#[[ I guess he chose to do both things x'D ]]
countlessrealities · 9 months
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Kisses under the mistletoe
@advnterccs sent: 😍 : my muse places a mistletoe above your muse’s head { To your Morty from my Morty }
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While he would have denied it even under torture because it would have made him sound lame, Morty had been planning this since the start of the month. The previous Christmas had been a very important moment for him and his counterpart, even if they hadn't officially gotten together until New Year's Eve, and he meant to make the day somewhat special this year too.
That was why he had offered, for once, to help his Dad decorating the house. Useless to say, Jerry had been surprised and overjoyed by it, oblivious to the fact that he would be just a mean to an end. The teen wanted to know exactly where every piece of decoration would be, especially the mistletoe bundles, so that he could choose the best place where to share a romantic kiss with his boyfriend.
He had also stolen one of thee bundles while his father wasn't watching, just in case none of the spots would work for them.
Oddly enough, Rick had let him do what he wanted without much of a fuss. Morty had been a little puzzled and a little worried at first, because he was expecting his grandfather to be planning something nasty to get back at him for having chosen to spend most of the day with Jerry instead of adventuring with him. However, his concerns had been quickly dissipated when he had caught the scientist smirking at him from above a glass of liquor right when he had embezzled the extra bundle of mistletoe.
He really should have been expected would have Rick had guessed what he was up to. What had been even more surprising was that the man had chosen to enable him, even if it meant taking time away from their adventures. It had filled Morty with gratitude and warmth, even if he hadn't dared to show it, knowing that he would have been dismissed, if not straight out mocked.
Once the gathering of the two families had started, Morty had waited for the right moment. He had quickly given up on using one of the mistletoes that had been hung in the doorways, because there was always someone else around. He wanted it to be a moment just between the two of them, without an audience or interferences of any kind.
So, as soon as he saw a chance for them both to sneak out unseen, he took his other self by the hand, tugging at his arm to coax him into following.
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"C-Come with me for a minute?" He asked quietly, so that no one else could hear him. Despite his efforts to look calm, his shy nervousness still showed in the light trembling of his voice. "I-I want...Uh, t-there's something I want to..."
He cut himself off, realising that he didn't know how to word his request without revealing what he had in mind. It didn't necessarily have to be a surprise, but in his eyes it would have been more romantic if he had managed to keep it such. Was it worth making a fool of himself, though? He wasn't so sure about it.
"Y-You'll see!" He settled on saying, pulling his counterpart a little more firmly. The less he talked and the more he acted, the better would be.
He led them out of the living room, perhaps a little too rushedly, and then past the the dining room and into the hallway. Instead of heading for the stairs as one would think, however, he took another turn, not stopping until they were standing in the corridor between Rick's room and Jerry's man cave.
Only then he allowed himself to turn to face his boyfriend once again, not before having taken a deep breath in and out. It was now or never. He wanted to be smooth, to be as charming as his other self saw him at times. No matter how hard and fast his heart was beating in his chest and throat.
Swallowing quietly, he fished the bunch of mistletoe out of his pocket, and held it up above their heads, forcing the most flirtatious smile he could master on his face.
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"Y-You know, since we've been together for a while," almost a year, but he would deal with that on New Year's Eve, "an-and things between us have been going well," or at least he truly hope so, "I-I thought that we deserved some time alone for this."
He glanced up at the mistletoe, both to back up his words and to have a moment to steady himself for what he was about to say next.
"An-And, if you're up for it, to get a little...naughty too."
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mitamicah · 1 year
Now I finally seem to be able to do things let me present to you the results of the 'vibe' polls :3
Earlier this week I jumped on the hype train for polls about which bandmember of JO + what character in the käärijä universe you felt I shared a vibe with.
Now I could have shared the results earlier but one thing to know about me is that I often get stupid ideas so I decided that whoever you chose that I shared a vibe with I'd cosplay
So after having searched my closet for things that somehow worked without further ado here's the Joker Out member you guys voted I shared vibe with:
I got
Jure aka the cat 😸
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I mean it was not even close x'D
This surprised me since I hadn't expected to be paired with the cat boy xD But thinking about it I can see why you guys would chose him - we share a sort of bubbly excitment for things and - at least online - I can come off as very energetic and silly x'D Also I am known to randomly meow at people x'D
However, personally I feel like Jure is way more extroverted than I am and so I am glad to see Nace being the second highest :'D I feel like we do indeed share a sense of calm/silent presence while still being able to join in on the fun - I think where I might divert from Nace is that I am definitely not good at being the mom friend :'D x'D
For Bojan in third I think we're back to the 'I see why you'd say that because I am quite energetic and excited online but also he is way more extroverted than I believe I am' argument :'D yet like I'll elaborate on below with the comments for the tags I can definitely see the points for why Bojan could fit :3
Jan and Kris being so far behind is ooooph x'D Well, I can kind of understand tho especially Kris :'D I am not sure I'd call myself a Kris either - he is way too cool and sassy compared to me x'D Jan might be too laid back idk?
Now, tag time :3
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@sve-sto-znam Micek - I love it x'D (First nickname unlocked x'D hahahah)
@c28hunter + @anxious-witch awwwn you are both too nice :'3 Especially you, Eryka calling me a comfort blog 😭
@merlilica whelp x'D I see you definitely picked up on my excited puppy and/or orange cat vibes x'D I don't blame you :'D
@j-restlessgeek this one hits close to home :'3 because yes I am quite hard on myself and have always been :'D Also I can be a bit of a jack of all trades (master of none) sometimes x'D the last point is honestly very true - I am way too much of a rulefollower to cheat x'D
Now onto the Käärijä universe results
You guys chose ...
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Actually, that didn't surprise me much x'D I would probably too have chosen the little yellow man given that all his little quirks reads as very autistic to me which to a dorky autistic person like me is very fitting x'D He seems a bit confused but a good guy and sport and I would like to think myself the same :'D Also we both have a dumptruck of an ass x'D
Käärijä and Jaakko sharing second surprised me tho - especially Jaakko but that might be because I am not sure what his personality is tbh x'D so I am curious to hear if either of you voting Jaakko could tell me what makes me a Jaakko :'D? Käärijä I can sort of understand since I have probably stolen way too much/let me inspire of his aesthetic recently x'D yet I also see it as a sort of compliment because I have indeed felt more confident (both in my body and in my weirdness) lately :'D <3
Third is a big tie but that is to be expected I guess when there's not many votes (which is fair it is a harder poll to answer :'D) so Jesse, Bojan and Tommy takes that spot :3
Time for comments on tags :D
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@bisonaari see now it is here I'd love to hear from you (if you want to and/or have time mind you) Bison what exactly it means to be Jaakko coded since I am not sure myself :'D
@j-restlessgeek fair x'D
@anxious-witch This is so interesting since you pretty much just guessed my major x'D Sociology was my favourite topic the year I studied Journalism and after that I moved to study Psychology which is sort of the same thing so kudos to you to read me this well x'D I find it intersting as well that you mentioned me being right in other polls because personally I felt so lost in many of the polls x'D For that reason I tried only tagging on polls I was a bit more sure about and even then it was a lot of following the gut feeling x'D but really I don't mind I see it as a compliment being compared to Bojan :3 xD
And that was this - that was this very long and probably overly detailed rundown of the results x'D Thank you for everybody participating :3
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