#[ i'm sorry this got hella long don't match length ]
arvensimp · 2 years
Arven masturbation HC? How often? Where's his favorite place to? How long does it take him to finish? Who's he thinking about? Describe his cock???Sorry...I'm a horny mess for him but if you're uncomfortable then that's totally understandable 🥵
I've been obsessing over this!!! I was trying to figure out how to make this a fic but I think it'll just be a headcanon if that's cool
OKAY so as much as I love him and I write him hella horny, I don't really see Arven as having a terribly high sex drive usually. He's just not generally a major horn dog. not even like because sad boi hours (which would be understandable), he's just not terribly horny. He's just got other things going on between working on becoming a great chef and studying pokemon and human health.
That said, he still absolutely tugs it from time to time, probably a few times a week but not daily.
We know in canon that Arven is a fairly meticulously clean sort of person, so I have a feeling he probably doesn't do a lot of jerking off just in his bed or out on the road, unless he's got tissues on hand or he's ready to do laundry. Instead he usually masturbates in the shower, just a soft, efficient tug for himself in the mornings and/or the evenings when he gets nice and clean. Imagine him with his hand propped against the shower wall with hot steam all around while he tugs his sudsy cock??? UgH he probably makes these soft little sighs but otherwise isn't terribly loud, even when he cums
His stamina is generally a wildcard. It depends on how he's feeling and what he's doing. If he's just trying to get off, he can be pretty efficient and cum within a few minutes. But if he's really in a mood and wants to treat himself, he can absolutely make an evening out of pleasuring himself, edging himself off and on for ages until his self control breaks and he spills his cum everywhere.
AS FOR HIS COCK ITSELF. This is an uncut man and I will not accept any other opinion. His foreskin is suuuper sensitive when he's hard. As for length and girth. Ngl i think he's on the average side, maybe a tiny bit longer and a tiny bit skinnier. It's got a lovely pronounced curve when he's hard and deliciously thick veins that are really satisfying to press your tongue against during head hehehe
He also absolutely manscapes and the carpet matches the drapes.
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
express delivery ,
🌀 a starter for @ccseonho
with the end of his shift fast approaching, guanlin runs to the bike he keeps chained outside the starbucks a block away from the pizza parlor. it’s mostly for appearances—he’s pretty sure his boss equates his faster than fast delivery times with marathon biker speed and endurance or something. considering guanlin only learned how to ride a bike a couple of months ago, he’s not sure how he keeps the fiction up, but like many things in his life, it’s necessary. the rest of his precious few hours before bed are spent back at his workplace sorting out money and tips and usually sweet talking the owner into letting him take home a pizza (or two) for a midnight snack.
but he lingers by his bike today, mouth drawn in a pensive frown as he unchains it from the bike rack. guanlin fishes his phone out of his pockets and opens the messages he has from seonho, each one causing his frown to deepen. they are perfectly ordinary texts, guanlin thinks, some maybe even a bit distant. he gets that; he was feeling bored during his shift, but seonho has too much on his plate to indulge in guanlin’s dumb cat videos or meme inquires. he doesn’t resent it; he just… misses his friend. a lot. seonho’s out living life and following his dreams. and guanlin gets that you have to leave people behind to move forward sometimes, but being left behind is lonely.
however, seonho’s messages don’t feel sincere. guanlin might be projecting ( he probably is ), but he has a hard time believing seonho’s really doing okay. as his best friend, he has some kind of sixth sense when it comes to seonho… or he likes to think he does, anyway. he can usually tell when seonho is too stressed out or upset or just having a hard time, and his sixth sense is screaming at him to go see seonho as soon as possible ( maybe the sixth sense is just guanlin being selfish; he wants to see seonho too, if just for a second ).
it’s not as easy as dropping by and sneaking in through his window anymore, though. seonho lives at the miracle era dorm now. if guanlin’s being honest, the place and seonho’s new groupmates freak the crap out of him. as a best friend, it’s his duty to swallow his trepidation and try, at least.
with that decided, guanlin rushes back to the pizza parlor to settle accounts, abandons his bike outside jaebum’s place, and runs to the dorm all in twenty minutes—without changing out of his uniform. he only realizes he’s still dressed in the awful red and yellow outfit ( complete with a foam-and-felt pepperoni pizza slice on top the hat ) when he knocks on the front door. by then it’s too late to run back and change ( he’s fast, but not that fast ).
oh no. what if one of seonho’s groupmates opens the door and asks him ‘where’s the pizza?’ he has no pizza. with shaky hands, he pulls his phone out again and shoots out a series of quick texts.
[ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Hey [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Delivery [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] (It’s me) [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Uh [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Please open the door [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Even though I didn’t bring pizza [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] :P [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] But I’m better than pizza [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Right? [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Don’t answer that
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