#[ lets have some real trouble gamblealife]
ducknotinarow · 2 years
"It's time fer a drink, you 'n me, sugar tits." ( Angel & Cherri :3 )
|muse interaction
Back to the cold brick walls, and arms soon folded over her chest. As she turned her head left and then right. lacking any other eyes' did mean needing to fully look around like so to see better. But there was no sign of Angel. Cheeri peaked at her phone it had been a bit since she last heard from Angel. She never liked that, sure he got hung up with the fans and whatever else stupid Val had him doing but the radio silence is what got to her the most. She purses her lips and set her phone down. They had plans to meet up today, just hang out nothing big of course but still. She should have had a clue she wouldn't see him since it felt like she was ghosted since last hearing from the spider. but at the same time that also likely meant something happened.
She was hoping with Angel staying at the lame hotel place the news spoke about maybe he was safe from Val? Letting her head tip back to touch the bricks. "where are you dick." she mutters under her own breath
"It's time fer a drink, you 'n me, sugar tits."
She blinked nearly missing his voice, taking a second to look them over before saying anything. He seemed to be fine at least. "Jeez bout time, haven't heard from you in a few weeks thought you died on me finally." She joked a bit as she gave a playful jab into his arm before finally moving from her perch on the wall "or is that lame place your sticking to grounding you from phone calls now?" she added on but despite what she was saying she was beyond relieved to be seeing them with her own eye. He seemed fine at least. That damn place better hopes it stays that way she doesn't care if some princess runs it she'll blow it up if anything happens with him there. "Come on let's get our drink on I haven't had a drop in a few hours now! and I feel like I'm bout to kill over!" She jokes a tad as she started to make her way inside linking her arm with one of his. Nearly dragging him inside with her inside as they breezed right by the bouncer of the club they wanted to check out. Hey, she was with a quote on quote star and well she didn't care much for if they were on some list. Besides if you act like you belong they didn't often say much.
"See this is why you gotta get away more often so we can hang out like this." She chimed once they were in and was able to scope things out. Seemed like most places. Loud music, people who think they know how to dance, and lots and lots of alcohol to guzzle down. Which of course was the first step. The bar! Making thier way over as they got up to place orders for drinks she took a moment better look Angel over. They seemed fine but for all she knew they hadn't talked because something bad happened that he wanted to hide from her.
"Soooo, how the new digs?" that was a casual way to suddenly bring it up. "I mean been a while so like what they making ya slave away with em or something?" she asked curious growing she would outright act on it but she just had to make sure. "Or you just like crashing there? what the deal?" she soon followed up with. "Ya know so I know if I can grab ya whenever I want to be hella lame if you weren't there when I do you know?" saved it. "Cause I mean gotta know where to grab ya in case I need help again right? and I'm sure you need a break from the goody-good acts there. Or whatever you do there." She soon shrugged her shoulders up "but if the place is lame maybe you should leave it too and we'll just become roomies." She made it out like a joke and maybe it part it was but only because she ran the streets to try and cover the area she was hoping to build up under her own name as a wanna-be overlord herself. Wasn't safe enough to keep him with her in case Val got a stick up his ass and went looking for them.
"Eh nah be hard for ya to keep up with me" she teased after to cover her meaning. Drinks set to the counter for them finally. She grabbed at both and set the pace "Come on we got all night to start having fun now."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs ( & For Cherri :3 )
| Force My Muse to Spill Their Secrets
Cherri had to say when it came to living in hell it was a blast. Free to do as you wish? Who could pass up on that? Running around causing havoc just because eit was a Tuesday and she felt a little extra spontaneous and had a few extra bombs she was just itching to get to tossing. Course her favorite was when she got to cause trouble with her best friend Angel Dust. So many people in hell could be so ducking lame but not Angel, and he had been in hell far longer than herself. Where so many were old and stuffy blaming it on when they died and couldn’t change their ways Angel was a blast, pun intended there, to hang out with. She thought as the two of of them had drove behind a car listening to the sound of glass shattering. After the explosion from one of her bombs had gone off. She looked overt watch the Spider demon laugh away second eat of arms were slung around their sides as they were just near about ready to bust a gut.
But as soon as the fun had started it came to an end.
Walking through Pentagram city once they had given the slip to the loser shop owner whose place they had just finished blowing t bits, hey that’s what they got for trying to talk trash about the strips on angel’s outfit or Cherri’s torn-on-purpose style. Some people just seemed to think that had a say on what others wore, eh guy is just jealous they couldn’t pull of these trends clearly. When Cherri finally noticed the look on Angel's face as they had their face buried in the screen of thier phone. "You okay there Anges?" Cherri went to ask as they shoved the phone back into thier pocket watching how the look on thier face changed like a flick of light. They crossed thier topped arms and well Cherri knew from the look alone it was Val who messaged them just now. She reached out a hand and gingerly set it on to her friend's arm. "Hey just blow 'em off we can go cause more trouble? I know some goons trying mess'n with my turf." She knew better though soon as Angel went to give some dumb spill about how he should go in tonight at least he'd been blowing work off a lot.
Sure Cherri could try and talk them out of it, drag him away maybe even but she knew how this would go. As the familiar limo pulled up despite the smile on Angel's face as he climb in. She could feel a pit in her stomach. But waved them off and watched the car pull away.
"Oh Angie" Cherri said under her breath as she lifted her hand to her moth and chewed on her nail. "If it weren't for that fuckers status then maybe I could help ya more..If i could just become one of em? then maybe I'll be able to get you away from him finally."
Maybe it was a foolish thing to wish for but she knew better than most what angel dealt with being with that stupid moth, Valentino. She dropped her hands down and started to check to see how many bombs she still had on her. Enough to get by for now. "I ain't got much of turf, not yet at least Angie but I tussled with an overlord already once before. I can take on more soon once I got enough ground under my name. I'll get you away from him we can..we can ran it together laugh and cause as much trouble all we want."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
★ ( CherriAngel )
Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better  
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
I need to do a tag drop here so I put it under a cut cause I got a lot xD (I I can make it work on my iPad that is if not sorry rip)
Tag drop 1/2
Tumblr media
Thor [ A whole new world ]
Tumblr media
aflockoffeathers ->
Steve [ Angel with a hammer]
Brooklyn [ rainbows and rainstorms ]
Astrid [ a place isn’t a home people are ]
Tumblr media
aflockoffeathers ->
Steve [ some day you’ll pay the price ]
Thor [ taken different paths travelled different roads]
Astrid [ from one outsider to another ]
Brooklyn [ as chaotic as you are small ] uwu
Tumblr media
Steve [ its a good way not to die though ]
Thor [ that’s a question I don’t need answered]
Brooklyn [ I didn’t gift you life but you gifted mine with you ]
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aflockoffeathers ->
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aflockoffeathers ->
steve [ i’ve been watching you, want to be like you]
Thor [ blondes have fun but brunettes do it better]
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Gamblealife ->
Angel dust [ let have some real trouble]
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Gamblealife ->
Lilith [ dearer to me than all the sinners in hell]
Charlie [ a fathers love never reaches a limit ]
Devil [ oh bother my brother ]
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