#[ i think fighting w neige fans IS secretly caters brand ]
espritdediamant · 1 year
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"TSUMMY—I APPRECIATE YOUR PASSION, and all—totally! I do!—but..."
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"HHHHH !! Did you have to go and start a flame war with Neige stans !? That's soooo not my brand—and my notifications are gonna be clogged for a week..."
(—See: Cater Diamond, laying starfish on the ground, phone in his outstretched hand. He is not giving shavasana relaxation as much as he is giving defeated card soldier, conquered and done in by their very own tsum-brother in arms. What sweet betrayal the internet foists upon ye who least expects it.
Adjacent: Catesum, tsuming tsumily and using his tsum-belly to scroll through the war he has started online in Cater's mentions.)
"I guess it's not like I could have expected you to know saying that would start a whole discourse moment, but c'mon, you can't just call someone's ult a has-been like that..."
The phone is responsibly snatched away, even if Catesum scrambles diligently with its little legs to catch it. "Nuh-uh, no more posting for you today !! Now we're gonna lay low and wait for someone else to cause a shitshow on the TL..."
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"When you get your own phone, I'm soooo putting parental controls on your tsumccounts."
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