
“Mm..” ( rise!LeoSagi )
| Send “Mm..” and my muse will react to yours kissing their neck.
Legs were crossed, and hands were set into his lap, eyes closed, as he softly breathed in and slowly breathed out again. Repeating the breathing as he was mediating currently. Trying to form the habit and well usually he was able to do so with out any issue. Having a chance to gather his thoughts, to relax his mind. Not to mention it was good for some physical traits as well. But he did have some help with trying to get better when it came to it, having asked Leo to do everything they can to pretty much be himself. A distraction to Usagi. Well and in general. Completely meaning that in a good affectionate way of course but hey if Usagi could mediate even when his attenuation starved boyfriend around? Then he could do it anywhere. Though the rabbit maybe should have consider that fact of Leo being attention starved a bit more.
His ears would twitch and lift a little when ever they started to speak, even if he was listening to Leo drone on he was able to keep his breath steady at the same time. Which was a good step for the rabbit because it was hard to not right away open his eyes so he could listen to them instead. Or to crack a smile over his face when they told a joke better laugh even. Slowly he was drifting off, into his mind everything slowly being blocked out. Still aware of the turtle but no where near distracted. Uh maybe he was finally just used to them that he could easily do this? Or maybe Leo was running out tricks-
Wait, hold on a moment. He could feel something now pressing in against his cheek at first. Smiling a little he knew that feeling well a kiss wasn't going to get him. So he thought till they seemed trail that kiss down now. Oh so this was their next trick uh? fine Usagi could resist. Tilt they press a kiss in against his neck, he bite down on his bottom lip. Dang it. Once more he felt another kiss against his neck the slider clearly noticed that it seemed to have worked on Usagi. Usagi's white fur betrayed him as his cheeks were dusted in a faint shade of pink, opening an eye too look to his side at the turtle. Smiling as he set a hand on against the turtle plastron a way to say stop. "Alright, alright you win it only took you five minutes this time." Usagi conceded. Only for Leo to press more kisses against his neck, earning a slightly laugh out of the rabbit. "I already said you won dork!" it was a little ticklish of a space for him even if he did tilt his head to the left to allow them more access to his neck. Setting his hand on his side to try and keep his balance. Not it did much because as the two of them fell over suddenly as Leo kept kissing against the rabbit's neck earning a slight snort that mixed in between laughs.
Light pink colors sure darkened into red when he heard his own snort, attempting to cover his mouth when he swiped out the hand he was hold both thier weights against, causing the pair to topple over to thier thier sides. "Sorry" Usagi offer still laughing a little as he tried to catch his breath now. Eyeing that smug smile on the turtles face now. “You know you’re lucky I adore the smug look.” Usagi went to point out. As he shifted a little closer to them “and know how to get rid of it too.” Leaning in to steal a kiss from their beak, before he went to trace over the curve of Leo’s beak by trailing kisses up to the corner of their smug little smile, hand set to the turtles shoulder to guide them to roll over and rest on their shell, moving to climb over them as he went to container his path along the turtles jawline.
“Sorry can’t help it when being smug like that.” Usagi teases, well also admitting how attractive that side of Leo was to the rabbit. Soon he dipped his head down to kiss along the side of their neck. Before he pulled away satisfied with the reaction that would earn him as he smiled at them “though this expression is far cuter in my opinion.” A soft laugh given as he breathed out, leaning in to place a kiss just above thoer nostrils. "Your turly are a good distraction I will admit it." He sighs knowing the turtle will eat up the next set of words "you were right." The rabbit yokai dose at least smile over the admission though.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
"Why do you always do this?!" Uh-oh. Leo's frustrated. But it's not at his brothers, more so Usagi this time. "Every time I think we're on the same page about something, you just have to go & do another thing that irritates me! WHY?!" ( :') 2k12 LeoUsagi~ gimmie the bun man x3 )
| Muse Interaction
Usagi, was starting to remember why he liked living as a Ronin. The peace and quite it offered him. Though to be fair on the other end it did mean he wasn't all to well versed with working with others. Maybe at times he would work along side others here and there such as Gin who he often ran into again and again. But, at most he worked on his own and the benefit of working alone was not having to explain every move and every plan. That could of course be a bit of an issue when it came to working along with someone who only ever works with others follow their lead.
"Why do you always do this?!
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And here they go again, the rabbit thinks sighing out but continues on to walk ahead of the turtle. Arms crossed over as he had his hands resting in the sleeve's of his robe. "I thought ninja were meant to be quite."
Usagi, offers in response as he shifts his attention down to them for a moment. But seemed his comment was going to put an end to this whole conversation the rabbit dropping his more stoic nature to roll his eyes.
"Every time I think we're on the same page about something, you just have to go & do another thing that irritates me! WHY?!"
"Because this is my world turtle!" Usagi lets his voice raise, "damn it" he nites back rubbing a hand over his face what was it all about Leonardo that did this to him? At best he was normally so good at holding his temper. Spoke with far more thought before he opened his mouth oh but not when they were around, something about Leo baited him to bite back he swore. Mentally counting down before he moved to stand up properly as he fixed them with a stern look.
"You come from a dangerous world as well yes, but you still do not know mine. You can't always move thinking what you see is true. no wonder that wolf demon was able to trick you so easily Leonardo." Okay that last bit wasn't needed it was a tad childish to throw in insults and such at them just to prove his point. But this damn turtle just got under his skin as he offers a faint shrug of his shoulders
"Well that makes us even you irritate me just as much kappa."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
@forthehonorandtheglory​ leo usagi thread 2003 contuined from [ here ] Usagi often felt fate loved to tease and play around with him at times as he stepped out of the portal to find Leonardo standing and waiting for him. There was a slight twist in his stomach. Of course, the hare was delighted to see the turtle! There was no doubt that it was more circumstances that made the reunion a little bitter for Usagi. Not to mention how the corners of thier smile faded. Usagi was all too aware of the expression he must be wearing. It took him so long to work up the nerve to even come through with his visit after all. He shakes his head and finds it in him to smile when hearing Leonardo asks if he was hurt. Compared to the last time he saw them this Leonardo was far close to the one the ronin knew well. He still spends a second longer looking them over, pink hues trailing over them as if reading the turtle before he steps in towards them himself. Unable to resist matching the beat when they step toward him first. "You have nothing to worry over Leonardo-San, I am well I promise." He takes another step closer.
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Usagi wanted to be as cautious as he needed to here, though it felt so unnatural and odd to not out right at their side the moment they met. Usagi just needed to be mindful after the last time he had been here didn't go all to well at least to the rabbit. It did seem that Leo was in much better spirits than that last visit.  Which did warm the ronins heart but also had it sink some. It was odd not outright moving to be near them the first chance given but, he needed to read the room a bit before he could see how best to interact with the turtle, so to speak.
"I have missed you as well, but it seems you are doing better since the last time we spoke." Which felt like ages to Usagi. The ronin wasn't all to sure how to approach Leonardo, normally he was pretty openly affectionate towards them but with the last visit? It was Usagis fault that assassin Kojima was able to come to their world in the first and not to mention how useless he had been in trying to help Leonardo with his struggles at the time. Instead he simply offered a slightly bow towards the turtle. "You seem in far better spirits on top of it all." Moving to stand using the time it took to bow to regain control on his expression, holding it into a more docile grin at the turtle. "I'm sorry it took me a moment to get the portal to work and for how long it's been since we last met. I'm afraid I was tied up for a time." Two lies in a row this was a great start to the visit good thing he didn't bring Gen with him, he would have ratted him out fast. "but I am more then happy to see you again, hopefully this time will be less eventful.” he added slightly joking as he looked around a moment “hmm is it only you here Leonardo-san? Seem awful quite around your home.”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Bi bunny boy uwu
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
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my ROTMNT Usagi design I pulled a lot of inspiration between his 2003 and 2012 designs. original post can be found [here] on my art blog~ But I wanted to post it here too. I decided Usagi is a flop rabbit which is part of why he needs to tie his ears back because they flop down. Rabbits also tend to pin thier ears back to look intimidating so it helps with that as well. I gave him some bottom eyeliner and made it red because well I noticed others did this and were curious if it was a samurai thing. I could really find anything to say it is. But samurai would often pain thier faces white to look intimidating Usagi was already white because of his fur and since I deiced to give him pink eyes like the comics I felt him added red to his look would be a way to try for the same effect and ya know I can draw art of bunny boi putting on makeup so excuse!
I gave him his two swords but didn't include the iconic scar mainly cause I'm not decided on when he gets it maybe it's a movie thing XD
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
📝Usagi [Any verse :’D]
| Send me 📝 and i'll give you a random amount of headcanons/facts about my muse! [more usagi headcannons] Okay mostly I'm taking this as a chance to info dump to you about Usagi uwu. Soo on this one I'm gonna list my headcanons/facts and if there's a difference between the versions I write here I will point that out. And then some specific things for my rise usagi cause he sort like an oc for the universe for me?
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Usagi loves flowers actually they are pretty his favorite flower being the cherry blossom. He has an odd love for just how short they last.
Not religious but dose believe in the idea of fate.
Usagi favorite drink is tea but only hot, if hes going alcohol its normally sake or soju
Usagi really really really hates the heat, rabbits can't handle it well. Gets a bit moody when its too hot.
Rabbit tend to chew and snack on things often so Usagi tends to keep things on hand for himself at all times so if you're hungry least you know he always has food on him.
Nicknames he dosen't mind Usa or sagi
more affectionate ones can make him flustered Persnailty traits:
He is a bit of a clean freak. Part of his time studying with his teacher he ran a lot of chores around their home for them (to teach the rabbit patience) has a bit of a habit of picking up around him because he taught was so strict about messes being left behind.
Usagi is a well-displiened warrior sure so he's so the "I'm the responsible one" type yeah don't buy that this guy comes off being only serious and collected nah he's a full-blow dork and he gave his poor teacher Katsuichi plenty of headaches.
Usagi is pretty introverted. He's quite even when around others he's the one who maybe only says like two things the whole time. unless he's alone with like Josielynn or Leo he's a bit more chatty with them.
Usagi is someone who does spend a good amount of time by himself. Nothing wrong withthat he's someone who doesn't mind his own company and sometimes needs the alone time. However he's also very quick to accept the company of another.
Is pretty soft spoken, and can be a bit awkward around others.
Not subtle in the slightest
Is pretty affectionate despite both those things. usually in the form of banter and physical touch.
Extremly Literal
Certain phases he takes to mean seriously cause ...he's dumb omg is this rabbit dumb sometimes XD
No Usagi understand tech well 2003/2012 have an excuse Rise is just an idiot u_u Losses Okay sooo i warned you before you'd be mad at me for this XD
lost his first love (2003/2012) Usagi first love was a girl named Mirako he was in sort of love triangle along with another boy his rival Kenichi. They both left to become samurai's and would both eventually return home after their own time spent working on that goal. Kenichi didn't end fulfilling this path and ended up staying back in their home. Usagi knew that because Kenichi would be there Mirako and him would end up together.
Rise Usagi dated Mariko she was his first love and more, however, things were not all that great between them despite Usagi feeling they could work it out no matter what. Usagi always assumed she was his fated partner. Mirako eventually left Usagi for Kenichi
It hurt of course and his first love has always stuck with him in that the hurt never truly left. Often usagi find himself feeling there will always be someone better than him and this can carry into future relationships
Parents: Usagi left to train at a very younger age, his father started his training he admires them greatly. But his teacher Katsuichi can have more credit for raising him (usagi dose see them as a father figure but never admits to it). Usagi's father did however die which hurts because he wasn't there when it happened and he lost out on time with his dad (his mother would also sometime after)
Josielynn being the expectation, shes to him is very much his sister. And it's why he is ridiculously protective he doesn't want to lose any more family. And she's the last he has.
The rest I'll sum up cauuuse they don't apply to Rise verse but do for 2003 and 2012. Lost his master, killed right at his side. Leaving him to feel he still had more to learn, Being why he is ronin or a traveling student as he calls himself. Lost his best friend because he killed them. The man he considers to be his best friend betrayed his master and is why they died. Loyal to his master he killed his best friend Loyal to his best friend he made sure they were properly buried. LOST HIS PET! For a short time he has a pet tokage (lil dino like creatures in his world) named spot. His only company after being alone for so long but he found someone else needed them more then he did so he let them go. Some Rise verse stuff
When it comes to voice claims for usagi I've seen so many good choices from others that i would love to happen (Steven Yun especially in truth) However to me I decided on Johnny Young Bosch especially in this character role the characters personality sort fits how I write usagi [2][3][4] a few more examples on the VA just cause I really like the voice XD
Rise Usagi's personality I take from mostly how Usagi acted as a teen in the comics. Rash, cocky, impatience and having a temper. I also took 2003 more friendly approach to others with these sense of humor. I also take some of 2012 grumpy moody self cause grumpy bunny is cute. When it comes writing this one at least
Since the turtle have species specified I like to think of Usagi as a flop rabbit (american Fuzzy Lop yes cause fuzzy is in the name XD)
And This was gonna be the end but then me and a friend had some dumb joke about space jam and usagi playing basket ball then we remembered the turtles play basket ball so here we are
I generally treasure Usagi's interactions with the turtles and maybe it cause I know this guy lost so much that it just warms my heart to think about sooo I see the turtles as the kind of friend who pull people into their interests so I can see them getting Usagi to play with them.
took him a good while to learn but he took a fast liking to the game ofc hes a great jumper.
uneven teams when they play but it's just for fun Leo and Usagi: the usual pairing and everyone hates when they are a team. Leo rubs off on Usagi a bit u-u Donnie and Usagi: usually the team up that happens to piss Leo off if he's ticked them both off Raph and Usagi: the most sportsmanship pairing these two often just congrats each other for good shots uwu Mikey and Usagi: Mikey asked Usagi first or called dibs and Usagi can't say no to the baby uwu Everyone vs Leo: kind of like him and Donnie pairing but only cause Usagi gets very competive with Leo and finds this fun.
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