#[ first time spending new years away from family (sides sister) though yipe     <- finally in japan <- everything went so wrong fdsljks
pirateborn-a · 2 years
✧. 31/12/2022.
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     The idea of birthdays as a moment of celebration hadn’t crossed Roger’s mind until later in his life -- likely at some point  ( if not a few years )  after first meeting Rayleigh. And after the concept had been first introduced, it never left. Roger adores celebrating and anniversaries which hold, admittedly, little meaning upon the turbulent waves perfectly suited the bill. To celebrate life is such a grand reason for festivities in his eyes, and so he celebrates all those he knows if he remembers, and celebrates his own just the same: loudly and proudly.
     Ironically, he’d learned about celebrations in regards to a  “ New Year ”  long before birthdays, and likewise, he loves it. He views New Years Eve as the true beginning of the new years, the true start of a new chapter to his life and to the world. He may despise ends, but for forces beyond their control such as time, he embraces it with warmth and excitement. Taking it as a signal for something greater ready to come.
     While upon the sea it’s difficult to keep track of time, or that during the exact days things are too busy whether due to attacks or adventures, Roger still does his absolute best and assures that there is always be some kind of celebration in honor of the end and start of a new years; and his crew, in turn alongside him, celebrates his life. Parties which rage from early morning and late into nights for anywhere between the two days to weeks at a time, often getting other crews, islands, and so on involved if they hadn't started with them. Absolutely excessive, flashy, and grand events, often involving fireworks and more, celebrated with his crew and friends. In short, the perfect kind of events for Roger.
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