#[ well - at least me and doflamingo share aesthetics ]
Can’t Hate One, But Not The Other
(Pudding & Viola)
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Before I start, I wanna say that this is just MY personal opinion. I just see such different and drastic opinions that don’t make sense to me honestly. PERSONALLY, I love both Viola and Pudding, but who cares am I right? If you do have a split opinion that’s fine, I’ll just look at you with a little side eye, but also don’t hate me I’m sensitive.
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Part One: The False Lover Turned Admirer
Imagine this, just for a minute for me, alright?
Yet another One Piece arc starts, we follow our Straw Hat chef Sanji. It starts with Sanji meeting a lady, a pretty lady. Sanji being his usual self throws himself at the lady, treating her nicely, spoiling her, being his usual over the top flirty self and even a little pervery pervery I mean it’s Sanji here we’re talking about. Sanji and the lady grow closer, spend time together, even get a little flirty and romantic together.
Only to find out the betrayal, the pretty lady is the enemy, helping the big bad villain of the arc to kill the Straw Hats and Sanji himself. But as the arc goes on, Sanji brushes it off, as if having a hunch that something is wrong, that the lady doesn’t entirely have a say in the current situation, but still goes out of his was to treat the lady nicely and with respect, just as Zeff had taught him.
During his continued persistence to treat the lady with respect, the lady starts to like him, fall for him in return even. The lady grows a respect for Sanji, and in return end up helping him and the Straw Hats in their plans, to save and help them.
What lady did you think of?
Same plot, different font.
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Part Two: Sanji VS Toxic Relationships
To start the only difference between the women other then their aesthetics, ages, and arcs, they have their own personal reasons for what they did and why they did it.
Let’s start with Viola.
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As we all know, Viola, who was under the allies of Violet, was sent by Doflamingo to personally deal with Sanji as he is seemingly well know to have a weakness for women.
Doflamingo is Violas toxic relationship.
As an easy start, Doflamingo invaded, over threw and manipulated her country just over night, using his Devil Fruit to make her father seem like the villain and Doflamingo himself as some righteous savior. Her father labeled as a criminal by the country, her older sister murdered, her niece nowhere to be found, and her brother-in-law long forgotten by her, she had no choice but to obey him if she valued her life, which was only the beginning. Not a lot of details are shared about their relationship, but it is canon that Doflamingo had raped Viola, and in return she could do nothing but let it slide since realistically there was nothing she could do. In theory that type of relationship continued for the next ten years. Hell, during her introduction scene when Sanji first saw Viola dancing, she wasn dancing a dance called “The Flamingo”, a very obvious reference to her connections to Doflamingo if you knew the dance, which also makes it safe to assume that they still had a sexually abusive relationship even up until that point.
Like any abusive relationship, sexual or not, it’s hard to escape, especially with one with Doflamingo himself. He’s a powerful man, physical wise, social wise, and Devil Fruit wise. It’s safe to assume that Viola would have the mindset and know the the sexual abuse and rape wouldn’t be the worst she could get out of him, especially since Doflamingo could easily sell her off. Fun fact for anyone who didn’t notice, the human auction house in the Sabaody Archipelago Arc is owned by the Donquixote Pirates, their Jolly Roger being seen on the walls multiple times. And considering the types of people who could buy her, princess or not, it would at least be a better option to stay in her home country, especially since she had Rebecca to keep an eye out for. Rebecca (to her knowledge) was the only family she had left, the last thing she had to her beloved older sister, probably scared out of her mind of what Doflamingo could do to Rebecca.
Now, let’s talk about Pudding.
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Two arcs later, during the Zou Arc and Whole Cake Island Arc, Charlotte Pudding was assigned to be Sanjis wife so that the Big Mom Pirates and Germa 66 would have a close alliance, only for Pudding and her family to kill the Germa family.
Big Mom aka Charlotte Linlin is Puddings toxic relationship.
“The first person a child trusts is their parents” is what studies have said and shown, some of us understanding that personally. Besides her many a siblings, Big Mom is all that Pudding would have for a family, most likely being her only parent as well. Now some may ask “well what about her father?”. Well…only one father is ever shown, Lola and Chiffons father Pound, and as shown with them when the twins where born Linlin refused to let Pound meet his own daughters and essentially banished him, so it’s safe to say that the same probably happened to Puddings own father. As any child, she’d only want to love her mother, especially considering the environment that Pudding grew up in, a candy cotton filled dream, and even seeing how her older siblings would act and how they’d talk about Linlin.
To put it simply, Big Mom is a narcissist, showing many signs of being one, especially with how she acts towards her own children. She’d love bomb her children, show them that she cares and say that she loves them, only to ridicule them, Linlin herself saying that Puddings third eye “ruined her pretty face”. Which honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the same with some of her other children, like Katakuri for example. (Yes I know Kuri grew to hate his looks cause of what bullies did to Brúlée, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Linlin also made a few off comments herself). Pudding still obviously loves her mother, wanting to make her happy and help her achieve her dreams. She’s her mother after all.
Part Three: The Tear In The Fandom
This is just a personal section from me, from my own observations from my time within the fandom. I’d see people say “oh I don’t like her because she manipulated Sanji” which 1. Both of them did and 2. As I explained neither of them really had a choice in the matter. Viola couldn’t cause she was too scared to defy Doflamingo, and Pudding couldn’t cause she just wanted to make her mother happy.
We can agree that Sanji can sometimes suck, his perverted nature being a real pain in the ass and making it hard to defend him, and I can say that as a Sanji fan girl. But he still has that likability, the ability to show these poor ladies respect and offer to give them the love they deserve.
Viola was 19 when Doflamingo took over her kingdom, him being 31. And for those ten years of her early adult life that sexually abusive relationship was all she knew, sexualising herself to manipulate Sanji in the first place. When Sanji did come along, he showed her the love and respect she deserved, and she quickly learned that.
Pudding on the other hand is only 16, still a child legally. She’d probably had never known what actual love and respect was like, never receiving either from the person she cared for the most, her mother. Which is why I called Linlin a narcissist, degrading her child only to love bomb her, make Pudding feel special so that she’d stay close to her, for her third eye that can read the poneglyphs in the future.
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Part Four: Conclusion.
In conclusion of my stupid and probably pointless rant cause hey, I write fan fiction not essays, I find it hard to hate one but love the other, considering how very very similar their circumstances are.
I love them both, yes I have a personal favourite out of the two but will I say who? No of course not, I don’t want to cause some of y’all scare me.
At the end of the day both of these beautiful ladies are victims of abuse and deserve all the love in the world instead of hate cause really it brings down the vibe.
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I hope y’all enjoyed.
And hey, if you wanna read some fanfics give me account a look at.
Bye y’all!!
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Started thinking about Monet’s ships and how surprisingly varied they’ve been over the years, so I’m going to rate them
Law: the ur Monet ship; she asked him for wings, he gave them to her, it’s really easy to extrapolate that into an intimate moment for her, and her flirty interactions with him suggest the kind of gratitude that she feels. S
Doflamingo: as close to canon as the Law ship, except we know for a fact that she feels some form of love for Doflamingo, she probably wouldn’t have tried to sacrifice herself for him otherwise. Aesthetically, they also just work really well together with green and pink feathers together. S
Caesar: I get it, but I do not like it. I just plain don’t like Caesar, personally, and the idea of him being intimate with anyone is uncomfortable for me, but Monet’s constant roasting creates a fun dynamic, so she pulls up the rating a bit. D
Vergo: Not much interaction between them, but the idea that they both survived Punk Hazard and helped each other get back on their feet creates a lot of opportunity for something fun. Lots of potential, but barely any foundation. B
Luffy: she hugged him, so that’s a plus on aesthetic, and Luffy loves snow, so that’s a plus on interaction, but Luffy’s staunch aromanticism very promptly kills its potential. They’d make great friends, but that’s it. C
Nami: they both have weather abilities, they’re both women, and orange and green go well together. Not enough interaction to work with, but damn they look good together. B
Zoro: they’re both green and they fought. Certainly more to go on than Vergo, and they’d make a good looking couple. I’ve seen cute fanart of their hypothetical child, and damn if that doesn’t give them a few extra points. B
Tashigi: they fought and they’re girls, so not much more to go on than Zoro, but the yuri angle has led to more popularity among fans and Monet thrives when she has the advantage in the ship, so I think it’s a little more fun than Zoro. A
Robin: similar to Nami in that they’re both women in One Piece and Monet stabbed her once, but that’s the extent of it. It’s pretty arbitrary, and the art I’ve seen of it...wasn’t the most flattering. C
Kuzan: both have ice Logia, and similar to Vergo, some believe he played a part in her survival; I like Kuzan more than Vergo, so that’s a plus, but Monet has had canon interactions with Vergo, so they approximately balance out. B
Bellamy: I don’t think anyone’s done this one other than me, but as Doflamingo stans that may both become disillusioned and ally with the Straw Hats, their common ground is a lot of fun to think about. Similar to the Vergo situation, but I’m super endeared to Bellamy whereas I’m neutral to Vergo. A
Viola: Monet used to work as an attendant for Viola, so while we never saw them interact, we know they had a master/servant dynamic, which is prime shipping material. The subsequent betrayal creates an opportunity for some juicy angst, especially with the potential nuance that Monet may have been the one to convince Doflamingo to let Viola live. A
Gladius: Only just saw this one, so while there’s nothing to go on, they at least look good together. I’m sure they’d work fine, but I don’t feel connected enough to Gladius to give it a particularly high rating. C
Carrot: I came up with this because I originally believed that Carrot would get the Snow-Snow Fruit and started thinking about Monet’s spirit living on through Carrot. Beyond that, the aesthetic of a bird of prey shipped with a rabbit is really cute, and their personalities seem like they’d complement each other pretty well. B
Camie: basically the same as with Carrot, just a fish instead of a rabbit, and the shared aesthetic of both being green-haired. This one is fairly popular and I see it a lot, so it beats out the Carrot ship if for no better reason than ubiquity. A
Marco: another one based solely on aesthetic; snowbird + firebird, both wearing glasses. It’s cute, especially when Marco is in hybrid form to match Monet’s body type, I just don’t feel connected enough to Marco to really get behind it. B
King: same as Marco with the ice and fire aesthetic, it gets a slightly higher rating for two reasons; 1) King is hotter; 2) I’ve mentioned before that I think there’s a connection between Monet and the Lunarians, so it’s easier for me to imagine the sorts of interactions they’d have. A
This isn’t an exhaustive list, these are just the ships that I’ve seen and that come to mind easily. The rating system is pretty arbitrary and subject to change. Maybe I should have just arranged these in order of how much I like them, but I think that factoring in canon, aesthetic and dynamic was a good way to help account for my biases. At least a little
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despairforme · 2 years
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       It’s all fun ‘n games when someone gets hurt!
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