ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
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Guanlin x Yo-Hi CF
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
( ... ✂️ )
now with a plastic bowl filled with rice cakes, he continues his quest, having received sketchy directions from the kind lady. he’s not sure she even believed there was a magic shop somewhere, but she did her best with the little information provided. a couple streets later, he bumps into someone again, but this time it’s a younger male, about his height. he doesn’t seem like he’s about to shout profanities at him so he might as well ask… “would you know where yuuko’s shop is?”
guanlin swears he threw that weird gimmicky flyer away.
or, threw it in recycling, but the point is that he got rid of it and didn’t intend to actually visit yuuko’s shop for its weird sale on things he really didn’t need. even upon second guessing and wondering if he ought to show the flyer to someone, he still didn’t fish it out of the bin, content to bury it underneath homework and bad doodles. and yet, when he woke up this morning, he found the flyer crumpled up in his pocket.
it is enough to convince him that he probably ought to investigate the place. and, you know, he’s bored with nothing better to do on his day off, so why not? ( there are a lot of reasons to ‘not,’ actually, but guanlin ignores them in favor of embracing his plucky intrepid detective side ). with the flyer tucked into his back pocket, he makes his way to the address printed at the bottom.
guanlin is confident enough in his navigational skills that he doesn’t bother using the map thing on his phone. he runs around busan all the time; he should be able to find one store without help, right? but after an hour or so of searching, his footsteps start to slow. he’s positive it has to be somewhere around here, but no matter which corner he turns, he can’t find it. it’s almost like… maybe…
oh hell magic.
okay, objectively he knows that this is a Magic Store but there’s a difference between magic and magic and guanlin is an idiot who, among all his suspects, did not consider that the bird, flyer, and store could be connected to one of… Them. and now guanlin wants to run very far, very fast.
but before he can turn tail, someone addresses him. guanlin flinches when he hears the words ‘yuuko’s shop’ and rubs his clammy palms together. someone else looking for the place…? could it be a card like him? or maybe a hero—he doesn’t know who else received owl mail like he did. jaebum and seonho definitely didn’t, but he hasn’t spoken with enough people about it to make an educated guess.
he swallows and avoids eye contact. “w—why would you want to go there?” he asks the stranger. “it’s just… kinda weird, isn’t it? the place i mean. i haven’t been there, but i was going—i mean, i wasn’t going there. no way. uh, is that tteokbokki?” one thing he’s learned from seonho: when in doubt, bring up food. and this isn’t so much as doubt as not coming off like a complete idiot to this person of questionable origin, but it still works.
*magical crossover
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
a little birdie told me ,
You aren’t someone who normally receives the morning mail from an owl, but there’s a Snowy Owl perched outside your window. Held in its beak is an elegant, burgundy envelope with your name and address handwritten in black ink. Should you decide to open the window, your winged messenger will take off to the skies after handing you the envelope. You look for a seal or family crest to no avail, yet it still carries the aura of something official. Do you dare open it?
Opening the envelope releases the warm, ashy scent of incense. Yellow flower petals shoot out from the envelope as though they were spring loaded, and they bring with them the refreshing scent of Ylang Ylang oil. You look inside the envelope. As it turns out, its actual contents aren’t as elegant and mysterious as you’ve been lead on to believe.
It’s nothing but a flyer for some store holding a 50% off sale. Ah, marketing tactics these days! You scan some of the offers for this strange place – Yuuko’s Shop, it’s called – and none of them are accompanied by pictures. The coupon expiry dates are odd too, most of them either expiring decades ago or will expire decades from now. You read only some of the deals:
Enchanted Glasses are 50% off – be able to see magic for the very first time!
Owl Delivery Service are 50% off for a limited time only
Fortune Telling is purchase 1 meeting, get the other half off!
Whether you choose to visit the address or throw the letter in the garbage is up to you. But before you make your decision, the bottom of the flyer catches your eye:
Get all your magical needs before it’s too late!
Something big is coming soon. Yuuko Ichihara
being unceremoniously woken up by bird is less glamorous than it sounds.
guanlin is still rubbing sleep out of his eyes when he opens the window, not registering what awaits him outside. part of him is convinced it’s seonho, doing the cliche ‘throwing rocks at your window’ thing until he remembers that seonho has more important things to do. swallowing the small lump of disappointment, he forces himself awake to see… a bird. a birdie. a white owl perched his window with a piece of paper in its beak and this is really weird because guanlin thought humans stopped using avian messengers a couple hundred years ago.
he considers ignoring the bird altogether ( this has to be a practical joke, right? the illusion card? the magician card? the… bird whisperer card? ) but guanlin spies his name on the envelope and it looks important, like he ought to open it at least. the owl lets go off the envelope the minute guanlin reaches for it and promptly flies away after crapping on the windowsill. guanlin avoids looking at the mess and closes the window before plopping down cross legged on his bed and turning the envelope over in his hands.
he doesn’t get mail, not of the physical kind, so who could it possibly be? several possibilities seize him ( none of them good ). rather than shred it to pieces out of anxiety, guanlin holds his breath and carefully opens the envelope—
only to scream and fall backwards, banging his head against the wall as something shoots out of it and gets in his mouth and oh god it smells weird. choking on yellow flower petals, guanlin coughs and spits them all out before reaching for the contents. rather than finding some formal, thick letter, it’s just a cryptic flyer for some shop he’s never heard of. guanlin reads through the whole thing and comes out of it more confused than before. fortune telling? enchanted glasses? magical needs? sounds fishy. and stupid. and fishy.
guanlin crumples the flyer up. if it’s a weird joke, then he wants no part of it. if it’s not and something more… sinister, he doesn’t want any part of it either. he tosses it in the recycling bin and runs a hand through his hair. guanlin is going to live a happy bird free life.
thank goodness no one heard him scream.
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
« kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » i don’t slobber, my kisses are the best!! ♡ « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » and there’s no need to thank me, i like spending time with you~! ♡♡♡ « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » lonely bored sad? « kkt ��� my cute shibelin ♡ » oh, no :<< my poor guanlin :< « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » hyung will smooch your whole face so you won’t be able to be sad, you’ll be too happy! « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » how about this weekend? i want to see you as soon as possible!
[ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] meme1.jpg [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Whatever you say [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Are you [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Sure?  [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] You have important things to do [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] I’m sure [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Iiorehgitg92gh9rhi [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] ERASE FROM YOUR MEMORY [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] AND PHONe [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] I don’t work Saturday [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] We can then?
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
express delivery ,
🌀 a starter for @ccseonho
with the end of his shift fast approaching, guanlin runs to the bike he keeps chained outside the starbucks a block away from the pizza parlor. it’s mostly for appearances—he’s pretty sure his boss equates his faster than fast delivery times with marathon biker speed and endurance or something. considering guanlin only learned how to ride a bike a couple of months ago, he’s not sure how he keeps the fiction up, but like many things in his life, it’s necessary. the rest of his precious few hours before bed are spent back at his workplace sorting out money and tips and usually sweet talking the owner into letting him take home a pizza (or two) for a midnight snack.
but he lingers by his bike today, mouth drawn in a pensive frown as he unchains it from the bike rack. guanlin fishes his phone out of his pockets and opens the messages he has from seonho, each one causing his frown to deepen. they are perfectly ordinary texts, guanlin thinks, some maybe even a bit distant. he gets that; he was feeling bored during his shift, but seonho has too much on his plate to indulge in guanlin’s dumb cat videos or meme inquires. he doesn’t resent it; he just… misses his friend. a lot. seonho’s out living life and following his dreams. and guanlin gets that you have to leave people behind to move forward sometimes, but being left behind is lonely.
however, seonho’s messages don’t feel sincere. guanlin might be projecting ( he probably is ), but he has a hard time believing seonho’s really doing okay. as his best friend, he has some kind of sixth sense when it comes to seonho… or he likes to think he does, anyway. he can usually tell when seonho is too stressed out or upset or just having a hard time, and his sixth sense is screaming at him to go see seonho as soon as possible ( maybe the sixth sense is just guanlin being selfish; he wants to see seonho too, if just for a second ).
it’s not as easy as dropping by and sneaking in through his window anymore, though. seonho lives at the miracle era dorm now. if guanlin’s being honest, the place and seonho’s new groupmates freak the crap out of him. as a best friend, it’s his duty to swallow his trepidation and try, at least.
with that decided, guanlin rushes back to the pizza parlor to settle accounts, abandons his bike outside jaebum’s place, and runs to the dorm all in twenty minutes—without changing out of his uniform. he only realizes he’s still dressed in the awful red and yellow outfit ( complete with a foam-and-felt pepperoni pizza slice on top the hat ) when he knocks on the front door. by then it’s too late to run back and change ( he’s fast, but not that fast ).
oh no. what if one of seonho’s groupmates opens the door and asks him ‘where’s the pizza?’ he has no pizza. with shaky hands, he pulls his phone out again and shoots out a series of quick texts.
[ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Hey [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Delivery [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] (It’s me) [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Uh [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Please open the door [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Even though I didn’t bring pizza [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] :P [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] But I’m better than pizza [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Right? [ ✉ ➝ master ;) ] Don’t answer that
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
❝ … dad, stop yelling. you’re embarrassing. ❞
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
« kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » you are cute!! my cutest dongsaeng!! ♡ « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » if your cheeks hurt hyung will kiss them better (⋆ʾ ˙̫̮ ʿ⋆) « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » annabelle 2?   « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » is it a romantic movie?  « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » i don’t think i’ve heard about it but i’ll watch it with you!!   « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » whatever my cute guanlin wants ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
[ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] HYUNG [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] You slobber [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] I don’t know? [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] It could be? [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Thank you [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] : ) [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] I was feeling [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Lonelyboredsa d [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Ooops sssss [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] When do you want to watch?
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
                                          « 3 new messages ; 3 mins ago »
                                                « 2 new messages ; now  »
                                                               « open »
« kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » so cute~ my dongsaeng guanlin is so cute~  « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » how can hyung say no to that, hm?  « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » ah- my heart ㅠㅠ i just want to squish your face and kiss your cheeks now « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » hyung will go to the cinema with you~!!  « kkt ⇾ my cute shibelin ♡ » what movie should we watch? 
[ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Hyung...  [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] I’m not cute...  [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Please don’t [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] My cheeks will hurt ):   [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Can we watch [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Annabelle 2? [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Someone told me it was [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Cool
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
cat lady ,
🌀 a starter for @ccxsejeong
the last time one of his friends asked to borrow some money, guanlin told him he didn’t have any. his friend didn’t believe him ( “what do you have a part-time job for, then?” ), but guanlin is really, truly broke. almost all the money he earns from delivering pizzas flies away. or flies right into a certain stray cat’s stomach because cat food is expensive. possibly more expensive than regular human food. guanlin doesn’t get it; isn’t it just fish? but, you know, some of the cans he buys are tuna and salmon and others are filet mignon and foie gras so clearly, there’s variety out there in the cat food world and guanlin is drawn to the high quality stuff. 
only the best for lai guanlin’s cat! 
but it’s not his. not technically. he’s not the only one who takes care of the stray; a little old lady feeds and plays with him when guanlin’s busy with school and club activities. they’ve communicated via post-it notes before so guanlin feels like he can trust her. so far, they’ve been sharing the cat ( which is also why it doesn’t have a name yet ) and that’s probably a good thing—he can’t even imagine how much more he’d be spending if he had to raise it alone. 
the latest cat food bill alone makes him grumble, but guanlin figures it’s all going to a good cause. leaving the pet store with a bag full of cans dangling on his arm, he looks both ways before preparing to rev up his super speed—
only to make eye contact with a passing grandma. guanlin deflates and walks at a normal pace until he’s out of her sight, then picks up speed. still, he arrives at the feeding spot a couple minutes past what he’s comfortable with. he can’t help it! club activities ran late, then he had to hit the pet store, and while he has super speed, there’s only so fast you can go where there are people around and watching. someone is already there, however, and it’s not the sweet old lady guanlin expects but someone else entirely. 
“uh, hey there?” he shifts the bag to his other arms, cans clanging loudly against each other. “i don’t wanna be rude but who are you? and uh, where is my cat?” he puts more emphasis on my cat than necessary, but guanlin’s a bit protective of the things he cares about. and he’s paranoid.
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
[ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Hi hyung [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Do you want to go [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] To the cinema with me?
📩 sent after two minutes.
[ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Oh No, I didn't mean to send [ ✉ ➝ Honey Hyung 🐝 ] Please erase this from your phone!
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
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9-12/∞ gifs of my Taipei Prince
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
hello friends! some of you may already know me as nik, the mun of ccminghao and cckihyun in the previous run of cardcaptors. i’ve been on hiatus since opening because of vacation but i am back and ready to party!
i come to you fifteen minutes late with starbucks with my new son, lai guanlin, the speed card (aka actual sonic). he’s currently masquerading as a sixteen year old high school student who works part time at the local pizza parlor as a delivery boy. he’s very tall and sleepy 90% of the time and he likes to go FAST so catch him running around town for no reason at all. he may come across as intimidating at first because he doesn’t talk much but he’s just very shy!! once he’s around friends he’s a meme™. he’s a good, responsible boy who seems mature for his age and that’s because... he is an ancient card. it’s easy to forget sometimes.
i don’t have a plot page up for him yet so i’ll drop some trivia under the cut! but please plot with my boy regardless i promise you he is a good egg and he will reach all the tall shelves for you. okay! you can hit LIKE on this post if you want me to pop into your ims, or you can reach me on twitter ( @kangdsgf ) to plot. i also have discord ( kihyuns#7410 ) if you prefer using that!! 
shut up nik i’m done i love everyone!!!
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speed card so his power is supernatural speed!!
which means he likes to fast, but not too fast because he’s still growing into his powers again
actually he has to try really hard to remember to walk/run/etc at normal human speeds
currently captured by his best friend, yoo seonho, and he’s happy with that
strong advocate of non-violence. he doesn’t like to fight, okay... 
fastest pizza delivery boy in busan and he’s very proud of his title
on the basketball team at school, and probably in like a book/poetry club but while he’s a basketball star, he doesn’t DO anything in the latter
sits in the back of all his classes and sleeps but always has the right answer when someone calls on him. everyone is shocked
low key probably one of the school’s shoujo manga princes but he doesn’t know it. he’s oblivious 
his korean is accented and he pulls the ‘i’m a foreigner’ card when he doesn’t want to talk to people or answer questions but tbh his korean understanding is actually flawless
eats a lot. always eating because of his metabolism but also because he is a growing boy
currently living with im jaebum and he’s like, i can’t believe this guy is my dad, but he also secretly loves him
he likes doing things for people!! loves helping others because he just wants a pat on the head and a ‘good job’ 
he was really lonely for a long time... he wants affection & love but doesn’t know how to respond to it
so he gets really awkward and embarrassed but he secretly loves it too
he’s just a tol quiet boy who is good at school and sports and wants to make people happy please love him
i’m done i’m not crying
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
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