#[ the brains of this operation - aflcokoffeathers]
ducknotinarow · 2 years
 cTag drop just a few uwu
Raph and Don : [ you think first I hit first - aflockoffeathers]
at first just a stand in but i ended up liking it cause these two are very similar its just they go different way to handle an issue. Also I just love the fact this can be swapped cause sometimes in pinches you see them switch thier usual tactic uwu
Mikey and Don : [ the brains of this operation - aflcokoffeathers]
A relationship between two younger siblings can be something so personal ;3; also it’s cute how these two are together Mikey deff just looks out for Donnie in his own way and Dons one of the few who at times takes mikey a bit more serious compered to the others.Donnie is the smart one and know for what he can do Mikey though thinks more creatively and often I feel that can feed into don’s work because Mikey suggest stuff and Don tends to take it and improve on it. Rise!Don and Don [ I thought purple was my thing? - aflockoffeathers] Okay I took that from the mind meld episode but still it works well here cause my donnie will have such an ego bruising  over another donatello at first XD Usagi and Don [ genius dose not equal crazy - aflockoffeathers] Look I know Donnie was hell bent that Usagi clearly hurt Leo in the battle nexus and i’m never gonna get over it XD but once they fought together you can see these two really bonded and just Donnie was so happy to see usagi in samurai tourist ;3; Usagi deff treats Donnie like a brother and just think of the differences usagi’s curiosity fueling Donnie need to explain and Donnie’s patience with someone who would general be interested in his ramblings not to mention usagi would be good at helping don not to got to out there on his ideas spinter and Don [ purple is always the funny one - aflockoffeathers] likey just adopted don on the spot when meeting him hes deff different from Dons spinter thats for sure but I think his father inscit kicks hard when seeing how stressed out this donnie looks. Usagi and Bishop [ madder than the march hare - aflockoffethers] yes I did go for an Alice in wonder land refrence here uwu and im pretty proud of this one I wont lie XDD Forthehonorandthegolry: Piccolo and Gohan [ I got a finger on a heartbeat connection - forthehonorandtheglory] Mostly cause how often he has gotten killed protecting gohan alone and it hits me hard to thinka bout okay! and ya know the whole mentor and mentee realtionship between them just ;3; Freiza and furture gohan [ chain my heart - forthehonorandthegolry] Considering the whole working under him and being his pawn I feel this is pretty stright forward in truth uwu Future trunks and futrue goten [ some place only we know - forthehonorandthegolry] I have many emotions on our boys even more so for the future verse ;3;
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[2k7 Don @ Raph + Mikey - totally didn't forget to send this nope nope uwu]
"Oh good, you're both home," Don starts with a beaming grin that hadn't been seen in a while, "I have a new project I want to show you guys."
Instead of leading them to his lab though, he instead holds up a polaroid photo, not quite showing them yet though as he goes on to explain this 'project',
"Well, I say 'I have', it's actually something Yvonne and I are working on," He explains, a wag to his tail, "Biomaterials, we're estimated everything will be ready between thirty seven to forty two weeks max, and we're already six weeks in; that's how we were able to get this photo."
And that's when, finally, Donatello shows it to them, handing it to Raph first - call it twin privileges. Though he won't go into details how he got an Ultrasound picture, he does give a second to let the penny fully drop,
"We're thinking Ariel for if they're a girl, Eric if they're a boy," He announces, obviously feeling proud and excited as he tells his brothers, "So, what do you guys think about being Uncles?"
| Muse interaction
Mikey's laugh easily echoed across the walls of the lair as he skated ahead of Raphael hot on their heels. For a turtle he was fast more so when Mikey annoyed him enough, which was why Mikey was laughing so giddy as he had been. Raph throwing out threats and swears as he was running after Mikey it looked stupid with him running back and further just barely catching up t them. Leonardo was near by watching them being stupid as they could, and that was only annoying Raphael even more. Being made too look like some fool because of the youngest of them. "Fuck you Mikey I'm too old to be acttin' 'ike this anymore."
Mikey slowed down beside him ready to argue that point or make the old statement more annoying to his brother he hadn't picked just yet when he went to open his mouth ready to let which ever choice just happen, when everyone paused at the sight of Donatello.
"Oh good, you're both home,"
Mikey forgetting he was in the middle of annoying Raph can't help but smile back when seeing Donatello's big wide beaming smile just now. Kicking the back of his board so he could hold it under his arm. "yeah just making sure Raphie here ain't trying to pull more Nightwatcher when no ones watching him." he teased ducking away when Raph decided being mature was over rated for a chance to hit Mikey.
"I have a new project I want to show you guys."
Both the orange and red banded turtle shared a confused expression when Donatello help out a photo to show this 'project' he was talking about. Raphael turned to look at Mikey as if they were going to be able to clue him into anything. Mikey Offered a shrug of his shoulders at first glance they couldn't tell what the image of the polaroid was meant to be off. it was all just grey and black maybe some sort of this being shown but even Mikey could make sense of the randomness. Well seemingly random. So the pair turn towards Leo but he didn't seem to know as he joined the group.
"Well, I say 'I have', it's actually something Yvonne and I are working on,"
"So you an' Von are off bein' nerds 'bout what exactly?" Raph asks wishing they just tell them what was up instead.
"Biomaterials, we're estimated everything will be ready between thirty seven to forty two weeks max, and we're already six weeks in; that's how we were able to get this photo."
Silence fell between them all a few blinks between them all as they each tried to figure out any of those words that Donnie let out just now. They didn't even need to share a look this time before Raph opened his beak again to speak up.
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"Biomaterial? Donnie drop the geek speak and fuckn' use English here will ya!"
Don's response was to hand the photo over, Raph took it with out much argument and pulled it over his way as Mikey leaned in over on shoulder trying to take a peak at what Donnie and Yvoone had been making. Raph noticed something though, tugging the photo up to his eye. He never seen this sort of photo before. But he swears there's something there? That was a head right? and what might be arms and some legs? something living? Wait was this ? He turns to Leo they seemed ti figure it out to about the same time Mikey giving a delight squeal beside him a moment later.
"We're thinking Ariel for if they're a girl, Eric if they're a boy,"
"Seriously! At first I thought it was some alien freak" Mikey started off with finally having the verbal confirmation and well to be fair the ultrasound was kind of weird looking after all. "Like no one else was talking yet so I was all dang are Von and Donnie just finding aliens now? I mean possible I guess but you made it sound like ya made something so then I though oh they are making aliens. But I couldn't figure out why? But instead ya guys made a baby!" He rambled on a moment there.
Raph doing the honors of hitting Mikey ti get him to shut up so Donatello could speak once again.
"So, what do you guys think about being Uncles?"
Despite them all finally clueing in there it kindnof didnt hit that this meant they were uncles. Thier family was growing. Mikey and Raph wasted no time running right Donnie arms thrown out to snag him into a group hug, clearing him over and landing together in a pile to the floor. They couldn't help the excitement that went through them all just now.
"This is amazing! I can't believe it! I always knew you would make for a great Dad Dee and now you are gonna be a great dad to little Eric or Ariel!" Mikey exclaimed first having not gotten hurt himself so his excitement didn't come to any end.
Raphael meanwhile managed to work an around around Donnie, trapping him in a slight headlock as knuckles grind in against the top of his head laughing slightly. "Can't believe you guys been keepin' 'his from us!" Raph remarks clearly happy for them though, just not as vocal compared to Mikey for that excitement. Letting go of Donnie once he felt he had enough and first to move to sit up as he grabs at Mikey so he could pull them off right after. So the Dad to be could finally get some air himself. Raph holding up the photo ones more as he slightly held it for Donnie too.
"Look at that Don you made that." Raph stated because well it was something to truly marvel over. This little blob of a thing was going to become Donnie's kid their family was going to grow by one more. After everything fell apart they were still working on building it back putting the pieces together once again. It was nice to see Donnie smiling as wide and bright as he told them he was going to be a dad.
"oh oh we gotta start getting you baby things" Mikey jumped to his feet now. Grabbing at Leo and tugging him as he made way to leave the Lair. "Were gonna be their favorites cause your too slow Raph!" Mikey yelled over his shoulder heading off.
Raph just sat on the ground and groaned a little letting his own eyes drop to the picture him self. Actually he had a better idea for them. Why dig through the trash? His niece or nephew should have something new made by hand even.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
 Mikey: “Hey, this is going to sound pretty dumb but... Are you sure Casey is human?”
Donatello: “...I was until you asked me that. What brought this on?”
Mikey: “Let’s just say I saw something I shouldn’t have, and it’s messing with me a little...”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
⏰ - 2k3 Mikey Don
| Peek into my muses' memories ! Slip a ⏰to see a memory or a part of my muses' past.
Mikey peered over the couch a little pushing up on to his tip toes as he gripped onto the the top of the couch shifting his arms up to hang on to it as he slowly worked to get up from the ground and hang over the couch where Donnie was sitting holding their mermaid doll close to them eyes glued to the tv. When training was over Splinter let them sort of goof around for the rest of the day free to play or watch tv even. And of course Donatello was watching The Little mermaid. For what the gazillionth time. Mikey let his legs kick a little from behind the couch as he shifted attention to watch as well. He liked all the movies Splinter got for them so he didn't mind much beside Donnie had the tv for now and if Mikey was a good brother maybe they let him have it next.
The red headed girl had just gotten in the carriage with the prince meaning Donnie would be singing kiss the girl soon. That song was ew kind of lame. Mikey missed the song at the start that was bouncy and fun when they find out she wasn't at the concert. Oh well he did get a giggle out of the seagull trying to sing anyway. Mikey was happily watching the character explore the town when the smallest hint of red caught his eye.
"hmm"Mikey hummed a little to himself as he adjusted his hold on the couch a bit to shift and turn leaning over to look off the side. Turning to the right to look he spotted Raphael. Pressing his shell up against the couch as he was slowly peeking around the side looking at Donnie too. Well that's weird? Raph wasn't a fan of this movie he always said it was lame and boring well any with princesses he kind of said that for. Especially The Little Mermaid though. So what was he going? clearly not coming to join to watch like Mikey himself had done? Also why was he wearing his mask around his forehead instead right now?
Mikey kept watch as Raph crept around and popped up from the side Donnie was so transfixed on his movie he didn't seem to notice Raph let alone Mikey even, were hovering around them like this. Mikey watching as Raph slowly started to reach over towards Don. Mikey looking down as he leaned over a bit wondering what they were trying so hard to take at first he thought the remote. Till Raph's hand grasped on to the mermaid doll that never seemed to leave Donnie's arms. A sudden jerk freed it from Donnie and brought it to Raph as they pulled the doll in close to their plastron. Chuckling that annoying laugh of thiers as they jumped back just as Donatello seemed to finally become aware of the world around him. Arms reaching out whining right away for Raph to give her back. Only for Raph to stand like his won something hand on his hip sticking out his tounge to Donatello.
"Captian Raph has claimed 'nother mermaid!" Raph boasted.
Mikey looked down to watch Donatello pout his beak and huff. And slowly slinked back when he could hear that clear sound of teeth clicking against each other. Mikey was staying out of biting range. When suddenly an idea clicked in his head. "Oh!"
Dropping down from the back of the couch and making a run to his bedroom. He grab at his favorite blanket and threw it over his shell. Dropping the gabic over his shoulders and shell. Moving to tie it around his neck. Superheros wore capes after all. He grabbed at a pair of yellow rubber gloves he found and grabbed the cardboard sheild Leo helped him make. Suited up now, Mikey ran back out of his room as quickly as little feet could take him.
"Never fear turtle titan is here!" He yelled happily.
Coming out to find Donatello trying to reclaim his doll from Raph now stood on top of the couch doing all he could to keep it out from his reach. Happily Taunting Donnie as he did, Donatello clearly reaching his melting point. Time for a hero! Mikey decided as he made a run for the cough. But the blanket around him pooled around his feet when he stopped to take in what was going on at the time. Tangling around his ankles, as Mikey found him self going from a run to rolling forward. Slamming hard to the back of the couch.
Mikey found himself lying up against the back feet hanging over his head. And soon saw another turtle fall infront of him. Raph landed with a thud and stayed still as he just groaned quietly. Donatello's mermaid doll soon landed on Mikey's face. "Ow." They let out reaching up to grab the doll and slightly fall over to hus side. So he could move on to his knees. Keeping her close in case Raph got back up. Moving to sit up as he rub his face. Raph didn't seem to be too hurt they were rubbing at thiee head at least but clearly weren't going to get up yet. So Mikey pushed up to his feet and walked over to Don holding the doll out to him.
"Uh like I said turtle titan to the rescue Don!"
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Michelangelo, why did you leave your brothers for the Foot Clan? What would possess you to hurt them like that?
| Anon asks @aflockoffeathers
For someone who loved to be around other so much, Michelangelo had to admit he never saw how nice some quite and along time seemed to be a nice benefit as well. Closely looking over one of his plants leave's where some where starting to brown he quirked his beak a little and gentle set the Pruning Scissors over to the stem. So he could cut it off letting the leaf fall down as he went to cut the next. Humming softly to himself. He had to admit though this green house still could be far too quite for his own liking as he went about his care, giving this flower just a tad more extra care than he did any of the rest. One of few gifted to him from Ariel. Currently he was tending too the Lily of the valley she got for him. He was curious where she got her hands on the flowers. Not to mentions he was curious for the reason on the flowers she did bring to him. Sure it was a gift for Mikey a way to say sorry.
Not that Michelangelo felt she had a reason to be sorry for a thing that happened. Mikey had been a bit of an unaware idiot. How could he not have thought what he did would effect those around him?
No these flowers must hold a meaning she was Donatello's and Yvonne's kid after all. There was always just a bit more behind what they did. Mikey always knew that half pipe back in the lair was more than a spur of the moment gift. He always knew Von offered to partake in nail painting and giving make over in favor of answering question about being a mutant or well mostly Donatello for a reason as well. Ariel was very much like the two of them, there was just a hidden layer to their actions. Don didn't just make it cause he had the spare stuff laying around. Don would have found use for the stuff, he did it for Mikey when he was feeling down about his self worth. A way to show how much he meant to the team and more his family. Von could just ask about Don. Mikey likes giving the dirt on his brothers always has, so he figured she picked up on his struggle at the time.
it's why He looked at what the flowers gifted to him meant. Smiling as he got the last leaf cut off. He just wanted them to get a tad bit of extra set of care. Though he loved the flowers and they were a great addition to his little green house, it did carry quite whispers from the back of his mind. Why she got so upset with him. Why her emotions got the better of her. Why he has never once blamed her for how she acted or even felt at the time. If anything she was the only one to treat him in away he should for what he did.
Michelangelo, why did you leave your brothers for the Foot Clan? What would possess you to hurt them like that?
When didn't he think about this, how many times did he wait and expect one of them to say it. Left in the back of his mind to be haunted by. setting his scissors down as he resting his hands down to the surface of table he kept the potted flowers. Not quite ready to transfer them out.
"I felt so sure of myself at the time." he admits to the voice, aware the words were not just his thoughts airing out. But one of those grey faced being speaking them into exsitance. "They were all going places, doing things, starting news lives. And I felt stuck." He admits, eyes closing shut feeling himself back in that same place he was in years ago.
"I didn't...want to be left behind. I don't want be all by myself." He confesses. "Karia she was so convincing when she talked to me. Said how useful I would be. We weren't fighting them so I thought it would be fine I even made friends among them." They weren't really his friend in the end, though were they. "But the worst thing? None of them hate me for it and they should. Eve Splinter."
Setting his hands over his face rubbing the heel of his plam against his eyes. "They shouldn't have forgave me they shouldn't have let me back home. I betrayed them but they act like I didn't? Not one of them yelled or got angry for what I did. But I know I caused harm and worse they won't tell?" Mikey wasn't stupid he knew. He was so aware. He might not know the details but knowing excatly how Donatello reacted over what he did?
"Dosent matter why I did it." Because how could he ever properly express the why. It would be like he was trying to defend what he did. How can one defend such a action. Face lifting to look at the flowers before him. He loves them he dose. He knows why they were gifted and the intention. But it wasn't why he cared for them as he did.
They severed as reminders.
Remember what he did, the harm he caused. To those so close to him. That he knows he couldn't go on with if they were all suddenly gone.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
03/07 Michelangelo - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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MIKEY!!!! I love Mikey ;3; he's such a good character. I lowkey nah no what I Highkey absolutely hate how much fandom can or rather will initialized Mikey. Or reduce him to the comic relief of the group. Mikey is such a good character. Yeah Mikey is funny, witty and even annoying but he is very empathic. He very often is the only one who can understand where one of his brothers is coming from such as being the most aware of the burdens Leo carries that well they sort of put on him. Unlike in 2012, Leo is an unofficial leader. Mikey knows because Leo dose take to that role placed on him though it give the rest of them freedom Leo can't really have. His skill often get over looked despite the fact Mikey is actually the most athletic of his brothers he just lacks focus it's often shown and stated if he did? He would be quite the force to deal with in a fight.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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Mikey is for sure the more creative one of his brothers and he dose show he thinks differently than any of them do often his plans come as a surprise to the rest because of this. Of course this creative trait is due to Mikey being a free spirit and artistic to a point. Mostly his hand writing is hard to read often you can at best only make out the first letting of ever word he wrote because his brain actually thinks faster than he can react at times. When he sits and focus on writing of course he wants to make it out to look fun and pretty uwu
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"Man I've been to all sorts of places, buuuuuuut clearly it's how i traveled to the top and became the battle Nexus champion!"
Mikey travels a lot but it is not by choice believe you and me. But because of a lot of things him and his brothers happened to find themselves suddenly apart of a lot of weird things. I mean hes gone to the future and other worlds but I mean furthest? has to space right?
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"Ehhh I mean its nice I guess buuuut I rather be home with the ultimate tv view experience."
Yeah Mikey is for sure a home body this is a turtle that took to the modern convince of technology and has the hardest time dealing without it. It's not he dislikes the outdoors he can take to it pretty well when he has too of course and that's the wording that should be focus on here. Mikey really likes watching tv after all and tends to find anyway todo so even skipping on training to peep in on someones else tv. But He doesn't dislike nature he loves animals and plants in fact. Luckily he was born with a green thumb even.
Mikey kind of likes that something is reliant on him and that he can make something from his own hands. Helping a plant thrive because of his care is sort of rewarding. Considering Mikey is often always being made to feel like he always the one depending on others which he dose but hardly dose his brothers seem to see him as able to do the same back. So he sort of gets that from his interest in plants.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"hmm first memory? uhh I guess when I got the first comic book that got me hooked? It was an issue of Spider-Man and boy was it a fun read!" Mikey was up on the surface on Halloween, it's been said that Splinter always took the boys up on the day since they could walk around without fear or worry at the time. They stuck to a more small rural area just to be cautious still. In this neighborhood there was a lot of smaller shops so as a community they ran a sort of trick-o-treat event where kids got their candy and such from the store owners. A cookbook show was on this block and often they gave out free comic books and this is how Mikey got a lot of his comic collection started. The first he got was of course a Spider-Man Comic. A wise cracking hero? Who often distracts his villains with his smart ass mouth? Yeah someone just may have been a tad influenced.
Mikey fell in love with comic books after this he loved the stories and the plots. He wanted to be a super hero so bad. Because in the comics the humans loved heros no matter what. From humans dressed in spandex, to Aliens that took home on earth hell even mutants or meta-humans were loved by humans. So why can't that be the same for him and his family?
Of course Mikey knows being a hero comes with being selfish too and in part keeping to the shadows is something him and his family may have to do forever with no single thanks given hell even acknowledgement. Sure maybe being a hero should drive from helping but sometimes Mikey can be self severing doesn't mean he also doesn't see he has the ability to help. He often swallow his fears to step up or gets involved when he really doesn't have to. Common traits from his favorite heros.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Uh hello? Pizza?" Of course it is Pizza Mikeys favorite food to him Pizza is the best human food to ever come to be because of what all you can do with Pizaa. You don't even need to stick to marinara sauce for the base like in the case of BBQ or Chicken Alfredo Pizzas. Mikey of course like the different styles thick crust, thin crust, even stuffed. Mikey being a true Pizza lover has also tried out from Chicago style to Colorado style but of course New York style is his go to favorite. He is a new yorker through and through and they are known for having good pizza.
Mikey even likes to push the limit on what toppings he eat on a pizza and often? nothings to far out there for Mikey this boy should be on fear factor honestly.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"hmm I like all kinds of music really? Rap, Techno, Surf, Jimmy Buffett."
As is Mikey he is flexible on many things even when it comes to his taste in music this applies to. Mikey just likes music with energy is what it comes down to in the end. Sure Rock music is one that could fit but it's not quite the sound he is looking for he wants a more bouncy sound when he listens to music.
Mikey may be a new yorker but likes be honest this boy would thrive of Cali's vibes and just oozes the setro type of a California person. From how he talks and carries himself not to mention his Cali accent is hard to miss. Surf just ties into all of this Mikey if he could would love to surf! is why he loves to skateboard so much and loves the half pipe Donnie made just for him. He wants so badly to catch the waves! Sometimes when he's skating in the Sewer tunnels and theirs some water on the ground he likes to imagine hes out on the ocean.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"live in the past? Why do that and why worry about whats to look forward too? Nah all about the now and current vibes" This might sound like good advice but in truth Mikey actively tries to avoid the past and all the mistakes that follow. So you can say there is a lot he wants to forget he likes to cherry pick in a sense one could say. Winning the Battle Nexus? Of course he remembers that and hangs on to even seeing it as the real only achievement he has ever been able to make happen which has been an issue seeing as he rode the high of the win for a long time even to a point Splinter saw an issue with Mikey's egos due to the win.
Mikey also isn't the best about thinking about looking ahead it fills him with anxiety in truth because he just doesn't know. It's like he is being surround by mountains of work and all he can do is focus at those peaks and how high they reach. He has no clue where to start because its just all to much.
Going where he is now? it's easier he can sort of tell whats going to happen. Him and brothers will wake for breakfast. Hell annoy Raph as they make their way to the kitchen where Leo is likely already at. Don will follow soon lured by the smell of coffee that Raph got ready for them. Mikey will start on breakfast and then They will head to the dojo and train once clean up is over. Don will go back to his lab to work, Leo may do some one on one work with Splinter, Raph might stay home or sneak away up top. Maybe its junkyard day and they head out to look for stuff. It may be friday so Mikey will call up April and such to see who wants to join movie night. some things change here and there but over all it's the same and he take comfort in all of this.
Even when things changes routines are still there, Don and Raph move out and have kids but they come by and Mikey gets to play the babies. The whole family still gets together here and there it just easier to live in his current point. It often why his mistakes can catch up to him like his mistake of joining the foot clan. Donnie asked him about his future and it set him off. He struggles with who he is and what use he even has with his family looking to the past is littered with mistakes but to the future is uncertain and open ended answers.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Gotta get those z's every now and then, early to sleep early to rise or stay up late to get more time." Mikey is someone who goes to bed at a somewhat decent time it just kind of depends. he always likes to settle down with a movie or comic and tends to pass out when his eyes have tried out this isn't always the same time every night. Sometimes hes out early sometimes hes out late. He doesn't have much trouble sleeping unless there's a lot of noise like the times he had to share a room with Raph who snores loud. But to everyone one annoyance I feel no matter how tried Mikey is? He don't have an off switch he can always seem to just get a second wind and be well Mikey.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"I love it! well I mean I like street art at least and painting my skateboards, so i got a few for that reason."
Mikey loves art but he's not versed in it's history type of art lovers. So he doesn't know the classics he knows him and his brothers were named after artist but he doesn't known much about them just that they were old artist guys in the past but will make reference to his name sake at times. Art isn't a big thing for him he's always colored with crayons as a kid and ate them of course. Like to give some character to things such as the decks of his boards and he has tried his hand at nail art. Something that improves over time if he has the right supplies that is of course.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Course I use it, how I find out about comic releases and catch up on story lines."
Mikey was able to see the start of alot of more know Socials today. He had an account on friendster mostly for the games later on till it shut down. He had a myspace and loved to customize his profile with all sorts of widgets.Hasn't touched it in years! He went on to forums mostly and 4chan of course for comics so he could track down issues he was search for and there was always someone online who could offer help on how to get it. He's part of a few online friend circles from comics books to people who have seen glimpses of the turtles and talk about it online, he thinks it's funny and sometimes messes with them. He'll see them pick up common locations they spot them and will go there to just give them more to share. It's a harmless prank on his end and something he keeps to himself he don't need his brothers ruin his fun after all.
Mikey also has a twitter account mostly for comic related stuff but he likes to post pictures of the weird stuff in New York most people know weird creatures come around in the city since the Tricerton Invasion so it's harmless.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I love meeting new people! Those other turtle can be tots annoying sometimes ya know? Gotta shake it up."
Mikey is very social if he dosen't vibe with someone right off the bat there usually a good reason even monstrous creatures like Leatherhead or Quarry where Mikey understandable was scared of them when first meeting them. Was able to see the good in Leatherhead and try to befriend him and soon saw Quarry wasn't like the other mutants if annoyed by how much of a scardy cat they could be ironic considering himself. Or like with April where he was first to openly speak to her with out any hesitation. Mikeys pretty good about befriending anyone really shown when it comes to the superhero charaters in the show. Mikey was able to Befriend Sliver Sentry with ease even with them feeling he was getting in the way and even the more aloof Nobody. His friendly welcoming nature just seems to be a natural draw for a lot of people no mater the species.
Dosen't mean he gets along with everyone he meets but he can at least up to points stand some people a be a bit more tolerable. Takes a special someone to be annoying to mikey *cough* Casey *cough*
Mikey is just very very social and he craves interaction because of it. Which can get annoying for his older brothers who are all more independent and such. Mikey will often just go into a room with one of them and linger about of course not quietly he just needs to be around someone is all. Like when hell go into Don's lab and rant on about something stupid in his comics he knows they aren't listening or care much he just likes that Don will let him do it. He loves spending time with his brothers the most, so those Friday night movies are always his favorite.
When it comes to talking Mikeys prefers it be face to face. Likely due to him having a lot of empathy for others it just easier for him to gauge the other person's feelings. Written or text is hard for him to convey a tone from. Hearing their voice, seeing their face? He just feels the best way to communicate is face to face. This is also why he is willing to step back from Ariel when she got upset with him and wait for her to come to him. He wouldn't have that talk any other way with her. It's why he and Summer never had this blow up her Dad's made sure to make her feel she can express her thoughts after all and in a way she has taken one some traits from Mikey because of this. So they had their own talk she knows Mikey regrets what he did and knows how torn up over it he is as well. It why he dose the same with each of his brothers when serious things come up those one on one talks are just too important.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"uhhh I mean whatever Splinter teaches me I guess?"
And yet Mikey isn't even the worse of Splinters students. Mikey is for sure that kid who learns in a different way than most. He has the most raw talent out of his brothers and he knows the same things they do like Chi Gong breathing techniques when they went to space. But as show during the Ninja tribunal season Mikey is a active learner being told how to do something or reading it doesn't work he man retain the information like when he and Splinter were dealing with mr.touch and mr. Go he showed he could in fact use his mind when it came to a fight and come up with some good plans. He just has to apply it in ways he can understand.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"I love animals I don't know what I do with out Klunk and Klunk jr."
Mikey is a lover of cute animals one could say like cats and Chickens of course like Sonny and Cher ;3; Mikey is also a sucker for his pet cat Klunk who is for sure Mikey's furbaby. Klunk knows hes got a nice gig in the lair so never strays far from them and for sure has kept other rats away from getting into the lair since they got a cat around. He often lets his brothers pet him or sets him on thier laps because he knows animals are good for mental health. Which is why he is so attached Klunk became her emotional support animal after some time. And im sure as you can tell by a mention in his comment there is a second Klunk in his life.
Sadly even with the life of luxray Klunk lived with the turtle Klunk wasn't going to live forever. Based on color alone I would say Klunk is and orange Tabby and they can live for 20 years at the latest. Most only 10 to 16 years. Roughly well say it was 2004 when Mikey found Klunk whoe was just a kitten at the time so Klunk could live and be around a god long while. And as BTTS showed Klunk was still around then. But not in the 07 movie and based on how I sor tof timeline things here 03 -> 07 -> FF/BBTS (?) this would in a way make a gap with out a cat and just hit harder on Mikey being lonely. But Klunk was a alley cat in a sense and was free to roam as they got bigger. Met female cat and Im sure you can see where I leading to. Mikey soon finds a cat that looks just like Klunk and take them in as Klunk jr.
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"I mean I love getting them that for sure."
I feel Mikey is pretty decent at giving gifts hell recall something someone said they liked before and come across something similar like say April mentioned as a kid she loved a certain character and Mikey happens across something of that old character so he brings it to her. It was a passing comment but he tends to hang on to that information.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"I love them really all there is to say on that, I know my brothers and I fight. I know they fight. I know we make mistakes but...I also know we always have each other and always will have each other." Mikey is the baby of his family through and through and sometimes it can be annoying since his brothers often look at him as younger. Sure over time they learn to see him on their own level. and even seems to earn their respect. Mikey dose look up to all of his brothers in different ways and for different reasons and in a way he sort of idolizes them.
Don kind of Spoils Mikey because he dose give into thier whims a lot and its kind of made Mikey feel Don can fix anything from whatever tech issue is going on to other problems as well like when Mikey is feeling Don it's Donnie he goes to. Mikey needs interaction so bad or he gets kind of down and Donnie is the less likely to be annoyed with him so he fixes Mikey in a sense.
Raph and Mikey can have a sort of love hate relationship. Mikey being the annoying little brother and Raph the disgruntle older one. Mikey dose know Raph cares about him and knows he will protect him and look out for him. Raph can mess with Mikey but anyone else tries? They are dead.
Leo Ive said it alot here but Leo is who Mikey is closest to. Leo is often the only one who dose have faith in Mikey's abilities and acknowledges his talents but often has to be stern and tell mikey to focus. Mikey loves heros and to him Leo is his own personal hero for those reasons alone and it's why he listens to Leo not to mention why he is so close to them.
Splinter He is dad and Mikey is good about listening to his Dad sometimes. Mikey dose sometimes feel he isn't always measuring up well compared to his brothers and must be failing his dad. But he feels close enough to express these worries to Splinter they have a very good relationship and Mikey spends hours talking to Splinter. They often crack jokes together honestly they might be an awful combo because of Splinters savage ways.
Casey is the one person in the world that can actually annoy Mikey and that is a thing to say XD However Mikey dose see Casey as another big brother of his sometimes his favorite outside Leo. Cause Casey will often listen to Mikey's complaints seriously unlike his brothers will. If he whines about not being able to find a comic Casey suggests a place that may just have it and offer to take him. Casey also tends to play along with Mikey's antics at times very much how an adult will be wowed by a younger kids statements to match their energy. But Casey pretty much a big kid himself it's why he can match Mikeys energy it seems. its why he trs to be there for Casey during the break up.
Yvonne is someone you might think wouldn't get along to well with mikey due to her serious nature but she is Mikeys gal pal. They like to trash talk over whine and watch chick flicks. They have girls night along with April and later the girls when they are teens. Von is also kind of the branch that helped Mikey more embrace his feminine side shes kind of like a safety net in a sense. Because she has a habit of needing to use example and such it helps mikey see that him feeling like he genderfuild is not werid and dosen't make him different its just another thing that make him Mikey. He was one of two who really wanted him to get together with Don but because it meant she would be his sister.
Summer/Ariel- Ill drive more into stuff on Summers answers but over all Mikey loves his nieces and used to take part in kidnapping them both when they were babies. Often the last option as babysitter but it was more like playdates. he might be thier uncle/aunt/auncle but it follows more th logic of im the older kid between them. Mikey always had very good friendships with the both of them. He's sort of like this break from adults because like what Casey did for him i feel he dose for his nieces offers them someone they can talk to in a way they can't other adults. It why he was shocked by Ariels turn on him he just felt everything was fine because as stated Mikey is someone who needs to talk to know whats going on but Ariel is too much like her own parents and it didn't help that everyone seemed to just mov eon from everything. So when she snapped at him sudeenly of course it hurt him a lot. He didn't know how much what he did would effect her nor was he ware how it affected Don. He loves her and of course wanted to fix it but because he loves her he gave her the space she seemed to need at the time. Dose make him wonder if they were as close as he thought they always were.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
2k3/7 Mikey Don - #
| Send me ‘#’for cell phone headcanons about out muses including:
*if any information has changed over time I'll make mention of it.
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   “Oh boy fine fine let’s just get this over with think it’s my last one at least?”
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
‘Donnie Boy’
“Mostly me just me making a play on the term Sonny boy since we tend to use nicknames over our full names though but well I guess there is some double meaning on my end on why I pick that for my purple brother. who just also happens to be secretly talented and just happens to be a person who makes our lives brighter. SO yeah Donny boy fit’s him even if Don’s stupid and doesn’t seem to see that all the time.”
   - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
03 [image description]: Don sitting on the couch watching what else? One of the little mermaid movies, there’s some snacks on the coffee table in front of them the photo taken from behind the couch when Mikey leaned over the back of the couch arm thrown over their shoulder so he could tug Don in closer so their is a bit of Mikey in frame as well. Taken as ‘proof’ that Donatello can in fact relax and not die.
“I don’t care much for the little mermaid movie myself but I maybe seen them more than some of my own favorites, Don need’s to learn to relax and if that means marathoning the little mermaid movies with him I don’t mind BUT I am gonna tease him when ever Von is around and reference it a lot. Hey I’m the little bro it’s my job.”
07 [image description]: Don holding baby Ariel a few day’s after she was born you can see nothing but how the purple banded turtle seems to be glowing with both but pride and love for the little creature in his arms.
“Don’s invented and created so many amazing things over all the years but I think Ari is his greatest one, besides I know better than anyone just much Do always waited and long for that exact moment. I always knew deep down he make a good Dad, Gus’s I ain’t as dumb as the others try to say I am.”
  - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
Brother Mine by Suzanne Vega
Now I know that you're just my little brother
And I don't expect you to get everything just right
But I think you ought to use a little more sense than what you're using
And maybe then things would be all right,
Yes, and maybe then thing would be all right.
“I guess mine may be backwards butI dunno I hear this song and I can’t help but think about my brother when it comes to me? I know Don just worries about me at best heck he worries about all of us if anything. But I know he has the most at ice with me at times and well” he trails off growing a tad bashful not having the words to explain more “Oh but yeah this is why I made his name Donny boy connects in the end!”
  - my muse’s last text to your muse
03 [text] Imagined attached from one of Mikey’s comics a large mech robot
[text] Oka BUUT I bet you coul so make something like this don! Look at all cool stuff we have seen and y have made so far? I’ll even go scrap hunting for you! Think about it now on can get hurt well inside a A GAINT ROBOT!
07 [text] I made the coffee for you, got some time before work feel free to come out bro!
[text] I brought some left over pizza if ya hungry!
[text] You’ll never guess what I found today! It’s some of the little mermaid show! We could watch it together if you like?
[text] I know Raph’s a jerk but come on Don I need you too (message not sent)
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[03 Raph/Mikey and Don]
It was clear they were all tired, all for various reasons. For Don, he had been up nearly five days now, working on some project he refused to open his beak about until done. With bags under his eyes, clearly exhausted, he just about manages a grumble as he drags himself into the kitchen and straight to his beloved coffee pot.
It was all a pretty average morning, until Don knocked over his mug of coffee. Thankfully nothing broke, nor did any of the still steaming liquid get on him, but it was still enough for him to give a loud, tired sigh as he stared at the mess he now had to deal with. After a moment, he can be heard huffing tiredly,
“I’m joining the Foot Clan.”
Well, it was about time he started his villain arc.
| Muse interaction
Mikey was letting his head rest on the top of the kitchen table. even mister rise and shine was letting tiredness effect him. As he slightly mumble out over to Raphael and Leo, Mikey wasn't all to sure what he was saying himself he knew when Raph didn't smack the side of his head though was a clear sign the red banded turtle was just as tried himself. They all been wrapped up in their own things dragging out for days and leaving them as nothing more then shells of themselves. Mikey slowly turned his head so chin was resting to the table instead, he should maybe move to get up eventually and at least make them like eggs or something. Eggs were easy. Looking over towards his brothers all mulling about in the kitchen themselves. Could tell Mikey wasn't the only one yearning for bed. Only reason they were all forcing to be up was because they had a father who insisted on a routine to keep too. Morning training, and evening training. Outside those they were partly free to do as they wished. Both good and bad depending how they all took advantage of this fact.
Leo, ever discipline student he was. Did extra training especially when he felt he wasn't getting something right. Been up for five days trying to figure out one of the newest katras Sensie was teaching them lately. Raph? nah he just been out busy every night with Casey something about some Purple Dragon string of crimes going on lately, guess they got one to squeal and fess up so they be putting a stop to a lot of their work. It show with how slow he was moving in training lately. Don been coop up in his lab working away on some new project. Meaning he was skipping sleep to make up for the time lost on needing to eat, and train. Mikey? He would love to say his time getting to help with the justice force was why he was tried going in under the guise of his hero identity 'The Turtle Titan' but nah he was able to get his hands on a brand new game thanks to Casey. And been playing it late hours into the night. It was all he could think about. Which got him into some hot water with Sensei since his focus wasn't one training in the slightest.
Mikey finally moves to sit up when he see Don dragging himself in at last, grumbling under their breath about their project they had yet to really tell any of them about. Meant it was something cool normally. Donnie always saved the cool stuff as top secret after all.
"Up for scrambled?" Mikey soon pipes up with, taking the groans as a fine. Yawn escaped him as he moved to stand up and make his way over to the fridge now.
Splinter would be shuffling in soon, so Mikey already started making a mental note of how many eggs he would need. Don was already starting on his coffee, so that just meant he would get extra than normal so his stomach more full. Leo would need a bit lighter severing or he might feel too full and sick during morning training. Raph always ate bigger serverings but with all the extra calories he's been burning? Yeah Mikey was gonna need about a dozen and half eggs for breakfast. Mikey thought to himself.
Mikey wasn't all too phased by the sound ignoring it. They were all pretty good about being able to notice any kind of sound thanks to their unique hearing. Paying a glance towards Raph, who didn't react, so he figured it was fine. He just gestures to them to give him a pan. Raph just eyes him confused, growling when all Mikey dose is contuine to mime out, moving a pan across the stove. Raphael growled slightly, arms thrown out from their folded hold in front of.
"What the fuck are ya sayin' ya got a mouth for a reason!" Raphael snapped with finally, extra angry when running on little to no sleep.
"A frying pain stupid!"
" 'han fuckin' say hand me the fryin' pan!"
"I'm tried! I figured ya smart enough to know what a frying pan is!"
"Hiw is that a fryin-"
“I’m joining the Foot Clan.”
Mikey and Raphael never shut their beaks quite as fast as they did in that moment of Donatello making his statement. Attetions left thier fight as they turned to look at Donatello.
"Jeez, I know Raph an Ass Don, but you ain't gotta leave we get rid of him instead."
Raphael glared at Mikey before looking back to where Don was at as he moved to stand beside Don ready to see what was going on only to pause suddenly. Michaelangelo watched Raphael shake his head and rubs his hand over his face.
"For fuck sake Don it's just coffee" Raphael threw out once he was the small bit of coffee on the counter "ya jus' a fuckin' drama queen I swear." Turning on his heels to give and grab the pan for Mikey finally.
"Think Don needs more eggs he's getting outta hand again," Mikey tosses in, taking the pan from Raph once he comes over.
"Jeez, ya know I told Casey how Don's the dramtic one he didn't buy it swore it was you."
Mikey soon laughed over that he wasn't offened cause yeah he could see why but "me? The dramtic one? Not long as Donnies around he would been great for Broadway with how he can get." Mikey idly states as Raph chuckles a bit. Fight long forgotten since they make fun of Donatello now instead.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[2k3 Mikey or Raph - or both they’re both obnoxious xD]
It’s always said that Raph was the red Turtle of the family, but it seems like Donatello may be taking that title soon. His face was stained with a scarlet blush, while darker red smudges of lipstick decorated his beak and the sides of his neck. One would think he’d have the brain power to wash it off, considering he owned the brain cells of the family, and yet, there he was, strolling out of his bedroom and into the kitchen without a care in the World. Maybe he didn’t care, maybe he hadn’t noticed, or maybe he was too dumb and lost walking on cloud nine to realise other people had eyes and could see him,
“Good morning,” he greeted his brothers, heading straight to the coffee pot, “Sorry I missed last nights training, I was busy.”
Very busy from the looks of it.
Shell to the countertop, he looked at his brothers, simply waiting a moment. It took a good second for him to really acknowledge the look he was getting,
“Is there something on my face…?”
| Muse interaction
Raphael, felt like his bones and muscles were aching all over yet he still made his way to the bathroom, so he could splash water on to his face. Letting it run cold for the shock to help wake him up. Mikey soon stumbled in a few seconds after Raph dramatically groaning as he dragged his feet no that he had an audience to display his current state towards. Raph just gruffed when Mikey made his way to the sink, Raph shuffling over as he watched the youngest turtle fill the sink up with water, as he went about moving his hand band off from his shoulder where it was resting and move to set it in place over his face. oddly curious as Mikey took hold of either side of the sink before he shoved his own face into the sink of icy water. Mikey's body filched and jolted suddenly as he threw his head back and breathed out heavily. Leaving Raphael to just stare at the youngest of them all and question pretty much everything about them in that same second.
"idiot." is all he finally says shaking his head as he moves to head out towards the kitchen now.
Mikey bounding on his heels, moving his own mask to cover over his eyes now, smiling bright as if he hadn't just shoved his head in the sink. Jogging to keep pace beside Raphael already buzzing with chatter. It was sometime amazing how much one turtle could talk in a single breath. Raphael thought over as he made his way to the kitchen, rubbing at the side of his head he had no idea where all of Mikey's energy just came from but jeez even after the late night training they went through guy was just as wired as ever. Leo was already in the kitchen it seemed himself.
"fuckin' early risers." Is all he grumbles under his breath as he slightly still listening to Mikey slightly switching to telling Leo morning before going back to what ever he was rambling on to Raph again.
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Jeez how do they do it, they went through the same long night training. Raphael's eye felt so heavy, part of him debated just going back to bed for another good couple of hours. Then again Mikey and Leo always seemed up and ready the second the day started. Leo just got a early start all the time meanwhile Mikey? just seemed to never have a off switch. Only Donnie seemed to share in being more of a night owl like Raph. He blinks a little at the thought of his twin suddenly, turning to look towards the coffee pot. Doesn't look like it been used at all? Pot was clean and there wasn't any water in the reservoir either? Lifting up where the ground went and he saw the lack of a filter in there..
"anyone see Don 'atey?" He asks over his shoulder, A bit of concern in his tone.
As they all took a moment to think about it themself Raph went and got the pot ready to go out of habit, thinking about the questions himself. When did he last seen Don yesterday? They pointed out he didn't show up to their training but figured he been in his lab the whole night. But if the coffee pot hadn't been touched once since the day before? Yeah they didn't need to check if he was in the lab per say. That was enough to know Don wasn't around. Which could be a bad thing, his ears must been burning however because he seemed to find his way into the kitchen at the right moment. All eyes on Don but not because of a collective relief.
“Good morning,”
Raphael felt a elbow against his side as he looked to Mikey who pointed to his own face then at Don's direction as he made his way in to the coffee pot and right next to Raph and Mikey asking for his doom with that move alone. How could Raphael not notice? all the clear and obvious red lip stained marks covering Don's face in the moment.
“Sorry I missed last nights training, I was busy.”
Oh Donatello really needed to watch what he said as Raph and Mikey shared a look between them at the just now. Mikey moved to take the space beside Don's left well Raph stayed where he was moving to fold his arms over his chest smirking with that very well known chuckle of his. Mikey Standing on the other side as they both leaned in a bit when Don turns around coffee mug filled and shell resting back to the counter. When he seems to take notice for once of anything going on. Left between Raph and Mikey clearly looking over the kiss mark coating his skin that Don seemed to not be aware was on his face in that moment
“Is there something on my face…?”
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"Ya dude jeez Raph I think Don's looking to steal your color from you."
Raph just hummed in thought over that remark "Ya know Mikey, might 'et have it, mean look at 'em." Raph states as he grabs and pinches Don's cheeks between his fingers. "Really stand out on him doncha agree?"
"oh very much so it just really brings out his eyes too" Mikey tosses in smiling at Donnie
"ya should really tell Von 'hanks Don, she found the 'ight color for you it seems." Raph teases finally letting go of of their cheek.
Mikey offering Donatello a spoon left in the sink to use as a mirror to let them see the kiss marks left painted all over his face still. "Might wanna wash ya face first thing in the morning too. I mean Aa lady ain't meant to kiss a tell Donnie."
"Well a lady might not" Raph starts with fixing Donnie with a firm smirk as he jabs a thumb at them "Donnie on the other hand? sure seems ready to broadcast 'hat kept 'em busy all 'ight." Followed by a well know 'wolf whistle' on Mikey's end, years spent watching those old cartoons paying off for this single moment alone.
"Oh no Donnie" hands to his face as he fakes shock their way " Donnie no not our sweet boy Raphie, it's too soon. Have you even had the talk with Sensei about that yet?"
It was going to be a long morning at Raph and Mikey continued on to tournament poor Donnie. Raphael suddenly wide awake now working at Don's expense as he was left to deal with their banter. Both grabbing on to one of his arms so he could just leave. Well even if he did break free they would follow him.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
87 Mikey Don - #
| send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:
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"Im starting to get tried of the phone games dude jeez" - what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
"I think it's a bit nicer than nerd like Raph put Don as, but I also gotta say yeah love you bro but you are what you are."
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
[ image description ] A picture taken of a picture of Donnie that Mikey drew over giving him large and wide glasses. Donnie clearly talking about one of his latest creations in said picture. A small speech bubble saying "well actually" next to it.
"Sometimes I get bored when Don talks," He offers a slight shurg of his shoulders.
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
Sussudio by Phil Collins
There's a girl that's been on my mind all the time, Sus-sussuido. oh-oh Now she don't even know my name But I think she likes me just the same "I changed it after Don decided to be the biggest idiot out the family" He smiles completely serious. "That bozo finally had what he wanted and what dose he do? pull of some stupid sitcom like stunt! What was he gonna if she stayed here and things with the Casey stand plan worked! Im glad Vonnie slapped my brother sometimes let me tell you jeez."
- my muse’s last text to your muse
[ test ] "Raphael was trying to show off a new move and his sai went flying into your lab." "YEaaaaah I threw Raph under the bus there, Its was my fault actually we were messing around with each others weapons. But I don't wanna deal with a upset Donatello. Raph's tough he can handle it."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Donatello couldn't help but grin when he saw the parcel; he knew international shipping takes a while and he had been impatient, but he couldn't help but be excited by it all. Shame his brothers were, well, his brothers, and immediately began playing keep away the second Don mentioned it was from a 'she',
"Guys c'mon!" Don yelled, jumping for the parcel as it was thrown back and forth, "You might break something!"
He'd reach for his Bo and use it to smack the parcel from their game, if it wasn't for the fact he left it in his room. He was clearly getting frustrated, despite Raphael having told him directly a way to get his stuff back. After a while, Don sighs and stops playing their game. He's going to be massacred by them,
"You two are the worst," He huffs, hands on his hips, "Yvonne's my pen pal," He looks directly to Raph, "Remember when we went to the library a while back, and I knocked all that stuff down with my Bo?" He gets them to recall, "One of the things was a flying for a pen pal group, and I decided to join - we've been talking to each other since then, I'm surprised you haven't noticed."
He tries to hide his blush, and the way his tail attempts to wag behind him,
"Anyway, Yvonne said she's going to send me some stuff we don't have over here, snacks and stuff," Don gets to the point, "And that's what that is, so if you could hand it over now, that would be great."
| Muse interaction continued from [ here ]
"Guys c'mon!"
"Guys c'mon" Raph mocked as he once more tossed the package over towards Mikey to catch. They were making sure to stay up being high so to keep the package even further out from Don's reach as they went about tossing it between themselves it wasn't all that hard to get Mikey to play along when it came to this after all. He just loved messing around as much as the next turtle.
"You might break something!"
Mikey gave a light toss to the box towards Raph before moving to cross his arms over his plastron, shaking his head as he gave his best disappointed Leo. "Tsk tsk Don, if ya kept ya Bo on you coulda used it to knock the package down and get it back. Some ninja you gotta be prepared all the time Donatello." As if Mikey had any right the only one out of the three that had their weapons on hand was Raphael after all. Didn't stop Mikey from adding in a few 'tsk' towards Don despite this fact.
"mmm let me see." Raph said once he got the package back. Moving to hold it up to his ear. Giving the box a nice firm shake trying to listen to what was inside of it. Watching Donnie's face twist in frustration over his and Mikey's game. Then he had to be lame and stop as he set his hands on to his hips.
"You two are the worst,"
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Raph just gave a roll of his eyes and lowered the package to rest against his hip. "An' you are a sore loser Don." Raph snapped back with not that Don had much chance to win here. He was fine teasing them but suddenly when it was his turn then it was no longer fun. Big baby.
"Yvonne's my pen pal,"
"Pen pal?" Raph now asked tilting his head to the side a little, something about it seems vaguely familiar for some reason now.
"Remember when we went to the library a while back, and I knocked all that stuff down with my Bo?"
Raph just sort of stared blanky at Don for a moment trying to sreach his mind for that happening. He did recall going tk the library with Donnie when they finally made up. But he also remembered hiding behind a library with Casey. And now his mind was on Casey, stupid grin on his beak the biggest tell his train of thought jumped the track just then. Before shaking his head and closing his eyes a moment. He did recall the mess Don made whe. They went to the library.
"Uh sort of?" Raphael offered with a shrug of his shoulders.
"One of the things was a flying for a pen pal group, and I decided to join - we've been talking to each other since then, I'm surprised you haven't noticed."
"Hmm, I mean, we've noticed a little bit that ya been acting funny and all." Mikey spoke up, finally making his way down and off the table. Je had been standing on clearly. The game was over now. Only pausing when noticing Don's tail was trying so hard not to move. He blinked a little and tilted his head letting Raoh take over the conversation now.
Raph once more rolled his eyes "genuis we did whyda think we started to play keep away from you?" Raph on the other hand simply moved ti sit on the counter still keeping said package to himself. "But I had a feeling it was 'bout this Yvoone here."
"Anyway, Yvonne said she's going to send me some stuff we don't have over here, snacks and stuff,"
"Hmm, huffy today, uh?" Raph teases a bit, but actually? It was really nice to see his twin all snippy again. Well snippy like this not like before.
"And that's what that is, so if you could hand it over now, that would be great."
There's just the faintest little feeling of a fluttering in Raph's shell to know it was coming Donatello as they looked to thier package. Though and Raph of all turtles knew that feeling well. It was an instant thing for him the second he much as thought about Casey himself. He had a hunch but now? Yeah now he was positive. Hopping off the counter he went ahead and handed the box over. "Alright alright no need to be all huffy and puffy with me now Donatello. All ya had todo was tell us." Making the teasing in his tone obvious as he smirks at his twin. "Wouldn't want ya ta miss a gift from your girlfriend after all."
Mikey snorted from behind the two of them as Raph let go and let Donnie go off with his things as he pleased now.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
2k7 Mikey Don - 🤪
| send 🤪 to get a drunk text from my muse
Mikey sat in the room with a few others all cheering and lively one might not expect he was hanging around with foot soldiers with how lively they were being in this moment. Corks were being yanked out of tall glass bottles causing foam to spill out on to the ground as the room filled with laughter. Mikey moved to stand and grab at one him self "Watch this!"
Kunai pulled out from his person as he held it flushed to the neck of the bottle and with one easy strike he clear cut the bottle near the lip opening it up easily a collective hollering from the soldiers just rung like praise to Mikey's ears as he smiled and took that chance to lift the bottle up and start chugging down. Letting the alcohol burn against the back of his throat. As more chanting build around him trying to encourage the turtle to chug the whole bottle in one go. large mouth and the ability to hold his breath as he could made that pretty easy. But the encouragement sure did help as well. Pulling the bottle away once the final drop landed on his tongue he held it up in the air and more cheers filled the room. Taking a bow as clapping and cheers echoing against the walls of the room. Being the life of the party was Mikeys favorite thing after all. Took forever to master that dumb trick
When was Mikey last this happy?
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He thought as he slowly moved to stand up, one freezing when he felt the orange band around his face being removed suddenly. Narrowing his eyes he turned to look back at his friend who took it off. Only to be handed a black one in turn along with arm bands they had a red foot clan symbol on them. It was kind of odd seeing the color that had defined him near his whole life dropped to the ground with out any thought or care. Lowering his eyes to the black cloth fabric in his hand now. "Ill be right back guy head feeling light." Mikey excuses as he stumbles out to the balcony just outside the room. Sliding the door closed he lingered to watch the others still cheer. Clicking glasses to each others. His heart did feel warmth watching them all so excited about Mikey being brought into the clan.
He took a few steps away and let his arms rest to the rails, as he stare out to the city he knew and loved. From the tower sky scrapper that the foot had operated from for years. Looking to the black band once more in his hand with mixed emotions. Quirking his beak a little to himself. Tightening his grip as he lowers his head to rest on his arms. Their relationship with the foot has always been a interesting one. Mostly they were seen as rival clans often at odds with each other. Other times they were allies when it severed them to be as such. Currently they had a truce going on but Leo been keeping tabs on them just to be save, Mikey often joining with them. It was something to do he guessed.
After the last run in though? He sort of been hanging around with them helping them out here and there. A few of them he started to talk to sometimes meeting together at night. It just felt nice. And now? he was one of them. What would his brothers say that he didn't already think himself? They were one of their biggest enemies after all. They followed Shredder. But Don said it himself if it weren't for Shredder they never would have existed either. Uh Donnie? Lifting his head up as he felt around for his phone now.
[text] heeeeeeey Deeee!
[text] my head killing me, i dunno how Raph drinks so much
His eyes drated to the clock to see the time a moment. Don was likely awake might not be looking at his own t-shell though. But well he needed to tell someone. Leo? sure Leo had fallen for the foots ideas before himself but Mikey could face the idea of Leo storming her to grab him. Raph? yeah no. That was an obvious no.
[text] Hey Dee, ya memeber when you asked if i think about the future and stuff?
Mikey thought about that question so much. More so after Leo came back home. Leo the leader once unsure of if he was doing right. seemed to have an air of knowing what his role was now. Raph, the fighter who never stopped, seemed to be settling down into a domestic life. And Donnie? the inventor always looking to fix all he could. Was building a family. Mikey had no idea where that left him. Mikey always held to one childish wish on what he wanted to be and do though.
[text] so I got news
he typed and typed not sure how to word his next thought alcohol being the only reason he was texting right now.
[text] I know what im gonna do now!
he smiles being with the foot would let him do good right? Thats what Karai said even.
[text] im joining the foot!
Yeah it met leaving them because he was in the foot clan now which is why he was texting to let them know. Might not stop Leo from storming to see if this was a trick or whatever. Leo was always so suspicious of everything. Before Mikey could try to add on to his message though. He felt a heavy arm land across the back of his shell. Throwing his grip off the phone and slip right through his fingers. Mikey grab the railing and leaned over wide eyed as he watched his phone slowly fade into the dark of the open city air,
'Ah shell."
Oh my bad sorry
Mikey turned to look at them but just offered a smile and laughed it off even playfully pushing them. It wasn't a big deal right? Holding the black band in both hands now as he lifted it over his face. Once always dressed in orange but now black like his new brothers and sisters in arms wore. He was part of something again. Knot tied firm in place as he spun around slamming his arm over their shoulders now "lets get back in there before all the good stuff gone."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
⏰ - 2k12 Mikey Don
| Slip a ⏰to see a memory or a part of my muses' past.
Mikey's heart was thumping in his shell like crazy he felt like it might explode! Which was kind of a gross mental image he needed to shake off before he looked back down to the screen of his phone. He was so worked up and excited he been sitting around in the alley four about he don't know four hours now? No one seemed to noticed him leaving. Why would they? He loved his brothers he did a lot at that. Mikey got along with them each and he looked up to each of them a great deal. He loved their Friday movie night tradition. That they play table top games even Raph. He liked talking about shows with Leo, hanging out around Raph and sitting in Donnie's lab talking about games even. Heck he liked lived off the way being around others seemed to energize him But, at the same time?
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They could be a tad much. Mikey got it to some point he was the youngest out of them and yeah some perks came with that course it also putting him at the bottom of the pecking order too. Not to mention came with a lot of left out tisms too. Look Mikey didn't hate any of the new friends in theirs lives. Okay well no he hated Casey a little feeling he stole Raph from him and all. Mikey was just lonely, Splinter was right his brothers were just growing up their world was getting bigger than just the five of them. So Mikey should?
Peering around the corner now, he had a group of online friends he made from online fan forums of shows and comics he liked. It was nice getting people to talk to who liked the same stuff he did. They even lived around the city and guess they would hold meet ups. For the very obvious reason of being a green mutant turtle. He always made some excuse up to back out of them. But maybe tonight? He's known them for a bit now shared somethings. They are his friends. Right? Suddenly he's thinking about Chris Bradford and there's a bit of a fear slowly building in his shell. Sometimes Mikey had to wonder if his brother could just sense his fear because that was always when one of them appeared.
Instead of greeting Donnie with a bright smile though he just sighed and rolls his eyes. He loved his brother he did a lot at that. He looked up to all three of them and loved being around them, compared to how they all seemed to enjoy time alone. But they were also his overbearing protective brothers. That got on his nerves when they turned into mother hens. Or in Don's case the biggest worrying wort to ever be known.
"Dude what are you doing here." Mikey asks turning to look up Donnie now. Arms folding over his plastron taking a page out of Raph's book here as he just hang his beak in a firm pout, somehow his sky blue eyes likely didn't give the same effect when he glared when compared to one of Raph's expressions. "I told ya I was coming to meet them so back off man jeez, ya don't see me stopping you guys from hanging out with your human friends."
Yeah there was a difference here. Those humans knew they were turtles. Donnie had figure out Mikey's plans and tried talking him out out this before cause internet safety or whatever. Grabbing Don's arm Mikey tugged them over to peak around the corner too now. Before pulling up a photo on his phone. They took it at the last meet up. "See it's them proof it's all legit dog." Mikey beams letting go as they both dip back out of view. "See Dee it's all gonna be fine!" it was easier to talk the talk but deep down?
As he shifted his attention back to his phone, some messages coming in a few others were running late, it seemed. That was Mikey's current excuse, too, trying to finish off his talk with Don. But, now he felt like he was getting cold feet. What if they freak out? Letting a frown weigh his beak down as he looks over his shoulder now. Don's voice falls on death ears at the moment. Maybe Donnie's right, and this was a bad idea and dangerous. He sighs and shakes his head.
"Can you not be my brother right now and just be my bro instead!" Mikey snips a little. "I don't need big brother hovering over me because you're worried. I get you worried, okay? Ugh!" Mikey expresses letting his shoulder drop, he was all to aware that Don was simply exercising those worries by coming and stopping Mikey on the off chance this all went south. Eh he can't blame the thought happened before. Happens all the time no matter what Mikey dose it always seemed to be the wrong choice or option all Mikey dose is mess things up. This might blow up too.
" Casey for stole Raph away. You got a minecraft girlfriend and even Leo dose his own thing a lot. Yeah there's April but we saved here she has to be out friend" Mikey goes to point out "And maybe this will blow up in my face! Maybe they will be I dunno working with the foot and they know its one of use they been talking to. But it'll all seem legit and fine at the start. But slowly they start doing things that make it clear hey these kids are bad! But I'm so desperate for friends I let it slide and we get into more and more mischief together. They lead me to a warehouse and I'm all uh this is weird this your like club house. Maybe not that I'll something way better. But then they turn around and knock me out! next thing I know I'm chained up and they are dressed like foot ninjas!"
Mikey takes a second to catch his breath after he let all of that out "But then you three save me and I learn some lesson I don't know!" Mikey snaps again eyeing his brother now. "Maybe on the slim chance they aren't and maybe..maybe they accept me and we sometimes hang out but they help keep me a secret when ever I can sneak off to see them." there was always a slight little bit of hope. Mikey hangs his head a moment letting it fall into his hands he wants it to be the latter so bad. It just be nice he thinks having friends his own age, who share interest with him, who understand his identity issues. Right.
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Head lifted as he smiles once more "But you have to let me make the mistake Don. Isn't science all about making mistakes? well it's social science right?" as if this might help Mikey's case "So, I'm what doing uh field tests yeah!" Crossing his arms over his plastron as he nodded to himself smiling as proud as he can be "See can't fight science Dee." he soon shrugs his shoulders a little "besides stopping me now just gonna make me bug you in your lab more instead so maybe letting me take the risk is a better idea hmm? and yeah that was a threat" Mikey chuckles before taking off.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
⏰ - 2k7 Mikey Don
| Slip a ⏰to see a memory or a part of my muses' past.
Mikey, slowly tilted the watering can in his hand just now letting water spill over the small plant. It was sort of hobby he got into as of late. Donnie helping him at the moment with a lamp set up over the plant, it wasn't doing well it seemed for someone reason Mikey just needed to bring it with him. Sun light set over it now and it seemed like it should be enough. Mikey went to rest his arms on the table as he looked at the plant.
"Sorry ta bug ya bro, I know you got your hand even more tied up these days with Ariel after all." Mikey said smiling as he always did, smiling as he always has. There was a lot to smile about of course.
It was rough when Leo left on his journey it left such an empty hole in their home and lives. Everyone seemed so unsure what to do, Raph was lost. Don was barely hanging on, even Splinter seemed effected. As if it was so clearly in the air of their home their friends stayed away even. That was the past and the past stayed in the past. Mikey lowered his chin to rest on his arms looking at the plant. The end of it's leaves were browning.
Right that was the past they were doing better these days. Leo was home and things all seemed to fall into place from there. "Least this tech help wasn't over a phone call uh?" Mikey tease suddenly bringing up Donnie's old IT service. The look on his brothers face enough to get him to chuckle a little. "aw come on now tellin' me ya don't miss answer all those lame brain callers all day long? hey worked out you reconnected with Vonnie cause of it right? Now look you gotta what you always wanted even."
Teasing a bit on those old worries and fears he expressed to Mikey before as he moved to stand up a bit now. It was nice though he liked playing with his niece himself. Honestly it kind of felt like they were all setting into their paths. Leo was a good leader so the trip paid off? Seemed to be taking his role more serious but guess Leo was basically going to Take Splinters place one day uh? Sometimes the whole 'were a clan' thing escaped his mind. Raph seemed to be settling down with Casey thank god he was being such an ass for a time. Donnie? was a dad like he wanted with a partner even. "think ya ever go back to that gig?" it was just a general question.
Laughing at the face he got from Don, ready to let his brother to head back to his and Von's place. And well maybe it was because Mikey brought that up it lead to this. Donnie's asked him this before but back then? Mikey didn't have to answer he just had to listen. Did he ever think about the future. Mikey's eyes widen a second it was fear at the wording.
"Hey Don? can you not ask me that? Ever again please?" He was smiling when he looked at them but he could feel how the tears were rolling down his cheeks, his mask absorb most of them but they wouldn't stop. He asked before but Mikey didn't have to answer then. What did Mikey even do before? his only achievement was being battle nexus champion but he lost that title fast. He barely earned it in the first place. His mind was full of questions right now. Question he always kept away Mikey like to live in the now. He didn't let the past drag him down, it was in the past that's where you leave it. He didn't look to the future either because it was all uncertain.
What was HIS life going to be. in three years? in ten years? Will the lair not be their home anymore? Will they all finally go their own ways? When he thought about that to much? He realized he didn't have the answers. Who did he turn to or what should he say? Nothing but a vague feeling of anxiety took over him. It swelled, swept him away and he just can't seem to shake it off.
"Please. Please stop Don." Stop what? "Please don't make me look closer. I can't. I HAVE to keep acting like everything is okay." Mikey choose to swim in that denial he been doing it for years "even now when everything is just fine. If I don't then I'll start crying and I wont be able to stop." As if he wasn't already crying now. "No I don't think about it I try not to Don. Splinter won't live forever. Leo will be like clan heir right? Raph will who knows settle down with Casey? You'll take care of your family. but me? I don't know. I've never known is the thing. Even before all of that." Yet his smile is so plastered on it won't break even as he can taste the salt from his tears as they roll over his beak and talking makes them fall to his tongue.
What was HIS life going to be. in three years? in ten years? Will the lair not be their home anymore? Will they all finally go their own ways? When he thought about that to much? He realized he didn't have the answers. Who did he turn to or what should he say? Nothing but a vague feeling of anxiety took over him. It swelled, swept him away and he just can't seem to shake it off.
"Please. Please stop Don." Stop what? "Please don't make me look closer. I can't. I HAVE to keep acting like everything is okay." Mikey choose to swim in that denial he been doing it for years "even now when everything is just fine. If I don't then I'll start crying and I wont be able to stop." As if he wasn't already crying now. "No I don't think about it I try not to Don. Splinter won't live forever. Leo will be like clan heir right? Raph will who knows settle down with Casey? You'll take care of your family. but me? I don't know. I've never known is the thing. Even before all of that." Yet his smile is so plastered on it won't break even as he can taste the salt from his tears as they roll over his beak and talking makes them fall to his tongue.
Eyes were focused on this dumb little plant he found and took pity on. Dug ups it's root and brought it home to try and nurse maybe? Mikey didn't know why he did what he did. He always just followed his brothers lead. Leo order they were going after the foot? he was there. That's just how it always went even now he still fell in line it was all he had. Would he die in a battle? Would he see his family be killed off? would they get to leave the sewers one day? Would Mikey just find enjoyment in the others worlds they knew about? He reached up and started rubbing at his eyes.
"Can we talk about you instead?" He didn't wanna talk about himself. Its too hard Mikey was only good at smiling and being stupid. He brought smiles to others right? so please don't make me think. was his thought. He didn't know what to do when it got like this. "A-Ariel's getting big uh eh shes gonna cause so much trouble." he tries so hard to move the topic off "Raph got a kid now even never saw that coming. Did you?" he needed to get away from it "Think Leo could train them? I think he make a great teacher?" anything that took the focus off from Mikey.
For once Mikey didn't want to be the focus here he didn't want the attention. He wanted to be a shadow like their training required at times. Fiddling with the ends of his mask he braided the tails today he just wanted to relax. Because he knew things could change he knew how dangerous their lives could get. He just couldn't help it it was like he was surrounded be mountains of issues and thoughts he never knew where to begin it's why he focused on what he could see instead.
Leo came out saying he was going out on patrol just so everyone knew where he was. Mikey snapped at once tears dried up as if he never let them fall in the first place. "Oh coming Le! Sorry Don gotta head out it seems." Even Leo looked confused he hadn't asked Mikey to come with him. But Mikey was already at his side and tugging them along so guess Mikey was going with Leo? More like Leo was his scape goat right now.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
⏰ - 2k12 Mikey Casey
| Peek into my muses' memories ! Slip a ⏰to see a memory or a part of my muses' past.

Leo? Eh he was mixed on Casey. On the one hand they didn't listen were unfocused and often seemed to be a distraction to Raph. But also a decent fighter and an okay ally of theirs.
Don? Seemed to loathe the guy. And something else. But mostly be annoyed by their mere existence because Casey also liked April. So they were rivals clearly.
April? seemed okay with Casey maybe it was nice for her to have a human friend that knew about he mutant friends and such. She seemed to get along with great to which of course only made Donnie more jealous or worry at times.
Raph though?
Raph started off hating the guy apparently having gotten into a fight when they met and such but in what seemed like a sudden turn around Raph was all about Casey. His new best friend. Or as Donnie seemed to freak over being a second Raphael.
Splinter seemed fine with a other knowing about them. Happy Raph seemed to have a new ally even and didn't mind Raph going off with Casey all the time.
So what did Mikey think of Casey? Oh that was simple and easy.
He hated Casey Jones.

Yeah that might be a shock since when dose Mikey hate anyone? Heck he thought he was the one in the wrong when Chris Bradford turned out to be a jerk and never wanted to be his friend. So what did Casey do that upset Mikey? Easy. The orange banded turtle thought as he stood in the door way of Raphael's room. Peering in he wanted to work on his Maze and Mutant character a little and well Raph was a bit better at drawing seemed like a good time to ask they had their sketch book laid over their legs. Mikey smiled and made his way in never caring about the whole not knocking before walking on in the room. Raph acted annoyed but never really cared all that much, baby bro privileges did in fact factor in now and again. Mikey sat on the end of Raph's bed setting the pages down as Raph looked them over well Mikey had been talking for what felt like hours at this point. Same old same old here as Mikey continued on to speak Raph may come off like he hated being around Mikey at times but Mikey knew better they would chill around like this in either his room or Mikey's. And just talk well mostly Mikey talked and Raph sort of just sat in their company slight smile to their beak. Sometimes he offer up a word or two. It was nice, Raph could be nice when in the right mood. If Mikey caught them in in it he could get hours of time alone with them. Heck he even got Raph to play along with him and his action figures sometimes or he tell them about some dumb online fight he got in. Raph would mutter something he would have said instead and Mikey kept in mind for next time.
Then there was a ping on Raph's phone he pulled out his t-shell and looked to the crack screen. He snorted a little and started to text back right away. Mikey hung his beak right away at the sight his stomach dropped a little as he could feel the tone and air in the room changing between them, Mikey already started to let blue eyes fall to the bed as he start grabbing at paper to gather up into a stack once again. He knew what was going to happen next. He felt Raph's bed shift from his weight moving to get up to his feet not once has he looked away from his own screen another laugh escaped Raph as he typed away.
"Hey i'm gonna-"
"Hang out with Casey" Mikey cut in with as he rolled his eyes annoyed, Raph caught it and paused to finally look at Mikey. Wow shocking. "Dude come on we got a campaign coming up soon and you haven't done like anything with ya dwarf guy!" Mikey whined as he grab at one of his pages with said character on it.
Raph now was the one to roll his eyes as he set a hand to his hip "I don' even 'ike that game I jus' play it cause ya all do." Raph pointed out.
"Ya well it's more fun with ya and you can' keep ditchin' us or your guy won't be playable."
"yeah so what? not 'ike I care that much anyway sides Case found a good taggin' spot an' we can keep an ear out for anyone dumb enough to break into the stores around there. I hope someone is be nice to bust some skulls in." Raph went on to say smiling at the idea of a good fight.
Mikey gritted his teeth a bit. Stupid Casey. "Don't get why it gotta be with Casey, we go on patrol and such too. And were way better fighters than so guy with a mask." Mikey huffed a bit
Raph shurg his shoulders "eh Casey cool dude, an' well I dunno I jus' 'ike hanin' with him sometimes nice change. Just nice to have someone to talk too."
Mikey knew it was because he lost Spike but he reacted before he thought "what so ya can't talk to us? were your bro dude bros should come first! Not this random guy off the street who only hangs with you when April's too busy. Got no one else to hang with so he just chills with you to kill time?"
Raph just fixed Mikey with a look and it was enough to make him shrink back. Slightly closing his eyes expecting to get hit but nothing followed just Raph saying he was heading out leaving Mikey alone. When the room fully grew silent Mikey finally looked up to see himself alone in Raph's room. Sighing out as he turned and went back to gather his papers up eyeing Raph's sketch book he left alone on the bed, Mikey leaned over to take a peek at it a moment. Just to grow more annoyed.
Papers held to his plastron as he scooting off the bed and left the room himself. Foot slamming Raph's bedroom door shut as he stormed through the lair heading back to his own room. Grumbling under his breath about what happened when Splinter's voice came from the dojo. Sighing Mikey turned and made his way there, finding his dad sat in the center, legs crossed and eyes closed. Sometimes even Mikey was surprised how much he seemed to be aware of going on. "Yeah I know sit down."
"And he's always hanging out with now Sensei it's like Casey stole my brother!" Mikey had vented and ranted out all he was holding in to his father and teacher who took in every word till Mikey had finally gotten it all off his chest. Splinter simply stated that he didn't like sharing his brother, and Mikey lowered his head, letting it slightly sink into his shell. It sounded so childish.

"Your brother is growing up, and just enjoys having someone who shares interests with him."
Mikey sighed, "yeah but Sensei it's like he never around anymore and" he trailed off slightly getting it now. Raph said it himself even he only played that game with him and the others because they liked it. Quirking his beak a little maybe Splinter had a point he didn't like sharing his brother, any of them really. "I feel like, Like i'm being left behind. Leo got the leader stuff, Donnie's got his science and he hangs out with April sometimes and now Raph got Casey I guess.: He lets the pout on his beak hang there as he lifted his head up a bit. Mikey was feeling lonely as of late.
"You four may one day grow a part when the chance to let others in arrives but you are brothers. You are each others first set of friends but you will one day get to meet others who may even share in what you like. So they pull away because they can have someone who sees how they see. Your are brothers first and thats a bond that nothing will get in the way of. Especially you four"

"Yeah then how come they are always so eager to ditch me first chance they can?" Mikey mumbled a bit. It just hurt feeling like Raph would rather do anything with Casey over anything with Mikey. Ignoring his dad's words in this moment "I don't get what Raph thinks is so great about Casey he just some punk kid in a hockey mask." Mikey spat out, didn't seem like enough so he went on "And he's a jerk! a big jerk like more than Raph! I think he's gonna be a bad influence on him. Make Raph get into all sorts of trouble and Raph's already got a trigger happy temper Sensei. Make Raph not uh yeah take training serious he'll stop caring about proper form and such. They just fight random people together he gonna expose us! Yeah yeah that sounds Don should find a way to wipe his memory! Get rid of him altogether saver that way for us all!"
Mikey vented, soon side glancing to his dad who simply offered him a soft smile. Mikey looked down once more chewing over what that look might be telling him. That was just his way sometimes he always wanted them to find their own answers at times. He may give the lesson or guide them with advice but he always left the final part to them to figure out. Mikey saw how Splinter ears twitched a little now and turned out to look at the closed screen door. You could hear the collective rise of voices just past it. Mikey knew the sound of his brothers voices easily Leo must be mack from what ever, and Don was outta of his lab maybe April had just left? it was the sound of Casey's dumb laugh that got him annoyed more so. He felt his dangs hand set to his shell a moment as he looked up to him all Splinter did was gesturing his head to the door. Nothing else said Mikey moved to stand and made his way out from the dojo.
Yeah he was right April was on her way out, Donnie seemed to be wishing her a good bye and Casey seemed to be jumping to offer to walk her home or something. Leo was ignoring the following looks shared between Don and Casey as he went to speak to April well Raph stood off to the side. Mikey just wanted to go to his room, looking in the way of it meant he have to walk past them and well Raph might still be mad at him for what he said. Eh he can take a punch he guesses, already felt like he was getting enough these days. Slow sluggish steps as he hung his upper half maybe if he looked as pathetic as he felt they would all just ignore him. Looking up at Casey as he and Donnie were talking right now.

He didn't see what was so great about him. April would be so better of with Donnie clearly, and Raph could have a new better friend. Casey was just a dick look at him acting like he got anything over Donnie here. Pft please all he had was the fact he was human like April. Probs just drag Raph down in fights too, all skin and bones as if he could fight. Subconsciously Mikey fell into place with the group glaring at Casey. As he was being smug about whatever he wasn't listening, he could see that look on Don's face though clearly growing annoyed they were getting a snarky remark in the works. Mikey smiled a bit at that yeah let this tooth pick have it Don B team solidarity!
He felt Raph's elbow pump against his arm, not to hit him he was getting Mikey's attention'. As Mikey looked to the side unaware how he just drifted in beside them. Raph didn't say a word or even look at Mikey he just had a smile tugged on to his beak, Mikey took a second to try and figure out what he was doing when, yup Donnie's voice had nothing but thick layers of snark coming out on his follow up comeback to Casey just now. Mikey Watch as Raph's beak started to move a soft 'oooo' coming out. With that alone Mikey's eyes got wide jumping up as he pointed out a finger to Casey and joined in on Raph's 'oooooo" towards Casey. The pair backing up Donnie's side in this little argument or whatever Mikey didn't bother to figure it out still. When Casey tried to fire back Don shot him back down twice as hard. And Raphael laughed hard at Casey's expense elbowing Mikey once again. Mikey fell in to place right away as Raph step forward Mikey right beside him as he landed a good punch into Casey arm.

"Oh you got owned Jones!" Raph said right after getting Casey annoyed expression aimed his way now.

"Yeah take that stupid look on your face and leave." Mikey followed in with laughing. Smiling when Raph swung his arm over Mikey's shoulders so they could laugh together at Casey. Using April, I was finally ready to leave once wrapping up with Leo as his reason to get out of there. "Yeah, that's right, ain't got nothing, you be smackes down, son!"
Mikey threw out. Earning a laugh from Raphael, who just playful pushes him in response. Leo walked over, chuckling a little to himself as Raph turned to give Donnie some props for his comment. The three of them turn to head over to the pit. Mikey hung back a moment more till Raph dropped down on the couch and told Mikey to come over, even offering the spot next to him as Mikey's. It just made him smile a little more. Maybe Splinter did have a point. And well, maybe Casey wasn't stealing Raph from him. They came first. Mikey had a place with all three of them. He made his way over to drop down in between Donnie and Raph as Leo sat on the floor to be closest to the TV. Right here, with all three of them. As Mikey and Raph both turned to give Donnie more praise letting Leo enjoyed his show till one of them got a turn to pick something to watch. Casey may be Raph's new bestie and all but Casey would never be able to fall in step with Raph like Mikey could. So he'll take his own victory over them along side Donnies once again B team solidarity.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[87 Mikey and Don]
He was in an obvious slump, Don refusing to leave his bed as he hid beneath the blankets. He had decided to take a chance and tell April how he felt, and was put down - she had a solid reason. He was a turtle, she was a human, it just wouldn't work. Yeah, that made sense...
Until Raph and Casey got together. How did that work!?
It left Don upset, envious, and he didn't blame either of them for it, but it still hurt. No wonder he didn't want to do anything.
When someone joined him, Don pulled his blanket back, just enough to see Mikey coming into their bedroom. Don hummed quietly going back into hiding, though, he's finally talking,
"Why did it work out for them but not me?" He voices his envy, "He's a human, Raph's a turtle! It shouldn't work! That's what April said when I told her how I felt..."
Head shrinks back, Donatello wanting to hide into his shell, where no one could get to him,
"What am I gonna do Michelangelo? I want to be happy for Raph, course I do, but every time I see him I just get...I don't know, angry?" He soon sighs, "It's not fair..."
| muse interaction
You could feel the shift and change in the air of the lair. You had Raph who was is a great mood, near skipping on the stars even. But on the other hand you had Don who was lower than the dirt hanging out with the worms under the earths crust. It seemed to have just caused a bit of an unease, well unease in one turtle. Michelangelo. Seeing Donatello laying around in their bed all day? it wasn't a sight for once he wanted to see. As Mikey hung his beak a bit and peer around the wall to peek in at them. yeah sure after he had confused to April and she turned him down he sulked like this as well. But now? there was some additional layering to him sulking like this. Seemed Raph went and made his feelings known to Casey. And Casey shared those feelings and they deiced well if they like each other they should be together right? Mikey peered in on the bundle under Donnie's sheets, poor guy he was still recovering from the heart break and Mikey knew most how much he liked April seeing her as out of his league even. Sure April had be kind when rejecting him no one blamed April for a thing, course not. It's not her fault Donnie fell for her and its not Donnie's fault she didn't return those feelings. But well he was handling this Raph? seemed to went and gotten some push to pursue Casey. That had to feel like a slap in Don's face.
Poor Don. Mikey thought, Raph didn't seem aware what was going on so that left Mikey to well try and comfort Donatello best he could do? Moving to make his way inside the room now
"Don?" he asks a bit watching them poke out from under the blanket long enough to at least see who was coming into his room just now. Blanket soon was pulled back over their head as they sunk in to the comfort of the dark. Mikey's face fell as he just stared on well they didn't tell him to leave or anything right? Mikey figured as he just sat on the side of Don's bed. Letting his fingers tangle among themself well his eyes dropped down to look at his feet. Letting them swing back and forth a few times.
"Why did it work out for them but not me?"
Mikey's attention snaps to the bundle behind him now as they finally speak. So it was because of Raphael's own news it seemed? yeah that tracks after all. Mikey sort of fiddling with his fingers as if somehow he was going to work an answer out from his own two hands.
"He's a human, Raph's a turtle! It shouldn't work! That's what April said when I told her how I felt..."
Oh. OH. Yikes Mikey's thought were nothing but a simple reaction as he bite onto his lower bill the wonder Don was like this. Well okay sure on some level he guessed that did make some sense after all? Maybe? should that matter though? When Mikey figured Casey liked Raph it never crossed his mind that they weren't a good fit? Heck when Don told him he had a crush on April he didn't then either? And well why should it? Sure they were mutants and sure they were turtles but did that really make them any different from humans? they were similar enough right?
Part of Mikey felt bad now because well he was kind of all in support for Casey and Raph. He picked up on Casey's crush pretty easy well to him it seemed obvious that Casey at least liked Raph. So when they came and asked for help? Well Mikey was on broad even heck he thought it was cute that Casey under al the crazy was just a shy guy crushing hard on Raph in turn. Which was nice for Raph since he was beyond obvious with his own well maybe not to Casey at the time? But the fact the guy they were crushing on was crushing back? that was a cute thought and it made Mikey glad to offer some help. As he left to think and try for a thought to spare to his brother when Don went to speak up more.
"What am I gonna do Michelangelo? I want to be happy for Raph, course I do, but every time I see him I just get...I don't know, angry?"
Mikey was able to breath a little at least. He was just glad a part of Don was happy for Raph. Even if they were admitting to feeling jealous as well. Not that Mikey could even blame them for considering their whole situation well how couldn't he be feeling jealous. here Don was made to feel it couldn't with April and him for the same reason it SHOULDN'T with Raphael and Casey.
"It's not fair..."
"Maybe it isn't because of being a turtle and being a human though. Maybe April just wasn't what was right for you?" Mikey said not much thought behind his words they just sort of came out of his beak before he kind of realized it. "Like not to rub salt in the wound dude but well look at Casey and then look at Raph. Like yeah it might seem not meant to be cause he is on some level a human too. But I mean he dose listen to Raph, he got him to chill out so we could talk to him even Leo had issue wrangling the guy. So I dunno maybe it isn't cause April is human and you're a turtle. Maybe She just isn't the right choice for you ya know dude?" Mikey wasn't sure if that made much sense he sort of only started to follow his own line of thought at the end there. "Just I dunno I feel I mean like Splinter is basically our dad right? I don't think just anyone who found us would have kept us like he did, After mutation he saw us as his sons after all even. Maybe its like that? Raph's gay we all know it he's got more fruit than the grocery stores. But I don't think just any guy would been a good fit for him. I mean he says well dressed guys slay him but Casey looks like he grab the first thing out of the dump! He out of hid mind most days but I think hes kind of lonely. And Raph kind of jerk at best always quick to give a snarky remark but they seem to see more to each other and well maybe thats what it's all about instead??" Sure April was nice and pretty even but well she did treat them more like little brothers.
"Ya know I know we got each other but maybe you just feel lonely. And you shouldn't have to live like that forever. The world is full of people, mutants even and who knows what else dude. I just I feel that somewhere in it maybe out of it even. Is someone who will see you for well you Don." Mikey suggests quietly wishing for it to himself. That somewhere out there is someone who will see Don for who he is and cherish them for it. Turtle or not but for Donatello. Whoever they are where ever they are. Come to him, if they are in a country far away then heck get on a plane. Come to Donatello as fast as you can. "I think that's the kind of person you deserve to meet. And I don't think that was April, I dunno who it is but I'll know when it is cause you wont be able to stop smiling because of them." he hopes cause seeing his brother so miserable like this? he didn't like worse he didn't like what it was doing to the family all together.
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