#[ ofringsideisms ]
Jason looked over at his arm, which was beaten up pretty badly from his recent wrestling match. He was stubborn when it came to his marks and bruises, always wanting to appear tough and that he wasn’t hurt. “Look, ya don’t need to worry about me. It’s nothing serious. I’ve been beaten down worse than this. I don’t need help. I’ll be fine.”
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thecvttingedge-blog · 8 years
👻 //from Bri bc uncle Adam
“Hey, kiddo, what’s wrong? I’m right here, nothing bad is going to happen to you while Uncle Adam is around.”
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@ofringsideisms liked for a starter!!
The pink-haired wrestler looked to Jordan with an air of curiosity. Was he really seventeen? Essie herself didn’t look much older than her -- and she wasn’t -- but she similarly could have passed for a high school student. He had a rather mature face, she had to admit. But she wasn’t staring at him as they both sat in catering in vain; she had a question to ask of him. One she considered quite important, if she was going to be honest. 
“Have you seen a production of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ Jordan? It’s really my most favorite play, I’ll have you know.” With a cheerful grin, she took a sip of her tea and simply waited. 
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moxgein · 8 years
"Are you high right now? Because you are practically bouncing off the walls." //bc that seems like such a Brandon thing tbh
High on life if that’s what you mean.
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╰☆╮//literally applies to all my girls, but let's specify Angel for this
Send me a ╰☆╮ if your muse thinks my muse is attractive
              “Guess that’s the thanks I get for helping your kid that one time, yeah? I’m just kidding. But hey, not so bad yourself.”
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( @ofringsideisms ) — for charlie.
a common cold sent him to the wwe medical staff—a measly cold! granted it was a bit more severe than a true common cold, it wasn’t going to send him home. he wasn’t kevin and he wasn’t about to let a cold get the best of him. sure, his eyes were red and puffy, his nose stuffy, and his throat hoarse a bit, but he still felt he was ready to compete. however, management was having none of it, sending him straight to the trainer’s room to be evaluated by the medical staff. allen was dressed in his tights and full wrestling gear with his signature wwe shop tee on as he strolled to the door of the trainer’s room, knocking lightly on th door. ‘ hello? ’ he called out in a nasally rasp, looking around. he spotted a brunette woman in the room, but was still unsure if she was who he was supposed to be seeing. ‘ sorry for soundin’ like a fool here, but y’wouldn’t happen to be part of the medical team, wouldya? ’ he smiled.
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Send me a “♡” if you want to ship our muses
we can try seeing which muses might work out with each other! :)
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Going over several things as he walked through the halls, he made small comments and greetings when people said something.  Though he wasn’t expecting to bump lightly into someone.  Turning his attention to the person, he chuckled softly.  “Charlotte, I am sorry my dear, I was not watching where I was going.”
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“Nurse James?” After competing in a hard-fought match against friendly rival Becky Lynch, the pink-haired girl tentatively approached the nurse, clutching her right wrist with a noticeable tenderness. She wasn’t entirely sure if it was anything serious; however, for around half an hour post-contest she remained as far from the medical team as possible. It wasn’t until she was urged by her friends that she trudged her way to medical team.
“Could you please look a-at my wrist? I don’t know what happened but it is a bit sore...” She held it in place because if she let it go, the pain would only increase.
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➵ for angel
meme - accepting; Send me ➵ and I will bold all that applies to your muse // @ofringsideisms
I would hurt you or use you. | you unsettle me. | I dislike you or you annoy me. | I would like to get to know you better. | I pity you. | you confuse me. | I feel indifferent towards you. | I would be friends with you. | I would fight by your side. | I would hug you or hold your hand. | I would kiss you. | I would sleep with you. | I would lie for you. | I would protect you. | I would fall in love with you. | I would kill for you | I respect you. | you are my family. | I don’t know you.
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//ofringsideisms [couldn’t tag ya]
The gym had been pretty quiet and Sami didn’t know how long he had been there after most had left.  Just strengthening his shoulder as much as he could.  Music playing in the background to keep him from being distracted for the time being.
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§ we're currently discussing this, but I mention again
Send me “§” if you’d ever consider shipping our muses
// Can already see myself totally digging the ship myself so I won’t hesitate to mention it again myself; totally dig it
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“ don’t hide from me ” //from Brandon
“I’m not hiding.” Dean said with a pout, tugging his hoodie back down from where Brandon had tried to get it off him. “I’m not. I just...don’t wana get undressed. That’s all.” 
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thecvttingedge-blog · 9 years
“Angel’s one tough cookie. She’s been through so much in twenty eight years that most people don’t experience in a lifetime. From her childhood to having her own kid, and with Bri being differently abled... It’s enough to make anyone break down. But she’s handling it with the maturity and wisdom of anyone beyond her years. Angel’s been dealt quite a hand in life--but she’s doing well.”
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ofringsideisms is hungry like a wolf
Eddie beamed as he held his arms open, "Hey babe! How are ya?"
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Do I need to shove one of my crutches up that anon's ass for you bby? Because I will. I have four of them. Seriously though, ilu bby
Nope! Don’t get them all nasty just because of that. It’s okay bb. Life is good. Life is fine. People just need to stop attempting to ruin people’s days. I bold attempting because as you can see, it didn’t work for me. I hope everyone else can see how far superior they are over the person who sent them hate. They’re gonna burn for their sins, not us. Praise. lmao!
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