#[ this got angst and bittersweet all at once and iDK WHAT THE CONTEXT IS ]
bitterbadge · 5 years
you won’t go with me?
angst sentence meme - accepting
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      " I -- " 
      His throat felt tight and his body tense as he stared the other down. It was dangerous being out here in the open - dangerous even talking to someone like him. But . . . They’d somehow always managed to be in the right places at the right time to help each other. Didn’t matter how opposite they were. Practically from two different worlds and constantly in one chaotic orbit, colliding over and over. There had to be a breaking point. 
      “ You know I can’t. Shit. I’d be leaving everything -- ” he croaked out, arms tight and jaw clenched as he stared at him. Why’d he have to go and say it like that? Like it was a miserable goodbye that shouldn’t make him feel like he was ready to puke. It didn’t make sense. None of it made sense. If he wanted to be sane he’d stand his ground. But as he watched the other, he could feel his resolve crumbling. 
    And then Sumo had to go and make everything worse by trotting right over to Higgs’ side with a low whine. 
      “ Aw -- for fuck’s sake, Sumo. You’re making this shit show a lot worse than it already is! ” he spat out, grimacing as the large lummox pointedly looked at him. Remained unrelentingly at Higgs’ side. Traitor. Gritting his teeth, Hank turned his head skyward and drew in a sharp and miserable breath. Fuck it. 
                                           “ . . . I’m comin’, I’m comin’. Jesus goddamn Christ. ”
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shortestcake · 2 years
hi i just recently got into arcane and i absolutely love it VI IS SO FINE AHHH so imma make a request about her!!
So im thinking Vi x fem!reader, after Vi gets out of prison she visits her long lost girlfriend (long lost? idk if thats the right wording but they havent seen each other cause vi was in prison 🤷🏾) who thought Vi was killed so theres a lot of tears and its angsty and they hug and catch up with each other and its overall really cutesy!!
Pairing: Vi x reader
Pronouns used: none
Gendered terms: none
Genre: angst+fluff
// mentions of injury/blood
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"I think we're gonna have to take a rain check on our date." A young Violet mumbled into your hair. She sat beside you while her hand rested on your opposite shoulder. You chuckled, burying your head deeper into the crook of her neck.
"We just ran halfway through the Undercity from enforcers, and that's your priority?" A smirk bloomed on her face as she proudly proclaimed that you'll always be her "number 1 priority."
"Shush, you sap." You knew Vi wouldn't listen on her own, so you made sure of it by gently kissing her lips. That kiss was followed by many, many more pecks, your shared giggling heard between every single one of them.
A small smile grew on your face as you reminisced on the bittersweet memory of your first and only love yet. You continued to fill Ran's glass with an alcoholic drink, sliding it across the counter to them once filled.
After Vi's arrest, you picked up a job at The Last Drop. Although you didn't exactly enjoy working for Silco, it was one of the best positions to hold in the Undercity. You also got to stay close to Jinx as a bonus.
As the end of your shift approached, you alerted Theorem you'd be in the back, packing your stuff.
You quietly made your way back home, walking through some of the more subdued streets of Zaun. However, this time they weren't as peaceful as usual. You groaned when you heard the familiar grunts and bangs from street fights, annoyed that even the silent streets you lived in were being disturbed by brawlers.
While preparing yourself for what was probably the disturbing image of two drunks hassling each other that you'd witness once you turned the corner.
"Where are they? Where's he keeping them?"
You froze, immediately identifying the voice as familiar but not recognizing whose it was.
You laid your hand and head against the concrete wall, listening in on their conversation.
"Keeping them? They work for him."
This voice you immediately realized who belonged to, Sevika. She came by The Last Drop daily.
Shocked and intrigued, you finally peeked around the corner to see whoever was brave enough to fight Sevika.
A woman sat on top of Sevika, back facing you. You were more than surprised to witness what seemed to be Sevika's first losing battle.
Still unable to identify this strange woman, you listened intently to their chat.
"Jinx is like his daughter." The brute spoke in just above a whisper. It seemed that the more context you got, the less sense everything made.
You winced when Sevika used her metal arm to stab the woman, shoving her aside to stand over her. "I'll give her your regards." she drew her steel arm back, preparing to officially end the fight, along with her opponent's life.
A loud gunshot rings through the air, catching you completely off-guard, almost causing you to stumble backward. You were so focused on uncovering who this mystery lady was that you didn't notice the woman aiming a gun straight at Sevika
The brute begrudgingly fled between some narrow alleyways, small splotches of shimmer following in her path.
Now you could get a proper look at the woman who had captivated so much of your attention.
You almost choke, instantly realizing why that stupid, stupid voice intrigued you so much.
She was alive? Where has she been all this time? How long ago did she come back? Who was the lady with her? Wait, is that an enforcer?
So caught up in your own head, you didn't notice you began walking towards her. An unreadable expression on your face while you approached Vi.
“Stop, what do you want?”
The taller woman, who shot at Sevika earlier, was now holding the same gun in your direction.
Her stern voice snapped you out of your trance, making you scoff when you saw the gold accents on her riffle, her shiny and well-kept boots. 'A Topsider' you thought, the only person who could see you as a threat in this situation.
But before you could give her a snappy retort, Violet had her arms wrapped around you. Although it was evident she was struggling to even stand, it didn't stop her from holding your frame tight enough to nearly cut blood circulation.
"God, I missed you." She whispered into your hair, voice soft and shaky.
You must've dreamed about this moment dozens of times in the past seven years, imagining what you'd say to her, telling her how much you missed her, how worried you've been.
But even after almost a decade of fantasizing about this, all you could muster up was a sob as your hands latched onto the back of her hoodie, twisting the fabric between your knuckles.
This only encouraged her to hold you tighter, "I'm so sorry I was gone, I w-wanted to come back, but I got arrested and-" Her rambling was cut short by a fit of coughs rupturing from her chest. She pushed back slightly so as not to cough on you. That's when you noticed the blood on your torso, which seeped from Vi's wound onto your clothes.
"Jesus, Vi." deciding to temporarily put your reunion aside, you swung Violet's arm over your shoulders, placing your hand around her waist to help carry her. The woman she was with doing the same, whatever impression she might've had of you before disappearing.
“Where’s the nearest hospital?”
“Those aren’t so easy to come across here.”
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“Easy, easy.”
You laid Vi against the walls of her old home. Caitlyn, you understood her name was, stood outside, giving you both privacy.
"I missed you." Violet mumbled, grabbing your wrists gently.
That was your breaking point, the tenderness in her hold, how careful she always was with you. It was like a strong tide breaking down your dam.
A sob wracked through your body as you laid your head against her shoulder, the many emotions that you've been avoiding flooded your senses at once.
"I thought you were dead, you asshole!"
"Y-you can't just disappear and come back like it's nothing!"
Vi didn't say anything, patiently listening to you pour your heart out, rubbing your back as you continued to cry. Tears gathered in her own eyes as she listened to your sobs.
Once your borderline wails had turned into quiet sniffles, she placed her hand on top of your head, kissing it repeatedly.
Now practically sitting on her lap, you tilted your head up, observing her features. Although her face had matured, her cheeks were less round, her jawline more defined, she was still as beautiful as ever.
The way she was staring at you made your longing to kiss her harder and harder to ignore. And as much as you wanted to indulge your impulse, you couldn't help but question if it was right. Hell, it'd been seven years, were you even still dating? Just because you didn't move on didn't mean she couldn't.
Your doubts were quickly swept away when Vi leaned downed, stopping right before your lips, letting you pull away if you wanted to.
Smiling slightly, you closed the gap between you two. Violet sighed into the kiss, moving her hands to hold the back of your neck while you cupped her face.
A love-sick smile plastered on her face when you rested your foreheads against one another.
"So, how does tomorrow sound for our date?"
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(I'm working though my requests! I have a few old ones so I appreciate the patience❤)
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founderscouncil · 3 years
this is much less thought through compared to my list for hope and tbh, i’m lowkey considering doing a full rewatch of tvd/to to help get some more ideas, so these are even more generic 
for the love of all that is the tiniest bit holy, give bonnie one of those ships. you know which ones i’m talking about!! i genuinely don’t think i have a notp for her and my interpretation is very morally gray (so lowwwwwkey give her someone who appeals to that darkness a bit maybe?), idk mostly just give her some happiness??
jeremy’s bisexual awakening (you think i’m joking but we all know it was tyler lockwood)
grumpy hunter jeremy who randomly shows up at salvatore once a month to drag alaric out and makes sure he showers and gets away from the school before dumping him at damon and elena’s for the day
uncle jeremy with his favorite pseudo-nieces, josie and lizzie
either hayley or even keelin taking coda under their wing after they learn of the aftermath of the hollow’s rampage. could be one of the many reasons hayley really takes a leadership role after the mikaelsons split up after TO S4
if you don’t acknowledge the hollow storyline, coda’s backstory could be changed up so that she was orphaned when kingmaker development hunted down the pack while they were cursed by dahlia. either way, the idea is that her story touches on themes of community and generosity, while she also plays a foil to hope, as someone who lost everything due to the mikaelsons’ story but she still has to find a way to move on anyways
coda at salvatore and interacting with the squad bc that would be fun. maybe she gets sent with henry and hope when they’re seven, maybe she shows up after hope is revealed to be a mikaelson, but interesting to see how the squad reacts to someone who has known hope in a completely different context
coda just annoying hope. the end.
series of letters over the years between elijah and hope, hayley, rebekah, freya, klaus, anyone after the events of to s4. please do not make this man suffer alone with his thoughts. he will go through so many home improvement projects that the south of france will look like a completely rebuilt area by the time he’s done.
post-series threads where elijah lurks like a maddeningly well-dressed english professor near whitmore and spoils his niece (but also bc it’s me, he’s probably doing research on how to eliminate all threats ever and also how to stick hope in a magical bubble without her knowledge)
idk to even call this an au or a divergent verse or what but imagining a ship (prob a vampire?) where it’s a slow burn of finding each other every century, dodging dahlia, the angst of only having one year together at a time, etc etc etc. she lived through so much but also not really? so it’d be half period au in the way we can jump all over the timeline (basically anything post her baby dying), half canon-compliant? like eventually we could sync up with canon and introduce the rest of the mikaelsons and see what spins up from there? does this make sense to anyone other than my brain lmao? 
vampire freya - either she turned so klaus could stay with hayley and hope after to s4 or one of the family’s enemies catches up to her and forces a turn to remove their magical help, or some other way, she’s undead now. it’s bittersweet because she sorely misses her magic but at the same time, she doesn’t have to grow old without her siblings either. she doesn’t know what to think about it, but she has to figure it out eventually. 
alternatively, she got turned into a vampire sometime before the series starts and she was able to live life freely away from dahlia for the first time in her life, and she doesn’t have to worry about having a child anymore, which makes her effectively useless to her aunt now, but once hope is born, freya has to actually meet her family and try to convince them that she is who she says she is, idk that’s all i’ve got rn
verses where hayley never died, verses where hayley is resurrected, verses where hayley is the best mom for hope, anything that lets her have the life with hope that she deserves. 
hayley / caroline / klaus co-parenting shenanigans. make it poly if so inclined.
slow burn freelin. a version where keelin is actually around in the years during the hollow because as wanderlust-y as she is, she’s not going to just abandon freya like please
keelin talking to hayley (or any other werewolf) about their differences in opinions about the wolf. keelin remembers her entire family being hunted down by lucien castle and how being a wolf never brought her anything but pain, yet at the same time, she does feel a disconnect to a huge part of who she is. someone to help her bridge that gap and her fear and showing her that her wolf side isn’t something to be feared or shunned
things with freya and/or keelin. nik could exist or not, i just enjoy that relationship a lot
the city holding vincent responsible for the hollow’s initial bid for power, and maybe he can’t be removed as regent but exploring a broken trust (especially in the years between s4 and s5) and how he has to overcome that to win back people’s backing
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