#[ woody pride intro ]
thetorturedmusesdept · 6 months
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Was that [CHRIS WOOD]? Oh no no, that was just [WOODY PRIDE], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [DISNEY'S TOY STORY]. They are [THIRTY-FIVE] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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FULL NAME: Woody Pride AGE: 35 SPECIES: Human FANDOM: Disney's Toy Story GENDER IDENTITY: Cis male; he/him SEXUALITY:  Heterosexual NATIONALITY: American ETHNICITY: White HOW LONG HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN HERE?: One Week JOB: Sherriff WHERE HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN PULLED FROM IN THEIR FANDOM?: He's been brought in after all Toy Story movies! HAS ANY MAGIC AFFECTED YOUR CHARACTER?: Yes, he believes he is and always has been human, and that he's always lived in Washington.
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SIBLING(S): None PARTNER(S): None atm. CHILDREN: None atm. PARENT(S): Technically none!
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- blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah
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platonic connections: Friends, Woody is such a good friend and values his friendships so so much!! more platonic connections: Anyone from Toy Story, but especially Bo Peep, Buzz Lightyear, and Jessie! toy lovers: Anyone who is enthusiastic about toys should talk to Woody! He collects figures and likes to donate toys to orphanages and such. other police/security workers: Woody is the Sherriff here in D.C! So if you have someone who is a police officer or works in security, they could definitely know each other and maybe work together! cowboys/girls: Fellow cowboy/girl? Yeehaw! Talk rootin tootin with Woody Pride! He's as cowboy as they come! romance: Woody really would love someone to call his at the end of the day. He's very affectionate and protective and loving!
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asktoystory-blog · 5 years
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J Carson
Welcome Tumblr users, to our Toy Story Ask account! We are small, yet our love is HUGE. I am mod! J Carson, and I am an action figure. No I am not a toy, for I am made of peak quality plastic, and painted intricately for collectors.
A bit about me, the mod, is that I’ve was always fond of the Toy Story series and have a Woody doll of my own. Im a passionate artist and character developer. And my character is J Carson
Speaking of J Carson! He is NOT a toy, he is in fact an action figure, made for gamer’s and collectors so of course he is valuable and high in quality. The reason why gamers like him so much is because he is the main character of a dystopian cyber punk video game series. So he’s a tad egotistical... Who am I kidding? J Carson is CRAZY egotistical, every minute you can practically hear him ranting on about his video game and his many many traits. God I love him
Also Imma slip in, he is heckin pining for Woody Pride, you know, the sheriff? The main character of the whole Toy Story genre?? The guy with the snake in his boot? Yeah, him
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liam-93-productions · 4 years
For the last 10 or so months, most people's lives have seriously slowed down. With shelter-in-place and lockdown orders mandated around the world, it's no surprise that many celebrities's once-busy and hectic public lives have come to a startling halt, but this hasn't necessarily been the case for Liam Payne.
Besides churning out new music, the singer has been very busy this year. Not unlike most of us, he's joined TikTok and discovered the benefits of sustainability, (...) and even held a livestream concert series. Long story short, Payne's life hasn't changed pace, so it makes a lot of sense that he's updating his résumé with yet another accomplishment: being the face of a sexy new fragrance.
The partnership itself isn't new — Payne has been an ambassador for Hugo for the last few years — but the presence of Payne's smouldering stare in the latest campaign for Hugo Man seems fitting. After all, 2020 was the year of significant anniversaries for both the brand and Payne: Hugo Man not only celebrated its 25th birthday, but July 23 marked the 10th anniversary of One Direction. While 1D fans didn't get exactly what they'd hoped for (i.e. a band reunion), even the most soured superfans can feel a sense of pride for Payne's personal evolution.
Ahead, Payne shares what he's been up to while staying home, his plans for 2021, the tattoo he loves (now), and how an unlikely TikTok collaboration came to be.
Liam Payne On His Signature Scent as a Teen
It's a universal truth that most teenagers do not smell great (or at least smell a lot better after moving past puberty and skipping the body spray housed inside a neon plastic bottle). While Payne spent most of his formative years in a band, he's not exactly exempt from our collective smelly past.
"I think when we're teenagers we choose those really cheap scents that everybody seems to have and they smell like a changing room most times," he told POPSUGAR. "I hope my own personal journey has been good, but I'm sure there must have been points when it wasn't." Despite what those handmade One Direction candles would tell you, Payne most certainly smells great now: modern, masculine, and after about 20 minutes, a bit woody.
While most of us could've maybe guessed what Payne smells like on a daily basis — introduce us to a 20-something guy who doesn't appreciate a balsam note — we would've never assumed his favourite scent that's not a fragrance: history. To be specific, really old houses. "I just moved into a house and it's really old. You know when you can smell that the house has history? That smell," he confirmed. "That smell is quite nice."
Liam Payne On His Most Regrettable Tattoo
Payne is not the first person to regret a tattoo, but could maybe teach a masterclass on learning to love yours. So, what is — or was — his most regrettable ink? The chevron-like row of arrows on his right arm. "The guy put the design on me and it was way too big, but I hadn't got the heart to tell him because I was kind of afraid," Payne said. "I think I fell asleep on the desk in the tattoo shop, it was the most random thing, ever. Then, I woke up the next morning and my arm was hurting. I was like, oh no, that didn't happen, did it?"
Payne revealed that he quickly went to Google to search for ways to remove the tattoo, but as you'll see, he never really went through with it. In fact, the large piece served as inspiration for one of his collections with Hugo (you can spot it on the collar of some of the pieces).
So, how does he feel about it now? "It was a beautiful mistake," he said. "I feel like tattoos do become a part of you, like a scar or something. They'll always be there and you always grow to love them."
Liam Payne On His Most Recent Tattoo
According to some experts, the post-coronavirus tattoo boom is inevitable. Even we can admit that we've been eyeing a few designs over the last year. As for Payne, he doesn't entirely relate. "I yearn for more tattoos, but I only ever get tattoos when I'm a little bit drunk," he said. "I can't sit with an idea and then hope I'm going to get it. I'm not one of those people.
While Payne is one of those spur-of-the-moment kind of tattoo lovers, he admitted that he's excited to reunite with one of his favourite LA-based artists, Nikko Hurtado. So, no, he doesn't know what kind of tattoo he might get once lockdown is over, but he can confirm the very last tattoo he got before everything changed. "I got my initials on my hand in case I ever can't remember who I am," he said, referencing the "L" and "P" inked on his left and right hands, respectively. "At least I've got the letters to start with."
Liam Payne On Collabing With TikTok's Abby Roberts
After the year we've had, nothing really shocks us anymore — except maybe coming across Liam Payne in clown makeup on TikTok. If he made a surprising appearance on your For You Page this year, you may have wondered how the musician ended up on the app collaborating with one of its most popular makeup artists, Abby Roberts. Turns out, Payne had seen some of Roberts's videos before and initiated the harmonious partnership in anticipation for his Halloween concert special. And so their viral TikToks were born. (Seriously, the first video he posted with Roberts has since earned four millions likes.)
Just because we were surprised by this collaboration doesn't mean Payne is a stranger to undergoing seriously long makeup transformations. Remember those intro videos One Direction made for the Take Me Home Tour in 2013? The boys went undercover in London thanks to prosthetics and wigs. Tl;dr hijinks ensued, fans loved it, and Payne still remembers what it was like to be turned into Harry Styles's elderly husband. "I think I was in the chair for five hours while I was being made into an old man," he recalled of the prosthetics. "It was quite fun, but watching yourself age before the mirror was a very daunting prospect, but it was a lot of fun to play [that] part."
Liam Payne On His Commitment to Sustainability
Like many of us, Payne has become more aware of just how crucial a eco-conscious lifestyle can be for our present and future. As a Hugo ambassador, he's familiar with the importance of sourcing sustainable materials and ingredients when creating both clothes and fragrances. Perhaps the sexiest thing about the relaunched Hugo Man is that it's housed inside a box made from recycled paper. Even sexier, Payne admits he's made his own personal commitment to recycling while staying home. "It's made me take a longer look at myself and the way I treat things," he said. Even he agrees we all have to start somewhere.
Liam Payne On His Plans For 2021
Everyone's plans and expectations for this new year are very different, but Payne's already got his eye on some downtime. "I feel like because we didn't know if we had to completely stop working or whether we were even going to have anything to do this year, we worked as hard as we could constantly since March," he said. "It feels for all of us that 2021 is going to hit a little bit of a refresh button."
Still, even he can admit while we'd love to leave a lot of 2020 behind, there is one thing he'll take with him: quality time. "Life's been on a bit of treadmill for a long time and I think when you live in big cities, like London and LA, everybody's always go go go all the time," he said, "I think it's been important this year that we've got to learn to take some time for ourselves and stop and enjoy these moments."
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Flaws VS Struggles
Includes minor mentions of
Toy Story
Happy Feet
If you remember, I mentioned in Intro to Character that Flaws and Struggles were frequently confused, and yet both essential for characters. This took a while to get out, but here we go, Flaws VS Struggle and what’s the difference.
Ah yes yes. All characters need flaws, but again, Flaws are often confused with Struggle. Unlike Struggle, Flaws are completely static and do not change. They work directly with Strengths. Let’s look at two real life examples.
Extroversion. Known to be outgoing, high level of energy, social, friendly, aka what society usually favors over Introversion. Strengths include again, social, friendly, talkative, which means they’re probably great at working in groups, don’t generally keep information about themselves bottled up and are able to share, and even leaving better first impressions. Now let’s look on the flip side. If people with high extroversion are highly sociable, then they likely don’t like being alone or working alone. If they’re talkative, it could very well be that they don’t know when to stop talking, talk at the wrong times, or even talk over quieter voices in a conversation.
Now let’s look at introversion. This is the opposite of extroversion. Highly extroverted people seek company because that’s where they get their energy. Highly introverted people seek solitude because they get their energy from being alone. Introverts are known for being quiet and alone. Introversion strengths include being creative, being able to work well alone, introspective, being more analytical about the world around them, and oftentimes empathetic. Flaws of introversion include being unable to speak up to contribute an idea in company of louder people, being overly stimulated in large crowds which leads to energy drainage and need to recharge.
You can’t “fix” a person’s introversion or extroversion, it’s just how they are, and how they function. This is how flaws work. Everything in life has a cost, a flip end to it, and the Flaw is just the cost of the Strength. This also applies to physical strengths and weaknesses.
Let me offer a more personal example, on the extreme end of flaw (as in, I’ll be providing an example of something that has a lot more flaws than strengths to it). I have a blood disorder known as Thalassemia Beta Minor. What does this mean for me? At the very basicness of it, it means I’m chronically anemic, aka I get tired faster, and for longer than the average person. This means I have a hard time keeping up with people when it comes to physical activities. I can’t run for as long as most people, an entire day of work will wear me out faster than everyone else, and I’ll be sleepier a lot more often, bordering on mild narcoleptic symptoms. You know what else this means? I have low blood pressure. Sounds great in a world where high blood pressure is a frequent concern, but low blood pressure also has its cost. For one, I get cold a lot faster than everyone else, and it’s hard to warm back up (aka I’m completely intolerant to cold). Also, I’ve passed out before because I stood up too quickly, I always need to watch how slowly I stand up. It’s not the worse disorder a person can have, but definitely annoying. However, it does come with one GIANT perk. I can’t get malaria.
That’s right. You heard me. I can’t get malaria. My blood cells don’t live long enough for the malaria eggs to incubate and hatch, and so they die with my cells.
Similar to “internal” Strengths/Flaws, there’s no really fixing physical Strengths/Flaws either. They’re just kind of there, and it’s up to the character to figure out how to use it.
Now because there’s the whole “CHARACTERS MUST BE FLAWED” thing going around, this will sometimes lead to characters being randomly assigned flaws with no good reason behind them, and will at best be completely unnatural and forced. I will say this once, and probably many times again, but here we go: FORCING THINGS ONTO CHARACTERS IS UNNATURAL AND LEADS TO POOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Characters should NEVER have flaws forced upon them for the sake of having flaws. Aka, forcing a character to “be bad at math” for no other reason other than “they need a flaw” is an empty excuse. Why is a character bad at math? Is their brain just on the more creative side of things? It’s more natural and easier to observe a character’s strengths (which seems to be the first thing they get upon creation) and then look at the flip side of that strength.
Now let’s look at my favorite (and arguably most important) part of characters, their struggle, and why it’s different from flaws. For starters, struggles are overcome-able unlike flaws which are static. Many stories deal with characters growing and overcoming their struggle. Tragedies are when characters cannot overcome them, and instead succumb to them. Aka, NOT A CHARACTER’S “FATAL FLAW”. A Flaw is a character’s feature, tangent with their strength, a Struggle causes them trouble. The other really important aspect of Struggle? It’s emotionally charged, Struggles make characters experience emotions, often painful ones.
Everyone loves seeing characters struggle because that’s what life is about, struggling, and overcoming them. Struggling is what makes the story real, no matter how many unicorns, and space monsters are in there. Struggles are the fastest ways for audiences to connect with characters, especially if they’ve struggled with what the character has too. There’s a reason that many heroes are orphaned, because loss, or fear of loss, is a universal experience, and immediately endears the heroes to the audience.
And the best part about Struggle? It can be anything. Now, again, *grabs megaphone* DO NOT FORCE A STRUGGLE ONTO A CHARACTER JUST BECAUSE THEY NEED TO STRUGGLE. Look at a character’s story, what makes sense for them to struggle with? For example, say a character experienced a death, now they’re struggling with grief and loss, and everything that comes with it. And here’s the thing about struggling, sometimes, it can’t be overcome, you have to learn to live with it, but it’ll still cause you trouble, like grief. Of course, when I say Struggle can be anything, I mean, it can literally be anything, and consequently has many different categories (and fret not friends! While I’m only glossing over this stuff here, I do have many posts planned for exploring Struggles!)
There are Struggles like Anxieties, Being Different, Grief, Mental Disorders, or even Medical Conditions, these are more about overcoming feelings and emotions pertaining to these struggles, rather than making sure these struggles are solved. (Note 1: Anxiety is a fickle line here, on the one hand, with proper therapy and or character development, it can be overcome, on the other hand it’s still overcome through dealing with the emotions pertaining to it that it still ties in with these guys) (Note 2: Notice that my blood disorder could fall in here, if it’s existence caused me anguish, or negative emotions, which would make it a physical flaw and a struggle. AKA, a flaw can contribute to a struggle. However, I couldn’t care less about my blood disorder and just kinda deal with it at face value, which means I do not Struggle with it).
There are Struggles like having goals, facing obstacles, being bullied. These Struggles are the ones that the source must be overcome in order to overcome the feelings that come with it.
And then, there’s Struggle’s little sister
Immaturity is an off-branch of Struggle. It happens often enough in stories, and is different enough from Struggles and Flaws that I feel like it qualifies as its own thing, while still belonging to both groups (closer to Struggle than Flaw in my opinion, but a case can be made for it belonging more to Flaw). Immaturity is like Struggle in that it’s one of the best and easiest ways characters show growth through overcoming it, but it’s like Flaw because usually it’s not something that actively bothers the character, or a problem they might even realize they have.
When I say Immaturity, I’m not talking about day-dreaming about castles in clouds, laughing at anything related to butts and armpits, and just overall cliché, childish things, because those are usually unique to children (*coughs* usually). When I say Immaturity, I’m talking about traits that show a person’s maturity (“No duh keet”). Aka, a child can be mature and still have childish traits, while an adult can be immature with no childish traits. Confused?
Immaturity in this sense is: Pride, Arrogance, Greed, Self-Righteousness, feeling of Entitlement, Selfishness, Prone to Tantrum/Anger, and Lack of Understanding of Emotions (for self and/or others) to name a few. Easier to understand now how an adult can be immature but not childish, while a child can be mature but childish?
Immaturity is usually where a character experiences growth. Struggle is akin to overcoming, while Immaturity is akin to growth and development. All people (and to an extent all characters) are immature to different degrees. Some people might be more mature than others, but everyone’s got room to grow no matter how mature one is.
Let’s go back to my quick mention of Woody from Toy Story in my Intro to Character post. In the first movie, Woody is selfish and jealous of Buzz. By Toy Story 2, they’re good friends, and the jealousy is gone. Woody matured throughout the movie, and out-grew these traits. Most of Woody’s actual struggles were just obstacles in the way of getting home, and of getting what he wanted. Pixar movies tend to focus a lot more on maturity and immaturity than they do on internal struggles. Which is neither good nor bad (honestly, quite important in this day and age), it’s just how they feel is the best way to tell their stories.
Let’s look at a different movie in which it’s not the main character’s job to mature, but everyone else’s. Happy Feet. Mumble is a remarkably mature character. He is selfless, polite, humble, not vengeful, and overall just a delight to be around. He struggles with being very different from his society who keeps demanding he conform. It’s his society that learns to mature throughout the course of the movie and be more open-minded.
There are multiple ways to use both Immaturity and Struggle in differently, and no single way is the right way. They are also so closely related, that it can be confusing to work with them, and oftentimes is easier to just pick one and stick with it. However, working with both together can lead to a truly powerful character.
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harmonicatabs · 5 years
A Picture from Life's Other Side
New Post has been published on https://harmonicatabs.net/?post_type=lyrics&p=4865
A Picture from Life's Other Side
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A Picture from Life�s Other Side Traditional�Woody Guthrie/Hank Williams D Diatonic Harmonica/Key of D 3/4 Time (bass note/chord/chord)
Intro D
Verse D 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 -4 4 5 5 In the world�s mighty gallery of pictures G D 4 4 4 -4 4 3 There�s scenes painted from life D 4 4 4 -4 4 5 5 Scenes of youth and of beauty E7 A7 -4 -4 -4 -4 5 -4 Scenes of hardship and strife D 4 4 4 -4 4 5 5 Scenes of wealth and of plenty G D 4 4 4 -4 4 4 3 3 Old age and a blushing young bride D 5 5 5 -4 4 All hang on the wall G 5 5 5 5 -4 4 But the saddest of all A7 D 5 5 5 5 -4 4 -4 4 4 Is a picture from life�s other side
Chorus D 4 4 4 4 -4 4 -4 5 A picture from life�s other side G D 4 4 4 4 4 -4 3 3 Somebody has fell by the way D 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 -4 5 And a light has gone out with the tide E7 A7 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 5 -4 -4 That might have been happy someday D 4 4 4 4 -4 5 Some poor mother at home G D 4 4 4 4 -4 4 3 3 Is watching and waiting alone G D -5 -5 -5 4 4 -4 5 5 -4 4 Longing to hear, from her sweatheart so dear A7 D 5 5 5 5 5 4 -5 -4 4 That�s a picture from life�s other side
Additional Verses (Guthrie version)
Now the first scene is that of two brothers Their paths in life differently led One lived in luxury and riches And the other one begged for his bread One night they met on the highway Your money; your life; one cried Then with his knife, he took his own brother�s life That�s a picture from life�s other side
Now the next scene is down by the river A heartbroken mother and babe In the harbor light there see them shiver Outcasts that no one will save Once she was a true woman Somebody�s darling and pride God help her she leaps There�s no one to weap That�s a picture from life�s other side
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biofunmy · 5 years
Billy Porter, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Woody Harrelson help SNL take on the Democratic presidential hopefuls in Trumpless cold open
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Billy Porter appeared in SNL’s cold open. (SNL/SNL)
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Travis M. Andrews
Pop culture reporter covering music, movies, TV, comedy and celebrity culture
October 13 at 1:13 AM
“Saturday Night Live” catches a lot of flack from the political right for focusing its satirical crosshairs on President Trump and his administration as the opening sketch nearly every weekend. Well, those critics are probably pleased right now as no one in the cold open even mentioned the president.
Instead, the show took aim at the slew of Democratic presidential hopefuls who appeared at CNN’s LGBTQ Town Hall earlier this week. SNL’s version of the town hall had “one stage, no rules, last one standing gets the oh-so-elusive gay vote.”
Though the cold open still relied heavily on celebrity guests, a crutch SNL has leaned on since going out of house and asking Alec Baldwin to be Trump, it proved to be a refreshing change of pace, allowing for some impersonations we don’t often see.
Alex Moffat reprised his serviceable Anderson Cooper as the town hall’s moderator. He had a few good quips throughout, such as when he announced, “This town hall will discuss the issues affecting our community: LGBTQ and straight girls who make pride about them.” But for the most part, he was there to keep the sketch moving.
The guest stars
He quickly brought out the short sketch’s first major highlight: Celebrity guest Billy Porter, the fashionista and recently Emmy-winning actor from “Pose,” who was there to announce the candidates and give the show an early injection of high-voltage energy. Each candidate came with a jubilantly shouted intro.
For Cory Booker: “He may live in the projects, but ladies, he ain’t no project!” For Pete Buttigeg: “Representing house of booty-gig, it’s Mayor Pete!” For Elizabeth Warren: “Warren-ing! Warren-ing! … She’s got a plan for the future!” For Julián Castro: “From the house, of urban deliciousness!” For Joe Biden: “The Delaware daddy whose only vice is the choo-choo train!”
Lin-Manuel Miranda appearing as Castro was the second major surprise of the sketch. He burst onto the stage assuming he’s on “Queer Eye.” When asked if he is elected president, how he will bring more queer voices into his cabinet, he responded, “First of all, gracias. As a Democrat, I want to apologize for not being gay. But I promise to do better in the future. However, I am Latino, which we can all agree is something. Look, I’m young, I’m diverse, I’m Latinobama.
The best moment, though, was his closing statement. “There was once another man who left his mark on this nation’s history, but he never become president,” before trying to launch into a song from “Hamilton.”
Woody Harrelson returned as Biden, which he debuted when he hosted the season premiere three weeks ago. But without the freshness of seeing his impersonation for the first time, the impersonation didn’t hit quite as hard as, say, Miranda’s. Still, he delivered several solid jokes in a row, such as “The vast majority of people in America are not homophobic. They’re just scared of gay people.” And “I went to bat for marriage equality, and I believe we’re all equal. Whether your gay, lesby, transgential or queer.”
He really shined, though, when asked how he would defend his previous support of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. “I’m glad you asked that question, and let me answer by telling you a false memory. Now the year was 19,” he began, before clicking his tongue into his cheek a few times and moaning “umm.” Finally, he finished, “26, and I was in downtown Dover with my father.” The story he went on to tell about “two well-dressed men,” including a long pause in the middle to ask “Who’s nervous about this story?” perfectly encapsulated the real-life Biden’s propensity for confusing, meandering stories.
To top it off, he then kissed Moffat’s Cooper.
The cast members
Kate McKinnon once again outshined her fellow cast members by miles. That sentiment is so true that it’s become boring to type. Seriously, what is SNL going to do when she finally moves on? Her Elizabeth Warren both manages to sound and feel like senator while being absurdly over-the-top. Such as tonight, when she bounced around the stage, pointing at the crowd, explaining “I had some apple slices backstage, and they are hitting me like cocaine. Y’all know I’m not a lesbian, but all the ingredients are there.”
Chris Redd’s Cory Booker was amusing, if not particularly memorable. “My girlfriend was in ‘Rent,’ so yeah, I get it,” he said, referring to his real-life girlfriend Rosario Dawson. When confronted with a 1992 op-ed he penned for the Stanford Daily in which he wrote that he once “hated gays,” SNL’s Booker said, “I don’t want you to think I’m dodging a question, so I’m going to go now.” … And then he left.
Colin Jost, who doesn’t generally appear on-camera outside of the Weekend Update segment, gave by far the worst performance with his portrayal of Pete Buttigeg. That’s not to say it wasn’t funny. His impersonation is mostly a physical gag, as he walks around with his hands sticking out at his sides like Frankenstein’s monster.
While his jokes were funny — “I went to Harvard, but they don’t teach you where to put your arms” and “There’s no wrong way to be gay, unless you’re Ellen this week” and “Why am I not winning this? I’m a veteran. I’m under the legal retirement age. And when I talk, it makes sense.” — he doesn’t do much else to actually impersonate Buttigieg. Instead, he just sounds like, well, Jost during Weekend Update. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Things Frasier Did Better Than Cheers | ScreenRant
There’s never been a more successful spin-off than Frasier. Having been derived based on a character who was far from the main attraction on Cheers, the spin-off was nothing like the main show and its uniqueness enabled it to last over a decade before its conclusion.
RELATED: 10 Huge Stars We All Forgot Appeared On Cheers
As the two series had such a stark contrast in their presentation, there are separate fans for both shows, with many not ever even having seen Cheers. In case you are a Cheers fan and aren’t sure if you want to watch Frasier, or you’re a Frasier fan who wants to take pride in your fandom of choice, here are 10 things that Frasier did better than Cheers.
10 Smarter Jokes
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The point behind Cheers was that it was an escape over to a place where you meet your friends and make stupid jokes. To that effect, the show’s jokes comprised of either slapstick humor, or just jokes that were plainly understood.
RELATED: Cheers: 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed
Frasier switched this up by employing the sophistication of characters like Frasier and Niles, and most jokes were based on their snobbishness, with a lot of puns, clever deliveries, and jokes set up in advance that would land like a brick at the proper time to deliver the comedy. It was a wittier way to present the show, making the Frasier jokes more memorable.
9 Continuity
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Cheers loved to ignore stuff we’d seen in previous episodes in order to have jokes applicable in a later one. For instance, we saw Diane and Carla make up many times, only for them to become enemies once more the next episode; there were several other cases like this.
On Frasier, you could be certain that established ground would remain that way and storylines we didn’t even like, such as Roz and Frasier hooking up or Frasier being attracted to a woman who liked his mother, would still be referenced later on so that watching these episodes actually meant something. There was even a whole 11-year sort of flashback episode in the last season where we saw the actors dress up exactly how their characters looked like in the particular season we were flashing back to.
8 Firmer Relationships
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Although everyone at Cheers had a lovely time with each other, you got the sense they never met one another outside of the bar. Each time a character stopped coming to the bar and returned, everyone would greet them as if they hadn’t met since their departure.
RELATED: Cheers: 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed
Since Frasier was around his family the whole time on his show, we got to see these people form firmer relationships. It was great to watch too, as we could be certain these guys could count on each other even if there was a great distance between them - it made the camaraderie come across as natural.
7 Family Aspect
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To elaborate on the previous point, on Frasier we got to see where Frasier came from. This lacked severely on Cheers, as we had no clue what everyone’s background was like; save for Carla, whose family was used only as a joke. 
The show also furthered this by having Frasier strengthen his relationship with his father and brother. We saw him actually have a real relationship with them after their original dynamic had been nothing but getting on one another’s nerves. Frasier showed that you don’t need friends if you’ve got family.
6 More Fleshed Out Supporting Characters
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Norm’s characterization was that he was a slacker. Cliff was a moron who made facts up. Carla was a jerk who liked belittling people. And on and on we can go about character traits. Cheers, being an ensemble show, settled upon keeping the supporting characters tied to their most popular trait rather than have more to them than met the eye.
RELATED: Friends: 10 Saddest Moments, Ranked
On Frasier, we have so much to consider where Niles, Daphne, Roz, and Martin are concerned, as we went behind just their quirks. For instance, Niles generally comes across as a dweeb who was always paranoid; by the end of the show, he had shown tenacity, bravery, and fierceness - all this because the show spent more time fleshing his character out.
5 Longevity
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All right, we’re aware both shows ran for eleven seasons so they’re even in number of years on-air, but our point here is that Frasier managed to stay the same length despite having a minimal cast and not as much potential for material.
After all, there was nothing in the premise other than Frasier working at a radio station and living with his father, but the show never felt old. Cheers had to rely on a change of environment midway after Diane left and Rebecca came in. It also needed new characters to feel fresh, and we saw the inclusion of Woody, Lilith, Frasier, and other side characters.
4 Character Development
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Can you name anything about Carla, Norm, or Cliff that was very different from how they started out in 1982 to how they were in 1993? Heck, did you think they were different when you saw them on Frasier in 2002? Nope, they remained exactly the same.
RELATED: Friends: 10 Times Ross Broke Our Hearts
On the other side, Martin, Daphne, Niles, and Roz were nothing how they were in the beginning of Frasier, and we were happy to see them progress in their lives and change their personalities as they went on. Even Frasier developed well, as we saw him confront his issues with relationships and give love a chance in the series finale.
3 Closing Scenes
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This is an easy one in the favor of Frasier, seeing as Cheers didn’t have an end credit scene; however, even if you consider the scene before the credits, Frasier still did it better. We’d have a silent joke where the theme song played, making the end credit scene a smartly executed brick joke that closed out a subplot from the beginning of the episode.
On Cheers, the final scene would only close out the main story, and would end generally without warning; this would be funny, sure, but it would also make you feel wanting more rather than feeling fulfilled.
2 A Better Frasier
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On Cheers, Frasier generally made up the numbers for the cast rather than have something particularly interesting about him. Our perception of him was mainly that he was a smart guy among fools who also acted like a fool for the most part.
RELATED: Every Chuck Lorre TV Show, Ranked
When we were around him on his own show, this was where we saw Frasier for being capable of being more than a “too smart for his own good” character. His fat cat attitude, penchant for sherry drinking, and among other antics were supplemented by his general willingness to help, and love for his family. Had there not been Frasier, then we would have a radically lower opinion of the character based on Cheers.
1 A Better Intro (Arguably)
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Okay, now this might be a very arguable topic, seeing as Cheers’ theme song is timeless and still resonates within people to this day, but Frasier might get the win on this point based on just how catchy and creative its theme song is.
Seriously, go on ahead and check the lyrics for the song and you’ll find out just how insightful it is over the format of the show. There are several interpretations as to what Kelsey Grammer is singing about (yes, that’s his voice) when he says “Scrambled Eggs”, and just the playfulness of the tune is catchy enough for it to be ringing in your ears for hours.
NEXT: Big Bang Theory: 10 Times Amy And Penny Were Friendship Goals
source https://screenrant.com/10-things-frasier-better-cheers/
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alababwa · 7 years
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breakdown of walt disney world’s magic kingdom’s new nighttime firework show “happily ever after”: 
-- very long post under the cut. pic above is a screenshot from the DIS on youtube’s recording of its opening night performance on may 12, 2017
i tried to break it down by segments with character appearances and different music changes. i didn’t go too into detail about all the fireworks as most of the focus was on the castle projections. also mentioned where new animations were. i apologize if i missed anything, please feel free to send me corrections.
Prelude instrumental music
Narrator voiceover: “And they all lived happily ever after. Each of us has a dream. It calls to us and when we’re brave enough to listen and bold enough to pursue, that dream will lead us to a journey to discovery who we were meant to be. All we have to do is look inside our hearts and unlock the magic within.”
Intro of “Happily Ever After” by Jordan Fisher & Angie Keilhauer
The castle facade changes different orate designs and colors with fireworks going off to music
Castle facade transitions to the castle with large windows to show a starry sky -- firework shoots across sky in the back of the castle in an arch like the old Disney logo
Balcony below clock shows pink, Tiana in her blue dress appears in the balcony singing about the Evening Star “Down in New Orleans (Prologue)” (New animation from Mark Henn)
Music of When You Wish Upon a Star builds as it transitions to Part of Your World then back to When You Wish Upon a Star
facade looks like an ocean scene as Ariel swims past then up the tallest tower, 
facade transitions to a view above Paris where you can see Chef Gusteau’s and the Eiffle Tower. 
Facade transitions to a share the look of Rapunzel’s tower, where she’s leaning out of from the castle’s tallest spire.
“Out There” from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
facade transitions to the big stain glass of Notre Dame with a silhouette then showing his face of Quasimodo singing and jumping around the castle to the song
Quasi climbs the tallest tower and pulls the bells to the song
"Touch the Sky” from Brave
Facade changes to forest-y scene and the crests of the Dunbroch are dropped down as well
Merida, riding in on Angus: “Your destiny lies within you. You just have to brave enough to see it. Then your journey begins.”
Merida aims bow to shoot a arrow skyward toward the top of the castle, to which a firework goes off  as if it’s the arrow shooting off into the sky
Dandelion seeds rain down facade to transition to a waterfall; Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez (for Cars 3 promo) look to audience from a bridge then drive off
Carl Frederickson’s house floats up with the numerous balloons from behind the front part of the facade
Bottom half of castle changes to under the ocean, where Marlin, Dory, and Crush swim by
“How Far I’ll Go” from Moana
Facade changes to a more fiery background with torches and the structure mimics tapa and the housing of the village of Motunui, showing Moana discovering the canoes
Scrolls of tapa designs & Maui’s tattoo of Moana shows as clips from the movie play. Part of the castle has Moana’s sail as well.
At the climax of the song, Tala as a manta ray swims up from the bottom of the castle toward the sky
Friendship Segment
Castle facade looks like it’s made of toy parts, but is darkend to spotlight a giant Genie lamp sitting on the balcony
Aladdin: “Trust me, having a best friend by your side opens up a whole new world of possibilities!”
Castle brightens and looks to be a moving toy with lots of moving gears as instrumentals of Never Had a Friend Like Me plays
Music transitions to Trashing the Camp, characters, mostly the gorillas, from Tarzan make appearances all over the castle
Bugs crawl over the castle as music transitions to Hakuna Matata, where Timon dances and Pumbaa and young Simba appear
Facade changes to a much more toy-like version of what it was as “You Got a Friend In Me” plays, Woody and Buzzlightyear interact on the balcony; other toys like Jessie, Mr. & Mrs. Potatohead, Slinkydog, Rex, etc appear in various places around the castle
Toy castle crumbles as music changes to “Bare Necessities”, the castle is more green as Baloo, Mowgli, the baby elephant, and other monkeys dance to the song
Castle changes to a more candy like appearance as Wreck-It Ralph and Vanellope on his shoulders appear on the balcony
Baymax and Hiro appear as facade changes to the first toy-life facade on the bottom of the tallest tower with music transitioning back to “You’ve Got a Friend In Me”
Facade shows seal of the ZPD as the Big Donut bounces by
Facade changes to the headquarters of Riley’s Mind where you can see Sadness and Joy before memories orbs start falling from the tallest spire
Choir singing “That’s What Friends Are For” from the Jungle Book”: “And when you're outside, looking in Who's there to open the door? That's what friends are for!”
Sully and Mike show up on balcony with many doors fro Monsters Inc
Giant Door opens as “open the door” is sung
Toy balcony facade returns, balcony comes to life to sing in a spotlight “That’s what friends are for” in a solo low deep voice
Choir starts singing “Never Had a Friend Like Me” while facade changes to a more neon and lights appearance like the movie’s scene, with various girls from the same scene dance around the castle as Genie performs; voices transition to Genie’s instead of Choir
On finishing big note, tallest tower rockets off into the sky
Family segment
Facade looks more like a castle with big open windows again, Olaf appears on a snow-covered balcony
Olaf: “Some people are worth melting for” with a sigh
Slow acoustic cover of “Love is an Open Door” plays, a big moon rises across facade
Wall-E and Eve fly across facade
Music transitions to an Instrumental version of “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”
 Facade looks pink, covered in flowers, and waterfalls as Simba and Nala nuzzle
Music transitions to a cover of “You’ll Be In My heart”; family scenes flash across facade
Kala hugs baby Tarzan
Riely and her parents are playing around
Baby Dory is hugged by her parents
Russel runs into Carl’s arms for a hug
Dumbo gives his mother many kisses
Judy hugs her parents
The Parr family shares a group hug
Romance Segment
Facade changes blue and purple, silhouettes of Disney couples appear across the castle 
Ariel & Eric
Tiana & frog!Naveen (WHY IS HE A FROG IN THE ROMANCE SCENE???)
Cinderella & Prince Charming
Belle & Beast
Aurora & Phillp
Snow White & her Prince
Jasmine & Aladdin
Rapunzel & Eugene
Aladdin (as Prince Ali) and Jasmine fly across facade on the Magic Carpet as instrumental version of “A Whole New World” plays briefly before transition to “I See the Light”
Lanterns from Tangled start to appear, floating up the castle, it darkens toward the end
Silhouette of Rapunzel and Eugene at the bottom of the castle, glowing before they let go of two last lanters that fly up to illuminate a couple of the couple sihouettes once more
Small instrumental of “A Whole New World” finishes the song
Villains Segment
Facade transitions to the Emperor of China’s palace
Emperor appears on balcony: “A that flower blooms in adversity is the more rare and beautiful of all.”
Shan Yu appears in the tallest tower before Mulan as Ping appears in the balcony fires off a rocket, which launches off the castle and flies off as a firework
Syndrome appears at the tower and shoots a bolt of lightning at an Omnidroid, which starts destroying the castle’s facade and blowing holes in it, the Parr family appears in those holes
Ocean rises up from the bottom of the castle before a giant Ursula wearing Triton’s crown and wielding his trident rises up from it, her tentacles wrapping around the castle spires (New animation from Eric Goldberg) Prince Eric is standing the balcony before he jumps into the waters as Ursula shoots lighting at him from the trident; she returns under the depths as a bolt of lighting cracks and the water recedes
Orange smoke rises from the bottom of the castle, revealing Pride Rock in flames as Simba and Scar duel and silhouettes of hyenas and lionesses watch; giant shadow of them fighting is in the background as well
Orange smoke plumes quickly up to reveal Jafar as a giant snake. Aladdin drops down from one of the mid-level spires with a sword. Jafar lunges at him with fangs bared as he jumps to the next spire and swings around it before jumping down to swing his sword at him. He jumps down once more off to the bottom of the castle where Jafar follows (New animation from Randy Haycock)
Facade quickly changes green as black thorny vines wrap around it, Maleficent appears, cackling in a blast of green fire as the castle is shocked with lightning. Prince Phillip on Samson rides across the bottom of the castle. In purple smoke, she changes to her dragon form and blows green fire at Prince Phillip’s shield in the balcony
Fire changes orange as music (which had been playing their respective instrumental soundtracks to the fight scenes) transitions to the Pirates of the Carribbean theme. Castle is on fire and you see a silhouette of Jack Sparrow and another pirate (i’m not quite sure who it is) swordfighting, various silhouettes of known characters that fight flash across the facade like 
Eric at the wheel of his ship(?)
Aladdin with a sword 
Merida with her bow
Mulan with a staff from I’ll Make a Man Out of You
the Parr Family
Phillip throws his sword into the heart of dragon!Maleficent
Facade darkens to a rainy scene with a dying fire at its base as sparks fly up
Hero segment
Face of Mufasa appears in the dying flames at the mid-level of the castle as the music of “I Can Go the Distance” starts building up
Mufasa: “Look inside yourself. You are more than what you have become. Remember who you are” the “remember” fadingly echoes twice
Castle facade darkends as cover vocals of “I Can Go the Distance starts”
Aladdin appears at the bottom of the castle, looking sullen for a moment then stands proudly looking in the distance (New animation from Randy Haycock) - he fades away
Tarzan appears opposite of him, standing up like he finished fighting Saboor then fades
Mulan appears in the bottom of the tallest tower holding the village girl’s doll and kneeling down to place it before fading
A glowing, newly-annointed-god Hercules appears in the balcony holding Megara in his arms as he rescues her from the underworld
Interstumentals build as flash of triumphant scenes show like 
Moana cheering
Snow White being embraced by her Prince after waking with the dwarfs cheering
Ariel in her silver dress being spun in Eric’s arms 
Cinderella waving from her wedding carriage 
Vanellope receiving a trophy
Aladdin sealing Jafar and Genie ruffling his hair
Elsa and Anna hugging
Tiana and Naveen running down the aisle after getting married
Facade turns gilded as slowly the windows start being covered by stain glass featuring with Choir singing “I Can Go the Distance” ending chorus:
Cinderella with her glass slipper
Elsa & Anna
Peter Pan
Snow White
Tiana in her green dress, holding frog!Naveen
(and a few more I think; youtube videos make it hard to see those tiny details)
Narrator: “And so our journey comes to an end but yours continues on. Grab hold of your dreams and makes them come true for you are the key to unlock your own magic. Now go; let your dreams guide you. Reach out and find your happily every after.”
“Happily Ever After” starts playing as fireworks go off, the stain glass facade changes to the ornate castle.
A Brief transition in the song changes to “You Can Fly” as Tinker Bell flies out of the tallest tower across the sky and the song goes back to “Happily Every After”
The ornate design of the castle keeps changes colors in bursts with accompanying fireworks until finale
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