#[ mocha a quarter a piece for endless plastic rings aflockoffeathers]
ducknotinarow · 2 years
Richard: I just realized something, I jave a bad childhood.
Bailey: yeah. I know.
Richard: what do you mean you know?
Bailey: look at you
Richard: what do you mean look at me?
Bailey: look at how you stand, people who had good childhoods don't stand like that.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BailsRichy]  i’m one call away, okay? just one call. [Childhood AU]
| soft sentence starters
Why did Richard think this was a good idea was his first thought.
Sat in the seat across his fathers large desk, his mother who was once sat in the seat beside him had left it and began to pace the room. In a complete tizzy as she would call it, his father was simply sitting there hands folded over one another as he was staring over to his son. Was Richard still good enough to be seen as his son right now he wondered after speaking up to the two of them. His mothers voice had all but been drawn out by his own thoughts as he looked to the glob sitting on his father desk, North America facing him right now he looked to the side of what was the United States, pick out his state wishing he could be with Bailey in St.Canard right now and not here. Even on the glob the distance was just so spread out.
Melody pretty much screeched out to them Richard flinched a bit in his seat as he dragged his eyes back over looking to his dad who was still just staring at Richard. It was always so hard to tell what he was thinking he wore such a even, expressionless face. The way his eyes never looked away locked on to Richard was enough to make the younger eagle freeze in place. He could just feel it from the look alone.
Once more his mother screech and Thomas finally blinked upon opening his eyes he looked off to the side to give his attention her way, hands dropping down to the desk as he over to rest his back against the old brown leather of his seat. It belong to his grandfather, the other Richard who Thomas got the name of his son from. A lot of the decor in this room had been passed down from them in fact and for some reason that seemed to put more weight over his shoulders as if the ghost of the name was pushing him down, keeping him in this seat. Why did he tell them about he and Bailey. They had been dating for quite a long time now so Richard felt like he should well say something. His parents simply just thought it was because they were best friends and thought nothing more on how the two of them could be all the visit and more. Just seemed to be because they were close and well the Evans didn’t want to lose the tie in with the Alder family.
“Did you hear what he just said?” Melody went on to asked Thomas he gave no verbal answer purely because of course he had see how he was there to hear it as well after all so the question was well stupid to the older eagle. Melody walked over to the desk palm slamming on to she hadn’t looked in Richard Diraction since he told them about he and Bailey being boyfriends and such. “When did he go and become a fag?” Richard couldn’t help how he flinched at that way she said that, with such poison traced in her tone. A near hiss full of her utter detest for the fact..he was that. He wasn’t a fag he tried to tell himself it a slur no different than others he had heard before. He never let those hurt him so why did this one? The obvious reason being the fact it was from someone meant to love him never crossed his mind in the moment. He wasn’t sure gay was right sure he liked boys. Really liked boys. But he also liked girls the same so gay didn’t seem right he tried to explain that but that was sent his mother in this sudden state. The way her face had twisted up is disgust when the word left his beak it took no less than a second for her to make it clear how she felt about it all. “Don’t go and think I’m some homophobic small minded women, how the fuck is he going to have kids if he’s going to be a sissy fucking men? No what do we do? Send him to one off those camps to fix him or conversion therapy?” She huffed “No then people would know.”
Camps? Conversion therapy ? What did that mean?
“I like girls too” Richard muttered not even sure why he did it, Bailey was the only one he cared to be with at the end of the day. Melody didn’t care for his sudden back talk head snapped to the side to it him with a look that clearly read shut your beak, alone.
“You can’t like both don’t you go an add to this mess!” She snipped and Richard kept his beak shut
“You’re think to small Mel” Thomas finally spoke up, Richard mother repeated the motion before her anger going Thomas’ way now. Richard felt relief the second she was no longer looking to him, as if his father saved him from her own wrath he knew that was no where near true of course. A stupid childish want yes but not the truth. They weren’t speaking up for Richard’s sake.
“Excuse me?”
“I miss spoke,” Thomas soon added “Think of it like this the Alders have Ben a great connection have, why do you think I maintained the friendship with Benedict all those years? An assist is an assist. Sure Richard and Bailey will likely break up, coming to their sense or whatever long as they keep their connection? And the unlikelihood lets say the stay together? Sure they can’t get married but they can still do other things and that could benefit the company -“
Richard started to tune them both out slumping in against black leather of the chair as he looked away from them, talking as if he weren’t even in the room right now. Messing with the ends of his sleeves lifting the fabric up to feel over his wrists as his gaze just became unfocused. Feeling over them wishing he was anywhere else. Once again he went and showed them how imperfect he was. Once more he dispointed them. Failed to be who they set out for him to be. Richard’s throat grew dry, eyes watered as tears stung at his eyes.
“Richard don’ you even start that” Thomas went to correct right in the middle of his conversation.
“I’m not” Richard said to cover for himself quick to wipe at his eyes with his sleeves.
He closed his eyes and breathed in deep sharp gulps of air as he pushed the need away he would deal with it later. He knew this was a dumb idea, why did he even bother telling them about this all? Somewhere in his head he thought this was a good idea? How fucking stupid was he to ever think that way about his parents? When he told Zane it was different of course they had made a remark about thinking they were dating since they we’re tots though going on about having their anniversary messed up now. He wished Zane was.. he saw the door to his fathers study slowly open up just now talons poking it but better yet the first glance of albino colored feathers from Zane’s hand and arm coming into view Richard could feel relief come over him now the tears wishing to fall were easy to fend off now as he sat up at attention. Zane’s head poked in looking over to Richard a second than to their parents he gave a nod and soon shut the door again. Richard sat confused they were leavening him were they? Soon the door flew open letting it slam into the wall behind it causing all kinds of nick nacks, frames and whatever else was near enough to shake in it’s place. It was already enough to get the attention of his parents to stop talking ad turn to face the door now. Zane happy to speak up as if that whole bit with he door hadn’t already got their attention. Zane walking over pride in each step not a single care showing on his face as he ignored them telling him they were in the middle of something right now. Standing in front of Richard, placing himself right between their parents as him. It took Richard a second to relieze that Zane was purposely standing in view so they couldn’t see Richard.
They waved their hand and shook his head “yeah yeah, one second all I need. So I may have totaled mom’s car and by may I mean I did like its squashed it wont run ever again the junk yard wont even need to cube it up like on tv? Yeah I did that enough.”
Silence once more settled in the room as everyone needed a moment to let that sink in.
“YOU DID WHAT!?” Thomas and Melody said in unison, soon a mix of their voices followed after as they began to yell and check on him hovering over the older sibling of the pair. Richard noting Zane was waving s hand to gesture for Richard to leave now that he had an escapes.
He didn’t need to be told twice. Keeping crouched as he slipped out from his seat an made his way out of the study soon as he was in the hall he near enough spirited down the stairs and out to the back yard. So he could t hide out in the tree house. They would never follow him up there..that was f they even bothered to remember about him with Zane’s whole deal. As Richard made his way inside the shelter he sought out soon falling down on to the pile of blankets and pillows in their pulling over his ‘Bailey Bear’ from the time he and Bailey went to Build-a-bear together, looking over the pink fur and the outfit Bailey helped him pick out for it. Lowering down so he could take in the scent of strawberries from them, before set the bare on to his chest and looked up to the ceiling of the tree house. His vision began to blur from the tears forming in his eyes, he could just hear what his dad would say if they saw him like this. Deep breaths were sucked in once again he was getting used to doing this now. Raising up his arm looking to his wrist he hand cover by the long sleeves from his shirt letting his bear to rest on him as he started to roll the cuff down and feel over his wrist a moment. He always got this odd tingling feeling in his wrists he could never quite understand, how his heart rate seemed to spike. Least he wasn’t feeling cold, as if his blood just stopped flowing having his bear seemed to help at least so there was that. dropping his arms down half hearted hold on his bear as he was just staring out to nothing.
“I always do something wrong.” He voiced to himself well to his bear, moving to sit up now as he set the bear to his knees looking it over. He missed Bailey so much right now. What was he going to do now? What if they tried to make him break up with them?…or sent Richard away. Still unsure what that meant. That feeling in his wrists got worse now as if his hands were shaking. Hand on his wrist as Richard felt over the exposed wrist once more rubbing his thumb against it letting his nail scrap across his feathers before stopping his movement. Letting a nail dig in against the skin. Holding the words his mother spoke in the forefront of his mind. fag she called him. That..hurt why did he let it? He been called so many other things yet this? He let go of him self. Not much thought working through his head as Richard went to fish out his cell from his pocket. Flipping it open he started to hit the buttons dialing Bailey up right now. Phone set next to ‘Bailey Bear’ as it rung a few times, and soon Bailey’s vice came over.
Richard listened to them say hello but it just didn’t click for him to speak in turn. Bailey waited a bit before saying it again, Richard missed their voice he thought before letting his body fall naturally to the floor. Bailey soon just expressions concern on their end. “I’m here.” Richard said finally finding his voice at long last. “Sorry I just..” he trailed off unsure how to even go about ending that thought off with. A sigh was all that came since no word was, of course Bailey asked if they were feeling alright checking on him as they always would. Richard didn’t know what to say still now he felt like he was simply bothering the rooster as well. “Sorry I don’t even know why I called you, I’ll let you go now.” Ready to hang up when Bailey was quick to jump and speak up.
“i’m one call away, okay? just one call.”
Something about how urgent that seemed to be stuck out to Richard as he moved his thumb away from the end call button. Bailey seemed to be waiting for something anything for Richard to say. “Is it fine if I don’t talk?” He soon asked “I just want to listen to you…if that’s is fine with you?” A slight crack in his voice as Richard went to cover his beak with his mouth now muffling the sob that nearly fell out after. Tears filling up his eyes again as he set his phone down beside himself so he could listen to Bailey start to ramble on. He didn’t recall about what but he did draw his bear in close burying his face into its soft plush fur. Glad they could talk on and on as they were now. Unsure what he was going to be going into back inside the house later. Would his parents allow his relationship? Would they look at him like that again? Speak to him like that again? He could feel a tear roll down his cheek as he bite down on his finger to hold back any cereal cry’s as Bailey kept speaking. What were they thinking? Did Bailey think he was being weird right now? He truly was just a screw up no matter what or to who. Couldn’t do right by his parents, couldn’t even fess up to his boyfriend when something was wrong. He was a fucking waste. It was a wonder Zane looked out for him as he did. Teeth bite down hard on his finger as he flinched just a bit struggling to keep those sobs that were seeking to be sounded out away as if thy weren’t needed at all. Face pressed to the belly of his bear he could feel the tears drop against the fur and soak it. As he shook a little even all his flaws were just all he could see right now…Richard was only one big flaw.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BailsRichy]  you’re my best friend. i’ll always have your back. [Childhood AU]
| Fluffy sentence starters
Richard pushed against the door and swung it open stepping off to the side so he could keep it open and let Bailey on in ahead of him. Letting his boyfriend get a first once over of the café he brought them to. It had become a special place to Richard so special he kept talking about it to Bailey. Not much excited the eagle so whenever he did mention the café it was pretty easy to tell that Richard seemed to love the place. He raved on about the coffee here. Went on to talk about the scent of it, the taste even and Richard was able to give full breakdowns of the process of the drinks. It seemed like Richard wasn't only taken by the place itself. Stepping in behind Bailey now as they seemed to look around, from how much Richard kept bringing it up it seemed Bailey had gotten curious about the place themself. So they asked Richard to take them there the next time he visited. Richard took the very first chance they had to drag Bailey here. He wanted nothing more than to show this place to the person who meant so much to him. Sure this wasn't some flashy place, it didn't have a theme like the 50's diner in the town. It was just a coffee shop at first glance. Nothing to make it stand out in fact the only people who really came here often were far older than either Bailey or Richard. It was quiet and it was relaxing, the music that played over the speech was soft and low nothing that would overpower anyone person talking and could easily be drowned out. The scent of coffee was alluding to Richard he hoped it wouldn't be too much for Bailey. That's when Richard heard the song begin to play that seemed very fitting. He was fast to walk behind Bailey and place a hand on either side of their head. Acting as earmuffs for a moment. Bailey hummed looking confused as they turned back to face Richard. Lifting up a brow as they asked what he was doing. Richard could hide the excited smile on his beak right now as he leaned in to speak to Bailey so they could in the least hear him. "Remember that song your mom and dad made? 'I love you a latte' ?" Richard knew the answer right away Bailey of course knew the song, he even played it for Richard before. Playing along though Bailey nodded and gave a simple yes in response as Richard's smile seemed to just grow he slowly moves his hands down to rest on Bailey's shoulders as he then gestured his head up to the ceiling where the speakers were in the building. Bailey moved to look up and listened as the song was playing over thier heads right now. Richard lowered his hands down so he could wrap his arms around Bailey's midsection as they grew quiet and listened to the song playing. Richard knew it was a special song so when he first heard it playing here he knew he had already planned on bringing them here. Figured in the least the fact this café did play such an important song would earn the place some points with the rooster. Who simply leaned back against Richard as they listened to the melody of his parent's music. Richard just smiled as he held Bailey close to himself slightly swaying left and right as if they were sharing a little dance between themselves softly humming along to the music with Bailey till the song came to a close.
Richard slowly slipped his hold away from Bailey and moved to step to the side as he gently took their hand and lead them further in to get a seat at one of the tables in the place. So far so old Richard thought to himself even going ahead to pull Bailey’s seat out for them of course they couldn’t pass up the chance to say something about just how attentive Richard was being with them right now. Richard tried to play it off as he wave his Han and shrugged his shoulders. Making his way around the table to take his own seat now, dragging it over so he and Bailey could sit next to each other. Because Bailey was a bit of a dork and preferred to always be able to have the option to be closer. Richard thought as if he wasn't the one pulling Bailey over to himself so they are next to each other. Reached over for a menu and handed it to Bailey to look over. "There is a lot of things you might like that aren't coffee, see hot chocolate, Italian sodas even." He went to point out even just listing over the options had the eagle smiling nearly beaming he'd been in such a good mood since they head out to come here. Richard just wanted Bailey to like this place too. No Richard needed Bailey to like this place. The rooster didn't have to love it, Bailey didn't have to like well any of the things Richard did far as he was concerned. Expect this place Bailey had to like this place even just a little because of what this place was becoming for Richard. Richard kept looking up to Bailey about every second that passed by trying to get a read on his boyfriend's face. To see if they were liking the place Bailey went and pointed to what they thought sounded good and Richard moved to his feet nearly knocking back the chair he was in before making his way over the counter to order thier drinks. Richard felt like he was standing there for hours but he knew it wasn't anywhere near that long. Not able to fully enjoy watching the barista behind the counter making thier drinks like he had started to pay more attention to know. Picking up on the different levels of coffee to milk ratio for each drink. Even the none coffee drinks he just enjoyed watching be made. He took the drink and breathed in as deeply as he could before slowly letting it out. It just mattered a lot for Bailey to like this place to Richard. It was important to him, he didn't want to outright say something like that though, and make Bailey feel like they had to. No that wouldn't be good enough. Richard made to get himself to relax just a bit as he returned to the table and set down thier drinks before taking his place back going back to just enjoying Bailey's company as they idly made some chit chat and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Even as Richard went and played with eh straw wrapper from Bailey's drink. Just looking for his chance to ask.
Because of something that was settling on his mind and his heart that was related to this place. Richard had stopped talking so focused on the paper in his hand as he kept crinkling up the paper. Twisting it and tying it into a knot to tug at the ends and cause it to rip. His heart was starting to beat rapidly in his chest as he started to just zone out. Bailey set his hand over Richard's giving it a squeeze seemed to get Richard's attention as he looked to Bailey now seeming confused, Richard hadn't noticed he checked out just now so lost in the thoughts that went through his mind as Bailey asked Richard what was on his mind just now. Getting Richard to offer a slightly unsure smile "It's just..do you like this place?" he asked them. When Bailey answered that he did Richard could feel himself able to breathe once again letting his jaw unclench and the grip of his hands on the straw wrapping loosen and drop it. "Good," he said quietly to himself mostly. But Bailey still heard him and looked concurred about that. "It's just" Richard began before twisting in his chair to face the rooster. "Okay look, I well I love this place in truth" Bailey nodded it was obvious Richard did "I love coming here any chance I have. I love the smell of the coffee in the air, I love the sound of the pots brewing behind the counter. I love trying every drink on this menu...so much so that I have kind of been keeping a notebook on every drink and just...taking notes on them" He admitted a bit embarrassed on that fact but Bailey just smiled hearing that but that seemed to make the look of confusion change to a look of curiosity. Richard took a few seconds to think but he looked up to Bailey and held thier gaze
"I don't care about being part of my family's business I never have been it's what my parents want." Richard expressed, maybe that was obvious but to Richard, he was pretty much trapped to do that. "But I want to do this," he said gesturing his arm out wide so Bailey would look at the café "I want to have my own café, I want to own one under my name. I want to run a coffee business even create blends but also make drinks and..just all of it." Richard expressed in earnest to the rooster. Then he looked down away from Bailey "I know they won't let me, but I've never felt like this before Bails. I come in here and I'm always just...happy" he never once told Bailey before now that he wasn't happy. "But when I think of that idea? I've already looked into and all..I did tell them but" he trailed off letting Bailey fill in the blanks. Of course, the rooster could simply make a guess or two no clues on to how Thomas and Melody got after Richard as if he had done something wrong. Trying to enforce thier wills on the young eagle made him step back into line when he made a mention of not doing what they had planned for him. Richard wasn't to have a choice in the matter. And maybe Richard would listen drop this idea altogether and fall in line. He just needs a push..he was hoping Bailey the one who always gave him that push to go for what he wanted, could maybe do it one more time. "I want to try for this but I'll admit I'm not sure if I can.." He mentioned looking back to Bailey a plead in his own eyes as he lock his gaze on those eyes he loved, turning his hand over so he could hold Bailey's hand in his own. "But if you were there to have my back then I think I could."
The way Bailey smiled at Richard though moving in to be closer to him. Taking Richard's hand in both of his own now as they spoke up.
"you’re my best friend. i’ll always have your back" Relief once more. It was okay if his parents hated this idea, it was okay no matter the fallout between them. Slipping his hand out from between Bailey's as he reached out and nearly threw his arms around the rooster hugging them tightly as he could. Bring in his arms around the rooster to near bone crush strength. "Thank you." Was all he said before letting his face fall into the crook of Bailey's neck. He had Zane's blessing and Bailey to give him the push to see through. Pulling back smiling brightly before kissing them deeply. And in the moment he knew this wasn't like anymore what he felt for his boyfriend it was love, his future had Bailey in it that why they had to like this café because Richard would have his own and he wanted Bailey there to see it too.
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
[Childhood AU uwu]
"Oooooh..." was the first noise Bailey made upon seeing Richard for their holiday visit.
He hadn't seen then in a while, and nothing had been mentioned in their letters, but apparently, Richard was trying out a new look. White feathers were a lovely shade of brown, sticking out against the lighter plumage. Bailey, having already gone through his feather change when barely a year old, did not realise that it was different for Eagles,
"Richy-roo, I wouldn't think you'd dye your feathers, the brunette looks suits you," Bailey giggles, moving in for a closer look, "Hm, those, it's weird you wouldn't do them all at once," He comments raising an eyebrow, soon pouting as he lightly touches some of the newer feathers, "Aw they're not as soft now either..."
|Muse interaction
"I don't want to go" Was all Richard said sitting in the back seat of the car. Zane beside him was the first to look his way, Thomas in the front adjust the rear-view mirror so he could angle it to look at Richard. It never once crossed Richard's mind that his feathers would change in color. He was born with those near snow-white feathers he just grew attached to them. His mother had white feathers, so he figured he just had white feathers like her. Zane was smirking finding this funny well Thomas just seemed annoyed. They had been sitting at the drop-off for a bit of time a few other cars even honked trying to get them to move. Soon he told Richard he was being completely childish about this; he had lost count of the times he had explained to his son that Golden eagles' feathers change colors once they get older. White feathers were replaced with brown ones.
"I don't want to go." That was all Richard repeated back, he had tried just about anything to get out of going to St. Canard. He tried to act sick, he tried to claim he was behind on schoolwork he even tried to get himself grounded. To no avail. Actually, being in trouble with his parents was still worse compared to having to be seen like this. Thomas sharply and sternly rose his voice however and was quick to snap out for Richard to get out of the car. He was wasting time but worse he was wasting his father's time. Richard slightly flinched but unclicked his belt. There was no getting out of this, the Alders may understand but Richard's parents weren't going to afford any possibility of damage to the connect they had with the other family simply because to them at least their son was in a mood and simply didn't feel like going. Zane hopped out the other side and got into the truck of the car to get Richard's stuff before the two of them walked in. Giving Richard a chance to see his reflection in the glass doors.
"What if he laughs at me?" was all Richard offered to his older brother. Even if the newer feathers were fully brown most were still white, and some patchy looking ones. The fact he felt itch all over from the new feathers coming in didn't help his mood anymore. He tried wearing extra layers to hide it but it was far too hot in Las Egeals and he nearly got sick just from the extra heat alone. St.Carnad was a bit cooler but if his parents somehow found out he was covering up? Zane just spoke up telling Richard to chill out, it wasn't the end of the world if Bailey saw him like this. Seeming to pick up on the real issue his brother was having. The younger egeals cheeks grew hot and flushed as he looked away and stayed ahead of them. "Shut up."
The plane trip wasn't nearly enough time to help Richard feel prepared to meet up with Bailey. Or to get over the need to sulk even if the flight attendants were nice enough to try and cheer him up with a little bear toy. Richard wished he were home instead, he hadn't even mentioned a thing about his apparent 'journey to adulthood' as the pamphlet his mother passed over to him when it had started, tried to explain this all as. Apparently, Richard had even more things to expect with this change in appearance alone. But right now he had to face the music on what Bailey would say. Kids at school had laughed and even teased him some over it. But, if Bailey did that was just going to be worse to Richard. He felt like his stomach was flipping and flipping and twisting around. Like he could lean his head out the car window and puke out it. Maybe the rest of the way to Bailey's place. As gross as the thought was it least distracted him somewhat. Only for Richard to see the said house coming up he slightly groaned. His father would tell him to suck it up, so he would. It was only for a few he could manage that right?
Was the first noise, Bailey, once they came over to greet Richard once he got there. Richard was a bit surprised it didn't sound like a bad 'oh' like the kind that would turn into a snicker or dismissed to act as if he didn't look weird right now. To give those snide glances kids at school had been giving him till the break came up.
"Richy-roo, I wouldn't think you'd dye your feathers, the brunette looks suits you,"
Richard slightly crocked his head to the side at Bailey's assumption. A dye job? Or was Bailey just being nice?
"Hm, those, it's weird you wouldn't do them all at once,"
No. they weren't just saying it to be nice, they actually thought Richard dyed his feathers and in such a stupid patchy looking way? Okay, sure other creatures did much more out there things with thier own appearances but still? Though he did like that Bailey felt the Brunette look fit him well Bailey had said suited him. And for some reason, that alone made him like the brown. Bailey reached over to touch them maybe to look closer at the dye coloring. Only to soon start to pout.
"Aw they're not as soft now either..."
Richard had to lift a hand up to his beak as he tried not to laugh just now. It would be rude to laugh his mother would say. But try as he might he couldn't stifle that laugh much as a little chuckle still managed to break free from Richard. It felt could to laugh just a little bit, it was like all the fear and worries shook right off the second he did it. He peeked an eye open to look at his friend.
"I didn't dye them pollito." he started with "My adult feathers are just coming in, and they are brown, not white." Playfully batting away Bailey's hand "And not the soft baby kind." as to make claim to the fact he was older somehow made this seem better. "Who would want to walk around looking like this on purpose dork?" He soon said even if Bailey's remarks made him feel a bit better he still wasn't quite feeling his current look. Arm crossed over his chest and he tried to hunched up his shoulders some and lower his gaze even. He still wasn't happy that he had to be here with his feathers looking stupid. Some were still fluffed almost others more smoothed over and brown. It looked weird to him.
"Is it okay if we don't go out much well I'm here?" he at least tried to ask, of course, if the answer was no he would deal with it. But Bailey seemed to pick up on something as they just nodded to Richard saying it would be fine they could do lots of things inside they even chimed with. Richard cracked a slight smile at that. Feeling relief come over him as he in the least lowered his shoulders some. Letting Bailey take one of his hands so he dropped his arms back down, feeling comfortable with the fact now one else would be seeing him. Outside the rest of the Alders. Richard slightly gripped Bailey's hand and let himself be led off with them.
Though some things were still eating at him, Richard looked over his shoulder making sure they were out of earshot of anyone else. "Bailey? you don't think it looks weird do you?" he asked "Cause I do I liked the white feathers but they are going to brown now? and I guess to get some gold?" he was confused on that bit still "If you want to laugh I don't blame you...I look so stupid right now. More like awful people were staring at me like I was" He paused a bit. "Like a side show freak" Richard declared letting go of Baileys hand so he could slightly crouch down towards the ground. No wonder kids were laughing at him and people were looking at him as they were. He looked like a freak and everyone wanted to see it. "This is the worst."
He manged to at least looked up to his friend expecting them to be honest now. Bailey just looked back at him with a confused expression but it was enough of an answer for Richard. Who just simply looked back to the ground hoping the brown feathers to his face would make it hard to see the way his cheeks were flushing right now. Embarrassed that Bailey was seeing him like this even if they thought the brown feathers looked nice. More he didn't lole Bailey seeing him actting and showing how much he cared. It wasn't cool to care after all. He just got into a more comfortable spot on the floor. "I'm just gonna stay like this till its time for me to leave okay?"
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
Richard and Bailey when either of them has to go back home.
Richard: Alright the best good byes are the quick ones
Bailey tearing up: are you freaking nuts?!
Bailey: where is your soul, you're just gonna cast me away like an old pair of shoes? We have to say good bye for an hour!
Richard ☹: no no no, I was only trying to do it quick because I thoughts it what you wanted to do it quick.
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
[BailsRichy]  i can’t believe i’m confessing this but… i really really like you. [Childhood AU]
| Fluff sentence starters slight: continuation from here uwu
Bailey had been his friend for years, his best friend at that even with the distance between them, there was no question in the fact that Bailey was Richard's best friend. But, then feelings were not just platonic towards Bailey it felt like one day they were just his annoying friend who he would stare at in a blank unassuming glare. Then one day Richard found he couldn't stop staring at Bailey when they had long turned away, that he would hold their hand when they walked like when they were little kids. That when Bailey confessed he may be gay the first thought in Richard's mind was a spark of hope. When did a crush start?
Now he found himself sitting and watching the sunset with his best friend who he was clearly head over heels for, as Zane ever so lovingly had to tease any and every second given a chance to do as much. Found himself staring at them and then leaning in to KISS THEM! not that he had an issue with that he had been wanting to kiss them for what felt like ages.
And now he was understanding the whole hype around kissing the boy you like. His voice was low when he spoke up to them "Bailey I like you, a lot." smiling as the words came over his tongue and out of his beak. Finally spoken. Out loud and to Bailey this time, he had told Zane before he liked Bailey in the way his older brother always teased him over for. It was one thing to admit it at all but to admit it to Bailey to was even better something? How could there be roughly 6,500 languages in the world, and Richard knowing at least two and yet there just wasn't any words good enough to explain how amazing it felt to tell Bailey he liked them, to kiss Bailey even. What could be better than those two things?
"i can’t believe i’m confessing this but… i really really like you."
Richard sat and blinked blankly. He just got the answer to that. And it was hearing Bailey say he liked Richard, 'really really liked' as Bailey put it. Richard knew his face was darkening with more of a blush now he could just about feel the heat moving to his face. As he just kind of smiled in turn, a slight laugh escaped his beak. "You like me?" he asked even if he had the answer already Bailey still just nodded thier head to answer smiling back at Richard.
Richard set his hands to the bench they were sharing as he leaned forward letting his forehead press to Bailey's again. "You really like me?" he just wanted to hear it again watching how Bailey's own face flush red as they just smiled and told Richard yes once more. Teasing if Richard was having a hearing problem already. He was only two years older than the rooster, and later he would of course get back at them for that remark. Right now though?
"No, I just like hearing you say it is all." he confessed moving back now he couldn't bring himself to stop smiling right now tail feather spread out behind him "I didn't know you would feel the same is all, I mean when I realized I liked boys it was because I like you. I didn't think it ever happen but then you told me you liked boys too and might be gay, and well I got kind of hopeful that I might have a chance then." He shrugged his shoulders somewhat "I mean I've been doing everything, just short of telling you I liked you, to well impress you. I don't even know why I'm talking right now still" Richard went on to explain as he ran his hand back through his hair wishing he could shut up not, maybe when you been holding back your feelings so long though, keeping all the things you want to say held back like a dam. Well once it was out in the open everything just rushed out?
Richard just looked back at Bailey as they went and moved to sit closer to him. Shoulders brushed against each other as they went and took his hand like Richard did before, threading thier fingers between his own. Bailey seemed just as eager to no longer hold those feelings back anymore. And considering this was Bailey that was saying something. Even moving to rest his head on his left shoulder, slightly nuzzling against it. Richard didn't even mind the slight sting from when they did it. Wrapping thier other arm around Richard's own as if they just wanted to hold on to every part of the eagle they could. They spoke against him but it was a little muffled but Richard could still hear them repeating they liked Richard, how happy they were Richard liked him too. Bailey was just in as much of an exciting shock.
Richard just couldn't help but smirk though as he slightly leaned his head to try and look at the rooster. "I mean I guess I can't blame you for liking me so much. I do own a mirror, well a lot of mirrors. I mean just look at me I'm a clear dead ringer of a charmer. No wonder you like me so much." he was slightly, very slightly playing around when he spoke as Bailey just let out that adorable gig-
"Oh I can say that now uh?" Bailey looked at him a bit confused "I can say your laugh is cute out loud." Richard pointed out "uh guess I can say tell you all that now actually?" Richard thought over a moment everything he thought of the rooster he could say it now. He wasn't sure why such an obvious thing seemed like a bigger deal to him either but that did leave a lingering question. Slightly pulling his arm back from the rooster's hold as he twisted to face them better.
"I have a serious question for you now." Bailey seemed confused still, maybe worried by the shift in his tone as he spoke evenly and stern but they sat up and turned to face him as they nodded and asked what it was.
"Okay I like you, and you like me. Really really like me" Richard repeated how Bailey said it mostly because he couldn't get over the words. "We kissed and it was great and we still like each other and both feel happy I think I'm hoping at least that we feel the same and are maybe on the same page right?" he was rambling he didn't know how to ask this he never done this before. Bailey was his first crush, his first kiss now too. He took a second to gather his thoughts hands pressed together as he held his fingers to his beak and took a deep breath in. Leaving Bailey to sit and wonder where this was going he finally let the breath out and lowered his hands.
"So what are we now?" Richard began, "are we just friend who kiss sometimes. I mean thats one way to have things be sure but if I can I'd like to purpose that we be you know not just friends. Like os dating on the table?" Even as Richard spoke he had to wonder who asks like this. " hoping the fact he came from a bussniess oriented family would maybe excuse him a little here. "Okay what I mean is, would you be my boyfriend? We kiss, we hold hands we maybe go out? Stuff like that you know? Because I would like to be if you do."
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
[BailsRichy]  “ Maybe I should kiss you? That might help against your blush~ “
| Blushy reaction meme
A cool breeze wafted through the leaves of the tree, the blue open sky was slowly changing color as the sun was starting to set bathing everything in bright golden light. The grass, the flowers, Bailey. Perfectly settling over his profile as Bailey sat beside Ricard staring out towards the setting sun. Richard was just sort of in awe at how the light shone over their feathers and reflected in their large wide eyes as if they could soak in all that sunlight and keep it. Honestly, Bailey looked like he was being bathed in the sun's glow right now. And that just seemed fitting to Richard. Summer was coming to an end meaning the school year was bound around the corner. At Least Richard could enjoy time with his best friend before that, till the next time they could see each other. His friend yeah as if that was all Richard thought of Bailey as he had been harboring this crush on them for who knows how long. Maybe even before Richard knew what a crush even was, he just knew he liked Bailey. And, when Richard said he liked them he meant he really really liked them. They were both talking and dreading going back to school, since well that meant summer was truly over and they had to go back to sitting in classrooms and such. Even Richard would be going back to in-person teaching. Maybe if he wasn't so distracted in staying at the guy who was meant to be his best friend, he would worry some about it.
Instead, he was counting down to when he would have to leave without telling Bailey how he felt once again. Richard kind of began to wonder what it was like for Bailey at school, they didn't talk much about it. And that was when his mind started to wander more. This torch he had been carrying for Bailey was getting harder to keep to himself. Bailey just making Richard fall for him more and more this was bigger than a crush, but he didn't know what to call it other than that. Richard had fallen silent too busy lost in thought as he looked at Bailey. What do you call it though? He didn't have the answer he just knew he liked Bailey. In an, I want to kiss your way. But he just couldn't get those words out. For a lot of reasons, what if Bailey didn't feel the same way as he does? that was the biggest worry. Sure, Bailey liked guys but that doesn't mean he's going to like every guy. Now Richard had to think what kind of guys was Bailey's type? did he maybe stand a chance? Unaware of it himself he lifted his hand up and set it over the back of Bailey's own. Bailey turned to look at him, leaving Richard to look at those eyes. He knew Bailey had a bit of love-hate thing with them because of how people would gawk at them. Richard though? he just loved them. They were so big and expressive he could stare into them all day. This is why he tended to avoid looking Bailey straight on or else he might just do that. A slight Squeeze gave as he held the back of Bailey's hand a moment before sliding his hand back to thread his fingers between their own. Pink nails, sure not many guys did their nails but then again Bailey wasn't like most guys hell Bailey wasn't like anyone. Bailey was obsessed with pink; Richard swore their room seemed to get pinker every time he saw it. They were also a giant ass brat; Bailey didn't care how old he was he still threw tantrums like a toddler. That's just who Bailey was. But Bailey was even more than all that, heads leaning in towards each other now slowly. They were amazing, they got Richard to laugh all the time. They never seemed to care about all the stuff Richard was taught was all that mattered. Almost like maybe there was more than grades. More than reputations more than overbearing pressure. Richard closed his eyes and let his beak press against Bailey's own, imagining how it felt before now was nothing compared to this moment. Pulling back slowly, letting the feeling linger as he slowly opens his eyes again. Seeing Bailey's face was the wake-up call he needed. "Oh, oh no" He pulled his hand away from Bailey's to instead cover his face, he swore he could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks right now. Leaning forward nearly planting his face into his lap as he focused on the grass under his talons "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that just now..well I mean I did. For a long time I wanted to do that, but I wanted to at least say I liked you first." well then, the cat was out of the bad now wasn't it, Richard thought as he was looking down to the grass when something hit him. He wasn't the only one who did it? Sitting up, even with how his tufts of feathers were sticking out against his red cheeks, he slightly turned to look at Bailey. "You kissed me back." Stating the obvious but Bailey nodded their own face was tinting red against their purple and black feathers. They were cute even when they blushed and looked away. So did that mean Richard could be a boy Bailey was able to like? he started to wonder. He'd been trying for a couple months now to impress them and maybe get them to look his way. In that way. Richard slowly moved in closer to them as Bailey looked back at him. Didn't take long for their hands to return to how they were before. The two of them are sort of just getting a feel for the other hand, but their fingers easily sild back into each other. As if that was just how it was meant to be. Slowly they inched in closer to each other again. It just felt right to Richard. More aware Richard could feel his face growing warmer as they moved in till foreheads were touching. It
seemed obvious now, they liked him too. Soon beaks found each other again as another soft cautious kiss was pressed between them. Richard felt like his heart skipped a literal beat once they did. Bailey's beak just fit so well against his own as they pulled away again. Richard swore Bailey's face was just getting more red as they stayed quiet between each other. Both of them slightly gave out soft laughs not pulling away just staying as they were right now. “ Maybe I should kiss you? That might help against your blush~ “
Bailey suggested, getting Richard to smile slightly. Both because it relieved him some and it wants Richard wanted to do as well, kiss them again. "You say that like you're not blushing too brat." He had to point out to them as thier beaks found each other again. Soon parting as they both laughed softly again between each other. Richard couldn't explain it but it wasn't weird at all to do this with Bailey, to be sitting here bathed in golden light. Kissing his best friend like he had done it so many times before. Letting his voice drop low as he spoke, it may be redundant now but "Bailey I like you, a lot."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
BaileyRichard [Childhood] -  Tears - Find my muse crying.
| Send a word for your muse to find my muse in a certain state.
The old couple sat on the bench of the doc, as they finished the story. The older women saying the story was beautiful and like the old man Richard slightly nodding his own head. It was a beautiful story he thought, sat on the floor Infront of the couch Bailey was relaxing over across himself. Thier fingers gently combing through Richard's hair as they were softly tugging sections back to work his hair into a braid. Richard didn't mind, or well he wasn't paying attention was far more the case in the moment. Richard far to invested in the movie playing right now. A story about a couple who had a summer romance, gone wrong torn apart. Yet they found each other and ended up together only for the women in her old age o forget. Her husband through read her journal to her all the time claiming it to just be some romance book story. But it was theirs! Richard's eyes were brimming with tears, so close to falling. He was just so invested in the story line. Eyes widen when the women..she. She "she remembered him" Richard breath out breaking the silence between Bailey and him just now, not too sure if they were looking at him, just in case Richard lowered his head to rest his chin to his knees. Just enjoying the movie as it was coming to a close, the eagle in part wonder if now the couple could just keep living on happily ever after. Sadly not this movie was bittersweet, to say the least. As tears made his vision start to blur, he sniffled a little needing to reach up and wipe at his eye hoping it be enough to dry his eyes up. Man, why did this movie hit so hard? it was so over the top and dramatic. Not to mention Richard took some issues with parts of it and yet. The tears kept coming rolling down his cheeks, wetting his feathers and darkening them as they made their way down. he shuffled back messing up Bailey's work as he needed to push his glasses up to better rub at his eyes. He didn't catch the slight break in his voice as he gave a slight sob under his breath. Having trouble getting himself to calm down. A slight hitch from the back of his throat. He could feel eyes on him, as he turned looking to his boyfriend. He froze up. FUCK! Was all he could think, repeatedly, Quick to turn away and look far off to the right as he tried using his sleeve to dry his eyes with better now. Man, the last thing he wanted was to hear Bailey tease him for crying over some stupid romance movie. "it's sad...she remembers him but then" He tried to defend himself but as he spoke up it sounded stupid to get so worked up over. Letting his face drop into his arms instead. "I mean I think my allergies are uh acting up?" he didn't have any to be causing a so-called reaction, in the first place. Slightly tucking his head in further to his arms. He couldn't help it he got so pulled into the movie. The way it ended just hurt they were together sure, but it was done in such a sad way! He tried to shuffle over to the side some, put distinct between them. "Don't say a word okay not a single giggle it was a sad movie!" Richard now defended as if his life depended on it. Lifting his head up as he peaked over to the rooster again, "They loved each other, and they got to die together. It's sad. Cause she probably forgot him all over again, but he got to see her remembered him once more time before they passed away" Richard stated as if the rooster hadn't been watching the same movie. Turning away again giving out a slight huff, he was far more annoyed that he was caught crying over this just now. Over anything else, feeling his face grow warm from the embarrassment setting in on him. Boys weren't meant to get worked up like this..well boys in his family at least. Ugh he could just hear his mother and father right now. Biting at his bottom bill he buries his head back into his arms, tail feathers flicked behind him. "Stupid movie" he muttered against his feathers.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BailsRichy]  i’m not letting you leave without a hug first. [Childhood AU]
| Soft sentence starter meme
Richard tilted his head to the side and lifted a brow fixing the thick plastic frames over his face as he aimed at his playmate with a confused expression. “Bails, we can't play house though it wouldn't make any sense?” Was his response when Bailey suggested they play house together, holding up their purple plush cat named Jelly, who would be their child in this whole play act Bailey was presenting. Despite the fact they had played this game before however, Richard was a few years older and far wiser so he knew a thing or two compared to when they would bicker over toys as children do. Bailey seemed to deflate at the response “You have to be married to have a kid,” was how Richard ended his statement seeming to bring back the chick's spirits over the suggested game. Richard shut his book and looked around a moment Zane was meant to be watching them after all, eyeing his brother in the tree house he stood up from the grass and took hold of Bailey’s hand “come on Zane can help us.”
Richard stated in all his clear wisdom, as much wisdom as an eight-year-old could have of course. But the law of children dictated age importance meaning if they were going to play their game properly they had to be married that was just how it worked. Their own families were clearly all the proof needed to justify that, in Richard's mind. Taking hold of Bailey’s hand he couldn’t help the smile that came over him. A slight tug to get them to follow his lead as they ran over to his brother.
It took maybe only ten minutes to convince him but to them, it felt like forever before Zane finally gave in to their wishes and did as they want. Only because Richard said he would tell on his older brother if he didn’t. It was a dirty trick but Richard wasn’t afraid to play dirty smugly smiling as Zane pronounced them married now getting roped into their antics as well.
"There now we can play house," Richard went to the state to Bailey now, taking his win with the most grace a child could, when they got one over thier older sibling. Sticking his tongue out at Zane when they rolled his eyes, he didn't understand why they had to have a marriage for thier game but it was Richard a stickler for rules. Richard turned back to Bailey now "This can be the house, hmm I guess I'll go off to work then and you can watch our baby. Is it still gonna be Jelly?" he and Bailey began setting up the roles, and more rules to thier little game of pretending between them. Decided what they do and such and making suggestions even, the two boys giggling as they seemed to get settled into thier 'marriage' now "alright then bye dear," Richard said with a wide grin, patting Jelly's head "bye baby I'll be back soon" Ready to head off to whatever was work. Richard had planned that bit out he might just go and read his book for a bit as work, but when he tried to leave Bailey stayed in front of him. Richard paused wondering if he did something wrong just now. He called Bailey dear and told them both bye least that's what the dads on tv did. wasn't that right? He didn't wanna do what his dad did, which was left without a word. Honestly, Richard hardly ever knew when they actually were home or not. "What? I asked if dear was okay to say?" wondering if they changed thier mind on that bit "hmm maybe pollito instead?" Bailey shook his head showing that wasn't the issue, huffing a bit now he really hated when it took forever to play thier games, "Alright what?" Bailey held out his arms wide, welcoming Richard in for a big hug. Of course, they were always hugging him after all, Richard's face tinted a little bit of red once Bailey gestured out for the hug, waiting for them to walk into it.
"i’m not letting you leave without a hug first."
"Uhhh" Was all Richard said, Zane suddenly invested in this all now sat up and 'ooohed' from behind his younger brother, Richard glancing over his shoulder. It was one thing when he was getting one up on them it was not okay the other way around. Zane went on to tease Richard "yeah Richard hug your husband goodbye," the said nearly cooing it out as they mocked his brother over the situation he found himself in just now. Richard pursed his beak and glared at his brother he knew very well why they were they were adding to this. If Zane wasn't here? maybe he'd humor Bailey with a quick hug
Dumb Zane, turning to look back to Bailey.
"I'm not doing that, now I got to go work" He repeated but the chick refused to move away. One thing Bailey wasm was stubborn and they were going to insist on the hug too, Richard huffed again this was annoying. he just wanted to go off to 'work' so they could play thier game but Bailey was keeping him from that. Richard stopped his foot "I'm not hugging you" The eaglet stated arms crossed, standing his ground, when he heard the little whimper, opening an eye he looked and saw how Bailey's eyes seemed to grow larger pleading with the look alone. His beak trembling a bit trying to keep himself from saying alright then and there. He just tighten his arms closer as if it was making him stand firm in this. "It's part of the rules remember what I said? you have to love him that means hugs" Zane called out amused with the little conflict at hand. "I'm leaving" he gruffs going to walk around Bailey when seeing how they started to lower thier arms, a firm pout on thier beak. Eyes looking at the floor. Richard stood there did he just hurt thier feelings? Richard wonders feeling Zane's hand on his shoulder repeating the same question out loud. Richard shrugged his brother away from him "You the one who started teasing me about it!" aiming the blame over towards his older brother who was happy to point out Bailey just wanted a hug and Richard said no. Leaving Richard with nothing to use against it, "shut up!" he resorted to turning back to Bailey he stepped over and gave them a quick tight squeeze "Goodbye dear and baby I'm going to work" he repeated from before. Only for Zane to start laughing behind them teasing the eagle more, going on about how they loved thier 'husband' Richard just sighed "we're married hugging is what we do." Richard defended. "Nice to have the excuse of the game uh?" Letting go of Bailey setting his hands on thier shoulders a moment "Sorry I have to go fight now." Richard said turning towards his brother who already started running off for Richard to race right after. "Zane if you tell him I won't talk to you for a year!" was all he yelled leaving his husband and son behind in pursuit of his older brother.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BailsRichy] « i just want to make sure you’re fine. »
| Concurred and Protective Starters
"You're an idiot" was the first thing Zane said once getting a look at his younger brother's face, a cut to his cheek, and a possible black eye. It hurt when he got a fist slammed in against his glasses. But that was the most damage though. Richard's hair had been tussled over feathers just all out of place, glasses gone. They had been busted in the scuffle they got into. Not much point to pick them up Richard was certien they were cracked and needed to be replaced now. Zane asked if it hurt Richard didn't answer he was still heated over it crossing his arms over his chest and turning his head to avert his gaze away from Zane. He didn't need to hear Zane get on his case about what happened Richard knew what happened he was there, after all, Causing the situation of course. The eagle didn't see why that would matter so much though.
The three of them had come to the mall Zane offering to be the ride, mostly to get out of the house for the day. He was kind enough to let the two of them be alone well he met up with his own friends. Leaving Richard and Bailey to themselves the building was packed with tons of creatures mulling about their own business. It was nice that they had breaks to see each other but that also meant other people were also on break so they fell with crowds often, Richard reached over taking holding of Bailey’s hand a sight tug to bring them closer. The crowded place was a good excuse to have his boyfriend closer to him as they walked themself. Claiming it would be easier to walk and then they wouldn't get separated. Did he need the excuses not likely, not with Bailey seeing how they liked any excuse to be close. Everything was going well and fine they had popped into a few shows here and there stopped for food and such even stood out by the kiosks to check them out.
When some jerk shoulder-checked Bailey, they weren't even in the walkway they just came and did it on purpose. Richard had grabbed Bailey when it happened to hold them up, it was more a slight bump they hadn't even lost balance just took a bit of a stumble at best "Your alright?" he questioned they didn't seem to mind seeming fine, but still. Richard quirked his beak a little and turned to look at the guy who did it, laughing at his friends obviously making eye contact with Richard. It was on purpose. "hey!" Richard yelled out, annoyed as the closest word to the tone but still not the right one to fit it.
As he slightly moved to stand in front of Bailey now they did stop to look thier way. A stupid little smile on thier face pleased with getting a reaction out of Richard it seemed. Richard took a slow breath in as he set his hands to his hips "I think you may have overlooked it but you bumped into my boyfriend." Slightly lecturing the other guy willing to give them a chance, him saying the actual word Boyfriend though seemed to be the justification they need for the action, however. Walking over to Richard trying to size the eagle up, clearly in it to cause trouble Richard wasn't going to be so immature though. He just crossed his arms over his chest and fixed them with an unassumed looked. He had the height and some muscle to rely on after all to be enough to intimidate the other. Keeping calm was also going to be in his favor he was sure. "Got something to say or are you just going to keep gawking at me?" Richard soon threw out having a feeling about what caused them to do what they had in the first place, a slight smirk on his beak "Sorry but you're no one near my type you'd be even worse than settling."
That seemed to get Richard what he wanted watching how thier eyes widen and they shrunk back a bit, good old homophobia uh? He shrugged his shoulders and dropped his arms turned toward's Bailey now "come on let's go there's a store I wanna check out well we're here." The guy forgot no longer even a thought to the eagle as if it hadn't happened till they opened thier mouth. Tells Richard was a coward not willing to finish what he start. Richard rolled his eyes please he wasn't going to actually fight this guy who did they think he was? unlike them, he was far more sophisticated due to his upbringing alone. Gross, he sounds like his mother right now. As they tried to leave through they kept flapping thier lips, going so far as to tell Richard he best keep going then all talk and what not well he deals with his fairy friend. And that was when Richard stopped.
It took maybe a few seconds for the eagle to pivot on his heel, turning his body around in a sudden whip, arm lifted up fingers curling in to make a fist because the next thing he noticed was the sting in his hand after his knuckles collied into their face. There was a brief pause between them, Bailey the guy's friend. And anyone nearby who saw what happened. It took another two seconds before Richard and he locked eyes and suddenly jumped at each other as if something snapped in them and sent them into the heated frenzy of teenage boy hormonal rage. Richard wasn't even sure what happened suddenly they were on the floor rolling hitting grabbing whatever it took to hit the other. Thier hand had come up and slammed into the frame of his glasses bending them in to shove in against the eagle's face. He was sure he heard the cracking sound of glass. Richard managed to shove a hand on to thier shoulder to pin them down taking another swing himself now. Things went into a blur till eventually, they were pulled apart by security in the mall and Zane.
Leading him back to where he was now sitting by the fountain in the mall Zane lecturing him over being stupid. Maybe Richard wanted to be stupid! okay now that was stupid. "you gonna tell them?" Richard finally asked between Zane going off on him, Zane looked puzzled by even being asked. Of course, he wasn't going to tell them figured they be able to hide what happened that did give the eagle some relief at least as he sighed letting the tense in his shoulders drop. If they knew he never get to see Bailey again because he would be grounded for life for causing such a scene in public as he had. Wait Bailey? where was Bailey,
He felt like a complete shit now he hadn't thought about them till this moment looking around Zane dragged him over here to sit down but where did Bailey go off to? Zane seemed to pick up on it sighing telling Richard he'll go talk to the security and make sure it was just gonna be nothing more than two dumb kids fighting as he waved his hand towards the rooster who seemed to be standing off to the side till then. Richard was quick to stand on his feet to meet them as they made thier way over.
"Bailey, you okay you did get hurt during that did you?" The rooster is instead quick to tug Richard into his arms setting kisses on his face any inch of feathers they could find as they tug the eagle into thier heckles. "What are you doing?" Richard asked trying to pull back a bit from thier hold but they weren't allowing it right now.
"i just want to make sure you’re fine."
Richard managed to lift his head up enough to be able to look at them with his good eye the other was a bit swollen at the moment. That be something to worry about later mostly how he was going to keep his parents from noticing it. "I'm fine" despite the busted glass, the cut from when the frame got smashed into his face, and the eye aside. "I mean I'm gonna need new glasses sure," he said only now aware of how badly they got damaged "so much for never hit a guy with glasses uh?" he tried to offer Bailey just holding him where he wanted, Richard just offers a slight smile " I'm sure I'm a mess right now uh?" Bailey seemed to be maybe looking them over. Or maybe they were still shocked by what happened? Richard couldn't blame them much he kind of didn't expect it himself. He just felt so annoyed at the moment he had it under control but the second they were there the comment out about Bailey?
Well, all that came to mind was when he came to find Bailey's face all messed up. The guy was no longer some annoying person picking a fight he was the idiot that hurt and harness his boyfriend that he couldn't do a thing about.. Richard quirked his beak a little chewing that thought over before sighing and letting Bailey keep him in thier hecks. Little peck being returned to his face again it was nice. Not that he earned them "Sorry I just kind of lost it. My temper got the better of me, after I hit him" he lied a bit.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BaileyRichard]  trace — to trace a part of my muse’s body - his scar uwu
| Uderrated Affectionate Gestures
Summer meant a few things. It was a slower time of the year for the Café so it was the best time for Richard to be able to step away from work in order to go on a family vacation. Like he had gifted to Bailey back at Christmas. Though in truth the real gift was that Richard wouldn't be working at all so Bailey got to have Richard all to himself. Summer also meant it was hot, and yeah going out on nice days was all good but at the same time, it was hot. Richard plopped down onto his towel beside Bailey, offering a slight wave of his hand to Buddy, who was still full of the energy they needed to play around in the sand. Chance was they would be bringing some seashells back with them. Richard then drew his legs up so he could rest his arms on his knees and drop his head. It was hot out today. Even with Richard coming from Las Egeales it didn't make him much a fan of the scoring summer days. The more preferred the Fall when it was cooler and rained. Those early crisp Autumns mornings when he jogged in the fog could happily drink his hot coffee. Well, Richard still drank hot coffee even with the temperature was so insanely high. Head perking up when bailey didn't miss a chance to pick on him asking if his 'old man' was getting worn out running around with thier son just now.
Richard just offered a slight scoff at the comment before picking up his head. "Brat," Summer wasn't all bad though he had to admit, letting amber eyes trail over Bailey right now. Since outside thier shorts, Richard could enjoy the view beside him. Making it obvious he was in fact checking out the same brat he called out just a second ago. "No I'm not tried out it's just the heat getting to me. At least I have quite the view to enjoy as I do take a moment to rest. Even if I could do without the bratty remarks." Richard retorted before sighing out "I just hate the heat, hmm I hate this kind of heat. Other kinds are fine so I'll correct that." he added a smirk to get what he meant by 'heat' just now.
Bailey soon gestured to Richard's own outfit choice, normally Richard wore more business casual attire but not even he would wear that at the beach. Instead, he was wearing shorts himself, and a thin dark navy blue button-up shirt with a pineapple patterning. Bailey saying something along the lines of that being the problem. Richard just lifted a brow and sat up a bit to look over his outfit. "What's wrong with my pineapples?" was all he questioned out of that. It was all airy enough so he wouldn't overheat. Bailey just gave him a look and pointed at the buttons suggestions that might help Richard feel less hot. Sitting up as he went about undoing the buttons of his shirt and held on to one side, so he could move the fabric to fan himself off. "helps a little may need to dip in the water later or waste a bottle of water to drench me." Bailey went on to suggest they could just take the shirt off altogether. "You just want to check me out, fresh."
Not that Bailey needed an excuse they freely check Richard out and pointed that out themself even saying it might just be nice for Richard if he did take his shirt off altogether. Richard closed his eyes mood changed as he continued to air himself off with his shirt. "You know very well why I won't do that." If they were back home at thier pool sure but they weren't, they were out at a public beach. Bailey seemed fast to pick up on that questioning if it was because of the scar on his shoulder. The lack of an answer on Richard's end was enough to say yes of course Bailey went on to say it shouldn't matter. This was an old argument no different than Richard always telling the rooster they didn't need makeup to be beautiful. How was thier face not melting actually? Only now turning to look at his husband a bit of mistake since that just seemed to open up the topic more. Richard went and rolled his eyes "It's gross and I don't need people staring at me because of it, if they are going to stare at me it should be for my chest, face, and ass. Not because of some stupid ugly scar on my shoulder."
Frim in his stance. Not a surprise this was a very common argument after all. Bailey though just shuffled over onto Richard's towel to sit in closer to them, hand moving under the back of Richard's pineapple shirt as Richard could feel the tips of Bailey's fingers ghosting over his feathers working up to his left shoulder where the offending marking was. Told Richard it wasn't gross, gently tracing along the edge of the scar letting thier head, rested on his other shoulder and nuzzle against his neck a little. Richard just let off of his shirt so he could set his hands to the ground and better balance himself as he could feel Bailey's fingers gently drag over his shoulder blade. "You only think that cause your weird." Richard argued "It is in fact gross, it ruined my feathers so they don't grow there so I'm basically blad there. It's weird to look at because of how the skin healed and is bumpy so touching it feels weird too. And the worse of it all because i have the nasty thing I can't show off my back muscles." Oh no the end of the world clearly.
Bailey seemed fine to ignore the dramatics however just gently trailing their touch over Richard's shoulder, despite all Richard said Bailey didn't flinch or retract his touch from the area of skin. Told Richard none of that was true there was nothing wrong with his scare. Hand drop as they went to move to sit behind him now, arms slipping around Richard's waist as they soon nuzzled thier face against his shoulder. Any loving gesture they seemed able to throw to that spot even place a kiss against Richard's shirt. Left the eagle with not much of an argument to hold at the moment. Instead, Richard just moved to break out of Bailey's hold. Not to leave now he was simply adjusting himself a bit. Moving to rest his head on Bailey's lap as he pulled his arm out of the left sleeve of his shirt not taking it off just exposing the scar, Bailey would be enough to cover it anyway. Once more Bailey's hand was running over it gently touching the skin thier, it felt nice. Richard let his eyes close a moment letting them just trail thier tough over his shoulder, following the edge where his 'Bailey" tattoo was at,
"I think you just want everyone to see my tattoo there so they know this god of a creature on the beach is taken. Which is cruel gonna make a lot of people's hearts break." Richard went on to boaster on about. When in doubt flex the ego, "I mean we have our son and rings to already point that out, you know." Richard added on peaking an eye open to smile up to the rooster.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BailsRichy]  hey, we make a cute couple! [Childhood AU]
| Softer prompts They had tons of movies picked out to watch through the night, picks they both made ones Bailey liked, ones Richard liked, and a few they both liked as well. Richard had them set out in front of himself as he sat on the floor looking the choices over. Since he had already changed into his own pajamas for the night, he was going ahead and playing out thier movie marathon for the night. Positive they should watch Grese for sure since it was Bailey's favorite, even if it meant getting the songs stuck in his head again. Richard by now knew those songs by heart because of how often they watched that movie alone. Meaning Bailey would be a big ol dork and sing to them. Yep, that one for sure, about to go back to the rest of the pile when he heard the bathroom door finally open up. Watching Bailey step out in thier fuzzy strawberry print pajama set. Not yet joining Richard on the floor as they were going about gathering stuff up now.
"Bout time you finally get out of there was half expecting you to have gone through a whole make-over in there." As if the eagle had any room to talk about how long it took someone in the bathroom," but the mere mention seemed to give the rooster an idea as they seemed to drop what they had in favor of other choices now. Richard cock his head to the side a bit curious but soon shrugged and went back to the movies. deciding the Notebook would also be on thier list of movies to watch. When he was soon met with bottles of polish, and make-up pallets being laid on top of his lineup. Slightly grumbling about them messing up before looking to meet thier eyes.
"No." Was the first thing out of his beak when he saw the way they were looking at him. Wide innocent pleading look, just knowing they were going to be asking Richard something. Of course, Bailey pouted his beak and pointed out he had even said a thing yet. "Yeah but you're making that face and you only do that when you want something. You can't fool me." Richard smirked a bit as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the bed feeling as if he won at the moment. Bailey just scooted in closer fluffing up thier feathers as they seemed to like the corners of thier beak curl up in a smile thier own saying otherwise. Saying they just wanna give Richard a make-over. "isn't that something only girls do at sleepovers?" Bailey didn't agree to point out it was part of the whole experience anyway. Soon asking pleased but Richard was set on no, till seeing how those long-lashes of Bailey's rested on thier cheeks as they closed thier eyes a moment. Soon as they started to lift ina flutter like curtains being drawn back as those large wide eyes were directed right at Richard, the mix of orange and blue hitting him left him stunned. Stunned and easy pickings for the rooster now. ------ Bottles of polish closed back up but left on the floor, as various makeup pieces were too. Bailey had gone back and forth between the two of them as they got thier way to do some makeup on Richard somehow also included painting his nails. Said nails were painted blue once dry, left to sit as Richard hand them resting on his knees. Well, Bailey happily hummed along with the movie as they sang 'You're the one that I want' Looking over thier pallets as they were tapping thier beak with the end of the brush. "I feel tricked,"
Richard stated only to watch Bailey smirk once they made their choice. Freehand on Richard's face to keep him still as they went back to work. Richard closed his eye still complying despite his remark on being tricked as he could feel the bristles sweep of his eyelids. Despite the complaint, he was rather enjoying this, having Bailey all over him how they were holding up colors to match with his feathers best. Tail feathers hand fanned out behind him as feathers kept lifting and rasing every time Bailey gave them a compliment. Eyes opened once Bailey was down moving to sit on his knees as he looked Richard over smiling to themself. They seemed pretty happy with the end result. But clearly not done as they went to comb thier fingers through the ends of Richard's hair. Saying they should let Bailey braid it too, to which Richard just rolled his eyes. Playfully pushing them away as he gave a slight chuckle in response.
"You got away with painting my nails and putting make-up on my face I think that's enough for you brat." He said as he moved to lay on the floor reaching for the next movie to pop in now. Bailey moved to lie next to him pouting already in the works as they whine his name.
"Don't start, stay put a second." Richard followed with as he got up and made his way to one of his bags digging around for a few seconds before finding his instant camera. Moving to sit on the end of the bed with Bailey patting a spot next to him. "here we can take a picture, but only if you are in it with me." Didn't take long for Bailey to take a spot next to him. Richard smiled despite himself and held the camera up in front of them till it seemed good enough he leaned over letting his head rest against Bailey's own giving them a second to get ready themself, as he clicked the button. A sudden flash of light and soon the camera starts to sound off as the poloid inside. The Flim strip worked its way out the side, till it was ready to be pulled out Bailey doing the honers as he snagged the pink-ended tip and gave a slight tug. perfect enough the next half was blue. Bailey went and gave the stip a shake till the photo started to show up.
"hey, we make a cute couple!"
Richard blushed a bit at the wording, as he went to look at the picture. A couple? He thought looking at them in the picture. Bailey's usual pink color face and his blue one cause he got duped into allowing them to do it. Bailey could get away with anything with Richard though. Gently holding the other end of the stip so he could see it better. "We'll need to take another so we both can have one" he mentioned before letting go as he looked over his camera a second. "I'm not looking forward to school this year." Bailey agreed they didn't want to go back to class and such. "Well, I actually like that part personally." Pretty sure he heard Bailey tease him under thier breath with that said. "Just..cause I'm going to miss you twice as much now since you know we're..a couple now." It sounds better to say out loud than just hearing it. Holding his camera up to Bailey now not quite taking a picture yet. "You should let me take one without your makeup on." He said suddenly. Of course, Bailey said no going on about looking like a Bratz doll without its face paint. "Aw come on I let you make me all up, what if I let you braid my hair after all?" He suggested lowering the camera a second. Still a no Richard just rolled his eyes, turning the camera his way now as he took one more picture. Snagging the strip himself well stealing the other from Bailey as he hopped off the bed holding both photos hostage now. "Fine, then I'm washing this all off and keeping these for myself.." He threatened "Unless you let me have the photo with you having no makeup on." he added in secondly. Of course, Bailey didn't like any of that watching the bratty side come out again. "Oh come on you act like you look awful," moving to pocket the photos into his pants before moving to kneel at the foot of the bed. "it's just for me your brand new boyfriend" and hopefully only every one "and best friend who has seen you without it already." Bailey used that to say why they didn't need one. Richard now was the one to huff a bit, laying his head on the bed as he set the camera down under his hand cheeks puffed out a bit as he let himself pout a bit for a moment. "yeah but it's going to be about four months till I get to again." He mumbled a little bit Bailey giggled a bit and patted his head. Telling them they were being dramatic making it out like they wouldn't see each other again. Richard tilted his head to the side liking the feeling of Bailey's fingers combing through his hair.
"So..it be nice to have a picture with you, and of you..for when I miss you." he added on not trying to convince them just to explain himself. It was why Richard bought the camera in the first place, "Especailly since I finally told you how I felt and we got most of the break to be together now we're going to go back to not and that time between was bad enough but it's going to be worse now." shifting his head a little to better look at them. "What if I let you braid my hair in tiny braids with those dumb beads too?" Clearly, he wasn't willing to give up yet.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
tea prompts - RichardBailey [childhood Au]
tea prompts
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lemon tea; what are mornings like with them?
"I have to be up early for morning study sessions before school, So I have to be out of bed by 4am at the latest so I can get ready and get to my school for the session. Where I spend about an hour at. During school, I then will head to my homeroom from there. If school is not in session I'll go to the library, students have access year round. And study in my private rented space. But I'm usually texting Bailey well in there since he'll be awake by then sometimes. I'll then head home from there I may stop somewhere in town to eat lunch." Being an earlier riser has been part of Richard since he was a fledging and he just hasn't broken the habit. Course in this AU Richard routines does tend to revolve around the availability of Bailey as well.
peppermint tea; what do they get excited about?
A smile grows a lit slighted, as he can't how it sits on his beak curling up and lifting into his cheeks. "When I get to go visit St. Canard, or when Bailey is visiting Las Egelas. I do also get excited when my school work gets saved as examples for the next years class. But Bailey beats that out..a bit." Richard's ego truly began to shape in his teens so you can't blame him for enjoying that little boost, his work being so good that it's used for the following year to look back to see what to do right. Of course seeing Bailey beats the ego boost, because well he loves them uwu.
chamomile tea; what is their sleep schedule like? does it change around their s/o?
"My bedtime during the week is 9, on the weekend I can stay up till about 10. Either way, I am up at 4 the following day. Though sometimes when Bailey is around I can get out of those supramental classes of mine. I also tend to stay up just a bit later cause well Bailey and I get caught up talking to each other. When I got to see Bailey I still wake up early and sometimes I'll maybe read till Bailey is up but I sometimes also sleep in."
Richard had some very strict parents, who pushed them to focus on thier school studies pretty much whenever they could. Unless company is over. Richard when over at Bailey was more likely to relax since well no one was going to force him to study then, I'm not saying he didn't still, especially for the occasional study date. But these two I can see staying up late in each other room or the clubhouse at Richard's place looking at stars together, listening to music, or simply talking. Bailey likely gets away with painting Richard's nails during a lot of this, Richard drawing and showing them to Bailey. Or some typical sleep-over antics like reading those dumb magazine games.
earl grey tea; how did they court their s/o?
"Court? hmm I mean I did try impressing him a lot before finally confessing how I felt..by kissing him..first chance I had? I did ask his parents once if it was okay to take Bailey out on a date as well." Seeing as Richard never had previous experience before Bailey, I feel the courting period was very likely that of a kid having the clear favoritism of a crush. Giving them small gifts, being very invested in what they liked. Trying to impress them however they could for Richard that would be through his smarts. Likely getting him branded as a know it all. Old fashioned methods but Richard was raised that way and did for sure ask to take Bailey out once I feel XD
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
"Bailey's kisses are soft and warm. A little sticky cause they wear gloss on thier bill but I don't mind it. But I still get butterflies every time." Pretty sure it was meant to be about Richard anyway, I mean it's not like at first he was perfect at kissing but that's why you gotta practice. I'm sure Richard's kisses started closed mouth but were soft. Before going more to open mouth kisses, starting soft and slow to get more frim.
coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
"Pft why would I get jealous? Bailey comes all the way out to see me after all. Clearly, St.Canard doesn't anyone good if he is willing to deal with the 11 hours were apart." Despite this claim, I'm sure Richard has dealt with some jealously here and there but it was likely minor at best. Just getting moody if it seemed like anyone else found Bailey attractive. Though that's fine it is more if they try to make a pass at him that's when you get Richard to be less self-conscious about thier situation and firmly stated Bailey's taken as a kid is far more gonna do. Not that he's better as an adult XD
rosehip tea; how romantic are they? how do they show affection?
"I drove and by that I mean I made Zane drive me, all the way to Bailey just to ask them to prom. I even wrote out a whole chalk-drawn-out letter to show why he said to go with me as well. Even when we could start texting I kept sending letters here and there to more uh special message to Bailey as well." Even as a kid Richard has been doomed to be a big sappy, sure at first he was just going to ask over the phone. But he had to agree that wasn't good enough. I feel Richard would do some special letters to Bailey, those more sappy things he couldn't say to thier face or in a way he gets a quick response about. But I'm sure heard about it after. Richard still learning what romance is along with his boyfriend would be even just asking them out over just a simple 'wanna hang out' that just not in his style.
black tea; what do they look for in a person?
"I had loved Bailey before I even knew what that was so I guess I look for the things I like best about him. I know he doesn't think he's smart but I don't think that matters because Bailey is so many other things. He is so different. He is kind, warm welcoming a huge dork as well they can be annoying but he means well most times. Other times he’s being annoying on purpose. I think I got off the question here?”
Like he stated he really only had a thing for Bailey outside that it’s just been some typical superficial crushes. Bailey just holds many traits that Richard found to be attractive. Bailey holds confidence like Richard but its gear toward in being who Bailey is. Which is appealing, Bailey being who he is also means being someone who is just very kind heart also seems to be something Richard finds himself into since even as a kid he became a bit cynical in life.
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
“I’ve know Bailey pretty much all my life. We’ve together longer than most couples even. We were toddles we used to fight over toys. We played house. We counted away thunder trims together. I know everything about this boy his favorite color, and favorite food. When we got to old for the toys and playing pretend we hung out in the club house and spent house talking through out the night well looking at the stars, we got Zane to drag us around town once he could drive. We just walk around the beach and such. We did everything together. Then one summer we sat under the tree and we kissed. He gave me my first kiss. He is always telling me things I don’t understand. I did understand this though that he was the boy I sat up every night thinking about. When I’m with him I’m happy, I feel happy to be alive. I feel like all the things I’m told I can’t do I can do. I loved Bailey before I even knew what that meant, all I knew was that he and I belong together. I’ve always been able to talk to him, to make him laugh and I always want to take care of him. When I reailized all that I couldn’t put word to it for years but deep down I knew. I just always knew.”
I don’t think I can add to this, I feel in a verse where Richard always knew Bailey, his soulmate though. He would have fallen in love with them pretty quickly ;3;
matcha tea; how and when do they propose to their s/o?
“Hmm I didn’t propose so much as give Bailey a plastic ring as a sort of promise ring. To say it be he and I in the end one day. My future was always planed out for me but I wanted m own and that meant Bailey being in it.”
Bailey is the one who proposes typically between them uwu but Richard did get t give Bailey a promise ring, a cheap plastic ring from a 50’s diner joint he took Bailey too thinking they would like it. Where they go to talking about their futures and Richard made it know his future no matter what had Bailey in it ;3;
chai tea; how do they spice up their relationship?
“Spice it up? Well sometimes I go see Bailey when it’s not planed so much? And instead of the usual dates places I’ll take him out to something a bit nicer then the 50’s diner”
As kids, it's kind of hard to spice it up but Richard definitely once in hs teen years would hop on a plane to visit Bailey out of the blue. I think Richard also would surprise Bailey with some special dates. he started picking up on cooking at school. I can see him making small things for Bailey to try and even at least once for a valentines date he did cook for Bailey. When they grow up of course he can do that more for the rooster.
hibiscus tea; what’s their favourite place to take their s/o?
"To either Over Easy Diner, which is a 50's theme Diner in my town. Cause Bailey has a liking for the aesthetic I guess? Or The Caffeine Lounge. Which is a café my brother Zane took me to and has become my favorite place. They also happen to be able to play a song Bailey's parents made. Outside that I like going to the beach with them or the movies." Richard may go to the library and museums on his own but if he's with Bailey he'll be taking them to places he feels they will have far more fun being at. The beach they can be on the sand or the pier so there is options there at least.
green tea; how do they comfort their s/o? 
"Bailey is pretty sensitive but he can also get honestly hurt over things, I do my best. I mostly stay with him and hold him, he tends to cry against my chest when he is hurting. When Mad I try to distract him if I can or listen to him vent if he is willing to talk about it. If I can't be with him the last tends to be the best way I can." I'm pretty sure Richard has been easily roped in all his life to give the rooster comfort seeing how they can whine and pout at the drop of a dime. But it just shows that Richard has learned to give the kind of comfort Bailey seeks. Just being with him usually Richard just holds his boyfriend for however long they may need. Never hearing to even leave them. Rubs thier back and lets them know it's all going to be okay as he holds them as close and tight as he can. Richard doesn't know if it's enough but if that what Bailey says he needs it what he'll give.
russian caravan tea; how experienced are they with relationships?
"I feel Like I've been with Bailey forever so can't say I have any outside ours." Richard and Bailey played house and got Zane to marry them so they only are with Bailey uwu. Okay but yeah Richard wouldn't have a hands-on experience he may like to observe others in his classes and his friend's relationships and try to apply that to his own. But mostly Richard just learns from what he and Bailey have because well that's the only way that matters.
english breakfast tea; would they want a family?
"I'm not sure. I mean I'm not against it I guess?" Richard and the idea of family is for certien a sour and hard topic. But even if he won't say it out right. The Alder family is why Richard would want his own family with Bailey. He saw through them a family can be different than what he grew up and was brought up in. He wants a family full of love, patience, kindness and most importantly support. Cause they still got Buddy coming for them one day after all ;3;
rooibos tea; what’s their favourite thing to do with their s/o?
"Everything." Yeah that fair, Richard loves the time he gets to be with Bailey so no matter what they are doing together he is happy to be with them. Lounging in their rooms, exploring thier towns, just sitting and watching tv he loves it all.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[You know what this is for uwu]
Was Bailey surprised Melody was so mad about Richard leaving? No, unfortunately. She had always been such a manipulative piece of work to Bailey, but he had been good and kept his beak shut. He knew if he said a word, they'd do anything in their power to keep him and Richard apart. Now though, Richard was leaving, finally getting the freedom he deserved...but Melody wanted to have the last word.
Bailey stared at her, unimpressed and uncaring when she claimed this was 'all his fault'. Bailey had been called worse, he could easily let this slide. However, the second his mother was brought into it, everything changed. Eyes briefly widened, before eyebrows furrowed and hackles began to bristle. An anger Bailey never felt before began to burn, feathers raising in response, as protective cluck like noises rumbled in his throat. He can take an insult, but bring his mum into it? All bets were off. The second Melody called his mother fake, and brought up her drinking, Bailey snapped.
Palm collided with her cheek, hard enough for an audible 'smack' noise to be heard, and for two of his nails to break completely. No tears were in his eyes, body trembling as anger fuelled him,
"Don't you EVER let a word about my mother come out of your cheap lipstick beak you fucking bitch!" Bailey crowed, the volume making his throat ache, "What the fuck do you even know about my mum?! Cause you know what I know! I know that she saw beauty and love in everything, including slimy, terrible, insignificant monsters like you!"
It's then Richard got in between them, Bailey shrinking down as hackled flattened as he tried to get himself to calm. His palm tingled from when he had hit her...holy fuck he hit someone, yet, he didn't regret it. It had been a long time coming. While Richard and her argued, Bailey shoved a hand into his pocket, fishing out his wallet. He tugged out the first clump of money he could get. When he had calmed himself to be a little less violent, Bailey stood fully. She had her back to him, and people called him a tantrum throwing child. Walking around Richard, Bailey moved until he was back in front of her - he was NOT done,
"You know, Misses Evans, for someone that only cares about money, you sure are shit at handling it."
He shoves the few bills he had tugged out against her chest, soon letting it fall to the floor,
"Thirty dollars, enjoy it, 'cause it's the last cent you're gettin' outta any Adler," Bailey warns her, "You might wanna go buy some nice lipstick, you're gonna need to kiss Mister Evans ass a lot to apologise, after my dad finds out what you said. Consider the contracts you had been yourselves void..."
He should leave it here but...damn does Bailey wanna twist the knife. He had made his point but...well, he already dug the grave this deep,
"I hope you're happy with yourself," Bailey says, coldness to his voice, "One of your son grows wings, your other finally gets to be free, and you decide to attack some kid because your head is that far up your fuckin' ass you can't look in the mirror an' realise you're the one that pushed Richy away," He knows he won't get through to her, "Enjoy your house, enjoy rotting and withering away...because soon you'll be an old, bitter, lonely women, who's kid and grandkids won't visit, because of how fucked in the head you are, and how you messed with his, and as you lay on your death bed, taking your final breath, I hope you remember this...I hope you remember it and regret it, and realise how, no, this is all your fuckin' fault, maybe if you weren't such a bitch things could be better, but sadly, you decided money mattered more than your son," Bailey turns it around on her, "I'd say see you in Hell, but you'd probably be too busy giving tours."
Okay, yeah, Bailey should shut up now. Pushing passed her, Bailey heads over to the last few boxes so he can put the rest inside the truck, and they could escape. Bailey hadn't just burned the bridges, he had eradicated him, and damn did he feel good about it.
|Muse interaction
It was like a flash of motion but she could hear the sound even before the sting had set in against her cheek. A 'smack' from the palm of Bailey's hand colliding in against Melody's face. Melody's head moved with the force and the two of them were just standing there. Melody was shocked eyes were wide as she reached up to her cheek and felt it over as if to see if that had actually happened. Bailey on the other hand was shaking, from anger as they were more ready to respond. "Don't you EVER let a word about my mother come out of your cheap lipstick beak you fucking bitch!"
It was then Richard was moving making his way over to the pair of them. Melody expected her son to speak up and say something. Clearly, he would turn to Bailey and grow upset about them hitting her.
"What the fuck do you even know about my mum?! Cause you know what I know! I know that she saw beauty and love in everything, including slimy, terrible, insignificant monsters like you!"
By now Richard had moved to stand between them, Melody left to stand there already being yelled at by that fuck spoiled Alder brat and now Richard was standing up for both him and thier mother? What was going on here? She was HIS mother and this is how he was going to not only let her be treated but also treat her in turn? Turning to face Richard to look down on..odd she never noticed how tall he was before now she had to look up at both of them. The shock on her face only spread out further
"You know, Misses Evans, for someone that only cares about money, you sure are shit at handling it."
Attention shifted looking back to Bailey now who seemed to have moved around Richard facing her once more. Brow scrunched up at his remark. She went to open her beak to speak up these damn children have not given her a single chance to say anything when she forcibly had shoved something her way, a slight step back wanting to avoid another slap if that was coming her way before she glanced down to see the bills laying scattered across the driveway. She just bite back against her teeth as she looked to the clump of bills. Was he throwing money at her now?
"Thirty dollars, enjoy it, 'cause it's the last cent you're gettin' outta any Adler," It was only with that did she kind of understood what had just happened.
"You might wanna go buy some nice lipstick, you're gonna need to kiss Mister Evans ass a lot to apologise, after my dad finds out what you said. Consider the contracts you had been yourselves void..."
oh..oh no.
Sure did she think Bailey held any authority to make that statement not yet likely but with how the two parents always were with the rooster?
"I hope you're happy with yourself," Bailey says, coldness to his voice, "One of your son grows wings, your other finally gets to be free, and you decide to attack some kid because your head is that far up your fuckin' ass you can't look in the mirror an' realise you're the one that pushed Richy away," He knows he won't get through to her, "Enjoy your house, enjoy rotting and withering away...because soon you'll be an old, bitter, lonely women, who's kid and grandkids won't visit, because of how fucked in the head you are, and how you messed with his, and as you lay on your death bed, taking your final breath, I hope you remember this...I hope you remember it and regret it, and realise how, no, this is all your fuckin' fault, maybe if you weren't such a bitch things could be better, but sadly, you decided money mattered more than your son," Bailey turns it around on her, "I'd say see you in Hell, but you'd probably be too busy giving tours."
Melody felt as he brushed past her, speechless but not for any good reason. What he said sure she heard it but was giving the impact one would think. If anything it was more showing her where she messed up. Thomas was sure to be pissed hearing about how she just lost them those contracts through Benedict. But, at the same time she didn’t care they had many others the Alder one may be a loss but that fuck little, turning around to face them now. “Don’t go and throw your money at me you fucking f-“ Once more Richard was in between them she hadn’t even notice her son move around.
“I meant it you not say one more thing against him.” He butted in with.
“I can’t believe you! You ungrateful child! Letting that” she bit her younger, she wasn’t going t let them see her loss face here and resulting to insults she wasn’t a child herself after al she had dignity to up hold. “That spoiled rotten so called partner of yours” she would never call them Richard’s boy friend she found it ridiculous in the first place. “Speak to me your mother by the way as they have much less hit me like that?! Yet you’re going to stand there and act as if I’m in the wrong I am the victim here as he throws his wealth his farther wealth in our faces.” As if anything Bailey had done just now toward her Al’s was towards Richard, how couldn’t she was still his mother after all.
Her eyes moved to look to Richard now. Who was watching the rooster, a soft expression on his face? Worry? over them soon he went to look her way at it chanced as soon as those eyes, were on her lacking any of that worry her way. She couldn’t believe this! He was going to side with them over her?! “You are a mockery to you damn family name Richard,” She went on to cut in with.
"I kind of wish I could be here to see you try and make this up with dad, but I'm done." That was all Richard said to her. Moving to take some of the boxes from Bailey. She watched as her son ushered the rooster over to the moving truck. Placing himself between them clearly it wasn't to protect her from them. But them from her. She balled up her hand and grinded her teeth. Quick to turn on her heels as she stormed up to her front door, needing to get to the landline inside. Pausing to look over her shoulder. "Go ahead go through with this but after today Richard? that's it. You set a talon in that truck with him. And that is it you will never be welcomed back here again!" She shouted out waiting for her son to fold and listen. He didn’t, didn’t even look at her, She growled up her breath and stopped her foot. “That it I mean it! I never want to see your disrespectful face again Richard! Any claim to anything you had in this family is gone now! I didn’t just lose one I lost both my sons” aiming for some pity still one last bit to try and get Richard to see the error he was making, how could he be so cruel to his mother after sh thought.
Was Richard surprised Melody spoke like that? No. Did he hate what she did about Opal? Of course. No Richard was far more surprised by Bailey as he went and set the last of the boxes inside everything was gone and set away now. Reaching up to pull the door closed as he jump back so it would shut fast and quick. He snuck one last look at his house to watch Melody walk away, he heard her when she last spoke but...it didn't affect him the way she may think. When he was younger he would fall in line sure but that was before what happened to his brother. "Goodbye," he whispers under his breath. He wasn't sad or even mad he didn't feel anything close to remorse. Richard didn't know how to place these emotions in him. He did feel free though, "Let's go," he simply said to Bailey grabbing thier hand to look at the fingers with the missing nails, he shouldn't but a slight smile crossed his beak for a second. Richard didn't know how to explain it he knew it was for Opal but the things Bailey said. There was a bit for him there too, it was weird he was leaving this house finally he was free from everything he been keeping to himself. Bailey he picked Bailey and that burned any last string she hand on Richard to tug and pull on him to do as she wanted
A night at a motel and they were back on the road, half way to new things. Richard thought as he held his hand out t Bailey, another on the passages door. “Doesn’t seem right to stick you to driving the whole way.” He said as he went to offer to help them up to the seat taking a moment to look at Bailey had look over the missing nails. He was going to say sorry…anymore at least he spent a lot of the trip yesterday doing that and even again last night. He wasn’t feeling as guilty as before he opted to leave that a something t deal with later. Instead as he turned bailey’s hand around in his own he couldn’t help the laugh that came out of his beak recalling her face the sound even. His laugh kind of grew how she could do nothing but yell and make empty threats. “Sorry I know I shouldn’t be laughing but man you smacked her so fucking hard your nails popped right off, I’m surprised they didn’t get stuck in her face or scratch her even. You swore someone did worse then slap her” okay was it wrong he found some humor in it? Maybe. But not everyone dealt with a parent or parents like Richard did so in part? He could help but enjoy it. Enjoy watching someone give her what he felt she had coming and to put her in her place. Holding Baily’s hand firmly in his own as he laughed more “Why did you go and throw the money at her you dork. I take it back I think that expression was the best one the way you slammed into to her chest I wonder if she took it or if still sitting there.” He couldn’t explain why he was laughing so hard right now or why tears pickled at his eyes.
Emotions were a whirlwind fr the eagle they weren’t in St. Canard just yet. Yet, Richard felt free already. No longer under their roof they weren’t going to be able to make use of their doll and have him play the part they set up for him. He had been to catch up in what his mother said about Opal..he knew what Bailey said but he wasn’t at that point yet. Reaching up with his free hand to push up his glasses to wipe the tear from his eyes. Laughter and tears just coming nonstop he couldn’t explain it the odd sensation “Cheap lipstick beak though?” He soon question needing to pull his glass off by the arm as he gave a better wipe at his eyes just looking at his idiot. “You’re a dork you know that?” Settled down once getting that cry and laugh out he leaned in to rest his forehead against Bailey’s own. It just felt good to let so much of that out, a slightly chuckle escaping him still. “I didn’t think anyone would talk to her like that, I’m still impressed by that slap I was on the end of the drive way, out side and could still hear it.” Richard said to Bailey, pulling back enough to place his glasses back over his face. Lifting up Bailey’s hand for a better look.
“I feel you have earned some spoiling and having your nails redone. Which I am paying for.” Richard claimed he wasn’t gonna take a no, seeing how Bailey did break those nails slapping Melody across her face. So Richard wanted to reward them a bit for it. Bailey did however float the idea of Richard getting his nails done with them though. “Hmm fine if it means you won’t fight me on paying on it. Come on lets..lets go home.”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BaileyRichard] 👩 [or send mother if no emjoi] 
| Send 👩 to talk to my muses mother
Melody clicked her tongue against her teeth, annoyed was far from the word of how she was feeling right now. as she had the end of her nail resting between her teeth doing all she could to not bite into and ruin them from doing as such. Eyeing the moving truck outside her home. As if it were mocking her and to her, it may as well have been she could feel the feathers on the back of her neck and start to lift and raise ready to flare out. She took a moment to breathe and smooth those feathers down as she looked at brown taped boxes all label different to tell what was in each one that was sent into the trailer of the truck. As she pounded her heels against payment making her way over, of course, she knew Richard had spoken about it. But She never once thought he would go through with this? Moving out like this. If she hadn't come home early he would have fully disappeared without a word. "I can't believe you, leaving like this without a word" That was true Richard had given a few words about this. She went on to plea, a hand to her face as she went to look as in distress as she could muster "Zane hasn't even been gone that long and now you are just up and leaving, yet here you are going to just up and leave your family?" Zane's death was still fresh in the Evans home and now? Now Richard was just leaving as well? Melody was furious over this how could he just up and leave like this did he not hold any loyalty to thier family? They raised him, such an ungrateful child for all the years they gave him the best. The best schooling and whatever else. Richard didn't seem to care about the guilt trip she was trying to book her simply walking past rolling his eyes as he did it. Figures second they get that taste of freedom. "Zane would never do this to your mother." she still tried to add. Richard just huffed and muttered something under his breath. Another click of her tongue as she turned to see Bailey now.
Eyes narrowed as she zoned in on the rooster, "You." She said it with a hiss as she turned to face him. She started off to get thier attention, Thomas would have told her not to and to keep her calm however he wasn't here and frankly she didn't care anymore far as she was concerned it was this damn child's fault. "I'm sure you put this idea into my son's head, just like everything else, I can only imagine what your poor mother is thinking" she went on to spew out soon only to scoff afterward. "all of this is your fault!" she said setting the blame for everything on to thier shoulders, as her brow scrunched up. The usual worry about it creating wrinkles on her face was thrown out the window as she stared at Bailey.
"I knew that if anything went wrong it would be because of you! Richard was such a perfect child until he started mingling with you more and more! now he's going to throw everything out to the fucking bin and it's all because of you! you and your sick mother!" she had spoken on impulse at that moment but as soon as the words left her it made sense to her. Of course that made sense! Sure Thomas had the connection with Benedict, once having to blame him for this mess. Richard for being so disobedient, Bailey for nothing in truth just to cast it on to them. But no it was clearly Opal's to blame for it all, she got sick, and since she married Benedict who had the ties in with Thomas.
Yes! that made sense. Yes, she was blaming a sick woman for this, well a sick woman and her child. " If it wasn't for that mother of yours I wouldn't have had to put up with you! you're just like her! head up in the clouds acting as if you're better than everyone else sticking her beak into matters that she had no business in like how to hand discipline, my own child! and here you are doing the same! getting involved where you have no fucking bussniess!" She ranted on about "Acting as if she was so perfect, that women was as fake as they come, as bitter as what she really drank all the damn time" "That's enough!"
Melody stopped her ranting when hearing Richard's voice just now, her son walking over and purposely standing between her and Bailey. No as she looked he was protectively standing in front of the rooster. Gritting her teeth as she looked her son in the face.
"You don't get to talk to him like that! and you absolutely do not get to attack Opal like that!"
Melody just grew annoyed, the feathers on the back of her neck flared out to form the crest around her head as she went raise her voice once more "oh so you'll stand up for them but-"
"Yes." it was a firm answer to cut his mother off with. "His name is Bailey for one, her Opal addresses them properly" Melody's eyes widen having an old lecture thrown into her face. " You will not talk to Bailey or about Opal like that. Like it or not I am going to marry him and that makes them my family and I'm not letting you talk like that about my family." She just gruffed and turned her head, soothing the feather down on the back of her head once again before glancing back to the rooster. Her eyes are near slits as she glared at Bailey. Then shifting her attention to glance back to Richard "Fine I guess I'm the bad guy here now," she went on to say as she started to walk away muttering under her breath. "I hope you are happy, how you tore a family apart." She knew her words were heard she wanted them to be turned her back towards the two of them. She couldn't believe all of this, "Go leave your poor grieving mother all by herself, since you allow him to go and sink his claws into you like this and run off away from all your problems once again. I did my best for you Richard but you have made your choice don't even think you can come crawling back when it all blows up in your face like it will. When your little so-called love" she laughed "falls apart on you. Well unlike you I'll be kind and let you back" looking over her shoulder back to Bailey who sees still had a few choice words. " Just know if it weren’t for the fact you came from money I NEVER would have allowed you near my son, so keep that in mind as you think you have this wonderful love story between. It came down to you just coming from a family I allowed to interact with mine. Clearly poor judgment on my side in the end.” ____ ((just so I link but Meldoy is a crested egale and they do this when mad XD))
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BaileyRichard] 👨 [or send father if no emjoi] [i dunno if the emojis show up for you or not so putting both xD]
| Send 👨 to talk to my Muses father
Thomas step out of his car when he saw the youngest of his boys outside, seemed they were finally showing thier face again. Rolling his eyes Richard was such a dramatic child. But what got his attention more was the fact Bailey was with them, thier so-called boyfriend now. Richard seemed to say something to them to make them stay put outside the main house before he went in alone. Likely to grab more of thier things. Richard would spend up to months nearly living in the clubhouse. That's what they get for making it nearly like a small house. Thomas waited a few seconds more before shutting his door and making his way up to Bailey now that Richard was gone. Melody had points in her objections of Richard’s apparent relationship with his old friend’s son. Thomas didn’t agree with a lot of them himself if anything this was good, very good for them. He had always intended for Richard to expand the family company he married into, out further. They had a good range but Thomas knew they could expand the company's reach and Richard would be perfect for that plan. Expect they were insisting that is what they wanted. So Richard thought that wasn't what they wanted.
"Hola, ¿cómo está usted?" he greeted with nodding his head thier way to at least show he was acknowledging the young rooster. "May I speak with you a moment Bailey?"
The look Bailey was giving was interesting in the least, far more certain they knew about the conversation held between them and Richard now with it alone, they had many of Benedict's traits. Thomas just hoped they had the same sense as them or in the least the blind spot Benedict seemed to with him. As Thomas made his way to the young rooster standing out in the hallway. "Well I have to thank you for seeming to get Richard back into the house again,"
Thomas mentioned, the only reason he had a chance to speak with Bailey now. Richard's mood changed once Bailey got here and he went back into the main house after some time. Only to grab some things seemed they planned to stick out there even with thier company so it was either now or never for Thomas to have this talk. "That son of mine has been holed up in that tree house for a good while. Ricardo can be such an over-emotional dramatic kid." His tone was even when he spoke not upset or finding humor in anything. Words were being carefully thought over as he spoke to Bailey. "That isn't exactly why I wanted to speak though, we were surprised to hear that the two of you have been dating of course. Why he never said so sooner I can't say, but Richard can be a secretive one. Always keeping things to himself never speaking up about things he should." Thomas went on to say, a heavy emphasis on the last bit about how Richard should talk up more. "his mother is upset about him, well she feels lying. They will make up after all family should get along don't you think so?" a very obvious lie.
"Your father and I have known each other for a long time, of course you know seeing how you and Richard have been friends from such a young age. It's not a surprise you two got so close as you did. If it were to last it be nice, but kids are kids I'm sure you two can keep the friendship in the least." He couldn't take the relationship they had seriously himself. He saw this as nothing more than two kids highly infatuated with the other, considering all the time they spent together. "It's good with how long you two know each other, I'm glad he has such a good friend looking out for him after all. I mean we all know how much Richard likes being around you." this bit was true, "His mood always lightens up at the mere mention of the name of his friend." Despite what Thomas had been told he hadn't at once referred to Bailey as anything other than being Richard's friend. Something he caught himself soon he sighed though. "I knew we had a spat not too uncommon. Of course, he has a brother as well but I'm glad he has someone else to rely on." Soon his amber eyes stare down to the rooster, a sharp focused stare held on them.
"And I'm sure he tells you a lot, I mean why wouldn't he? After all, Richard surely trusts the one he is dating with so much of his thoughts no?" that was a bit of a low blow, Thomas knew it that is why he said it. Moving to stand beside them now Richard would likely still be inside Melody was in the house and Thomas was sure they were likely having one of thier spats he hadn't heard any yelling, but with Bailey here she may be trying to not do that. She was meant to just be talking to him so they could have this chance. “Like his whole coffee business idea I am sure of.” Sighing out “I know how it seems Mother and Father don’t support my dreams or don’t believe I can do it. That isn’t so I do feel my son could very well start a company or a café even. He is very good about but seeing things through.” The only bit out of his beak that had a hint of truth to it behind it. He knew very well Richard, if given the chance could and would to that. Expect that went against Thomas plans for them.
“I’m sue you agree with whole idea I mean being his boyfriend and all I’m sure you only wish to support him? But that’s the thing it’s not a lack of faith on my end it’s concur for my son’s well being. 74% of independent coffee shops are likely to fail within their first five years after all. Most small business do have that issue after all, the risk of failure is always there and Richard is one who doesn’t handle such things well.” Funny wonder who cause Richard to be that way.
“Without properly being prepared for this, not having a plan not to mention hell need to leash a building. I just worry my son is rushing into something and will land in a sorry state because of it.” Speaking as if Richard had no clue of what he was walking into or had no plan at all when it came t his idea of his.
“ I don’t want that and I’m sure you don’t either? Watching him work hard only to have it all taken away from him? It be too hard for him to come back from. Like with school when he over did it then? He pulled away from everything, thinking about it e had stopped talking to you as well didn’t he? I can only fear how a whole carrier failure could effect him.” Thomas recalled for a reason as he stroked at his chin as if he were thinking. “He hid away for weeks after that so down on himself about what happened he could bring himself to face anyone. And well as his father I would just be heartbroken to see him go through it again. As a child it’s different of course as an adult? I fear the outcome I simply wish to give my son a safety so to speak. A secure carrier path. I’m sure you two have it in mind you’ll be together long term, perhaps you will.” He doubted that they were just two dumb kids with no clue about relationships what could they know. “It’s not like going into his family company will prevent that. It would also mean he and Zane would work together and you know how close they are. Thick as thief’s the two of them.” He paid a second to mess with eh cuff links of his suit. “Which is good, I know your an only child yourself but those relationships are pretty important to a child. I would know but sadly I am estrange from my own family haven’t spoke to them in years. The youngest of four kids, so Richard and Zane being not only siblings but friends is good to see. I’d hate for Richard to feel he had to make a choice wouldn’t you?” Just try to plant some seeds before dropping his arm as he held them behind his back now.
“Those are just things I feel we should avoid for Richard’ sake,” as if they were on the same side here. “Don’t you agree? After all you care for my son do you not? Just some things to think about. After all you’ll be in his shoes soon enough and word of warning your future seems far away now but it looms over you long before you notice.” A faint smirk to his beak “And I’m sure. Benedict would hate any emotional turmoil to befall his own child.” Eyes shifted up when seeing Richard return outside, well timed on Thomas part as he stepped away. “Just advice from an old bird its easy to not think about them when your still young.” He parted with as he made his way to Richard simply eyeing the sack of clothing in his hand “I take it you’ll out still? Richard one day you’ll need to out grow your childish habits.”
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