#[ the darling dannybird: harriet and danny ]
islecaptain-a · 5 years
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send me a ✵ + a ship and i’ll tell you who does what at christmas!
@thcdarlingboy​ - DarlingHook
who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off? Danny, Harriet doesn’t exactly see the point of all the decorations for one day.
who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting? Harriet, she regretted it instantly and spent the next hour sick.
who insists on watching the cheesey hallmark christmas movies? Danny, if only to show Harriet that happy endings outside their own were actually possible.
who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas? Danny, it’s what his mom listened too. It drives Harriet insane, she nearly sliced the CD player in half with a sword.
who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping Harriet, she doesn’t hold the same excitement for christmas that Danny does, so he’s the most likely to try peek at his presents.
who insists on making snow angels? Danny, Harriet just leans against the fence rolling her eyes before throwing snowballs at him.
who put christmas outfits on all the pets? Harriet, poor Tizoc @wearethedescendants​ was made to dress up for Harriet’s amusement and future christmas photos.
Do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in? They spend it with Harriet’s family, as mean as it sounds, Harriet is quite selfish about this. Danny’s had so many perfect christmases with his family, she didn’t have any christmases with hers on the Isle because the elder villains didn’t celebrate it.
who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers? Danny, though coincedently, they were found burned to a crisp in the garden the following morning. Harriet said rats must have gotten to them.
Who waits up until midnight to give the other their present? Danny, Harriet just tends to sleepily mutter that’s nice thank you and goes back to sleep.
Who insists on hand-made presents only one year? Harriet, coming over form the isle with no qualifications and no job, made money difficult, so hand-making presents was easier, cheaper and ultimately more meaningful.
Who puts mistletoe on every door frame? Danny, though Harriet is definitely not complaining.
Who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm? Danny, Harriet had an exceedingly high tolerance to alcohol form being half siren. It would take her until at least after midnight to get even happy-drunk.
who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real? Harriet, while being mildly frustrated that Santa breaking into people's houses didn’t end with him on the isle; and feeling that if he was real, then why did he abandon the children of the isle.
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
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send me    ‘ let me count the ways… ‘    for my muse to list 3 things they love / admire about yours @thcdarlingboy​ - DarlingHook
His heart - Harriet loves Danny’s heart, when he loves someone it’s wholly and absolute. It’s what taught her to love when she first came to Auradon.
His loyalty - Once someone has earned Danny’s loyalty he will literally do anything for them, walk through the streets of hell (literally when he was on the isle) for the ones he loves.
His passion - Harriet loves that how when Danny sets his mind to something, nothing gets in his way. Sword fighting, being with her, his family.
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
@thcdarlingboy | here
Wedding’s weren’t really a thing on the isle. There had been very few married couples. The King and Queen of Hearts. Maleficent and Hades albeit super briefly. Like that one fizzled out before Harriet wrestle Tizoc for the first time. Weddings on the isle were different depending on which one you attended. The church of light focused on the Christianity version - like this one. The ones who followed the old gods followed handfasting.  But this ceremony was simple, uncomplicated and had the pirate choked with emotion so much she wasn’t sure she would make it through her vows. At it came to an end, and his lips pressed to hers it hit her. They were married now. Husband and wife. “You’re stuck with me now.”
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
two pink lines (DarlingHook)
my muse just found out they’re pregnant. send “two pink lines” for them to admit it to you! // @thcdarlingboy
Harriet couldn’t breathe. This wasn’t possible. Couldn’t be possible. They were careful - or at least from what she remembered they were careful. The pirate felt nauseous and that wasn’t just the morning sickness talking. For around a week, she’d been under the weather, and both she and Danny had put it down to changing weather given that she still wasn’t used to the changing seasons of Auradon and tended to get sick everytime the weather changed. 
He always made sure to tell her how much he loved her. He understood that she needed to hear it even if she still turned around and told him to shut up half the time. He was looking at he worried - probably thinking that he was breaking up with him or something and she licked her lips as she tried to force herself to say the words.
“I’m pregnant.”
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
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Harriet Hook - Ships Tag drop
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
[Text to Jewel of the Sea 💎]: At least you didn’t say pepper spray. Besides, not my fault  you’re so pretty.
[Text to Jewel of the Sea 💎]: Maybe that was my intention. I think you may need to punish me instead. 😉
[ Text to Dannybird 😍 ]: I think the pepperspray would add a layer of kinkiness that even we’re not prepared for LOL. Not my fault either, I didn’t make, me. :shrug:
[ Text to Dannybird 😍 ]: Dannybird, you wouldn’t last ten minutes with my punishments before you start begging.
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
@thcdarlingboy | From here
“I don’t like sweets - to sweet like they’ll rot my teeth.” She admitted, sweets were just foo much for her tastebuds to handle at the moment. “Kisses are fine, kisses are always fine.” she pointed out moving closer too him. “And alcohol, alcohol is another fine prospect.” she told him with a grin before her head shook lightly. “Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers too Dannybird, even if you think you do. It’s not pleasant. The pirates were fine, we stayed on the ships to avoid the others.”
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
@thcdarlingboy | DarlingHook
“Dan... Danny...” She’d tried to get in between the pair, it was fine, she could handle a prince who thought he was skilled with a sword but not up to pirate standard or ever seen battle outside a fencing class. When she finally got a grip of her boyfriends shirt she pulled him back with ease - this wasn’t the first fight she had broken up over the years and the ones she’d broken up in the past were far more violent than a couple of punches. “Danny, enough. This isn’t you.” She moved in front of him pushing him back before looking down at the prince. “You tripped right? Otherwise I’m telling everyone it was me and not Danny, and every one can think you got beaten by a girl.’ Her attention shifted back to Danny, the blood dripping from his lip. “My room, now.” she needed to tend to his cut before it got infected.
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
@thcdarlingboy | Here
Harriet pressed her cheek to his as his chin rested on her shoulder and she sighed gently, a half whine as her eyes closed. “I know Harry kidnapped Ben a while back, but he’s not all bad - neither is Uma or any of the kids on the Isle. We’re a product of our environment. CJ... you’d like Calista. She’s fearless and more into adventure than piracy. I didn’t move out of the Jolly Roger for her. Even as pa and I started butting head more - because two Captains on a ship can be rough - I stayed for her. And pa, too I guess.” it wasn’t often she spoke about her family. She’d more talk about the conditions of the Isle and it’s strange but violent customs before talking about her father and siblings. “What if I never see them again?”
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
@thcdarlingboy | DarlingHook hospital
She tried to shift positions, but there was wires and something holding her head which made her groaned groggily before wincing slightly as pain seemed to radiate through her and then she remembered, she’d been with Calista down on the Auradon pier and the mast on one of the ships came loose and she had just managed to push her little sister out of the way just in time before she was hit and fell into the water. Which luckily due to genetic’s she’d only not long found out about before she left the isle, she could survive being in the water. “Dan?” the siren pirate muttered in a groan. “Love you too.”
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
@thcdarlingboy | DarlingHook I don’t want to talk about it.
“Just drop it Danny.” Harriet whined a little as he reached for her, but she let him; she’d gotten in a fight, and could barely open her left eyes at that moment in time. She hadn’t expected Danny to come by this way so early. She hadn’t wanted him to see her like this. Especially after she stopped him from beating up Chad Charming the other week. “I got into a fight.” she finally told him as he seemed to search around them. “One of the Isle kids said I was weak now because I was in love, I showed them I still got it.”
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
[ Text: Dannybird 😍 ]: You’re not going to understand my decision, but know I do this for you
[ Text: Dannybird 😍 ]: -deleted-
[ Text: Dannybird 😍 ]: They’re all right. You deserve so much better than I can give you.
[ Text: Dannybird 😍 ]: -deleted-
[ Text: Dannybird 😍 ]: If you love something, you set it free. I free you from me Daniel Darling, I love you
[ Text: Dannybird 😍 ]: -deleted-
[ Text: Dannybird 😍 ]: We still on for tonight?
[Text: Jewel of the Sea 💎]: Always.
[ Text: Dannybird 😍 ]: Some princess in my biology class recommended that enchanted waterfall, what do you think?
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
@thcdarlingboy​ | Continues from here
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Harriet clung to him as he lifted her, her head leaning against his shoulder as her eyes closed gently, she was so tired. Being in Danny’s arms felt safe though and she cuddled in as much as her injuries would allow. His lips against her skin was better than any balm that Smee could ever buy or barter from the witches. Everything about Danny was purity and love. He was the best kind of person and she had been so awful to him while she didn’t remember Auradon. Unnecessarily cruel most of the time, yet he stayed, he didn’t leave. He persevered. 
Her grip on his shirt wasn’t particularly tight and she dipped her head in the crook of his neck, curling her body against him. “She... CJ’s ok?” Harriet could handle anything thrown her way, and while extreme, her plight with Flotsam and Jetsam wasn’t her worst fight on the isle by far, but it was the fight time she’d not been able to fight back. Her worry have been that Ursula would go after Calista next, or the Smee twins, people that if she had, Harriet would listen without question. She could only hope the kids were safe.
Home. Where was home though. She didn’t belong in Auradon. Audrey had told her as much. Told her how much she was dragging Danny down; how much promise he’d had before the pirate came to Auradon. How he could have been a Prince if Harriet hadn’t stolen his attention. Then others started joining in, and Harriet started to see it, how much better his life would be without her in it. She was a villain, she didn’t deserve a guy like Danny.
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
✤ + darlinghook
send me ✤ + a ship and i’ll tell you… @thcdarlingboy
who said i love you first? DANNY, it took Harriet a couple of weeks to say it back. Not because she didn’t but because of what saying it back meant.
who laughs when the other trips? HARRIET, it’s instinctive from the Isle, but she’ll always check on how he is afterward.
who pays the bills? BOTH, they share the bills equally.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? DANNY, Harriet doesn’t understand holiday traditions that don’t involve hiding from the witches so you don’t become a sacrifice to their Dark Lord.
who’s more clumsy? DANNY, Harriet’s very good at parkour, so she couldn’t afford to be clumsy growing up.
who checks their daily horoscope? NEITHER, it’s just not something they’ve ever done.
who sings louder in the car? DANNY, mostly to make Harriet smile since cars make her uneasy.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? HARRIET, she doesn’t get many chances to be truly wicked anymore - and like Maleficent used to say - it’s the little things that make the difference between mean and truly evil.
who is more up to date in pop culture? DANNY, Harriet spent twenty years of her life on an island with no wi-fi.
who insists on going to see the newest movies? DANNY, he seems far to insistent on bringing her up to date on pop culture - Harriet tends to agree because of the fun they can get up to in the back of the cinema.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? HARRIET, if it was a person she wouldn’t bother, but harm an animal and Harriet cries her heart out.
who’s the lighter sleeper? HARRIET, she’s used to having to sleep with one eye open, so she hears every little sound.
who believes in ghosts? HARRIET, witches are a thing, tree nymphs are a things, siren, gods - why not ghosts?
who does the grocery shopping? DANNY, Harriet would ration them to a ship diet if he let her do the shopping.
who updates their facebook status more often? DANNY, Harriet’s a technophobe.
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
@thcdarlingboy | Continues from here
So Harriet might be on a warning from the college campus dean. Because apparently while college was to be seen as a time to be a young adult and have fun, the dean reckoned Danny and her had too much fun in public places. So Harriet had taken to being a little more thoughtful about where she and Danny had some, at least until she was off the warning. She knew he had baseball later, so she had waited for him in a hallway near the changing room, but away from prying eyes and as he’d passed, the pirate and grabbed him, pulling him into the deserted corridor. Pinned between the Dannybird and the wall, the pirate had no regrets. “I know you do, how’d ye’ think I found you?” she muttered back against his lips. “Boohoo, if the team complain, it’s because they’re clearly needing girlfriends.”
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islecaptain-a · 6 years
@thcdarlingboy | Continues from Danny
“It was better for my back than a mattress filled with bedbugs.” Harriet scoffed lightly with a grin. She shifted position to cuddle in. It was hard for her to be cuddly, but she was trying to learn. For him. A foot in the spine was actually on the cuddly side for the pirate.
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