#[ nnoitra does see women as inferior ]
despairforme · 5 months
Is there a particular reason he hates women so much?
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❝ Oh 'fer fuck's sake, this fuckin' shit again. ❞ How many FUCKING TIMES did he have to address this? WHY did everyone think he hated women? He didn't! Having opinions about something didn't mean you necessarily hated said thing. Nnoitra simply stated the truth - that women were weaker than men. In general, they were all WEAK. Of course, there were exceptions that defied the natural order of things. Nelliel, for example, or Harribel. But generally speaking, women were weaker than men. There was a reason why most Hollow and certainly most Arrancar were male. Because female Hollow didn't survive for long in Hueco Mundo.
Nnoitra DIDN'T like the thought of a woman standing above a man on the battlefield, because she shouldn't be there to begin with. It was not natural. She was prey. She was weak. This had nothing to do with him hating women. He simply valued strength more than anything, and in that department, women fell short. That didn't mean there couldn't be other uses for them. There were plenty of tasks they could perform, but they better not fucking be put in a position where they were above him in rank.
Even so --- If they treated him decently, even them outranking him, he would ( reluctantly ) accept. He didn't have that much of a problem with Harribel.
Nnoitra was a primal being. He saw women as either something for him to fuck, or for something for him to eat. That was all. Did it make him an animal? A beast? SO WHAT!?
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nnoitrastuff · 1 month
I'm of the less popular opinion that Nnoitra hated Nel not because she was a woman, or was above him as a warrior and a woman, but simply because she pitied him. I think he hated being pitied, and probably what he saw as "babied" and belittled by her actions in saving or sparing him every time he was close to death. It's mirrored in him mocking Grimmjow for being saved by Ichigo from his killing blow, it's something he never wants to experience for himself again.
I also think, again, VERY UNPOPULAR opinion, that if he had wanted to kill Nel in battle, he would've. I know that probably for story sake, Kubo didn't have him fight with his all in his square off with Nel after she got her power back. But I can't help noticing that he 100% could've had Nnoitra stay more to the personality he's shown us by overwhelming her to begin with, rather than allowing her to go into her release form. If he had gone into his own release form, I think he would've won, but it's not what he wanted.
I have so many thoughts about this man, thank you for the space to toss them
Oo im eating good today! I didnt think about that him mocking grimmjow was kind of a reflection of how he saw something he hated; to be spared and pitied during a battle; it really hurts the very little amount of ego he has inside. And that statement about him hating Nel due to her pitiying him and not because she’s a woman does make sense, because he didnt actively look to assert his dominance on women just because he hated them. He would have done that to harribel otherwise. Also, his character is based off a praying mantis: the males of this species can be eaten by the female mantises while mating. I think this part is a parallell to him feeling inferior to not neccesarily all women, but Nel in particular.
The second part is also true. He would usually be more aggresive, just like he was when he fought ichigo for trying to protect nel. I guess its for the story, but i have a small theory that he had a hint of fear in him. After all he did, going out of his way to doing a dirty trick and seeing her become a child unable to fight, she was still able to rise to his level once again. Well, not exactly on the same level, but definitely able to fight. I think he saw something he wanted: to crawl from being worthless, something he was constantly called by her, to become a warrior worthy to get killed in battle. He likely had a feeling in him that despite climbing up two espada ranks, he still felt stagnant and didnt progress the way he wanted: he was still unworthy of being killed. Two contrasting character developments here!!
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