#[[ proper new muses posts are overrated ]]
countlessrealities · 1 month
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"W-Why the fuck is suddenly so loud and bright here? T-There's goddamn TV screens everywhere, an-and they don't even have Interdimensional Cable. F-Fuckin' lame."
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"I think this is a problem we all should ignore. Take away the spotlight and he'll slowly wither like a plant without the sun."
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"Oh yeah, sure, let's do that. 'Cause he won't be annoying the shit out of everyone to get attention. In any case, this isn't going to be my problem. I'm not babysitting them both. Hell no."
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"You're all being so dramatic. Well, I'm not rethinking my decision, I've already made the graphics. Deal with it."
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tangleweave · 2 years
1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses.
7. What is one overrated roleplay trend?
11. Do you welcome duplicates of your character or stay away from them?
13. Is there one trope you can’t stand?
14. What is your opinion on writing smut?
15. What is your opinion on tagging triggers?
17. What makes you insecure about your own writing?
18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
22. Are there any red roleplay flags for you that make you back off immedately?
23. Your favorite fandom to write in?
24. Have you ever left a fandom because of negativity?
25. One thing you’d like new roleplayers to know?
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Once I'm done with this list you'll know everything worth knowing about me. 😉 Here we go...
1. The shy and awkward phase of nascent romantic interest, where each muse is just beginning to realize they like the other. I dunno why, I'm just kind of a slut for that.
5. Oh. Wow. Hm. Uh... y'know, I'm fairly confident in my writing skill, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at finding characters' individual voices (even villains). But, I have trouble finding specifically female voices in my head... and the first one that came to mind for this question was Mystique. I think she's incredible as a character, complex, layered, uncompromising in her beliefs, a badass in every way, but I just don't think I have the chops to write her... not least of which because I don't share her gender. I don't necessarily consider this a deal-breaker, but I am very much aware that womanhood comes with an array of experiences, both biological and societal, which men simply don't have, and I have a hard time imagining I could do proper justice to RPing a woman.
...that's probably a longer answer than you needed.
6. My muses all have stubborn streaks, and martyr complexes. And they're also willing to be goofy when they don't need to have a game face on. In all of these aspects, they reflect facets of me.
7. ABO romance. I'm so very sorry to those of you out there who love that kind of thing, and it's taken me this long to realize it, but I just don't see the appeal. Threads either collapse within ten posts or they go on interminably (I know I've seen at least one out there with something like 400+ notes); there doesn't seem to be any in-between. Obviously the long ones are happy-making for their authors and bless them for that, but... meh?
11. I would gladly welcome duplicates of them, especially Dr. Strange, Spidey, Vision, and Groot. But I've not been approached, and I haven't gone out of my way to seek threads with that express purpose.
13. "Canon character A belongs with canon character B because canon." Bzzzzt! Wrong. I have exactly ONE ship here on Tumblr that has any canon foundation -- coincidentally with the mun who sent me this list of questions!
14. Love it, as long as both writers are consenting adults and not crazypants. I prefer it to be discreet, such as under cuts, or maybe even off Tumblr altogether (Discord is a thing!), but y'know, do what you like, all our muses get horny at some point or another.
15. AN ABSOLUTE MUST. No debate will be entertained.
17. Re-reading it too many times. I eventually find something about it I dislike enough to try and go back and change it, when it was perfectly fine the way it was before.
18. Uhh... RP? 😂 It'll happen sometimes where people are posting nothing but meme prompts, and yet there will be so few actual responses to them, such that my entire room could be plastered in meme prompt wallpaper just from what's on my dash between one active RP post and the next.
22. Lack of a clear declaration that an RPer is 18+, lack of a Rules page, lack of a Characters page for multi-muses... and, I cannot stress this enough, problematic themes without trigger warnings. We ask for TW's for a reason in this community and it's the height of selfishness to ignore this request. I will have my boundaries respected, or I will not engage. Simple as that.
23. It should come as no surprise my dedicated love is to the Marvel fandom.
24. Not an entire fandom, no, but negativity has touched me in ways that caused me to lose contact with productions I enjoyed. I had Naruto shoved down my throat by a "friend" who'd hoped to Stockholm me into liking it, and he almost succeeded, but he wound up driving me broke one summer (and now not only am I jaded towards Naruto, I have a passionate hatred for World of WarCraft, his favorite game of the time); I'd been enjoying Chobits with my ex-girlfriend but never finished it because our relationship went very sour (and I almost bailed out on Yu-Gi-Oh! over the very same relationship). I don't see myself coming back to those productions, but I never really considered myself part of the attendant fandoms in the first place.
25. Cultivate your experience. It's perfectly normal to seek out swaths of RPers only to realize you don't have nearly as much in common with a lot of them as you'd hoped. If you don't care for what you're seeing from someone, it's okay to drop them! The Unfollow button is as much a friend of yours as the Follow button is. There are always more RPers, and they're all eager to have someone to write with.
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sworntoprotect · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent (the mere existence of a post-canon verse is diverging from canon) / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. He started off as a tertiary character in the mage origin/Broken Circle quest in DAO, then ended up becoming something of a staple tertiary/secondary character in DA2 and DAI.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. I’m not entirely sure how people feel about DAO Cullen’s appearance but DA2 and onwards he got himself a glow-up and an unwitting thirst trap reputation. What made ramen boy appealing in DAO for some is that if you played a female mage Warden, he’s “the one who got away”... because he literally booked it down the corridor if you got too flirty.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Perhaps? If you take a stroll through his tag, despite being a Templar, he’s not often portrayed as someone who’s fighting (*winkwonk*).
Are they underrated? YES / NO / IDK. Some in the fandom might even call him overrated, depending on who you ask. 
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. In DAO he begs for you to kill all the remaining mages in the Circle Tower, and you can accept or decline to do so. In DA2 he solicits a few quests and eventually sides with you to defeat Meredith. In DAI he’s the Commander of the Inquisition and a vital part of the war council. Overall, he’s there to provide a pro-Templar outlook for the character. 
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. He’s met every game protagonist thus far and had some level of personal/professional relationship with them. 
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. In DAO he was a newly minted Templar. DA2 he was elevated to Knight-Captain very quickly which got his name floating around Kirkwall, and of course by DAI he’s the head of the Inquisition’s forces so he’s even more well-known throughout (at the least) Ferelden and Orlais.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. Both. The common people and fellow Templars would look up to him, whereas mages and pro-mage sympathisers would absolutely have an issue with the role he’s played over the years.
How strictly do you follow canon? — As closely as I can, without lingering too deeply into the “problematic views” part of his character. I don’t seek to erase them or ignore them, and I don’t have too much issue writing them for the sake of being genuine, but I also don’t want to write him as if he’s some mustache-twirling villain because he is not. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Since he was 18 years old, Cullen has suffered and struggled through adversity after adversity (torture, sexual assault, brainwashing, night terrors, drug abuse, and a healthy spoonful of “all my friends are dead”), and yet maintained a soft heart underneath the steel wall of being a warrior. His goal since childhood has been to serve and to protect, and his self-awareness, loyalty, intelligence, and drive to make himself a better and more caring man is what sets him apart from others of his ilk who in his shoes would’ve broken a long, long time ago.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — He’s a man who’s allowed atrocities to occur by not standing up to speak against them, has perpetuated the cycle of mage abuse by the hands of others, can be callous, closed-minded, and aggressive, and has a strong prejudice against mages that wasn’t properly resolved in his “redemption” arc – nor was his lyrium addiction/withdrawal.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  He’s the type of muse I gravitate towards: bookish, devoted, protective, a softy under all the stone, endearingly awkward. More than that, though, his story intrigues me. Cullen has gone through a lot (he’s either the luckiest or unluckiest person) and watching his trajectory throughout the series has been really interesting. I’d like to provide him proper growth and development that he wasn’t entirely given in the games, or that wasn’t explicitly shown.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  My amazing roleplay partners with all the good work they put into their characters and the love they have shown me and my character so far. I love you guys <3  (<-- keeping that answer bc agreed)
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? i have my doubts sometimes, but i think i do ok. Still, I would love to have more feedback to see how i can improve even more. (<-- keeping bc agreed)
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF I write quite a few of them that never see the light of day, and I constantly and randomly sling little thoughts at my rp partners as they come to me. As for this blog itself, I’d prefer to have my headcanons evident in my writing, so I don’t post things about Cullen’s favourite colour or what he likes to eat for supper every night (and that’s absolutely no shade to people who do post headcanons that way; I honestly wish I operated the same way lol)
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO. There’s a few on the blog already, hidden in plain sight.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. Even when I don’t want to think about him, I end up thinking about him. But I like thinking about him, so...
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? I’m still fairly new to the fandom and I’ve been learning a lot about Cullen, what people think about Cullen, what Cullen thinks about himself and others, etc. etc. Plus there are other, more well-established blogs for him out there. I’m honestly surprised I got more than 20 followers tbh.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. I'm my own worst enemy with this one. Like, I know I’m alright but I’m not good enough for myself.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA. Some things do bother me a lot more than others, but any annoyance I feel is pretty quickly done after I vent about it. Then I typically forget after a while.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  I’m always open to constructive criticism that both highlights what I’m doing well and considerately points out what I could improve upon. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Of course! I enjoy delving into his character and wondering the “what ifs” of various situations that may or may not occur. And if we can write it together in a thread? Even better!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  No one owes me an explanation as to why they have an opinion, but yes I would like to know why. Maybe I misinterpreted something, or overlooked something. Maybe I made a mistake. I’m human. It happens.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — It only bothers me if it’s directed at me. I fully acknowledge that Cullen is controversial and has a very contentious past (or present) that rubs a good amount of people the wrong way. You don’t have to like him, but I do take some issue with people purposely twisting facts to make him out to be worse than what he actually is. I’ve considered writing a post about it truthfully but I don’t want that unbridled hatred to come to my doorstep if/when someone who’s not a fan of him reads it. It’s not worth it. Might do it anyway though. I don’t know.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — Please do. Politely. English is my native language but I’m still out here making mistakes. smh @ myself
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I’d like to think so, yes. I have a very high tolerance level for a lot of things, don’t get easily triggered, and I’m always willing to chat about character stuff or irl stuff or... anything, basically. 
tagged by: @orsino-the-enchanter tagging: did you read this? then it’s you
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
Opta perception: Premier League traits - Kane, Alisson, De Bruyne, Man Metropolis, Ozil
Opta perception: Premier League traits - Kane, Alisson, De Bruyne, Man Metropolis, Ozil
Opta perception: Premier League traits – Kane, Alisson, De Bruyne, Man Metropolis, Ozil
Might a Premier League workforce common lower than one profitable cross per minute? Might a keeper’s distribution show higher than Paul Pogba’s? And are objectives overrated?
With the brand new Premier League season simply days away, we check out a number of the traits that may emerge, and try to bust a number of myths alongside the best way.
Will Cardiff be the brand new Wimbledon?
There isn’t any proper or flawed strategy to play soccer, simply other ways.
And infrequently do you discover approaches extra completely different than Cardiff Metropolis (166 profitable passes per sport within the Championship in 2017-18) and, say, Manchester Metropolis (666 profitable passes per sport within the Premier League in 2017-18).
A distinction of 5 hundred seems like loads and, guess what, it truly is.
If the 2017-18 Championship season had been selected cross completion, Fulham and Wolves would nonetheless have gone up however Cardiff would have been all-time low and heading to League One with a determine of 59%.
The final Premier League workforce to put up a decrease fee was Watford in 2006-07 (57%) – they usually completed 10 factors adrift of security.
Wading additional again into Opta’s early trendy databases, the Wimbledon aspect of 1999-2000, like Cardiff final season, accomplished 59% of their passes, and ended the season with relegation.
That stated, because the desk under signifies, not one of the least correct passing groups in every Premier League season within the 2010s have really gone down, though none of these sides (typically managed by Tony Pulis) approached the actually industrial nature of Neil Warnock’s Cardiff workforce.
Season Group Passing Accuracy Relegated 2009-10 Stoke Metropolis 62.98 No 2010-11 Stoke Metropolis 64.03 No 2011-12 Stoke Metropolis 69.49 No 2012-13 Stoke Metropolis 70.23 No 2013-14 Crystal Palace 70.88 No 2014-15 Crystal Palace 69.43 No 2015-16 West Bromwich Albion 70.05 No 2016-17 Burnley 67.86 No 2017-18 Burnley 70.53 No
In the meantime, Huddersfield confirmed final season you do not even want to attain that many objectives any extra; the Terriers’ complete of 28 in 38 video games equalled the bottom by a Premier League workforce who did not go down, whereas their complete of 21 video games with out scoring is essentially the most by any non-relegated workforce.
Objectives, passes, all the things: it is all overrated.
Do not count on promoted groups to wrestle
Perceived knowledge dictates promoted groups wrestle as they try to bridge the hole to the upper commonplace of the Premier League, however is that basically true any extra?
Final season was the third time within the Premier League period that every one three promoted groups averted relegation.
In 2001-02, Fulham, Bolton and Blackburn all eased into an extended keep within the prime flight, whereas 10 years later QPR, Norwich and Swansea repeated the feat.
The doomsday situation of all three newcomers happening has, actually, solely occurred as soon as, and never for the reason that Worldwide House Station was constructed.
With Championship champions Wolves and play-off winners Fulham spending huge this summer season, a repeat of that 1997-98 prevalence appears unlikely.
The ‘magic 40-point mark’? It is time to decrease it
Whereas we’re speaking about survival, let 2018-19 be the season that the 40-point margin of security is without end debunked.
Final season 34 factors would have been sufficient to outlive, the yr earlier than it was 35 and the yr earlier than that it was 38.
So whereas it’s true to say that 40 factors all however ensures security – it’s 15 years since a workforce final obtained relegated with 40 or extra factors (West Ham with 42 in 2002-03) – the tally wanted for survival is normally considerably decrease.
In these 15 years, solely two sides (Birmingham and Blackpool, each in 2010-11) have gone down with 39.
The all-time unfortunate aspect in a 38-game top-flight season stay Sheffield Wednesday in 1989-90. They managed to go down regardless of accumulating 43 factors, sufficient for Fulham to complete in 12th in 2012-13.
Just like the time reduce in a stage of the Tour de France, every season’s peril can solely be judged by itself phrases.
Goalkeepers are getting higher at soccer
Pep Guardiola led his aspect to success within the Group Protect on Sunday
Pep Guardiola could also be on the vanguard of the motion to make goalkeepers cross the ball higher – and significantly sideways at goal-kicks – nevertheless it’s a development that is been rising for a while within the Premier League.
Fifteen years in the past keepers accomplished lower than 43% of their passes, however in 2017-18 that had risen to 54%, with Guardiola’s muse Ederson finishing 85.3% final season, a determine that put him degree with Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba.
It is all a far cry from Middlesbrough’s Brad Jones in 2005-06 – he discovered a team-mate with lower than 1 / 4 of his passes. Guardiola reportedly turned down the possibility to play for a lot of Premier League golf equipment in 2005-06, presumably philosophically sickened by the wayward passing tradition that had contaminated goalkeeping up and down the nation.
Will Alisson be any good?
Alisson is the world’s costliest goalkeeper after signing for Liverpool from Roma for £66.8m
Talking of keepers who’re good with their ft…
In Brazilian Alisson, Liverpool boast the costliest goalkeeper in soccer historical past to go behind Virgil van Dijk, the costliest defender in soccer historical past.
However is the person who began his profession as back-up to his brother and who has solely ever featured in a single league season in Europe actually value £66.8m?
That is the form of query that scouts, coaches and managers face each switch window – compelled to make judgment calls on whether or not bursts of fine type mirror capacity and potential.
Information may also help, and Opta’s anticipated objectives mannequin can be utilized to indicate what number of objectives keepers have prevented in comparison with the common participant in the identical situations.
Pleasingly for Liverpool supporters, Alisson’s numbers had been the perfect in Serie A final season, the Brazilian conceding eight fewer objectives than would have been anticipated based mostly on the standard of possibilities he confronted (he conceded 28, however these possibilities ought to have equated to 36.31 objectives).
In a Premier League context, the one goalkeepers to put up larger numbers had been Manchester United’s David de Gea and Burnley’s Nick Pope. Alisson is but to indicate he can carry out at this degree season after season however the indicators, temporary as they’re, look good.
Serie A 2017-18 Anticipated objectives confronted Objectives conceded Distinction Alisson 36.31 28 8.31 Alex Meret 20.61 14 6.61 Thomas Strakosha 52.64 47 5.64
Premier League 2017-18 Anticipated objectives confronted Objectives conceded Distinction David De Gea 39.66 26 13.66 Nick Pope 44.26 34 10.26 Lukasz Fabianski 60.12 54 6.12
The place have all of the purple playing cards gone?
The Premier League has fended off the techno-judgment of VAR in the meanwhile however one of the vital notable traits from the 2018 World Cup, the dearth of purple playing cards, has been obvious in England’s prime flight for the previous few campaigns.
Actually, final season was the primary Premier League season to see fewer than 40 purple playing cards for the reason that first two campaigns within the early 1990s, a interval once you needed to basically commit grievous bodily hurt to be sanctioned by the part-time officers.
That is actually not the case within the late 2010s and but trendy referees are more and more unlikely to achieve for his or her final punishment. Maybe, deep as we’re within the age of research, they’re petrified of post-decision judgment, or maybe current rule tweaks such because the elimination of double jeopardy within the penalty space have made a distinction.
Both approach, the league that after boasted former Manchester United midfielder Roy Keane’s eager sense of justice and ex-Arsenal supervisor Arsene Wenger’s inconsistent view of incidents has undeniably modified.
Season Crimson playing cards Reds/sport 1993-94 28 0.061 1992-93 33 0.071 2017-18 39 0.103 2016-17 41 0.108 1996-97 44 0.116
Will Kane ever rating in August?
Harry Kane was the highest scorer on the World Cup with six objectives
Typically stats mirror the sport and generally stats form the sport.
In 2016, Opta launched the equal of an obscure debut single by declaring that Harry Kane had by no means scored a Premier League objective in August.
Twelve months later it was a summer season basic being sung throughout the Mediterranean, and in 2018 it is an unstoppable behemoth on a stadium tour.
Winner of the Premier League Golden Boots in 2016 and 2017 and the World Cup model in 2018, Kane has repeatedly proven he can endure a barren August and nonetheless dominate, but certainly this curious report cannot endure for one more yr.
Forty 4 objective makes an attempt have left Kane’s boots or head in numerous Augusts with a complete anticipated objectives worth of just about 5.
You or me or Jeremie Aliadiere would possibly waste alternatives like that however that is Harry Kane for goodness sake. Merely, he has to attain in August this yr or all the things we all know and perceive is nugatory.
Harry Kane within the Premier League General August Objectives 108 0 Anticipated objectives (xG) 84.5 4.6 Pictures 596 44 xG per shot 0.14 0.10
Can anybody break the assists report?
Might Kevin de Bruyne surpass a Premier League report held by Thierry Henry?
For all their exceptional attacking feats final season, there was one report Manchester Metropolis’s gamers failed to interrupt: most assists by a participant in a single season.
The outright chief stays Thierry Henry who, in 2002-03, racked up 20 regardless of Arsenal’s late implosion that handed the title to Manchester United.
Mesut Ozil started 2015-16 like a person decided to obliterate Henry’s watermark however tailed off within the closing months and ended on 19.
In 2016-17, Kevin de Bruyne appeared equally nailed on to surpass Henry however might solely attain 18, whereas final season De Bruyne and Leroy Sane shared 31 assists between them however in a Henry-pleasing mixture of 16 and 15 respectively.
Henry’s report will not be so monumental that it is out of attain however 20 assists by a person in a league through which the highest six have averaged 70 objectives previously 10 years continues to be a stretch.
Ozil and De Bruyne each stay probably candidates to topple Henry however equally his report of being the one participant to each rating and help 20+ objectives in a single season might final one other 15 years.
BBC Sport – Football ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/football/9995/
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
Opta perception: Premier League traits - Kane, Alisson, De Bruyne, Man Metropolis, Ozil
Opta perception: Premier League traits - Kane, Alisson, De Bruyne, Man Metropolis, Ozil
Opta perception: Premier League traits – Kane, Alisson, De Bruyne, Man Metropolis, Ozil
Might a Premier League workforce common lower than one profitable cross per minute? Might a keeper’s distribution show higher than Paul Pogba’s? And are objectives overrated?
With the brand new Premier League season simply days away, we check out a number of the traits that may emerge, and try to bust a number of myths alongside the best way.
Will Cardiff be the brand new Wimbledon?
There isn’t any proper or flawed strategy to play soccer, simply other ways.
And infrequently do you discover approaches extra completely different than Cardiff Metropolis (166 profitable passes per sport within the Championship in 2017-18) and, say, Manchester Metropolis (666 profitable passes per sport within the Premier League in 2017-18).
A distinction of 5 hundred seems like loads and, guess what, it truly is.
If the 2017-18 Championship season had been selected cross completion, Fulham and Wolves would nonetheless have gone up however Cardiff would have been all-time low and heading to League One with a determine of 59%.
The final Premier League workforce to put up a decrease fee was Watford in 2006-07 (57%) – they usually completed 10 factors adrift of security.
Wading additional again into Opta’s early trendy databases, the Wimbledon aspect of 1999-2000, like Cardiff final season, accomplished 59% of their passes, and ended the season with relegation.
That stated, because the desk under signifies, not one of the least correct passing groups in every Premier League season within the 2010s have really gone down, though none of these sides (typically managed by Tony Pulis) approached the actually industrial nature of Neil Warnock’s Cardiff workforce.
Season Group Passing Accuracy Relegated 2009-10 Stoke Metropolis 62.98 No 2010-11 Stoke Metropolis 64.03 No 2011-12 Stoke Metropolis 69.49 No 2012-13 Stoke Metropolis 70.23 No 2013-14 Crystal Palace 70.88 No 2014-15 Crystal Palace 69.43 No 2015-16 West Bromwich Albion 70.05 No 2016-17 Burnley 67.86 No 2017-18 Burnley 70.53 No
In the meantime, Huddersfield confirmed final season you do not even want to attain that many objectives any extra; the Terriers’ complete of 28 in 38 video games equalled the bottom by a Premier League workforce who did not go down, whereas their complete of 21 video games with out scoring is essentially the most by any non-relegated workforce.
Objectives, passes, all the things: it is all overrated.
Do not count on promoted groups to wrestle
Perceived knowledge dictates promoted groups wrestle as they try to bridge the hole to the upper commonplace of the Premier League, however is that basically true any extra?
Final season was the third time within the Premier League period that every one three promoted groups averted relegation.
In 2001-02, Fulham, Bolton and Blackburn all eased into an extended keep within the prime flight, whereas 10 years later QPR, Norwich and Swansea repeated the feat.
The doomsday situation of all three newcomers happening has, actually, solely occurred as soon as, and never for the reason that Worldwide House Station was constructed.
With Championship champions Wolves and play-off winners Fulham spending huge this summer season, a repeat of that 1997-98 prevalence appears unlikely.
The ‘magic 40-point mark’? It is time to decrease it
Whereas we’re speaking about survival, let 2018-19 be the season that the 40-point margin of security is without end debunked.
Final season 34 factors would have been sufficient to outlive, the yr earlier than it was 35 and the yr earlier than that it was 38.
So whereas it’s true to say that 40 factors all however ensures security – it’s 15 years since a workforce final obtained relegated with 40 or extra factors (West Ham with 42 in 2002-03) – the tally wanted for survival is normally considerably decrease.
In these 15 years, solely two sides (Birmingham and Blackpool, each in 2010-11) have gone down with 39.
The all-time unfortunate aspect in a 38-game top-flight season stay Sheffield Wednesday in 1989-90. They managed to go down regardless of accumulating 43 factors, sufficient for Fulham to complete in 12th in 2012-13.
Just like the time reduce in a stage of the Tour de France, every season’s peril can solely be judged by itself phrases.
Goalkeepers are getting higher at soccer
Pep Guardiola led his aspect to success within the Group Protect on Sunday
Pep Guardiola could also be on the vanguard of the motion to make goalkeepers cross the ball higher – and significantly sideways at goal-kicks – nevertheless it’s a development that is been rising for a while within the Premier League.
Fifteen years in the past keepers accomplished lower than 43% of their passes, however in 2017-18 that had risen to 54%, with Guardiola’s muse Ederson finishing 85.3% final season, a determine that put him degree with Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba.
It is all a far cry from Middlesbrough’s Brad Jones in 2005-06 – he discovered a team-mate with lower than 1 / 4 of his passes. Guardiola reportedly turned down the possibility to play for a lot of Premier League golf equipment in 2005-06, presumably philosophically sickened by the wayward passing tradition that had contaminated goalkeeping up and down the nation.
Will Alisson be any good?
Alisson is the world’s costliest goalkeeper after signing for Liverpool from Roma for £66.8m
Talking of keepers who’re good with their ft…
In Brazilian Alisson, Liverpool boast the costliest goalkeeper in soccer historical past to go behind Virgil van Dijk, the costliest defender in soccer historical past.
However is the person who began his profession as back-up to his brother and who has solely ever featured in a single league season in Europe actually value £66.8m?
That is the form of query that scouts, coaches and managers face each switch window – compelled to make judgment calls on whether or not bursts of fine type mirror capacity and potential.
Information may also help, and Opta’s anticipated objectives mannequin can be utilized to indicate what number of objectives keepers have prevented in comparison with the common participant in the identical situations.
Pleasingly for Liverpool supporters, Alisson’s numbers had been the perfect in Serie A final season, the Brazilian conceding eight fewer objectives than would have been anticipated based mostly on the standard of possibilities he confronted (he conceded 28, however these possibilities ought to have equated to 36.31 objectives).
In a Premier League context, the one goalkeepers to put up larger numbers had been Manchester United’s David de Gea and Burnley’s Nick Pope. Alisson is but to indicate he can carry out at this degree season after season however the indicators, temporary as they’re, look good.
Serie A 2017-18 Anticipated objectives confronted Objectives conceded Distinction Alisson 36.31 28 8.31 Alex Meret 20.61 14 6.61 Thomas Strakosha 52.64 47 5.64
Premier League 2017-18 Anticipated objectives confronted Objectives conceded Distinction David De Gea 39.66 26 13.66 Nick Pope 44.26 34 10.26 Lukasz Fabianski 60.12 54 6.12
The place have all of the purple playing cards gone?
The Premier League has fended off the techno-judgment of VAR in the meanwhile however one of the vital notable traits from the 2018 World Cup, the dearth of purple playing cards, has been obvious in England’s prime flight for the previous few campaigns.
Actually, final season was the primary Premier League season to see fewer than 40 purple playing cards for the reason that first two campaigns within the early 1990s, a interval once you needed to basically commit grievous bodily hurt to be sanctioned by the part-time officers.
That is actually not the case within the late 2010s and but trendy referees are more and more unlikely to achieve for his or her final punishment. Maybe, deep as we’re within the age of research, they’re petrified of post-decision judgment, or maybe current rule tweaks such because the elimination of double jeopardy within the penalty space have made a distinction.
Both approach, the league that after boasted former Manchester United midfielder Roy Keane’s eager sense of justice and ex-Arsenal supervisor Arsene Wenger’s inconsistent view of incidents has undeniably modified.
Season Crimson playing cards Reds/sport 1993-94 28 0.061 1992-93 33 0.071 2017-18 39 0.103 2016-17 41 0.108 1996-97 44 0.116
Will Kane ever rating in August?
Harry Kane was the highest scorer on the World Cup with six objectives
Typically stats mirror the sport and generally stats form the sport.
In 2016, Opta launched the equal of an obscure debut single by declaring that Harry Kane had by no means scored a Premier League objective in August.
Twelve months later it was a summer season basic being sung throughout the Mediterranean, and in 2018 it is an unstoppable behemoth on a stadium tour.
Winner of the Premier League Golden Boots in 2016 and 2017 and the World Cup model in 2018, Kane has repeatedly proven he can endure a barren August and nonetheless dominate, but certainly this curious report cannot endure for one more yr.
Forty 4 objective makes an attempt have left Kane’s boots or head in numerous Augusts with a complete anticipated objectives worth of just about 5.
You or me or Jeremie Aliadiere would possibly waste alternatives like that however that is Harry Kane for goodness sake. Merely, he has to attain in August this yr or all the things we all know and perceive is nugatory.
Harry Kane within the Premier League General August Objectives 108 0 Anticipated objectives (xG) 84.5 4.6 Pictures 596 44 xG per shot 0.14 0.10
Can anybody break the assists report?
Might Kevin de Bruyne surpass a Premier League report held by Thierry Henry?
For all their exceptional attacking feats final season, there was one report Manchester Metropolis’s gamers failed to interrupt: most assists by a participant in a single season.
The outright chief stays Thierry Henry who, in 2002-03, racked up 20 regardless of Arsenal’s late implosion that handed the title to Manchester United.
Mesut Ozil started 2015-16 like a person decided to obliterate Henry’s watermark however tailed off within the closing months and ended on 19.
In 2016-17, Kevin de Bruyne appeared equally nailed on to surpass Henry however might solely attain 18, whereas final season De Bruyne and Leroy Sane shared 31 assists between them however in a Henry-pleasing mixture of 16 and 15 respectively.
Henry’s report will not be so monumental that it is out of attain however 20 assists by a person in a league through which the highest six have averaged 70 objectives previously 10 years continues to be a stretch.
Ozil and De Bruyne each stay probably candidates to topple Henry however equally his report of being the one participant to each rating and help 20+ objectives in a single season might final one other 15 years.
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