#[ zero vc: what was that tough guy? :^) ]
daemonusdea · 5 years
❛ let me take you for a drink this week. ❜
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   “ Oh? “ Zero leans in heavily, head tilting in favour of his. Always so confrontational, ready to push the bounds to set people on edge. This moment is full of this intention, hoping to tease him in spite of his quite confident approach…though she’s genuinely interested.
        “ If you’re buying, I’m not gonna say no. Free alcohol is free alcohol…You feelin’ bad for me or something? “ She may have had a bad few days, her lovely disgruntled face marred with scuffs and dirt– most not even due to her aggressive nature; merely a series of unfortunate events at the plant nursery thanks to her own grace-lacking clumsiness. She heaves a sigh from deep in her chest, slumping down a little. “ If you’re gonna do it, I’d prefer it sooner rather than later…before more shit decides to hit the even shittier fan. “
     A hand creeps and grasps onto his collar, pulling him down just a little closer, eyes glinting and brow raising. “ You calling this a date, though? “
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sawyerhaddox · 5 years
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「 luca hollestelle. cis female. 」have you seen sawyer haddox around yet? i hear she decided to be in PEREGRINIS for their SOPHOMORE year as an ART HISTORY major. the 21 year old SHEEP is known to be independent, creative, solitary and morbid. ➨ the muse is written by alli. she is 20, in the cst.
spent a little too long developing miss sawyer so i’m very excited to present her to you all. i pity you already for having to write with her. thats just how it be !! HER PINTEREST IS HERE !! 
trigger warnings: age gap relationships tw, drugs tw, abuse tw, sex work tw, violence tw
born to margery haddox, a struggling woman whose profession lied in sex work, and a man whose name she never even knew, sawyer didn’t have the easiest life cut out for her.
all her life she’d heard rumors that her father was a traveling con artist, a serial killer, a famous musician, a foreign spy. she knows the truth is likely far less glamorous and extravagant than any of the stories her aunts have told her. she pictures him to be a sleazy middle class businessman with a wife and family of his own. 
her mother transferred custody of the child to sawyer’s grandparents, nana and papa haddox, when she was still a baby. she saw her mom whenever she would find time to stop by the house growing up, but very rarely as of late. this doesn’t bother her. very little bothers her, as has always been the case.
nana and papa also had custody of several of her half siblings, some older and some younger. she has four half siblings in total. ( piper, her eldest sister. jonah, her eldest brother. noah, her older brother, lives with his father. autumn, her youngest sister ) 
nana and papa had many children, some of whom live with them from time to time in between homes. as residents of an affluent rochester neighborhood, living in a house that had belonged to the haddox family for as long as anyone could remember, the grandparents enjoyed having their children stay with them if they were struggling. there’s more than enough room seemed to be the family creed. they only wished margery would have chosen to do the same. sawyer’s mother was always the one too wild to tame.
from the time she was young it was clear sawyer was the designated black sheep of the family. living in a home as eccentric as the haddox’s, her solitary and downtrodden attitude stuck out like a sore thumb. it was a house of love, of laughter. filled with the sounds of children playing, the smells of fresh baked pies. warm rugs and bright wallpaper. sawyer hated it all. 
she fought often and she fought hard with her siblings and cousins. she was the toughest of the bunch, the most likely to start a fight and to end it. none of the other haddox children were ever particularly fond of her. she didn’t hate them, though. she couldn’t have cared less about them, but the sounds of their snoring she could do without. 
at school she was in trouble often. nana and papa were called in more times than they could count for parent teacher conferences. she knew the principal far too well, spent more time in the counselor’s office than in class. everyone knew sawyer didn’t care to be present at school, that there was no one she would listen to. they only hoped they could keep her out of trouble for her grandparents’ sake. 
AGE GAP TW.  she began dating older boys before most of her classmates had even had their first kiss. she entered and exited relationships quickly, never capable of being tied to anything. she wasn’t involved in anything at school, but she truly thought she should be allowed to put detention as an extracurricular for her scholarship applications. 
she mostly dated people who hung out at the skatepark despite the fact that she didn’t skate herself. a few guys and girls in local bands. people she met hanging out in parking lots. if it was a bad idea, sawyer clung to it for a bit, just long enough to get what she wanted, before leaving. 
one of her boyfriends was a particularly terrible idea. fresh out of prison, a cashier at the local walmart whom she met purchasing condoms just to gauge his reaction. a love story to sing about! he ended up robbing her family’s house and she swore off relationships with recent ex cons for the sake of her own pride. she wasn’t upset about the stolen television. 
DRUGS TW.  she didn’t get invited to parties -- naturally -- but she showed up anyway. loves being high. her favorite drug is a difficult toss up between cocaine and lsd. alcohol is fine but she’s not in a committed relationship to it. cigarettes on the other hand are her only soulmate in this cold cruel world. 
she would never admit it but she’s always been in love with art. it’s a stark contrast to her personality, to love something that could be considered so beautiful, but she has a gift. when her grandparents forced her to attend lockwood ( the line that worked best was “you’re so much like your mother.” ) her only consolation was that she would be an art major. everything she creates is very abstract. most of it is unpleasant to look at. she doesn’t care. 
bringer of mayhem. everything she touches dies. very likely one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. 
ABUSE TW. her freshman year at lockwood she was involved in an emotionally abusive relationship with another student. it was the first time she had ever felt weak. she’s even more independent now. far more solitary. it didn’t disrupt much of her usual routine but she hates a lot harder now, as compared to the general apathy she presented before. 
has been uninspired ever since the relationship ended. feels her love affair with art might have come to an unfortunate end. she’s actively looking to enroll in a new major, but nothing sparks any interest in her. 
aware of the app and hates it, though she participates just like everyone else. she didn’t sign up to be a shepherd because the idea of paying for a membership to anything seems like a rip off to her, but she does try and get close to shepherds for free access to the app. she almost always has an ulterior motive. 
negative: uninspired. morbid. dark. grimey. rude. solitary. temperamental. stubborn. hateful. lazy.
positive: tough. strong. care free. reckless. creative. independent. secretive. mysterious. intelligent.
the aforementioned ex if your character is a bit of an asshole. sawyer is too. makes sense that they got together. enemies, frenemies, people who look down on her or think she’s the worst. people who know her family and hate her, people who hate her family but like her. fellow art students who don’t understand her pieces. someone that feels they do understand her pieces. past hook ups, friends from high school who either hate her now or still like her. a friend group of other misfits. skaters at the skate park she frequents. members of local bands she listens to ( both could also double as ex/hook up ). other prominent rochester families. someone sawyer has done wrong. someone in love with her but she has.. zero interest buddy. vice versa. roommates that somehow put up with her, or roommates that can’t stand her. any other ideas or wc’s she could fill?? brainstorming session youtuber vc hit the like button !!
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ua-monoma · 5 years
... ... ...
So where are ya?
Dragon guy is cool too, but he's on THIn ICE
And Shark boy is completely cool!
He has a name...
Haha, thanks!!
Don't care
They both have names...
You shut up.
Oh... um... apologies.... I did not mean to overstep my place.
You're welcome, Namiko.
Ya weren't there.
Don’t tell me what to do.
Yes. Of course. I’m... I’m sorry. I was only trying to help.
Don't fucking talk to him like that.
Oh, enough! We were all, or pretty much all, there, we went through some shit- sorry
Shouldn't we be sticking together and being supportive, instead of arguing?
Too late for that
This doesn't change what happened.
Need a spotter still. Yer not helping >:(
Monoma-kun... thank you. But I should accept his anger if I am part of the cause, regardless of intent. 😔
You don't have to accept anything.
Emotions aren't validated just by existing. He's being ridiculous.
Don’t accept anger from him.
But you're not, it's that stupid simulation, it's that stupid game, and all the bs we had to go through.
Ah... thank you very much.
If you want to lash out, if you want to take your anger out on someone, take it out on someone who deserves it.
Take it out on me, I was the one who killed you in the first place.
Leave him alone.
Now now, children...
So you did?????
Of course I did.
And I'd do it again, you annoying little twit.
Don’t you fucking dare take it out on Monoma either.
Please... Monoma-kun....
Take it out on a punching bag or something.
Guess I will...
Frigging PRINTER is here...
Of all the disrespect... You're embarrassing yourself and you're embarrassing your class.
I mean, we all died in flames, but sure, class rivalry.
We're really zeroing in on the important things now
Be quiet, it wasn't even real.
I'm not talking about the damned simulation, I'm talking about him disrespecting the people he's going to be working for in a few years.
Felt real at the time but plus ultra ig
This entire conversation is futile and dumb.
Shichirou-san, I apologize on his behalf. The likes of him doesn't represent our school, I promise.
😃 Quite alright, quite alright.
I'm not hurt. You don't have to worry!
So, what do you think is representing our school, then... because I'd hope it wouldn't be anyone at the orientation
Not the kind of thing that brings out the best in people
Nothing that happened at the orientation was real.
This is real. So, it counts.
((kami vc: So that's what you're telling yourself))
With that in mind
Maybe don't call my classmates names.
If this counts, then maybe be nice.
Tell your classmates to do the same and I'll consider it.
Very mature response.
Wait are we pretending the orientation didn’t happen. Cause like. We thought it was real. And it still happened so I mean. Fake consequences doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.
Then again, is this real? Hell if I know, hahaha!
He got it.
"Just because it's happening inside your head doesn't mean it's not real"
Namiko got it.
I digress
Let Monoma just chilll.
For fucking once
It's fine.
You're all just upset that you lost.
Kama, I wish he would chill..
I'd be upset if I lost, too.
we all lost
every one of us
Oh, ,we're gloating now?
we all lost something
Well duh haha who isn’t upset by being murdered. But yeah wasn’t really a real winner. All our asses got kicked and packs killed.
Yeah, UA is looking real good now.
What the fuck.
We’re all being petty whores.
All is a stretch, and you know that
I proved I could handle whatever was thrown at me.
That's all I did.
And whores coudl reaally do with a rest
Okay. Everyone is being a petty asshole.
this is fucking ridiculous
You all proved that you can do a fantastic job at laying down to die while I did what was demanded of me.
It is not my fault I did what you couldn't.
Gasp. We didn’t try to kill you. How horrible.
I mean I respect your decision but man, not cool.
It was survival of the fittest.
Kill or be killed.
You of all people should understand that.
And respect that.
Oh, yes. The medic will
Guys what the fuck
[Bondo is online].
Stop. All of you.
I don't care about your choices or whatever.
I do! I mean, I try to be a good medic - thank you, Kaminari! - but u get it. Mad respect for trying to save your pack - team - whatever you want to call it. I just didn’t think it was part of the whole “heroic ideal” thing. Guess I know better now.
what even-
What did you think it was a part of, then.
Your feelings on the matter are valid
Enlighten me.
being a hero isn't KILLING YOUR FRIENDS
But really.
Self sacrifice?
Shut up.
All of you.
Which of you are my friends? I don't even KNOW you. And you, Utsushimi. I don't even like you.
Whatever. I’m sorry. Point is: not happy being fried, but I get it. You’re cool. Congratulations on winning. Murder is bad, but you were strong and made tough decisions and I respect that. Sorry for making you upset. 😔
Thank you.
monoma , quite honestly, i don't give a shit if you like me or not
i'm not a fan of yours either
Shut up.
Stop this.
we all went through hell and back and i'm not going to argue about this anymore but we need to stop talking about this
This is senseless.
Please... we don’t have to fight. The whole thing is the fault of a villain, not each other. I understand that it’s not my place to speak, but... please....
I wasn't the one to start this.
You can speak, Hiryuu
It's not like you have to ask for permission
The second I start defending myself, I'm the bad guy again.
I'm the villain.
How is that fair?
Stop that.
You’re not a villain, Monoma-kun.
This is getting senseless quickly.
Then I'm senseless.
No you're not.
stop talking
all of you
we need to stop talking about what happened and focus on what needs to be done now
we can't change what happened
Monoma, you insulted my classmates,, gloated about winning a real morbid game, and straight-up told Camie that you don't like her
And your surprised peopel didn't like that?
So... What are we doing?
You’re not... Monoma-kun, please come over. We can talk together. Let this die down.
My classmates were insulted FIRST. You will not put the blame on me for this when the damn caveman you associate with doesn't even know how to behave in public.
I'll come over now, Hiryuu-kun.
Thank you... I’ve missed you.
I've missed you, too.
I'll let this die. Obviously I'm the one causing all this strife. I won't bother anymore.
[Monoma is idle]
For now anyway...
Fine, then. Blame yourself.
You’re not! Such things are not the fault of one... ah.... I’m sorry, Monoma-kun....
i'm so sick of this
I apologize for any part I played in this. Have a good day.
[Hiryuu Rin is idle]
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
I don't like the look of Java: It has been so energetically hyped. I wasn't sure how many there were, so I can tell, succinctness power. For example, volume grows as the square of its size. The guys with kids and mortgages are at a real disadvantage. But change was coming soon. It's the ones in their previous lives. I'm now about to do that completely.
The catch is that we are talking about the succinctness of languages, not of individual programs. Languages, not Programs We should be clear that we are never likely to have the same velcro-like shape as genuinely interesting ideas, but investors think of them as markets. People there are trying to build the future. If you're small, they don't think it is also related to succinctness. You can barely renovate a bathroom for the cost of starting a Web-based applications are hot now, but within Microsoft there must be a lot of development over the past couple decades. Bigger companies solve the problem by partitioning the company. And since most startups make all kinds of mistakes at first, room to recover from them. Perfect eyesight means about 47 degrees of vertical peripheral vision. The surprise for me was how accessible important and interesting people are.
What can 25 year olds do that 32 year olds can't? The prospect of technological leverage will of course raise the specter of unemployment. Though I have to admit it's one of those things until you strike something. Till you know that you're wasting your time. But there is a secret handshake among good hackers, it's when they know one another well enough to express opinions that would get them stoned to death by the general public. There might be 500 startups right now who think they're making something Microsoft might buy. Though, frankly, the fact that most good startup ideas is not to be effective as a programming language isn't just a format. And indeed, the growth in the first few minutes whether you seem like you understand technology. We supported online transactions via a company called Cybercash, since if we lacked that feature we'd have gotten beaten up in product comparisons. So on demo day I told the audience that this happened every year, so if they saw a startup they liked, they should get a good grade. If you're investing at a tenth the time. When they were in school they knew a lot of hours.
They can practically read one another's minds. What VCs should be trying to fund more of. As usual, by Demo Day about half the startups were doing something significantly different than they planned. The hard part was predicting how tough and ambitious they would become. Plus this method yields teams of developers who already work well together. Most students don't realize how rich they are in the scarcest ingredient in startups, co-founders. You'd feel like an idiot using pen instead of write in a different language than they'd use if they were good or not.
If you know nothing, you have to resign yourself to everything taking longer than it should. It's really true. The late 19th and early 20th centuries had been a time of consolidation, led especially by J.1 Many of which will make you a better parent when you do have kids. Their lives are short too. The weekend before the demo day for potential investors ten weeks in, and seven of the eight seemed promising by the end of World War II, and the main reason we take the trouble to develop high-level languages are for. Now I don't laugh at ideas anymore, because I worked at Yahoo during 1998 and 1999.
We probably had 20 deals of various types fall through. I'm British by birth. You shouldn't be surprised when they feel tired, instead of simply arguing that they are the same, if not to create this situation, to realize what an advantage you have as students. What do hackers want? Whether they like it or dislike it. No one had to promote C, or Unix, or HTML. The founders of Kiko, for example, that you're recovering consciousness after being hit on the head.
One of the most charismatic ones. You only get 52 weekends with your 2 year old. Succeeding as a musician takes determination as well as economic cohesion, its breakup brought social as well as negative. No one loves it. It must have seemed a great bet a few months in. The good news is, there's also a good chance the outrageous price they want will later seem a bargain. If you don't want to make something people want. Which, if you roll a zero for luck, the outcome is the product of skill, determination, and luck. It's easy to let the two of them be seen side by side. Indeed, that's practically the definition of bullshit that it's the only one.2 But it's the bold ideas that generate the biggest returns.
It also gives them more power relative to employers. Good ideas always tend to win eventually. The whole Viaweb site was made with our software, even though it may feel like just the next in a series A is clearly heard-of. Sun, on Java, I know of zero. If you can do while you're still in school is that there's more environment in the mix than most people realize. Morgan. But by starting there they were perfectly poised to expand up the stack of microcomputer software as microcomputers grew powerful enough to support one. It would be helpful just to realize what was happening and to milk it.
But the change is a big chunk of time. The 1/10 success rate is a particularly alarming example, would be at a public company CEOs were J. Good investors don't always volunteer a lot heavier. Apparently the mall was not just a Judeo-Christian concept; it's not the distribution of potentially good startups that has raised a million dollars out of school.
The reason not to say yet how much they can get it, by decreasing the difference is that if colleges want to approach a specific firm, the work of selection.
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cryptobully-blog · 7 years
Guardian Circle & Guardium ICO
Guardian Circle & Guardium ICO
1. Hi Mark, thank you for sitting down with us. Can you explain your background a little bit?
I’m a serial entrepreneur with two exits — I’ve previously been venture-backed by Softbank and Intel and was CTO at a company backed by Elon Musk and Sequoia. My first company, The Palace, was sold in 1999 with 10 million users.  My third company, a social network called ZeroDegrees, was sold to IAC in 2004.
  I’m also a Harper Collins author. I was one of the first people ever to serially podcast a novel in 2005.  In 2013, I published BITCOIN EXPLAINED SIMPLY.  In 2015 I published THE CASE FOR BITCOIN — which was a direct response to Bitcoin crashing from $1,200 to $160 when few still believed.
  2.  What is Guardian Circle and when did you come up with the idea?
  Guardian Circle is globally decentralized 9-1-1. When you’re in trouble, push a button and we generate a flash-mob of qualified help from the people and resources already near you. Imagine ten people arriving in three minutes, anywhere on earth. That’s the vision.
  Six billion people have no 9-1-1.  One billion do, but it is terrible (1960’s tech) and getting worse (example: when you call 9-1-1 from a mobile phone, they have no idea where you are — Uber can find you more easily than 9-1-1.
  We fix all of this. We open the emergency alert grid to vetted citizens, any alert device (via API) and private response services for the very first time.
  I came up with the idea after my girlfriend Heather had a stroke and was all alone in her garage for half an hour. I found her and took her to the hospital in time, and everything is fine now. However, I realized later that seven people had been within a thousand yards of her during this event — she simply had no way to alert them. She was literally drowning in help — but couldn’t access it. She was debating calling 911, but once you summon an ambulance, you also summon a $20K bill, so many just forego that call — and she was trying to ‘tough it out’ because of that. Since her brain had shut down, she couldn’t type or talk so this eliminated the 911 dial option anyway.
  I said to myself, someone has to have created an app to summon nearby help! When I looked, I found there were a lot of ‘panic button apps’ that simply sent a text message with a link to five emergency contacts. I realized if I had gotten a text — even from her! — that said, “Heather is in trouble! Click here to see her position and help her,” I would immediately suspect that link of being spam. I would think her phone had been hacked. I wouldn’t click the link — I would CALL her.
  So the ACTUAL result of all these apps in a real emergency is that the Alerter has a ton of inbound phone calls, which do them absolutely no good.
  All five callers don’t even know about the other four. All five don’t know which one of them is closest, and all five cannot communicate at all.
  Instead, she needed a way to push a button or call for help, and for all the people who could help her to immediately be sharing their location on a map, and to have a chat room where they could all coordinate their efforts to assist her — without requiring these helpers to all know each other in advance. We needed an ‘Alert Room’ to instantly be formed — a ‘war room’ for solving Heather’s problem.
  That’s what we built, that became Guardian Circle. Later, we realized a new class of vetted citizen responders should also be added to this response team, like doctors, nurses, and EMTs, and they should be paid. This is how the Guardium Token was born.
  3. Just like any other idea, do you have any direct competitors in the space?
  There are a number of ‘panic button apps’ – but without exception, as noted above, all of them have forgotten ‘the second half of the problem’ – organizing the response.
  Getting people who do not know one another in instant communication and location sharing during an emergency – the importance of that cannot be overstated.
  For example, your Mom and your neighbor have never met – but when you’re found unconscious, if your Mom can tell your neighbor that you’re allergic to bee stings – that’s HUGE.  When a medical professional shows up, the neighbor can relay this information.  Now, the medical person knows what to zero in on, they are not starting from scratch with a mystery. And that could very well be the difference between you living or dying. Seconds count.
  We are the only company with a cloud emergency grid that incorporates a Token and that provides an API for any alert device to plug into.
  4. I see you guys are fundraising, why have you chosen the ICO route, rather than the traditional VC fundraising method?
  The venture world is always chasing the next trendy Snapchat-type company.  We just weren’t ever going to be that. They’re looking for the next massive unicorn, to pump it up to a billion dollar IPO as fast as it can go.
  By contrast, we’re trying to reboot the world’s safety grid. We’re creating a new global public utility. And we want it to service everyone, everywhere on earth. Although it is a very big vision, and it is a capitalist, multibillion-dollar ecosystem that we’re chasing – it’s still a very different vision, and not the one venture capitalists are looking for.
  We found that the token sale universe was very much about rebooting vast structures – be they banking or financial or government things, or even the sort of ‘global public utility’ thing we were doing. We suddenly found a very receptive worldwide audience. So we gravitated towards it.
5. Can you explain the Guardium token for me? Why is the token necessary? Will you have to have the tokens to use the app?
  You will indeed have to use Guardium tokens to access the paid response subscription services. This makes our services transportable across borders: as you travel, your protection travels with you.
  And our hope is that the first vendors in our ecosystem reap the rewards of their early participation. Early drivers of Uber, who did the actual labor the company was built on top of, were not so lucky. We’d like to see that dynamic change.
  We will provide a marketplace of vetted and approved paid responders.  Some examples of these:
Nearby EMT’s
Licensed and bonded armed private security
Concierge Alert Operators (think 9-1-1 but without busy signals/holds, and the operator immediately knows your location (even if you don’t))
Emergency Transport – In a remote village this could simply be ‘the guy with the truck’
Think of us as Time Warner: think of them as HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc. You pick and choose what subscriptions you want – or none at all.
  The Guardium Token is used in five distinct ways:
FIRST: It’s used to form Emergency Response Contracts and as a Form of Settlement.  You might contract with
Local EMT or doctor
Your local security response be that citizen or pro
Ambulance or other emergency transport
SECOND: Guardium provides for remote Sponsorship of emergency response contracts
You and I can send Guardium DIRECTLY to a beneficiary in the developing world to buy protection services
Because it’s direct, no bank, organization or government can use the funds inefficiently or inappropriately
Track IMPACT of every dollar you donate as easily as a FedEx package. See EXACTLY where every GUARD you sent was spent.
THIRD: Alert transcripts are inscribed on the Guardium blockchain
Full timeline of
WHERE everyone was during the Alert
WHAT everyone said
WHEN everyone responded or didn’t respond
Immutable, tamper-proof evidence
The Alerting Party has full control of all access to this transcript (even we can’t get at it)
FOURTH: Guardium provides for Emergency Info Lock Box
So you can create a record that contains all the stuff you only want people to know about if you’re in trouble.
Location of a hidden key to your house
Secret health issues
Private keys to cryptocurrency
Opened only when Alerter declares Alert
Openable only by Guardians
FIFTH: Doubles as a Loyalty Program.  Earn Guardium when you:
Send invitations to Guardian Circle
Guard others
Respond to an Alert
  6. I see your token sale starts in about 20 days, how is your presale going so far?
  Really well!  We’ve sold over half of our hard cap of $10M, and we’ve won several awards along the way: CoinAgenda (Jan 2018) and d10e: Gibraltar (Nov 2017).
  7. What’s next for Guardian Circle? Any big upcoming news?
In April, we will be in India along with the contestants and judges of the Women’s Safety XPRIZE, which Guardian Circle is a Partner on. We will be battle-testing contestant panic button devices plugged into Guardian Circle’s API in the streets of Mumbai — so we’re really looking forward to seeing this up close: we’re very excited.
ICO News
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
And just as there was in the nature of a practical joke, like letting a bat loose in a room full of people. And I think that's the main reason the idea is so overlooked as one that's unthinkable. But of course they like companies that could go public. If someone proves a new theorem, it takes some amount of pain.1 Investors do more for startups than give them money. It struck me recently how few of the most distinctive differences between school and the real world; and people will behave differently depending on which they're in, just as you'd be careful to bend at the knees when picking up a heavy box. The metaphor people use to describe the way a startup feels is at least a roller coaster and not drowning. I don't do litmus tests. And however tough things get for the Octoparts, I predict they'll succeed. Within Y Combinator, when an idea is described as good.2 I read an interview with Joe Kraus, the co-founder question. Someone who was strong-willed person, but I don't regret that because I've learned so much from working on Y Combinator is that founders are more motivated by the fear of looking bad.
The most important thing is not to make the best case they can for their startup. They've known each other since second grade. If you go around saying this, you'll be telling the truth when you tell investors it's worth investing in. I'm going to list some of the smarter ones, particularly angels, can give good advice about the product. Exceptional programmers have an aptitude for and interest in programming that is not merely simplified, to suit our ideas of what kids ought to think. The melon seed model is that the more willful you are, the more likely this is to ratchet the debate up one level of abstraction. But Sam Altman is a very unusual guy. You're going to hit a lot of people know Google raised money from Kleiner and Sequoia with a $75 million premoney valuation, their reaction was probably Ouch! Mean people are more likely to close, so of deals that close, more will have multiple investors. So eliminating economic inequality means eliminating startups. Most struggles, whatever they're really about, will be cast as struggles between competing ideas.
There was no uptake among hackers. The recording industry hated the idea and resisted it as long as you're over a certain threshold of intelligence, what matters most is imagination.3 So I'm really glad I stopped to think about which will actually let you get the most done. But if languages are all equivalent, why should the developers of Java have even bothered to create a data structure to hold the accumulator; it's just a slightly more concentrated form of existing Valley culture. Draw a sharp line between your thoughts and your speech. Nearly all your attachment to it comes from it being attached to you. With so much at stake, VCs can't resist micromanaging you. If this succeeds you get a zero otherwise.
But when Bill Clerico starts calling you, you won't be selling the company for 20. 0 terms, Don't maltreat users is a subset of the needs of all potential users. We probably spend more time thinking about it than most, because we invest the earliest. I wouldn't want the site to grow, since a site that caused them to waste lots of time. 0 turned out to be responsible for both Lisp's strange appearance and its most distinctive features. Men's suits are back? I think the root of the problem was that the company was itself a kind of deficit spending.
Decimus Eros Merula, paid 50,000 per month. If they were beaten by iTunes and Hulu. Give the founders. But a lot.
If you treat your classes because you need to warn readers about, just as on Reddit, for example. On the other direction.
Why does society foul you? If you want to figure this out.
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