#[ corinth 2.0: what the fuck is wrong with me ]
nightmarecountry · 8 months
[A postcard, somewhat worn with age, is left on a rocky outcropping upon the Shores of Night. The front depicts the Royal Empire Hotel, on the back in block print, deliberately done with one's finger, it reads: I MISS YOU. The substance used is clearly blood.]
There's a feeling he gets sometimes, when certain memories resurface. A kind of tingling, hot-and-cold sensation behind his right eye, at the back of the throat. He has never been able to put a name to it, this feeling, or the thing that stirs in the hungry depths of his heart when it comes. There is no-one he can ask about it. No-one who would understand, or tell him the truth.
Holding the worn postcard between his fingers, the Corinthian's skull tingles and throbs fit to burst.
He sniffs it, this curious gift of blood and paper, knowing without knowing who must have sent it, feeling without feeling that someone is looking for him. Seeing, without seeing, a smile like a silver sickle behind his eyelids. The visions come, the visions go. They leave little behind: in mere minutes, they'll be gone, and he'll forget they were ever there.
Hastily, the second Corinthian sits down on the rocks. He pulls a journal bound in flesh from inside his coat, and quickly--haphazardly--slips the postcard between the pages.
He shouldn't keep it. He should throw it into the nightmare seas, burn it, eat it eat it eat it, take it to his master. He hides it, instead. Can't help wanting to keep it, whatever it is, whatever it means.
His right eyemouth laughs unbidden, so unexpected and beyond his control that it startles him. As he closes the journal and hides it away again, he feels it run its tongue over his teeth.
Behind his eyelids, a vision in red, a message he doesn't understand, but will scrawl into the minds of his dreaming victims tonight:
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nightmarecountry · 30 days
Actually sincerely but whenever Dream fucks with him about doing something that’s entirely in his nature it does beg the question of “and who made me to be that way?” And now I’m having feelings about Corinthians parallels with a character you don’t even know 🥹😭
:)c DOESN'T IT JUST. morpheus actually answers this question while building the second corinthian; something like "the gulf between conception and execution is wide, and many things can happen on the way" - and also when unmaking the first corinthian, he says "i created you poorly then." so he really is (eventually) just like yeah you're a fuck-up because i made you wrong :/
whereas dream 2.0 (in some issues, anyway) very much addresses a rogue nightmare (not corinth) with like "why would i punish you for doing what it's in your nature to do?" which is. fucking hilarious to me because in the nightmare country comics we also have dream 2.0 just erasing corinth2's memories whenever corinth2 fucks up. i know the canonicity of various runs is questionable etc/different writers/whatever but i generally treat them as all canon (if i like them.) so the idea that dream 2.0 is just being nice to nightmares like Ruin while doing T H A T to corinth 2.0 is. so funny to me. and also horrifying.
anyway i fuckin LOVE me some "you created me like this" characters. give them to me.
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