#((If she becomes more powerful she can save her bestie ;3;))
crazy-bxmbo-bxtch · 4 months
Yandere HUMAN! Hazbin Hotel X Popular reader
Summary: Separate Hazbin characters and their love and obsession for the school's popular girl
A/n: I'm very excited about this one, also College AU/ Modern
Characters: Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer
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I feel as if he would like to have an innocent or the mega bitch type of girl. An innocent to play into his love for corruption, a bitch so he can break her sprirts.
Now, if you're an innocent, he will be in awe of you. The reason you are popular is your kindness and beauty toward others, even the bad ones.
Alastor would constantly look at you during lectures, and it was noticeable to anyone who squinted, looking at you promptly.
One day, he will gain the door to be active in your life, getting close to you, by studying.
Imagine this, you are failing a class, and you ask your teacher after in private about it. After talking, you realize there is no fixing your current grade for the class, and the semester is almost over. Not to worry, Alastor will happily invite you over to study with him.
Now... a smart person, knew not to go into Alastor's home, as he is the school's sketchy phyco, as in, the whole university is pretty sure he kills people in private....and practiced black magic..
But in your position, you need the help, plus you're pretty sure he's not a killer, I mean, how could he? Based on the talk you had, he's a man who likes music, loves and respects his mother, and knows how to sing and dance. He's harmless. He was so sweet too, telling you things like "the color on your lips looked Devine on you doe." Or "such a pretty thing." He was even kind enough to make tea....
Once you were knocked out, his plan had set up into motion, then when u woke all you know is that alastor saved you from some rapists, he said "they wanted to take something precious from you." You believed him, now you were the new power couple on campus.
Now, if your a bitch, be in for some hardcore fi
Fuckary. Alasor is attracted to your spunk and your sass. He wants to be the only person who sees it.
As you beat up some pathetic girl who dared to question your delightful singing voice, Alastor was watching in awe from afar. You look so cute when you are upset. You can do no wrong in his eyes.
When it comes to courting, Alastor will be using a different approach and technique. You are not so trusting and lenient as you could have been.
I feel Alastor would show you the crazy he possesses. Let you know that, compared to him, you are weak and need protection, not independence.
Imagine you are running through your home, only in a T-shirt and panties, trying to escape the stranger who just burst into your home. As you run, you rush into the bathroom, locking the door and barricading it with anything you can find. You struggle to unlock your phone as you do so, the person says, "I wouldn't do that, my dearest." You recognized the voice, and all your fear was replaced with anger. "Alastor! What are you doing? I knew you seemed off but not this fucking unhinged!!"
As the house fell silent, Alastor let out a chuckle, "Now my dear, it's time for this attitude of yours to falter." You blacked out, now you can't leave his home, forced to drop out and become a housewife.
In either case Alastor will always
1. Obsess
2. Posses
3. And mf PROTECT
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I feel like she would also like someone coming from both mean and nice sides, a nice girl because AHHHHH HOW CUTE IS SHE, and a mean one because she wants to find your softer side and help bring it out of you.
An innocent angel that Charlie is good friends with! You both hang out all the time. You could practically be besties. Forever, and ever, and maybe even more? no, even more!
People around campus would notice how much she spends time with you and how much she touches you, she touches certain parts of your body for too long, you could be at Starbucks and she would just be practically hanging on your shoulder.
But don't be fooled, you never pay for your little "bestie dates" when you are with her, even if you offered to go and even offered to pay and she agrees to you paying, you will never be able to truly pay.
Picture this, during a lecture you text Charlie. Her being the lovesick cinnamon roll she is, she texts back immediately, you ask if she wants to go out to a park or something, and she says, 'It's a date :)'. While you are preparing later that day to hang out with your friend, Charlie is getting ready to hang out with her lover....if you are not catching on.....Charlie is DELULU.
Your friends try to warn you that she's trouble, and a little off, but you ignore them because your friends are harsher than you, you are the sweet one of the group.
Charlie's obsession with you is, for the most part, completely unknown. She can hide her sinister intentions with a smile and a trip to Starbucks.
She writes you love songs that she hopes to be able to sing for you one day, she's a charmer like her father after all.
Her biggest fear is you not wanting to be with her anymore, friends or more, she does not care, she will always make sure that u will see her as one of the people most close to you.
Now, a meaner darling will require a more pushy Charlie, she gets all up in your business, stalks your schedule, and ultimately...BOTHERS THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU.
She never leaves you alone, always trying to be overly friendly to you. She tries to get you to open up to her and look at her as someone you can trust, but hell no.
Eventually, she grows a little impatient and uses her advantage of being the principal's daughter to good use. Now you keep getting in trouble with a punishment of study hall and another punishment of having Charlie monitor you.
As you sit there under her watchful eye you can feel something peering through you, not her but a part of her. She smiles and goes back to talking about random nonsense, you got 10 more days of study hall.
...sucks to be u
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I feel like she would love a weaker kinder girl, who is also very talkative, one who is like Heather Macnemera, one who is popular because of peer pressure. She would notice and take note of it. All of it, even your life.
The fact that you love, jewelry, hair clips, and having your nails done every month. She would definitely be awkward as hell and would get flustered a little easily.
It also was not a shock...to me at least, that you seemed to pay her some attention, whether you asked her about homework, what she does in her free time, and what her favorite foods are.
She loves the fact that you like to yap because she loves to listen. I can imagine...
Vaggie was doing her work for her major. Blasting music in her earbuds and just vibeing, when she gets a tap on her shoulder. "Hey, you got the notes from earlier?" She freezes when she sees you, "oh...uh..what?" She fucked up her response..shit..."oh..I was asking if you got the notes from earlier? He was going a little too fast for me, I blanked." You were done asking.
You scooch over lean over her shoulder and start copying her notes. Vaggie was panicking, not only were you this close to her but, you spoke to her, with not a hint of malice. Your friends give anyone hell so she was luckey to get this treatment..or that's what she thought. You were always sweet to eveyone...
After you took down the notes you started asking her meaningless questions like, 'What's your favorite color or food?' She would answer, then all of a sudden, "Ms. L/s, do you mind carrying your conversation at another time!?" The professor shouted, but, you always clap back " Well damn, chill out I was just getting the notes your fast ass keeps speeding through, not my fault." That shut him up, now all Vaggie has to do is keep you focused on her just a little....ok maybe a lot more, now she has your attention and she would be damned if she stopped now.
You both became close, Vaggie was an amazing friend...she always protected you, and made sure you stayed by her side and out of harm's way, she was amazing at self-defense, and she would always take you to your favorite fast food places. You did not even know she was crazy....oh well, need to pay attention more.
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Now I know this man would be a class clown, it's giving Goofy short king, bro cracks jokes at the teacher that would low-key be insulting or straight rude, especially the teachers that gained some type of excessive liking of you.
He knows everything about you, your fave color, food, jewelry, car....license plate...what your car smells like.....adress....credit card number....all the numbers...anyway.
He is so lovestruck over you he would do anything to entertain you and make you laugh, even though you are two grown adults in college but eh, everyone needs to have fun once in a while.
Now, since in the show, his wife is an entertainer, I feel as though in this he would also have an entertainer darling, one that dances sings, or even acts. He always is there at your performance, he imagines that whatever you are doing is to make him happy, but he's already happy with you ..in his head at least, you do what you do because you love it, but let him be delulu.
He seems very touch starved so I know he would be clinging. Always 5 feet away from you, going off campus for food? He'll ride with you. Does YOUR class start soon? He will drop you off then go to his.
Lucifer, being Goofy, would have been already popular, so many thought you two were dating, lucifer would proudly smile and wall around like you two are together...he could only dream.
You noticed he had a thing for ducks, a little weird, but you can look past that because knows origami....and he makes duck origami for you.. which is hella random but oh well. He even made one that looks like you...he also has a secret one, well like two. They look like you both and are making a heart shape, you don't know about it.
~"Heyyy N/N, sooooo...whatcha doing..?" He asked mentally attacking himself for losing confidence halfway through his introduction. You tell him you want to head over to the park and eat sandwiches and feed the ducks, HIS WIFE, he just loves you. "YOU BETCHA, I'LL BE THERE IN 30". it's a date for him.
While you two sat and laughed, he was beaming at the fact his bad jokes were working, maybe he has a chance? You talk about majors and what you plan to do when you both leave, and he loved that you loved the arts, did he ever mention he sings?~
One thing I know is that this man likes to stare and make faces, he's jealous, what can he say? He won't admit it though, he's too prideful duh. If he attends one of your performances he watches so closely, and he almost forgets about the men making inappropriate comments about your body, they will be handled shorty though, whether he damages their dignity, or fucks them...up...he fucks them up.
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Not much thought, just vibes ✨️
Requests: OPEN
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
Yandere Doffy anon here with more stuff!
First, ouch to that dialogue you wrote when Doflamingo tells Reader he killed Rosinante without really telling her. That wine drinking while sobbing GIF is accurate. My heart broke when Reader called Corazon her brother-in-law. 🥹🥹😭😭 Gosh, Corazon would be the best brother-in-law.
Regarding the three ways it could go for Reader's behaviour, I mean... All of them are great. All of them can be their own fics. I think since Reader is a princess she may be a bit naive as in the 1st possibility you wrote down, I really like that one. 🥹 I think it can then become Reader slowly becoming aware of all the shit he does but hell... you're stuck with him, it's till death do you part. Anyway 1st option is nice and 3rd is great and 2nd is great, you know what, just write fics for them all, I'll read them all! 😂
All of them are great.
I think for the Yandere Doffy fic, Reader & Rosi as besties, he loves her and she loves him but not with any budding romantic feelings. They have this deep bond of "we are taking care of the most chaotic crazy man alive" type of thing if it makes sense? Rosi & Reader love each other on a deep non-romantic level, they take care of each other etc etc.
You always have a water bottle somewhere to pour on Corazon when he sets his coat on fire. You remind him to let his tea cool off so he doesn't burn his tongue. When you get ill, Corazon is by your bedside when Doflamingo isn't.
Honestly, you and Rosi act more like siblings than Rosi & Doffy 😂
Okay, now back to Lami meeting Cora, bcs I can't get it out of my head. Law saving Lami, them both making it out, and Law trying to find work at Spider Miles and giving all his food to his little sister (reminds you of someone? It's Little Doffy) and eating bread (which he hates) just so his sister can be healthy. Of course, the work doesn't pay well, and Law gets desparate. We can change his meeting with Donquixote Pirates that he tries to sneak into the base to steal treasure & food (it's go big or go home for Law, he will stop at nothing for his little sister) and Doflamingo catches him and is about to torture him (yikes) but both you and Lami arrive and cue the reunion and you recognising them both and THAT'S how they join the Donquixote Pirates. We can just make it so Lami's disease is, since she is no longer exposed to Flevance's air, not advancing so quickly and she makes it for the next 3 years. And then Cora takes them away. And just... Lami and Cora are the enthusiastic, positive ones, they're playing around, Cora dances with Lami on a festival he takes Lami and Law to, Lami always sits on his coat on his shoulder, she loves Cora-san's coat so much. She thinks Cora-san's power is the coolest thing, too. Law is smiling a bit more with Lami around, hoping at least his sister makes it. If not him, at least his sister. Now imagine both Law & Lami in that treasure chest, gosh, no, nooo 😭😭
Also, Lami would totally braid Doflamingo's hair while he dozes in an armchair. He wonders why everyone is snickering at him and why you're giggling and it takes a while before he goes to the mirror and sees he has multiple ponytails in his hair. Extra cuteness if Baby 5 helped Lami, too. Anyway, I also think Lami would join Cora in shoving the Op-Op Fruit into Law's mouth. Law would want Lami to take it but Lami goes girlboss and holds her brother down so Cora can feed him the Op-Op Fruit while Law struggles and kicks. Just normal sibling thing to do. Also, she'd bite Vergo. Or kick him where the sun doesn't shine.
Aaand now I want to write a full fic of Cora's journey with Law & Lami. Dammit. 😭 I do think Doffy will be softer with Lami than with Law? Who knows. I like to think Doffy is a girl dad deep down in his heart (points to Baby 5). Good thing Law & Lami left cus no way would she have a boyfriend. Questionable if Law scares away a lot of her suitors when they're adults, too 😂 Lami, my baby, she deserved better 😭
And to break your heart...
"Hey, Law, Lami!"
The two children turned to Cora-san, and gawked at the man's big, goofy smile.
"I love you!"
Brb, gonna go cry. 😭
Sending love to you, Snail. Sorry for the angst. I just love Lami ❤️
I have no idea how long this has been in my ask box, but this is just the best angst to go to sleep with. I am crying, you're crying, we're all crying.
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Yandere Doffy Anon, you spoil me.
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sipsandfables · 10 months
Unfiltered Thoughts While Reading: Fourth Wing
Chapter 1
​​I really like Mira so far - not too sure about their mom yet lol
​​Is Brennan REALLY dead? Lol Could be a page pulled from Red Queen
​​Their mom might have been Manon in an alternate universe
​​“Decide, Violet. Are you going to die a scribe? Or live as a rider?’”
​​I love the relationship between the two sisters
​​“He's the most exquisite man I've ever seen.”
I mean, Xaden does sound pretty hot. I’m a sucker for dark hair and dark eyes lol
​​“Flaming hot. Scorching hot. Gets-you-into-trouble-and-you-like-it level of hot.” ​
​​ Nooooo! I had a feeling Dylan wouldn’t make it ​😭​
​​Chapter 2
​​Jack Barlowe - even his name sounds like a dick
​​Chapter 3
​​So there are four wings, with 3 sections in each wing, and 3 squads in each section making it 4 wings, 12 sections, and 36 squads total
​​“I will not die today”
​​Chapter 5
​​so Violets mom opposed General Melgren about the rebel children - wonder if they have animosity
​​Lol well Violets plan of getting Ri to ask her questions didn’t work ​🤣​
​​Damn, does her mom hate her? Why would she send Violet to do this??? Lol
​​Chapter 6
​​Aw, I really hope Brennan isnt actually dead and it’s a plot twist because he seems like a character I’d love
​​Chapter 7
​​It’s so strange that the people with the most motivation for revenge (rebel children) are put in such high power by training to become riders WITH MAGIC AND DRAGONS
​​Oh and look, a bunch of them are gathering to scheme even though it’s illegal for more than three to be seen together lol
​​Violet hanging out in a tree while passing judgement on this group is hilarious
​​“‘Fascinating. You look all frail and breakable, but you're really a violent little thing, aren't you?’”
​​Alright, I admit that I love their dynamic lol
​​Chapter 8
​​I’m surprised Dain didn’t see her rendezvous with Xaden since they touched and he can see memories
​​I wonder if the decrease in the number of dragons willing to bond speaks to the fact that the dragons’ don’t align with humans like before
​​Omggggg I hope Violet gets the black one! If dragons bond with humans like them, it would make sense because she’s so smart
​​Omg was the one and only rider of the black dragon Brennan?! The last time he was seen was five years ago which is when Brennan “died” and the teacher looked at Violet when he told the story of how the rider died
��​Oh I got it wrong, Brennan was the rider that was trying to be resurrected
​​Omg i totally thought it was Jack volunteering to spar Violet. I’m glad it’s Xaden instead hahaha
​​Chapter 9
​​Violence? I love the nickname haha
​​“Beautiful. Fucking. Asshole.” ​
​​Am I the only one getting hot and bothered by this death match? Lollll
​​“Defenseless women have never been my type.”
Okay sir ​👀​​🥵​
​​Man, I get Dain is her bestie but he is trying way too hard to get her out of the rider squadrant - just believe in her
​​Chapter 10
​​Theory time: the rider who died trying to save Brennan was his lover. He didn’t do it for fame, he did it because he loved Brennan. The black dragon is going to take Violet as his rider because of the special bond his rider had with her brother. BOOM
​​I already liked Ridoc before because I resonate with cracking jokes through hard times but now I like him even more and respect him
​​Violets squad: Sawyer, Pryor, Trina, Tynan, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Violet, Aurelie, and Luca
​​I hope everyone on this squad stays alive because I like them and their dynamic. I also hope Sawyer gets a dragon this year ​😭​
​​As I read the Gauntlet practice scenes, I just picture the final challenge on Wipe Out ​🤣​
​​Aurelie ​😭​​😭​​😭​
​​“Do not make me ask three times.” ​
👀​ or what Zaddy?
​​“What makes you a rider is what you do after people die.”
​​Things I like about this book so far:
​​Female lead is not annoying. She’s very logical and the writer SHOWS that she’s smart instead of telling
​​The pacing is great. What a page turner! And the chapters aren’t impossibly long. The book is long but it doesn’t FEEL like it
​​The romance between the main ship is not cringe! They’re dynamic is hot. He’s hot. She’s hot. It’s all hot
​​There is more than one badass female characters! It’s giving Throne of Glass series (Aelin, Manon, Lysandra, etc)
​​Chapter 11
​​Does that mean someone will be punished for not burning Brennans things? Or does it not matter because Brennan is ALIVE?!
​​okay, so there’s a lot of representation in this book and I’m loving it (people of color, gay, they/them pronouns, etc)
​​I mean if Dain REALLY cared about her survival, he’d help more! He would have watched her practices and given her ideas on how to make it - not continue to try to get her to quit!
​​Violet is a fucking badass. LETSGOOOO
​​I also love how shameless her mind is when describing how sexy Xaden is lol
​​Also, I notice that Dain isn’t mentioned AT ALL during this whole thing about her making it through the gauntlet. Shouldnt he have been there also defending her win???? Sus
​​Chapter 12
​​Ahhh there’s a Feathertail? Maybe THATS the one that she bonds with since they abhore violence and are smart (sounds like Violet)
​​OR the Feathertail will report back to the black dragon about Violet and he comes during the Threshing ​👀​
​​Damn these dragons are heartless! Poor Pryor. But also, humans are heartless - Tynan and Luca can jump off a cliff
​​I hope that the awesome conversation Violet and Rhi are having throughout this walk means they’ll get awesome dragons
​​OMG finally someone I dislike diess LOL freaking Luca. Bye Felicia
​​Chapter 13
​​Hmmm, if Violet hasn’t felt a connection with the feather one so far then I don’t think they’ll bond. Maybe she hasn’t felt a connection because the black dragon wasn’t on the walk and Tynan will bond with that gold one to teach him a lesson about strength?
​​I wish Tynan also got burned to a crisp during presentation
​​Threshing is giving me “Manon and the Thirteen must fight others for Wyverns” vibes
​​Okay, maybe the gold dragon IS her dragon lol
​​I’m proud of Violet for coming to the Gold dragons defense but I’m relieved that Xaden was there with his dragon hahaha
​​Chapter 14
​​I FUCKING KNEW IT! It’s the black dragon! Here to claim Violet!!! Fuck yes!!
​​This fucking dragon is hilarious. I love him already
​​“"My name is Tairneanach, son of Murtcuideam and Fiaclanfuil, descended from the cunning Dubhmadinn line."
​​Tairn, this dragon is so sassy hahahaha
​​Chapter 15
​​“You’re making us look bad. Stop it.”
I’m ded hahahah this dragon ​🤣​ He reminds me of Venom in the Venom movie with Tom Hardy lol
​​“Was everyone’s dragon a curmudgeon? Or just mine?” ​
​​“"You are the smartest of your year. The most cunning. You defended the smallest with ferocity. And strength of courage is more important than physical strength.” ​
​​What. A. Legend.
​​Chapter 16
​​Damn, even the head dragon isn’t a huge fan of this? Now I’m concerned because General Melgren is obviously a bad guy lol
​​I’m so glad Sawyer got bonded this time around! And Rhi and Ridoc are bonded!!! Yay!
​​Poor Trina
​​Tairn told you to stay with Xaden and you’re not LISTENING!
​​Oh I didn’t see the dragons bond coming!!!
​​Damn Dain, that’s cold. But I knew it - he’s no real ride or die bestie!!!
​​I really do like Violet but her undying faith in Dain is pissing me off
​​Strange how Dain kisses her after all this time only because she has TWO bonded dragons ​😒​
​​Chapter 17
​​But if you really think about it, Violet didn’t take any available dragons away from others - Tairn hasn’t been seen in five years and Goldie was unwanted and a surprise at presentation
​​“Your puny gods”
lol I love Tairn
​​Chapter 18
​​Yes! Finally Violet sticks it to Dain. I’m tired of his shit too
​​Omggggg poor Jeremiah. That was brutal
​​the golden dragon can freeze time?! What a badass power!
​​chapter 19
​​Dang, Xadens rejection to Violet had ME in my feelings - what do you mean you wouldn’t sleep with her to keep her safe?!
​​Omg Andarna is adorable - she better not die EVER
​​Ohhhhh, a Feathertail is a baby dragon?
​​I bet it was Imogen who opened the door for those people to kill Violet
​​Chapter 20
​​Based on the intro of this chapter, now I’m thinking it was Amber because she’s the only female wing leader I can recall
​​Yep, it was Amber!
​​Also, I love their squads banter and camaraderie lol
​​Fucking Dain - you’re the worst
​​I’m glad they were able to show undeniable truth since SOMEONE refused to believe her ​😒​
​​Chapter 21
​​I love that there’s even more representation in here with the hearing impaired scribe
​​Liam sounds hot lol
​​Something sus is happening with this war
​​Chapter 22
​​I’d be staring too ​👀​
​​So our boy Jack is allergic to oranges hmmm? Funny how a guy that talks so much shit can be killed by produce. Just saying
​​Okay now I’ve reached the “when will they get it on?!” Point lol
​​Xaden is just giving out hot compliments left and right ​🥵​
​​FINALLY! It only took two dragons fucking for Violet and Xaden to finally give in lol
​​Nooooooo! Damn Xaden for thinking straight lol
​​Chapter 23
​​I see what Rhiannon is hinting at - that Xaden is only the most powerful rider in their generation for NOW because it was before Violet got here lol Gotta love that bestie support!
​​Man Dain really needs to step up - he’s giving Tamlin vibes right now
​​I knew Jack was allergic to oranges! I hope he’s dead!
​​Chapter 24
​​Damn, still alive
​​A guy burned himself alive with his own power?! Man, this squadrant is insane and brutal
​​Violet’s mom is cold as ice
​​Chapter 25
​​the most valuable thing would be intel! They should think like a Scribe, like Violet
​​Liam and I are on the same page!
​​Break into the Commander’s office?! This could go horribly wrong! What if they see stuff they’re not supposed to?!
​​“‘Scribes freak me out. Quiet little know-it-alls, acting like they can make or break someone by writing something down.’” ​
​​Alright, pretty badass plan
​​Chapter 26
​​Mira!!! I’m so glad they got to see each other and that Rhi got to see her family ​🥰​
​​Omg mated dragons can only be a part for three days?!
​​It’s strange that earlier in the book they made it seem like Tairn hasn’t been seen for five years but if he’s mates to the blue dragon, wouldn’t he be seen wherever Xaden is?
​​Chapter 28
​​I love how intense and dangerous Tairn is one minute and super cheeky the next haha
​​FINALLY JACK IS DEAD! Fuck that guy!
​​And yessssss, Lightening Wielder sounds badass!
​​Chapter 29
​​I swear if Andarna dies in this series, I’m going to RIOT. She’s so pure and wonderful ​🥹​
​​“Get the fuck away from her with that nonsense.”
Xaden does not mince words and I love it haha
​​Xaden and Tairn’s pep talk to Violet is way better than Dain’s
​​I mean she has a point about her powers. They’re badass but yeah, pretty destructive lol
​​Chapter 30
​​Well this escalated quickly ​👀​​🥵​
​​Pretty awesome that dudes take contraception lol
​​Xaden is responsible for all the rebel children?! Omg I bet it was her mom that gave him those scars! That’s what he meant when they ran into the commander previously
​​I’m not a fan of when the male lead says “Don’t fall for me” like bro, it’s too late - I’m invested haha
​​This training session with Carr is hilarious lol
​​I think I like professor Carr more now
​​Chapter 31
​​I’m pleasantly surprised she comes right out and says “yeah I’m probably going to fall for you if we keep this up” lollll most characters in this position stay in denial until it backfires lol
​​“He really does have an incredible body, but he doesn't get to dictate what I do with my heart.”
Preach girl
​​I’m living for all of page 393 - you go Violet!
​​Damn, I really like Violet lol
​​Chapter 32
​​Cheaper 33
​​Phew, thank goodness it was a fake drill!
​​Hmmmm, something tells me this fake war is about to get real
​​Omg why is Andarna so adorable?! Tairn will carry her like a human dad carrying his baby in a bjorn lol
​​Idk that “I’ll miss you, Violet.” from Dain was a little SUS. He was way too quick to make amends with her decision. Something fishy is going on
​​Xaden and the other rebel kids in the fourth wing are also acting sus. Like they know more about this scenario than they’re letting on. Why are they all so tense if it’s just a game? Why did Dain’s dad give Xaden a weird look?
​​Chapter 34
​​did the Gryphons start attacking after unification because Navarre took something from them and made it harder for the Gryphons to get it back after unifying nations?
​​Ah! I had a feeling the Gryphons and their riders weren’t so savage as the Navarre historians and leaders want people to believe!
​​Chapter 35
​​Okay, we can recover from this Violet! Sure everyone including your two bonded dragons and the love of your life lied to you over and over BUT it must have been for a good reason. I’d give them the benefit of the doubt over Dain and the others any day
​​Okay Violet really believing Dain would break rules to save people is ludicrous. I like Violet but her thinking on this is stupid
​​Theory time - Violets mom killed their dad because he was in the know about venin and ready to go public
​​Another theory - Dain and his dad have known about venin this whole time. Dain’s being used to help continue to cover it up. He’s also been lying to her technically as much as Xaden has been
​​I fucking knew it! Dain has been reading her memories this whole time! Duh girl!!!
​​The real question is if more than just Dain and his dad concocted this plan to kill Xaden
​​If Xaden dies, there’s a chance Violet would die because of their dragon bond so wouldn’t her mom know that? But would she even care? Or mayb her mom is like The Hound from the crescent city series
​​Chapter 36
​​“We’re riders. We defend the defenseless. It’s what we do.”
​​Damn, so General Melgren can’t see the fate of people with rebellion relics? Good
​​The level of stress I have reading these last 80ish pages is HIGH
​​I don’t want anyone in this riot to die! Or the Gryphons and their riders!
​​maybe her mom knew she’d survive because of what general Melgren can see? Which might explain why she was fine with making Violet become a rider
​​Whyyyy would you say “we actually might survive this”?!?! Now people will die!
​​“It’s been. My honor.”
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​​I am unwell
​​​😭​​😭​​😭​ Liam
​​Chapter 37
​​So many emotions rn fucking hell
​​Chapter 38
​​Omg if they are going where I think they’re going I’m going to be shooketh ARE THEY TAKING HER TO BRENNAN?!
​​Another theory - the reason why the number of dragons willing to bond is decreasing, is because more dragons are bonding with the rebels and not the Navarre military
​​Violet is annoying me with her thoughts about Xaden right now though. Girl, you saw and fought that evil and you still mad that Xaden didn’t bring you in sooner?! Get over it and live lol
​​The person Xaden is asking to save her HAS to be Brennan - he was a mender
​​Chapter 39
​​we’re getting a Xaden chapter?! Is this the end?!
​​Something doesn’t feel right - did she lose her memories? Why is she being so nice to Xaden right away? Sus
​​Oh good her memory is back! I was about to be pissed if all of book 2 was her trying to recall book 1 lol
​​What happened to Xaden’s mom?! Sounds like another storyline ​👀​
​​Andaran became full grown?! Can wait to hear what she looks like and her special power
​​Well if Violet didnt trust Xaden before, she definitely won’t now! Keep a dead brother secret seems pretty big lol
​​I wonder what Tairn thinks of Brennan since his rider died saving him
​​also, I’d be low key pissed at my sibling! I wonder if Mira knows about Brennan. I assume not - maybe he thinks she’s too much like their mom?
Me after finishing the final page:
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joestarbuckss · 7 months
Hello.... If you don't mind, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Jujutsu Kaisen? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this before.....
Not answered this before! Good question
Top 5 Characters
1. Yuuta - from the moment I laid eyes on this sad pathetic boy, he owned my entire heart. Him becoming a total badass and saving the world is just an insane perk.
2. Higuruma - don’t even get me started, he is so insanely goated, like he is him! He is too powerful to be that sexy, like sir, lemme sit on your face.
3. Toge - he is the reason I even started jjk, he was the only character I was interested in seeing and honestly that kinda tracks lmao.
4. Yuuji - he is just an actual ray of sunshine??? He has never done anything wrong and never will. Period.
5. Choso - I think Choso is soooooo silly. His expressions are so unserious and I think he is a dorky big brother.
Moments underneath the cut for HEAVY manga spoilers!!
Top 5 Moments
1. Yuuta domain expansion - foaming at the mouth, sobbing and wailing, I literally made an entire post going into detail about the significance of it.
2. Every scene with Higuruma - he is such a powerful sorcerer, his fights are so awesome and again, he is sexy as hell. Fuck Gege for taking him from me.
3. Heaven reunion before Gojo dies - this made my heart so soft, besties reunion in heaven <3
4. Maki killing off the Zenin clan - she is her. She is the moment. She is my wife. She can do no wrong.
5. Yuuji remembering his classmate Yuko - stop it, don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, of course he would remember her GOD.
6. BONUS: Choso/Yuuji brother shenanigans - does this need an explanation? They’re just silly your honor.
There are plenty more characters and scenes I love, these are just some high notes for me! Feel free to yell at me abt jjk anytime (:
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raveneira · 3 months
Ngl does Sarada even deserve the Hokage mantle at the moment?
She doesn't even particularly care about the village only Boruto. "As a person who aims to become Hokage!" She certainly does nothing to prove that she's striving for it
Nope, she don't, she's actually the least deserving of the title atp, even Inojin is more deserving, hell Himawari too.
Sarada is the very type of person Itachi said didn't become hokage, he told Naruto power and acting alone didn't make you hokage, but gaining the acknowledgement of the village.
Sarada has been acting totally alone through all this, even with Sumire by her side, she's just been yapping at Shikamaru for 3 years, claiming her idol is Naruto and that her fighting for Boruto is like how he fought for Sasuke when no TF it wasn't, nor is her motivation for doing so.
Naruto wanted to save an actual criminal while Boruto is innocent, Naruto genuinely cared for Sasuke and saw his pain that no one else did and wanted to save him from it, Sarada just wants to save Boruto because of how unfair she thinks all this is to him yet felt none of that sympathy for Kawaki, her dad, or even Naruto who were also suffering through cruel and unfair situations, yet she only sympathized with him.
Naruto on the other hand sympathized with everyone he saw was struggling both friend and foe, he had tears in his eyes for Gaara because he empathized with him even while he was actively trying to kill his friends, his heart still felt for him and his suffering.
Tell me where we see Sarada, since Kodachi left cuz that was a whole nother character atp, tell me when we've seen Sarada feel sympathy, compassion, care for anyone else's suffering besides Boruto?
Has she shown any care for Hima who lost her brother, father, and mother? Nope
Has she shown any worry or care about her father and the fact that he turned into a tree because of her? No, instead she hugs a boy and then can't even think to ask him about her father until HE brings it up, AGAIN, cuz she cut him off the first time he tried to
Has she shown any sympathy for Sumire? No, that was her friend too, and she's aware of how Sumire feels about him, do we ever see her asking her how she's holding up with all this? No
Chocho is her best fking friend, do you think we see Sarada even remotely interact with her at all? No, she became insta besties with Sumire purely so they could be the depressed about Boruto duo cuz she knew chocho wouldn't, so what does she do? Nix her altogether, what's worse is she doesn't even consider how chocho might be feeling seeing her best friend go 'crazy' she just moved on to Sumire because that's the only one she can talk to about Boruto because thats all she cares about atp
Her mother? The one who's husband is missing by HER request, the one whose best friend is presumed dead? Non-existent in her mind, she doesn't give af about her mom and how she's doing through all this, never even crosses her danm mind.
Isn't it ironic that Sarada solutions to trying to fight against omnipotence is ONLY BY TRYING TO PROVE BORUTOS INNOCENCE? think about it, instead of convincing them that their memories were tampered with, she just keeps screaming at them that Boruto is innocent because THATS her top priority, THATS all she cares about, ppl realizing he's the good guy who's suffering oh so much and it's all Kawaki's fault for hurting his fee fees and not the bitch she for some reason is friends with now who actually made omnipotence happen, no animosity towards her tho, only the ppl who are against Boruto.
You would never see Naruto act this way, not even with his obsession with Sasuke did he have this level of total disregard for everyone but him, Naruto was willing to fight Sasuke because he cared about other ppl as well, Sarada atp I wouldn't be surprised if Momoshiki took over and was actively attack everyone and Kawaki went for the kill to protect them I wouldn't be surprised if she'd jump in front of him and took the hit like a buffoon, which would then push Boruto into the true pit of despair Momo was waiting for which is probably how the village gets nuked in the first place, until some plot convenient bs helps snap him out of it like Minato in the pain arc but far less believable, my bets on Toneri probably because of jougan
But yea Sarada has gotten that bad atp, she couldn't be more undeserving of the title of hokage, she is completely selfish and only cares about a boy and won't hang around anyone who doesn't also care about said boy, which even tho Hima does too I wouldn't be surprised if Sarada doesn't even know Hima is on Borutos side that's how little she cared to even check on her.
You know it's bad when even Sumire is showing more empathy towards other ppl besides Boruto than Sarada Uchiha, the clan that's all about strong emotions and love, for some reason doesn't care about anyone except one person, the one who idolizes Naruto, one of the most empathetic ppl in these verse. Sasuke literally risked DEATH and his final thoughts were of Sarada, meanwhile Sarada couldn't even bother to think of him even once, never asked about him, and needed Boruto to tell her himself because she 'had so many questions but didn't know what to ask first ' like bruh not seeing or hearing from your father in 3 years then seeing your friend come back twice without him and that's not question number one in your book? Foh man.
Until she gets her mind and character outta the Boruto pit she's not worthy of being hokage, not even jonin with her pitiful display of power, we see konohamaru learned a new jutsu' before we even seen Sarada do something new.
What's saddest about the latest chapter is how concerned Sumire was for her and trying to make sure she was protected when she realized she was the target, only for Sarada to not show an ounce of worry for her or anyone for that matter that was fighting to protect her, she just thinks about how she can't move but we don't see her react at all to the ppl dropping like flies PROTECTING HER but nah this is the future hokage, the Uchiha princess, the strongest couples daughter.
Kodachis and Kishimotos Sarada will forever be missed because THIS Sarada is a fkin disgrace and she deserves every bit of hate she's getting right now until her pitiful writing improves. For the record I don't hate Sarada now, I just hate what she's become in the hands of whoever is writing her and everyone else now that have turned this into the Boruto meat riding show and everybody else can eat dirt cuz they don't matter enough. Including the deuteragonist and heroine.
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red-garden · 10 months
Young Gods, Old Blood
ROTTMNT AU by Red Garden
◦ High Fantasy
◦ Magic, mythic creatures, alchemy
◦ Warlock magic system: mages make deals with gods, devils and beasts to use their magics
◦ 7 (6) continents known- Aldera, Kufyteu, Ignosios, Y’Theaka, Mbano-o, Kibuxia, Unock
◦ Kingdoms, empires, feudal states, tribal leagues, and anarchistic communes
◦ Main characters- April, Casey, Casey Jr, Sunita, Draxum, Hueso, Piel, Hypno, Warren, and Big Mama
Overarching plot-
Casey is out to destroy the Foot with the power of the dark armor. Little does she know that the Spider Empress is looking for the same relic so she can extend her empire across the globe. There are forces far greater than they can imagine wrapped up in the dark armor- old gods waking from slumber, ancient warriors hidden away, and at the heart of it all, The Crying Titan.
Casey Jones
Any pronouns, 26, 5 6”, ronin
No magic; lightning long sword, Morningstar gauntlets
Born to the Foot clan in Ignosios, she was raised to be a samurai. But the Foot hides many secrets. After years of service, she was confronted with her actions. She killed a child in a village raid. It wasn’t the first time, but it would be the last. They left the Foot at 20, searching for the relic that could wipe away the Foot with a singe stroke- the dark armor.
April O’Neil
She/they, 25, 5 2”, martial warlock
Magic pact with the Four Pillars (the turtles), uses elemental magic; wields iron knuckles, mostly used martial arts Her family granted shelter to Yoshi and the turtles after they fled Kibuxia. She grew up along side the turtles and trained with them to protect her village from Kibuxia raiding forces. The Four Pillars (the turtles) have been keeping the empire from spreading further north, but they can’t last forever. April needs to find and destroy the dark armor before the empress gets her hands on it and can use it against them.
Sunita Pandit
She/her, 25, 5 10”, paladin
Magic pact with River Bottom; blessed silt spear
River Bottom is being intentionally poisoned by the Kibuxia Empire so they can invade the land. With her god weakening, Sunita joins April and Casey on thier quest to find the Dark armor. Secretly, she wants to provide River Bottom with the armor so it many grow unbeatably powerful.
Casey Jr Jones
She/her (later he/him), 11, 4 8”, apprentice
Learning to wield a bow
To prove herself useful enough to Casey that she’ll keep her around.
Baron Ganzaya Alazar
He/him, 53, 6 4”, artificer
Pact with Ashpush goddess of the forge; wields an artificer’s hammer
Searching for his estranged sons, The Pillars, who he lost when they fled Kibuxia. April promised to bring him to them if he could help them find the dark armor.
Hueso Rivera
He/him, 40, 5 8”, Twin sea spirit
Can create whirlpools; Bone whip
Wants to find his son and let him know he’s still alive.
Piel Rivera
He/him, 40, 5,8”, twin sea spirit
Can summon waves; Sabre
Since the transformation, Piel has lost most of his motivation, and is content to follow his brother.
Ihaka Atama (hypno)
He/him, 31, 5 9”, prophet
Signed a pact with Y’Kana, god of prophecy
Part of the deal with Y’Kana was to sacrifice the only he loved most after 10 years. It’s been 9 years, and since then he’s become best friends (and maybe more) with Warren. He hasn’t told Warren about the deal, and is determined to break his connection to Y’Kana to save his ‘bestie’. Unfortunately, the only way to do this is with extremely powerful magic, such that that only relics like the dark armor could offer him.
Warren Stone
He/him, 36, 5 3”, bard
No magic, no weapons, he’s not even very good at barding
Happy to go where ever Ihaka goes. Not a thought behind those eyes.
Empress Sen Motsu Kumo (Big Mama)
She/her, age unknown, size varies , 1,000 Hands Spider Goddess
She’s a spider goddess, she has spider powers (miles morales?? 😳)
She’s a colonizer. She wants her empire to conquer all, extract their resources, and make her the more powerful/wealthy being on earth.
Ocean (Leo)
He/him, 23, 7’, artificially created water god
Can control water ATLA style; wields a double katana
To stop the empire from spreading no matter what.
He/him (?), 24, 15 7”, artificially created earth god
Can control earth ATLA style; wields twin sai
To keep his family safe, no matter what.
Wind (Donnie)
They/he, 23, 8 1”, artificially created wind god
Can control wind ATLA style; wields bo
To create a weapon powerful enough to wipe out the empire.
Fire (Mikey)
Any pronouns, 22, 5 7”, artificially created fire god
Can control fire ATLA style; wields dual nunchaku
To find a way to stop the war.
Hamato Yoshi (Spinter)
He/him, 54, 5 1”, Martial arts master
No magic, just punches
To keep his family hidden from the empress.
Usagi Yuichi
He/him, 23, 5 10”, samurai
Pact with martial goddess Yama which gives him bursts of extreme speed, strength, and agility- but he passes out from exhaustion immediately after (shonen ass); wields a katana
One of the only surviving samurai from the conquest of clan Usagi in Kibuxia. He ran away from the fight, and carries the shame with him. Now he wants to fight alongside the pillars to maintain the norther border of the empire (it certainly helps that Ocean is easy on the eyes too).
Kitsune Kanoe
She/her, 27, 6 1”, mage
Pact with the illusion god of clan Kitsune, Red Mist- she can cast complex illusions with extreme concentration, as well as shapeshift into a fox
Her clan was conquered by Kibuxia as well, scattering or imprisoning any survivors. She got away, but unknown numbers of her family are in imperial labor camps. She wants to become an illusion master so she can free them, but is terrified of facing the empire again.
Tora Chizu
They/it, 30, 5 11”, brawler
No magic, no weapons, just fists and anger
Fled clan Tora when it was young, and has been running ever since. They’ve been homeless for the past 6 years, picking fights where it can and getting paid when it wins. After being given food and medicine by Kitsune, they’re entranced, willing to follow wherever she goes.
Ashigawa Gen
He/him, 32, 6 8”, Calvary soldier
No magic; rides a great horned beast and wields a metal club
He defected from the Kibuxia army, heading north to escape execution. After Usagi told him of the Four Pillars he decided to follow the same path and hold the border with them.
Tora Hana
She/her, 14, 5 2”, apprentice
No magic, wields a wakazashi
She’s another runaway from clan Toru, with nowhere to go. Usagi found her while heading north and took pity on her. She wants to impress him, and later Chizu, and learn how to defend herself.
The Metal Man(Repo Mantis)
He/him, age unknown, height changes
Pact breaker curse- he’s covered in metal and spikes, half living half dead, doomed to do the bidding of Wheynin, the collector god, until he’s destroyed
He has no motivation, he is merely a husk at the whim of his master, no longer alive but not dead either.
Hunger (Meat Sweats)
It/it’s, age unknown, size indeterminate
It’s comes to you in a haze. The Hunger. It must feed.
There is no running. There is no resisting. There is only Hunger.
The General (Rocksteady)
He/him, 51, 6’, knight
Powers unknown; wields an axe
Full obscured by his armor, he rides that great horned beast… he comes and goes as the empress pleases, rolling over the land like a tide, leaving the earth soaked and trampled. The only thing he wants is to dominate.
The Scout (Beebop)
He/him, 29, 5 5”, ranger
Made a pact with the goddess of the hunt, Heart Beat- can go invisible for up to a minute,moves exceptionally quietly and has a keen sense of smell; wields a bow
Always at the side of The General, The Scout is sometimes called the Harbinger. He wears all black, coming and going like an insect through walls. He never shows his face- some believe he bears a curse on it, some believe it’s because he was horribly mangled. Neither are true. He does as The General commands.
Brek Oso (Razar)
They/Them, 55, 7 6”, man hunter
Rumored to have made a pact with a devil. Wields a spear.
They chase gold. No one gets away.
More lore to come…….
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rhondafromhr · 2 months
Little snippet from something I’m cooking up where Linda and Zoey become toxic besties and combine their powers for evil <3
Summary: Linda Monroe walks into Beanie’s one day and Zoey is enamored with her rudeness to Emma, her commanding presence and her general rich energy. She manages to impress Linda in turn with her rarely used barista skills and a carefully placed spit wad in Becky Barnes’ coffee, leading to the two becoming fast friends. As it turns out, they both have a lot to learn from each other and when it comes to sabotaging everyone standing between them and what they want, they’re much more effective as a team. Hatchetfield has never seen a more iconic duo. Or a worse menace to the public.
Every shift at Beanie’s might look slightly different from the last, but there are a few constants. Zoey can always expect a never ending parade of annoying, entitled customers who are awfully picky about their coffee for people who have no idea what they’re ordering. She would bet her entire nonexistent life savings that for every twenty people who ask for ristretto shots, only one actually knows what that even means. She usually doesn’t bother. She just pulls regular espresso shots, and poorly at that. It’s not that she can’t properly tamp the coffee grounds, it’s that she’s not going to bother when these people are adding fifteen pumps of vanilla syrup and literally aren’t going to be able to taste the coffee, anyway. Her drinks rarely get sent back and when they do, she just remakes them the exact same way and the customers almost always say they’re much better and go on their merry way, further proving Zoey’s theory that they have no clue what they’re talking about, they just like being high maintenance.
She’s guaranteed to be asked for things that literally don’t exist and expected to make them happen somehow. She has no idea how it would be possible to make an iced cappuccino (the whole point of that drink is the extra foam and the milk has to be steamed to create it), but that doesn’t stop people from asking for it. She’s just taken to ringing up a cappuccino and making an iced latte (complete with a generous wad of spit, naturally); it’s easier than explaining that iced cappuccinos aren’t a thing, then trying to argue and getting herself all worked up like Emma always does. Zoey can see why she smokes so much weed. She definitely needs it.
Luckily, it’s also guaranteed that at least a few of these extremely picky people who are perpetually confused about what they’re ordering will toss a few spare coins (or, on occasion, a whole dollar) into the tip jar and she’ll get to take a break from it all to sing the tip song and give them all a performance to rememember, a brief high point on an otherwise dull day in their otherwise boring and pathetic lives. She considers it a public service, honestly. Plus, there’s always a slim chance that a Broadway casting agent will just happen to be rolling through this nothing, podunk town on an extended layover or something and catch her at just the right moment, realize she’s exactly the triple threat they’ve been looking for and cast her in their next big production, whisking her away to the bright lights of New York City and securing her the ticket out of here she’s longed for since she was thirteen.
Deep down, she knows it’s unlikely. That’s not how casting usually works. People land big roles by trending now. Everybody knows that. Besides that, most people coming to Beanie’s are loser townies without any connections in the musical theater industry. Broke loser townies, if the way they tip is any indication.
The next customer who walks through the door is none of those things. Without a word, she immediately commands the room, despite her short stature that’s only mildly offset by the black, heeled boots that probably cost more than Zoey’s Onlyfans nets her in an entire month. Her jeans are perfectly tailored and she’s wearing the same sleeveless, white designer turtleneck that Zoey’s been trying to find a dupe of for months now and damn it, she’s wearing it way better than Zoey would have. She even manages to pull off one of those black brimmed hats that all the cool hipster girls who actually enjoy drinking their whiskey neat wear. She makes it look trendy and elegant. Zoey hates her. At least she does until the woman struts up to Emma at the register, a condescending scowl on her face.
“Welcome to Beanie’s, what can I-” Emma starts, but the woman cuts her off.
“Large, extra shot, extra hot, no foam latté with almond milk and light cinnamon. And do make sure it’s no foam and light cinnamon, I have places to be today and I don’t have time to wait around for you to remake it if you screw it up. Surely, even you can manage that.”
“Uhh, sure thing,” says Emma, the weariness and irritation apparent in her voice. Zoey’s certain the woman would have gotten an “Uhh, fuck you” if Nora hadn’t already gotten on Emma’s ass about her customer service and threatened to fire her earlier this week.
Zoey has to talk to her. She needs to figure out what her deal is so she can steal it. When Emma takes a name for the order and wearily heads over to the espresso machine to start making the drink, she has her chance.
“Nora says to go take your ten,” Zoey says “like, right now. I’ll make the drink.” Emma eyes her suspiciously, but shrugs and hands over the cup, all too eager to go hide in the back room.
Zoey carefully removes the portafilter from the machine, dumps out the condensed puck of espresso grounds from the previous order and carefully rinses it out. The baristas here should be doing that between every single drink, but rarely bother. In a place where literally spitting in the coffee is common practice, keeping the equipment clean isn’t exactly high on the priority list. She places it below the coffee grinder and measures out just the right amount of espresso grounds, gently tapping it against the counter, then takes the tamper and presses down with a steady, even hand to compress them, carefully twisting it as she pulls up. She inspects the puck and is pleased to see that there are no gaps, then gingerly wipes the excess grounds off the metal edges with her finger and twists the portafilter back into its place on the machine, then hits the button to begin pulling the shots. It’s been a long time since she bothered trying to make halfway decent coffee. She’s a little rusty, but it’s coming back to her.
She fills the steam pitcher with almond milk and begins aerating it with the steam wand, leaving it at the surface for only a brief second before fully immersing it, so as to create as little foam as possible. She presses the back of her hand to it and when it’s so hot that she can’t help but wince, she knows it’s ready. She taps the steam pitcher against the counter until there are no bubbles whatsoever, with such force that a few stray droplets of extra hot almond milk go flying and hit her wrist. She pours it into the paper cup over the shots, painstakingly straining out the foam with a spoon and then skimming the little bit that remains off of the top. It’s almost complete. She just needs to figure out what this woman’s definition of “light” cinnamon is. She settles on one more forceful shake and one daintier one.
Finally satisfied with her work, she lids the drink and all that’s left is to hand it off to the woman - Linda, according to Emma’s messy scrawl on the cup. She tries to figure out something cool to say, something that will make a good first impression, but won’t come across as trying too hard.
“Here’s your coffee,” she says “my coworker would have just screwed it up, so I made it.” Real smooth. It’s far from her best work, but she couldn’t think of anything else.
Linda practically yanks the coffee from Zoey’s hands. “What, do you want a medal or something? I’ve been waiting for three minutes, I have places to be!” She takes a sip and her face softens just a touch, her lips pursing in reluctant approval. “Acceptable. Better than that big chain coffee shop across the street does it, anyway. Those idiots always get it wrong. Honestly, how hard is it to follow simple instructions?”
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lady-of-the-puddle · 1 year
Welcome Back
Today I will be rating Beck's
Potential Partners?
The question mark is because some of them were definitely his partners, others will not admit it, and some came to...circumstances preventing a declaration of their love...anyway.
1. Bodhi
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Literally on screen for 30 seconds max
We all clocked that shit instantly
Never brought him up again (thx to retroactive backstory oops)
Beck was actually visibly sad about him tho to the point his boss/dad had to ask if he was ok
Absolute cute couple though
8/10 I knew him for five seconds and now I have to kill everyone in this room and then myself
2. Paige
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Y'all already know. Everyone knows. The whole grid knows.
The sexual tension is palpable
Which brings me to some difficult questions about the nature of programs and what physical functions they may or may not have.
Ugh I'm a sucker for the rivals to lovers thing tho
12/10 top ten hottest bi power couple if they don't kill each other first
3. Tron
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I went over this in my tron's exes list but I must reiterate cause reasons
Can you imagine meeting your hero, your icon, your savior and he's....a bit of a bitch??
But you learn and get to know him and he opens up to you and comes to trust you with his life UGH my heart
9/10 I rated this 7/10 before but I'm not scared anymore they're GOOD
4. Cyrus
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Look, he gets in with his bffs and the first thing they say to Beck is "you didn't tell us you had a new bf!" (Totally NOT paraphrasing that).
The fucked up stalker/victim pairing is SUCH good tea
And then he tries to kill him later? Delicious.
7/10 this one's for the toxicity 😏
5. Lux (I had to look up her name)
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okay this one loses points because they WANTED me to ship this when we already knew Paige existed
I don't like to be told what to do
I mean, it's ok Beck has two hands(more like eight at this point) I can work with it
loved her jaded perspective turning into hope before she was fridged for male pai- I mean derezzed for reasons relevant to the plot 👀 that was definitely neat
Consider: she is pretty though
4/10 they're both a ten but I'm a bitter bitch so sue me
6. Mara
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tbh she's such a cutie and deserves way better than whatever incel shit Zed has going on
no wonder she's in love with Tron/the Renegade (I mean, same) I would beg a superhero to save me from him too
she and Beck have such a good dynamic
would be such a cute friends to lovers pair
can you imagine if she found out her bestie was the renegade she's been visibly/audibly thirsting after? Queen shit.
8/10 This one is actually the least toxic here
7. The rebellion leader whose name escapes me (it's Bartik)
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so this guy appears in legacy as the rebel leader at Castor's before getting derezzed five minutes later (shocker there)
this one just kinda leaped into my brain when I binged the show directly after watching Legacy
can you imagine inspiring someone to change sides completely and then become the leader of the very fire you sparked long after you're probably gone? Endlessly romantic.
6/10 I have yet to have a really bad ship tbh
8. Pavel
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I hate it, you hate it, we all hate it
But it's still pretty hot
8/10 bitch on bitch violence
9. Zed
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Ahaha I hate it
he's way too comfortable with the evil bad guy shit happening around him.
honestly I have no idea why Beck is even friends with him
jock/loser pairing
Beck CAN AND WILL fix him
3/10 I don't think we can save this one boys
10. Tesler
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LMAO I just thought of this
Why do I love it tho
Something about the Darkseid omega beam hands that make me think weird thoughts
Now I wish I had put this on my tron list
1/10 or 9/10 depending on the day
I really do love that Beck is just the most specialest boy, he's the grid's next top model, he's batman, he's everything. Istg this is a harem anime in disguise and I ship him with everyone.
I can think of at least two programs off the top of my head that I didn't include because I forgot until now, so tell me about your rare pairs, etc. I was thinking about rating Clu's crushes that he handles in a completely normal way next but that might be too much. This is what happens when we have no new content for 10 years.
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kai-ninjago · 2 years
Part two to this post
Picrew by Naylissah
Age headcanon post
OKAY LETS GET STARTED also I DONT CARE that my oc is literally just me but cooler if anyone insults me over this I’ll cry
Day Torres (he/him, gay trans male)
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(Picrew shows how he looks in the pilots and after that when he cuts his hair and grows up more)
Mixed Latino/white
Has autism, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD (from ninja stuff)
Had top surgery a year before he was recruited to the team and starts testosterone a few months into season one
He’s best friends with all the ninja, but is BESTIE besties with Jay— they have a lot in common
He likes to borrow clothes from the rest of the team
His pet dragon from season one was named Briar
His elemental power is “life”, and his signature color is yellow
Power explanation: at minimum power (before he begins training) he can help grow and control plants that are already there, once he trains more and gets more powerful he can create plants and stuff from out of nowhere, once he’s reached his full potential he can do the same with animals, and at FULL full strength (like after Lloyd becomes the gold ninja and doesn’t need to feed off the rest of the team’s strength) with practice he can control living humans— he can also heal injuries
His hair gets darker as he ages, it’s not dyed
Was stealth until he got outed by a mean snake :( he was so scared his friends wouldn’t accept him, so realizing that he was still loved unconditionally was the push that helped him reach his full potential
(He also didn’t know that the rest of his team is queer too, which I’m sure would have made things less stressful)
A lot of his friends go to him for advice because he’s easy to talk to— for example, Day was the first person Jay told when she was questioning her gender
In between seasons three and four, he didn’t do much— he went home and lived with his family. He was very depressed after losing Zane— ai may have dumped him, but they were still good friends
Cole told Day he loved him when they were all trapped on the asteroid in season three, but didn’t pressure him for an answer. Day was too shocked and stressed out to think about it too much, and after that everything happened too fast and all the sudden he was back home and hadn’t spoken to Cole since Zane’s funeral
He thought about it a lot— Cole had always been a great friend, and he treated Day so kindly and with such attentive care (something Zane had admittedly been kind of bad at) but Day wasn’t really ready to be in a relationship so soon after Zane’s death.
Years later, after Zane came back (and later began a relationship with Pixal) and they had all worked as a team to save Ninjago yet again, and then had some time to relax a little… maybe then Day could consider it
Then he and Cole start dating a little bit before the start of season five, and stay together till the end <3
Okay in the original fanfic, Day only has one sibling but I decided I want him to be even more like me so instead he has three siblings now :P
He has a few tattoos, but I haven’t decided specifically what they’ll be
Lloyd Garmadon (they/them, unlabeled, nonbinary)
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(I did three for Lloyd— one for when they’re a kid, one for once they’ve grown up because of the magic tea, and another one for the later seasons)
5’8” (eventually)
I’m keeping the idea that they’re not completely human (what they are I’m not sure, and neither is anyone else) but misako is human so Lloyd is at least half Japanese
Has body dysmorphic disorder from growing up nearly overnight (that gets slightly better with time), autism, and PTSD
Very tall and thin— they’re definitely strong, but not big
They bleach their hair, which is naturally dark brown— it usually has darker roots, but the picrew didn’t have that option lol
Has really dry skin and is always dehydrated
Feels a lot of gender dysphoria and always wears clothes way too big for them
Lloyd thinks all the bad things that happen are their fault
Cries really easily
They can’t even look in the mirror without feeling sick— all their scars remind them of fights they’ve lost
They hate being viewed as weak or a burden, so they always push themself too hard and end up burning out
They have a lot of nightmares and sleep way too little
Sometimes when they have a meltdown they go nonverbal and can’t speak for up to hours or days at a time
They’re not accepted by either of their parents for being nonbinary— they say that they’re “too young” to know what they’re talking about
Now they consider their teammates and Sensei wu to be closer family
Their best friends are Day, Nya, and Kai
“Runs away” a lot— sometimes they come back, sometimes they stay out until someone has to come find them.
It goes without saying that they don’t like Morro very much. They’re afraid of her.
When they were the golden ninja, they used to glow in the dark.
They get a lot of gender envy from Zane
Morro Wu (she/it, transfem demigirl, aroace)
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(Picrews are morro when she was younger, and when she had died and was a ghost)
It may have been in charge of the gang of ghosts in season five, but none of them respected her— they were transphobic :(
She managed to survive in the woods for a whole year before dying
Was 14 when she died, but now her consciousness is around 150 years old (yes that means Sensei wu is a few hundred years old)
She loves Day and really looks up to him, but Day doesn’t really like her that much— she almost killed Lloyd, after all
It’s best friend is Skylor— it has a job at Skylor’s restaurant, so they spend a lot of time there
She mostly avoids Lloyd, and feels really guilty for going so far as to legitimately almost kill them
Pixal Borg (no pronouns)
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(This is Pixal when Pixal worked at Borg industries, and then a year or so after Pixal started living with Ronin)
Pixal isn’t modeled after any human being; Pixal is just an android
Pixal, having been revived by Zane’s power source, also has a few “human” brain things like ai— Pixal has amnesia, sensory processing disorder, and depression
Pixal also uses arm crutches to get around because Pixal’s wiring is still a little damaged because Ronin accidentally messed up the wiring that helps Pixal balance (this is kind of similar to a human experiencing vertigo/dizziness after their eardrum gets damaged)
Pixal also has chronic pain that comes and goes from day to day, that sometimes makes it hard to walk (like nerve damage in the spine)
Despite being relatively petite, Pixal is very strong. This is because Pixal was built mostly to help Borg after his wife passed away; so Pixal would lift him into bed as well as carry heavy things like scraps of metal he used to build inventions
Pixal is the robot equivalent of afab (assigned female at… building?) but has never identified with that. Pixal only learns to accept this fact after Pixal joins Ronin and is given the freedom to dress however Pixal wants
(Oh yeah, in my canon instead of delivering Pixal to Chen, Ronin decides to rescue Pixal and let Pixal live with him in Stiix. They become a good team and Ronin teaches Pixal how to be a good criminal)
Pixal meets up with the ninja again in season five when they come to get the scroll of airjitzu from Ronin. Pixal decides not to go with them, but they keep in contact and visit often.
Pixal and Zane are in a queerplatonic relationship. They understand each other because they are both androids, and have a unique perspective.
Though Zane feels somewhat connected to ais identity living as a human, Pixal is completely nonhuman and does not experience gender or love in a way humans can comprehend
Pixal really hates the cold— it reminds Pixal of Zane, and for a good two years after ais death Pixal had a lot of grief that never really got dealt with
Skylor Chen (she/her, bisexual polyamorous trans woman)
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Just one picrew because she isn’t around in the beginning of the series
Blasian (specifically Chinese)
She has no power of her own, so her dad didn’t view her as “valuable” or “special” before she was useful in the tournament
After season four, she starts managing the chain restaurant business
Since she was only like 23 at the time, it quickly became overwhelming— good thing she had some family to help!
She has two older half siblings who she hadn’t had contact with for most of her life, after they left home. They were able to get back in contact with her when she moved to ninjago city
She now works at the main location in ninjago city, and her older siblings manage most of the more difficult things
Her eyes are red as kind of a leftover effect of the serpentine transformation spell— she also has pointed teeth and a forked tongue, but those weren’t options in the picrew lol
She still has all the powers that she absorbed from the other elemental masters
Her hair isn’t dyed, she uses her Shapeshifting power to make it look red
During the tournament, she made friends with Tox and Chamille, and they still chat online
She and Kai dated for only a few months before breaking up lol
She is dating Chamille now
She currently also has a crush on Pixal, but as a droid, Pixal isn’t really interested in humans
She’s friends with Ronin, but really hates Dareth
Okay that’s all I have room for, but I think I’ll do another headcanon post with the other elemental masters, as well as Ronin.
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only the option with the LEAST votes will be eliminated. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
akko kagari and andrew hanbridge:
Very typical hetero-love-interest introduction, rival vibes, aloof rich boy & headstrong "commoner" girl, learning to see each other's point of view, she dresses up for the first time in the series to sneak into his party to try to talk to him. Just classic 'ugh they're clearly gonna get together' but... they don't. Nothing romantic is ever explicit, and by s2 they're friends and that's it. there's no discussion or drama. they're good friends. literally shocked me. apparently a guy and girl who fit a bunch of romantic tropes... can just be friends
sam winchester and eileen leahy:
The last season set them up to be together, and then in Sam’s finale flash-forward, they replaced her with “blurry wife” literally a random blurred out woman rather than having him end up with Eileen Eileen is the coolest Supernatural character: she's deaf and also formerly dead (like Sam)
asuka tenjoin and yuki judai:
The ship name (fianceshipping) comes from the episode where Judai *accidentally* duels some guy to become Asuka's fiance (said guy never asks Asuka how she feels about this, ugghhh greater Duel Academia student body be normal about ladies challenge). Turns out that he *didn't know what a fiance was* and just wanted to have a good ol' time cardgaming. I think that this says more about this ship than anything else I could tell you. During the final season, Asuka almost confesses to him but cuts herself off & they then thank each other for giving each other some clarity of mind because they're both going through pretty rough times at that point in the plot. Looks concerningly like they're about to do a whole "ohh we need to make the main girl and boy romance out of obligation" bit and then they just don't do it. It's great. judai is the gayest guy of all time (subtext) and im like 80% sure asuka was experiencing comphet bc he's the only guy in their grade that treats her like a person. besties 4ever!!!!!!!! [straightmod has been informed that judai is also textually queer because he is canonically attracted to a non-binary character.]
kurosaki ichigo and kuchiki rukia:
Oh man, where do I even begin? So, for some context, Bleach starts when Rukia (a shinigami) gets critically injured saving Ichigo from a monster, and she transfers her powers to him so he can finish it off. Instead of transferring half her powers as planned, however, she transfers all of them, which forces Ichigo to take over her job as a shinigami. During this time period, Rukia... lives in his closet. Yeah. The entire first arc of the manga is dedicated to their relationship, and while a lot of it is playful banter, Rukia's presence in Ichigo's life fundamentally changes it for the better. Rukia then gets kidnapped by the rest of the shinigami who aren't at all happy she gave her powers to a human, and the main plot ensues from there. Throughout the story, Rukia and Ichigo constantly save each other when they're at their worst. When Rukia thinks she deserves to die, Ichigo is there to tell her she deserves to live. When Ichigo is in a funk about his superpowered evil side, Rukia is there to snap him out of it (something his canon love interest explicitly realises she was unable to do). They share a sun/moon motif for crying out loud, and yet like that last sentence said... they don't end up together, but with other people instead. Yeah. No shade to the canon ships, but Ichiruki is peak straightbaiting, honestly. They have a lot of banter/chemistry, fundamentally change eachother's lives for the better, save each other when they're at their lowest, and have a very deliberate sun/moon dichotomy... but they both end up paired off with different characters instead asdfghkl
izuku midoriya and ochako uraraka:
It’s the classic main character x friend who is a girl ship. They have no actual romantic interactions outside of their friendship. Ochako has “feelings” for Izuku, but they are clearly feelings of friendship until one of her friends insists that she must have a crush on Izuku, making her feel confused and embarrassed. Izuku clearly sees Ochako as a good friend, but when they first meet, he blushes and thinks “I can’t believe I just talked to a girl.” On the same day, he also blushes when he sees that a famous male hero is proctoring their exams. It’s literally so boring as a romantic ship. They have no chemistry as a couple.
edward elric and winry rockbell but SPECIFICALLY in the 2003 anime:
literally in different dimensions by the end! they still have a lot of the hallmarks of "ohh endgame childhood best friends" or whatever but fma 2003 just said. naah. winry got the shortest end of the stick and i feel so bad for her!!! continuity specific straightbait. in every other universe they get married and have kids but screw you two specifically 🙏
mako, korra, and asami:
it's that one meme where the guy ignores his girlfriend to check out another girl, only the two girls get to know each other and get together. S1/2 has love triangle drama between who Mako will be with (Korra or Asami). S3 no one is together but Korra and Asami become really close friends. S4 Korra and Asami are together. Mako is single. Like the only example of exes being good friends and Not getting back together, as well as giving the middle finger to heteronormative assumptions when after the love triangle is over, the two girls get together Shipping the two girls in a love triangle together but it actually happens
pat and ink:
Pat has a crush on Ink early on, and it seems possible at first that she may feel the same way. However, it is later revealed that she actually has a crush on his sister and is a lesbian. It's okay though because then Pat realizes he's in love with his childhood rival and they become wlw mlm solidarity! Everyone wins!
maka albarn and soul evans:
Throughout the series, they have a deep friendship with each other which is consistently extremely important to the story's narrative. In order for them to be able to fight, they must get along and resonate with each other, and due to the mechanics of their world, fighting independently of each other is extremely difficult. In multiple instances, they are shown to be willing to put themselves in harm's way to extreme degrees to keep each other safe. They are even shown to live together. They are The Singular Straight Ship I have ever shipped and I love them. Also they are really cool and Soul can turn into an awesome scythe weapon that like only Maka can wield. And they fight really awesomely together.
luke skywalker and leia organa:
The idea of Luke and Leia was used in advertisements but they obviously decided not to do that. IT’S SO FUNNY. Like, I think this is the closest white straight people will ever get to ‘they were cousins’ing a couple. I looked up advertising to see if it was just in the movie proper or it WAS used to sell it and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5z1SziDPKQw&t=118s&pp=2AF2kAIB ‘Luke and Leia: in danger, in love, in Star Wars’ is going to be one of the things that rolls around in my head for ages. It’s not just the whole ‘het love triangle advertises 2nd pairing that everyone knows won’t happen’ like Twilight, it’s the backpeddaling ‘no no it can’t happen, they’re actually siblings! It’d be weird! Ignore the ‘good luck’ kiss and the ‘I’ll be back’ kiss in the medbay and of course the full on make out session scene that happened! And even our own advertising’ Of it all.
good luck everybody! now go vote!
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wygolvillage · 2 years
Oooh shanoa, Alucard, and Charlotte for the ask game
1. albus. forsaking everything and dooming himself, just for her. it makes me insane. all the little snippets we actually learn about their childhood are really cute too
2. laura. theres a reason the game implies theyre soul mates im just saying. laura is someone who is tenacious enough to try and break through her walls while shanoa broke through hers. theyve faced similar (metaphorical) demons. its like poetry it rhymes
3. daniela!!!! shanoas cool grandma!!! this girl whos faced so much hardship having someone whos so warm and caring to come back to!!! the promise that theyll go on a picnic together!!! aaaaaaaaaa
4. anna and serge (two for one special). shanoa helping out and entertaining the children is Extremely Cute and i think once she has her emotions its really Nice, to her, that there are kids who admire and look up to her. also not to go into something that probably deserves its own post but i think anna and serge are supposed to parallel the ecclesia siblings a bit, theres the line about albus telling serge to be strong enough to protect his sister, but theres also that thing about serge thinking of anna as a bit of a crybaby even though he really cares about her, which we also know is true of shanoa when she was of a similar age. so like i think its interesting bc its like. shanoa and the childhood she never really got to have. but the main point of this is that i think shanoa as a babysitter is fun
5. man i wish nikolai had more dialogue bc i think his being a foil to barlowe is really really interesting conceptually and i would LOVE to see how that interacts with shanoa and her whole healing process post-ooe (and after he says shanoa helped the villagers to heal too, see this is All Connected). but um yeah i think he cares for the people in his community like a family and shanoa too is becoming part of that family, which hilariously makes her an honorary belmont. idk i think theres a lot of potential here
1. maria, theyre besties. i always like dynamics that are like, a very stoic, guardrd person + someone whos more of a people person who is kind of an expert at cutting through the bullshit and getting to actually know them. i think she gets him
2. graaaant the angst potential is through the roof. a conflict of ones own humanity and the monstrous when you can only see the monstrous in yourself and the human in your counterpart 😂😂😂 "like" if you relate!!!
3. richter theyre narrative foils. something something breaking of the cycle
4. soma... dadson and sondad... "youre not a god or a demon youre only human". "hes looking out for you because you have the same dark powers". screams forever.
5. yoko theyre literally besties
1. jonathan of courseeee theyre castlevanias ultimate duo. best friends for LIFE and they have such a fun dynamic. i lovethe differences in how they handle their emotions and how that sometimes ends up clashing (admittedly i read into this more after learning that in the original japanese script she knew john before he died, which blew my mind)- charlotte wants to Talk About It whereas jonathan deeply wants to avoid having to think too hard about those complex feelings. they have so much to work with and their interactions are always interesting and/or entertaining.
2. eric, i wish they got more interactions but i think theres something to the idea of charlotte being the "successor" to the role eric played to his morris sidekick. and whether or not theyll succeed where they failed while hes trapped in the place where he lost everything. charlotte being the one to save his daughters also plays into this. rotating this in my mind
3. john. i think charlotte having known john really does add a whole dimension to the narrative. portrait is, above all else, about putting old ghosts to rest, and sometimes those ghosts are grief, and god damn does john haunt the narrative. im just sayig words at this point but you know what i mean.
4. i think her and the twins should be besties, stella especially. i think maybe she would see a bit of herself in stellas formality and insistence on being the "older sister" tbh, like this desire to be seen as capable and mature while underneath the surface everything is Bad and Confusing and Scary. i think they write letters to each other frequently after the events of por
5. (grimoire of souls-verse, headcanon) LET!!! CHARLOTTE!!! AND!!! ALBUS!!! GEEK OUT TOGETHER!!!! OVER COMPLICATED MAGICAL SCIENCES!!!! i wish i couldve seen more interactions between them
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Webhead Chronicles #27
Title: Webhead Chronicles #27
Fandom: The Amazing Spiderman
Pairing: tasm!peter parker x ofc!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,581
Warnings: None
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: Just 3 besties getting together and making plans for spiderman.
Gif Credit: @witchysethharper
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The air is chilly enough that Peter notices that Gwen has to wear leather gloves while she holds up the tiny vial he stored the spider from OSCORP in, he’s dressed in his normal hoodie and jacket ensemble that he’s had since he started middle school. She’s staring at it silently while the football team is out practicing on the field. Peter wonders when Ev is going to get out here to them since he texted her ten minutes ago. This morning it had been nice to wake up warm and cozy with Ev tangled up with him in bed. Peter had almost forgotten the whole situation last night when he woke up to Ev’s face only inches from his while she slept. He had been so tempted to lean forward and brush his lips against hers but he had held himself back, when he finally did tell her his feelings he wanted her to be awake. It hadn’t slipped his mind that he was now thinking about when he would confess to her and no longer about if he would. Something had changed last night for him, whether it was the fact that Gwen had confirmed that he was in love with her or if it was the fact that he had saved Ev on the bridge last night from that creature.
“It’s so beautiful.” Gwen says softly and Peter squints his eyes at her before speaking up.
“Knows how to bite though.” he says before scoffing softly making Gwen look over at him with a furrowed brow.
“Who else knows about this?” she asked worriedly and Peter shakes his head slightly before smiling.
“Just you and Ev.” he replies and Gwen grins while nodding her head.
“Really?” she asks wanting to confirm that information and Peter nods his head quickly.
“Hey, you don’t-you don’t believe what the police are saying do you?” Peter asks worriedly as he stares at Gwen.
“Of course not.” Gwen reassures him and Peter nods his head feeling relieved that she was on his side about Spiderman. He realizes that her confidence in Spiderman is different from Ev’s reservations she had in the beginning. But Peter knows that Ev knows the whole story of why he was doing patrols before and now that he saved a whole bunch of people on the bridge last night things were different. He knows how proud Ev is of him now that he’s using his powers to help save people. “Does this scare you? What you can do?”
“No.” Peter says softly as he smiles and shakes his head at her questions. “No.” he repeated as he felt himself become more excited and uplifted when he thought about his powers that he now had. He suddenly feels the hair on the back of his neck raise and he knows instantly that it’s Ev arriving. He smiles widely before turning his head over his shoulder to watch her come into view.
“What did the thing on the bridge look like? Hey Ev!” Gwen says in greeting after her question. Peter notices Ev’s eyes dart from him to Gwen before they cloud with uncertainty. She shifts on her feet as she comes to a stop at Peter’s side still looking at the two of them, Peter can feel tension start to build in the air and he furrows his brow at the sensation. He doesn’t know what the tension is from and slowly it ebbs away as Ev relaxes in her stance next to him, almost as if she resigns herself to something.
“Ev would know more of what it looked like. I only got a quick glance at it. It was big, too big to be human.” Peter said distractedly as he grabbed onto the corner of Ev’s sweatshirt and tugged her closer to him. He managed to guide her to the bench below him and opened his legs wide enough for her to sit comfortably between them in front of him. “What’d the creature on the bridge look like?” Peter asked Ev as he began to card his fingers through her hair under her beanie.
“It had a tail with scales like a lizard and roared really loud, like it went right through me when he roared.” Ev said softly as she looked down at the bleachers. Peter watched as Gwen reached out and placed a hand on Ev’s shoulder. “I don’t know why it was out on the bridge or what, but I heard from Dad that one of the cars was completely clawed up on the roof.” she informed them. Peter tilted his head at this new information and wondered who the creature was going after.
“Yeah my Dad said the same thing. And do you know whose car it was?” Gwen asked, sounding excited as she shared the information with the two of them. They both shook their heads as they looked over to her. “It was Dr. Rajit Ratha.” when the two of them looked at her confused as if they didn’t know who she was talking about Gwen explained further for them. “He works at OSCORP and worked closely with Dr. Connors.”
“Wonder if Dr. Connors managed to clone a mutant lizard with that formula you fixed for him.” Ev said jokingly and Peter looked down at her with furrowed eyebrows before looking over at Gwen with surprise. Peter started to wonder if Ev wasn’t too far off with her joke and if Dr. Connors was behind the lizard creature on the bridge. Questions began to buzz in Peter’s head as Ev shook her head at her own words and scoffed.
“You gotta lay low now.” Gwen said after a quiet moment and the two of them looked over at her silently. Her eyes widened and she nodded her head at them.
“Can’t do that.” Peter said with a shake of his head and felt Ev tense up in front of him.
“You’ve got to. I mean right? Ev? Why?” Gwen began to ramble and Peter shook his head as he rubbed his fingers up and down Ev’s spine gently making her shiver.
“Because last night those people on the bridge, Ev included, whatever was attacking them it could’ve killed them. So I gotta go after it.” Peter said contemplatively and Ev turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. Peter’s eyes darted to hers and saw the pride shining out at him. He felt his chest swell with a feeling of accomplishment as Ev stared at him proudly with a wide smile on her face.
“That’s not your job.” Gwen insisted and Ev turned to look at her with the same smile just slightly dimmer.
“Maybe it is.” Peter replied and Ev began to nod her head.
“Hear me out.” Ev said suddenly as she turned on the bench to face Gwen. “Pete’s got these brand new powers that give him accelerated speed, increased strength, a ‘spidey sense’ where he has premonitions of things happening, and he’s able to crawl up walls and stick to ceilings. We’ve tested it Gwen, I’ve got the videos to prove it. I can show you.” Ev began to explain and Peter chuckled as Gwen stared at her with wide eyes. “Oh yeah we’ve been working on this since he’s been bit. Plus I helped him fix his web shooters that help him swing around the city like a dang spider! He has all of that and he’s just what? Supposed to sit on that power?!” Ev rambled quickly and Gwen tilted her head to the side.
“But he could be seriously hurt. I mean Ev, your Dad is an FBI agent. You know that he could go to work and not come home.” Gwen tried to argue and Ev shook her head.
“Yeah but I trust my Dad and Peter to be able to protect themselves as much as they possibly can. And I’m there for both of them when they come home bruised and broken.” Ev said as she shook her head. “I know you’re only finding out about this now. And I know how you feel about your Dad being a cop. But just like you trust your Dad to come home, trust Peter too. I had a hard time at first too, but he’s going to do what he’s going to do. We can’t control him, we can only be there for him when he needs our help.” Ev said resolutely and Peter felt pride surge through him for his best friend. He grinned and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.
“Thanks Ev.” he said softly into her ear before hugging her tightly again.
“Alright, fine. I don’t like it but I’ll be there whenever you need help.” Gwen said with a weary sigh. Ev nodded her head and reached out for Gwen’s hand who gladly laced her fingers with Ev’s and smiled at her. “I can’t believe that you didn’t tell me about this when it first happened.” Gwen said accusingly to Ev who shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head at Peter.
“It’s his secret to tell, not mine. Now tell me about dinner last night.” Ev said excitedly and Peter groaned loudly as Gwen burst out into laughter. “That bad huh?” Ev asked teasingly and Peter groaned again at her question. Gwen eagerly began retelling what happened at dinner last night and Peter watched as Ev laughed and shook her head at his antics last night.
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thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
top 5 adelaide songs
my girl brainrot is eternal... it’s not the complete liner notes for her playlist, but i wanted to start with the songs that feel quintessentially HerTM
1. “where the watermelons rot” - madelynne whitt
Do you ever find a song about a specific-ass situation and then independently create an OC or a storyline that fits said specific-ass situation to a fucking tee only to later rediscover said song and realize how incredibly fucking perfect it is??
What I love about this song for Adelaide, other than being perfectly geographically-located for her bay-based hometown, is the sense of surveillance it inculcates. There are bad things out there, you can’t trust them, you shouldn’t even really trust yourself, and you have to rely on your parents for your protection. No lyric I’ve found yet has better captured Adelaide’s relationship with her dad than “if you go home/just don’t get caught/but if you do/our [father] will say/don’t run away/i’ll keep you safe/down by the bay”.
I also like to map this song on to Adelaide’s history as the Hex: the developing magical awareness and prowess alongside the developing temptation. Adelaide realizes the power of belief and focus to not only drive magic but, when spun out of control, to manifest more dangerous and material consequences--  the darker things that the song warns about. At the same time, in pursuing that power at any cost, Adelaide herself has become monstrous. She is callous and cruel and barely cares about the safety, wellbeing, or autonomy of others, and stops caring the instant they get in her way.
By the end of the song, when the mother says again “you don’t want to know/what’s outside the windows/down by the bay”, it’s Adelaide. Adelaide is the thing you don’t want to see outside your home. There’s a non-zero chance she’s going to burn it down.
2. “in the woods somewhere” - hozier
I’ve literally made this post before, but. This song splendidly, if obliquely, captures Adelaide’s now very fucked up relationships with her high school friends. Adelaide is the singer and the creature. Her ex-bestie, Zak Ibis, is the fox, the first person Adelaide ever hurt because of her temptation when she tried desperately and selfishly to get them to stay in Harborview with her. Nat is somewhere, beloved and distant, too far away to get to now, both literally and, perhaps more frighteningly, metaphorically.
Is there anything more terrifying than the possibility that Adelaide has changed too much, become too monstrous, too much like the callous creature that hurt Zak, to ever be loved by Nat, as a friend or otherwise?
Well, other than the possibility that if Nat did return, Adelaide would only inevitably hurt her...
3. “penance” - serpentwithfeet
I know I’ve stacked the deck against my girl, but I too contain multitudes, and I can hope that maybe, just maybe, Adelaide has a route to salvation. I don’t know. I’m still very ‘buff man sweating over two buttons’ about the whole thing.
Anyway. Adelaide and I can both dream, however foolishly, that butch childhood galpal crush Nat Owens will come save us. “somehow, though i am unkind/grace flirts with me”.
4. “what love looks like” - mirel wagner
The question Adelaide has asked herself at her lowest possible moments: is this--her father’s overbearing protection and refusal to let her go--what love looks like? Is love even possible without the violence and the pain?
And then, of course, there are the consequences of that ‘love’ that Adelaide has had to bear, and the things she’s turned to to escape it. “my body is frail/my soul is stained/all things good will be washed away”
5. “daybed” - fka twigs
pov: you’re 24, you’ve been stuck in your hometown, stuck in your childhood home, for the last six years. sure, you find things to do, ways to keep yourself sane. you plan parties, you socialize, you run community events, you gossip with a high society you now resent with every fiber of your being.
but there’s also a lot of time spent exhausted and burnt out and drowning in bed.
“jaded is my father” indeed.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs ( & For Cherri :3 )
| Force My Muse to Spill Their Secrets
Cherri had to say when it came to living in hell it was a blast. Free to do as you wish? Who could pass up on that? Running around causing havoc just because eit was a Tuesday and she felt a little extra spontaneous and had a few extra bombs she was just itching to get to tossing. Course her favorite was when she got to cause trouble with her best friend Angel Dust. So many people in hell could be so ducking lame but not Angel, and he had been in hell far longer than herself. Where so many were old and stuffy blaming it on when they died and couldn’t change their ways Angel was a blast, pun intended there, to hang out with. She thought as the two of of them had drove behind a car listening to the sound of glass shattering. After the explosion from one of her bombs had gone off. She looked overt watch the Spider demon laugh away second eat of arms were slung around their sides as they were just near about ready to bust a gut.
But as soon as the fun had started it came to an end.
Walking through Pentagram city once they had given the slip to the loser shop owner whose place they had just finished blowing t bits, hey that’s what they got for trying to talk trash about the strips on angel’s outfit or Cherri’s torn-on-purpose style. Some people just seemed to think that had a say on what others wore, eh guy is just jealous they couldn’t pull of these trends clearly. When Cherri finally noticed the look on Angel's face as they had their face buried in the screen of thier phone. "You okay there Anges?" Cherri went to ask as they shoved the phone back into thier pocket watching how the look on thier face changed like a flick of light. They crossed thier topped arms and well Cherri knew from the look alone it was Val who messaged them just now. She reached out a hand and gingerly set it on to her friend's arm. "Hey just blow 'em off we can go cause more trouble? I know some goons trying mess'n with my turf." She knew better though soon as Angel went to give some dumb spill about how he should go in tonight at least he'd been blowing work off a lot.
Sure Cherri could try and talk them out of it, drag him away maybe even but she knew how this would go. As the familiar limo pulled up despite the smile on Angel's face as he climb in. She could feel a pit in her stomach. But waved them off and watched the car pull away.
"Oh Angie" Cherri said under her breath as she lifted her hand to her moth and chewed on her nail. "If it weren't for that fuckers status then maybe I could help ya more..If i could just become one of em? then maybe I'll be able to get you away from him finally."
Maybe it was a foolish thing to wish for but she knew better than most what angel dealt with being with that stupid moth, Valentino. She dropped her hands down and started to check to see how many bombs she still had on her. Enough to get by for now. "I ain't got much of turf, not yet at least Angie but I tussled with an overlord already once before. I can take on more soon once I got enough ground under my name. I'll get you away from him we can..we can ran it together laugh and cause as much trouble all we want."
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queerxqueen · 2 years
Why Byler is the Only Logical Outcome of Stranger Things 4: A Necessary Breakdown of Will, Mike, and Eleven’s Narrative Arcs
Buckle in besties, this is gonna be a long one. 
I’m going to preface this by saying I’ve been a die-hard Stranger Things fan since 2016 and I’ve watched every season as it’s dropped, reading theories and analysis between seasons. I adored Mileven for seasons 1 and 2. 
However, I truly believe that, from what we’ve seen of Mike, Will, and Eleven’s individual and combined arcs over seasons 3 and 4 Vol. 1, the only outcome that makes logical and narrative sense to the story Stranger Things is trying to tell is a Mileven breakup with Byler endgame. 
I’m not going to go into extended metaphors and background details, or even what actors have said in interviews; we’re talking about making sense of characters’ actions and words from a narrative standpoint. As a lifelong writer and storyteller, I’m trying to be more objective. And, assuming the Duffer brothers want to follow satisfying emotional arcs for not only their characters but their characters’ relationships, signs are pointing toward Byler. 
Let’s break it down. 
Guiding Principles of Narrative
First, let’s talk about what I mean when I’m talking about character arcs and things that make sense narratively. It’s important to note a few things before moving forward. These are key principles that inform the viewpoint of a storyteller and how I’m analyzing this. 
Everything has meaning and everything is intentional. 
Characters start a story with a flaw, go on a journey that forces them to confront that flaw, and end the story by showing how that journey has forced them to change and grow.
Forcing a character to confront inner conflict and grow from it is an essential ingredient of storytelling. Characters must change as a result of plot events.
We have to talk about Eleven first. People tend to think Byler shippers hate El and Mileven, but it’s important to note we’re not talking about what characters deserve, or what we think of them, we’re talking about what makes sense narratively. I adore Eleven and want her to have a happily ever after as much as anybody, but I do not see that happening with Mike. 
In season 4, we see Eleven feeling useless without her powers. She’s bullied and doesn’t know how to stand up for herself. She thinks her boyfriend only loves her when she’s a superhero.
We see her go on a long act two journey to recover her powers. It follows that in Act 3, we will see her return and save the day, likely fuelled by the support of her friends and possibly even by her love for Mike. 
However, this has not forced Eleven to confront her fear and learn the truth, that she is not useless without her powers. Even with a sweet monologue from Mike, it would feel empty and unfulfilling for him to confess his love to her only after she returns to the action hero version of herself. Eleven would always have doubts about whether he loves her for who she is. 
So what would force Eleven to confront her inner conflict? 
Eleven is spending this season learning about who she is, and what she is capable of, in every sense. It’s important to note that El’s most important growth moments happen when she is away from Mike. Season 2’s Kali episode, season 3’s breakup, season 4’s adventures in Nevada. When Mike is with her, such as in season 3, her growth stunts; they both become accessories to the other rather than unique characters with arcs. The focus becomes about their relationship. 
Additionally, she and Mike have been in a relationship for a portion of her formative developmental years, and the rest of those years were spent growing up in a lab. Eleven has not had the freedom to fully grow as a person individually. We see this in season 3 with Max encouraging her to be her own person. This is a consistent pattern and the show is making a clear argument that Eleven needs to develop as a person before she can develop in a relationship.
I do believe Eleven loves Mike. However, I think by the end of Volume 1 she has already realized Mike doesn’t love her the way she wants him to. She isn’t stupid. I think this is especially apparent in the scene where she is being driven away from Mike and does not look at him as he promises to make things right, talking about her being arrested but alluding to their fight. She’s already resigned herself: she doesn’t believe him. 
Staying with Mike would mean choosing the familiar path where she is not forced to change. Ultimately, if her arc is about discovering herself, standing up for herself, and realizing she is worthy of unconditional love, I believe that she needs to break up with Mike in order to put herself first. 
The most obvious argument against Byler is that Mike loves Eleven, so he can’t be gay. 
Mike does love Eleven. He cares deeply for her. He shows it every season. Mileven stans, I get it. But it truly seems like this season’s developments are preparing us for the fact that that love is platonic-with-a-capital-P. While Mike could be bisexual, I believe he is gay and repressing himself, staying with El because it is safe, and pushing Will away because he’s afraid of his own feelings toward Will. He’s trying desperately to play the role of the Good Straight Boyfriend but it’s not quite working.
Some might think this is far-fetched, so I’ll back up and talk more objectively. In season 4 vol 1, we see certain inconsistencies in Mike’s actions compared to his actions in previous seasons. Our attention is supposed to be drawn to these seemingly separate behaviors: he can’t tell Eleven he loves her to her face, despite having said it about her in season 3. And, he’s brushing off his best friend Will—that brutal hug—despite being previously characterized as a loyal friend who puts Will first—such as when he went through the rain to apologize to Will after their fight in season 3, a time during which he was also fighting with Eleven. 
These are two very distinct differences we as the audience are supposed to notice. They can each be explained away individually: he can’t tell El he loves her because of his parents’ loveless marriage, or because he has a hard time expressing his feelings because of toxic masculinity, or any number of things. He’s brushing off his best friend because he’s either uncomfortable with Will’s queerness or his crush, or simply because they’ve grown apart after a year apart. 
These could make sense individually, but we aren’t meant to see them individually, we are meant to see them as a result of some root character attribute. We’re not explicitly told what root flaw or misbelief is informing Mike’s behavior in Vol. 1—not in the way we’re more directly told how Eleven feels like a monster or how Will is afraid to express his feelings for Mike. Instead, we are meant to guess. What root belief could the character have that explains both of his strained relationships in Volume 1? What explanation addresses all of his strange behaviors simultaneously, rather than one at a time? 
It’s also important to note that Mike primarily ignores Will when he’s around Eleven; when just Mike and Will are together, Mike goes gentle and kind in a way that feels starkly contrasted to the way he acts around Eleven this season, and especially contrasted to the way he treats Will at the airport. If Mike is truly just homophobic (which I doubt) or just has a hard time expressing his feelings, why then is he so able to express his feelings toward Will?
Additionally, if his arc is simply to learn how to speak his feelings, and it culminates to him confessing his love to Eleven, this would truly be a disappointing and underwhelming arc for Mike. How does that move him forward, challenge him, help him change as a character? Nothing changes because that is the same emotional climax for him as in season 3. 
Conversely, him accepting his queerness and admitting his feelings toward Will would force him to reflect, learn, and grow in a way that continuing his relationship with Eleven simply doesn’t. It would move the story forward in an interesting way that impacts the dynamics of the whole party rather than maintaining the status quo. 
Mike’s journey is not so much about him expressing himself as it is about being honest with himself. I’m certain Mike cares deeply for Eleven and doesn’t want to hurt her, but he must acknowledge this truth about himself and who he is in order to grow.
Will is the easiest to tackle of the three, because his crush on Mike is much more overt than Mike’s feelings for Will or the impending doom of Mileven. In season 4, we see him crushing on Mike and afraid to confess his feelings. 
We don’t need to address all of Will’s queer-coding over the seasons, but just in season 4, we can acknowledge the painting, the longing gazes, the jealousy, the coded conversation about “scary … to say how you really feel,” emphasized by a fear of being rejected with “because what if they don’t like the truth?”
It follows that his arc is about getting up the nerve to confess his feelings, with the resolution being him learning to accept himself, and that his friends love him no matter what. This could theoretically happen by Mike gently rejecting him but reassuring that they’re always friends—but that’s not interesting. 
Why would that matter? How would Mike grow from that? How does that impact any of the other characters? It doesn’t. If Will is rejected, his season 4 storyline is almost entirely isolated and unnecessary, with no consequences or impact on the rest of the group. It’s lazy storytelling and I don’t believe the Duffers would do it if it weren’t connected to a greater storyline at play. If his confession results in requited feelings, it would impact not just Mike and Will individually but also Eleven and the Party at large. In short, it would create much more interesting consequences and tension, and I can’t imagine why the Duffers would have written Will’s storyline in if it weren’t going to play out in a way that had that greater impact. 
So basically…
For all characters involved, Byler endgame makes the most narrative sense as a natural result of the setup of Volume 1. I truly am optimistic about this queer couple getting a happy ending and hope that this explains the frenzy I’m in right now.
People argue that they wouldn’t trash Mileven after having built it up for three seasons; I would argue that they built it up for 2, and now have spent 2 more breaking it down. Others argue that it would be coming out of nowhere; I would argue that you might have been watching the show with heteronormative tinted goggles.
I could write so much more about Byler making narrative sense with the greater themes of coming-of-age and self-discovery, and I could easily break down every season 3 and 4 scene in painstaking detail, but I think the most important argument that could be made is that Byler is truly the best narrative outcome for each individual character based on what we’ve seen so far.
Anyways, send me Byler asks :)
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yabai-korra · 3 years
The reasons why we're getting Manorian book
There has been a lot of speculation whether SJM is going to favor us with book/novella about Manon Blackbeak and Dorian Havilliard, recently I saw some fans doubting it, so here's a list of logical reasons why it's happening.
1. It's SJM
This woman writes two 500+ pages books per year, for her it would be a piece of cake.
2. There have already been books focused on side characters
a) Chaol and Yrene - Chaol was one of the most unpopular characters before Tower of Dawn (which made me love him hehe) and she still wrote a 600+ pages long book about him, just imagine what she'd do with the most popular character (Manon) and one of the most popular ones (Dorian).
b) Nesta and Cassian - this is ship is the closest to Manorian equivalent in ACOTAR series, aka starting from a physical relationship that develops into a sentimental one. Also 6th ACOTAR book will be focused on a new characters (most probably Elain)
3. Favoritism
SJM has talked multiple times about her love for these two. When asked about her favorite TOG character, she said Aelin, but Manon was a close second place and she said that she absolutely loves writing her.
In another interview, when asked who she would go on a book tour with and a few similar questions, she answered Dorian.
Now, I haven't seen all of her interviews ever and I'm not sure how much she loves Nessian and Cahorene (seems to love Nessian a hella lot tho), but it's definite that Manorian are some of her favorite characters and it's just logical that she would write about them.
4. Unfinished story/Unresolved feelings
Ships at the end of TOG:
Rowaelin - married
Elorcan - engaged
Lysaedion - engaged
Chaorene - married with a baby on the way
Nestaq - engaged
Manorian - hug and "we'll see"
All the ships basically got engaged in the last chapter (it's not like I didn't like it hehe) and their stories, romantic-wise, were pretty much finished and they have no unresolved tension between them. Manorian on the other hand, have enough of it for all the ships lol.
KOA spoilers ahead!
Keep in mind, Manorian relationship was mostly a sexual one, and they don't quite yet have a way of communicating their feelings properly. So there is a lot of unaddressed between them, even though they obviously care a lot about each other.
The unresolved things between Manon and Dorian:
"“And if I asked you to stay?” / “I’d need a very convincing reason, I suppose.” / “Because I don’t want you to go.” - they just fucked and Dorian left for Morath later, which impacted Manon a lot but they haven't discussed it
"I even care about you." - Manon got up and left
"There is only one witch who will be my queen." - Manon doesn't know about this
Manon saved Dorian from Valg demon even when Aelin couldn't. It was the worst thing to happen to Dorian and he still bears scars from it, yet he didn't have an appropriate situation to thank Manon for it
Dorian knows that Erawan lusted after Manon, which got him pissed of course, and he didn't have a chance nor time to ask Manon about it. It might be nothing, but if I were Dorain and my girlfriend who doesn't show feelings was locked up with a crazy guy who has a thing for her, and have seen the way he treats women, I'd be concerned. Erawan was a Valg king, a tough opponent even for Manon. If he had done something to her, and he had plenty of means and opportunities and wish to do so, Manon would never openly tell anyone (maybe Asterin) about it, because it would imply opening up and being weak, which is Manon's worst fear. Again, SJM, as the Queen of Foreshadowing, wouldn't just randomly throw in the main villain having a thing for an important character, everything in her books always has a meaning and purpose.
"Would you miss me if I didn't [come back]?" - Manon didn't reply
This is how SJM described Manorian marriage: "She would be his wife, his queen. She was already his equal, his match, mirror in so many ways. And with their union, the world would know it." - and you're telling me it's not deserving of its own book? Not just that, Manon asked Dorian for marriage and they, again, just had sex, with Dorian loving the idea but deep down knowing that Manon would feel caged in a marriage. And that attitude won't just change out of the blue. It takes time and development which is something SJM writes amazingly.
With the Thirteen gone, beside Abraxos Dorian is the only creature Manon cares about.
Dorian's mortality (although as you'll see in point #6 I'm sure he's not human)
The dreaded "You could just marry each other." / "We'll see." (Thanks Yrene :)
5. Foreshadowing
Listen here, SJM IS THE QUEEN OF FORESHADOWING. She thought of a detail (Dorian's dad's name) in the first book that would matter in the last book. Of course, there are many many many more examples of that, but if we got "We'll see." then we'll fucking see it happen.
6. Unresolved things about Manon and Dorian as individual characters.
Manon and Dorian and both pretty broken at the end of KOA.
Manon lost the Thirteen, the only people she cared about. That is a huge trauma that needs to be addressed, especially with someone so reluctant to show feelings and heal like Manon.
Dorian can't be human?? He has fae abilities due to his relation to Gavin and Elena even though he's not even called a demi-fae. He possesses powers no one else does, phantom hands for example, which he didn't steal like shape-shifting. And Maeve pointed out that due to his father being possessed by Valg when Dorian was sired, it's possible he got some of the Valg abilities. (Also she said that he's stronger than Aelin) The main villain, especially written by Queen of Foreshadowing, wouldn't just let drop it there and that's it. Also not to mention Dorian's own struggle with depression and self-worth.
They have both just become rulers of their kingdoms, completely new to it. Dorian has spent a big part of KOA imagining what kind of a king he wants to be (one that will have a witch queen hehe) and it was a major point of his character. And addition to that affecting them as characters, the future of Adarlan and Witch Kingdom could make a good plotline.
7. Other TOG characters
Although pretty much all the readers would die to see Chaorene baby, Lorcan in Perranth, Aelin and Rowan ruling Terrasen, Lysandra and Adeion officially adopting Evangeline, Nesryn and Sartaq becoming Khagan and Empress of Antica, all of these don't make enough of a plot on its own. They are great side-plots.
We know all of these characters love each other and are happy together, there isn't that much to be added to their personal stories other than kids. (same way Feyre and Rhys got a baby in Nessian book) Manorian however, they haven't even kissed without it leading to sex, they hugged at the end of KOA and it was the pique of their relationship. Their relationship is merely at the beginning, whereas others have pretty much reached their ultimatum (ofc SJM can decide to add some drama with betrayal, kidnapping, pregnancy etc. but for now everyone is good and settled beside Manorian)
Not to mention the way other relationships would affect them. Chaol, Dorian's brother, and Yrene, Manon's wannabe bestie and Manorian shipper, would bring their baby to meet his/her uncle Dorian and aunt Manon, and imagine Manon with a baby lol.
SJM loves Aelin and other characters way too much not to give us an insight on them as married couples, but since her books are huge and it's her, it needs a plot with drama, addressing traumas, repressed feelings, worldbuilding, and sex, and Manorian's got all of that.
8. Abraxos
We need more Abraxos, that's just a fact.
Wow that was a long one. Anyways, in conclusion, we're getting that Manorian book. Pretty sure it's gonna a book rather than a novella (TOD was also planned as a novella but then guess what) because there is just SO MUCH possible content.
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