#[ the way my answer is so fucking long but I just... jdsbhsjndgsd I love rambling to you so much Musical Anon ]
antigoddex-a · 2 years
NO NOT NEXT WEEK!!! at least it's still pretty close instead of it being 5 weeks away gosh... i get what you mean so much- high school really did NOT set us up for this ack... but you're studying film production and that sounds super fun (and i hope that the environment is at least fun to learn in despite all the stress and pain.... that was the only thing that kept me going until the end of my school year WOOF..) im squeezing ur hand for reassurance while we listen to bongo cat together!! it literally made me squee when i clicked on one of their videos and i just!! THATS SO CUTE YOU WERE RIGHT 😭😭😭 sometimes you just need cuteness to push you through! the savage love cover.... i clicked on the FRIENDS cover (that song from marshmello that dominated most of my high school years over here) and its! ah! i love it! so much! please take this sunday to rest and recharge as much as you can... you definitely deserve that! have a nice snack- i wish they sold goldfish crackers here (and i feel that!! so! much! im also working on a dip in energy thats made me retreat from a lot of the stuff i love doing and want to do- school took away so much of my energy and writing while schooling is... a whole thing on its own, truly... ) i'm going to watch a heist with markiplier in your honour (a date with markiplier was actually the first interactive story i played and i have a WHOLE essay about interactive media and how! i love what may be considered 'strange' but innovative mediums to tell a story- i've played with the idea of starting an arg but i never got around to it. i need to ask you if you've heard of the max2019 ARG? it's so good- and it, especially the near end of the arg, really reminds me of que now that i think about it!)
FSDBGJSDB YEAH, YOU'RE SO RIGHT ON THAT... Also, I only really need to focus on my final assignments as all of my daily school tasks are done, so I know I'll be able to get through them despite everything!!! I got this!!! 😌 But I am actually studying Behavioral Sciences ( B/H/S )!!! Film production would be so awesome to study in, though.. I haven't really figured out what do I wanna do in terms of career wise exactly yet lmfao but I do love the idea of assisting people with mental illnesses or / and learning disability like me... B.H.S had taught us primarily a.pplied b.ehavior a.nalysis (A/B/A), but I eventually learnt there's a controversy around it as it's harmful towards those who have autism, so, fucking Yikes, of course, I am avoiding any jobs that use A.B.A... ( Behaviour therapist or youth worker does sound very neat to get into! )
But the environment was quite chill despite me having to wake up at 3:30am-4am to go to campus by 8am via transportation busses and getting home to usually 7-8pm at least three times a week jbsdhdsjnk ( clearly, the silly ol' high school Morningstar did not research B.H.S along with this program and college very well, errrr..... ) I no longer talk to them when we all parted ways last year winter semester as we all graduated from the B.H.S program, but I did made a very few friends who were very cool, so that's lovely! I'm so glad to know though that your environment was what kept you going despite everything! High school really did not have us expecting any of this, for fucking real lmfao
FRIENDS!!! Legit, same, Friends and Faded by A.lan W.alker were like... a Huge Thing during my high school years as well sngsdjgn I'm super duper happy to know you love the channel!!! I discovered it a few days ago and I was just,, Where Have I Been,,,,,, You're right, cute content is one of the best things to get through anything, we shall hold hands while we listen to Bongo Cat content together, so true, bestie <333 Thank you so much!!! My Sunday has been very chill and I plan to take a nap after this so sdnkgdd I will definitely have a great Sunday with a well earned rest overall, thank you again!!! ( YOU GUYS HAVE NO GOLDFISH CRACKERS!? What the fuck, catch me sending you a bunch of them over to you!?!? ) God, yeah, school really is a massive fucker to be messed with, but I really hope you'll get out of the dip of energy soon!!! I don't know when you'll have your break but I am cheering you on constantly!!! I just know that you're doing amazing and I am so proud of you!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
AH, PLEASE!!! I am so flattered that you will watch A.HWM in my honor, what the... Pls lemme know your thoughts when you do!!! <333 And I would absolutely LOVE to read your essay, honestly. ( This isn't related to the ARG itself, but I think you will really enjoy reading this article on timeloop narratives being about love and growth. It's so amazingly and beautifully written! ) I had actually done an ARG with my friends on D.iscord very briefly about a character who was in an apocalyptic world paralleled to our that was dominated by the physical embodiments of black holes that were devouring people, and the character managed to contact that group of my friends to help them choose what to do and say, and it was extremely cool!!! I think it would be amazing if you ever get to doing an ARG in the end. It's a lot of work to plan out and execute to make everything align okay according to plans, but when it plays off, it's just extremely rewarding and fun!!! :]
MAX2019 ARG, holy SHIT, yeah, I heard of it! I can only remember very vague details of it sadly :S but I see there's a summary post about it so I'll definitely (re)check it out after I nap! From what I can recall right now, it was SOOO wildly good omf I would absolutely love to get into doing ARG again with [ redacted ] on Tumblr, actually, but... We will see with that in the end dsgjsdgjd <3 <3 <3
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