ofblackskies · 1 year
i'm pRETTY sure i originally followed for the macgyver and kim possible related things happening way back a million years ago, and i stayed for-- literally everything else and you bc i wuv u even tho i have the attention span of a peanut and life kicks me in the ass more than i'd like uwu
Yes! I don't do MacGyver stuff anymore (because @thcdarlingboy went poof and I miss that bitch) but I'm still down to do literally everything with you!
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[ ooc ]
I just miss @thcdarlingboy. Are you okay?
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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[ TAKE ]  for the taller muse to find the shorter one has ‘borrowed’ a shirt/sweater/jacket etc.  which is oversized on them.  
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“Dinnae know what you’re lookin’ at, this is definitely mine.” The pirate told him as she noticed Danny was standing in the kitchen as she closed the fridge door. Dark eyes starting into blue as small grin worked its way over her lips. Needless to say, the sweater was a bit too large for her. The sleeves were bunched up to her elbows, the hem fell to midthight, and the sickly bright blue and yellow logo was definitely not Isle couture. // @thcdarlingboy​
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nolacharm · 2 years
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@thcdarlingboy​ said: “ you’re shaking… “ (from Celine)
{ x }
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“Oh,” he said looking down his arms were covered in goosebumps. “Didn’t realize, colder than I thought, and I gave my jacket ta someone up there,” he gestured ahead, “And my sweatshirt was given ta one of the little kids a while ago.”
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He rubbed his arms, now that he was actually more distinctly aware of being cold, and looked at her, “Sorry I didn’t save one for you, if I get my jacket back its yours.”
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aquamanandfriends · 3 years
Dissections [Nina/Mac]
| muse: Lorelei ‘Nina’ Cromwell | open to: anyone | sexuality: pansexual | suggested connections: friend, crush, stranger, secret admirer, roommate, friend of the family, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend with benefits, ex
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“I might have stolen her, yes…. Oh come on they were going to dissect her, I can deal with a frog but a cat? No. You can’t tell anyone,” Nina coddled the cat in her arms. “If they’re going to dissect an animal it should have already been dead by natural causes,” she sighed. There was no way in hell she was going to take the little fluff ball back.
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extensusmusae · 2 years
@thcdarlingboy​ sent: ‘  time to kick my own ass. bitch had it coming for too long  ’ (From Kaitlyn to a muse of your choosing!)
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". . . i’m pretty sure that’ll end badly, especially since the dogs in the back will want to be part of the excitement. takes a while to calm ‘em down, y’know.”
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uponamidnightdreary · 2 years
@thcdarlingboy said: [ TUG ] - From Danny!
[ TUG ] receiver, trying to get ready for the day, is pulled back into bed by sender
Scarlet has always been an early riser. Back on the Isle, she would be up hours earlier than the rest of her family. This gave her the opportunity to clean before anyone else woke up, and helped avoid any confrontation with her father over the house being messy. After a long time of doing that, it stuck. Even in Auradon, despite having no reason to get up early, she did.
She’d accidentally fallen asleep at Danny’s the night prior, so when she finally decided she was ready to get out of bed, she decided she had to do so as carefully as possible to make sure she didn’t wake him up. He just looked so adorable sleeping, she couldn’t imagine waking him up. If she wasn’t starting to get restless from laying for so long, she probably could’ve just stayed and basked in his cuteness.
To the best of her ability, she slowly starts to move towards the edge of the bed to get off. She’s just nearly there when she feels a hand grab her own, pulling her back to where she was. Meeting Danny’s sleepy eyes, she smiles. No getting away with it now, huh?
“ — You weren’t supposed to wake up.” She tells him softly, laying back down on her side to face him. Leaning forward, her lips pressed against his forehead gently. When she moves back, she rests her hand on the side of his face, thumb running over his cheek. “You can go back to sleep, I promise I’m not going far.”
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gtrip-acidwave · 4 years
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German Shepherd and Cannabis
I just love this pic
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pinkodrinko · 4 years
+10 points if you inbox me the name of the dude behind me.
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hesthefox · 4 years
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@thcdarlingboy​ said: " i'm scared. " (for danny)
{ x - accepting }
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He tilted his head, “Of what? Its only scary here in Neverland if you make it that way.” He spoke as if he didn’t care, but he was more alert now, it would hardly be notable in his casual demeanor to people who didn’t know him.
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advcnturewithin · 4 years
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@thcdarlingboy​ said: 🎅 “I bet you can’t tie me to the bed with the Christmas lights.” (Parker to her boys)  
Hardison smirked at the challenge before he looked over at Eliot who had stalled for a moment, from where he was hanging the tree lights up. Hardison rolled his shoulders as he eyed her closely “Babe, between the both of us, Eliot and I could easily tie you to the bed”
“Yeah Parker, you didn’t need to challenge us to get us to do it” Eliot grinned as he started to round the lights up around his hand so the it would be easier to tie her up.
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ofblackskies · 2 years
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@thcdarlingboy​ said: ❛ you’ve lost a lot of blood. ❜ (Kim to Ron)
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     “What, this? This is nothing, KP. Totally nothing, I…” Ron trailed off when he looked down at where he’d been… well… stabbed. That was the only word for it. His leg was not in good shape. “This is why we shouldn’t let me ski, Kim.” He was a little less joke-y now.
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urbxnlegxnd · 4 years
——————————[ANSWERED ASK]——————————
@thcdarlingboy​ said: 🌂 – to rescue my muse from the sleet (From Jane - either can save the other? :) )
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The man’s travels had taken him to Auradon for the sake of his crusade. Lee’s crusade had him non-lethally eradicate crime in cities, states and other general areas until they were crime free and peaceful. Like his hometown and the state around it was to this day, thanks to his years of effort. He then started to notice an alarming amount of sleet falling from the sky. 
Now usually sleet wasn’t dangerous at all. However when enough of it formed on the ground, then it could be very dangerous. And that had happened today. Lee had sensed a disturbance, that someone was going to trip up on the sleet and hurt themselves. Sure this was something minor that he could ignore. However he just couldn’t do that, the man had to act.
Lee then immediately disappeared from his current location and immediately reappeared at the scene he had sensed just as the woman tripped over the sleet, immediately catching her in his arms and preventing her from hitting the ground. “Few, that was a close one.” The man stated with a bright and kind smile on his features. “Hi there. Are you alright?” He asked.
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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“You’re blocking my light.” if there was one perfect thing about Auradon it was the sunshine, the feline shifter could easily spend hours just lying in a direct ray of sunshine through a window, or sunbathing outside and just snoozing the day away. She was well aware those were her feline urges at work. Otherwise the varied weather in Auradon could really annoy her. The Isle had one weather, dull and stuffy. That meant the changing weather here without a barrier to keep it consistent was confusing and annoying. One minute so could be lying in the sun, next running for cover as it started raining. A single eyes opened to look at the figure blocking he sunspot. // @thcdarlingboy​ (For Pin or Kamari)
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melodyofmuses · 4 years
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@thcdarlingboy saw this and thought of you.
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daltoniisms · 4 years
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