#[ my tag ]
wendihoe · 7 months
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Something something passive observer in life something something listlessly drifting
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itstowasworld · 6 months
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Slow Damage artwork from Cool-B
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ilyrafe · 7 months
andre braugher was the best surprise of brooklyn 99. his portrayal of a gay black cop who is so emotionless and such a dramatic queen at the same time is truly unparalleled. he was by far the funniest, best character of the show. captain holt could’ve easily been annoying, but andre is so fucking brilliant and charismatic, holt is possibly the #1 fan favorite. i’m so shocked that he’s gone. 61 is so young. it’s a crime that he never won anything for his best role.
rest in peace, captain.
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captaingondolin · 7 months
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this but make it codywan
pro-Dom(me) Obi-Wan forgets brain-to-mouth filter after seeing a very pretty shop assistant
local pet store employee Cody Fett found dead, killed by hot customer flirting
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I think about the consequences of the fake execution scene a little too much. I'm not sure if a blank that close could cause damage that isn't noticeable besides maybe hearing loss or tinnitus. And I'm sure if it was mild enough, Light would be too stubborn to tell anyone about it. The Task Force would probably assume he's in the clouds or ignoring them. I can't decide if L would catch on immediately to hearing loss or if it would take him a bit because he too is annoyed that Light isn't even arguing back half of the time.
But also the psychological trauma from it is something that would have been so interesting for O&O to dive into but ofc they didn't. It could manifest in many different ways too:
An NPA officer Light that can't even bring himself to unholster his firearm.
An NPA officer Light that struggles to make it through basic training.
The stress of Kira bringing back how he felt during the incident
Being so on edge around his father
Preferring public transport to cars and doing whatever he can to avoid cars
Hearing his father yelling/raising his voice at a fellow officer causing him to break down in the bathroom
Finding it hard to look his father in the eye
Avoiding riding in a car with Soichiro at all
And I wonder if Soichiro would notice Light struggling at all. Especially during Yotsuba because I imagine the first few months after would be the hardest:
Soichiro feeling too guilty or noticing his son acting distant so he backs off. But he doesn't know how to communicate how sorry he is so he says nothing
Maybe L doesn't really care at first when Light has nightmares or wakes up sobbing, but slowly realizes what this has done to someone he's starting to consider his friend. Maybe L pretends not to care so he doesn't feel the guilt that's welling inside him. He's not used to feeling guilt.
Light being jumpy and trying his best to not flinch when someone tries to get his attention
Just staring off into space or dissociating until someone asks if he's done on the spreadsheet yet
Trying to not let it show that he's freaking out in the ambulance on the way to Matsuda
L eventually trying to comfort Light after his nightmares but he's shit at it. But Light feels appreciative anyway
After L dies, Light doesn't have anyone to comfort him. He thinks sometimes, when he wakes up from a nightmare and turns to see Misa sleeping beside him, that she would understand because she went through the same thing, but he is too prideful and doesn't value her enough to wake her up or go to her.
Soichiro tries to not think about how Light doesn't want to be alone with him or ride in a car with him
I dunno, I just think it's something so interesting that isn't explored a lot.
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bunnygirlbakes · 3 months
Beg your butch to breed you so that you can be a good girl and get pregnant for them
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happy-for-harkers · 1 month
I love how it was Jonathan seeing Dracula crawl down the wall like a lizard that finally got him to lose it from the fear, not the manipulation, not coming to a realisation he’s a prisoner, just the fact there’s a guy crawling down a wall
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epitheth · 1 year
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Wips I’m not going to finish…
Also if macaque has a club for a weapon then bai he obvs should get a bat
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klaushargreeves-69 · 8 months
idea for netflix
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sourkitkat73 · 9 months
@derinthescarletpescatarian I started reading your spaceship story yesterday (?), and I’ve just caught up to the current chapter. It’s an incredibly well written piece of work, and I feel as if I am the main character when reading, despite this taking place in a sci-fi world I don’t know much about. Speaking of sci-fi worlds, your world building is amazing. I love everything about it and the way the plot unfolds is done so well. So much has changed and yet, I’m still hooked. My favorite character is The Public Universal Friend (the doctor one)
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gabiwlove · 12 days
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wendihoe · 8 months
So glad every gay bitch decided saw (2004) was their hyperfixation for the year
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itstowasworld · 6 months
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Slow Damage teaser from 2016
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ilyrafe · 8 months
i just read matthew perry’s memoir. man, i didn’t think i could be more heartbroken than i already was.
he was so full of gratitude to be alive, he genuinely felt like he was having a second chance. he was completely sober and clean, he wanted a family of his own, he wanted children. he wanted to make his family proud of him. he had a new perspective on life and was hopeful.
he spoke so lovingly about his family throughout the book, always praising his parents, siblings and step-parents. he truly loved them and they loved him, and that makes me happy. he was loved by his family.
the amount of people saying he helped them get clean/sober is a testament to the kindness of this man.
his passing is simply unfair. he was so ready to have a good life - without the suffering, the fears and the addiction.
there’s a passage in the book that gave me literal goosebumps.
“i could have a cigarrete right now, have a heart attack, and if no one was around to call 911, i was a goner.”
maybe it’s morbid, but please read his book. it’s incredibly raw, heartbreaking and funny. he’s incredibly honest about addiction and if you have any issue with it, this can seriously help you.
he said that he wants to be remembered as someone who helped people, and didn’t really care about the Friends things. i don’t think he knew how much his character helped people like me, who always felt alone, and saw in chandler a true friend.
may he rest in peace at last.
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captaingondolin · 7 months
codywan meetcute in a laundromat. Cody needs the giant washing machines for, say, washing a ton of tablecloths from his restaurant (please think about Cody cooking, pouring his heart into making even the simple recipes, or coming up with creative stuff. isn't that delightful? now think about Obi-Wan cooking. the horrors.)
Obi-Wan teaches at a university - crucially, he's not a professor (no professor money, no job security), and he has a fraught relationship with his family. Dooku is the rich grandpa who constantly holds the threat of disinheriting him over his head - and worse the threat of withdrawing his approval, his affection. and Obi-Wan is already on thin ice for pursuing some "liberal arts bullshit" as Grandpa puts it. so when his washing machine breaks and he has no money to fix it, he's not going to ask for help.
their schedules somehow align - Cody is there late after closing, Obi-Wan is a night owl, it's not very busy and they keep seeing each other. one day Obi-Wan is tired and drops the stack of papers he's grading, and while Cody helps him pick them up, he notices -
"Anna Kamieńska?" Cody asks, a spark of recognition in his eyes, "The poet is a great mute," he quotes wistfully, then looks sheepishly away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry into your business."
and Obi-Wan is in love and they can be nerds about dead Polish poets together. Obi-Wan will finally eat a warm meal and a vegetable, Cody will be forced to take a day off and not work himself to death, and they move in together and buy a new washing machine.
(also Obi-Wan finally comes out to Grandpa Dooku and tells him to get off his case. Cody was already out to his brothers, but he has to endure the mortifying ordeal of introducing Obi-Wan to Rex, who owns a gym and no brain-to-mouth filter. it still goes better than with a teenage Boba.)
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bunnygirlbakes · 2 years
getting bent over a counter and fucked until my feet aren’t touching the ground is important bunnygirl enrichment
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