#[ i cannot wait for our fellow themis members to see the great plans you have in store for him ]
foundationhq · 7 months
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Hello, 𝐶𝐿𝑂𝑊. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚎 is pleased to anoint you for the role of [𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅].
So, where do I start except that I love you? We've always been great collaborators, but I knew this task was a daunting challenge and called on you for so, so much. I wanted my return adminning a game for the rpc to be thoughtful, passionate, and always, sincere. These are epitomes of what I always find in you. And truth be told, I did not expect this little what-if exercise we invoked during our chat would grow and develop into what we have now. Probably the reason why I didn't expect it was because I didn't account for you wanting to be my side through it all. But you did, and I couldn't be any more humbled by your breadth of knowledge for the world we've chosen to inhabit these muses, your careful considerations of what this world means to us and everyone we want to invite in, and of course, your exceptional writing, emotive and so, so moving. I made this world for Gael. It's the same selfish reason I have for everyone I accept in the game (oh, to showcase their talents! to tell the world, "please, I need you to acknowledge what I see, because it's just beautiful.") I feel in exponentially when it comes to you. I'm sorry! Please allow me to be this self-serving, just this once! (Sorry I'm so cringe, I don't care! I love caring!) I have no fandoms anymore except this singular man with so much on his shoulders!! How charismatic his sad big brown eyes are!!! Jesting (not jesting) aside, I know you’ve given incredible amount of thought and care to him, just as you do for everyone else, and I cannot wait for others to see the heart that enlivens your creative works. Thank you for giving it your all with making the arcane lore as accessible as you could. That meant hours of poring through countless pages to summate thousands of peoples' vastly different ideas, policies, and viewpoints. Thank you for shining the skeletons, polishing Gray's and my drafts 'til they gleamed with Foundation Approval™️. Thank you for staying up late with me, in both of our timezones, helping me through the highs and lows of an rp launch. Being in my corner as I had childish little tantrums about 'Dobe locking me out of PS because they're a greedy yucky corp, or when I was so heartbroken about our not one, but two shadowbans. Mind you, this is a lot to handle for someone who is adminning for the first time ever. (Please everyone reading this, please give Clow his flowers, he deserves a big bouquet.) Thank you so, so much. I know I would not have made it this far, or even have started, without you and Gael. You're my companion wherever we go; I hope this adventure will be one that will be fulfilling for you as it has been for me. So where do I finish except that I love you, haha. — π
From taking on the daunting task of leading this wild team to your max-level lore mastery, you've been the strong and steady right hand to sculpt Pi's vision into this project we're all about to enjoy! It's been a joy to while away these odd hours tag-teaming replies and powering through to bring Foundationhq together. You're a true architect, and I can't wait to see what you and Gael build on the dash. —gray
Please refer to our checklist for onboarding, and have your account ready in 24 hours. The flight to Site-φ leaves on the dot. And 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚍𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 doesn't like to be kept waiting.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) 莫弈 [剧情: 第2章] [Tears of Themis] Mo Yi Private Story Translations (Chapter 2-7)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mo Yi’s Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Mo Yi’s Private Story tag is #Tears of a Personal Psychiatrist. *Chapter 1 can be viewed here!
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Location: Mo's Mental Health Research Center
After confirming Li Yu's identity, Mo Yi rejected my request to continue taking part in the investigation.
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MC: Why!?
MC: It wasn't easy for us to get this far, Dr. Mo! There's no way I can just give up on this so easily!
Mo Yi: …...
But Mo Yi only continued staring at me in silence, a thoughtful look on his face.
Mo Yi: ...Before we put this discussion on the table, please answer me this honestly: Have the PUAs come to you for revenge?
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MC: Oh...No… They haven't; why do you ask…?
His sudden question caught me by surprise. I hurriedly avoided his eyes, pretending not to understand his question.
Mo Yi: I'm supposing that the "spam message" you received the other day was actually an SMS they'd sent as harassment.
Mo Yi: And recently, the actions that these people have been taking have been getting more and more aggressive; essentially having even affected your daily life to a certain extent.
Mo Yi: That's why you said they were "arrogant"; am I right?
MC: !!!
MC: ...Nothing gets past you after all.
I couldn’t help but to sigh, deciding to come clean about everything that I’d been hiding from him recently.
MC: Yeah. Some PUAs have been verbally harassing me with threats lately.
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Mo Yi: When did this start?
MC: Probably not long after the “Anti-PUA” Club turned into a mutual aid group. Someone had suddenly added me as a friend one day.
MC: They asked if I was the Lawyer who’d helped Lin Yunyun, and I thought that they were also a fellow victim, so I replied in the affirmative; but in the end...
I couldn’t stop all the many different sorts of harassment messages that I’d received recently from popping back up in my mind at the thought of it.
Those messages, not fit to be shown to anyone at all, were always sent to my phone at fixed timings. There were countless, so many that I could never delete them all even if I tried. It gradually became a personal living hell of nightmares.
MC: There were only a few people who did it sporadically at first, so blacklisting and blocking them worked like a charm; but then the number of people doing it increased...
MC: Why do they always choose to bombard people during sleeping hours!? Don’t these people need sleep too!?
However, I’d failed to notice how Mo Yi’s face was twisting itself into an increasingly unsightly look at this moment in time.
Mo Yi: ...Why didn’t you tell me? How were you planning to put up with this alone, if I hadn’t asked today?
MC: Well… It wasn’t anything big at all. They only sent me a couple of unpleasant texts, and it didn’t really cause a big impact on me or anything like that.
MC: Anyway, let’s not talk about this anymore and get back on the topic of how to continue our investigation. I—
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Mo Yi: I apologize, but my stand is still the same; it’ll be for the best if you don’t take part in the upcoming course of action.
MC: ……
Mo Yi: ……
That was how Mo Yi and I faced each other in a stand-off; neither of us saying anything, neither of us willing to back down.
The air came to a stand-still, the damning silence that would make anyone hold their breaths accompanied by the faint scent of “gunpowder”, as figurative sparks filled the air.
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MC: Then, could you tell me a reason why I should not? I can’t give up on this just because you tell me to, Dr. Mo.
Mo Yi: ……
Mo Yi: I have three reasons for this.
Mo Yi: Firstly, although Li Yu’s story was created from one big patchwork, Wang Chen is still an experienced PUA, from what we can glimpse from the credible parts of her story.
Mo Yi: I cannot allow you to interact with him alone, considering how you’ve not received the relevant training.
Mo Yi: Secondly, although our actions have not been fully exposed yet, the fact that the other party retaliated against you means that they’ve already got their eye on you.
Mo Yi: If this goes any further, it will only escalate; and when the time comes, it won’t just be merely verbal words of threat.
Mo Yi: They will attempt to break through your psychological defenses from all angles, thus, endangering your very life itself.
Mo Yi: And lastly…
He placed the teacup in his hands down, his gaze dropping to my face, an inexplicable emotion within his golden orbs.
Mo Yi: Just what’s in your mind, as you do these things?
Mo Yi: Is it to uphold justice? To deter the other members of the PUA Group? Or is it to save all of the girls who’ve been harmed by it?
Mo Yi: Can you really do all of this?
Mo Yi: Even if we did settle this matter with Li Yu along with all the other people backing her, there’ll still be other PUA Groups in this world who lurk in the dark.
Mo Yi: They’ll continue hunting girls, and even go so far as to treat you as a right thorn in their side, using various methods to retaliate against you to no ends.
Mo Yi: And at the very end of it all, not only will you fail to protect others; You might also very well be unable to protect yourself.
Mo Yi: This fairness and justice you seek might not be able to see the light at all.
Mo Yi: Now, with all that considered; are you still willing to continue on?
He waited quietly for my answer after finishing.
He had a look of utter seriousness on his face, so focused he was. However, the corners of his eyes and his eyebrows still presented the same calm he’d always displayed. Hence, I couldn’t tell just what exactly was going through his head.
But none of these mattered anymore. I don’t even need to think to answer this question of his.
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MC: Of course. Even so, I still wish to continue as usual.
Mo Yi: Why?
MC: You just asked me what’s in my mind as I do this, right? I’m actually not thinking of anything at all; no thoughts, head empty.
MC: I’ve never held onto any pipedreams, nor have I ever thought of using this PUA Group to go fight against the other PUAs.
MC: Granted, trying to rescue all the girls who’ve been victimized is an even bigger delusion.
MC: I’m only trying to do what I can as one, ordinary, Lawyer.
MC: That being said, there’s one thing that I know for certain. And that is that I cannot ignore the crimes that appear before me.
MC: I cannot allow the group that’s backing Li Yu to go scot-free, let alone allow them to challenge law and threaten justice as they so wish to.
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Mo Yi: You...
MC: Secondly, you said that I “cannot protect others”; but there isn’t only just one fixed way of protection.
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MC: Don't all the girls in Lin Yunyun's mutual aid group learn a lot about all sorts of things pertaining to PUA?
MC: All that's requires is for one of those girls to understand these through what I've done; so that they'll keep their guards up and watch out for these things.
MC: If so, then everything I've done up till today have already served some sort of purpose in protecting them.
MC: And lastly, about their cars if revenge…
I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at the mere thought of those less than savory messages I'd received.
MC: I've already been prepared to face all sorts of people, who come up with all sorts of retaliation methods, since day one of being a Lawyer.
MC: But if really does come down to the point where it gets as serious as you've described, then that's when I'll wield the Law as my weapon and protect my own rights.
MC: The road to justice will always be a rocky one, but no one can stop me so long as I refuse to give up.
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Mo Yi: ……
I blurted out everything that I had in my mind, even forgetting to check just what sort of expression Mo Yi currently wore.
It was only until I had regained my bearings that I looked back up at him. He was still looking at me with a serious look on his face, yet his eyes were like that of stormy seas.
Mo Yi: You… You’re really different from everyone else.
He suddenly laughed.
MC: What are you laughing about, Dr. Mo?
Mo Yi: Nothing. I’m just feeling slightly fortunate, and a little happy.
MC: Fortunate? Happy?
Mo Yi: Yes. Fortunate, that I chose to stay back then; and happy, because… I met you.
Mo Yi: You always never fail to surprise me.
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MC: ……
He spoke slowly, but that didn't fail to impede the strength and impact that each word brought.
It was almost as if he had just conveyed some sort of inexplicable feeling to me through mere words. It was hot, yet full of possessiveness, almost engulfing me whole.
MC: Does this mean that… I can take part in the continuing investigations?
I hurriedly changed the subject upon seeing how the air around us was starting to turn increasingly warmer.
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Mo Yi: Do I have any other reason to be denying you?
MC: Great! Then let’s hurry and get started!
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MC: Do you need me to contact Wang Chen? Are we still going to be using our previous tactic?
Mo Yi: Don’t rush, for starters. I’ve got even better ideas.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-6) | Next Part: (Chapter 2-8)
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