#[ chat w. pietra ]
mcntanha · 7 months
⸻ Pips? ⸻ Montanha assoviou como um passarinho — hábito que havia adquirido sempre que cumprimentava a filha de Hecate — e observou ao redor, buscando algum sinal da amiga no meio daquela bagunça de papéis. Conseguiu enxergar algumas madeixas castanhas entre os pergaminhos e conteve o riso, pois a preocupação era seu sentimento mais evidente naquele instante. Com passos cuidadosos, se aproximou de onde @pips-plants estava. ⸻ Me diga que você está viva, pois acabei de esmagar algumas minhocas sem querer apenas pra conseguir pegar essa mudinha pra você.
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f1fantasys · 3 months
Why Me?
Summary - friends w/ Lando, wanting to be something more. He shuts you out...until he doesn't.
Pairing- lando x fewtrell/reader
Warnings - angst, smut, swearing, p in v, fingering, m and f receiving oral. I'M SORRY, Y'ALL ASKED FOR SMUT BUT I HAD TO THROW IN SOME ANGST!
5.4k words
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You had known Lando for as long as you can remember. Being Max's little sister meant that the three of you practically grew up together, even though the two boys were 3 years older than you. Of course, over the years of your friendship with Lando slowly turned into strong, strong, feelings, but you wouldn't dare tell anyone. Not Lando. And sure as hell not Max. Max always made it clear to Lando that you, his little sister, were off limits.
But, who was Max to stop Lando from sending you flirty signals on your last holiday in Ibiza together. God, it honestly was the worst, yet the best holiday you'd been on yet. Lando was absolutely glowing, he'd had an amazing f1 season, and the success made him looking fucking hot. The sexual tension between you and Lando had reached new heights. Stolen glaces, stolen touches, flirty comments - it was all too much, but nothing at all.
Here you were 6 months later, the European races in full swing, meaning you got to tag along with Max to the triple header. The night you got to Barcelona, you found yourself alone on the balcony of your hotel room with Lando. You'd talked about everything and nothing, just catching up on each others lives. When he hugged you goodnight, you watched as his eyes lingered from your eyes to your lips - his own a mere few centimeters away. All he had to do was close the short gap. You longed him to. But he didn't. He pulled away and walked out of your room without saying a word.
The race had been a touch pill to swallow, for Lando especially. So close to another win but just not crossing the line. It hurt to see someone you care about beating himself up, but what you weren't expecting was for him to be so off and cold with you. You more-so than anyone else.
You were currently at the post race dinner that McLaren were hosting. Sat at a table with Max and Pietra, and Lando opposite you. He was obviously upset about the race but he still seemed to be enjoying himself and joking around and chatting with everyone, except you. Every time you said something, or tried to start a conversation with him, he shut you down.
It felt weird to have him act this was towards you, almost as if he didn't want you to even be in his space. By the time you reached the club, you decided to stay away him for a bit. Maybe it was just the stress of the race getting to him. But you won't lie, secretly, it was pulling your heart strings. You hated to be in a position like this.
A few shots and some dancing later, you and Pietra came back to the VIP corner where the boys and a few other drivers were chatting. Of course, there had to be a girl sitting on Lando's lap.
It never got easier seeing him with different girls every weekend, and seeing it in person physically made you feel sick. She was sat on his lap wearing a short dress, so it was to no surprise his fingers were toying with the bottom and trying to get past it.
They were whispering in each others ears, and when Lando saw you, he smirked, then kissed her. Hard and deep.
What the fuck was he playing at, you though to yourself. You knew that he knew there were some sort of feeling involved between the two of you, and for him to play that in-front of you was a low blow.
It took everything in you to hold your tears back, so you pulled Pietra to the bar to down some more shots to try and get the Brit out of your head.
A few minutes later, while you were still standing at the bar, you felt his all too familiar body next to your, eyes staring into yours as if it were the end of the world.
You eventually broke that contact and looked around.
''Where'd your girl disappear to?'' you asked. The alcohol in you giving the confidence to talk. You could see he was about to tease you of some sorts, but you didn't give him a chance to. ''Got enough of you already?'' you asked sarcastically, making a pouty face. His face changed, anger settling in.
''What the fuck y/n. She's gone to the fucking bathroom. At least I know she's gonna come back to me to let me fuck her til she cant walk, unlike you, who can't even get a guy to get in an uber with you, let alone take home for stuff.'' he spat.
You felt like your world stopped. Did Lando really just say that to you?Without realizing you felt a tear slide down your cheek. ''I-I'' you started but he cut you off. ''You what?'' he asked, but you couldn't talk, too afraid to have your voice crack in front of him. ''Yeah, I thought so.'' he said before the girl appeared by his side again, pulling him in for a kiss.
He wrapped his arms around her and looked at you, before walking away.
Just then Max was standing in front of you.
''y/n, fuck, what's wrong?'' he asked. You could see Lando watching and listening from where he was.
''I-nothing, too much to drink. Can we leave please?'' you said through glossy eyes.
''Of course, let's go'' he said, pulling both you and Pietra by the hand. You all walked up to Lando so Max could tell him you guys were leaving. Lando all the while looking at you only, murmured ''yeah whatever, I'm staying.''
The look he was giving you was heartbreakingly awful. You couldn't believe it was him who was literally throwing daggers at you and your heart, knowingly. You couldn't help but start sobbing the more you thought of it. So Max dragged you out the club and back to the hotel.
It was needless to say you couldn't sleep that night, and when you finally made it for breakfast in the morning, he was there, with her.
You tried to keep your distance, the both of you not even acknowledging each other, until Max noticed something was going on. ''What's up with you and Lando?'' he asked you. You just shrugged - ''nothing.''
And when he asked Lando, Lando simply said he should ask you. So Max tried, and failed to get either of you to tell him anything.
The plane back to Monaco was awkward to say the least. Just you, Lando, Max and Pietra, who were knocked out as soon as the plan took off.
Lando distanced himself from you once again, and went to sit at the back all by himself. But you needed to talk to him. Ask him where all those words he threw at you last night came from, and why he suddenly looked disgusted whenever you were near him.
You made your way to where he was sitting and as soon as he saw you he rolled his eyes. ''Not now'' he spat, tone the same as last night. You flinched, wrapping your arms around yourself, but you stood your ground and sat opposite him.
''Lando, please. Where is all of this coming from?'' you calmly asked, trying to hold the tears back.
His face turned cocky. ''Seriously, y/n, not everything is about you. Can't you take a fucking hint and leave me alone?''
''But why are you shutting me out alone? You're fine with everyone else so what did I deserve to get this treatment?'' you whispered, tears really threatening to slide down your cheeks any minute now.
''Y/n, I'm begging you. Leave me the fuck alone. I've just had a bad race, have another one this weekend which i need to concentrate on, and I don't need you wanting to have my attention and to be fuckin needy all the time.'' you exclaimed, face red with anger by now.
You didn't know how to respond, and by now the tears were flowing freely down your face. The old Lando would have hated to see you crying about anything, let alone be the one who caused these tears.
You heart broke as you looked at his face, contorted with anger and disgust, aimed directly at you. This wasn't the Lando you grew up with. This wasn't the Lando you fell in love with.
''I'm sorry'' was all you whispered as you made your way back to you seat, sobbing to yourself.
Obviously, you didn't end up going for the race in Austria. You just made up an excuse to Max about needing to be at work in Monaco, which he believed. You also hadn't spoken to Lando for well over a week now, which was honestly the longest you'd gone without speaking to him.
You heart was still healing from all the daggers he threw at it. Forget the part about being in love with him - he ruined you friendship. And you weren't sure if you'd ever get it back with him.
Silverstone was a tough one. You definitely didn't want to be anywhere near Lando, but it was also the best race of the year, and to give up a Paddock pass would be a waste. So Pietra eventually convinced you to go. She knew something went down with Lando, but she didn't push you for answers. You told her you'd talk about it when you were ready.
You managed to avoid Lando for the most part of the weekend, until a few minutes before the race. He was getting ready to jump in the car and take it to the grid when his eyes found yours. You swore you stopped breathing for a minute. He looked so devilishly handsome, but his eyes told you a different story. He wasn't happy to see you there. He just shook his head at you before putting his helmet on and getting into the car.
You immediately realized it was a mistake to be here. Why did you even come? He made it perfectly clear the last time you spoke that he didn't want you anywhere near him, so why the fuck did you think it was okay to be here right now?
You felt your throat closing up and you really needed some air, you really needed to get out of here. So you told Max you weren't feeling well and rushed to your hotel room, grabbed your bags, and got the first flight back to Monaco.
Finally as you entered your penthouse could you breathe a little again. You were back in your own space, and nothing made you feel out of place, as you did earlier today.
After washing your hair in a well deserved long shower, you couldn't help but check how the race ended. P3 for Lando, he looked shattered. So you forced yourself to stop looking at your social media and just try and relax your mind. This was it - you weren't friends with him anymore, and you wouldn't let yourself wallow. It's his loss that he's shutting you out like this.
Since you knew you'd be home alone for the next 2 days at least, with Max and P only supposed to come back on Wednesday, you just threw your dressing gown on with nothing underneath.
You poured yourself a glass of wine to try and drink away at the heartbreak of losing both your friend and lover, even if he didn't know the latter feeling.
You were a few episodes deep into a random series on Netflix when your phone started ringing. You heart started racing when you saw it was Lando calling you.
You debated answering. You really didn't feel like talking to him right now. But you were also worried. Why was he calling you at 12.30am?
Reluctantly, you picked up.
''Hello?'' you said softly.
The other side of the line stayed silent for a few seconds until you called out his name.
''Y/n, fuck'' he mumbles more to himself it sounded like. ''I-I'' he sniffled. Was he crying? You though to yourself.
''Lando'' you said firmly but calmly.
''I know I don't even deserve you answering my call after everything I've said and done'' he sniffled again, ''but I could really fucking use my best friend right now.'' he sobbed into his phone.
You were stunned. You didn't know what to even say. Yes you felt for the boy - it was a horrible race - but does he think he can just worm his way back with a few sobs?
''Lando..'''you started.
''Y/n please. Let me see you. I need to see you.''
''Where are you?'' you asked.
''Just landed in Monaco. Can i come over?''
''Ok'' was all you said before ending the call.
By now your mind was spiraling. You didn't know how to act in front of him, let alone what to say to him. A mere few hours ago he was looking at you like he hated you. And now he ''needed his best friend.'' ''Fuck'' you thought to yourself.
Not 15 minutes later and your door bell rang. You took a deep breath before opening it, revealing a devastated Lando. He looked tired, exhausted, sad. He looked so fricking sad and you couldn't help but pull him in and envelope him in a tight hug. You didn't know who needed the hug more - you or him. But it felt good to be in each others' space after weeks of tension and not talking.
You pulled away and walked to sit on the couch, he followed closely behind.
For a few minutes you both kept silent, neither saying anything.
''Lan,'' you started, but he cut you off.
''I'm so fucking sorry. I know saying that doesn't even begin to heal the wounds I've cut but y/n I'm so sorry for everything I've said and how I've treated you since Austria. I hate myself for ever putting our friendship in a position like that. In fact it's the last thing I wanted, but of course I had to go and fuck it up like I seem to be doing everything at the minute.''
You stayed silent, not really knowing how to respond. As much as you wanted everything to go back to normal, you weren't sure your heart could handle heartbreak like that again from him.
When you stayed silent he continued. ''The last thing I wanted was to push you away. It's no secret that we've been getting closer since Ibiza. Yes, you were my friend, first and foremost but you turned into something more along the way. You're the kindest, most passionate, most beautiful woman I know, and instead of showing you or telling you how special you are to me, I shut you out and hurt you. I guess it goes without saying that I like you, y/n. Like really like you.''
''Lan'' you stopped him. By now the tears were streaming down your face, a mix of emotions washing over you. Finally, he was saying the words you so desperately wanted to hear for so long, but you struggled to give forgive him for treating you like shit.
He scooted closer to you and took your hands in his before wiping the tears away.
''I don't get it though. If you like me, why the fuck did you push me away and treat me like that?'' you asked.
''I thought I didn't deserve someone as amazing as you and I sort of made up my mind that it was unfair to have you as mine if I couldn't be home everyday of the year, instead of going to a different place each week, where I know you have a stable job and wouldn't be able to follow me everywhere I go. But fuck that, we'll make it work if we're meant to be. I'll put in the hard work to make us work. If you want me, that is. Please, please forgive me.'' he pleaded.
''Lan I don't think its a secret that I do in fact want you. I've wanted you since fucking forever, but I don't think I'm ready to just jump into something after all that I've gone through the last two weeks. You really fucking hurt me.'' you all but whispered.
He took your face in his hands and pressed his forehead against yours. You could feel his breath on your face, and it took everything in you to not kiss him. ''I know,'' he said. ''But I'll wait for you, however long it takes. I don't want anyone else. Only you y/n.'' He kissed your forehead before you both jumped at the sound of keys and the door opened revealing Max and P.
You quickly separated yourselves and wiped your tears away.
''What the fuck'' Max was shocked to see Lando in his penthouse but he was more shocked to see that you had been crying.
He rushed over to you and glared at Lando.
''Mate why the fuck is y/n crying? What did you do?''
''I--'' Lando started but you cut him off.
''Nothing. It's not Lando.'' you suggested.
''Is there something going on with you two? Lando i thought i made myself fucking clear when i said y/n is off limits'' he shouted.
''Max fucking calm down, and I'm not a baby where you can tell me who I can or can't be with.'' you shouted back at him.
Max glared at Lando again. ''Just fucking get out before i say or do something worse.''
Within seconds Lando was out the front door. You were fuming with Max by now so you too bolted for your room before locking yourself inside.
You climbed into bed and tried to calm your racing mind. Every-time you drifted to sleep you awoke with Lando's words ringing in your ears. ''I really like you y/n'', and you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
AT 2am your phone buzzed and you saw it was Lando who'd texted.
You ok? he asked.
Yeah, I'm sorry about Max, but idgaf about what he says right now you replied.
Why are you still up?
You contemplated what to reply, not wanting to tell him that he was the reason you were obviously still awake because.
Thinking...about things... you vaguely answered.
Fucker, you know I'm thinking about you!
Me, huh? you could practically hear the smirk in his text.
And why are you still up..mr norris?
Imagining what it'll feel like to have you next to me in my bed right now....
Fuck, you thought. Lan...
Shit, I know, I know..dw, I'm taking a step back...sorry.
That was it. You threw your covers off and slid into a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt, and tip-toed out the front door.
The drive to his house was nerve wrecking. You knew it was too soon to do anything, but your heart, and the ache between your legs were pushing you forward.
Open the door you'd texted as you waited in the cool air of the night.
You heard shuffling and the door flew open. There he stood, clad in only his boxers, eyes wide.
''Y/n'' he said, pulling you inside.
''We have so much to talk about, and I haven't forgiven you yet, but god Lan I've been waiting for this day for too long and i fucking need you.'' you whispered.
He didn't reply verbally. Instead he crashed his lips into yours.
This is so not how you imaged your first kiss to be. But fuck it, it felt incredible to finally feel his lips against yours.
It was messy and sloppy and very quickly turned heated. You moaned into the kiss and Lando took this as an opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth, memorizing every inch of you.
You ran you hands up and down his torso and eventually to his hair, pulling at his curls.
''You're still wearing too many clothes baby'' he whispered between pecks on your lips.
He very quickly stripped you and was surprised to see you wearing no underwear.
''Fuck me what did I do to deserve you like this'' he mumbled, lips coming down to graze your neck, surely leaving purple bruises for tomorrow. You couldn't form any coherent words, so you just moaned in response.
He scooped you up and carried you upstairs before gently dropping you on his bed and hovering himself above you.
''You sure?'' he asked. As much as he wanted this he needed to be sure you were ready. Nothing would be the same after this.
''Lan you know I've been sure since forever. 1000 times yes. Please'' you squirmed under him.
He kissed you again, gently this time, lovingly.
His kissed moved back to your neck and in no time he found your sweet spot, sucking and biting at it, then shimmying lower down to your boobs. Your nipples were peaked stiff due to the cool air. He kept his eyes on yours as he took one nipple into his mouth and harshly sucked on it, making you a breathless mess under him.
''Óh Lan'' you panted, pulling harder at his curls. He continued his onslaught on both your nipples while massaging you boobs and fondling with them. He took turns to suck, nip, bite and sooth them until they were red and angry.
He could feel you clenching your thighs together so he moved further and spread your legs apart. You should have felt conscious to have him stare at your most intimate parts, but it only turned you on since he looked like he was ready to devour you.
Lando's eyes turned impossibly darker and a sheet of lust hovered over them. He didn't waste any time in leaning down and licking a strip up your cunt. The contact had you pulling at his hair and grunting through gritted teeth. ''Lan'' you shrieked.
''Such a pretty little cunt, all for me'' he whispered, more to himself.
He was ruthless. He found your clit so easily and showed it no mercy. Biting and sucking at it until your body was literally shaking underneath him.
''Lan I'm close'' you managed to say, unsure how much longer you could hold it in.
''Ask'' was all he said.
''What?'' you said, shocked he would demand it but so fucking turned on at the same time.
''You know. Ask'' he said, as he continued his activity.
''Fuck. Can I cum, Lan?'' you asked as politely as you could.
As much as Lando wanted to hear you beg some more, he was getting impossibly eager to feel you around him. So he let you.
''Fuck, cum y/n.''
''Oh Lan'' your juice came gushing out and into Lando's mouth in no time, body shaking uncontrollably, just the thought that it was Lando himself you sent you over the edge over-stimulating your body-and your mind.
He didn't even give you time to recover. He quickly slid to fingers into your cunt, thrusting them in and out at a brutal pace, while his tongue toyed with your clit. Your one hand was now scratching at his muscles on his neck and the other continued pulling at his hair.
''That's it baby, so fuckin tight for me''
In no time you felt the all too familiar warmth in your belly. Lando knew you were close, so before you even asked him, he gave you permission to cum again. And so you did.
As he licked all your cum, he leaned back up and let your cum-and his spit- dangle into your mouth before kissing you senseless.
You could clearly feel the tent in his boxers now, so you pushed him up and got on your knees. You slid his boxers down revealing his god damn huge cock. Red and angry, standing tall, with pre-cum already dripping out the slit at the tip.
You quickly wondered if he'd be able to fit in you. And he must have sensed your worry because he took your chin in his hands and said ''we'll take it a step at a time, ok?'' ''Hmm mm'' was all you could say.
You took him in your hands and started pumping him, fondling with his balls as well, before leaning forward and taking his tip into your mouth, sucking on the pre cum straight away. He hissed at the contact and bent forward to pull your hair into a makeshift ponytail out of your face.
You licked and sucked for a while before taking as much of him in as your could, your hand coming up to pump what you couldn't fit in.
You wouldn't lie - your cheeks were already starting to hurt and there were tears stinging your eyes, but you were on a mission to taste him, so you didn't care.
You deep throated him in no time and the moans he was letting out already had to dripping and desperate to feel him down there.
''Fuck y/n, how are you so good at this. Fuck me'' he moaned.
You pulled away and smiled, ''trust me Lan, I plan to'''you said, before resuming giving him head.
You could tell Lando was close - his legs were becoming like jelly as you held on to them, so you pushed him to sit down and you found a place on the floor between him, pumping him again and taking him into your mouth.
''Where do you want it?'' he asked, barely able to contain himself.
You didn't answer though - just continued with what you were doing and that gave him his answer. He came undone in your mouth. Squirts of hot, milky cum coating you as you swallowed everything you could before pulling off.
You were a right mess now. Spit and cum sliding out the corners of your mouth as Lando pulled you up and kissed you fiercely.
''Best fucking blowjob ever'' he said between kisses. ''That dirty little mouth of yours.''
''Need to feel you in me, please.'' you begged.
''You on birth control baby? Need me to wear a condom?'' he wearily asked.
''Yeah I am, and no you don't. Please just fuck me Lan'' you pleaded.
In no time Lando switched your positions again. He was hovering above you. Dick in hand and gliding it between your folds to lube up with your juices.
You were nervous - scared even. You'd never been with anyone that big before, and Lando, because he can read you so well, knew what you were feeling.
''Baby you'll be fine. We'll take it as slow as you need to. ok? And tell me if you wanna stop at any point.''
''Yeah, thank you Lan'' you said.
He gently pushed his tip in as you both held your breath. It stung for sure, but you were so desperate for him. You nodded at him to continue, and he kissed you as he slid in fully. You just kissed while he stayed station inside of you, allowing you to get used to the intrusion.
''You can move, Lan'' you told him, before he slid out again and thrust back in, setting a slow rhythm. Soon the pleasure started the overtake the pain and you told him it was okay to go faster.
''Please Lan, more, deeper, fuck me harder.'' you moaned as you pulled on his hair.
Then he started. Fucking into you relentlessly. Thrusting his dick in and out of your cunt as if there was no tomorrow.
''Fuck baby, so fucking tight, taking me so well. Fuck'' he slurred, bringing his mouth down to your boobs to suck on your nipples.
Words had long left your brain by now. All you could do was wrap your legs around him as tight as you could, and let out a series of moans and grunts, chasing that intoxicating feeling.
Within minutes your body was shuddering underneath him. It feels as if you've blacked out and are seeing stars, releasing all over his cock.
Lando, being Lando, didn't slow down again. Instead he mans-handled your body and flipped you over so you were now on all fours, holding onto the headboard for dear life.
He thrust back into you. The new position hitting you harder in all the right places.
''Fuck Lan, yes, please, harder, fuck me harder. Oh'' you said between breaths, getting a burst of energy suddenly.
''Babygirl if I fuck you any harder then we'll both be seeing stars.'' you stated, pulling you up by your hair so you were now leaning back on him. His hand snaked its way around your throat.
Feeling him do that turned you on so fucking much. It felt so good to feel like you were his. You were putty in his hands. He could do whatever the fuck he wanted with you and you'd still be happy. Fuck, he's gonna be the death of you.
With no warning you came around his cock again, you were sure it was probably the most intense orgasm you'd ever felt. Your body went limp in his arms so Lando had to lie you down again, and drag you to the edge of the bed so he could stand and finally chase his own release.
''Think you have one more in you baby?'' he asked, movements not slowing down.
''Uh huh'' was all you could form.
This time his pace was unmatched to anything you'd ever felt before.
''Lan, I can't'' you pleaded.
He slowed. ''Want me to stop?'' he asked? He knew what your answer would be, but he wanted to tease you anyways.
''Fuck. no. No'' you exclaimed.
''That's what i thought baby.'' and he set his pace again.
You could feel his movements getting sloppier by the second, and when you opened your eyes his face was contorted in pleasure, pure ecstasy.
He brought his thumb down and started rubbing harshly at your clit. Pinching and pulling at it. This quickly made you cum for...you lost count...you didn't care. It felt fucking amazing.
Lando looked down at where you were joined and seeing your juices spill around his cock and out of your cunt sent him over the edge.
He moaned your name loud and hard as he released his cum in your cunt, sheets and sheets of his milky cum painting your insides.
He slumped his body forward on yours, to kiss you gently. Both of you lacking energy to move to talk, instead just wrapping your arms around each other.
''You're fucking amazing y/n. So amazing.''
''Hmmm Lan, best sex I've ever had. Wow'' you said, still trying to catch your breath.
His dick was softening inside of you so he gently pulled out, making the both of you moan at the loss of contact. He bent down and gathers all the slick that was leaking out of your cunt and bought his mouth to yours, tapping at your cheek to open your mouth. You obeyed and he slowly let the mixture of cum drip into your mouth, before kissing you again. That had your groaning. He pulled back with a smirk. ''Gonna clean you up. Be right back'' he said, kissing your forehead and disappearing into the bathroom.
Once you were all cleaned up Lando pulled you into bed and held you close.
''Thank you for giving me the most incredible end to a shitty day'' he whispered. ''And thank you for giving us a chance. I promise I wont let you down. I really fucking love you y/n, so much.''
Now you had tears threatening to spill. ''I love you too Lan, more than you can imagine.'' you said, kissing the little scar on his nose.
''But please, please, stop being so harsh on yourself after races. You're the most talented person I know and I promise you the best driver on the grid. Don't blame yourself when things don't go your way. There are 1000 other people who are involved in the race outcome, so don't take it upon yourself to blame. You're amazing and so passionate, and you've won before, and I know you'll get so so many more wins. Be patient with yourself, and trust yourself. You are the most amazing person i know.''
Lando cupped your face and kissed you, hard and deep.
''Thank you. I know I'll bounce back, especially that i have you by side now.''
You couldn't help but laugh. ''I've always been on your side, silly!''
''Yeah but now I can kiss you whenever i want. One problem though.''
''Hmm?'' you asked.
''What are we gonna do about Max''?
''Well fuck. But I'm happy now. We'll deal with him another day'' you said, kissing him again.
Authors note - not 100% feeling this one...but please let me know how i can improve and if you guys have any requests then send them through. Also enjoy this picture because HOT DAMN
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