#[ she is simply just so motherly im sorry dhsakmd she cares SO much about her weeps ]
enavant · 1 year
━━ ❥❥❥ @ichoric feat. minfilia : 🌑 minnie @ isu she prolly got nervy SEND 🌑 TO CRAWL INTO BED WITH MY MUSE ━━ accepting !!
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      SLEEP DOES NOT TAKE HER, no matter how they try to close their eyes && fall into the realm of dreams, it is a fruitless endeavour. && yet she does not expect a little visitor, still does she greet her with patience && kindness as the girl crawls into her bed, akin to the memory of her brother sneaking close to find comfort in more dire times in their youth — how fond she is of those familial bonds, strongly caring is she since a young age, protective && motherly in the absence of the real thing. to her, the girl is just that : a child, despite the title she carries, she is her && she has her own agency && emotions && fears ( an unmoving stance she takes in view of the oracle ).
      arms encircle her, much as a mother would to soothe her child — pulling her tight && covering her gently. it isn't a motion she needs to be asked for, capturing her in gentle, careful comfort. they are ever && violently aware && familiar with the weight that can be so heavily stacked upon small shoulders — a bleeding heart for those who are their title before a person.
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      ❝ can you not sleep, little one ? you need not worry of the world outside of this room while you are here, i'll keep it all far from you so you may rest. or if you are needing of an ear to listen, i do have two very fluffy ears available. ❞ soft chuckle leaves the dancer, ears wiggling as she gives the girl a smile.
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