#[ ryuto: ...exactly how old are you two? ]
causalitylinked · 1 year
@badheart​​ — continued from here ;;
    When she finally turns, regarding him with what appeared to be a flabbergasted expression, his eyes would only widen just the subtlest bit; after all, Ryuto didn’t believe he said anything to potentially set Fang off. Why, as far as he was concerned, he had been perfectly civil with her, which made her reaction all the more unfathomable to him.
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    “...Not particularly? After spotting you, my curiosity was simply piqued,” Ryuto then answers truthfully, because in all truthfulness, he simply felt like talking to her once he notices her checking out Yoshitoki Oima’s latest work. Of course, most would probably assume he would be snobby enough to believe manga wasn’t true literature, but contrary to popular belief, even he would resort to flipping through a Shonen Jump magazine every once in a while. “That was the intention, yes,” Ryuto soon goes on to nonchalantly nod.
    “I wanted to hear your thoughts regarding that manga; after all, it’s not often I would encounter women who seemingly like that particular genre,” he adds while failing to mention he did actually remember what happened between them. Ryuto just chooses not to hold a grudge over what happened because he figured the heat only served to exacerbate her mood back then... and though he did imply Fang lacked the intelligence he sought in his ideal girl, he still manages to entertain the notion he might have potentially judged her far too soon.
    Why, if nothing else, it wasn’t like he knew her all that well yet, so on the off chance she turns out to be way smarter than he had initially given her credit for, he was willing enough to apologize despite how shallow her attraction towards him was.
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beybladefanfictions · 3 years
L-Drago’s Return - Chapter 1
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(Description: Sequel to Ryuga's Return. Read that first or you're going to be extremely confused. Five months have passed since L-Drago’s disappearance and Ryuga has gotten used to his new life without his Beyblade. However, he discovers that there might be a way to get L-Drago back after all…)
(Thank you to Wattpad User *insert name here* for giving me many of the ideas for this fic. It wouldn't have been possible without them. Go check out their Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryugasama20/)
Ryuga's POV
“Oh, too bad.” Kenta placed a familiar card on the floor. “Two new cards for you, Ryuga.” He cast a glance at his friend, smirking triumphantly.
Ryuga glared at him. “Why you little…”
Beside him, Madoka and Gingka giggled, hiding their own cards behind their hands. Ryuga let out a sigh, drawing two new cards. That made five total. With his turn skipped over, it was Madoka’s turn.
“Oh, what do you know?” She placed her final card down on top of the pile. “I win again!”
Kenta and Gingka groaned in unison. Madoka just chuckled and stood up, going to grab her laptop from nearby.
“You always win,” Gingka muttered, shuffling his hand of cards.
“Either her or Kenta,” Ryuga added, rolling his eyes.
Kenta chuckled into his hand. “It’s not our fault we’re so good.”
“Play for second place?” Gingka asked, casting a glance at Ryuga and Kenta.
“Sure.” Kenta nodded.
Madoka sat back on the floor with the rest of them, gazing at her laptop. Her attention seemed to be fixed on it all day. Ryuga gazed at everyone's cards. Gingka had about a dozen, Kenta had three cards, and Ryuga himself had five cards. He gazed at his deck, smiling. Gingka and Kenta played two normal cards, keeping the colour green. *Perfect for my plan.* Ryuga placed a reverse card down.
“Your turn again,” he nodded to Kenta.
“Uh… thanks, Ryuga.” Kenta put down a yellow card, the same number as the past card.
“Uno!” Kenta and Gingka shouted in unison.
“Ha! You draw six!” Gingka exclaimed, pointing at Kenta accusingly.
“No!” Kenta snapped back. “We said it at the exact same time! That doesn’t count.”
“I agree,” Madoka replied with a nod. “Carry on as normal.”
“Humph." Gingka placed another card down on the pile.
Ryuga smirked, “Activate trap card.” He placed a ‘plus four’ card down on top of the pile.
Kenta let out a gasp. “How could you use my own catchphrase against me?!” he exclaimed, placing his hand on his forehead.
“It’s not even your catchphrase,” Gingka chuckled as Kenta drew his cards.
“Whose catchphrase is it?” Madoka asked, tilting her head to the side.
Ryuga, Gingka, and Kenta all glanced at her then turned to each other with wide eyes. Gingka smiled and shrugged.
“What colour?” he asked, glancing at Ryuga.
Ryuga glanced at his cards. “Red.”
Kenta let out a groan, sinking to the ground. “Dangit! That’s the one colour I don’t have!”
“I’d say ‘sorry,’ but I’m not,” Ryuga smirked as he spoke. “You had that coming.”
Kenta sat up, glaring at him. “Oh, I am so getting back at you!”
Ryuga just smiled. Uno was like Beyblade in a way: you showed no mercy, even to your friends. The three of them continued the game for a while before Ryuga placed his final card on the pile.
“Dangit,” Kenta grunted, glaring at the ground.
“Well, at least I beat you two,” Ryuga replied with a shrug.
“Yeah, yeah.” Gingka turned to Kenta. “Well, Kenta, looks like it’s just us. Wanna keep going?”
Kenta had a dangerous look on his face. His smirk was wider than a valley and he was struggling to hold back his giggles.
“Kenta, wha-”
Kenta slapped a card onto the pile. “Skip your turn!” He began slamming more cards down on the ground in rapid succession. “Skip again, skip, reverse to me, oh, draw two cards. UNO!” He held up his final card in two fingers. “DRAW! MONSTER CARD!” He slammed the final card onto the pile: a seven.
Gingka was shivering, staring at Kenta with eyes the size of dinner plates.
“Wha- what just happened?” Madoka asked, her wide eyes fixed on the scene.
Ryuga snorted with laughter. “Good job getting destroyed, Gingka.”
“Ah- ah-” Gingka’s eye twitched. He shook his head clear, shivering as he swept the cards into a stack. “I think that’s enough Uno for today,” he replied with a nervous chuckle.
“What's next for game night?” Kenta asked, his gaze shifting between the others.
Gingka looked through his stack of games. “Well, I brought Jenga, Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly…"
“Monopoly?! Kenta gasped, shuddering. “Why would you bring Monopoly?"
“Yeah, that sounds dangerous,” Madoka muttered, her eyes glued to her laptop screen.
Ryuga tilted his head to the side. “What's wrong with Monopoly?"
“That game is the worst," Kenta answered, his eyes narrowed at the game box. “I'm pretty sure people have killed each other over it.”
“Humans kill each other over everything,” Ryuga replied, rolling his eyes.
“Ha! True,” Madoka remarked, still not looking up from her screen.
“Hey, what's got you so interested in your laptop today?” Kenta asked, scooting toward her.
“Oh, uh…” Madoka pulled her laptop into her chest. “I've just been researching something. You guys might be interested, especially you, Ryuga.”
Ryuga bit his lip. *Why am I getting singled out?*
“What is it?” he asked.
“Yeah, show us.” Gingka scooted closer.
Madoka placed the screen on the ground where they could all see it. Kenta and Gingka leaned forward. Ryuga looked over Kenta’s small head to see the screen. On Madoka’s screen, was a symbol in the shape of a dragon’s head, an Asian dragon by the look of it. It looked a bit like L-Drago.
“It’s the symbol of an ancient civilization called the ‘Dragon Clan,’” Madoka explained, gesturing to the image.
“Dragon Clan?” Kenta and Gingka both turned to Ryuga.
“Yeah, that’s why the name caught my eye,” Madoka replied, scrolling down the page.
“Is this ‘Dragon Clan’ where you’re from Ryuga?” Gingka asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Ancient civilization,” Ryuga emphasized Madoka’s words, rolling his eyes. “I’m seventeen, not five thousand.”
Kenta smirked. “Could've fooled me.”
Ryuga lightly pushed Kenta over, who just giggled.
“Actually, Ryuga,” Madoka cut in sternly. “It's possible you could be a descendant of this Dragon Clan.” She pointed at her screen. “It says here that they specialized in dragon-type beys.”
“So?" Ryuga raised an eyebrow.
“Well, there are only a few Dragon beys,” Gingka cut in. He rested his finger on his chin. “L-Drago, Omega Dragonis, and the Jet Black Dragon, which the WBBA made.”
“Omega Dragonis?” Ryuga and Kenta asked in unison.
“Oh, that's Ryuto’s bey,” Gingka answered, “We met him on Mist Mountain.”
“Right! Ryuto! He looked a lot like you, Ryuga. It’s possible you’re both descendants of this ancient clan.” Madoka’s eyes were glowing. “That’s so cool!”
Ryuga shrugged. “It’s possible, I guess.”
“Still not convinced? Their leader was called a Dragon Emperor.”
“WHAT?!” Everyone gasped in unison.
Ryuga stiffened. *You are the Dragon Emperor, Ryuga.* Doji’s words echoed in his mind, making him shiver. *The Dragon Emperor is the only one who can control the forbidden bey, L-Drago.* Ryuga’s heart pounded a million kilometres an hour. He grunted, shaking his head in a vain attempt to escape his memories.
“All this time, I thought he made it up…” Ryuga murmured, struggling to keep his voice from trembling. “That must be why he sought me out. He knew somehow.”
*Doji never would have been able to use me to get to L-Drago if I weren’t the descendant of some ancient clan?! Is that what I’m hearing?!*
“What are you talking about?” Madoka asked, tilting her head to the side.
Gingka looked away, his eyes narrowed. “Doji…”
Ryuga stiffened. “I don't care about my past!” he snapped, glaring at his friends. “Madoka, why did you bring this up?!”
“You mean you don't see the connection?” Madoka asked, seemingly unfazed by his outburst. “Dragon Clan? L-Drago? They could be the original creators of L-Drago. They definitely had it at one point and it’s rumoured here that they may have created a backup of it.”
Ryuga’s eyes widened. “A backup of L-Drago?”
Over the past few months, Ryuga had grown accustomed to his life without L-Drago, and his longing for his bey had finally started to ease. Now, with those words, it came back like a boomerang to the heart. This was hope, genuine hope, that L-Drago could return after all, and Ryuga could return to his old life.
“Then you could get it back!” Kenta gasped, somehow speaking Ryuga’s thoughts aloud.
“It wouldn’t be exactly the same,” Madoka explained, casting a glance at Gingka. “It would probably be like how Gingka got Galaxy Pegasus.”
*So it would be the same in spirit, just built differently?!* Excitement continued to grow in his heart.
“Where can we find this ‘backup for L-Drago’?” Ryuga asked.
“I’m not sure,” Madoka admitted, gazing at her screen. “The Dragon Clan lived in very remote locations, far from civilization. I could do some digging, but it might take a while.”
“Please do!” Gingka cut in, putting an arm around Ryuga. “I want another chance to battle Ryuga!” Ryuga pushed Gingka off.
“Me too!” Kenta added, gazing at Ryuga with a determined smile. “We have a score to settle now!”
Ryuga couldn’t help but smile as well. *I could get back at him for the loss I suffered when I had the Jet Black Dragon!*
“Guys, don’t get your hopes up!” Madoka insisted, “It’s not for sure yet! I don’t know if I can even find any ruins of this city or if this backup for sure exists. It could just be a rumour.”
“Then let me know if you find anything,” Ryuga replied, dipping his head.
“I’ll do my best,” Madoka assured him.
There was a loud ringing sound out of nowhere. Gingka glanced at his phone.
“Oh, uh, my dad wants me home,” he informed, pulling the games he brought into a stack.
“Guess that’s the end of game night then…” Madoka replied, standing up.
“Same time next week?" Kenta gazed at the others with a hopeful smile.
“Yes!" Gingka exclaimed, nodding eagerly.
“Sure,” Madoka replied, dipping her head. The three of them gazed at Ryuga expectantly.
He shrugged. “Okay.”
“Great!” Kenta beamed. “Let’s go home! I bet dinner's ready by now.”
Ryuga dipped his head, following Gingka and Kenta out of the shop. Gingka however split from them quickly. *A new L-Drago?!* Ryuga couldn’t get the idea out of his mind. He thought he had accepted months ago that he couldn’t get L-Drago back. It seemed so final and impossible. Now, however, there was a real chance he could get it back. The void Beyblade had left behind in his life, while of course not fully gone, had begun to shrink. He enjoyed his new life, including his new home and friends. However, one thing constantly plagued his mind: *I've gone soft.* Ryuga didn't need friends or a place to stay in his old life, he was able to survive on his own. Not to mention, he had been the strongest blader.
Ryuga longed to prove that he was still as tough as he once was but he felt he had no way to prove that and his attachment to his friends kept him here indefinitely. Part of him found that humiliating. No one else seemed to care that he had been tamed like an animal in a zoo. *If I get L-Drago back, I can prove I'm not weak.* The idea inevitably got his hopes up. *Don't get your hopes up.* Madoka’s words seemed to taunt him. *Why would you tell me that if you didn’t want me to get my hopes up?!*
Kenta pushed the door to the house open. Ryuga followed him inside. Kenta's parents were both in the kitchen, cooking something Ryuga had never had by the smell of it.
“Hey, kiddos!” Kenta's dad greeted with a wave.
“How was your game night?” Kenta's mom asked.
“It was fun,” Kenta smirked triumphantly. “I beat everyone at Uno.”
“Yeah!” Kenta's dad held a hand up. “That's my boy!”
Kenta jumped up to high five him, the two of them cheering. *I won a few times too,* Ryuga thought, rolling his eyes. He sat on the couch with his phone. *I suppose I could do some research of my own on this 'Dragon Clan.'*
“Alright, food's ready!" Kenta's mother called, before Ryuga could look at much of anything.
*Guess I'll do it later,* he thought, placing his phone aside. On the table Kenta's mother placed yet another weird new food; Ryuga thought he would be used to seeing those by now. This time it was a bunch of misshapen fried… things.
“What are those?” Ryuga asked, sitting in his usual spot beside Kenta.
“It's pakora,” Kenta's mother answered. “An Indian food. Here, try it.” She handed him a piece.
Ryuga took it and ate it in one bite.
“Oh, I love these!” Kenta exclaimed, taking a handful from the tray.
“Well?” Kenta’s mom prompted, gazing hopefully at Ryuga. “Do you like it?”
Ryuga shrugged. “It's okay.” *A little bland.* He kept the second part to himself.
“Here. We made two batches.” Kenta's dad sat down, sliding a second tray onto the table. “These are spicier.”
Ryuga perked up at the word “spicier,” immediately taking one. He licked his lips.
“Thanks,” Ryuga replied, grabbing more.
Kenta's dad chuckled, turning to his wife. “Told you he'd like the spicy ones more,” he remarked, holding a hand up.
Kenta's mom let out a sigh, handing him a piece of yen. He took it with a smirk.
“Guess we should try cooking more Indian food,” Kenta’s dad remarked, pocketing the yen.
“Why is it always spicy food with you?” Kenta asked, raising an eyebrow. Ryuga shrugged, placing about ten pieces of pakora on a plate. Kenta smirked. “Is it because you’re Dragon Clan?”
Ryuga let out a sigh. “Kenta, it’s not funny.”
“Well, if you’re gonna make fun of me for being short, I might as well make fun of you for something too!” Kenta exclaimed, bristling with annoyance.
“What is Dragon Clan?” Kenta’s mom cut in.
Kenta turned to her with a smile. “Oh, it’s this ancient civilization Madoka’s researching. Ryuga’s totally one of their descendants.”
“How do you know?” Kenta’s dad asked, suddenly curious.
“We don’t,” Ryuga argued, turning to Kenta. “It’s just a theory.”
*I’m not telling the history enthusiast that I accidentally appropriated a title from some ancient civilization,* he thought, glaring at Kenta and hoping he would get the message.
“A theory with evidence!” Kenta insisted, his eyes narrowed as well.
“To be honest…" Kenta's dad spoke up, prompting them to turn to him. “I've never heard of this 'Dragon Clan' but I'm sure you could figure out for sure if you're one of their descendants with a DNA test and maybe a background check.”
Ryuga stiffened. “No thanks.”
Kenta's mom rolled her eyes. “Honey, he does not need to do a background check on himself.”
“Hey, you never know,” Kenta's dad replied with a shrug.
Ryuga shifted in place. Kenta's dad was silly sometimes but in this case, he was actually right. Ryuga didn't know a thing about his past and what he did know, he tried his best not to remember.
“Where are you from, Ryuga?” Kenta’s dad asked.
“Ah- well, yeah bu- o-o-okay.” Kenta’s dad looked down at the table, looking somewhat ashamed.
Kenta’s mother chuckled. “Oh gosh, you broke him, Ryuga,” she remarked, resting a hand on her husband's shoulder.
Kenta giggled into his hand. Ryuga smiled. As everyone finished their dinner, they slowly began to go their separate ways. Kenta and his dad stayed at the table. Ryuga went to get his phone while Kenta’s mother went straight toward the fridge.
She let out a sigh. “Tamaki, Kenta, whichever one of you is stealing my chocolate, will you please come forward already? This is getting ridiculous.”
She held up the nearly empty box of chocolates, in which there were only two left. Ryuga tried not to smile.
“Honey, I'm telling you it's not me,” Kenta’s dad insisted, gently, “You would know.”
“And I swear I didn't either!” Kenta exclaimed, jumping to his feet.
“It has to be one of you…” Kenta's mom cast a glance at Ryuga.
“Don't look at me,” Ryuga replied, unplugging his phone. “I don't eat stuff that sweet.”
*Or at least I wouldn't have in my old life,* he added bitterly to himself.
“Yeah,” Kenta agreed, casting a glance at his dad. “It's probably dad.”
“Or it's no one,” Kenta's dad suggested, tilting his head to the side.
“I swear they're disappearing faster… Ugh, I must be going crazy.” Kenta's mom grabbed one of the two chocolates. “Well, I know for sure there's only one left so if it disappears, then I'll know for a fact someone's stealing them.” Her eyes narrowed at her husband. “I've got my eye on you, love.”
“Don't you always?” Kenta’s dad asked, with a smirk.
“Oh, ha, ha.” Kenta's mom rolled her eyes before the two of them shared a quick kiss.
“Ugh!” Kenta exclaimed.
Ryuga rolled his eyes, making his way toward the basement.
“Ryuga.” He stopped at the sounds of Kenta’s voice. “Wanna finish Yugioh?” he asked.
“Not tonight,” Ryuga replied, “I wanted to do some research.”
“Oh…” Kenta seemed a bit disappointed before smiling again. “Okay.”
“Research…” Kenta’s dad nodded, muttering to himself. “Yes, that sounds good…”
Everyone turned to him.
“What? I want to know about that ‘Dragon Clan’ Ryuga mentioned. So much new history to learn…” Kenta’s dad’s eyes were glowing.
Ryuga rolled his eyes. He made his way downstairs to his room, otherwise known as the basement. It still had plenty of space to walk around but along with a bed, there was also a bean bag and a dresser with a mirror on it. Ryuga sat on the bean bag with his phone. *Finally, I can research this…*
'The Dragon Clan, formerly known as the Highlanders, lived in the wild untamed regions of Japan. They specialized in Dragon-type beys, including the forbidden bey, L-Drago. It is rumoured they created this infamous bey, along with a backup, though this has yet to be confirmed. Their group slowly decreased over time, scattering to the far reaches of the globe far from civilization. A few of their descendants may still be around, using the dragon type beys of their ancestors.'
Ryuga rolled his eyes. *Great, a bunch of stuff I already knew. Real helpful.* He went through several different websites, not finding where specifically the Dragon Clan lived or anything about the backup of L-Drago. *Perhaps it is just a rumour…* Ryuga shook his head. *I have to keep trying. If there’s any way I can bring back L-Drago, any at all…* Ryuga let out a sigh. *Oh, who am I kidding? This is ridiculous. I thought I accepted months ago that I'm always just going to be a shadow of my former self!*
Ryuga glanced at the time on his phone. 7:43 pm. *This is going nowhere…* He stared at the twelve tabs of nothing he had open for a few moments. *Yeah, forget this. I’m getting that chocolate.*
Placing his phone aside, Ryuga made his way upstairs, making sure to keep his steps light. He slowly pushed the door open. All the lights in the main room were off, drowning the room in a still darkness. Ryuga stepped lightly into the kitchen. Making sure nothing moved in the dark, he grabbed the last chocolate out of the fridge.
A light shone in Ryuga's face. He staggered back, dropping the chocolate as he shielded his eyes.
“Wait, Ryuga?!” It was Kenta's mother. She lowered the flashlight, flicking the light switch on. “You're the one who's been eating my chocolate?!”
Ryuga froze, just now registering the situation.
“No…” He picked the chocolate up off the floor.
“Woooow.” Kenta's mother covered her mouth as she chuckled. “You could've just asked instead of lying, you know.”
Ryuga looked away, his shame practically spearing him open. *This is almost as bad as that chopsticks fiasco!*
“Can I still have it then?” he muttered.
“Sure, sweetie. Guess I'll have to buy some for you too, then.”
“Mhm… thanks…” Ryuga started to walk away, eating the chocolate.
“Hey.” Ryuga froze, glancing back at Kenta’s mom as she spoke. “Next time just tell the truth. You should know better than to lie.” Her tone was stern, but still, she didn’t raise her voice.
Ryuga dipped his head. “Okay.” He turned and walked away.
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